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Stages of Life in Spanish: Vocabulary and Timeline

Life is made of different stages that are full of changes and unique experiences. 

Knowing the stages of life in Spanish is ideal for addressing those who surround you according to their age, experience, and understanding of things. 

Being able to describe the stages of life in Spanish also helps you communicate with more people and share anecdotes, misfortunes, and discuss life in general. 

Join me in this thrilling blog post where I lay down the different stages of life in Spanish as we explore a useful vocab guide for you to use and enjoy some popular stages of life quotes.

Let’s get started!

“Life is a Journey, Not a Destination”

Las etapas de la vida (stages of life) are all different from each other. Un recien nacido (a newborn) goes through different changes than an adolescent, not to mention the rate of growth and development is also different. 

Humans in general experience both physical and emotional changes that prepare you for situations that are often specific to our age group. The stages of life also define how you behave, what your needs are, and overall perception of reality. 

Each stage of life is unique and worth enjoying to the fullest one day at a time. 

As life flashes before your eyes, looking back on each of the stages of life is a wonderful way to reminisce on your experiences. 

Take as much as you can from this valuable lesson and prepare to share some stories about your stages of life in Spanish!

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El nacimiento (birth)

The first stage of life is el nacimiento (birth). It takes nine full months for a mother to develop a baby and prepare it for coming out into the world. It’s in the womb where this process begins.  

El feto (a fetus) requires nutritious food to grow healthy and strong to tackle what’s outside. While in the womb, humans also start learning and perceiving through touch and sound. The human brain begins to function once it forms and responds to different stimuli. 

El parto (birth) can be 100% natural or the mother can request the use of an epidural for easing the pain. There’s also the possibility of giving birth through a scheduled or emergency cesarea (c section) in case of complications or difficulties. When a baby is born, it marks the beginning of their journey in life. 

Let’s take a look at some birth related vocabulary you can use when discussing the first of the stages of life in Spanish.

El embarazo dura nueve meses. Pregnancy lasts nine months.

La madre da a luz a través de parto natural o por medio de cesárea.  A mother gives birth through natural birth or through a c section. 

El feto se alimenta por el cordón umbilical. The fetus feeds through the umbilical cord.

Yo nací por parto natural. I was born by natural childbirth. 

Recién Nacido (Newborn)

After a baby is born another one of the stages of life begins. El recién nacido (newborn) is a baby from 0 to 2 months old. Some newborns often come ahead of time and don’t necessarily go through a nine month pregnancy. 

Newborns that come ahead are known as bebes prematuros (preemies). During this short period, newborns rely 100% on their parents and require constant feeding, sleep, and nurture. This stage is key for newborns to start forming bonds with their caregivers, in the case of the mom, breastfeeding when possible is key for strengthening this bond. 

This stage of life includes crying and whining, something that varies from newborn to newborn. Crying is perfectly normal and newborns use it in order to communicate what they’re feeling or need. There’s also exciting developments taking place, such as the newborn’s first smiles, opening their eyes, growing 1 to 2 inches, and gaining 2 to 4 pounds since birth. 

Let’s examine newborn vocabulary in Spanish you can use for talking about the stages of life in Spanish. 

Mi bebé es prematuro, nació de 8 meses. My baby is a preemie, he was born at 8 months. 

Los bebés a los dos meses solo quieren dormir y comer. Two-month old babies only want to nap and eat.

La leche materna es lo mejor para alimentar a un recién nacido.  Breast Milk is the best for feeding a newborn. 

Yo alimento a mi recién nacido con biberón. I feed my newborn with a milk bottle.  

Bebé (Baby)

This is definitely one of the stages of life in Spanish you’ll love talking about if you’re a parent. Humans are considered bebés (babies) when they’re from 2 months to 1 year of age. During this period of life los bebés develop at an astonishing rate. 

They learn to smile consistently, wave, sit up, roll over, clap, touch their feet, pick up objects, crawl, and babble. Some babies even start speaking their first words, but this varies with everybody. 

Babies start to enjoy movement, music, playing peek a boo, and other simple games. During this stage of life, babies also trust and bond more with their caregivers. They also need stimulation for developing motor and cognitive skills at an early age.

Los bebes start getting used to their routine, their sleep becomes constant and regulated. They begin to stand up and walk around holding onto things around them like furniture. Some even learn to walk independently. Babies also triple their birth weight and grow from 6 to 8 inches. 

Let’s take a look at baby related vocabulary in Spanish.

Los bebés de un año dan sus primeros pasos a esa edad. One year olds start walking at their age. 

Mi hijo de seis meses está diciendo sus primeras palabras. My six month old son is saying his first words.

La beba se llama Lucía. The baby’s name is Lucía. 

A mi bebe le gusta ir en la carriola con sus juguetes. My baby likes going in her stroller with her toys. 

La infancia y la niñez (Toddler and Childhood)

There isn’t a direct translation for the word toddler in Spanish. So how do you say and refer to humans that are at this point of the stages of life in Spanish?

They’re usually called niño o niña pequeña . The word toddler has also been adopted to modern day Spanish as a frequently used Americanism. Other people also use the word nene or nena or refer to it as la infancia (infanthood). 

Los nenes or las nenas are children who range from 1 to 4 years of age. These small children are toddling or learning how to walk. At this stage, toddlers become more independent and mobile. They’re eager to explore anything they have access to and it spikes their curiosity. They also start identifying and imitating people around them.

Before turning 4 years of age, children also begin to follow instructions, understand rules, play more complex games, and speak or construct full phrases. They begin to converse and ask questions. They prepare to enter preschool. 

Once you go through the experience of preschool until entering elementary school, you experience la niñez ( childhood). The expression la infancia is also Spanish translation for childhood. 

There is no set age definition for  childhood, but it stops before fully reaching the teenage years and a new level of physical and intellectual maturity. 

During childhood a kid goes through notable changes in height, new motor skills appear, and a new range of emotions begins to manifest. Children develop stronger social abilities, they make friendships and get new hobbies and interests. A unique emotion like defiance also begins to manifest, as children can now show resistance with likes and dislikes. 

A few words you can use to talk about these stages of life in Spanish are:

Mi hijo de tres años ya va a preescolar. My three year old child goes to preschool.

A mis niñas de cinco años les gusta jugar muñecas.  My five year old girls like playing with dolls.

Felipe tiene siete años y le gusta hacer karate.  Felipe is seven years old and likes doing karate. 

Mi hermana Isabel está en primaria.  My sister Isabel is in elementary. 

Preadolescencia (Pre-adolescence)

Los preadolescentes (pre-teens) are between 10 and 13 years of age. Among the stages of life in Spanish, this one can often be desafiante (challenging) . Changes start to be more drastic because you’re neither a teen, nor a little kid anymore.  Girls at this age become mature before boys. La pubertad (puberty) also starts to manifest and body image issues can sometimes unfold, as well as pride for growing taller, changing voice, and developing muscles.

Out of all stages of life in Spanish, la pre adolescencia brings hormonas (hormones) into the mix. This can also bring mood swings, changes in behavior, and interests can change drastically or out of the blue. 

This type of behavior is perfectly normal, as it’s during these years where individual identity begins to form. Use the following vocabulary to talk about the pre-teen years:

Mi hijo preadolescente está cambiando de voz. My pre-teen son is changing voice. 

A mi hermana de trece años ya no le gustan las muñecas. My thirteen year old sister doesn’t like dolls anymore. 

Las niñas maduran antes que los niños. Girls mature before boys do. 

Los cambios de humor son signo de la pubertad. Mood swings are a sign of puberty. 

Adolescencia (Adolescence)

Out of all the stages of life in Spanish, reaching la adolescencia (adolescence)  is definitely proof that time flies. 

When you reach the teenage years, there’s only a few left for you to prepare yourself for real life. Los años adolescentes (teenage years) are from 13 to 18 years of age. 

As the years pass in la adolescencia , physical growth slows down in the latter years. At the beginning however, it seems to go at an impressive rate. Teens are able to outgrow clothes in a matter of weeks.

Emotional maturity also increases and with them the ability to control these emotions. Major exciting events of life that help define your future take place during the teen years. The first romantic relationship, learning to drive, an after school job, and going through the high-school adventure. 

New responsibilities are also a part of the lives of teens and with them a new strategy of discipline and chores becomes more consistent. Teens require learning problem solving strategies and skills for becoming self-sufficient adults. 

Let’s examine vocabulary in Spanish for talking about the teenage years. 

Adultez (Adulthood)

You become un adulto (adult) once you hit eighteen. At this point you have to make life defining decisions like choosing a career, going to college, getting a job, or becoming independent. The rate at which you make these choices varies for all. It might be in your mid twenties or earlier, or you might be a late bloomer. 

This stage is defined by people seeking higher education and stability. Settling down also becomes a concern, people choose whether to have a family and have kids. Or becoming financially independent and dedicating your life to a career.  With la adultez (adulthood) more responsibilities appear. Financial commitments begin to arise, finding a place to live, and making ends meet becomes a priority.

As you get older and choose to become a parent or not, new changes also begin to appear in your body. You’re probably not as fit as you once were, you need to look for a healthier lifestyle and you need to take care of yourself, your body, and your emotions. Adults are more vulnerable and notice tiny details that can impact their mood, emotional, and physical state. It’s also at this point in life when you become sexually active to the fullest and begin exploring broader interests and finish defining your identity. 

As you advance towards middle age, you’ll begin to notice even more visible changes in your skin, body, hair, and mood. Staying active is key. 

Even if it seems like the years are passing; being an adult is fun and you have the freedom of choosing for yourself and calling the shots towards where you want to direct your life. This period is when you also reach your peak of productivity. 

Let’s examine adulthood vocabulary for you to practice your Spanish language skills.

Ser adulto es divertido, tomas tus propias decisiones.  Being an adult is fun, you make your own decisions. 

Yo fui a la universidad y me gradué a principios de los veinte.  I went to college and graduated in my early twenties. 

Cuando eres adulto debes pagar cuentas y tienes responsabilidades. When you’re an adult you have to pay bills and have responsibilities. 

Mi papá inició su negocio cuando tenía treinta años. My father started his business when he was thirty.

Me encanta ser soltera y viajar cuando quiero.  I love being single and traveling whenever I want.

Mi meta a los cuarenta es comprar una casa. My goal at forty is buying a house. 

Escogí mi carrera cuando tenía diecinueve años. I chose my career when I was nineteen years old. 

Adulto mayor (Elderly)

El adulto mayor are senior people who further on become elderly. You become a senior citizen when you are pushing your early sixties. As you start getting older, you become an elder. 

At this point in life, aging becomes more evident and noticeable. Wrinkles may start to appear, along with gray hair. Staying active is even more challenging but required, and your body becomes harder to change or work on. 

Women enter menopause and start going through hormonal changes once again. This period of life comes with expertise in a variety of topics, you’ve been around, so you’re wiser, you can understand and solve things with greater efficiency. 

The majority of people at this age, whether they retire or continue working, all thrive for maintaining good health and being happy. This means maintaining a certain lifestyle that has allowed you to reach this advanced age, surrounded by loved ones, family, or friends.

As age keeps advancing, people around you also grow, which means friendships fade and people you know also move on. Health also deteriorates in many cases and chronic conditions may start to arise. 

Let’s examine Spanish vocabulary you can use to describe the stage of el adulto mayor. 

Me convertí en abuela a principios de mis sesenta años.  I became a grandma in my early sixties. 

Estoy perdiendo el cabello, me voy a quedar calvo. I’m losing my hair, I’m going bald. 

Estoy envejeciendo justo como quería.  I’m growing old exactly how I wanted.

Me voy a retirar a los setenta y cinco años. I will retire when I turn seventy five years old. 

Ya casi no me dan ganas de hacer ejercicio.   I don’t feel like working out much.

Mi bisabuela tiene ochenta años. My great grandma is eighty years old. 

La Muerte (Death)

The end of our journey in life is la muerte (death). This is a perfectly natural process each and every single person goes through. 

Death often occurs following a severe health condition or simply a decay in health.  Depending on whether you need extra special care or not, you will also notice physical symptoms that are a symbol you are reaching your final years. There’s loss of memory, confusion, loss of appetite, and other signs that are simply showing your body is beginning to shut down.

Your body isn’t as strong anymore and is reaching its limits; but it’s perfectly normal. The important thing is to have a dignified and comfortable last few years so you can make this transicion in the most comfortable painless way.

Let’s explore a set of Spanish vocabulary for culminating your knowledge of the stages of life in Spanish. 

Mi abuela tenía noventa años cuando falleció. My grandma was ninety years old when she passed away.

Estaba enfermo de cáncer y murió. He was sick with cancer and died.

El deseo de mi padre era que lo cremaran. My father’s wish was that we cremate him.

Cuando murió mi abuelo, mi abuelita se quedó viuda. When my grandpa died, my grandma became a widow. 

La muerte es un proceso natural. Death is a natural process. 

Life is Beautiful in Different Stages!

Each of the stages of life in Spanish is worth looking forward to and fully embracing them. Along with each stage come changes you need to go through to gain experience and become wiser.

I trust after reading this blog post, you’re feeling more confident and ready to share the many life anecdotes and experiences you’ve had like a native, fluent, and advanced Spanish speaker. 

If you’d like to start sharing life stories in Spanish, you can sign up for a free trial class with our native Spanish-speaking teachers. No matter what stage of life you’re in, they’ll get you on the right track to becoming an advanced Spanish learner. 

Spanish opens a new world of opportunities if you’re looking to advance at a professional level. People who are bilingual are able to communicate with more people around the world and have better chances of landing a well paid cool job. 

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

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40 Greatest Spanish Quotes about Life

By Author Paulina

Posted on Published: January 8, 2021  - Last updated: December 1, 2023

Are you looking for the best Spanish Quotes about Life? There's the ultimate list with inspirational Spanish quotes about friendship, love, and families. These also make perfect Spanish quotes for Instagram or romantic Spanish phrases for your beloved ones. Some of these Spanish quotes are funny, others make you think and are about life, in general, and how to make the best out of life. You can even save these Spanish quotes for tattoos. #spanishquotes #spanishquotesinspirational #spanish

Spanish sayings about life and beautiful picture quotes in Spanish

Are you looking for a way to deepen your appreciation of the Spanish culture and language?

If so, learning some inspiring Spanish quotes about life could be just what you need!

Latin America and Spain have had their fair share of valuable contributors who have offered wisdom throughout the centuries.

Whether planning an upcoming trip to Mexico or reflecting on your travels through Madrid, these uplifting sayings provide insight into how Spaniards approach life.

Here are a few quotes from prominent figures in Spanish history that highlight the beauty and passion inherent in Spanish culture.

A collage of different photos. Top left shows a town center with three buildings and a lot of people passing by. The biggest photo on the right shows a city view with beautiful buildings at the back but the flag of Spain is at the center of it. Bottom left photo shows a yellow sombrero or hat on a sand near the beach.

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1. La libertad está en ser dueños de nuestra vida

spanish quotes about life (21)

This is a philosophical quote ascribed to Plato and it may inspire you to live your life in a genuine way.

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘Freedom consists of owning your own life’.

It can be used when a friend is feeling a little bit down because he or she is going through a difficult moment.

Indeed, it is the perfect quote to cheer him or her up!

It’s also one of the most popular Spanish Instagram captions .

2. La vida es corta. Vive apasionadamente y siente la felicidad.

spanish quotes about life, la vida es corta

Some Spanish phrases about life try to emphasize the importance of making the most of it.

Precisely, this is the aim of La vida es corta. Vive apasionadamente y siente la felicidad ; which is to say that ‘Life is short. Live passionately and feel happiness’.

It is a good way to remind oneself of the importance of putting sadness aside and seize the moment.

3. Que tus sueños te lleven a la vida que te haga feliz.

spanish quotes about life, que los suenos se realizen

Most inspirational quotes in Spanish will encourage you to follow your dreams and to fight for them.

If someone is doubting his or her value, it is your duty as a friend to let him or her know that trusting their instincts is crucial to achieving their goals.

In this case, que tus sueños te lleven a la vida que te haga feliz ; which can be translated as ‘Let your dreams guide you to a happy life’, can be used to show your support.

If you’ll watch some movies set in Spain , you’ll likely come across this Spanish quote.

4. Uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida

Uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida

One of the most famous Spanish sayings about life is uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida .

The literal meaning of this quote is ‘Everybody comes back to the places where he or she loved life’.

It is useful to talk about places that made you happy or to justify traveling to a place you have been before.

5. Sonríe a la vida y la vida te devolverá esa sonrisa

Sonríe a la vida y la vida te devolverá esa sonrisa

‘Smile at life and it will give you back that smile’ can be appropriate if someone shows a negative attitude towards life.

This phrase may make your friends aware that being joyful in adverse circumstances can be the key to reversing the situation.

Vinyl Wall Art Decal - Siempre Da Lo Mejor De Ti Y Lo Mejor Vendrá - 5.5

6. Si la vida te da limones… ¡pide sal y tequila!

Si la vida te da limones… ¡pide sal y tequila!

There are also some funny Spanish phrases about life you should know. Si la vida te da limones…¡pide sal y tequila ! is one of the most popular quotes to lighten the mood.

Its literal translation is ‘If life is giving you lemons.. ask for salt and tequila!’

Lemons are characterized by their acidity, which is usually unpleasant. However, they are an essential part of a Tequila shot.

In this sense, this Spanish quote says that a difficult situation can become completely different depending on your attitude.

Moreover, it reminds you that when life is nasty, you can decide to take the positive side and to keep moving. 

7. Arriesga y haz que tu vida valga la pena.

Arriesga y haz que tu vida valga la pena.

When your acquaintances start doubting their abilities, they may become passive in the face of life’s opportunities.

When this happens, the moment to force their awakening starts.

Arriesga y haz que tu vida valga la pena means ‘Risk and make your life worthy’ and it will surely motivate your friends to reach their goals.

8. No tengas miedo a perder en la vida, porque así es como se aprende a ganar.

No tengas miedo a perder en la vida, porque así es como se aprende a ganar.

There are several Spanish quotes about life with a similar meaning to the one mentioned in the previous section.

No tengas miedo a perder en la vida, porque así es como se aprende a ganar can be translated as ‘Do not be afraid to lose in life, because that’s how you learn to win’

As you may notice, this phrase is ideal to encourage your friends to act to get what they want.

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9. La única persona que necesitas en tu vida, es aquella que demuestra que te necesita en la suya.

La única persona que necesitas en tu vida, es aquella que demuestra que te necesita en la suya.

Self-empowerment seems to be the topic of the century.

Consequently, it seems relevant to include some Spanish quotes about life and love that will immediately affect your self-esteem.

That’s why you should remember that La única persona que necesitas en tu vida, es aquella que demuestra que te necesita en la suya , whose literal translation is ‘The only person you need in your life is the one who shows that he needs you in his’.

10. La vida empieza al final de tu zona de confort.

La vida empieza al final de tu zona de confort.

If you are looking for some short Spanish quotes about life, La vida empieza al final de tu zona de confort is easy to remember.

It means ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone’, and it is useful to encourage people to take the risks that will lead them to success.

This saying can also be said as a great Spanish love quote or a friendship quote in Spanish.

11. Eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida

Eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida

There are also romantic Spanish phrases that will make your partner feel how special he or she is in your life.

As an example, I have selected e res la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida. It can be translated as ‘You’re the most beautiful chance that ever came into my life’, which is the perfect quote to write in the note that is usually delivered with bouquets of flowers.

12. La suerte para triunfar en la vida se llama: creer en ti

La suerte para triunfar en la vida se llama: creer en ti

Spaniards are quite optimistic, that’s why when searching for positive quotes in Spanish on the Internet, you will probably find a lot of them.

One of my favourite phrases about life is La suerte para triunfar en la vida se llama: creer en ti. The meaning of this sentence is ‘The luck to succeed in life is called: believe in you’.

I consider it particularly important to constantly remind those surrounding you, especially if they are children, as it will positively impact their self-perception. 

13. En esta vida no hay nada como un buen amigo

En esta vida no hay nada como un buen amigo

Some of the most beautiful Spanish phrases about life highlight the importance of having good friends to have a happy one.

En esta vida no hay nada como un buen amigo means ‘In this life, there’s nothing like a good friend’. Nothing else needs to be added and I can’t agree more.

14. La vida es un paraíso para quienes aman apasionadamente

La vida es un paraíso para quienes aman apasionadamente

In order to express that passionate people live better, you can opt for the following cute Spanish quote: La vida es un paraíso para quienes aman apasionadamente .

Its literal translation is ‘Life is a paradise for those who love passionately’ and may be taken as a reminder to make the most of your life.

15. En la vida algunas veces se gana, otras veces se aprende 

En la vida algunas veces se gana, otras veces se aprende

Several Spanish quotes with meaning are related to life. One of the most popular ones is En la vida algunas veces se gana, otras veces se aprende , that means ‘In life sometimes you win, sometimes you learn’

It is attributed to the American writer John Maxwell, and it can be used when someone has made a mistake but the situation offers the possibility to learn from it.

16. Las cosas más hermosas de la vida no se pagan con dinero

Las cosas más hermosas de la vida no se pagan con dinero

Las cosas más hermosas de la vida no se pagan con dinero deserves a special place in my personal list of cute Spanish quotes.

The main reason to consider it like that is that this phrase recognizes the importance of simple pleasures.

This quote can be translated as ‘The most beautiful things in life aren’t paid for with money”

17. Nunca es demasiado tarde para una segunda oportunidad en la vida

Nunca es demasiado tarde para una segunda oportunidad en la vida

When faith is lost, this Spanish quote about life may cheer you or your friends up because it is to say ‘It’s never too late for a second chance in life’.

Indeed, it’s always positive to remind yourself that difficult times go by and the sun will shine again soon, so don’t get discouraged because opportunities await!

18. La vida se mide en los momentos que te dejan sin respiración

spanish quotes about life (10)

There are several famous Spanish sayings about life, but this is a versatile one. Its literal significance is ‘Life is measured in the moments that leave you breathless’.

So I want to wish you have a lot of them during your lifetime!

19. Hoy es el primer día del resto de tu vida 

Hoy es el primer día del resto de tu vida

‘Today is the first day of the rest of your life’ is one of the most famous Spanish quotes about life. Indeed, it may be considered as a motivational phrase that could make everyone’s day!

It is suitable when a new experience has begun and you would like to make sure that, those who are going through it, are aware of its importance.

20. Ríete todos los días y no habrás desperdiciado ni un solo momento de tu vida

Ríete todos los días y no habrás desperdiciado ni un solo momento de tu vida

Being happy is essential to have a memorable life and this cute Spanish quote may be appropriate to highlight the importance of being in a good mood. 

Ríete todos los días y no habrás desperdiciado ni un solo momento de tu vida means ‘Laugh every day and you won’t have wasted a single moment of your life’

21. La vida es una aventura que tenemos el privilegio de disfrutar

La vida es una aventura que tenemos el privilegio de disfrutar

The key to happiness is to treasure all the moments life gives us. If we want to express this feeling in Spanish we can say La vida es una aventura que tenemos el privilegio de disfrutar .

Among all the quotes in Spanish about life, it is one of the most heard ones. Its literal significance is ‘Life is an adventure we are privileged to enjoy.

22. La vida siempre nos da oportunidades para ser felices

La vida siempre nos da oportunidades para ser felices

There is a wide list of motivational quotes in Spanish but La vida siempre nos da oportunidades para ser felices is a short and easy to remember one. 

It can be translated into English as ‘Life always gives us opportunities to be happy’, and it may suit those situations in which a friend needs to hope that better times will come.

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23. Vive la vida al máximo

Vive la vida al máximo

‘Live life to the fullest’ in Spanish is Vive la vida al máximo . It is used not only to make everybody aware of the importance of making the most of each situation but also to remind it yourself.

Moreover, this phrase is among the most popular in captions of Instagram pictures about travels and unique experiences.

24. La vida está llena de segundos que son oportunidades para compartir y sonreír

La vida está llena de segundos que son oportunidades para compartir y sonreír

It is important to mention one of the most beautiful Spanish quotes about friendship and life.

La vida está llena de segundos que son oportunidades para compartir y sonreír means ‘Life is full of moments that are opportunities to share and smile’, which is ideal to recognize the value of a friendship that enriches your life.

25. Contigo mi vida brilla y mi corazón palpita más deprisa

Contigo mi vida brilla y mi corazón palpita más deprisa

Combining life and romantic Spanish quotes are also possible.

If you are looking for a cute Spanish phrase to show your beloved that you appreciate the special moments you share, Contigo mi vida brilla y mi corazón palpita más deprisa may be perfect.

Its literal meaning is ‘With you my life shines and my heart beats faster’.

26. La vida está llena de oportunidades, solo necesitamos estar abiertos a ellas

La vida está llena de oportunidades, solo necesitamos estar abiertos a ellas

Some Spanish quotes about strength highlight the importance of resilience.

This phrase empathizes the need to pursue our goals.

The literal significance of La vida está llena de oportunidades, solo necesitamos estar abiertos a ellas is ‘Life is full of opportunities, we just need to be open to them’. 

27. De todo se aprende en la vida

De todo se aprende en la vida

Inspirational quotes in Spanish about life are common. However, De todo se aprende en la vida is used to let other know that everything you go through in life will teach you a lesson that you should appreciate.

Indeed, it is positive to make mistakes if you can remember what they were useful.

This phrase can be translated as ‘You will learn from everything that happens to you during your life’

28. En la vida es necesario tener tres cosas: salud, dinero y amor

En la vida es necesario tener tres cosas: salud, dinero y amor

Some good Spanish quotes list the most important things in life. En la vida es necesario tener tres cosas: salud, dinero y amor means ‘In life it is necessary to have three things: health, money and love’.

As you may notice, this Spanish quote expresses that the most valuable assets in life are health, money, and love. What do you think about it? Do you agree?

More Spanish sayings about life

Learning the language of a new culture is part of the excitement and adventure of travel, as it can help broaden your cultural understanding.

Here, we’ll explore some beautiful Spanish sayings related to life that will give you insight into native language etiquettes and precious nuggets on navigating life’s ups and downs!

29. La vida es aquello que te va sucediendo mientras te empeñas en hacer otros planes. – John Lennon (Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.)

30. La vida es como una bicicleta, para mantener el equilibrio debes seguir adelante. – Albert Einstein (Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving forward.)

31. La vida es corta, la sonrisa es breve, pero da alegría . – Proverbio español (Life is short, the smile is brief, but it brings joy.)

32. La vida es un sueño, y los sueños, sueños son. – Pedro Calderón de la Barca (Life is a dream, and dreams are but dreams.)

33. La vida no es la que uno vivió, sino la que uno recuerda, y cómo la recuerda para contarla. – Gabriel García Márquez (Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it to tell the tale.)

34. La vida es una sucesión de lecciones que deben ser vividas para ser comprendidas. – Helen Keller (Life is a succession of lessons that must be lived to be understood.)

35. La vida es una obra de teatro que no permite ensayos… Por eso, canta, ríe, baila, llora y vive intensamente cada momento de tu vida… antes que el telón baje y la obra termine sin aplausos. – Charles Chaplin (Life is a play that does not allow rehearsals… So, sing, laugh, dance, cry, and live intensely every moment of your life… before the curtain falls and the play ends without applause.)

Quotes in Spanish about life

The phrases and quotes used by native speakers convey meaning beyond what’s written in books and offer insight into life through thought-provoking stories and metaphors.

Quotes in Spanish are especially impactful, as they capture the spirit of their culture with simple yet powerful messages stemming from literature, music, poetry, film… even everyday conversations!

36. La vida es aquello que te pasa mientras estás ocupado haciendo otros planes. – Allen Saunders (Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.)

37. La vida es una aventura audaz o no es nada en absoluto. – Helen Keller (Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.)

38. La vida es como un espejo: te sonríe si la miras sonriendo . – Jim Morrison (Life is like a mirror: it smiles at you if you look at it smiling.)

39. La vida es un sueño y los sueños, sueños son. Pero los sueños de algunos son la realidad de otros. – Jean Paul Sartre (Life is a dream, and dreams are but dreams. But the dreams of some are the reality of others.)

40. La vida es una oportunidad, benefíciate de ella. La vida es belleza, admírala. La vida es un sueño, alcánzalo. – Madre Teresa de Calcuta (Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, reach for it.)

Want more? Have a look at my web story about Spanish quotes about life.

Short FAQ about Spanish Quotes About Life

What are spanish quotes about life’s short.

Life’s short can be translated to Spanish as La vida es corta . Spaniards commonly use this expression in many different situations. However, using the Latin expression Carpe diem to mean the same is also popular.

What are good Spanish quotes about life for a tattoo?

A quote about life for a tattoo should preferably be short because it will be less painful and you will communicate a concise message. One of my favorite inspirational quotes in Spanish is Viva la vida , which can’t be translated into English, but its meaning is ‘Life live’

What are the best Spanish quotes about life for Instagram?

Some funny Spanish quotes about life that can be used on your Instagram caption are La vida es bella , whose meaning is ‘Life is beautiful’; Vive tu sueño , which means ‘Live your dream’ and La vida sigue , which is to say ‘Life goes on’.

Are you looking for the best Spanish Quotes about Life? There's the ultimate list with inspirational Spanish quotes about friendship, love, and families. These also make perfect Spanish quotes for Instagram or romantic Spanish phrases for your beloved ones. Some of these Spanish quotes are funny, others make you think and are about life, in general, and how to make the best out of life. You can even save these Spanish quotes for tattoos. #spanishquotes #spanishquotesinspirational #spanish

Hola! I’m Paulina, a seasoned travelette who crossed the Atlantic Ocean by Boat HitchHiking. On my blog, find expert insights for an extraordinary holiday through outdoor and sustainable travel like hiking, cycling, and sailing. Let’s embark on unforgettable journeys together! 🌍🚀

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2 Translation results for journey in Spanish

Journey verb.


Example sentences of journey verb

  • • She was the first woman to journey into space.
  • • an intense yearning to journey to distant lands

journey noun

Example sentences of journey noun.

  • • We wished her a safe and pleasant journey .
  • • She's on the last leg of a six-month journey through Europe.
  • • They were on a long journey across the country.

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  • She gave the children some sweets to chew on during the long car journey.
  • The journey was quite quick because the road was clear .
  • I expect you'd like to rest after your long journey.
  • We did the journey to Wales in five hours .
  • The train journey took us through a valley past rolling hills .

(Translation of journey from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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(Translation of journey from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

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  1. Journey in Spanish

    Translate Journey. See 5 authoritative translations of Journey in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.

  2. journey of life

    Many translated example sentences containing "journey of life" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  3. Stages of Life in Spanish: Vocabulary and Timeline

    Knowing the stages of life in Spanish is ideal for addressing those who surround you according to their age, experience, and understanding of things. Being able to describe the stages of life in Spanish also helps you communicate with more people and share anecdotes, misfortunes, and discuss life in general. ... "Life is a Journey, Not a ...

  4. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  5. Translation of "Journey of Life" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "Journey of Life" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: A positive attitude is an important step in the journey of life.

  6. journey of life translation in Spanish

    journey of life translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'car journey, home journey, rail journey, train journey', examples, definition, conjugation ... Sharing and dividing hardships make the journey of life less tiring. Compartir y dividir los cansancios hacen el viaje de la vida menos cansado.

  7. Translation of "journey life" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "journey life" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: journey of life, life journey, journey through life. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate.

  8. Translation of "life journey" in Spanish

    The life journey that we understand is the physical one, from birth to death. El viaje de vida que entendemos es el físico, del nacimiento a la muerte. This spiritual life journey is persistent and continuous, going on forever and ever forward and onward.

  9. 40 Greatest Spanish Quotes about Life

    Immerse yourself in the beauty of Spanish language and wisdom with our curated collection of the 40 Greatest Spanish Quotes about Life. From uplifting affirmations to profound insights, these quotes will inspire and motivate you to embrace every moment. Explore our pin to begin your journey to a more meaningful and fulfilling life today! #SpanishQuotes #LifeQuotes #Inspiration

  10. journey

    Many translated example sentences containing "journey" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  11. journey in Spanish

    Reverse translation for journey. viajar - to travel, to journey. viaje - trip, journey. How to say journey in Spanish - Translation of journey to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English - Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Example sentences: an intense yearning to journey to distant lands.

  12. life journey translation in Spanish

    life journey translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'army life, community life, country life, family life', examples, definition, conjugation

  13. Spanish translation of 'journey'

    Spanish Translation of "JOURNEY" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases.

  14. How to say "life journey" in Spanish

    Need to translate "life journey" to Spanish? Here's how you say it.

  15. Examples of Journey of life in English

    See examples of Journey of life in English. Real sentences showing how to use Journey of life correctly.

  16. JOURNEY in Spanish

    JOURNEY translate: viaje, trayecto, viajar, viaje [masculine, singular], travesía [feminine, singular], viaje…. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  17. journey

    journey n. (duration of travel) viaje nm. The town is three days' journey by horse from here. Desde aquí, el pueblo queda a tres días de viaje en caballo. journey n. figurative (progress, passage) paso nm.

  18. life journey

    Many translated example sentences containing "life journey" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  19. Translation of "life is a journey" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "life is a journey" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: The scent is for those whose life is a journey.

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    Your official source for the latest T-Mobile news and updates, along with the newest devices, offers, and stories from the world of T-Mobile.

  21. JOURNEY in Spanish

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    In life, as in soccer, it's often said that it's not the destination, it's the journey. Xabi Alonso and Bayer Leverkusen are a living, breathing testament to that.


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