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Woman sitting on yoga mat in her home meditating with an open laptop on the floor

A Complete Guide to the Best Yoga YouTube Channels for Every Style and Experience Level

By Megan Edwards ,

Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet is one of the most crucial components of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease. But movement—especially mindful movement, like yoga—is another powerful practice that can help you maintain a flourishing body, mind, and heart. Yoga not only helps you develop strength, balance, and flexibility, but the deeper benefits of quieting your mind and feeling in tune with your body are the ultimate reward of getting on your mat. 

Whether you’re brand new to yoga or an experienced student, it can be daunting to navigate the wide variety of class styles and figure out which one is right for you. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to try different styles from the comfort of your own home: YouTube! To make your journey toward mindful movement easier, we’ve broken down the most common types of yoga and their unique benefits, along with the best free YouTube channels for each style.

Feel free to s kip to the section you’re most interested in: 

  • Gentle Yoga & Yoga for Beginners
  • Prenatal Yoga 

Restorative Yoga

Vinyasa flow, body positive & accessible yoga, chair yoga & yoga for seniors.

  • Guided Meditation, Chanting, & Pranayama  

Gentle Yoga and Yoga For Beginners

gentle yoga video

In Sanskrit, the word “yoga” means “to yoke” or “to bring into union.” This concept of unity refers to yoga’s goal of connecting the mind, body, and spirit so that all parts of your being work together in harmony. Gentle yoga uses slow, easy movements to stretch and strengthen while encouraging students to get accustomed to working with their breath. While it’s a great place for new students to start, it can also be used to counterbalance a more advanced practice. The YouTube channels below are perfect for beginners who want to learn about the foundational postures of yoga, basic meditation techniques, pranayama (breathing exercises), and how to get in tune with your body . Each teacher offers classes of varying lengths so you can decide how much or how little you want to do. 

  • Yoga with Adriene : T he queen of YouTube yoga, Adriene Mishler creates videos that are approachable, enjoyable, and entertaining for both newbies and experienced yogis alike. With over 10 million followers, she has a massive library of videos that are perfect for folks who are just beginning to explore this style of movement. Check out her curated playlists and keep an eye out for her cute dog, Benji, who frequently makes cameo appearances!
  • Yoga with Kassandra : Kassandra Reinhardt’s “Beginner Yoga Classes” playlist features more than 250 videos—enough to keep you busy for quite a while! Her warm and inviting attitude makes every class feel like she’s teaching directly to you. Be sure to also check out her extensive collection of morning stretch videos to start your day on a positive note with some gentle movement. 
  • YogaTX : Based in Austin, Texas, YogaTX features a range of incredible teachers who all provide unique YouTube sessions. Most videos are 30 minutes or less, making it the perfect introduction to yoga for new students. With an extensive library of beginner-specific videos, 30-day challenges, and classes for physical injuries, this is a must-follow YouTube yoga channel. 
  • Allie the Journey Junkie : Passionate about teaching the full breadth of yogic practices, Allie Van Fossen posts unique and engaging classes in addition to a wealth of educational material (such as lectures on the chakra system ). If you’re interested in moving your body while connecting to the spiritual and philosophical roots of yoga, then you’ll definitely want to check out Allie’s channel for thoughtful videos that are perfect for beginners. 
  • Yoga with Bird : Francine Cipollone, also known as Bird, is loved by the online world for her gentle and accessible teaching style. Her calming voice and easy-to-follow cues make her videos ideal for anyone who is nervous about not understanding the postures. She’s created hundreds of videos that are 20 minutes or less so you can ease your way into a full hour-long class.

kids yoga video

Yoga is a great way to teach mindfulness, bodily awareness, coordination, and kindness to kids of all ages. These YouTube yogis make the practice accessible to young minds and keep them engaged with creative storytelling. Try one of these videos next time your child needs to burn off some excess energy!

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga : This channel is a treasure trove of creative, engaging, and age-appropriate yoga classes for kids. The colorful graphics, fun stories, friendly teachers, and thoughtful themes make this a handy tool for parents who want to introduce the benefits of yoga to their little ones. 
  • Bari Koral : Known for her inventive and catchy songs that center around themes of mindfulness, Bari Koral is a staple in the kids yoga world. Her videos are short, fun, and full of eye-catching animations that get kids excited to move their bodies.
  • KidsYogaStories : Giselle Shardlow takes a unique and playful approach to teaching kids by reading yoga-themed story books that encourage mindful movement. This story-based approach helps keep younger kids engaged who might not have the attention span for a full class. Give her videos a try if your child is age 7 or younger!

Prenatal Yoga

prenatal yoga video

Staying healthy during pregnancy is incredibly important, and these digital instructors ensure that all pregnant people are able to access the healing benefits of yoga. Learn how to work around your baby bump, find safe and relaxing stretches, and connect to your growing child through guided meditations. 

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum TV : This excellent channel not only hosts a huge collection of prenatal yoga classes, but it also provides informative videos on all sorts of pregnancy-related topics for expectant parents. Learn how to safely practice yoga through each trimester, discover techniques for using yoga postures during labor, and feel prepared for after the baby arrives. 
  • Sarah Beth Yoga : One of the most popular YouTube yoga teachers on the interwebs, Sarah Beth has a hefty collection of 5- to 30-minute videos for both prenatal and postnatal yoga. Her straightforward cueing, creative sequences, and extensive anatomical knowledge make her classes enjoyable no matter how far along in the pregnancy you are. 
  • Brett Larkin : Guided by the goal of making yoga accessible and transformative for everyone, Brett Larkin offers many upbeat and easy-to-follow prenatal classes. Her sunny disposition, personal anecdotes, and concise cues will leave you feeling refreshed and centered even when pregnancy hormones are running wild. 

restorative yoga video

Restorative yoga is perfect when you’re feeling stressed, overworked, or unable to sleep. This type of practice involves staying close to the floor for postures where you’re either seated or lying down. Each pose is held for five to twenty minutes at a time, and props such as bolsters, blankets, blocks, and pillows are used to support your body so you feel completely comfortable and relaxed. As your muscles soften, your attention will be gently guided to your breath, thoughts, and bodily sensations to cultivate deep relaxation and a stronger connection to your body. 

  • Caren Baginski : Your go-to expert on all things restorative, Caren Baginski creates beautiful classes that are sequenced around themes of mindfulness, spirituality, and the changing seasons. Apart from her expertly crafted restorative sequences, she also shares guided meditations and morning stretch routines to help you get ready for the day.
  • Ekhart Yoga : Sink into deep relaxation with the curated playlist of restorative classes from Ekhart Yoga. Learn how to correctly use props to support your body and relieve and prevent physical injuries. You can even listen to one of their guided meditations while you’re at it!
  • Jessica Richburg : With her welcoming energy, Jessica Richburg is the perfect teacher to guide you into a state of deep rest. Check out her collection of restorative classes that will move you toward greater peace in your body, mind, and heart.

vinyasa flow video

Burn off excess energy and break a sweat with these fiery flows. Vinyasa yoga uses repetition, mindful breathing, and strength-building postures to challenge both your body and your mind.  Many students refer to it as a type of moving meditation because once you get in the flow, it’s easy to lose track of time. Its most challenging incarnation, power vinyasa, is better suited to yoga practitioners who have a little more experience and knowledge of proper anatomical alignment, but give it a try no matter your experience level and notice how you get stronger the more you practice. 

  • Yoga with Tim : Known for his powerful flows and warm presence, Tim Senesi’s channel is perfect for yogis looking to get sweaty on their mat. He also curates 30-day-challenge playlists, total body workouts, and plenty of shorter videos for people who want to move their muscles but are pressed for time.
  • Shona Vertue : Shona Vertue is here to help you get both sweaty and serene. Her yoga videos are easy to follow, and her warm sense of humor shines through as she teaches. Want even more of a workout? Shona also uploads weightlifting and mobility exercises that are perfect for beginners.
  • Five Parks Yoga : Filmed in beautiful outdoor locations, the vinyasa videos with Erin Sampson of Five Parks Yoga leave you inspired and a little sore (in a good way). Browse her collection of power flows and learn how to do complicated postures such as headstands and crow pose.
  • Bright and Salted Yoga : Arianna Elizabeth posts new videos every Monday and Wednesday that are equal parts grounding and challenging. She focuses on creating content that resonates with BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) students and also offers weekly guided meditations that can help calm the nervous system. 

yoga nidra video

Yoga nidra roughly translates to “yogic sleep.” Gentle movements and guided visualizations transport you into a state of consciousness that’s in between waking and full sleep where you can rejuvenate and recover. Research has shown that yoga nidra can help alleviate stress, depression, insomnia, and PTSD symptoms. Before hitting play on a yoga nidra video, be sure to set up your space in a comfy manner so you can fully relax into the experience. 

  • Ally Boothroyd : As a Yoga Nidra teacher and trainer, Ally Boothroyd is an expert at helping you find that blissful state of yogic sleep. Her channel features a huge library of nidra practices in addition to sound baths, meditations, and info on healthy sleep cycles.
  • Nids Nidra : Nids Nidra’s soothing British accent guides you into deep relaxation in her curated collection of nidra videos. She also shares lots of wellness tips and tricks that include energy healing, breathwork, fascia release, and more, all with the goal of making self-care a fun and easy part of life.

body positive yoga

Yoga is for everyone, but we often only see thin, able-bodied, and hyper-flexible people practicing it. These amazing teachers create videos that are accessible for people of all abilities, ages, identities, and experience levels. Even if you are fully able-bodied and flexible, give these videos a try because we can all benefit from learning new techniques from teachers who make this beautiful practice available to a broader community.

  • Jessamyn Stanley : Founder of the inclusive online yoga studio called The Underbelly, Jessamyn Stanley’s real and unfiltered teaching style makes her incredibly appealing and relatable. Her class themes tie in current events, social justice, and mental health alongside the traditional teachings of yoga for a modern and thought-provoking practice. She offers plenty of variations for people of all abilities and skill levels, so you’re bound to find something that supports your unique yoga journey. 
  • Body Positive Yoga : Amber Karnes describes her teaching style as “low-pressure, judgment-free yoga for big bodies, creaky joints, and beginners.” Her compassionate heart shines through in every video as she utilizes props and offers lots of modifications, making yoga enjoyable for everyone who wants to practice mindful movement. 
  • Edyn Love : Rooted in the belief that health is a lifestyle and not a size, Edyn Love shares a wide collection of yoga videos that are nourishing and energizing for people with bodies of all different sizes. Each class ranges in length and style so there’s a little something for everyone on her channel. 

chair yoga video

Regular exercise is critical for staying healthy later in life, and these YouTube yoga teachers are experts at creating flows that are suited for older bodies. Learn how to modify traditional postures for various health issues, use props in a supportive manner, and enjoy the feeling of your body no matter your age.

  • Yoga JP : This incredibly popular channel features a large collection of chair yoga classes that are fun, engaging, and accessible for older adults or folks in wheelchairs. They also offer curated playlists of videos taught in Spanish, Russian, Swedish, and several other languages.
  • Yoga Etc : On a mission to prove that age is just a number, Tina teaches easy-to-follow yoga sequences for people of all ages, but gears her classes towards those 60 and up. Her classes are usually 30 minutes or less, and many incorporate the use of chairs or specific postures that help alleviate common health problems, such as low back pain. 
  • The Yoga Room : Specializing in gentle and accessible classes, The Yoga Room has an extensive library of chair yoga routines, yoga for achy knees, and all sorts of other classes that are beneficial for senior students. 
  • Patricia Becker : Patricia Becker’s fun-loving energy and extensive knowledge of yoga shines through in all her classes. Her videos are geared towards older adults with plenty of chair routines, beginner videos, and easy-to-follow language, but everyone can benefit from her upbeat and engaging teaching style. 

Guided Meditation, Chanting, and Pranayama 

meditation video

Many yoga practitioners use meditation, chanting, breathing (pranayama), and other spiritual practices to deepen their experience of yoga. These digital educators will take you on deep dives into beautiful practices to help you cultivate a stronger connection to your mind, body, and heart. 

  • Heart Alchemy Yoga : Featuring extensive meditation and sound healing playlists, Heart Alchemy Yoga is a great channel to support your spiritual practice. Founder Michelle Goldstein is passionate about the power of maintaining a daily meditation practice and shares her extensive knowledge with all her followers.
  • Meditative Mind : Your one-stop-shop for high vibration music, mantra chanting, and guided meditations! Use this huge collection of videos as background tunes for your home yoga practice or learn Vedic chants that can help rewire your brain for more tranquility, joy, and peace.
  • Bharti Yoga : Bharti Goel’s approachable and charming personality makes all her yoga videos enjoyable, but her playlist of pranayama practices (breathing exercises) really stands out. Learn how specific breath control techniques can enhance your yoga practice and calm your mind.

yin yoga video

More calming than a vinyasa flow but not quite as still as restorative yoga, yin is often that perfect Goldilocks sweet-spot for beginner yogis. Yin originated in the Taoist tradition and holds each posture for 1 to 5 minutes to help stretch the fascia and ligaments surrounding your muscles. This style of movement deeply alleviates tension and body aches, and it’s often paired with breath practices to settle your nervous system. 

  • Yoga with Kassandra : Yep, Kassandra gets a second mention in our guide to the best yoga YouTube channels! Her yin playlist has more than 100 full-length videos ready for you to explore. Learn how to invite deep rest and move away from anxious thoughts with her gentle, supportive, and compassionate classes. 
  • Breathe and Flow : Husband-and-wife duo Bre and Flo specialize in power vinyasa and strength training, but their wonderful selection of yin classes makes them a must for any student who needs some extra relaxation in their life. Their calm and loving demeanors come across in every video, and they often incorporate interesting education about anatomy and functional movement. 
  • Janice Allerman Yoga : There’s no better way to get a deep-tissue stretch sesh than with Janice Allerman! Her yin classes range in length, and many of them feature tranquil, calming music to help you relax even further. You’ll immediately connect with her welcoming personality, beautiful video backdrops, and thoughtful sequencing. 

No matter what style of yoga you’re drawn to, the most important thing to notice is whether your body, mind, and heart feel good while you’re practicing. We hope this guide of the best YouTube yoga channels is helpful in your journey toward a healthy, balanced, and happy life. 

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Megan Edwards

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8 Free Yoga Channels on YouTube You’ve Gotta Try


We all turn to our yoga practice for different reasons. Every day, there may be a new reason for stepping onto your mat. Regardless, when you start recognizing signs that you need to do some yoga asap , the good news is you don’t have to stop, drop, and find a yoga class at your local studio.   You don’t need a studio, money, or a scheduled time to fit in your yoga practice. Whenever you aren’t able to get to a public yoga class, you can turn to YouTube for a wide variety of free yoga videos that vary in teaching style, discipline, focus, etc.   With millions of YouTube subscribers, it goes without saying that Yoga with Adriene dominates the YouTube yoga world. So, beyond this channel, we’ve compiled a list of 8 free yoga channels on YouTube with a wide variety of yoga video offerings that you’re sure to love.  

Check out these 8 free YouTube yoga channels to see which fit best with your personal yoga practice and preferences:


  • 30-Minute Vinyasa Yoga Flow with Ashton August
  • 20-Minute Cardio Focused Power Vinyasa Yoga Class with Michelle Stanger

Yoga with Kassandra

  • Super Slow Flow – Moving in Honey
  • Yoga for Wrists and Fingers – Yoga for Wrist Cramps and Carpal Tunnel

The Journey Junkie

  • 45 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Flow to Feel Empowered + Inspired
  • 20 Minute Hip Love Flow – Simple and So Damn Sweet

Yoga With Tim

  • How Hips and Glutes Affect the Core (Talk)
  • Total Body Yoga Workout


  • Yoga Hacks: How to Do Yoga in the Car
  • Yoga for Endometriosis & Fibroids

Nicole Wild

  Check out our favs:

  • 45 Minute Intermediate + Playful Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class
  • 55-minute Sweaty Vinyasa Yoga Flow

Boho Beautiful

  • Yoga For Mindfulness ♥ Silence Your Chattering Thoughts & Anxiety | Gili Asahan
  • Yoga Workout ♥ Tone Your Tummy & Strengthen Your Core | Gili Meno

Leigha Butler

  • Wild Thing to Wheel . 60 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Class . Advanced Intermediate . Arm Balances
  • HANDSTAND – 10 Ways to Practice – A Tutorial

    These 8 free YouTube yoga channels are just the tip of the iceberg of what is available to you online. And while it’s always nice to be immersed in the palpable energy of a studio yoga class, sometimes you just want to roll out your yoga mat on your own time and on your own terms.   Do you have a favorite YouTube channel that isn’t on this list? Share it with us in the comments and we’ll be sure to check it out!  

Check out these premium online yoga classes

  •   All Levels Yoga
  •   Intermediate Yoga

wonderful comments!

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Yoga At Home

Hannah Fredenberg is a retail copywriter with a passion (sometimes for fashion) but largely for psychology and lifestyle/wellness topics. When she’s not writing M-F about clothing and accessories, you can find her running outside, hitting up the yoga studio or reading a book (or two) for hours on end. Check out her copywriting portfolio and get in touch through her website.

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Spa It Girl

Meet: Allie from The Journey Junkie Youtube Yoga Channel

I must confess I love practicing yoga at home and when I stumbled across Allie from The Journey Junkie on Youtube and I tried her Yoga classes they made me feel so good within I had to share this amazing Yoga Teacher and absolute Wellness Inspiration with you.

I made the time to interview Allie exclusively to find out more about the girl who is on a Yoga Mission to Make Others Feel Good from within.

Here is our Spa it Girl Exclusive Interview with Allie from The Journey Junkie :

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  Hi, my name’s Allie – I’m a born and raised Florida girl from the States, a year away from being the BIG 30, recently married to my longtime beau, a forever yoga student, a certified yoga teacher, an online inspiration leader, a marketing girl by trade, and an overall enthusiast for living my journey wholeheartedly and unapologetically.

How did you get into yoga and teaching? I started practicing yoga with my roommates/best friends at a local hot yoga studio. Immediately, I fell hard for the practice and tapped into something I’d been missing for years – fluid movement, strength, flexibility, self-expression, sensuality and a greater connection to my body, mind and soul. It was like pure magic.

Eventually, three years into a regular yoga practice, I became intrigued with becoming a yoga teacher and started the process of researching local yoga teacher training programs. At the time, I was working a full-time office job and needed a flexible program to balance the two.

My training program was profound, eye opening, challenging and exactly what I needed in that moment. It was truly the start of a new journey for me, one that I will forever be grateful for.

What Inspired you to start your own yoga Youtube channel?  After blogging about yoga/travel for over two years, I knew my community was ready + wanting more from me. I sensed it in the emails I received, the comments I read, and the overall online yoga community.

And at first, I was scared shitless! I talked myself out of recording videos for months upon months, but finally faced my fears and got to work. Now, creating + filming + sharing videos is one of my favorite aspects of what I do!

……funny how that fear thing always works itself out.

What do you love the most about having your YouTube channel – The Journey Junkie?  I LOVE gifting people yoga in the comfort of their home! Before I started my online channel, I was incredibly jaded that everyone attended classes in a yoga studio environment.

Like hello Allie, that would be incredible, but impossible!

I learned that many people either can’t afford a studio package, don’t live close enough to one, have a packed schedule, or are juggling the role of working mom, wife, and trying to be healthy all at the same time. These challenges are what drive people to online free yoga channels, like mine, and it’s an honor to be part of their journey!

What are some of the benefits of establishing a home yoga practice?

  • Flexibility
  • Releasing fear of judgement
  • Comfort of your home
  • Free – duh!
  • Ability to take your yoga with you anywhere

Do you have any tips for newbies starting out a Yoga Home Practice?

Start with learning the postures, I have an EPIC free resource that teaches 30 poses in 30 days, you can sign up for it here 

Create a sacred space in your home to practice. For home yoga space inspiration,

Look for beginner or hatha yoga flows to learn the foundations.

Do you think practicing Yoga can help with self-love and self-acceptance?  Absolutely.

I am a pure testament of how the yoga practice can + will inspire your journey! I started my yoga journey a girl wrapped up in materialistic shit, confused about who or what I could be, fixated on looking skinny, and endlessly gossiping about nonsense.

Fast forward five years, I’m a confident, know my purpose woman who’s turned on by authenticity, leaning into my discomfort, conscious conversation, healthy living, creating + helping others, and the simplest of people, places and things.

Yoga is my answer to both self-love and self-acceptance, and I think it can be the answer for many, many more!

As a dedicated yogi do you practice yoga every single day or do have rest days when you need to?  I don’t practice yoga every day, because it’s not what my body, mind and soul need anymore. However, the first two years or so, I practiced 5-7x a week for over 60 minutes a session. Now, I practice 3-5x a week, but also film a plethora of classes each week too.

I think there’s a sweet spot that each yogi needs to discover through their personal yoga journey. Do you think we have to practice yoga for a certain amount of time? Or is it ok to tune in and choose what suits us best?  I fall into the latter category and tell my community all the time – YOU DO YOU.

Do what you need for that day, that moment, in the body that you’re in. Each day is a new opportunity to move, bend, breathe and connect – and each day we need something different.

Some days we might not a powerful 75 minute yoga flow and others days we might need a 20 minute stretch sessions. And some days, our yoga might be consciously interacting with our friends + family.

I like to empower people to choose their form of yoga – both on and off the mat – but to always be on the path of living their journey by connecting to their yoga practice.

What we resists, persists ?? . . Think on that one tribe. What are you resisting that keeps persisting? Hello LIFE challenges every damn day. Take it one resistance at a time. Baby steps. Then stepping stone steps. Then leaps. . . #bodymindsouldetox #thejjcommunity A post shared by Allie (@thejourneyjunkie) on Apr 6, 2017 at 12:14pm PDT

When we roll out our yoga mat at home what are some things we should generally try to focus on?  Whether you’re rolling out the mat at home or in a studio, the main focus I like to to preach is:

Turn down the exterior & Light up the interior

Our physical practice is a beautiful way to build strength + gain flexibility, but it’s greater purpose is to calm the monkey mind, experience clarity, and reconnect to our true Self within.

Besides from practicing yoga how else do you like to keep healthy and fit?  I love LONG walks outside and luckily live in a very warm climate, so walking is always available. I also love short HIIT workout routines, specifically the Bikini Body Guide by Kayla Itsines.

I don’t do HIIT regularly, but when I’m feeling like I need a tune up, I’ll dabble with this style of movement.

Current Soul Goals . . get grounded + stand taller learn to ebb + flow expand + extend love speak my truth follow my intuition marry individual & collective consciousness become One . . These goals symbolize the awakening + aligning of the Chakra system! If you need a wake up call, a clearing of the channels, an aligning of your energetic system – then join our tribe on the next journey – the Body Mind Soul Detox! . . Click the link in my bio to learn more ? A post shared by Allie (@thejourneyjunkie) on Mar 13, 2017 at 5:30pm PDT

Do you have any spiritual teachers or gurus you love to follow or who inspire you?  I absolutely do!

For yoga teachers, I follow the below people:

  • Jason Crandell
  • Tiffany Cruikshank
  • BKS Iyengar
  • Rachel Brathen
  • Kathryn Budig

….. and truthfully, so many more!

For inspiration leaders, I follow the below people:

  • Danielle LaPorte
  • Elizabeth Gilbert

…. and again, so many more!

Do you have a go-to healthy snack that we should know about?  I LOVE all fruits + veggies + nuts and am usually snacking on this type of food in-between meals.

Do you have any tips for cultivating a daily meditation practice?  Start small and with guided meditations. I recommend using an app, there’s many out there, and doing two – five minutes per day. Once you get comfortable + gain more quiet time, start to add onto your meditation practice. Another minute. Another two minutes.

Eventually, you’ll find that sweet spot of connection to unite your body, mind and soul.

If you had one wish for everyone what would it be?  Do more yoga. Breathe deeper. Connect harder. Live your journey.

How can we stay in touch with you? My Youtube Channel: The Journey Junkie Website: Instagram:  @thejourneyjunkie

Here are some of Allie’s – The Journey Junkie  YouTube Yoga classes to get you started however if you subscribe to her: The Journey Junkie YouTube Channel there are so many more. Enjoy

Hashtag #SPAITGIRL and tag @Spaitgirl + @thejourneyjunkie  on Instagram to share your yoga journey with us.

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The 12 Best Yoga Teachers On YouTube To Guide You Through Your At-Home Practice

Profile picture of Sukriti Wahi

While we have seen many studios swing between being opened and closed due to isolation , it’s arguably never been easier to start a regular yoga practice than it is right now.

With an abundance of free online yoga videos from qualified teachers available on YouTube, the tricky part (after getting a hold of a good yoga mat ) is narrowing down which yogi will be your go-to. But don’t worry, as we did with finding the best YouTube Pilates teachers , we have already done the hard work for you.

Looking to begin or revive an at-home practice? We’ve rounded up 12 of the best yoga teachers on YouTube to help you find your favourite and get started.

Scroll on to see them all.

Adriene Mishler of ‘Yoga With Adriene’

Dubbed “the patron saint of quarantine” by Paper magazine, the immensely popular Adriene Mishler of Yoga With Adriene boasts over 7 million followers on YouTube—and with good reason.

Her philosophy is simple: “Find what feels good”. It’s a mantra she repeats quite a lot, and it’s one that stays with long after your time on the mat is over. Moreover, Mishler’s salt-of-the-earth aura and unpretentious (and often delightfully goofy) style of teaching makes you feel like you’re doing yoga with friend. Her videos also come in a variety of lengths, suiting beginner and experienced yogis alike.

If that wasn’t enough, her video library is like a veritable ‘yoga pharmacy’, with a flow to suit just about every mood and need, from unlocking creativity, to soothing social anxiety and all different types of pain (her upper back ones are especially great after a long WFH day), and more.

Her adorable dog Benji often makes a cameo in her classes (he’s a yogi too), which only makes the videos feel that much more comforting.

Check out the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel here .

Kassandra Reinhardt of ‘Yoga with Kassandra’

While Kassandra Reinhardt of Yoga With Kassandra has over five years of videos spanning across a variety of yoga styles, her soothing Yin yoga sessions are widely considered to be some of the best on the Internet. Her Yin playlist includes a dedicated hip-opening stretch practice, a video to target upper back knots, and even one specially designed for runners, among many others.

For those unfamiliar with the style, Yin yoga is a slow-paced, restorative form of yoga that gently applies stress to the connective tissues in the body with the intention of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. Think: ‘Yin and Yang’, where ‘Yang’ is heated and active, ‘Yin’ is cooling and still, and that’s what this type of yoga is all about.

There are no fast-paced flows here: the poses are held for anywhere from 45 seconds to two minutes, while advanced yogis may stay for even longer.

Check out the Yoga with Kassandra YouTube channel here .

Sjana Elise

Australian yogi Sjana Elise Earp may already be a favourite amongst those who use Kayla Itsines’ SWEAT app , but she also has a great YouTube channel packed with yoga and guided meditation videos.

Often filmed on the beach or with an equally scenic backdrop, Earp’s videos are particularly great for those who favour longer, more energetic flows (like this ‘fire building hamstring practice’ … you’re welcome).

As challenging as some of the videos are (and she does have some short and beginner ones in her arsenal), Earp’s sunny attitude and genuine encouragement really helps to make you feel uplifted and excited to try your best each time you step on the mat.

Check out Sjana Elise Earp’s YouTube channel here .

Arundhati Baitmangalkar of ‘Aham Yoga’

Arundhati Baitmangalkar started her career as a professional Bollywood dance instructor, before falling deeply in love with yoga about seven years ago when she was still living in her native South India.

Her passion for the practice shows in her channel Aham Yoga , and her videos go beyond just moving through asanas, especially when she breaks down the often tricky questions that aren’t usually answered in video and studio classes alike.

These include covering how much effort you should actually be putting into a yoga pose, figuring out the distance between your hands and feet in a downward dog, and when to inhale and exhale during a pose, among others.

Check out the Aham Yoga YouTube channel here .

Allie of ‘The Journey Junkie’

Feel like focusing on your chakras? Allie of The Journey Junkie is your go-to yogi.

While she does offer a variety of videos across multiple yoga styles, she’s fast become a YouTube favourite for chakra-centric yoga sessions, which include individual chakra focused-flows and cleansing practices, as well as a 7-day chakra challenge.

For those unacquainted with concept of chakra-focused yoga, in traditional teachings, ‘chakras’ refer to the seven spiritual energy centres within the human body. Each of these chakras govern a different aspect of our identity and how it manifests in our lives, and yoga can play a part in improving them by reinvigorating stagnant energy.

Check out The Journey Junkie YouTube channel here.

Rina Desphande of ‘Yoga Journal’

Teacher, writer and yoga researcher Rina Deshpande has over 15 years of experience in practising and sharing the benefits of yoga across the world, and not to mention, one of the most soothing voices we’ve ever heard.

A frequent contributor on the Yoga Journal YouTube channel (which features sessions from multiple great teachers), Deshpande’s educational videos will take your practice far beyond the mat and into the realm of true yoga and cultural appreciation.

These include understanding exactly how to say ‘namaste’ correctly and respectfully, when it’s actually inappropriate to use the word, and what ‘anjali mudra’ (the action of putting the hands together at the heart centre) really signifies.

Check out Rina Deshpande’s videos on the Yoga Journal YouTube channel here .

Sarah Wesley of ‘Return To Kemet’

Feel like trying something a little different? It could be worth giving ‘Kemetic yoga’ a go—and Sarah Wesley of Return to Kemet is just the teacher to take you through it.

What is Kemetic yoga, you ask? Kemetic yoga is a system originating from Ancient Egypt (traditionally known as ‘Sami Tawi’) that places an even greater emphasis on the breath, spine and lungs and how they relate to human consciousness.

In short? When you get into it, it’s deeply, deeply calming, and Sarah Wesley’s videos (usually filmed in the stunning Egyptian desert) are utterly hypnotic.

Check out Sarah Wesley’s ‘Return To Kemet’ YouTube channel her e

Tara Stiles of ‘Stråla Yoga’

With a back catalogue of 10 years worth of yoga videos, you’ll have plenty of material to work when it comes to Tara Stiles’ YouTube channel.

Offering a range of sessions across all levels of experience and styles of yoga, Stiles’ channel is particularly notable for her playlist of prenatal yoga routines (which should only be done after clearance from a doctor).

She also has a special set of videos dedicated to mothers with little children and how to get them involved in their practice.

Check out Tara Stiles YouTube channel here .

Shona Vertue

The former personal trainer and yoga instructor to David Beckham, Australia’s own Shona Vertue might just be one of the best people you’ll ever follow on your fitness journey.

In her range of easy-to-follow yoga videos and mobility sequences, Vertue really takes the time to explain and demonstrate the correct form to ensure you are guided the entire way along, from how it should look and what you should be feeling. She’s also very active on her Instagram page (no pun intended), posting form correction videos, mobility tips and general health advice with a solid side of real talk.

Check out Shona Vertue’s YouTube channel here .

Jessamyn Stanley

One of the most prominent faces of body positivity in the fitness space and the author of Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get on the Mat, Love Your Body , Jessamyn Stanley is well-known for her approachable take on yoga and some seriously high-energy flows.

Although she doesn’t post frequently these days, she does have a some great playlists on her channel, including her “YOGA FOR BEGINNERS” series, which features asana-focused videos, tips on transitions and answers to yoga questions, as well as sequences you can follow.

Check out Jessamyn Stanley’s YouTube channel here .

Yoga With Bird

Seeking videos for restorative yoga and morning sequences with soothing music? Yoga With Bird has got you covered. Created and run by certified yoga instructor Francine Cipollone (whose childhood nickname is Bird), the channel is best for those looking for gentle, tension-releasing movement rather than fast-paced flows.

She also updates the channel weekly, so there is always fresh content for you to check out. And if you’re in the mood to create your own flow, she has a Spotify playlist that makes for the perfect accompaniment to your time on the mat.

Check out Yoga With Bird’s YouTube channel here

Edyn Loves Life

Full of energy and positive vibes, Edyn Nicole’s YouTube channel is a great resource for every body who wants to get into yoga, with specific care and attention given to plus size people. A self-described plus-size yoga instructor, her philosophy is that health is a lifestyle, not a size, and her videos reflect that.

Her “Plus Size Yoga with Edyn” playlist features a series of sequences at various length, as well as tip-focused explainers for plus size yogis, so you’re sure to find something that fits your needs.

Check out Edyn Loves Life’s YouTube channel here .

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Yoga, meditation, and spirituality are at the top of the…

YouTube is a great resource for experienced and beginner yogis alike. You have access to a huge library of content at the click of a button. Whether you are looking for a powerful Vinyasa flow, a prenatal yoga session, a restorative class, or anything in between, you will find talented yoga teachers with years of experience leading classes that fit your exact needs. These are some of the top YouTube channels for the yogi looking for free but valuable classes.

Yoga with Adriene


Yoga with Lin and Leo

Fightmaster Yoga

Brett Larkin Yoga

Do Yoga with Me

Boho Beautiful

Sarah Beth Yoga

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Yoga by Candace

Yoga with Kassandra

The Journey Junkie

Heart Alchemy Yoga

Look into these yoga channels to implement some top-notch classes in the comfort of your own home. YouTube is a great resource for anyone looking to enhance their yoga practice on a budget, so take some time exploring these channels and finding classes that you love!

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Youtube For Yoga Teachers With Allie Van Fossen

YouTube for Yoga Teachers with Allie Van Fossen - The Journey Junkie

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a thriving online business. This is where I share fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks, mini trainings and more.

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Tips and advice for building a profitable online business as a spiritual entrepreneur.

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Learn how to pick your niche and build a strong personal brand and website.

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Behind the scenes of my business and life, living in a campervan and travel tips.

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Do you sometimes feel like everybody is so much ahead of you when it comes to building your yoga business? You’re not alone my friend.

The thing to remember is that we all have to start somewhere. For example by posting your first video on YouTube (just get it out there!).

In this episode I’m talking to Allie Van Fossen, better known as The Journey Junkie, a once corporate marketing girl turned successful yoga teacher, chakra coach, retreat leader, small business owner, and full-time traveler with her husband via a sailboat.

Allie primarily teaches yoga online through YouTube and she shares what she did when she started out, how her business slowly grew and what she wishes she would have done differently. YouTube is a big factor in her success and she also shares some amazing tips how to use YouTube as a yoga teacher.

What you’ll discover in this episode:

  • The challenges Allie faced when she started her business
  • What to do when you feel uncomfortable on camera
  • The difference between YouTube and Instagram or Facebook and how you can use it to your advantage
  • What camera you need to film great videos
  • What you need to know when naming your videos so they are searchable
  • More tips to create great YouTube videos

Follow Allie:



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Allie – The Journey Junkie

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  • About the Talk
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  • Unconventional Yoga Spot

How to Speak Comfortably on Camera and Present Your Best, Authentic Self

Recording yourself on camera is tough, trust me, it took six months before I had the nerves to hit that record button. But as digital platforms expand and the online world becomes more welcomed, it’s important for yoga teachers to consider going online and sharing their work via yoga videos.

In today’s talk, we will discuss important lessons that I’ve learned in growing a dedicated community who practices with me daily in the comfort of their home. You can expect  things like: what equipment you need, how to create a yoga class set, how to prepare for your class, what components the video needs, and most importantly – how you can confidently teach + engage with your students without seeing them face-to-face! Allie is the soul behind The Journey Junkie, an online community that aims to help people live their best journey through the practices of yoga, mindfulness, and positive living. She’s taught thousands of people how to create and sustain a yoga practice from the comfort of their home with her weekly yoga videos, challenges, and paid programs. You can find more about Allie and practice alongside her at .



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  2. 30 Min Yoga Flow: Cleanse Your Solar Plexus Chakra

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  3. Meet: Allie from The Journey Junkie Youtube Yoga Channel

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  4. Allie

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  5. Allie

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  6. Click To Discover More, Join the FREE 5 Day Beginner Yoga Journey

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  1. 30 Min Slow Strong Vinyasa

  2. Seal your practice meditation

  3. Chakra Goal Setting Power Yoga Flow (50 Minute Class)

  4. Fiery Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Strength, Motivation and Inspiration

  5. Chair Yoga Video: 10 Minute Seated Rejuvenation Flow

  6. Morning Yoga Practice: Wake Up and Get Energized


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    Ready for a full body yoga stretch, yoga community? Join me for a 30 minute vinyasa flow, an overall stretch and strengthening practice that creates length a...

  2. 30 Min Yoga Flow: Cleanse Your Sacral Chakra

    Practice Yoga Live with Me (for free, monthly) ️ how to build a holistic toolkit based on the modern chakra system that'l...

  3. 30 Min Restorative Yoga: Gentle Hip Stretch I The Journey Junkie

    Welcome to a 30 Min Gentle Hip Stretch Restorative Yoga Class, yogis! You're in for a treat - this restorative yoga class is all about slowing down, stretchi...

  4. Yoga with Allie Van Fossen

    Welcome to the mat, welcome to your practice! I'm Allie Van Fossen - yoga student, decade-long teacher, founder of the Body Mind Soul Studio & Body Mind Soul 200-HR Virtual Yoga Teacher Training ...

  5. Wake Up Yoga: Full Body Yoga Flow for Energy I The Journey Junkie

    Welcome to your wake up yoga flow, JJ Community! This full body yoga flow for energy is your opportunity to challenge yourself & awaken body, mind & soul wit...

  6. Journey Junkie Yoga

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

  7. About

    Created The Journey Junkie blog; Traveled to SE Asia with Myers, my soulmate; 2014. Second 9-5 marketing gig; Shifted blog to share my yoga journey; Completed 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training; 2015. ... Whether I'm teaching my BMS Studio fam, filming a new YouTube yoga class, or creating a self-study guide, I'm here to help women build a ...

  8. A Complete Guide to the Best Yoga YouTube Channels for Every Style and

    With an extensive library of beginner-specific videos, 30-day challenges, and classes for physical injuries, this is a must-follow YouTube yoga channel. Allie the Journey Junkie: Passionate about teaching the full breadth of yogic practices, Allie Van Fossen posts unique and engaging classes in addition to a wealth of educational material (such ...

  9. Best yoga apps and YouTube channels for practicing at home

    Best yoga YouTube channel for mind-body connection: Allie - The Journey Junkie Like Brett, Allie's practice is informed heavily by the chakra philosophies of the yoga tradition.

  10. Allie Van Fossen

    Hey! I'm Allie. I'm a self-growth student, freedom-seeker, yoga teacher and the founder of a tight-knit online yoga community: the Body Mind Soul Studio. I'm here to teach you how to transform your life on-and-off-the-mat with a holistic yoga practice.

  11. 8 Free Yoga Channels on YouTube You've Gotta Try

    The Journey Junkie. Journey Junkie is led by Florida-based yogini, Allie Flavio. ... These 8 free YouTube yoga channels are just the tip of the iceberg of what is available to you online. And while it's always nice to be immersed in the palpable energy of a studio yoga class, sometimes you just want to roll out your yoga mat on your own time ...

  12. Meet: Allie from The Journey Junkie Youtube Yoga Channel

    Here are some of Allie's - The Journey Junkie YouTube Yoga classes to get you started however if you subscribe to her: The Journey Junkie YouTube Channel there are so many more. Enjoy. Hashtag #SPAITGIRL and tag @Spaitgirl + @thejourneyjunkie on Instagram to share your yoga journey with us. Categories: Interviews.

  13. The 12 Best Yoga Teachers On YouTube With Free Videos

    Feel like focusing on your chakras? Allie of The Journey Junkie is your go-to yogi. While she does offer a variety of videos across multiple yoga styles, she's fast become a YouTube favourite for chakra-centric yoga sessions, which include individual chakra focused-flows and cleansing practices, as well as a 7-day chakra challenge.

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    To join in with The Journey Junkie tribe, you can find Allie's videos on her website and YouTube channel. Here are The Journey Junkie's top three most popular yoga workouts: Yoga for low back ...

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    15 Great Yoga YouTube Channels for Free Yoga Videos. YouTube is a great resource for experienced and beginner yogis alike. You have access to a huge. ... Allie of The Journey Junkie consistently posts new yoga videos, so you'll never be short of excellent content. Her interests span from Hatha to Restorative to Yoga Trapeze flows, so you'll ...

  16. YouTube for Yoga Teachers with Allie Van Fossen

    For example by posting our first video on YouTube. In this episode I'm talking to Allie Van Fossen, better known as The Journey Junkie, a once corporate marketing girl turned successful yoga teacher, chakra coach, retreat leader, small business owner, and full-time traveler with her husband via a sailboat.

  17. Youtube For Yoga Teachers With Allie Van Fossen

    In this episode I'm talking to Allie Van Fossen, better known as The Journey Junkie, a once corporate marketing girl turned successful yoga teacher, chakra coach, retreat leader, small business owner, and full-time traveler with her husband via a sailboat. Allie primarily teaches yoga online through YouTube and she shares what she did when ...

  18. Allie

    Allie is the soul behind The Journey Junkie, an online community that aims to help people live their best journey through the practices of yoga, mindfulness, and positive living. She's taught thousands of people how to create and sustain a yoga practice from the comfort of their home with her weekly yoga videos, challenges, and paid programs.

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    Track Title: A Rumor In St. PetersburgComposer(s): Lynn Ahrens & Stephen FlahertyPerformed by Jonathan Dokuchitz & Kelsey Grammer

  20. St.Petersburg

    Hello, my dear friends! Welcome to my channel St. Petersburg - me! I'm Ksenia. I'm Russian, living in St .Petersburg for 11 years already. This channel tells you about Russia and the Russian soul.

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    An absolute MUST if you are in Saint Petersburg, The Hermitage Museum has the 2nd largest art collection in the world! I spent 12 HOURS touring this incredib...