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25 Best Things to Do in Java (Indonesia)

Java is the administrative center of Indonesia , but other than that it is not particularly famous. Most visitors to Indonesia, especially those on a first time trip, head to Bali or move on to the island of Lombok, with very few taking the time to tour around Java for any length of time.

This is a shame however, as Java has a huge amount to recommend it, and you can visit some of the top highlights in Indonesia in the form of stunning temples or active volcanoes. Other options here include trekking through jungle to secluded caves and waterfalls, or you can get out on the water and explore the islands off the coast. In short, Java offers you a whole host of attractions, so whatever kind of holiday you are looking for you will doubtless find something to suit you here.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Java :

1. Travel to the city of Surabaya


Surabaya has the claim to fame of being the second largest city in Indonesia, although strangely it is not often visited by tourists.

It is also a historically significant part of the country and one of the best reasons to come here is to walk through the old part of the city and take in all the traditional buildings, many of which date from the Dutch colonial period.

There are a clutch of museums where you can learn more about Surabaya’s history and as this is one of the main travel hubs in Indonesia it is easy to plan a stop-off here from another part of the country.

2. Admire Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is one of the most famous attractions in Indonesia and consists of a large Buddhist temple complex in Central Java.

It is easy to visit Borobudur from the neighboring city of Yogyakarta on a day trip, and the temple is an impressive relic of a different time, having been built in the 9th century.

It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has an amazing 72 sculpted figures of Buddha.

Borobudur is also the largest Buddhist temple in the world, and you can climb all over the structure, including up to the central platform which affords you amazing views over the rest of the complex.

It is particularly beautiful at sunrise and sunset so try to time your visit to make the most of the natural light show here.

3. Have a beach holiday in Anyer

Anyer, Java

The pretty seaside town of Anyer is located in Banten and is known for its gorgeous beach that faces the towering Mount Krakatau.

Anyer Beach is the quintessential seaside experience in Indonesia, and as well as turquoise seas you can also expect a wealth of water sports options like jet skiing and parasailing.

You can stroll along the beach until you get to the old lighthouse of Cikoneng and you can even go diving here.

Due to the high mineral content in the water from the volcanic lands that surround the city, underwater life thrives here, so any budding marine biologists won’t be disappointed.

4. Go shopping in Bandung


The city of Bandung is known on the domestic market as one of the top shopping destinations in Indonesia, although many tourists never make the trip here.

Bandung is conveniently close to Jakarta which means that it is easy to visit, and you will find a huge array of factory outlets selling the latest fashions.

Bandung is also particularly well known for its denim products so if you want a new pair of jeans then there are styles here to suit all kinds of tastes and budgets.

5. Marvel at Candi Prambanan

Candi Prambanan

Candi Prambanan is often thought of as similar to neighboring Borobudur although there are marked differences between these two temple complexes.

Though both date from the 9th century, Candi Prambanan is a Hindu Temple and Borobudur is Buddhist.

Along with Borobudur Candi Prambanan is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site and you can walk around the pretty compounds here and explore the winding alleyways and shrines dotted all over the complex.

6. Enjoy the beach at Batu Karas

Batu Karas

When people think of beaches they tend to think of Bali as having the monopoly on the best sands and waves.

Bali does indeed have some of the best beaches in Indonesia, but Java is also no slouch, and Batu Karas is one of the best of its kind.

If you make the trip here you will be rewarded with miles of rolling golden sand that is often deserted.

Unlike many other beaches in Indonesia, Batu Karas has some good surfing and you can also swim here, or just sunbathe if you are looking for a relaxing beach holiday.

7. Visit the waterfalls of Baturaden

Curug Belot

Located in Purwokerto in Java, the waterfalls of Baturaden look more like something that you would find in the Amazon.

The trek out to the waterfalls is slightly long and arduous, but you will be rewarded along the hike with gorgeous vistas across the lush scenery which ends in the culmination of the mighty falls that drop through the forest canopy into limpid pools below.

There is a selection of different cataracts here but one of the prettiest and best known is Curug Belot, so make sure to make the trip out here if you are in the area.

8. Climb Mount Ijen

Mount Ijen

Indonesia is known for its majestic mountains, but one of the most impressive is the graceful Mount Ijen which is not as famous as others but well worth a visit.

The big draw here is that the largest acidic crater lake in the world sits at the top of the mountain and if you come here under the cover of darkness you will be able to observe blue flames erupting out of the lake.

The reason for this is that the sulfuric acid rises to the surface and ignites, and this is turn glows blue thanks to the light of the moon, resulting in one of the prettiest natural phenomena in Indonesia.

9. Shop for Batik in Yogyakarta


Yogyakarta is known for its beautiful batik which is made by dripping wax onto a piece of fabric and then applying a range of dyes to make a pattern.

You can buy batik all over the city, or you can also go on a factory tour to learn how this textile technique was pioneered in Indonesia.

If you want to get hands-on then you can even take a batik making class and fashion your own piece of fabric which you can keep as a souvenir of your trip to Yogyakarta.

10. Climb Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo

One of the highlights of a trip to Java is the chance to visit Mount Bromo.

The mountain is also one of Indonesia many active volcanoes and it is named after the Hindu god named Brahma and considered sacred.

The volcano is mostly dormant, although it does sometimes still erupt, but when it is lightly smoking you can still climb to the summit and watch the stunning sunset over the lip of the crater.

The views stretch out over the gorgeous Tengger Massif below, which is a mountain chain that includes Mount Bromo, and this is also one of the less strenuous volcano treks in Indonesia.

You can take a car much of the way to the summit, and most people start around 3 am or 4 am to catch the sunrise here.

11. Go for a walk in Bogor

Presidential House In Bogor

Bogor is a city that sits outside of Jakarta and it often gets ignored by those passing through the capital city.

This is a shame however as Bogor is like a smaller and simpler version of Jakarta filled with a wealth of historic artifacts.

One of these is the large botanical garden which would have started life in the 1800s under the former Dutch governor, and you can easily spend an afternoon admiring the flora and fauna here.

12. Enjoy the seaside at Pangandaran


Pangandaran sits between Jakarta and Yogyakarta as is a city nestled close to the sea, which is perfect if you want some sun and sand.

There is a long strip of beach here and, as you would expect, the fresh seafood is one of the big draws in the area.

If you come here in the evening then you can dine at one of the seaside stalls that sells barbecued fresh fish simply cooked over hot coals and there is also a wider national park here if you want to eschew the beach and go trekking instead.

13. Visit Sewu Temple

Sewu Temple

Sewu Temple is often rather usurped in Java by both Borobudur and Candi Prambanan, although it is only 10 minutes away from the latter on foot.

The temple is not as well preserved as others in the area which means that it crumbles gracefully in front of you, and this is actually one of its great charms.

It is also covered in alleys and hidden corners to explore and there are some 200 temples here.

Make sure to check out the ornate carvings that will allow you to imagine the complex as it would have been in its glory days.

14. Visit Timang Beach

Timang Beach

Located in the Gunung Kidul area is Timang Beach which sits around an hour away from the city of Yogyakarta.

The beach is the perfect place to go if you want to get out of the city and enjoy a day at the seaside, and you will find a huge number of little stalls lining the beach that serve local snacks like fresh coconuts and noodles.

This is one of the best loved beaches in the area and gets busy at the weekends, and one of the reasons for this is the seafood restaurants nearby where you can get fresh crab, shrimp, and even lobster.

15. Hike up the Dieng Plateau

Dieng Plateau

A great attraction in Java is the Dieng Plateau which sits at an altitude of 2,100 meters.

The main reason why many people come to the Dieng Plateau is to go on a pilgrimage to the Buddhist temples that are dotted along the way.

As you hike up the plateau you will get to walk by limpid pools filed with spring water as well as some billowing hot springs.

The views from the top of the plateau are truly breathtaking and you should try and time a visit to coincide with the sunset when the light is at its best.

16. Take a trip to Malang

Mosque And A Fountain In Malang

Malang is known across Java for its serene and laid back atmosphere and in some ways it harks back to another time in Indonesia.

The city is also located between the sweeping Mount Semeru and Mount Bromo and as a result you can take in the spectacular views as you soak up the scenery.

Malang is also famous as it is covered in little temples and shrines and the best thing to do on a visit here is to take a motorized trishaw around town and see which areas take your fancy.

Much of the area around Malang is made up of jade hued paddy fields, so if you want to get out into nature then make sure to stop off here and explore.

17. Visit Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi

One of the most famous and feared volcanoes in Indonesia is Mount Merapi and if you don’t like trekking it is still worth coming here as this is one of the easier mountain hikes in Java.

The volcano is still active and erupted in spectacular fashion in 2010 so you can only trek here when it is deemed safe by the authorities to do so.

The best way to visit Mount Merapi is as part of a tour from neighboring Yogyakarta and there are a number of tours that you can take that will explain the history of the mountain and its status as a sacred spot in Indonesia.

18. Spelunk in Goa Jomblang

Goa Jomblang

Another great day trip from Yogyakarta is a visit to Goa Jomblang in the Gunung Kidul area.

This famous cave is located about an hour outside the city and you will travel some 60 meters down the side of the cliff into the cavern.

This then leads to a cave system which is encircled by forests and the main cave to visit here is called Grubug Cave.

There is a hole in the top of the rock formation that lets the sunlight stream in and this is a fantastic experience for anyone who likes spelunking.

19. Stop off in Solo

Interior Pond Of Palace, Solo

The city of Solo is not an obvious choice for a stop-off at first glance, but it is a great option for anyone looking for a more authentic slice of Indonesia.

Some of the highlights here include the traditional touches like the central market which has been running since the Dutch colonial period, and you can also travel to Borobudur and Candi Prambanadan from Solo.

Another popular day trip takes you from the center of the city to neighboring Mount Lawu, so if you do decide to come here, you certainly won’t be strapped for things to do and see.

20. Visit Kalibiru National Park

Kalibiru National Park

Some visitors to Kalibiru National Park may recognize the scenery, as it has been made famous on Instagram in recent years thanks to its picturesque views.

One of the biggest draws in the park is its viewpoints which allow you to see for miles and you can climb up into the trees and enjoy the sights from rustic wooden viewing platforms.

Many people try to come here in the morning or evenings when the light is at its most beautiful and there are also a range of other activities available in the park such as zip lining

21. Go diving at the Karimunjawa Islands

Karimunjawa Islands

If you want some of the best waters in Java then consider taking a trip to the Karimunjawa Archipelago.

Here you will find 27 different tropical islands off the coast of Semarang, many of which are uninhabited.

As you would expect, beautiful beaches abound here and this is a great spot if you want to try snorkeling or diving thanks to the high visibility.

One of the best ways to visit the islands is to rent a boat and island hop around, and if you are looking for a beachside paradise in Java then don’t leave Karimunjawa off the itinerary.

22. Eat your way around Bandung

Indonesian Street Food

Many people don’t realize that Bandung has a great food scene, so if you happen to be in the area then make sure to take full advantage of it.

Some of the local specialties include keradok which is similar to the famous Indonesian salad called gado-gado.

Keradok is made from a mix of bean sprouts, beans, cabbage, and cucumber which is then covered in a spicy peanut sauce and topped with basil.

Also don’t miss the gepuk which is a spicy curry made with fried beef, and for dessert make your way to Amanda Brownies which is famous in Bandung for its steamed sweet chocolate cakes.

23. Take a trip to the city of Semarang


Many visitors to Java tend to head to the big hitters like Jakarta and Yogyakarta, and very few ever make it to Semarang in Central Java.

Many people pass through Semarang on their way to the Karimunjawa Islands, although it is a shame to miss the city completely and you will find a range of interesting museums here as well as some interesting temples and other buildings.

Many of these date from the Dutch colonials, and you can also book tickets for a cultural show at Taman Budaya Raden Saleh to learn more about the history of the area.

24. Enjoy the colors at the Rainbow Village

Kampung Pelangi

Technically part of Semarang but also a small village in its own right is Kampung Pelangi which means Rainbow Village in Indonesian.

This is a fairly new attraction which popped up in recent years when the locals, wanting to draw more tourists to the area, had the idea of painting the village in a variety of bright hues.

No part of the village is untouched and it looks like something out of a fairytale, but the villagers’ plans have obviously worked and people now flock here to take pictures of this colorful spectacle.

25. Go surfing at Pelabuhan Ratu

Surfing At Pelabuhan Ratu

Pelabuhan Ratu in West Java attracts visitors from Bogor, Bandung, and Jakarta, and you will find rolling waves here that surprisingly lend themselves well to surfing.

Due to the pounding surf, swimming is not recommended, but there is a long central beach that looks out over the Indian Ocean.

As you follow the coastline however you will find different bays and inlets and some of the best places to find waves include Sunset Beach, Karang Sari Beach, and Cimaja Beach.

25 Best Things to Do in Java (Indonesia):

  • Travel to the city of Surabaya
  • Admire Borobudur Temple
  • Have a beach holiday in Anyer
  • Go shopping in Bandung
  • Marvel at Candi Prambanan
  • Enjoy the beach at Batu Karas
  • Visit the waterfalls of Baturaden
  • Climb Mount Ijen
  • Shop for Batik in Yogyakarta
  • Climb Mount Bromo
  • Go for a walk in Bogor
  • Enjoy the seaside at Pangandaran
  • Visit Sewu Temple
  • Visit Timang Beach
  • Hike up the Dieng Plateau
  • Take a trip to Malang
  • Visit Mount Merapi
  • Spelunk in Goa Jomblang
  • Stop off in Solo
  • Visit Kalibiru National Park
  • Go diving at the Karimunjawa Islands
  • Eat your way around Bandung
  • Take a trip to the city of Semarang
  • Enjoy the colors at the Rainbow Village
  • Go surfing at Pelabuhan Ratu

Intrepid Travel Blog

10 must-visit places in Java, Indonesia

Borobudur temple, Java

With thousands of islands, hundreds of languages and a mind-boggling mix of cities, beaches, volcanoes and rainforests, planning a trip to Indonesia can be mystifying.

If you’re a first time visitor, or just have a couple of weeks to spare, Java is the perfect solution. The biggest island in the country, Java is home to Indonesia’s busiest cities, its most famous sights, and over half of its friendly population.

Here’s just 10 highlights from this gem of South East Asia:

Colourful bikes in Jakarta

Bikes in Jakarta. Photo by Fajrul Islam.

The sprawling capital of Indonesia, Jakarta is the centre of the action and where you’ll discover just how diverse this country really is. Inhale the smells from Malay and Chinese cafes as you wander past 19th-century style Dutch buildings and listen to the call to prayer from a nearby mosque… all while suited executives make business deals in skyscraping offices around you.

java indonesia tourist attractions

2. Yogyakarta

Taman Sari water temple, Yogyakarta

Taman Sari water temple, Yogyakarta. Photo by Pigprox.

If Jakarta is the brain of Java, then Yogyakarta is its heart and soul. The cultural centre of the island (and maybe even the whole of Indonesia), you’ll find batik workshops, life-changing street food, the famous Ramayana Ballet and so much more here. Take a quick bike ride through the city and suddenly you’re surrounded by rice paddies with brooding volcanoes in the distance.


3 & 4. Borobodur & Prambanan

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple. Photo by Michael Tanujaya

Easily day-tripped from Yogya, Borobodur is the world’s largest Buddhist temple and not to be missed. If you’re not interested in the history – the complex dates from the 9th century – you’ll certainly be impressed by the views from the top. Equally impressive is nearby Prambanan, a Hindu temple complex that will take your breath away at sunset (or any other time of day).


5. Pangandaran

Lush canyon in Java

Lush canyon in Pangandaran. Photo by Y. Mulyana

Skipped over by most major guide books, Pangandaran is a lush slice of jungle in West Java with two main draws; the paradise-like Green Canyon, and no tourists. Take a boat upriver to swim in dreamy green water as towering, green-covered cliffs keep the rest of the world far, far away.

6. Seloliman Nature Reserve

Penanggungan Mountain.

Penanggungan Mountain. Photo by Aswin Rizky Wardhana.

The Seloliman Nature Reserve is Java’s ultimate jungle retreat. Nestled into the slopes of the sacred Penanggungan volcano, here is where you can learn about local farming and wildlife by day and stargaze by night. Organic, home-grown food and open air baths surrounded by nature will put some pep back in your step.


7. Mount Bromo

Mt Bromo, Java

Mt Bromo. Photo by Burhan Bunardi.

There’s magic in the air at Mount Bromo, arguably the most iconic of Java’s many active volcanoes. Hiking through the Tengger Valley to catch a view of Bromo and the sea of peaks that surround it is, hands-down, the most breathtaking Indonesian experience of all. The (very) early morning start is well worth it for the sweeping sunrise views.  

8. Kalibaru

People walking through rice paddies

Strolling through Kalibaru. Photo by Inspired By Maps

‘Wake up and smell the coffee’ is a way of life in Kalibaru; the foothills encircling this little town are top-to-toe coffee plantations. There’s not much to do here but see how cocoa and coffee beans are harvested, cool off in the milder climate, and look out over the hills as you sip a cup of joe straight from the source. If you’re in need of some rest and relaxation, you’ll get plenty of both here.


9. Kampung Warna Warni Jodipan

Colourful houses in Java

Colourful houses of Kampung Warna Warni. Photo by Kadek Bonit Permadi.

Historical city Malang in the heart of eastern Java is known for its temples, 19th-century Dutch-style architecture, and the technicolour houses of Kampung Warna Warni Jodipan. Your Instagram feed will be full of this village’s cheerful rainbow-painted roofs, and when you’re done snapping, there’s plenty of enticing food and captivating museums to tackle.


10. Sempu Island

Sempu Island, Java, Indonesia

Sempu Island. Photo by cahya nugraha.

If a tropical beach with no electricity, no phone signal, and no people is your idea of paradise, you’ll want to take a short boat trip from the coast of Java to Sempu Island. Trek to the lagoon in its centre for a sneak peek of what heaven looks like, or camp out on the white sand for the night before catching a boat back in the morning.

Getting around

What’s the best way to get around Java? By train, of course. Unlike other parts of Asia (and Indonesia), the train network in Java is extensive, trains are comfortable and (usually) punctual, and tickets are affordable. Grab a snack from the hawkers who hop on and off at every stop, settle in, and watch the scenery whizz by your windows.

Interested in exploring Indonesia ? Check out our range of small group adventures around Java now.

java indonesia tourist attractions

Feature image by Merabet Hichem. 

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Edel was born in raised in Dublin, Ireland, where she still lives and works a day job as a writer. So far she has travelled across four continents, visited the highest and lowest points on the earth’s surface, and amassed a network of much loved travel buddies around the world. She’s always looking for more, so connect with her on Instagram or Twitter.

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Java Travel Guide: Best Things to do (8-day Route)

Java Travel Guide: Best Things to do (8-day Route)

Java in Indonesia is a beautiful island filled with locations still undiscovered by tourism. Java is over 20 times larger than Bali . It is fairly easy to get around Java. In this 8-day Central and East Java route guide, you will visit the most impressive waterfalls, temples, the rainbow and blue village, tea plantations, Mount Bromo, and the Ijen Crater.

Central and East Java Travel Guide

Java is just a 1-hour flight from Bali and can easily be combined with a route through Bali . The Javanese locals are one of the friendliest in Indonesia. All are super interested in where you are from and always want to take a selfie with you.

central east java route guide map

Java has one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Indon esia, and the largest Hindu complex of Indonesia is located in Yogyakarta . Every chapter of this 8-day Central and East Java route includes a link with more information about that specific subject.  

java indonesia tourist attractions

Day 1 – 3: Exploring Yogyakarta

The creative capital Yogyakarta in central Java is the start of your Java travel route. This relatively small city is popular amongst Indonesian and international students.

Java Travel Guide: Best Things to do (8-day Route)

Prambanan and Borobudur are the highlights of Yogyakarta, but there is so much more to do in this area. Yogyakarta has an international airport and is easy to reach from Singapore or Bali .

Read: Things to do in Yogyakarta

Where to Stay in Yogyakarta

The guesthouses and hotels in Yogyakarta are available in all kinds of price ranges.

Hotels in Yogyakarta 😴


Hostels go anywhere from 5 USD – 30 USD per night. On the other hand, guesthouses and hotels in Yogyakarta will start from 12 USD a night, including breakfast.

central east java route guide prambanan

Day 4: Train Yogyakarta to Malang

In the morning, head to Tugu Station in Yogyakarta. Hop on the train at 7:45 AM towards Malang. The Malioboro Express train takes 8 hours and is definitely one of the more comfortable train rides in Asia. Take the rest of the day to rest or explore the rainbow village Jodipan .

Read about: Malioboro train from Yogyakarta to Malang

central east java route guide malioboro train

Day 5 – 6: Malang , Rainbow Village and Waterfalls

Malang is in the higher part of East Java and has a much more comfortable climate than in Yogyakarta. Spend two days exploring Malang, the colorful villages of Java , and the most beautiful waterfall in Indonesia . Malang absolutely has to be in this Java travel guide.

Read: Things to do in Malang

Where to Stay in Malang

Malang offers hotels and guesthouses in any kind of price category. Base yourself in the center to be close to the main sites.

Hotels in Malang 😴

Shalimar Boutique Hotel

Staying anywhere near the main train station is a great idea, as you’ll be located just a few minutes walk from the colored village.

central east java-route guide tumpak sewu best waterfall

Travel to Bromo (Day 6)

On your last day, make your way to Bromo to experience the sunrise the next morning. Don’t forget to stop at Coban Pelangi on the way to Bromo.

Where to Stay Near Bromo

Plan to spend the night at a guesthouse or hotel. The village is entirely focused on accommodating visitors, so you should always be able to find a place.

Hotels in Bromo 😴

Gubuk Ndeso Homestay

Tip: Please note that you may not have hot water at a homestay.

central east java route guide colorful village malang

Day 7: Sunrise on Bromo

Every route around Java has to include watching the sunrise on Mount. Bromo. Get out early and drive with a jeep up to one of the many viewpoints, explore the sea of sand, and take a look inside the Bromo Crater.

On the same day, travel to a town near the Ijen Crater. We recommend visiting Bromo and Ijen via a 2-day tour .

Read about: Visiting Bromo

central east java route guide bromo sunrise

Day 8: Ijen Crater walk

The Ijen crater is a mine for Sulfur miners who walk up and down (1.5 hours each way) the crater 3 times a day with 50 KG of Sulfur on their shoulders. Watching the ‘blue fire’ and sunrise is a popular activity. To see the blue fire, you have to start hiking up at 2 AM. This is definitely the hardest hike of this Java travel guide.

Read: Sunrise Ijen tour

central east java route guide ijen sunrise

After this experience, have breakfast at the base camp and catch the ferry to Bali. From Java to Bali, the ferry only takes 30 minutes. It runs every hour, 24/7, and costs around 8000 IDR.

Book your ferry tickets to Bali in advance

Where to Stay Near Ijen

You have a few options to get to Ijen. The easiest way is to find a guesthouse or homestay near Ijen. The best location would be in Banyuwangi.

Hotels in Banyuwangi 😴

Ketapang Indah Hotel

Another option is to stay in a larger city called Bondowoso. The only downside is that you have to drive for another two hours to get to the starting point of Ijen.

Here are all your hotel options in Bondowoso.

central east java route guide ferry bali

How to Travel Around Java?

Java is just a 1-hour flight from Bali. It has various international airports with flights arriving from other major destinations throughout Asia.

The best way to get around is by train and private driver. Contact our great driver Azhar on Whatsapp (+6281336042045) . Make sure to tell him you came via ‘Salt in our Hair’ so you’ll get the best price.

Must read: 3-week Indonesia Route

central east java route guide borobudur

Best Time to Visit

Java is best to visit between April and November. Don’t get fooled by an average of 28 degrees. When visiting Bromo and Ijen, it will be 0-10 degrees, so you will need a few layers.

Keep in mind that in the dry season (May – September), the rice fields might be changed to tobacco, and waterfalls will be less active.

Food in Java

The tastes in Java are just fantastic. Expect to have a large selection of delicious Indonesian food, and in the bigger cities, there are restaurants available with Western-style food.

Tip: Nasi Pecel was our absolute number one dish. :)

central east java route guide malioboro market

Costs of Traveling in Java

Java is one of the cheaper areas in Indonesia to travel, particularly in comparison to more touristy places like Bali. As such, you can find incredible street food and charming guesthouses for a fraction of the price!

Travel on a budget in Java, from $270 − $340 USD weekly per person, mid-range $630 − $1160 USD, and high-end from $1200 − $1670 USD. However, costs depend on factors like accommodation, transportation, and activities. We did not include flights. Check flight prices here

  • Hotels: $35 − $100 USD Check available hotels
  • Hostels: $10 − $20 USD Check available hostels
  • Transport: $5 − $10 USD Book public transport
  • Car Rental: $30 − $60 USD Book a rental car
  • Food: $15 − $20 USD
  • Activities: $5 − $50 USD See tickets & tours
  • Sim: $1 − $3 USD Get an eSIM or SIM here
  • Travel Insurance: $2 − $6 USD Get Travel Insurance

central east java route guide sim

Sim Card in Java

Telkomsel and XL Axiata are the providers with the best reach throughout the whole island. Some providers don’t work outside the city where you bought your sim card or don’t work at Bromo or Ijen. XL worked everywhere for us, had a good connection, and paid 30,000 IDR (2 USD) for 6 GB of data.

See all your sim options here

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  • Get a Travel Insurance via Heymondo
  • Book Tours & Attractions via GetYourGuide
  • Book a Bus/Train/Transfer via 12Go

The Train from Yogyakarta to Malang (Malioboro)

Kawah ijen: tips for climbing the volcano, tumpak sewu: best waterfall in indonesia (java).

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Thanks for the very in-depth guide.

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Borobudur Buddhist Temple (UNESCO World Heritage Site) - Java, Indonesia

Getty Images/iStockphoto

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Prambanan Temple

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Museum Nasional

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Indonesia, Jakarta, Merdeka Square, National Monument Monas

Merdeka Square

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Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon National Park

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Feb 13, 2014 • 3 min read

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The Ultimate Java Travel Guide: 36 Best Places to Visit in Java, Indonesia

When planning a trip to Indonesia , Java may not be your first option, as the most populous Indonesian island is often overlooked by the more popular island in the country: Bali .

As a native who was born and bred on the island, this post may be a little biased since I genuinely want to highlight some of the off-the-beaten-path destinations in Java for the international audience. That's why I came up with this Java travel guide, where I collaborate with some fellow travel bloggers to talk about various places to visit in Java! 

In this post, I'm going to share all the essential things you need for traveling to Java: the reason why you should visit Java as a part of your travel itinerary to Indonesia, the best places to visit in Java, and how to get around the island. So, let's dive in!

Table of Content

Why Visit Java

While most people in the world seem to have the American dream where they can move to the United States to get more opportunities in terms of freedom and equality, most Indonesians aim for Java to get a better opportunity in terms of job and security. And rightfully so, because most developments in the country happen on this island. 

For international travelers, Java is still worth visiting for many reasons. As one of the largest islands in Indonesia, the island offers a diverse range of attractions and experiences with its rich culture and natural beauty. 

Whether you want to roam around the hustle and bustle of the capital city in Jakarta or indulge in the island's natural beauties, Java has it all. 

Although there's also a small train line in Sumatra, Java is where you can travel by train across the island in Indonesia. Compared to other islands in Indonesia (besides Bali!), Java is well-equipped with various tourism infrastructure which makes it easier for travelers to get around and explore the island. 

Book our top picks for the best excursions around Java to save your time!  ☟

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Top 36 Places to Visit in Java

Java consists of six provinces in Indonesia, including two special regions: Jakarta as the capital city and Yogyakarta as the only monarchy in the country. In addition, Java also has four other administrative provinces that include Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java. 

In this section, I will split the places to visit in Java based on their province, where I will also introduce some fun bits about each region that make it worth visiting. From Banten in the western part of the island to Banyuwangi in the eastern point of Java, where you can easily take a ferry to cross to Bali. 

So, what are the best places to visit in Java? 

Banten Grand Mosque in Serang, Banten.

Banten may not be the first thing that comes to mind when planning a trip to Java. However, if you plan to come to Java via Jakarta by flight, chances are you've actually been to this province without noticing the fact that Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) in Jakarta is actually located in Tangerang , a city under the administration of Banten province in Java. 

The capital city of Banten, Serang, is only around 80 kilometers from Jakarta. Both cities are connected by a train line, making it quite easy to travel from Jakarta. So, is Banten worth visiting?

Apart from being home to Ujung Kulon National Park , one of Indonesia's UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Banten is also known as the gateway to Krakatoa volcano . You can take a fast boat to the famous volcano from Anyer Harbor in Banten, which will take around 1.5 hours in total. 

If you plan to travel from Java to Sumatra by bus or boat, you'll also stop by Merak Harbor in Banten to cross the Sunda Strait and get to Bakauheni in Lampung. 

1. Baduy Village

Baduy village in Lebak Regency, Banten Province.

Visiting Baduy Village is your best shot to experience the life of one of the indigenous ethnic groups in Indonesia. The village is a living testament to a traditional way of life that has remained largely unchanged for centuries. 

Divided into Inner and Outer Baduy communities, they strictly adhere to their indigenous customs and rituals. A trip to Baduy Village will offer you a rare opportunity to witness a culture untouched by modern influences. Although the Outer Baduy communities are more flexible in adapting to modern lives, you'll experience tranquility in the whole village as motorized vehicles are prohibited in the area. 

In addition to learning more about their community, it's also an ideal place if you want to unwind and connect with nature. Make sure to get enough rest and energy, as you'll be expected to walk a lot through some challenging routes to get to the village. 

As a visitor's permit is required to enter the Baduy area, the easiest way to go there is by signing up for an arranged tour from Jakarta. Most tours run for 2 days and 1 night, and you'll stay the night with one of the local families in the Outer Baduy area. 

2. Ujung Kulon National Park

A deer at Ujung Kulon National Park, Banten.

Despite the fact that Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Indonesia, it's still considered one of the off-the-beaten-path destinations in Java. However, making your way to the first national park in Indonesia is worth it, as you'll be spoiled by the various activities you can do around Ujung Kulon. 

Ujung Kulon is home to an incredibly diverse range of flora and fauna, including some endangered and rare species. It is the last refuge of the critically endangered Javan rhinoceros, making it a crucial conservation area. In addition, the park also boasts coastal areas and offshore islands that offer picturesque landscapes and pristine beaches to explore. 

Whether you want to stroll around the lush rainforest and explore the wildlife around the national park or go island hopping and snorkeling around the Sunda Strait, Ujung Kulon National Park is a paradise for all nature lovers. 

You can join the tour to Ujung Kulon from Jakarta, where you can spend a few days camping or staying at one of the resorts on the nearby islands. 

Karang Bolong Beach in Anyer, Banten.

Apart from the starting point to explore Krakatoa volcano from Java, Anyer is a coastal town in Banten with much more to offer. The town was partially destroyed by the Sunda Strait tsunami in 2018, but once recovered Anyer is still an option for a peaceful and less crowded alternative for beach destinations near Jakarta. 

Anyer is home to Cikoneng Lighthouse. Built in 1885, the current lighthouse building was a gift from the then-King of the Netherlands, Willem III, after the old lighthouse perished due to the Krakatoa eruption. The lighthouse has become the town's landmark ever since, but it's not the only place worth visiting in Anyer. 

You can find a range of accommodations in Anyer, whether you're looking for budget-friendly or luxurious hotels. It's a popular weekend getaway for Jakartans, as the coastal town is only a short drive from the capital city. The easiest way to go to Anyer from Jakarta is by hiring a private driver , or you can also rent a car if you're confident that you can cope with Jakarta traffic. 

Anyer boasts picturesque beaches with soft, golden sands and calm waters. Carita Beach is probably the most popular one, but there are a few others that are less popular but still worth visiting like Sambolo or Marbella. 

4. Onrust Island

Onrust Island in Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta.

Although Onrust Island is currently a part of  Kepulauan Seribu  (Thousand Islands) under Jakarta administration, the island had a rich history related to Banten long before VOC came and colonized Java. 

Back when Banten was a small kingdom in the western part of Java, Onrust Island used to be the vacation home of their royal family until the then-Jayakarta Kingdom (the current area of Jakarta) claimed it to be a part of their territory. In the 17th century, the VOC took over the island and eventually became a Dutch naval base until the beginning of the 20th century when they transformed it into a rehabilitation center for tuberculosis patients in the then-Dutch East Indies before making it a quarantine spot for hajj pilgrimages until the 1930s. 

The name Onrust itself was taken from the same word in Dutch, which means restless, because that wasn't the end of history for the island. By the end of the 1930s, when World War II started, the island took the prisoners of war. After the independence of Indonesia, the new government turned the island into a quarantine place once again, but this time was for the epidemic patients as well as homeless people from Jakarta. 

It wasn't until 1972 when Ali Sadikin, the then-governor of Jakarta, decided to make it a heritage site in Kepulauan Seribu due to its history and cultural significance. What was once a relatively big island is now only around 3.5 square kilometers due to erosion, but you can still visit the island that is no longer inhabited. 

You can easily book a day trip to Onrust Island from Jakarta. The tour usually includes a trip to other small islands in the surroundings, including Cipir and Kelor Island. 

DKI Jakarta

Bunderan HI in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Although Indonesia is planning to move the capital city to Kalimantan , Jakarta is still the country's economic center. A lot of multinational companies have a branch office here, so the chance of you traveling for business to Jakarta is never zero. 

Although most commercial flights fly to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) in Banten, the capital city also has an airport that caters to mostly domestic flights at Halim Perdanakusumah Airport (HLP) in East Jakarta . 

In addition to flights, as a harbor city you can also find some ferry options to travel to Java from other islands like Sumatra or Kalimantan. The port in Tanjung Priok offers several routes if you want to explore places outside Java in Indonesia by sea. 

Jakarta has the most well-connected public transport in the country that enables you to get around the city easily. They have TransJakarta buses, KRL (commuter train), and MRT that you can use to explore the Indonesian capital city. 

5. National Monument

National Monument in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The National Monument  in Jakarta is an iconic symbol of Indonesia's rich history and vibrant culture. This towering monument stands at a majestic 132 meters, making it one of the tallest monuments in the world. As a symbol of Indonesia's struggle for independence, the National Monument is a must-visit attraction for anyone exploring Jakarta.

I highly recommend visiting the national monument for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a profound insight into the nation's history. A meticulously designed museum features artifacts, documents and dioramas tracing Indonesia's path to freedom from colonial rule. Visitors can immerse themselves in the country's past and better appreciate its heritage.

In addition, the panoramic views from the top of the monument are breathtaking. After taking the lift to the observation deck, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Jakarta's sprawling cityscape. It's particularly magical at sunset when the city lights begin to twinkle.

The best way to get to the National Monument is to take a taxi or ride-sharing service. If you prefer public transportation, use the TransJakarta Busway and get off at Gambir Station. From there, it's a short walk to the monument. The National Monument is open to visitors every day except for the last Monday of each month when it's closed for maintenance.

Glodok in Jakarta, Indonesia.

For a lack of better words,  authentic  is the best way to describe Jakarta's Chinatown. Unlike glitzy and watered-down Chinatowns elsewhere, the one in Jakarta remains blissfully real, with vibrant temples filled with altars and incense, incredible food, a traditional wet market and friendly locals.

You'll find Jakarta's Chinatown in the neighborhood of Glodok, in western Jakarta, and when people talk about Glodok, they are most often referring to Chinatown. For visitors, Glodok is best reached by taxi/Grab/Gojek and is just a short ride away from the other tourist attractions in the city. 

It's best to put aside an entire morning to experience Glodok. Start with dim sum and tea at Pantjoran Tea House before hitting the streets on a  self-guided walking tour of Glodok .

Don't miss Gang Gloria for tasty street food and an iced milk coffee at the famous Kopi Es Taki. After that, if you still have space left, head to Petak Enam for more delicious Chinese food with an Indonesian twist. This place is one of the trendiest spots in Chinatown, with tones of halal and non-halal food and plenty of Instagram-worthy spots for the hipsters.

Before falling into a food coma, walk it off by exploring some of Glodok's fine Chinese temples, such as Toa Se Bio, Fat Cu Kung and the Vihara Dharma Bhakti.

Aside from food and culture, the electronic markets are just the place to go bargain-hunting for that gadget you're still dreaming of.

Visiting Glodok is an exciting and delicious glimpse into multi-cultural Indonesia, and can easily be combined with sightseeing around Kota Tua or Merdeka Square. 

7. Jakarta Old Town

Kota Tua in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Jakarta Old Town , also known as  Kota Tua  for the locals, is probably the most touristy spot in the capital city of Indonesia, and for a good reason. It is the historic heart of the capital city, as it was once the center of Dutch government administration with well-preserved colonial-style buildings and landmarks. 

Kota Tua is home to several significant museums for Indonesians, making it one of the must-visit places in Java if you're a culture and history enthusiast. Jakarta History Museum, also known as Museum Fatahillah for the locals, is probably the most famous landmark in the area due to its majestic architecture. It's now home to hundreds of Indonesian artifacts and history where you can learn about the country's history. 

You can also visit Museum Wayang, where you can see various types of puppets from around the world. 

In this museum, you can also find some colonial tombstones, including one that belongs to Jan Pieterszoon Coen. The latter was the founder of Batavia (the old name of Jakarta), which eventually became the capital city of the then-Dutch East Indies. Although his remains were now transferred to Taman Prasasti Museum (also in Jakarta), you can still see the tombstone at Wayang Museum in Jakarta Old Town. 

While there are a few cafes around Jakarta Old Town, it's worth splurging money a little to grab some meals at Batavia Cafe. Situated not too far from Jakarta History Museum, the building used to be the residence of the governor-general of the Dutch East Indies, and they preserved the original building to serve customers with some high-end Indonesian cuisine. 

There's an urban legend that says there's a local lady ghost wearing a red  kebaya  (the traditional Indonesian upper garment) who occasionally appears to greet the “customers” at Batavia Cafe. Rumor has it that the ghost used to be a concubine of one of the governor-generals, and for that reason nowadays she only haunts white men to show her spirit. So if you're a white man seeing a lady with a red kebaya when visiting Batavia Cafe, it's worth questioning yourself if you see a real human right there! 😛 

8. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Indonesian Children's Castle at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a miniature park that showcases the cultural diversity throughout Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. The concept is pretty similar to Miniaturk in Istanbul or Little Canada in Toronto , and you can see the replica collections of traditional houses from various places in Indonesia showcasing each culture to learn more about the diversity of the country. 

Situated in East Jakarta, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is slightly further away from some of the best places to visit in Jakarta. However, it's worth visiting if you want to learn about Indonesia's rich culture in a very short time. Spare a full day to explore Taman Mini, since the park offers various activities on top of the country's replicas. 

Get on the cable car at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah where you can indulge in the bird's eye view to see the miniature park from the top. From the cable car, you can see the man-made lake with artificial Indonesian islands just like the one you see on the map. 

If Disneyland has its signature Cinderella Castle, TMII has its own castle called  Istana Anak-Anak Indonesia  (Indonesian Children's Castle). 

If you love bird-watching, you can also make your way to  Taman Burung  (Birds' Park). Or if you don't get a chance to visit Labuan Bajo to see komodo dragons in real life, you can also go to Museum Fauna. The komodo-shaped building exhibits various animal species you can find throughout the country. While it may not be their natural habitat, you may also be able to see the real komodo over here. 

The carousel at Dunia Fantasi in Ancol, Jakarta.

The largest recreational park in Indonesia, Ancol has numerous attractions suitable for the whole family. Whether you want to unwind around the beach or want to spend the day around the theme park or water park in Jakarta, Ancol is the best place for it! 

With around 6.5 kilometers of coastal area, Ancol boasts several beaches along the Jakarta Bay that make it one of the best weekend getaways in town. You can relax on the sandy shores or explore various watersports like jetski or banana boats. 

Ancol is also home to Indonesia's biggest aquarium at Sea World . You can also visit Ocean Dream Samudra, where you can see a diverse range of marine life, including dolphins, sharks, and manta rays. If you want to make the most of your time around the water park, make sure to include Atlantis in your Jakarta itinerary. 

Exploring Ancol isn't complete without visiting Dufan . Short from  Dunia Fantasi  (Fantasy World), it's the first theme park in Indonesia and it offers various attractions, including my all-time favorite  Halilintar  roller coaster and  Bianglala  Ferris Wheel. 

Alun Alun Bandung in Bandung, West Java.

Although the capital city of West Java in Bandung (my hometown!) is around 3 hours by car from Jakarta, the government recently launched the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway called Whoosh, enabling you to travel between the cities for only 30 minutes. 

In addition, some of the biggest cities in West Java are also a part of the Greater Jakarta area, so you can visit places like Bogor, Bekasi, or Depok by train from the capital city. 

There are two main airports in West Java, both located in Bandung: Husein Sastranegara International Airport (BDO) and Kertajati International Airport (KJT) . Apart from some domestic routes to popular destinations in Indonesia like Yogyakarta and Bali, you can also find international flights to Bandung from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur as Bandung is quite popular among Malaysian and Singaporean travelers too.

10. Mount Gede

Mount Gede in West Java, Indonesia.

Standing at 2,958 m above sea level, Gunung Gede, or Mount Gede , is a stratovolcano in West Java with sweeping views and landscapes. It's only a 2 hour 15 minutes drive from Jakarta, making it especially popular for those wanting to escape the bustling city crowds. The trail itself offers just the right amount of challenge so that both beginners and experienced climbers can enjoy it.

This place is also easy to reach from major cities like Cianjur, Sukabumi, Bogor, and Bandung.

You can  hike Mount Gede in one day , although it's recommended to do it over two days for a more leisurely pace. This will give you more time to spend at each stop and truly appreciate the beauty of the mountain. Camping overnight also means you can catch the stunning sunrise at the summit.

Moreover, even if you don't plan to hike up to the summit, there are tons of picturesque spots that are worth a day trip! The closest one to the entrance (only 1.5 km away) is the gorgeous Telaga Biru, while Cibeureum Waterfall is perfect for a little swim or picnic. Overall, if you're ever in West Java and looking for a memorable mountainous adventure, don't miss out on Mount Gede.

11. Bogor Botanical Gardens

Bogor Presidential Palace near Bogor Botanical Garden in Bogor, West Java.

Established in the early 1800s, Bogor Botanical Gardens is the oldest botanical garden in Southeast Asia and also the largest one in Indonesia. It was originally founded by the Dutch East Indies government during the colonial period and has played a significant role in the study and conservation of plant species not only from Indonesia, but also around the world. 

Known for its lush landscapes and towering trees with a serene atmosphere, Bogor Botanical Gardens is also a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the capital city in Jakarta. 

Situated not too far from Bogor city center, you can take a commuter line from Jakarta, stop by Bogor station, and take Grab or GoJek to get to the botanical garden. You can do this as a day trip from Jakarta or stay a few nights to explore more of Bogor area like Puncak or Taman Safari. 

12. Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih in Bandung, West Java.

Known as one of the most romantic places to visit in West Java, Kawah Putih or White Crater should be on your bucket list if you add Bandung to your itinerary. 

Situated around 50 kilometers from Bandung city center, you can take a minivan from Leuwigajah bus station. The minivan will take you to Ciwidey bus terminal, but you will have to take  angkot  (the local public transport) that will take you to the entrance of Kawah Putih in Rancabali. You can then take  ontang-anting  from the entrance to the crater area. 

Taking public transport to Bandung countryside isn't for the faint of heart, so I highly recommend renting a bike or a car with the driver to get to Ciwidey from Bandung city center if you're a novice to public transport in Bandung. 

The crater lake in Kawah Putih is milky turquoise in color due to its high sulfur content. With the contrast of green trees and blue sky in its surroundings, it's definitely one of the best spots for photographs in Bandung, so don't be surprised if you encounter some couples who take their pre-wedding photoshoot there.  

13. Stone Garden GeoPark

Stone Garden Geopark in Citatah Padalarang, Bandung (West Java).

Stone Garden GeoPark in Citatah Padalarang is one of the off-the-beaten-path destinations in Bandung. Unlike more popular spots in Bandung like Tangkuban Perahu or Kawah Putih, Stone Garden GeoPark is a bit secluded in the western part of the city. 

The easiest way to go to Stone Garden GeoPark from the city center is to rent your own vehicle. However, you can also take public transport to get there by taking a commuter line from Bandung station to Padalarang. From Padalarang station, you can order Grab or GoJek to Stone Garden in Citatah directly. 

The site was discovered in the early 2000s; Stone Garden GeoPark was formerly an ancient seamount where underwater animals used to live thousands of years ago. As a result, some researchers also discovered some ancient fossils of sea creatures not too far from the main Stone Garden GeoPark area. You can pay extra to see the remains in Pawon Cave, a cave located on the other side of the site. 

Stone Garden GeoPark is a great place to visit in Java if you like nature and history combined. You can also go hiking around the former seamount to just admire the nature in its surroundings. 

Due to its remote location and the fact that it's not widely known (yet) as one of the best places to visit in Bandung, visiting Stone Garden GeoPark in Citatah Padalarang can be an awesome experience if you're looking for a less-touristy spot in Bandung!

14. Museum of the Asian-African Conference

Gedung Merdeka, the venue of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung, West Java.

The capital city of West Java hosted the first large-scale Asian-African Conference in 1955. Also known as the Bandung Conference, the event took place in the building currently known as Gedung Merdeka on Asia-Africa Street in Bandung city center. 

Visiting Bandung won't be complete without stopping by this historical museum. The conference itself was a landmark event in the history of decolonization, which eventually led to the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War era. 

The Asian-African Conference in 1955 resulted in  Dasasila Bandung , which contains the principles to promote peace and cooperation among the people of color in Asia and Africa during the time when many countries in these continents just gained their independence from colonial rule. 

Apart from Gedung Merdeka, you can also visit several historical landmarks throughout Asia-Africa Street in Bandung, including the 0 KM Bandung, Savoy Homann , and Grand Hotel Preanger . You can also find the Bandung Conference monument near the city's Grand Mosque in Alun-Alun Bandung. 

15. Malabar Tea Plantation

Malabar tea plantation in Pangalengan, Bandung.

A trip to Bandung would be incomplete without a visit to one of the city's picturesque tea plantations. While there are several such plantations in places like Lembang and Ciwidey , the Malabar tea plantation in Pangalengan stands out as a must-visit destination in West Java.

Its allure extends beyond the breathtaking natural beauty of its surroundings; it is also steeped in the rich history associated with Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha .

Bosscha, a Dutchman, played a pivotal role in the development of Bandung as a city. He ventured to the Dutch East Indies in the late 1800s, where he initially worked as an engineer before undertaking the management of the Malabar Estate a few years later.

Bosscha's influence can still be felt throughout Bandung today, with one of the most notable legacies being the renowned Bosscha Observatory. This institution continues to foster the advancement of astronomy and space science in Bandung to this day now that Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology) took over the management. 

When visiting Malabar in South Bandung, you can visit the house where he used to live until his passing in 1928. Nestled amidst the tea plantation, this historic residence has been open to visitors ever since, preserving its original design and ornaments from the time when Bosscha lived in the area.

Visiting Bosscha's residence in Malabar is free, but you can tip the security who will share some stories about Bosscha as well as the urban legend about the house being hunted by the ghost of the Dutchman himself!

16. Pangandaran

Pangandaran, West Java.

If you're looking for a coastal town in West Java, Pangandaran can be a great choice for all good reasons. The laid-back atmosphere in Pangandaran is perfect for those looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

There are several transport options to get to Pangandaran from either Bandung or Jakarta. 

If you travel from Bandung by car, it will take around 5 hours drive to Pangandaran. You can also several bus options from Cicaheum bus terminal and take the Bandung-Tasikmalaya-Banjar-Pangandaran route for this. Alternatively, you can also take a train from Bandung station to Banjar.

Apart from bus and train options from Jakarta to Pangandaran , you can also book a flight with Susi Air from Halim Perdanakusumah (HLP) to Pangandaran Airport (CJN). Keep in mind that you'll take the small fleet for this route, so you can expect some tedious procedures like the one I had when I took Maswings from Miri to Bario . 

Apart from stunning beaches along the southern coast of Java, Pangandaran is also home to the Green Canyon in Cukang Taneuh. It's a must-visit natural wonder in Pangandaran due to its greeneries with various activities they can offer. The beautiful river gorge is surrounded by emerald green waters and lush vegetation, which you can explore by tubing or trekking. 

java indonesia tourist attractions

Central Java

Lawang Sewu in Semarang, Central Java.

Central Java is home to many historical and cultural sites on the island. The region was a stronghold of various Indonesian kingdoms, and you can explore ancient temples, palaces, and monuments that reflect its rich heritage. From the sultanate in Surakarta to the ancient temples in the Dieng Plateau, there are various places you can visit in Central Java!

There are two international airports in Central Java: Ahmad Yani International Airport (SRG) in Semarang and Adi Soemarmo International Airport (SOC). Apart from domestic flights from Jakarta and some other destinations in Indonesia, these airports also have some international routes from either Singapore or Kuala Lumpur. 

The capital city of Central Java province, Semarang, is located on the northern coast of Java island. There's Tanjung Emas harbor where you can travel by ferry boats to some destinations in Indonesia, including places like Belitung or Pontianak in West Kalimantan. 

17. Sam Poo Kong

Sam Poo Kong in Semarang, Central Java.

The oldest Chinese temple in Semarang, Sam Poo Kong , has a rich history dating back to the early 15th century when Admiral Cheng Ho, a Muslim Chinese explorer, visited Semarang. Today, the temple complex serves as a unique center of interreligious worship, featuring a multitude of shrines and altars dedicated to various faiths, including Buddhism, Taoism, and Islam.

This place is my personal favorite, as I once called Semarang home. I stayed near Ahmad Yani International Airport since I worked there, and I occasionally went to Sam Poo Kong during my off days since the temple is located between the airport and Semarang city center.

Sam Poo Kong is a great place to visit in Java, as this exquisite gem in Central Java offers an opportunity to celebrate Indonesia's vibrant diversity while giving you a chance to immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of Chinese culture. The temple is also set in a beautiful garden with ponds, bridges, and well-maintained landscapes that are perfect for leisurely strolls and photography to memorize your trip. 

Every year, Sam Poo Kong also hosts Cheng Ho International Festival. The cultural extravaganza has been celebrated annually to pay homage to Admiral Cheng Ho's historic voyage to Indonesia. His arrival played a pivotal role in fostering the fusion of Chinese and Indonesian cultures in Java over centuries. 

Commencing from Semawis, the heart of Semarang's vibrant Chinatown, this celebration unfolds over the weekend on the sixth month of the Chinese calendar. Be sure to check the calendar event in Semarang before traveling to Central Java's capital, as you don't want to miss out on the celebration when visiting the city during the festival!

18. Kraton Surakarta

The main building of Kraton Surakarta in Solo, Central Java.

When the Kingdom of Mataram, one of the greatest polities on Java, crumbled in 1755, it was divided into the Yogyakarta Sultanate and the Surakarta Sunanate. 

The head of Surakarta was a Sunan, short for Susuhunan, which loosely translates to King of Kings. The second Sunan of Surakarta, Pakubuwono II, established his new Royal Palace in the center of his new capital. The Surakarta Kraton, as it's called in Javanese, is a place symbolizing royalty, spirituality, religion, and power.

Even though Surakarta lost its special status soon after the establishment of the Indonesian Republic (something that Yogyakarta retains to this day), the Kraton still stands welcoming visitors who want to learn more about the history of the kingdom and its dynasty.

The current Sunan, Pakubuwono XIII, doesn't have any actual powers. The Surakarta Kraton is his official residence, although unlike Yogyakarta's Sultan, he doesn't actually live there, and the Palace only functions as a museum.

For a price of 25,000 IDR ($1.6 USD), you can enter the Kraton. You will be given a sarong to wrap around your waist, a guide will lead you through the grounds and tell you about its history. The most fascinating room has to be the one with the portraits of all past monarchs.

Most people go to Surakarta as a day trip from Yogyakarta. You can easily do that by taking the commuter train that links the two sister cities every hour or so at a surprisingly low cost of 8.000 IDR ($0.5 USD).

It's smart to stay one extra day there – you will be hard-pressed to choose from the many other  things to do in Surakarta .

19. Sukuh and Cetho Temple

Sukuh Temple in Karanganyar, Central Java.

Sukuh and Cetho Temple. Recommended by Linda of Muy Linda Travels, with some additional insights by me for Cetho Temple.

Sukuh Temple, known as Candi Sukuh in Indonesian, is a delightful Hindu temple set high on a mountainside in Central Java 900 meters above sea level. The small Hindu shrine overlooks the mountain Gunung Lawu and has sweeping views of green rice fields and villages in the valley below. 

Built in the 15th century during the Majapahit Kingdom in Central Java, Candi Sukuh is a reminder of a time in history when Hinduism was the dominant religion in Indonesia. Today Indonesia is predominantly Muslim.   

Unlike Prambanan or Borobudur, Sukuh Temple consists of a small pyramid built from stone with a steep staircase that passes through the temple to a flat platform at the top of the building. Barong carvings symbolizing health and good fortune decorate the stonework and in the pretty gardens surrounding the shrine, there are many stone statues. 

Candi Sukuh is located 36 kilometers east of Solo and can easily be reached on a day trip from the city center. Nearby Jumog Waterfall is only 1.5 kilometers away and offers a cool respite with lush green mountain scenery. 

Further up the mountain are the ruins of Cetho Temple, another lovely  Hindu shrine in Indonesia  that can be visited at the same time . Cetho Temple is adorned with intricate carvings that depict various scenes of life, including erotic and fertility symbols with  lingga  (phallus/penis) and  yoni  (vulva/vagina) around the stupa. 

You can take a taxi from Solo, but the mountain roads are narrow and in poor condition on the trip from Candi Sukuh to Cetho. 

20. Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java.

If you travel to the Indonesian island of Java, be sure to visit the impressive Borobudur Temple . This majestic monument is the largest Buddhist temple in the world and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most important sights in the country.

The temple is located in Magelang. While technically it's under Central Java administration, it's just a short drive from Yogyakarta city center. You can, easily fit a visit into  your Yogyakarta itinerary  and see it from there as a day trip. The temple can be reached by public bus, rented scooter, or taxi, or you can also join a guided tour.

The impressive temple has been buried for a long time and thus was able to preserve dozens of details and sculptures with incomparable details. On nine platforms, you will find thousands of images carved in stone, which aim to teach visitors religious values.

With dozens of stupas, Buddha statues, and numerous richly detailed decorative elements, this temple is definitely something out of the ordinary.

Even though you are not allowed to climb the step pyramid itself anymore, it is definitely still worth a visit. Even from the outside, the view of the picturesque monument is genuinely impressive.

21. Bukit Rhema (The Chicken Church)

The Chicken Church in Bukit Rhema, situated in Magelang, Central Java.

Bukit Rhema has gained popularity as one of the best places to visit in Java ever since the Indonesian box-office movie  “Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 ” came out with one of the scenes set around the Chicken Church or  Gereja Ayam  in Indonesian, the nickname gained due to the shape of the building that looks like chicken.

Situated at Setumbu Hill in Magelang not too far from Borobudur Temple, it's best to include Bukit Rhema after your trip to the temple. The entrance area is only around a 20-minute drive from Borobudur, you can either hike or buy a Jeep ticket to get to the summit, where the famous Chicken Church is located. 

Although the name Chicken Church seems to stick, apparently the building wasn't built to be a church per se. The founder, Daniel Alamsjah, is a philanthropist who had an idea to build a place to bring people of different backgrounds to come together and pray for world peace. 

This idea gave him an epiphany to build a building with meditation and prayer rooms with the shape of a dove, as it symbolizes peace and that's how he envisioned when starting the Bukit Rhema project. So, it's dove-shaped, people… Not chicken! 

On average, the tour around Bukit Rhema starts every 15 minutes where an internal staff will guide you through several sections of the building. Starting from the history and the vision of Bukit Rhema with a short introduction of Daniel Alamsjah as the founder, they will then show you the available prayer rooms that you can use anytime; no matter what you believe in.

You can also stop by the Wall of Hope to write down your wishes and prayers and pin them to commemorate your visit to the Chicken Church . There are 7 floors around the building, where you can see some artistic paintings that contain various positive messages, including Indonesian nationalism, our cultural and religious diversity, and no drug campaigns. 

22. Prambanan Temple

Prambanan temple in Sleman, Central Java.

Traveling around Java isn't complete without including Prambanan Temple in your itinerary. This magnificent architectural wonder stands as the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, and is also one of the country's UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 

Situated in the Sleman Regency of Central Java, Prambanan is also easily reached from Yogyakarta which makes it a great day trip from the vibrant city. 

Prambanan temple is best visited either during sunrise or sunset. The temple complex is set against the picturesque backdrop of the beautiful landscape, making it more enchanting during these times of the day. 

The soft, golden light enhances the beauty of the intricate stone carvings and the towering spires which creates a mesmerizing visual spectacle. 

To enhance your experience, also check the calendar event of Ramayana Ballet Prambanan so you can arrange a trip to the temple complex during the sunset and watch the show afterward. Performed at an open-air theater, you can enjoy the famous Hindu love story between Rama and Sinta.

23. Dieng Plateau

The view of Telaga Warna in Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo (Central Java)

Back in the 1990s, one of the A-list Indonesian singers in the era, Katon Bagaskara, had a single titled “ Negeri di Awan ,” which literally means The Land in the Cloud. Rumor has it that the closest thing to this land is Dieng Plateau in Central Java . 

Known for its beautiful scenery on the highlands, it features everything from several active volcanoes like Mount Sindoro and Mount Sumbing, to the pristine lakes like Telaga Warna and Telaga Pengilon. Dieng Plateau is a perfect place to visit in Java for nature lovers, as the picturesque scenery provides excellent opportunities for adventurous hikers and climbers!

The region is also culturally significant, as it's believed to be home for some of the early civilizations in Java. You can visit some of the oldest Hindu temples in Java, including Arjuna Temple Complex. It may not be as majestic as Borobudur or Prambanan, but it's a great site to visit, which provides insights into the region's rich history and heritage. 

There are several public transportation options that can take you to Dieng in Wonosobo region from some big cities in Central Java, including Semarang and Surakarta. From both cities, you can easily take a bus to Purwokerto and stop at Wonosobo bus terminal. Alternatively, you can also take a bus from Yogyakarta to Semarang and stop in Wonosobo instead.

24. Karimunjawa

Karimunjawa in Central Java, Indonesia.

If you can go to Pangandaran to explore the southern coast of Java, Karimunjawa is the best place to visit in Java if you want to immerse yourself in the natural beauty on the northern coast of the island. It's a great place if you want to take the road less traveled in Java, with so much more to offer! 

Just like Kepulauan Seribu in Jakarta, Karimunjawa is an archipelago of over 20 small islands situated in the north of Semarang, the capital city of Central Java. 

While most tours that offer excursions to Karimunjawa typically starts from Jepara, you can also take a ferry boat from Tanjung Emas port in Semarang that will take you directly to Karimunjawa. If you have an extra budget for transport, you can also charter a small plane to travel from Semarang to Karimunjawa. 

Since the boats from Jepara and Semarang heavily rely on the weather for the excursions, keep in mind that the chance of your trip getting canceled because of the weather is never zero. I've learned this the hard way as my trip got canceled once that I had to reroute my trip from Bandung to Yogyakarta instead because of this. 

There are several activities that you can do around Karimunjawa islands, whether you like to relax on the beach or do some more adventurous activities like snorkeling, diving, or even swimming with sharks!

DIY Yogyakarta

Malioboro Street sign in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Yogyakarta gained its special region status at the very start after Indonesia gained independence from Japan in 1945. It holds a special status due to its historical, cultural, and political significance, which make the province the cultural center of Java until today. 

The region has a long tradition of monarchy and governance, as it was the seat of the Mataram Sultanate before it split into Yogyakarta and Surakarta Sultanate. While the Sultan in Surakarta doesn't have political power in Central Java, the Yogyakarta Sultan Hamengkubuwono X also serves as the governor of the province, which makes it the only province in Java that is still ruled by the monarchy. 

There are two airports in Yogyakarta: Adisutjipto International Airport (JOG) and Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). Although the location of Adisutjipto is closer to the city center, you can only fly from and to Adisutjipto airport in Yogyakarta for domestic flights within Indonesia since all the international flights have already been transferred to Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo. 

25. Taman Sari Water Castle

Taman Sari Water Castle in Yogyakarta.

When visiting Yogyakarta, you can book accommodation around Malioboro as the location is strategic, with some of the best places to visit in Yogyakarta being relatively near to the area. One of them is Taman Sari Water Castle, which is located around 2 kilometers from Yogyakarta city center. 

Located near Kraton Yogyakarta, Taman Sari Water Castle was built under Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in the 18th century as a recreational and bathing place for the royal family in general.

Visiting Taman Sari offers insights into the royal history and culture of Yogyakarta. You can learn about the lifestyles and rituals of the Sultanate during its heyday, as the area was also used as the bathing place for the Sultan and his concubines. 

Although it's possible to explore Taman Sari Water Castle in Yogyakarta on your own, I'd recommend taking a guided tour from the entrance to showcase the hidden gems in the area. The tour itself is free, but you are always welcome to tip the tour guide!

26. Imogiri Royal Cemetery

Imogiri Royal Cemetery in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Did you know that one of Java's provinces is still a sultanate? That's right, Yogyakarta is to this day ruled by a sultan, a descendant of Sultan Agung, the greatest Sultan of Mataram. He managed to unify almost all of Java in the 17th century and nearly kicked the Dutch out of Batavia, almost changing the path of history.

Sultan Agung built an impressive cemetery for himself and his royal family. There he lies in a mysterious tomb on top of a hill near Imogiri, a town about 20 km south of Yogyakarta. To enter, all visitors must wear traditional Javanese clothing (rentable on-site), remove all jewelry, and behave as if they're meeting the Sultan in person. It's a very occult experience.

Just below the Sultan's tomb are the Royal Cemeteries of Yogyakarta and Surakarta . Surakarta lost its special status as a Sunanate in the 1940s, but its royal family Pakubuwono is still held in high regard and the past Sunans are buried in the west wing of Imogiri. Yogyakarta's Hamengkubuwono dynasty and its Sultans occupy the east wing. 

There is much more Javanese history and many other fascinating details to note, so consider reading more about  Imogiri Royal Cemetery  before you visit.

The most convenient way to reach Imogiri from Yogyakarta is to hire a scooter or a bicycle. It takes about 30 minutes on a motorcycle and around 1.5 hours to cycle there from Yogyakarta. Alternatively, taxis are affordable and cost only 7$ one-way.

27. Jomblang Cave

Jomblang Cave in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Jomblang Cave  ( Goa Jomblang ) is a fun day trip to explore when you're in Yogyakarta. It's a perfect spot for adventure seekers to rappel into a cave and go caving. 

The caving experience happens once a day in the morning. So arrive around 9:00 am to secure your spot. 

The tour includes guides, equipment, and a box lunch. You're required to wear a helmet and harness for the rappelling, and rubber boots. 

What is great about this tour is that you do not need to rappel by yourself. The caving team has 20 men pulling on a massive rope that connects with the pulley system. The pulley allows a pair of cavers to go down or up within a minute. 

It feels exhilarating to go down a giant sinkhole. 

The best part about Jomblang Cave is seeing the light shine through an opening. The rays provide the perfect photo opportunity. Take this photo when entering the cave since the rays don't last long.   

Afterward, walk around to take photos and admire the natural formation in the cave. Be careful as the area is muddy and slippery. Bring a change of clothes and socks just in case your clothes get muddy!

Once it's time to return to the top, you go up the same way as the descent. Then, you can enjoy a simple lunch with rice and fried chicken. 

The best way to get to Jomblang Cave is by private car with a driver or motorbike. Unfortunately, public transportation is not available as the cave is hidden in the jungle area. The road to the entrance is a pothole mess, so drive carefully. 

28. Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. It has been erupting periodically over the years, and witnessing its volcanic activity can be a thrilling and educational experience for adventurous travelers. 

The area surrounding Mount Merapi offers breathtaking panoramic views. You can hike to vantage points like Kaliadem and Kalitalang to enjoy the stunning vistas of the volcano surrounding the beautiful landscape of its surroundings. 

For adventure enthusiasts, hiking to the summit of Mount Merapi is a challenging but rewarding experience. Guided treks are available, and reaching the peak allows you to witness the crater and the ongoing volcanic activity.

The easiest way to go to Merapi is by joining a tour from Yogyakarta, with some usually including the bundle for excursions with Jomblang Cave or Borobudur and Prambanan temples on a full-day trip.

29. Timang Beach

Timang Beach in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

Imagine riding in a manually-pulled cable car, teetering above the wild ocean swells of Yogyakarta's coastline. Well, you can experience this adventure at Timang Beach, situated at a remote area of Java's southern coast in Gunung Kidul.

Located about 2 hours from downtown, Timang Beach is just one of the  incredible Yogyakarta beaches  in the area. Many beaches here feature towering sea stacks and turquoise waters. But, Timang Beach is special as you'll see a small island just off the coast once you make the harrowing trip to get there. 

One of the main attractions of the beach is the famous gondola ride that takes visitors to the island. Albeit a bit creaky, the ride and the island view give breathtaking landscapes of the mainland behind. For those who don't like the sound of that, there's also a bridge connecting the island to the mainland you can walk on foot. 

Timang Beach is a remote destination that requires some effort to reach. To access this hidden gem in Java, you will need to first make your way to the area. While renting a scooter from Yogyakarta is an option, most people prefer to hire a private car or join a guided tour for such a long journey. If you go independently, the road is primarily accessible until the last few miles, which are only passable by a 4×4 vehicle.

30. Indrayanti Beach

Indrayanti Beach in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

Another beach you should visit around Gunung Kidul area is Indrayanti Beach. While Timang Beach offers some fun activities like a gondola ride, Indrayanti Beach is the best place to relax with its white sand beach and dramatic cliffs and rock formations. 

The striking contrast between the azure sea and the rocky coastline makes it a picturesque location for relaxation and photography, while you'll have a lot cafes and warungs nearby to grab meals while relaxing. 

Indrayanti Beach is renowned for its fresh seafood, so be sure to check the nearby warungs that offer a variety of seafood dishes to enhance your trip to Gunung Kidul. 

Apart from Timang and Indrayanti Beach, there are several other beaches around Gunung Kidul coastline so it's worth planning a full-day trip from Yogyakarta city center to make the most of your visit in the area!

The statue of the battle of shark and crocodile, a symbol of Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia.

Surabaya, the capital city of East Java, has become a hub to connect West Indonesia with the central and eastern parts of the country. 

As a result, if you travel from either Sumatra or the western part of Java to destinations in Central or East Indonesia, you'll most likely have to transfer flights to either Jakarta or Surabaya first before getting to your final destination. This includes some of the most popular places to visit in Indonesia like Bali or Lombok. 

Juanda International Airport (SUB) also has some international airports, as they cater to more destinations, including Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru from Malaysia. 

There are also several international airports in East Java, including Banyuwangi International Airport (BWX), which has become a gateway to one of the most popular destinations in East Java like Ijen. In addition, there are also some domestic routes that fly to and from Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport (MLG) in Malang. 

East Java is also the gateway to Central and East Indonesia by sea. It's home to Tanjung Perak harbor, which is one of the busiest seaports in Indonesia only second to Tanjung Priok in Jakarta. Another seaport is Ketapang, where you can book the ferry boat ticket from Bali to Java and vice versa. 

31. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java, Indonesia.

Mount Bromo is a popular destination for travelers seeking natural beauty and adventure in East Java. Located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, the area features vast sand plains, volcanic crater, and a backdrop of towering volcanoes including Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, and the highest peak of Java: Mount Semeru. 

Nowadays, you can visit Bromo by taking a DAMRI bus from nearby cities like Surabaya or Malang. If you want to experience something different, you can also charter a 4WD vehicle from Malang to Bromo. Alternatively, the cheapest option is to hire an  ojek  (motorbike taxi) driver who's willing to take you to Bromo from Batu or Malang. 

While there are a lot of excursions that offer a full-day trip to Bromo from Malang or Surabaya, it's worth staying a few nights around Cemoro Lawang if you prefer traveling slowly to explore more places around the national park. 

The sunrise at Mount Bromo is one of the most iconic and breathtaking experiences in Indonesia. Tourists often gather at viewpoints like Kingkong Hill and Penanjakan to watch the sunrise over the caldera, with the volcanoes shrouded in morning mist.

During my trip to Bromo, I arranged a private tour with an  ojek  driver who just happened to be a great photographer with so many hidden spots to show around, so I got to see the sunrise in the less crowded spots around Penanjakan with so many best shots to capture this amazing experience!

32. Jatim Park 1-3

Museum Satwa at Jatim Park in East Java, Indonesia.

Jawa Timur Park (East Java Park), mostly known as Jatim Park, is a popular and expansive amusement park located in Batu, just around an hour from Malang in East Java. It's a family-friendly destination that offers a wide range of attractions and activities, making it a favorite among tourists and locals. 

There are three theme parks, divided into Jatim Park 1, 2, and 3, each with unique themes and activities you can choose based on your preference. 

Near the entrance of Jatim Park 1 , you can visit the Bagong Adventure Museum. Also known as  Museum Tubuh  (The Museum of Body), the concept is similar to CORPUS Experience in the Netherlands where it offers an educational experience to explore human anatomy. Meanwhile, the theme park at Jatim Park 1 is suitable for all visitors who love adventurous activities as there are some fun rides around the park like Sky Ride or Flying Tornado. 

Meanwhile, Jatim Park 2 is home to Batu Secret Zoo. Some claim it to be one of the best private zoos in Indonesia. Compared to the other zoo in East Java, Kebun Binatang Surabaya, Batu Zoo is much smaller but it's well-maintained with some interactive activities to offer for visitors of all ages. 

In addition, my personal favorite will be the  Museum Satwa  (The Museum of Animals) at Jatim Park 2, as their exhibitions are quite impressive compared to most museums in Indonesia!

As for Jatim Park 3 , I've never been there since the last time I went to Batu, Jatim Park 3 didn't even exist then. The theme park has several areas, including Dino Park, Fun Tech Plaza, and Predator Fun Park. 

On top of that, Jatim Park 3 also has the budget-friendly version of Madame Tussaud at  Museum Musik Dunia  (The International Music Museum) where you can take photos with the wax statue of various musicians from around the world. 

34. Mental Health Museum at Lawang Asylum

Weaving is one of the treatments for mental health patients at Lawang Asylum in East Java, Indonesia.

If you're an advocate of the mental health campaign, the Mental Health Museum at Lawang Asylum in Malang should be added to your East Java bucket list. Situated around an hour from Malang city center, it's a small museum that exhibits various ancient tools and equipment used at the mental asylum since its establishment in 1902. 

The museum is located at the Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Mental Health Hospital complex, which is the second oldest mental asylum in Indonesia after the one in Bogor. 

The entrance is free to visit the Mental Health Museum at Lawang Asylum, but the guide will ask you to fill out the guest book for their documentation. The latter will show you around this small museum while explaining some of the things you need to know about the history of the mental asylum and also introduce some of the mental health treatments applied for the patients. 

I got a chance to visit the Mental Health Museum in East Java back in 2016, and I would suggest preparing yourself mentally before visiting this museum since some of the equipment exhibited here definitely should be illegal in the modern world. 

I definitely wouldn't recommend taking kids here, as you'll see some of the odd exhibitions, including a fetus from one of the ex-patients who happened to be pregnant at the time and other things that challenge your modern minds. However, it can be a great experience if you want something unique that is quite fulfilling about human minds. 

One of the surprises I encountered during my visit to this mental health museum was learning that the guide had previously been a long-term patient at the mental asylum. He had spent decades at the Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Mental Health Hospital before eventually being hired as a caretaker there. Apparently, the hospital has a rehabilitation program where patients are assigned tasks around the facility, and those who receive medical clearance to leave the asylum are given the opportunity to work as part of the staff

35. Kawah Ijen

Kawah Ijen in East Java, Indonesia.

Kawah Ijen is a great place to visit in Java, as it is one of the most impressive volcanoes in Indonesia! 

The climb to the crater lake is a unique and unforgettable experience in Java. Located in the eastern part of Java, you can visit it on a guided tour from Bali . Alternatively, you can also fly to Banyuwangi and book a tour to enjoy this wonderful experience!

Kawah Ijen is called the largest acid vat in the world because sulfur is still mined by hand. The miners carry the lumps of sulfur in bamboo baskets up and down the hill several times a day. The baskets can weigh up to 70 kg. Sometimes, the baskets are heavier than the miners themselves!

They have to carry the sulfur up to the crater and then down to the valley. On a visit, don't miss to try how heavy a basket full of sulfur is! 

The tour for tourists goes up to the crater for about 3 kilometers. During the trip, you will usually meet several of these sulfur workers. They will be happy to chat with you and give you some information.

The hike to the top of the crater takes about 90 minutes to complete. The turquoise crater lake and majestic cliffs can be seen from the summit. A special tip is to do a night hike to the top of Ijen, because then you will have the chance to see the famous blue flames.

36. Grajagan Bay  

Grajagan in Banyuwangi, East Java.

Located in the Alas Purwo National Park on the easternmost tip of the Island of Java is a special beach. Colloquially known as G-Land, Plengkung Beach attracts surfers from across the globe to test their skills on a serious wave.

The waves at Grajagan are not for beginners. Big swells travel uninterrupted across the Indian Ocean to detonate on shallow coral reef. The wave stands up and folds over on itself forming an almond-shaped barrel that peels down the shore for hundreds of meters. There aren't many waves like G-Land anywhere else on the planet.

The Alas Purwo National Park is an isolated place. There are no large cities anywhere nearby. The water is crystal clear and the jungle is full of wildlife. Monkeys, wild boars, and Komodo dragons wander through camp and sea turtles swim through the lineup. It is a magical place to focus on surfing and take a digital detox.

One of the reasons that Grajagan Bay is so special is the isolation. Most surfers will pass through Bali on their way to Grajagan. All of the surf camps provide transportation by means of a fast boat or a van. The van ride gives you the opportunity to see the countryside and the small traditional villages.

Surfing Grajagan Bay is a magical experience that surfers treasure. Many return year after year because of the great waves, natural beauty, and traditional Javanese culture. It is a trip that most surfers hope to make at least once in their life.

How to Get Around Java

Traveling around Java is probably the easiest part of planning a trip to Indonesia. For inter-city travel, you can choose any type of transport method for your liking as almost everything can be booked online. 

But here's the catch: we Indonesians support our local products wholeheartedly that we use Indonesian-made apps to book everything for our domestic travel plan. So while you should be able to book your flight easily through international online travel agencies like or Traveloka , it's not really the case when it comes to booking tickets for inter-city buses in Java. 

You can still book a bus or train ticket using websites like 12go or EasyBook , which claim to be some of the largest platforms for booking transport tickets in Asia. However, you'll be surprised by how limited the options are compared to local apps like Traveloka or 

When it comes to traveling within a city, some big cities in Java, such as Jakarta and Yogyakarta, have well-connected public transport that makes it easy for you to get around. However, tardiness is a problem that is somehow normalized by local Indonesians, so don't expect too much about them being on time when you decide to use public transport in those cities in Java. 

The good news is that car-hailing apps like Grab and GoJek are widely used in Java, even if you visit small towns like Pangandaran in West Java or Mojokerto in the eastern part of the island. Some big cities also offer more alternatives like international car-hailing apps like Maxim or Indrive , which can be more practical if you already have them installed on your phone. 

Bus is probably the most popular transportation for inter-city travel in Java, especially recently when the government has launched several new highways that interconnect big cities on the island. 

When traveling around Java by bus, you can split the bus options into three types: minivans, regular bus, and sleeper bus. So, here's what you need to know about buses in Java!

Most bus operators in Java now use minivans that we Indonesians call “travel.” Yes, when you hear Indonesians mention something about ‘travel', it's not necessarily about travel as a verb. The term ‘travel' for minivans are widely used around Java, so we may mention ‘travel' when we talk about the minivans that take you from one place to another!

Several big names within that industry, such as CitiTrans and Daytrans, are widely available from the west to the eastern part of the island. You can also find some brands that are more popular within the region, such as Bhinneka in West Java, Aragon in Central Java, and Gemilang in the east. 

So, how can you tell the difference whether you book a minivan or a bus on your travel around Java?

If you choose to travel by minivan in Java, there are two possibilities: it can be a point-to-point service where the driver will pick you up at your premises and drop you off directly at your destination, or the departure point will be from one of their branch offices in the city. 

Based on my experience, all big names that cater to and from Jakarta don't provide point-to-point service. If you book your ticket via online booking platforms like Traveloka or 12Go , you should get the details on which branch office is your departure point if you book a ticket using some popular operators like CitiTrans, Daytrans or Lintas.  

However, if you book a trip in cities outside Jakarta, it's worth reaching out to the bus operator via WhatsApp or even Instagram to check if they provide point-to-point service if it makes your trip even easier! 

When the demand is high, sometimes even the companies that operate with minivans use big buses for their service. For instance, Jakarta-Bandung routes during the weekend are most likely sold out, and most operators usually use the regular bus fleet instead of minivans. 

While traveling by bus isn't as popular as it was years ago, it's still the cheapest way to travel inter-city in Java. Unlike the minivans, the departure point if you take the bus in Java will be from the designated bus station in the city. 

Keep in mind that some cities have a few bus stations, so make sure you know your departure point to minimize any problems with your travel. In addition, Indonesians get used to using the term “bus terminal” instead of bus station, so make sure to use the term correctly to minimize any misunderstanding with the locals, especially if they don't speak English. 

Traveling by train in Java can be a convenient and enjoyable way to explore this beautiful and diverse island. Java has the most expansive train line in Indonesia, connecting you from west to east. 

Known for its stunning landscapes, traveling by train in Java also allows you to enjoy the scenic beauty of the island as you'll get a chance to pass through lush green rice paddies and picturesque villages during your journey. 

Traveling by train in Java, Indonesia.

Train travel in Java is a budget-friendly option for travelers, as the train ticket is often cheaper compared to domestic flights or renting a car with a driver. Trains in Java offer different classes of service, from economy to executive which allow you to choose the level of comfort that suits your preferences and budget. 

Most trains are managed by the Indonesian State Railway, PT. KAI, so you can book the train ticket directly on their website . However, you can also book train tickets by using third-party apps like Traveloka , or 12Go. 

If you plan to travel from Bandung to Jakarta or vice versa, it's also worth trying the Indonesian high-speed rail network for the first time by booking the ticket directly on the KCIC website . 

Traveling by plane in Java is the best option if you have limited time to explore the island. Many domestic airlines have routes that connect big cities around Java, and it's especially easy if you fly from either Jakarta or Surabaya. 

The only downside of traveling by plane in Indonesia is that domestic flights within Indonesia are pretty expensive. It's so expensive that sometimes a lot of us choose to travel to either Kuala Lumpur or Singapore instead since the flight there is cheaper than domestic flights. 

Apart from the easy access, if you're an international traveler planning to visit Java, booking a flight ticket will probably be easier since you'll most likely be able to use international booking platforms like Skyscanner or to secure your flight ticket in Indonesia. 

As an archipelago with 70% of our territory in the waterways, traveling by boat is also a cheaper alternative if you want to cross the sea and visit islands outside Java. With several seaports throughout Java islands, several ferry services can take you to neighboring islands like Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali, or Lombok. 

The only downside is that not many ferry services are available for online booking through third-party apps like Traveloka or 12Go. You can always rely on third-party apps for short routes like Bali to Nusa Penida , but it may be a bit more challenging to book a long-haul trip by sea like Jakarta to Pontianak or Jakarta to Bau-Bau. 

Sea travel within Indonesia is mostly managed by the Indonesian National Shipping company, PT. Pelni, and the only way to check the ticket availability and book it is through PT. Pelni official website . Unfortunately, as with most government services in the country, you can't rely on the website for the best user experience. 

So if you really have to travel by sea in Indonesia, I suggest coming directly to the nearest seaport and booking your ticket manually just because it seems to work better than booking it online when you deal with most state-owned companies in the country. 

Traveling around Java is probably the easiest way to explore some places to visit in Indonesia. Compared to the other islands in Indonesia, Java has the most developed infrastructure with so many options to offer in terms of public transport, accommodation, and other tourism facilities. 

This island is home to a multitude of Indonesia's national parks, spanning from the western beauty of Ujung Kulon National Park to the captivating wonders of Bromo Tengger Semeru and Baluran National Park in East Java. For nature enthusiasts, Java offers various activities to explore, even for those who prefer taking the road less traveled. 

Beyond its natural wonders, Java's cultural landscape is a captivating fusion of tradition and modernity. With Yogyakarta serving as a cultural epicenter, you can delve into the splendor of the Sultan's Palace while savoring the delights of traditional Javanese cuisine.

Java is also home to dynamic city lives like Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya, which offer a vibrant urban experience. Whether you want to explore bustling markets like Glodok in Jakarta or savor the contemporary arts and fashion scenes in Bandung, Java enables easy exploration with its well-connected transportation system with many activities to offer from the west to the east!

The Ultimate Java Travel Guide: 36 Best Places to Visit in Java Island, Indonesia - The BeauTraveler

Marya The BeauTraveler

I am the founder and main editor at The BeauTraveler. I spent 4 years working in the aviation industry but ironically got to travel more right after quitting the industry in 2015. Born and raised in Indonesia, I started working remotely in 2017, and while I stay at home most of the time, I also regularly spend 2-3 months living a semi-digital nomad life elsewhere every year.


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1 thought on “The Ultimate Java Travel Guide: 36 Best Places to Visit in Java, Indonesia”

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Amazing guide! I definitely have to add Java to my bucket list.

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26 best things to do in java [indonesia] in 2024.

Cazzy Magennis

Java is the most populated island in Indonesia. In spite of the crowded major cities, it's also home to amazing volcanoes, fantastic temples and breathtaking landscapes.

Java has it all, and it’s the perfect place for backpackers on a budget.

It's incredibly cheap, especially if you know where to go and where to stay.

You can sleep, eat and see tourist sites like a queen/king for $20 a day, sometimes less!

Not to mention that Javanese are some of the friendliest people in the world, and we had such a fantastic time exploring these places thanks to them. 

So if you’re wondering what to do in Java, look no further as I take you through an epic list of all the best things to do in Java, Indonesia.


When is the best time to visit Java? 

Java Indonesia

The best time to visit Java is during the dry season which runs from June to October .

August is peak tourist time, but Java really isn’t overly touristy, so you’ll still not find lots of crowds at the main sights. We visited in August and the weather was perfect.

One of the downsides of visiting during the dry season is that a lot of the rice fields would be brown and dry, instead of filled with vibrant green plants.

How long do you need in Java?

In order to see all the best sights that Java has to offer, then I suggest you dedicate at least 10 days to your trip. 2 weeks is a great length of time, but any less than 10 days and you’ll struggle to do all the best thing to do in Java. 

Remember, it's a pretty big island!

READ: Check out my 10 day Java Itinerary for help planning your perfect Java trip!

How to get to Java

Jakarta Airport

Getting to Java is super easy thanks to the many airports around and the fact the capital of Indonesia is on this island. International airports include Jakarta and Yogyakarta, so depending on whether you just want to do “east Java” (I suggest you do it all!), or you want to do it all, or just the west, then you can fly into Jakarta, or Yogyakarta.

We use Skyscanner to book all our flights and if you’re flying from Bali, you can get flights to Yogyakarta and Jakarta for less than $35. 

Top things to do in Java

Okay, now for the part you came for, a list of all the best things to do in Java...

1. Be amazed at Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

sekumpal waterfall

Tumpak Sewu Waterfall is often regarded as not only the most beautiful waterfall in Java, but in all of Indonesia, and seriously, it’s true. In a world of Instagram, we often worry whether picture perfect places will live up to their expectations in reality. This one does. This waterfall is famous for its sight of the volcano in the background, which only happens when the clouds are gone. 

But it’s an awesome place to fly a travel drone and you can even walk down to underneath the waterfall to feel its full force! It’s about a 30 minute walk with a guide but it’s not expensive. 

There are actually two viewing points, both cost 20,000 IDR for entrance and you can buy snacks and food there. When flying a drone, be careful about signal loss as drones have lost their lives here. 

It’s an epic waterfall that’s well worth a visit, but it’s 2 hours from Malang city , so you’ll need to either rent a driver, use Grab or rent a moped and drive yourself. We did the last and the drive was fairly straight and comfortable. 

Another great option is to actually book a tour who can organise transport and everything else for you.

At the time of writing, it costs 487,500 IDR per person for a group of 4+ people. Price is inclusive of:

  • Entrance to Tumpaksewu AND Goa Tetes, a nearby natural cave and waterfall
  • Car transport to and from your hotel
  • A local trekking ranger guide

Alternative tour to check out: Book with GetYourGuide here

Opening times: 07:00 - 17:00
Price: 20,000 IDR

2. Check out the Rainbow Village 

rainbow village

The Rainbow Village is located in the heart of Malang city in East Java and was the result of a university project to help bring more tourism to the rundown area and slums of Malang. 

They decided to paint the area in vibrant rainbow colours that can be seen from above and afar and it worked! It’s one of the awesome places to visit in Java and costs only 5,000 IDR to enter. 

It's a nice place to spend a morning or afternoon just walking around and exploring the local vibes .

This is another fantastic place to fly a drone, and trust me, those colours look even more amazing from above . 

There's a fantastic guided tour option that starts from IDR 341,463 per person.

Entrance: 5,000 IDR
Opening times: 07:00 - 18:00

3. Visit Tea Fields in Bandung 

tea fields bandng

If you’ve never been to Sri Lanka and seen tea fields there, then I suggest you head into the highlands of Bandung with its cool climate and check out the really beautiful tea fields here.

It’s surrounded by them and you can literally take your pick of the areas, park up, and walk amongst them on the trails. 

This was a really beautiful place in Java and one of my favourite things to do in Java! 

If you do want to visit, one spot I would recommend is Kebun Teh Ciater .

They’re situated north of Bandung city, so you’ll either need to hire a private driver, take a private tour, use Grab or rent a moped for the day.  

We rented a moped from Vectoran moped rental and it was a great moped for a great price. 

If you don't want to worry about driving, we recommend getting a private car charter, which is a popular way for tourists to get around.

It costs around $47.85 per day, or a 10-hour itinerary, and the best thing is that you can customize your itinerary for the day.

A pro tip when hiring a private charter is to actually ask your driver for his personal favorite places to eat! This is an easy way to discover local favourites and hidden gems that you won't be able to find elsewhere.

Entrance: 5,000 IDR + parking fee (2,000 IDR for bikes, 5,000 IDR for cars)
Opening times: 24 hours

4. Shop in the bustling capital of Jakarta 

Jakarta Shopping

If you LOVE to shop, then you’re going to love Jakarta. I’m not a big fan of cities, especially overpopulated ones, but despite that, I didn’t mind Java as it’s got some really cool areas that are super modern. 

We headed into one of the many awesome shopping malls (which genuinely are like mini countries on their own - so big!) and there was shopping galore. Not to mention so many amazing places to eat! 

So if you’re in Jakarta for a stopover, or it’s your first or final destination on a Java itinerary, then I suggest you take advantage of the country's shopping capital.

Here's a list of some of the most popular shopping malls:

  • Grand Indonesia Mall
  • Senayan City
  • Plaza Senayan
  • Mall of Indonesia
  • Pondok Indah Mall

5. Take a Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour 


Ah, Mount Bromo! This is one of my favourite things to do in Java, if not the world (yes that’s a big claim!). The sunrise at Mount Bromo is the most beautiful sunrise I’ve seen to date, and I’ve seen some pretty epic ones. 

It just looked like a painting, it was so perfect. Anyway, when you visit Malang, Surabaya, then a morning sunrise tour to Mount Bromo is one of the best things you can do. It’s an early start at around 1am but is well worth it. 

Not only will you get to experience the most epic views in the world, but you’ll get to climb up the active volcano and peer into the crater. I’d say that’s a pretty unique experience. 

You can check out my whole guide on going on a Mount Bromo tour right here.

But for a quick reference, we highly recommend this great sunrise tour.

It's 712,500 IDR for a group tour and 1,500,000 IDR per person for a private tour.

6. Visit the amazing Ijen Crater 

Ijen Crater

Bradley and I didn’t go to Ijen Crater, simply because we ran out of time. But we really really wanted too. It looks bloody amazing.

It’s known as the Blue Crater, due to the “blue fire” it produces. It’s a hike upwards, and the sulphur that leaks out is toxic so you actually have to wear a mask .

The views looks nothing short of magical and I’ve heard nothing but fantastic things about the location. 

So if you go to Java, make sure you put this on your epic list of things to do, and don’t run out of time!

This fantastic Ijen Crater tour leaves from Surabaya, Malang, or Banyuwangi, so you can easily adapt it to your itinerary.

When writing this guide, prices start at $60.35 per person for a group of 4+ people.

A lot of tours combine a Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater tour over a 2-3 day tour. 

If you're staying in Yogyakarta, here's a great 3-day tour that will take you to Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater!

It includes private accommodation at both Bromo and Ijen, breakfast, a guide-slash-driver, and all the necessary entrance fees and costs.

7. Peer into the crater of Volcano Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban Perahu

This epic volcano is located just north of Bandung, and it’s one of the most popular things to do in Java.

Actually, Brad and I drove the whole way out there and didn’t realised it had erupted a couple of days before so was closed off to the public. 

It wasn’t a tragic eruption, it just was pushing out poisonous gases. But we gotta talk to the control room guys who monitor the volcano and they gave us a little history lesson before we all took random pictures together! 

But this is a unique volcano in that you can drive the whole way up to the mouth of the crater , so basically you won’t need to hike to view this one. 

There were 3 guys there trying to sell stuff to two people, so I would believe that there are hundreds more when it’s open. But actually they were nice guys and we just chatted! 

Note that this volcano is extremely popular, even among locals.

Also, it’s probably the most expensive entrance fee in Bandung for foreigners at IDR 300,000 (USD 22) per person whereas locals have to pay just IDR 20,000. ‍

It might be worth going with a tour like this one if you prefer to have transport sorted for you. Plus, they'll take you to a nearby strawberry farm afterward, which is quite popular in Bandung!

This Tangkuban Perahu Crater tour on Klook is a fantastic alternative too, as it's part of a full-day tour that takes you to a coffee plantation and other attractions around the city.

Entrance: 300,000 IDR on weekends, 200,000 IDR on weekdays

8. Eat your heart out at the floating market in Lembang 

floating market in Lembang 

This is another one of the really cool things to do in Bandung. Basically it’s a replica of the famous floating market in Bangkok, Thailand, but I think I actually preferred it. Possibly because it was FAR LESS touristy, it was cheaper and it was super cute.

Here's the official Floating Market Lembang Instagram.

There are so many super cool food options, so don’t make the mistake Brad and I did by eating before we went...

Your entrance ticket gives you a free welcome drink as well as access to the Rainbow Garden. It’s only 35,000 IDR for the entrance.

Opening times: 09:00 - 18:00
Price: 35,000 IDR

9. Take photos in flower gardens 

flower gardens java

Java loves its flower gardens and there are quite a few situated around the island. My favourites were in Bandung and Yogyakarta. 

They’re all very well maintained and typically come with extra activities such as unique photo spots, zip-lining opportunities, and other such things. You’ll come across a lot of flower gardens, so you may as well visit one!

There's also one in Malang called Batu Flower Garden, which hides a secret waterfall that you shouldn't miss!

I've written more about how to visit it in the full Malang guide .

10. Go camping somewhere unique 

Ciwidey wes Java

When we were travelling around Java we came across some really cool camping sights, which made us regret not camping for a few nights. Now, I don’t mean camping in a tent, I actually mean glamping. 

Oh, fun fact: did you know that the global glamping market is valued at $2.57 billion in 2022??

Glamping is slowly but surely gaining popularity not only in Java but the rest of Indonesia, and I can see it soon becoming a bucket list activity for tourists.

You can stay on pirate boats, log cabins, or even hobbit houses, you name it!

In Bandung and Yogyakarta, they’re all located deep in the forest where the temperature is cooler and the views are epic .

So if you’re looking for something unique, then put this on your list of things to do in Java.

11. Visit the beautiful Borobudur Temple 

Borobudur temple

Borobudur temple is probably one of the most famous Java attractions , thanks to Instagram. It’s located in Yogyakarta, which is probably the most backpacker known place in Java. 

However, Borobudur is actually an important landmark and one of the most iconic cultural sights in the whole country! It was constructed back in 778 AD and is home to centuries of rich history and traditions .

Borobudur temple is both unique and beautiful and a lot of people visit for a sunrise or sunset tour . The sunrise tour looks amazing, and Brad and I fully intended on visiting for sunrise, but I felt sick. So we visited around 10 am.

Honestly it wasn’t overly busy, it was just super warm. 

So I do suggest going early in the morning or after 3 when the sun is starting to go down.  

While you can totally purchase your own tickets to the temple, it might be worth getting them from tour providers such as GetYourGuide, as the price is so much cheaper and you'll get a few add-ons too!

This one, for example, includes a skip-the-line access to Borobudur Temple as well as the magnificent Prambanan Temple!

More on that just below this!

Entrance: 455,000 IDR (or 375,000 IDR for just the temple complex)
Opening times: 06:30 - 17:00

12. Explore the most beautiful temple in all of Asia: Prambanan Temple 

Prambanan temple

I’ve seen A LOT of temples since I started travelling, and it really takes a lot to impress me anymore. 

Not that they aren’t all beautiful, they are, it just becomes a little same same, just like with churches in Europe. But anyway, this temple in Yogyakarta was magnificent and I think it’s the most beautiful temple in all of Asia. Yes, the whole continent. 

The structure, the detail, the architecture, the atmosphere, just everything about it I loved. It wasn’t heaving with tourists either which was nice, and you can drive around the other temple via segway which is fun. They cost around 30,000 IDR to rent.

I suggest you visit around 3pm as that’s when we visited. The temperature was perfect and it wasn’t too busy. 

If you want to visit Borobudur and Prambanan while in Yogyakarta, you can get a package ticket for 675,000 IDR.

Even better, try booking ahead with tour providers , so you can skip the line!

Entrance: 375,000 IDR (25 USD)

13. Discover lesser known temples: Kidal and Ratu Boko 

Ratu Boko Temple

If you want to visit temples in Java that are pretty much undiscovered and less touristy, then I can suggest Kidal which is located just outside Malang (near the Sekumpul waterfall).

Another one worth a visit is the Ratu Boko Temple , which is close to Prambanan Temple (they actually run a shuttle service between the two temples). 

Entrance (to Ratu Boko): 25 USD
Opening times: 07:00 - 17:00

14. Check out unique underground temples

This was one of the things to do in Java that Brad and I missed out on, due to our own terrible timing issues. The Sambisari Temple is located in Yogyakarta city centre, and we had only allowed a day for sightseeing both the big temples there and the city centre sights...BAD IDEA. 

It's a 9th-century Hindu temple buried five metres underground and is just an architectural beauty!

They close at 4pm, and you’ll need a full day just to see the amazing sights in the city centre. So don’t make the same mistake as we did and head when they open, otherwise it gets super busy. 

Here's a unique cycling tour to Sambisari and Kedulan temple!

15. Get awesome photos at Becici Peak 

becci peak

Yogyakarta is full of “picture spots”, which are basically placed at locations with stunning views. They start to get a bit boring and samey after a while, but I really enjoyed Becici Peak (maybe because it was our first one).

It’s got undeniably beautiful views and you can zipline for just 15,000 IDR or less than £1

I felt like a bit of a celebrity here too as everyone wanted my picture - haha!

The entrance is only 10,000 IDR and well worth the stunning views from above.

Entrance: 10,000 IDR
Opening times: 08:00 - 20:00

16. Visit the beautiful Sukorame Rice Field

Sukorame Rice Field

This is one of the great nature things to do in Java, but you have to go in the wet season, otherwise there are no epic green rice fields.

We were so excited about this spot , because it looked amazing in photos and it seemed like a great droning opportunity, especially with that iconic wooden bridge cutting through the sea of green paddy fields.

Unfortunately, we visited in the dry season, so it was closed down and didn't look half as cool...

So yes, visit this place, but only in the wet season!

17. Seek out the hobbit houses 

hobbit houses

All throughout Java there is an increasing amount of Hobbit houses and they’re all located in picturesque settings, usually in the forests. They make for great photos, and some of them you can actually sleep in.

We didn’t sleep in any, but we really enjoyed seeing the hobbit houses. My favourites were in Bandung and Yogyakarta, including one called Seribu Batu Songgo Langit.

Here's the official Instagram page , which you can contact for reservations or more information.

This is one of the more unique things to do in Java, which kind of transports you to New Zealand for a brief moment .

18. Drone your heart out 

java indonesia tourist attractions

Java, and Indonesia in general, is a drone lover's paradise. There are very few drone restrictions (other than the basic rules, such as don’t drone above people head to a certain height and no religious monuments).

There are so many epic drone locations, and if you haven't got a drone, you might want to invest in one for this trip. 

We use a Mavic Pro (We call him Baby Mavic) and he is EPIC. Yes, he is expensive, but when it comes to getting a drone, you either get a high quality one or don't bother at all- trust me. 

My favourite drone spots include:

  • Mount Bromo and its crater 
  • Tea fields in Bandung 
  • Rainbow Village, Malang 
  • Sekumpul Waterfall, Malang

19. Go on a Jeep ride up Mount Merapi (or hike!)

Mount Merapi 

This isn’t for the faint hearted and Brad and I didn’t do it personally. However, if you’re a fan of hiking, then this will be a welcome challenge for you. Only specific companies will do this adventure with you, so you’ll have to head to a tour shop in Yogyakarta city for information.

If you're not up for hiking, it's actually more recommended to take a Jeep tour !

Merapi is Indonesia's most active volcano and has had some large eruptions over the years. It's definitely a landmark you might want to see and learn more about.

This Guided Jeep Safari will take you on a thrilling ride on a 4WD up the mountain . You will get to see the mini museum and hear stories about the last eruption too.

Alternatively, here's a fantastic Merapi Jeep tour from Klook .

20. Eat delicious Indonesian food

food in Indonesia

Java is a region thriving in delicious and authentic Indonesian food. When you visit somewhere that’s too westernised, like Bali (not that I don’t love Bali too!), but you lose some of the authentic Indonesian food.

So whilst in Java, eat like the locals do. Ps. food in Java is some of the cheapest in the world, whilst tasting so good !

My favourites and some quick recommendations:

  • Mie goreng - fried noodles
  • Ayam goreng - aromatic fried chicken with herbs
  • Chicken satay - the OG satay with peanut sauce
  • Batagor - fried fish dumpling with peanut sauce

21. Drive into the mountains of Yogyakarta

country side

One of my favourite things to do in Java was to rent a moped in Yogyakarta and just head to the mountains. It’s a colder climate and because you’re higher up, you honestly have some of the most beautiful views ever.

It was always so pretty and as long as you’re careful when heading downhill it’s safe. 

If you don’t feel confident on a moped, that doesn't mean you need to miss out.

Hire a private car charter for the day! It’s not overly expensive and you’ll have the added benefit of aircon!

22. Eat at Roaster and Bear

You’ll probably wondering why the hell I’ve included a restaurant on a list of things to do in Java. Well, as a rule, I wouldn't normally, but the food here was the best I’ve had in Indonesia as a whole, and probably one of my favourite restaurants in the world. Big claim, I know. 

Roaster and Bear is located in Yogyakarta and it serves amazing food at a stupidly low price . It’s probably considered to be a mid-range restaurants in Java, but compared to Europe prices, it’s crazy cheap!

The quality of food and flavour was amazing , and the coffee is among the best ones in Java (which isn’t that great on a whole) - but this was awesome. 

23. Visit the iconic Malioboro street

Malioboro Street

This is probably the most iconic street, not only in Yogyakarta, but in Java too. It’s the most “backpacker” place in all of Java and it’s got a really cool vibe. It’s a great place to meet other travellers, buy souvenirs, and discover authentic street food.

Once a month they turn it into a Chinatown-style place with lots of even more amazing food.

If you want to make the most of your time here, it could be a good idea to do a walking tour of Malioboro street .

The local guide can take you to the most popular spots and must-try food vendors .

24. Visit Hutan Pinus Asri


Hutan Pinus Asri was my favourite mountainous area of Yogyakarta, and an awesome photo spot. It’s not like the other picture spots because you have to walk out to little planks to get pictures in random places/settings with an amazing view.

In the wet season, the view would be even more epic, but we loved the pictures here, and it’s currently the cover image of our website (as of 2019!). 

This place wasn't too busy when we visited around midday.

Entrance: 3,000 IDR (plus motorbike or car parking)
Opening times: 06:00 - 18:00

25. Taman Gumuk Pasir

sand heart

Located on the coast of Yogyakarta, not many people venture this far out, but it’s definitely one of the top things to do in Java. This is a gigantic heart-shaped flower arrangement on the sand.

It’s actually another cool droning spot and you can see it’s full effect from above. But not only that, this is a great place to visit for the sand dunes, and you can try sandboarding in the nearby southern beaches , or head in a jeep and drive around the dunes. Pretty epic, right?

26. Surf at Red Island 

Red Island south east of Java

This is a spot we didn’t go to, but it’s something I feel should be included on the list of things to do in Java, because it’s so epic.

Pulau Merah , which translates directly to red island, is located east of Java and very close to Bali, and not a lot of people venture out here.

If you love to surf, you’ll want to visit as the surf is supposed to be epic!

Not to mention that it's got awesome beaches and places to relax, and being so secluded, it's truly a hidden paradise...

If I return to Java, I’ll be heading here for sure.

Getting around Java

getting around java

Getting and java is easy and cheap. There are a few options available to you. 

Trains: the easiest and cheapest way to get around Java is to make use of the excellent train network available to  you! You can get trains from one end of the island to the other. You can also get overnight trains for longer journeys. We loved the trains in Java and used them for the full duration of our trip. 

Fly : Internal flights within Java are not that expensive and if you’re short on time, then I suggest you make sure of the flights. You can fly between Jakarta and Yogyakarta, and Yogyakarta and Malang. We use Skyscanner to check all the best prices on flights. 

Where to stay in Java

Java is packed with great places to stay. Whether you want to stay in hostels, luxury hotels or even cute airbnbs, you’ll have no problem finding great accommodation, at a great price. Below I’ve listed where we stayed in each location in Java. 

Jakarta: POP! Hotel Pasar Baru Jakarta

Bandung: Pasar Baru Square Hotel  

Malang: Whiz Prime 

Other useful posts for planning your trip to Indonesia

Here are some other useful guides we’ve written that you might find useful for your trip to Indonesia. 

  • Things to do in Yogyakarta
  • Things to do in Bandung
  • Things to do in Malang

So there we go! My guide to the best things to do in Java. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and found it useful. If you’ve got any other great Java attractions to add to the list, then please drop a comment below. 

Happy travels!

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Java’s Cultural Heritage: A Tapestry of Traditions

Step into the enchanting world of Java’s cultural heritage, where ancient customs and traditions have stood the test of time. Java is home to a rich tapestry of indigenous tribes, each with their distinct languages, art forms, and belief systems. Witness captivating performances of traditional dance, immerse yourself in the melodious tunes of gamelan music, and marvel at the intricate craftsmanship of Javanese batik.

travel to Jogjakarta - best of yogyakarta tour

Yogyakarta: the cultural capital of Indonesia

Yogyakarta, known as Jogja by locals, is a city located in Central Java and is a great base for exploring the surrounding area. The city itself is famous for its traditional Javanese culture, batik fabrics, and delicious cuisine . Visitors can explore the Sultan’s Palace, also known as the Kraton. This palace is the centerpiece of Yogyakarta’s history and culture. Visitors can see the ornate architecture and learn about the city’s past. Be sure to catch a traditional dance performance while you’re there! Take a stroll through the famous Malioboro shopping street . It is packed with street vendors selling everything from traditional Indonesian snacks to handmade crafts.

Yogyakarta is a city that offers a rich cultural experience and a glimpse into Indonesia’s ancient history!

Travel to Jogjakarta

💡 Explore Yogyakarta with us 👉🏼 Best of Yogyakarta City Tour (3D/2N)

Exploring Borobudur: A Journey to Enlightenment

Borobudur Temple is one of the most famous and iconic attractions in Indonesia, located in Central Java, about 40 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site! And one of the largest Buddhist temples in the world , with a total of 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues.

The temple was built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty and took around 75 years to complete. It was abandoned in the 14th century due to the decline of Buddhism in Java and was rediscovered by the British in the early 19th century.

best of yogyakarta tour travel to Jogjakarta

The sight features intricate carvings and stunning architecture. Including stupas (domed structures) that contain Buddha statues, galleries with carved panels depicting scenes from Buddhist teachings and Javanese life.

The temple is also known for its incredible sunrise and sunset views . Many visitors prefer to visit the temple early in the morning. So they can watch the sunrise and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and misty valleys. Borobudur Temple is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Java. It offers a fascinating glimpse into Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage and religious traditions.

java indonesia tourist attractions

💡 Do not miss the sunrise in Borobudur 👉🏼 Book your trip to the temple now!

Mystical Prambanan: Where Hindu Legends Come to Life

Prambanan Temple is a Hindu temple complex located in Central Java, about 17 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta. It is one of the largest and most beautiful Hindu temples in Indonesia and a UNESCO World Heritage site .

The temple complex was built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sanjaya dynasty and took approximately 50 years to complete. It consists of 240 temples, including eight main temples. Which are dedicated to the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

java indonesia tourist attractions

The temple complex is surrounded by a beautiful park, which is a popular spot for picnics and leisurely walks. Visitors can also enjoy traditional Javanese performances . Such as the Ramayana ballet, which takes place in an open-air theater within the temple complex. Visitors are advised to wear comfortable shoes. As the temple complex is quite large, and there are many stairs to climb.

Travel - Best of Yogyakarta tour

Mesmerizing Mount Bromo: Nature’s Fiery Masterpiece

Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in East Java. And is one of the most popular destinations for adventure seekers. With a height of 2,329 meter Mount Bromo isn’t the highest peak in the region. But with the most impressive views in Indonesia, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in East Java . Named after the Hindu god of creation, Brahma, Mount Bromo is one of the most iconic mountains in Indonesia. Visitors can take a jeep tour to the top of the volcano to witness the breathtaking sunrise and the stunning views of the surrounding landscape. It’s a surreal experience to watch the sunrise over the sea of clouds while standing on the edge of an active volcano!

java indonesia tourist attractions

Ijen Crater: The Blue fire

Ijen Crater is another popular mountain of Java. Many travellers continue to travel here after Mount Bromo. Ijen Crater is known for its stunning blue flames that can be seen at night. Visitors can take a trek to the crater to witness the natural beauty of the sulfur lake and its surrounding scenery. Inside the crater you’ll see blue fire at night and smoky white during the day! Visitors can also buy sulphur sculptures as a souvenir, sold by the local miners on the mountain. It’s a challenging trek, but the breathtaking views make it well worth the effort.

java ijen volcano come2indonesia indonesia

💡 Explore Mount Bromo & Ijen with us 👉🏼 Book your ne xt Adventure

Yakarta : The capital city

Jakarta is the bustling capital city of Indonesia, located on the northwest coast of Java Island. With a population of over 10 million, it is one of the most populous cities in the world . And it serves as the political, cultural, and economic center of Indonesia.

Despite its reputation for traffic and pollution, J akarta offers a vibrant and exciting atmosphere with plenty of things to see and do . The city is home to some of Indonesia’s most iconic landmarks, including the National Monument (Monas) and the Istiqlal Mosque. Visitors can also explore the historic Old Town (Kota Tua) and the cultural park Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

Jakarta is known for its street food, which offers a diverse range of flavors and dishes. Visitors can try traditional Indonesian dishes such as nasi goreng (fried rice) and satay (grilled meat skewers). The city also boasts a thriving shopping scene, with large malls such as Grand Indonesia Mall and Plaza Indonesia.

Jakarta is a city of contrasts. It’s mixure of modern skyscrapers and historic landmarks, busy streets and tranquil parks, and traditional culture and contemporary style. It is a city that offers something for everyone , and it is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Indonesia.

java indonesia tourist attractions

💡 Visit the best of Jakarta in 1 Day 👉🏼 Jakarta City Tour

Java’s Natural Splendors: From Pristine Beaches to Untamed Rainforests

Beyond its cultural heritage, Java is blessed with an abundance of natural wonders. Unwind on the pristine beaches of Pangandaran, where azure waters meet golden sands, or explore the vibrant underwater world while snorkeling in Karimunjawa. Trek through the lush rainforests of Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park and encounter a rich array of flora and fauna. Java’s natural splendors offer a retreat for those seeking tranquility amidst the island’s bustling cities.

While Java’s famous attractions are undoubtedly captivating, the island also hides lesser-known treasures that are worth exploring. Venture off the beaten path and discover these hidden gems:

Dieng Plateau: A Mystical Highland Retreat

Escape to the Dieng Plateau, a highland region in Central Java, known for its stunning landscapes and ancient Hindu temples. Marvel at the otherworldly beauty of the Telaga Warna (Colorful Lake), where the waters change hues throughout the day. Explore the Arjuna Temple Complex, a cluster of 8th-century Hindu temples set against a backdrop of rolling hills. Dieng Plateau offers a serene retreat and a glimpse into Java’s mystical side.

Dieng Plateau - java volcano

Karimunjawa Islands: Pristine Paradise in the Java Sea

For beach lovers and snorkeling enthusiasts, a visit to the Karimunjawa Islands is a must. Located in the Java Sea, this archipelago is home to crystal-clear turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs, and white sandy beaches. Dive into the underwater world and discover a kaleidoscope of marine life, or simply relax on the pristine shores and soak up the sun. Karimunjawa Islands offer a tranquil escape from the bustling cities of Java.

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💡 ¡ Escape to paradise! 👉🏼 Luxury trip to Karimunjawa

Jomblang Cave: Descend into the Realm of the Earth

Embark on an exhilarating underground adventure at Jomblang Cave, located near Yogyakarta. Descend into the depths of the cave with professional guides and witness a surreal sight known as “Heaven’s Light.” As sunlight filters through the sinkhole, it illuminates the cave, creating a mesmerizing display of natural beauty. Jomblang Cave offers a thrilling experience for adventurous souls and is a unique addition to your Java itinerary.

Travel to Jogjakarta

Tumpak Sewu Waterfall: A Majestic Cascade of Java

Tucked away in East Java, the Tumpak Sewu Waterfall is a mesmerizing natural wonder that will leave you in awe. Often referred to as the “Thousand Waterfalls,” it features a curtain of water descending from a lush green cliff, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Take a hike through the surrounding tropical forest, listen to the thunderous roar of the falls, and feel the refreshing mist on your face as you witness the sheer magnificence of Tumpak Sewu. This hidden gem is a paradise for nature lovers and photographers alike.

tumpak sewu waterfall

Java’s Culinary Delights: A Gastronomic Journey

No exploration of Java would be complete without indulging in its vibrant culinary scene. Java offers a diverse array of flavors, blending traditional recipes with influences from China, India, and the Middle East. Embark on a gastronomic journey and tantalize your taste buds with these iconic Java dishes:

Nasi Goreng: A Flavorful Indonesian Staple

Nasi Goreng, or fried rice, is a beloved dish that can be found throughout Indonesia, including Java. This aromatic dish combines steamed rice, stir-fried with a medley of ingredients such as shrimp, chicken, vegetables, and a special blend of spices and soy sauce. Served with a sunny-side-up fried egg and crispy shallots, Nasi Goreng is a satisfying and flavorsome meal that will leave you craving for more.

java indonesia tourist attractions

Gudeg: A Sweet and Savory Delight

A specialty of Yogyakarta in Central Java, Gudeg is a unique dish made from young jackfruit simmered in coconut milk and palm sugar. This slow-cooked delicacy is often served with steamed rice, tender chicken, and a side of sambal (chili paste). The combination of sweet and savory flavors creates a delightful harmony that will enchant your taste buds.

travel Yogyakarta food

Sate Ayam: Grilled Chicken Skewers of Java

Sate Ayam, or grilled chicken skewers, is a popular street food in Java. Tender pieces of marinated chicken are skewered, grilled over hot charcoal, and served with a peanut sauce. The succulent chicken, combined with the rich and flavorful peanut sauce, makes Sate Ayam a mouthwatering treat that captures the essence of Java’s street food culture.

java indonesia tourist attractions

Traveling to Java: Essential Tips and Recommendations

Planning a trip to Java? Here are some essential tips and recommendations to ensure a smooth and memorable journey:

Weather and Best Time to Visit

Java has a tropical climate with two seasons: the dry season from May to September and the rainy season from October to April. The best time to visit Java is during the dry season when the weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Java is by flying into Yakarta or Surabaya , which are the island’s largest cities. There are also direct flights from major cities in Southeast Asia, such as Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

How to get around

Public transportation in Java can be challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with the language or local customs. However, Java has an extensive transportation network, including trains, buses, and domestic flights. Plan your itinerary and choose the most convenient mode of transportation for your travel needs.

Hiring a private car with a driver is a popular option for those who want more flexibility and comfort .


From luxurious resorts to budget-friendly guesthouses, Java offers a wide range of accommodation options. Book your stay in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to secure the best deals.

Local Etiquette

Respect the local customs and traditions of Java’s diverse communities. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites and temples, and always ask for permission before taking photographs of locals.

Travel to Jogjakarta

💡 Come to Java with us! 👉🏼 Check out all our Java tours

Java, with its enchanting cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty, beckons travelers to embark on a journey of discovery. From the awe-inspiring temples of Borobudur and Prambanan to the fiery landscapes of Mount Bromo, Java offers an unforgettable experience for those seeking to unravel the heart of Indonesia’s cultural gem. Whether you’re a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply in search of tranquility, Java promises to captivate your senses and leave an indelible mark on your soul. Plan your trip to Java today and immerse yourself in the wonders that await you. Come and explore Java, where every step is a voyage of wonder and enlightenment.


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Borneo – Yogyakarta – Bali – Komodo (14D/13N)

4 nights in Ubud 3D2N Yogyakarta Tour with Private Guide 3D2N Borneo Orangutan Tour based with private klotok Travel with transfers included Island of the Gods

Gili islands Indonesia come2indoensia tours Bali

Borneo Bali Nusa Penida and Gili (17D/16N)

5 nights in Ubud 3 Nights hotel stay in Nusa Penida 3D2N Borneo Orangutan Tour based with private klotok Travel with transfers included Island of the Gods

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Bali Ubud and Uluwatu (8D/7N)

4 nights in Ubud 3 nights in Uluwatu 1X Half Day Tour Uluwatu and Kecak Dance Travel with private guide Island of the Gods

java indonesia tourist attractions

Bali Ubud Borneo Seraya Labuan Bajo (12D/11N)

5 nights in Ubud 3 Nights stay in Seraya 3D2N Borneo Orangutan Tour based with private klotok Travel with transfers included Island of the Gods

Bali hotel Come2Indonesian tours

Bali Ubud and Nusa Dua (9D/8N)

6 nights in Ubud 2 nights in Nusa Dua Travel with transfers included Island of the Gods

ulun danu lake temple bali indonesia

Bali Most Famous Temples (4D/3N)

Based in Ubud Ulun Danu Bratan Temple Jatiluwih rice fields Mother Temple Besakih Tanah Lot Temple


Visitors to Indonesia are presented with a particular challenge: how can you make the best of this diverse country in a limited time? Check out our multi island tours to visit the best of each island.

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Article author

Born in Valencia (Spain), his professional career has always revolved around the tourism sector. He studied tourism degree and later specialized in digital tourism marketing.

After working in various travel agencies. In 2018, he was a beneficiary of an Indonesian government scholarship to study at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. After specializing in the destination and having traveled and lived in various areas of Indonesia, he joined our team in early 2020.

Fernando is passionate about surfing and extreme sports. He’s the first to sign up for a trip, always looking for new adventures!

Fernando García


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java indonesia tourist attractions


how to go mount bromo

For those who want to combine a pure Indonesian experience together with a trip to touristy Bali , nearby Java represents the ideal destination. Covered in green wild nature, the island of Java offers plenty of attractions, above all mesmerizing temples and volcanoes to hike . The large dimensions of the island require a stay of at least 7-10 days for a complete visit.


itinerario guida java indonesia

Our Java itinerary from West to East. The Yogyakarta-Probolinggo train takes 8 hours .

This is our suggested itinerary for a journey throughout Java from West to East (clearly you can follow it both ways). A  reliable railway system  allows easy transfers between main cities, whilst you need to refer to travel agencies to be taken by private car or minivan to volcanoes excursions.

Indonesian capital city is notorious for its hellish traffic , caused by a lack of an underground link in a 10 million inhabitant metropolis. This makes transfers to and from the airport long and hard (it can take up to 4 hours in peak times). The city is equally chaotic and desultory, the only alternative to queuing in a taxi are endless strolls among crowds. We stayed for one night only and left with the first train in the morning!

Yogyakarta special administrative region is certainly more charming and fascinating. Its of the same name capital also known as Jogja is the cultural heart of Java.  Here you can find the most notable temple of Indonesia,  Borobudur , besides multiple Buddhist, Hinduist and Muslim worship places. In the centre of the old city rises the ancient sultan residence, a mystical area worth a visit. The sea is reachable on a day trip, as much as it is possible to trek onto Merapi Volcano (if it’s not erupting like it was when we were there!). You can plan to spend 3-5 nights in Jogja. Traffic here is quite intense too, but more flowing out of town; if you are up for it you can rent a scooter for 4$ and plunge into crazy Java roads!


Keeping on moving eastwards,  it’s possible to reach Probolinggo city by train from Jogja via an 8 hour journey , and from there start trekking to Mt. Bromo and its adjacent volcano, the most iconic peak in Java, often depicted on travel guides (and on top of this post!). Read our detailed article on how to reach and plan the best way to hike Mt. Bromo from Jogja and Probolinggo.


Charming likewise and in growing tourist consideration other than local, Mount Ijen and its blue fire represent a very unique experience. Here you have the chance to see blue sulfur flames coming out naturally from the volcano crater at over 600°C, a spectacle to be seen at night before dawn. After crossing the strait by ferry from Bali , Banyuwangi is the ideal town where to spend the night before the trip. For all the info on how to get to Mt. Ijen and see the blue fire, read our dedicated post here.

tempio borobudur come andare

Edo at wonderful Borobudur temple, Yogyakarta

Following here are some useful info about Java and Indonesia:


You can prebook all your accommodation with free cancellation in Indonesia  here.


Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa:  a dream place to use as base to leave from for day trips around Jogja. During medium-low season it’s rather easy to find rooms at affordable prices.

With a lower budget it’s still possible to find great stays in Jogja, such as  Nextdoor Homestay  which offers room, breakfast and swimming pool for 20$ only!

In Jakarta,  Yello Hotel Harmoni  is perfect and cheap to spend the night coming or going to the airport.

For Bromo and Ijen volcanoes, it’s much likely that agencies organizing your trip will suggest you a homestay as well, you can check here and see the choice is little and modest.


Java is subject to a monsoon tropical climate, dry season goes from May to October, rainy season from November to April.

Transition months as May and October are the best period to avoid extreme hot and big tourist crowds.


Yes you do. Never leave home without a reliable travel insurance. Even if you trust yourself, you can’t always trust others. Better safe than sorry! Get your quote here.


It’s always recommendable to check whether you need specific vaccines, in particular if you travel for more than 15 days. Check with a doctor at a medical centre what you could need for Indonesia.


Most citizens from Europe and America can enjoy a free visa up to 30 days when visiting Indonesia. For longer stays and to check your citizenship eligibility visit iVisa .


If you are coming from abroad Jakarta is the most obvious and cheapest choice, although flying to Yogyakarta may be a valid option too in order to skip West Java and proceed from Jogja to Bali.

Arriving from Bali it’s possible to cross the strait by ferry and start your journey from East Java.


The Indonesian railway link is quite advanced for Southeast Asian standards, with on time, clean and pleasant train services. It’s easy and comfy to travel between Jakarta, Jogja and Surabaya by train, you can read more about it in our detailed article here.

Train tickets can be bought at stations on the same day of traveling. To plan in advance you can book tickets online through reliable agency .

Traveling by bus is less convenient compared to trains. For shorter distances or steep sections as to climb on volcano sides, the best solution is to deal with local agencies. We spent 50,000 rupiah each, 3$, for a van ride from Probo to Cemoro Luwang, at Mt. Bromo feet.

Ferry tickets are sold at the pier for just 7,000 rupiah, or by paying 100k you can get a joint ferry+bus ticket to Denpasar terminal in Bali , some 100 km away.


The most simple and famous Indonesian dishes are  Nasi Goreng (fried rice) and  Mie Goreng (fried noodles), which can be found basically everywhere in all their varieties with chicken, fish, eggs, or vegetarian. Other typical dishes are Sate Ayam (chicken satay), Bakso Mie (meatball soup), Gado Gado (boiled vegetable salad).

That’s all! You are now good to go and plan your journey to Java, should you need any more info, please let us know in the comment section below!


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java indonesia tourist attractions

Awesome guide guys, really helpful! We are hoping to head over to Java in a few weeks. Had no idea there was a train!

java indonesia tourist attractions

Thank you Alex, we are very glad to help! It was a pleasant surprise for us too, and it was so much easier and comfortable to travel those 8-hour-long routes by train! Safe travels

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Journey Era

15 Awesome Things To Do In East Java, Indonesia

Jackson Groves

Posted on Last updated: December 2, 2023

Categories INDONESIA

15 Awesome Things To Do In East Java, Indonesia

East Java is a land unlike no other. Most regions boast one or two-star attractions but what I found on my road trip is that each day just kept getting better. The next waterfall just got bigger and bigger and the volcanoes became more and more impressive. After 10 days exploring East Java by car, I was blown away.

  • I created an interactive map that shows you all the spots in this guide and also includes where to stay, time between each spot and loads of helpful information. It took me a long time to make so I hope it helps you plan your trip. If you want to check it out it is available for download here: East Java Interactive Road Trip Map

tabuhan island menjangan island east java

Table of Contents


In this guide, I will share with you a list of the best things to do in East Java, Indonesia. I’ll also share with you a suggested itinerary and some helpful tips for your visit to the region.


java indonesia tourist attractions

  • Surabaya: Bumi Surabaya Resort – Perfect oasis in the middle of Surabaya
  • Near Bromo: Royal Orchids Hotel – Huge hotel with classy rooms and pool
  • Near Ijen: Ijen Resort & Villas – Amazing garden, pool and views


We spent 10 days exploring all of the best things to do in East Java and even with our level of intensity, we didn’t come close to visiting all the spots we wanted to. I know not everyone has the same desire to see every inch of the destination as myself so with that in mind, I would recommend 7-10 days for the regular traveler. For the traveler who likes to spend two nights in a place cause they like to do it a bit more relaxed, you won’t be bored with 2 weeks.

7 days is the minimum in my book. Anything less than that and you will be visiting only the common, popular destinations. I call those surface scraper trips and while they are fun, you get some great photos, you kind of miss the point of the adventure sometimes. 7-10 days minimum and you will be golden for the trip of a lifetime! Trust me.

If you don’t trust me I have created the entire itinerary below so you can see that you will waste no second and even with 10 days you will be tired the entire time as East Java kicks your ass but wow she is beautiful so it is damn worth it!

mount bromo without a tour king kong hill


Let’s get into these epic places to visit in East Java. These are all the nature-based, adventurous spots, but East Java does have a lot of interesting mosques and points of interest in the cities if that is your cup of tea. On this blog, I stick to outdoor adventures for the most part.

I’m going to put these in the order we visited them to help you plan your trip. I will also post my itinerary below (map provided). We, of course, missed out on several spots like hiking Semeru (often closed due to volcanic activity) and other awesome East Java activities but you can’t do it all and there is always next time! Most of the places on the list below have an individual blog post with more details and photos so you can click on the link to read those if you need. So here we go…



Only twenty minutes from Malang is a curious village called Kampung Warna-Warni Jodipan. This village was struggling. It was dilapidated, polluted, and struggling to build a healthy community. Eight students from a nearby university, who were studying event management, decided to apply their knowledge to a real-world situation.

Partnering with a local paint company, the students created a social responsibility project. 6,000 pounds of colorful paint was donated and the run-down city was transformed into a colorful village with a bright future.

The village now has a small entrance fee for tourists (only 30 US cents) and the colors have brought in much-needed interest and financing for a village that needed a boost. Tourists will often buy a drink, lunch, or souvenirs from the locals. The standard of living has risen and has inspired members of the community to continue improving the village with projects like improving sanitation and pollution.

One on side of the bridge is the ‘Colorful village’ and on the other side is an entirely blue village (Kampung Biru Arema). In a similar fashion, this village has been painted entirely blue.

an aerial view of a rainbow colored city.


Coban Talun is a beautiful waterfall in Batu City near Malang in East Java. It’s only a 20-minute walk along a sandy trail before you can enjoy the stunning waterfall, viewpoints, and caves. As well as the waterfall there is a camping ground and a specialized photography/hangout area with photo perches, wings, and other cool photo opportunities.

Once we reached the bottom of the falls, there were a number of huts set up but it seemed they were only used in high season. We had the whole place to ourselves at 9 am in the morning.

There are several cool rocks, which make great spots to take photos but our favorite area was down at ground level in the pool of water. It was freezing but incredible to watch the water trickling down the waves. You can also explore inside the caves behind the waterfall.

Definitely try and visit this waterfall in the rainy season. It was still cool during the dry season but would be 10x more epic with a huge flow of water crashing down!

Need more information? Full blog post: Coban Talun Waterfall


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Tumpak Sewu Waterfall (also known as Coban Sewu) is arguably Indonesia’s best waterfall. It isn’t the largest, even in East Java, but is definitely the most impressive. From above it looks like the tree of life, from below it is immensely powerful and from all angles, it is quite simply mind-blowing.

The first thing you want to do on your Tumpak Sewu Waterfall adventure from Lumajang is to wake up early. Be at the Tumpak Sewu viewpoint for sunrise. Although the sun won’t be on the waterfall, this is actually what you want.

The fog is beautiful in the morning and creates a mystical atmosphere. In the background, Semeru Volcano will be giving you a beautiful backdrop, while Tumpak Sewu slowly comes into focus as the light increases.

Get down to Tumpak Sewu Waterfall on ground level before the sun rises over the waterfall. The trail is right next to the viewpoint where you were for sunrise. It takes about 10-15 minutes to walk down into the canyon and then about another 5 minutes to walk through the canyon to the waterfall.

The trail down is pretty sketchy with bamboo ladders and sections where you are walking through small streams but it is nothing too crazy. Just be prepared and definitely wear shoes, not flip-flops.

Once you reach the canyon you start to get an idea of the scale of the walls. You are an ant within the gorge and you know you are about to witness something incredible. After turning the final corner you will never forget the moment you enter the cauldron at the foot of Tumpak Sewu Waterfall. It is pure magic with more than thirty different waterfalls plummeting down into the cauldron into tiny pools below.

Need more information? Full blog post: Tumpak Sewu Waterfall in Lumajang



Goa Tetes Waterfall in Lumajang was one of the most surprising places on our ten-day travels throughout East Java. We came to visit Tumpak Sewu, the famous waterfall nearby, and were recommended to stop past Goa Tetes Waterfall on the way back. It was an incredible sight in its own right with unbelievable caves inside the waterfall. It was the most unique waterfall we visited in all of East Java!

Goa Tetes is essentially a collection of caves and waterfalls all the way up the cliff. You walk up the stream until you reach the caves. From here the adventure is up to you with so many different caves to explore. We scaled one cave in particular and it went really far back into darkness, while the waterfall poured down over the top of us. Absolutely incredible!

Need more information? Full blog post: Goa Tetes Waterfall in Lumajang



Kabut Pelangi was one of my favorite waterfalls in East Java. The waterfall crashes down into the amphitheater below, which is covered in lush green plants. The trek down to Kabut Pelangi takes about 25 minutes in total. The trail is paved a lot of the way and when it’s not the conditions aren’t very difficult.

The 100m+ Kabut Pelangi is an incredible sight. The force it generates when it hits the pool below is incredible and this is definitely not a place you want to go swimming! Kabut Pelangi translates to waterfall rainbow mist. If you catch the conditions at the right time you will be able to see a rainbow in the mist at the bottom of the waterfall!

Need more information? Full blog post: Kabut Pelangi Waterfall



Kapas Biru Waterfall is amazing. One huge, thundering stream of water crashes down from what seems like 100m. The pool at the bottom of the waterfall is smashed with the force of the crashing water. It then streams down the river, which has scattered rocks and plants throughout making it a beautiful lead up to the waterfall.

Need more information? Full blog post: Kapas Biru Waterfall

What are my favorite pieces of travel gear?

There are four pieces of gear that I simply never travel without. These are four items that I using right now and this list gets updated every year! Here are my travel essentials.

  • Packing Cube Set : Once you cube you’ll never go back. Organize your clothes within your luggage with these smart mesh containers. It will revolutionize your packing.
  • Quick-Dry Towel : A quick-dry towel is a must for travelers. It hardly takes up any room and dries in seconds.
  • Travel Wallet : Keep your passport, wallet, and vaccine card safe as well as any forms and important documents you need to store.
  • Grayl GeoPress Water Filter Bottle : I’ve used this for three years. It filters your water with one press and you can drink directly from it. Never buy a plastic water bottle again!


From Kapas Biru, it takes about 20 minutes of scrambling across rocks and river crossings to reach Coban Sriti Waterfall. Two huge streams of water plummet down at least 100 meters onto the huge rocks below. The rocks below must have cracked off the cliff at some stage as they are the size of houses!

At the base of this waterfall, it is incredibly slippery and cold! We hung out here and took photos for a while. It was about 9 am when we arrived and the lighting was quite harsh. I would suggest arriving here just after sunrise or later on in the afternoon but during the harsh sun, it was not easy at all to take photos due to the difference in shadows and light areas.

My favorite part of this area was the huge cauldron. The walls of the cliffs are completely smooth and they seem to encapsulate you as you enjoy the waterfall.

Need more information? Full blog post: Coban Sriti Waterfall


Papuma Beach is a white sand beach with amazing crystal clear blue water! We had no idea it would be so popular. We had to pay 45,000 rupiah, which is only about $3.50 USD but one of the more expensive tickets we paid throughout our time in East Java.

The beach itself is beautiful. It has those crystal clear waters and white sand combinations that people dream of on vacations. Colorful boats line the beach, waiting to take tourists on a voyage around the nearby rocky islets.

The rocky islets make a great backdrop for a fun day of hanging out in the sun with that refreshing blue water waiting there for you all day! It is a popular spot with a huge parking lot and multiple restaurants. It is not for people looking to have a private beach type of experience. It would be perfect for a family who prioritizes facilities, restaurants, and ease of access over the adventure.

Need more information? Full blog post: Papuma Beach 


Payangan Beach is a pretty unique black sand beach. There are several hill viewpoints here such as Teluk Love and Bukit Domba. We decided to climb up Bukit Domba, which was right next to the black sand beach.

The entry was $1 USD and it was a bit full on with huts and paths everywhere. It wasn’t very natural at all but still cool to get up there for a good view of the region.

There are lots of spot for photos out over the beach and huts to relax in. It seemed to be a hotspot for local couples to hang out and chat in the huts. After climbing up the viewpoint in the hot sun, we headed back to refresh in the waters on the black sand beach.

Don’t go out of your way to visit Payangan in my opinion, but if you go to Papuma it is only five minutes away so it’s worth an hour extra of your day. Also, I should mention that it will look much nicer with green hills in the rainy season but we visited in the dry season so the hills look brown and dead.

Need more information? Full blog post: Payangan Beach and viewpoint



Pulau Merah was a beautiful spot. In fact, it was probably one of my favorite sunset spots in all of East Java. There is a huge rocky island out in the ocean, almost like Cannon Beach in Oregon. The water is warm, and the waves are good enough to surf.

After a long driving day, we really enjoyed watching the sun go down over the layered mountains in the distance. The reflections on the sand from the receding water made for some special photos. The photos below are from sunset and sunrise as we decided to stay the night at Red Island/Pulau Merah.

java indonesia tourist attractions


Jawata Benculuk as it is known in Bahasa is an epic collection of Cypress Trees just out of Genteng Town. The spot has become increasingly popular and now there are many treehouses and other interesting structures built in the area. The tree tunnels are one of the most unique things to visit in East Java.

The cypress trees are phenomenal. Vines hang from all of the twisted branches. In a moody fog they look straight out of a horror film and when the sun shines through it looks like a magical forest. There is no bad weather to visit this forest.

Need more information? Full blog post: Cypress Tree Tunnel: Jawata Benculuk


Waking up in the middle of the night and trekking up and then inside a crater sound enticing? Add a gas mask and walk into a cloud of sulfur gas while watching blue flames. Enticed yet? You should be. Ijen Crater is one of the most epic adventures in East Java.

The best, guided tour that is reliable and can be booked in advance is this one: GUIDED SUNRISE MOUNT IJEN CRATER HIKE


Guided Ijen Sunrise Hike

  • Includes Transfers
  • Includes Gas Mask
  • Guide is helpful in the night

Sulfur mining has been underway at Ijen Crater since 1968. The combustion of sulfuric gases creates a blue glow, which has become famous as the ‘blue flame of Ijen Crater. I’m sorry but I didn’t fancy coughing on sulfur for 20 minutes to shoot a long exposure of the blue flame. To be honest it is something best enjoyed with the eye.. for 2 minutes then get the hell out!

After the blue flame expedition, you head on further up and around the crater rim to the ‘sunrise spot’ to complete the adventure.

Need more information? Full blog post: Hiking Ijen Crater


The Banyuwangi region of East Java is home to some of the best beaches Java has to offer. I did an island hopping tour to three locations with Bangsring Underwater tours. We visited Tabuhan Island, Menjangan Island and Rumah Apung.

Menjangan Island is actually accessible quite easily from West Bali National Park. We could have swum over to Bali from Menjangan Island, which was pretty cool. The island is 3,800Ha and it’s Savannah terrain is home to unique Javan Rusa deer known as ‘Menjangan’, which is how the island received its name.

There are a couple of beaches on Menjangan with white sand and clear water. There are many great spots to relax on this tropical island and with warm crystal clear water it is perfect.

However, the best activities are in the water. The snorkeling and diving at Menjangan Island are great! Corl gardens and extensive marine life make it a perfect spot for snorkelers and scuba divers.

Tabuhan Island was my favorite part of the whole trip. This island was completely empty except for us. The water was incredible. It looked like drinking water it was so clear with the sun making beautiful patterns on the sand beneath the surface.

Tabuhan is only 5 hectares large but as you can see the reef below the surface is actually quite large in itself. In just fifteen minutes you can circle the entire island.

Need more information? Full blog post: Tabuhan Island & Menjangan Island Boat Tour


Madakaripura Waterfall or Air Terjun Madakaripura as it is known locally is one of the most spectacular waterfalls not only in East Java and Indonesia but also in the world.

The first part of Madakaripura Waterfall is actually just the lead-up to the main waterfall but it is equally impressive. Water streams down the lush green walls into the river below. For most of the way you can walk through the river without getting wet but there are some points you have to pass through the falling water. This is truly one of the most magical spots I have ever been.

  • MOUNT BROMO SUNRISE & MADARAKIPURA WATERFALL TOUR : For a little bit extra, combine the Mount Bromo Sunrise with a visit to the best waterfall in East Java.

The main waterfall crashes down into a pool that is a vivid turquoise color. The waterfall is inside a narrow keyhole amphitheater. About 80m in length and 30m in width this is a small area. When you look up you can see the leafy walls curving around you, which is an amazing feeling.

Need more information? Full blog post:  Madakaripura Waterfall

madakaripura waterfall east java


After freezing our butts off driving the mopes for 2 hours, we reached King Kong Hill for sunrise. Well not quite, we made it to a hill nearby. King Kong Hill is super packed but there are tons of different viewpoints nearby. The viewpoints all look out over the ‘Sea of Sand’.

Inside this sea of sand are five volcanoes, one of which is Mount Bromo. The ridges on the volcanoes are just insane and I promise you this is one of the most epic landscapes you will ever witness at sunrise in your life!

As you can see this blog makes it clear you don’t NEED a guided tour but it makes it much easier and potentially more organized and enjoyable with a guide who knows all the spots and timings to make sure you enjoy your Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour. There are two tours I recommend, which both have almost 1000 positive reviews. Here they are:

  • BEST VALUE MOUNT BROMO SUNRISE TOUR : For just $25 this tour includes hotel pick-up, jeep drive to Mount Bromo, watching the sunrise, do the small hike up the volcano and then drop off at the hotel. Everything you need!

Need more information? Full blog post: Mount Bromo without a tour


Mount Bromo is one of the most incredible volcanoes in the world. It just so happens to be surrounded by several other volcanoes in one of the most magnificent landscapes you will ever set eyes on.

Mount Bromo (known as Gunung Bromo in the local language of Bahasa) is an active volcano. It is part of the Tengger Massif region in East Java, Indonesia, which is one of the most visited tourist attractions in all of East Java and even Java itself.

The volcano is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. If you are wondering what the term ‘Bromo’ means you are correct if you guessed it held some great significance. It is derived from the Javanese pronunciation of ‘Brahma, which is the Hindu creator god.

It’s really an epic half-day adventure. After the sunrise at King Kong Hill, you go hang out in the ‘Sea of Sand’ on your motorbike or in your tour jeep. Finally, you hike up Mount Bromo to the summit where you will see an astounding crater that literally looks like hell on earth as it bubbles with sulfur at the bottom of the massive pit.

mount bromo without a tour king kong hill


  • Arrive Surabaya
  • Drive to Malang
  • Stay the night in Malang
  • Sunrise at Jodipan colorful village and blue village
  • Coban Talun Waterfall
  • Drive to Lumajang
  • Stay the night in Lumajang
  • Tumpak Sewu panoramic viewpoint for sunrise
  • Tumpak Sewu short hike to the base of the waterfall
  • Goa Tetes Waterfall
  • Kabut Pelangi Waterfall
  • Coban Sriti Waterfall
  • Kapas Biru Waterfall

Day 5: 

  • Drive to Papuma Beach
  • Papuma Beach
  • Payangan Beach and viewpoint
  • Drive to Red Island (Pulau Merah)
  • Sunset at Pulau Merah
  • Stay the night at Red Island
  • Green Bay Beach (costs $15 we arrived and left due to the fee, it did look nice though)
  • Drive to Banyuwangi
  • Visit the Cypress tree tunnel: Jawata Benculuk
  • Visit Pantai Boom for sunset
  • Stay the night in Banyuwangi town (sleep from 8-midnight then leave for Ijen)
  • At midnight head to Ijen Crater
  • Hike Ijen Crater
  • Drive to Watudodol
  • Stay the night in Watudodol
  • Island hopping to Tabuhan Island and Menjangan Island
  • Drive to Probollingo
  • Stay the night in Probollingo
  • Visit Madakaripura Waterfall
  • Other waterfalls in the area if you have any energy left by this point!
  • Prepare for Bromo
  • Leave Probollingo at 2 am and drive to Bromo
  • King Kong Hill for sunrise
  • Hike to Bromo summit
  • Drive back to Probollingo
  • Drive back to Surabaya

Most epic Indonesian road trip ever is complete!



I’ve created the map below to show you how the journey will look. We received a lot of local advice on our route and everything was done for a specific reason. I’m sure there are many ways to do things but I know it is great to visualize the journey first and then you can pick and choose which things you definitely want to do and work that into your time frame. As you can see on the map, it begins in Surabaya and then follows the itinerary I’ve written out above.

east java map


Before arriving in East Java, I could never have imagined wanting to rent a car in Southeast Asia. I mean to be fair the roads are mayhem and only locals who have grown up navigating the craziness can usually handle the traffic and the maneuvers required to survive the drive. However, I had a tip-off from a friend that a car would be beneficial for our trip given the long distances between key attractions. This isn’t Bali by any means.

We decided to rent a car and found some numbers online once we landed in Surabaya. There was no easy way to rent a car online or a registered shop that we found at that time.

Within an hour of waiting at a cafe, we had a company drive a car down to us. We negotiated 300,000 rupiahs per day for a very new, white SUV. That came out to about 20 USD. Split between the two of us we were paying $10 a day for transport.

In our 10 day journey, we filled up the gas 3 times (like I said a lot of driving), which cost us $25 USD each time. So, let’s say about $15 per day each for gas and transport for the entire trip!

A motorbike or moped would cost anywhere from $6-10 a day depending on your negotiation skills and availability. Gas is a few dollars per tank.

So why the car? There were often drives of 6 hours. For example from Tumpak Sewu to Ijen crater you are looking at a six-hour journey. We didn’t even make that journey we stopped halfway and it was still a mammoth drive. You need to focus every second as cars tend to drive on the wrong side of the directly at you, forget they have the ability to indicate and try and overtake you in gaps that they create!

We felt much safer in the car and were much more comfortable in the piercing heat. It made it easy to navigate as my passenger, Nic, assumed that role for the trip and we actually did a lot of planning and research in the car on the way to destinations. It also meant we didn’t have to unpack and pack everything we owned every time we moved.

The last huge bonus was storing things. When we did a hike or visited a waterfall, we simply took our camera backpacks and left everything else scattered in the car. I love moped and motorbike adventures don’t get me wrong and usually, I would snub the car.

However, for East Java, if you plan to cover it all, I would highly recommend the car. If you are solo it is a toss-up as the car may be a bit pricey.

Sidenote: we rented a moped for one day because we thought it would be fun to whip around at Mount Bromo. We weren’t wrong.

mount bromo without a tour king kong hill

I hope you enjoyed this East Java Travel Guide and have a great trip!


  • The Ultimate Guide: 15 AWESOME THINGS TO DO IN EAST JAVA
  • Mount Bromo without a guide:   MOUNT BROMO WITHOUT A TOUR
  • Madakaripura Waterfall:   MADAKARIPURA WATERFALL
  • Island hopping in East Java:   TABUHAN ISLAND & MENJANGAN ISLAND

madakaripura waterfall east java


Traveling in East Java, Indonesia offers a wealth of diverse landscapes, cultural attractions, and adventure opportunities. Here are some things to know before you visit:

  • Location and Access: East Java is located in the eastern part of Java Island, Indonesia. It is accessible through Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, the capital city of East Java. Surabaya is well-connected to major cities in Indonesia and international destinations.
  • Mount Bromo : East Java is famous for Mount Bromo, an active volcano and one of Indonesia’s most iconic landmarks. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking sunrise views from Mount Penanjakan and explore the otherworldly landscape of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.
  • Cultural Heritage: East Java is rich in cultural heritage. The city of Surabaya has historical sites such as the House of Sampoerna, a museum showcasing Indonesia’s clove cigarette industry, and the Heroes Monument, a symbol of Indonesia’s struggle for independence.
  • Javanese Traditions: East Java is home to Javanese culture, and you can experience traditional dances, music, and batik fabric production. Explore the ancient Hindu-Buddhist temples of Singosari and Trowulan, which reflect the region’s historical significance.
  • City of Malang: Malang is a charming city in East Java known for its colonial-era architecture, cool climate, and vibrant culinary scene. The city offers attractions like Jatim Park, Batu Night Spectacular, and the beautiful flower gardens of Selecta.
  • Surabaya Culinary Delights: Surabaya is a paradise for food lovers. Don’t miss trying local delicacies like rawon (a beef soup), lontong balap (a dish with rice cakes, bean sprouts, and tofu), and rujak cingur (a salad with cow snout). Explore the lively local markets for authentic culinary experiences.
  • Madura Island: East Java includes Madura Island, famous for its distinct culture and culinary specialties like sate Madura (Madurese satay). You can cross the Suramadu Bridge, one of Indonesia’s longest bridges, to visit this island and explore its unique traditions.
  • Waterfalls and Nature Treks: East Java offers stunning waterfalls such as Coban Rondo, Madakaripura, and Tumpak Sewu. Nature enthusiasts can also enjoy trekking in the Ijen Crater to witness the mesmerizing blue flames and sulfur mining activities.
  • Beaches and Islands: East Java boasts beautiful beaches and islands. Visit the pristine white sand beaches of Pulau Sempu, Red Island (Pulau Merah), or explore the underwater world while snorkeling or diving around the Karimunjawa Islands.
  • Transportation: Public transportation in East Java mainly consists of buses, trains, and taxis. Renting a car or motorbike provides more flexibility for exploring remote areas. It is advisable to plan your routes in advance and check local transportation schedules.

Remember to respect local customs, dress modestly when visiting religious sites, and carry a phrasebook or translation app as English may not be widely spoken in some areas. Enjoy your trip to East Java and immerse yourself in its captivating culture, natural wonders, and warm hospitality!

tabuhan island menjangan island east java

Monday 5th of February 2024

Wow!! Thank you so much. This is so helpful!!

Luzian Jung

Wednesday 23rd of August 2023

Hi thanks fir the useful insight! Where did you rent the car, or do you have a contact or something like this? Would be very grateful! All the Best Luzian


Thursday 17th of August 2023

Great article and very useful. Very beautiful pictures. Thank you

Friday 23rd of June 2023

This is an excellent article! I'm excited to revisit Surabaya and delve deeper into its wonders. My previous experience in 2015 was truly unforgettable, spending two weeks exploring Jombang, Kertosono, Mojokerto, and other charming towns. The Viyana Hotel in Jombang was absolutely fantastic! Even though Surabaya may not have been widely known at the time, there are still incredible attractions and mouthwatering cuisine to savor. On a separate note, if you're located in the UK and planning a trip to Latvia, we're a trusted visa provider based in London. Feel free to reach out to us for all your Latvia visa requirements!

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Thursday 22nd of June 2023

Great article! Can't wait to revisit and explore further. I had an amazing experience in Surabaya back in 2015, staying for two weeks. Explored Jombang, Kertosono, Mojokerto, and other small towns. The Viyana Hotel in Jombang was awesome! Despite not being popular then, there are still incredible sights and delicious food to enjoy. By the way, if you're in the UK and planning to visit Hungary, we're a visa provider in London. Contact us for your Hungary visa needs!

Indonesia Travel Guide

Top 10 Things to Do in Java

Looking for things to do in Java? Look no further; we have the best of what to do and must-see in Java for you listed here.

Java, the main island of Indonesia, offers a wealth of attractions for travelers. From the bustling capital city of Jakarta in the west to the stunning temples, lush fields, hills, volcanic mountains, waterfalls, castles, and rainforests in the east, Java is a treasure trove of experiences. Immerse yourself in the vibrant arts, savor the delectable cuisine, and delve into Java’s rich cultural tapestry.

If you’re planning an overland trip across Java, here are our top things to do in Java:

Things to do in java, indonesia

Enjoy bustling Jakarta city

Jakarta is Indonesia’s main and largest city, with a mixture of traffic congestion and soulless tourist attractions to hidden treasures, shopping havens, and bustling nightlife. Come here to experience the ultimate Indonesian city; you haven’t been to Indonesia if you have not been stuck in the traffic for hours, surrounded by countless people, and flooded with shopping sales and bargains. Therefore it is one of the things to do in Java that you can’t miss.

Besides, Jakarta is the main international airport hub for the entire Indonesia, so take a little time to learn about this place before leaving. One of the best luxurious hotels in Jakarta is The Hermitage by Marriott * , located at the center of the city.

See Best Hotels in Jakarta

See top things to do in jakarta, shop and feast in bandung.

When mentioned shopping in Indonesia, Bandung will come to mind. Moreover, it is just a short trip from Jakarta, making it a popular weekend destination. To top it off, the food is cheap and delicious, so fuel up in between all the shopping frenzy. Now you see why it is one of the top things to do in Java.

Shopping here means ranging from factory outlets to local shops and stores; you may surely find something you fancy. Bandung is famous mainly for clothing, factory outlets for many designer products, denim jeans, and also electronics.

Additionally, in Bandung, you can find a range of activities to enjoy, and here’s to name a few. Rest and relax at Dusun Bambu, where you can immerse yourself in nature. Experience the enchanting musical performance at Saung Angklung Udjo and witness the beauty of traditional angklung instruments. Capture a breathtaking sunset at The Valley, a perfect spot for scenic views. Swing on a hammock amidst the stunning landscape of Tebing Gunung Hawu. Explore the mystical beauty of Kawah Putih, a mesmerizing crater lake. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the impressive volcano of Tangkuban Perahu.

More in Things to Do and Places to Visit in Bandung

Swim in amazon-like waterfalls in baturadden, purwokerto.

When I first got to Purwokerto , I did not expect to be greeted by an Amazon-like waterfall in Baturadden, which took us a bit of an effort to get to but was worth it. You will stand in awe of the tall, powerful waterfall dropping into the contrastingly serene lake shrouded by rainforest canopies. One of my favorite waterfalls here is Curug Belot.

A bit off the travel map, but I recommend it as one of the things to do in Java. Purworkerto locals also recommend a few other must-do activities here. Indulge in the local delicacies of Soto and Mendoan. If you’re visiting during the right season, catch the captivating Grebeg Suran shadow puppet show, typically held around the Hari Raya festival. Embark on a hike through the picturesque forest to Pancuran Tujuh and reward yourself with a relaxing soak in the natural hot springs. Explore Banyumas for its museum and admire the Dutch colonial architecture.

See Purworkerto Travel Guide

Waterfalls in baturadden, purwokerto, java indonesia

Waterfalls in Baturadden, Purwokerto, Java. Photo by Rachel Ooi

Trek the lush rolling hills of Dieng Plateau

Dieng Plateau is a place up in the highlands, far from the rest of Java but also different. It is a self-contained place where you can explore by trekking through rolling hills of plantations and greens with mountains flanking from all sides of the horizon. It is a trek that will keep you fascinated throughout the journey, and you wouldn’t even realize the distance. In bonus, you will be trekking in a cooling climate as this highland has pleasant temperatures all year round. Do put this on your list of things to do in Java!

Besides, in Dieng Plateau, there are many must-see attractions, such as the ancient Arjuna Temple Complex with its intricate carvings, the bubbling Sikidang Crater, the vibrant Telaga Warna and Telaga Pengilon lakes, the picturesque Telaga Menjer, the unique Batu Ratapan Angin rock formations, the cultural Dieng Theater, the serene Arjuna’s Garden, and the traditional village of Pekasiran. Don’t forget to bring warm clothing due to the cool temperatures at this high-elevation destination.

Stay at the new and modern Tani Jiwo Hostel * or in the cozy Green Savannah Homestay * .

See Dieng Plateau Travel Guide

Rolling hills of plantations, dieng plateau, java, indonesia

Rolling hills of plantations, Dieng Plateau, Java, Indonesia. Photo by Rachel Ooi

Admire the ancient Borobudur Temple

Stay at Manohara Resort * s at Borobudur so that you can either catch the sunrise (which you would need to book a tour for) or be the first few people who enter, as the temple opens to visitors at 8 am. This is how to enjoy it best, when it is quiet, with just a trickle of travelers like you who appreciate the silence and marvel at the beauty with respect.

This 9th-century temple is an Indonesia UNESCO Heritage site and one of the largest Buddhist temples in the world. Visiting is should definitely be on your list of things to do in Java. Thousands of Buddhists make their pilgrimage here in Borobudur during Waisak Day .

See Guide to Borobudur Temple Compounds

See where to stay in borobudur.

Borobudur temple, java indonesia

Borobudur Temple, Java. Photo by Rachel Ooi

Experience everything Indonesian at Yogyakarta

To me, Yogyakarta is truly the heart of Java and Indonesia, as it offers everything from culinary delights to interesting attractions to arts and culture to shopping. Visiting here is one of the top things to do in Java for sure.

Remember to eat the famous Gudeg, meat stew that is delicious. Also, you can shop at Jalan Malioboro or Pasar Beringjaho. For the adventurous, you can hike up the ruins of Mount Merapi. In sightseeing, attractions not to be missed are the Water Castle and Kraton Palace. Besides, join a local myth or chill out at the cafe at the end of the day. Read more about things to do in Yogyakarta here.

See Top Things to Do in Yogyakarta

Be awed by the majestic prambanan.

Yet another temple but not one temple to be taken likely, Candi Prambanan is a well-known ancient Hindu Temple that stood majestically nearby Yogyakarta. You will surely find yourself mesmerized and in awe as you are greeted by the looming Prambanan temple that looks somewhat foreboding yet draws you in. It is one of the Indonesia UNESCO World Heritage Sites , one of Southeast Asia’s largest Hindu temple architecture.

See Guide to Prambanan Temple Compounds

Dive/snorkel off the only pristine waters of java in karimunjawa.

Java’s answer to pristine waters and beautiful white sand beaches, Karimunjawa , is proudly proclaimed so by the locals. A hidden paradise, Karimunjawa is an archipelago of 27 islands north of Semarang and off the coast of Central Java. Savvy travelers know that enjoying the beach here is one of the things to do in Java. It is a chance to get some beautiful beaches and sea without leaving for other parts of Indonesia, such as Bali or Lombok .

Discover secluded white beaches, where tranquility reigns, and you can relax in peace. Satiate your desire for adventure with snorkeling or diving, as the well-protected coral reefs promise an unforgettable underwater experience. Unwind and immerse yourself in the untouched beauty of this coastal paradise.

Although relatively unknown, there are several places to stay in Karimunjawa * to select from. Stay in specialty lodgings like the huts in Ayu Hotel Karimujawa * or more private cottages like Casa Velion * .

See Karimunjawa Travel Guide

Chill in the laid-back malang.

Malang is the epitome of what a city would have been in Indonesia back in the days before everywhere was swarmed by developments and traffics. This laid-back city, wedged between Mount Semeru and Mount Bromo, has beautiful landscapes in nearby villages and many temple attractions. If you want to catch a glimpse of a true Indonesian city, do not miss this thing to do in Java.

You can wander from within the city in becak or take the angkot to the many hidden temples, where you even have to trek through paddy fields. There are a few ancient temples for you to explore and waterfalls to catch at the nearby Batu. Also, don’t forget to indulge in the good Indonesian food here!

The most popular and unique luxurious hotel in Malang – Tugu Malang Hotel * , and I have stayed in Hotel Santika in Malang * with a good experience.

See Top Things to Do in Malang

Singosari temple in malang, east java, indonesia

Singosari Temple in Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Catch the breathtaking sunrise at Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is one of the numerous volcanic mountains in Java and Indonesia. It is undoubtedly one of the best things to do in Java for its breathtaking view. It beckons majestically despite the entire top being blown off and with a crater inside that spews off-white sulfurous smoke.

Many travelers come here to trek up to the nearby mountain to catch the sunrise over Mount Bromo and the caldera, coined the ‘sea of sand’. In the morning, a bunch of clouds huddled around it, making it as if you feel you are on top of the sky looking down. This experience is surely a notable attraction in Java and something you must do here.

Read Guide to Hiking Mount Bromo

See where to stay near mount bromo, go to java travel guide.


Fascinated by Indonesia, Rachel hopes to bring the best Indonesia Travel Guide to independent travelers so that they can enjoy what Indonesia has the best to offer. Being an independent wanderer herself, Rachel knows what it takes to make a good, fun-filled yet responsible independent traveling. So let’s join her to discover wonderful Indonesia together.

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Top best must visit places in java

Embark on an Unforgettable Adventure: Exploring the Top Best Must Visit Places in Java, Indonesia

The Java Island Travel Guide is your ultimate resource for exploring Indonesia’s most iconic destination, offering insights into the best places to visit, must-see attractions, local culture, and practical travel tips to ensure you have an unforgettable adventure. Embark on an Unforgettable Adventure: Exploring the Top Best Must-Visit Places in Java, Indonesia

Java Island: Exploring the Rich Culture, Natural Wonders, and Historical Landmarks of Indonesia’s Iconic Destination

If you are planning a trip to Java Island in Indonesia and want to explore the best attractions in West, Central, and East Java, this article has got you covered. From active volcanoes and stunning crater lakes to cultural centers and tea plantations, Java Island has a lot to offer. We’ll also provide travel tips on how to get to these attractions from Bali, which is a popular starting point for many tourists visiting Indonesia. So, whether you’re interested in nature, culture, history, or simply want to have fun, there is something for everyone on Java Island. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

Top Must Visit Places in Java: West, Central, and East Java, and How to Get There from Bali

Java is a vibrant and diverse island in Indonesia that is packed with stunning natural landscapes, fascinating cultural sites, and bustling cities. For those traveling from Bali, Java is an ideal destination for a day trip or a longer excursion. In this article, we will explore the top must-visit places in Java, organized by West, Central, and East Java, and provide information on how to get there from Bali.

Explore the top must-visit places in Java, divided by region: West, Central, and East Java, and discover how to conveniently get there from Bali.

1. Central Java: Discovering Yogyakarta, Borobudur Temple, and Semarang

Central Java is a treasure trove of the top best must-visit places in Java, from the UNESCO World Heritage site of Borobudur Temple and the stunning Prambanan Temple to the charming city of Yogyakarta and the serene Dieng Plateau, offering an unforgettable journey through the heart of Indonesia’s cultural and historical heritage.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Magelang, Central Java, and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The temple dates back to the 9th century and is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Visitors can explore the temple’s intricate design and learn about its cultural significance. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Yogyakarta, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Magelang.

The Borobudur Temple is a world-renowned Mahayana Buddhist temple located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. It is one of the largest and most important Buddhist temples in the world, and a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1991.

Borobudur Northwest View

Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty, Borobudur consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, decorated with more than 2,500 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The temple’s design reflects the concept of the Buddhist universe, with the lower levels representing the world of desire, the middle levels representing the world of form, and the upper levels representing the formless world.

Visitors to Borobudur can explore the temple’s intricate architecture and detailed carvings, which depict scenes from the life of the Buddha and other Buddhist teachings. They can also climb to the top of the temple to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding hills and rice fields.

Aside from its historical and cultural significance, Borobudur is also a popular destination for spiritual tourism and meditation retreats. The temple’s serene atmosphere and beautiful surroundings provide a peaceful setting for contemplation and self-reflection.

Overall, Borobudur Temple is a magnificent and awe-inspiring monument that offers visitors a glimpse into the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Indonesia.

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is another UNESCO World Heritage site located near Yogyakarta in Central Java. The temple is a masterpiece of Hindu architecture and features stunning carvings and sculptures. Visitors can explore the temple’s intricate design and learn about its cultural significance.

Candi Prambanan sebagai Peninggalan Agama Hindu

To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Yogyakarta, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Prambanan.

Dieng Plateau

Dieng Plateau is a highland area located in Central Java and is known for its stunning natural beauty and ancient Hindu temples. Visitors can explore the temples, hike up to the plateau’s scenic viewpoints, and witness the area’s natural hot springs. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Semarang, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Dieng Plateau.

Karimun Jawa Islands

The Karimun Jawa Islands are a group of islands located off the coast of Central Java and are known for their pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can explore the islands’ natural beauty, go snorkeling or diving, or simply relax on the beach.

There are a cluster of 27 islands located in the Java Sea, off the north coast of Java Island, Indonesia. The islands are known for their stunning natural beauty, pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and rich marine biodiversity. The islands are part of the Karimun Jawa National Park, which is a protected area that is home to various species of coral, fish, and other marine life.

Visitors to the Karimun Jawa Islands can enjoy a range of outdoor activities, such as snorkeling, diving, swimming, and island hopping. The islands offer a range of accommodation options, including beachfront villas and guesthouses, making it an ideal destination for those looking for a tropical getaway.

Tanjung Gelam, Taman Nasional Karimunjawa

In addition to its natural attractions, the Karimun Jawa Islands are also home to cultural sites, such as the Javanese fishing villages and the historic Kuno Island, where visitors can explore ancient ruins and temples. The islands are also known for their local cuisine, with fresh seafood being a particular highlight.

Karimun Jawa Island

To get there from Yogyakarta to Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Semarang or Surabaya and then continue by boat to the islands.

From Bali to Yogyakarta | Complete Guide to Visit Central Java

Semarang is a bustling port city located on the north coast of Java Island, Indonesia. It is the capital of the Central Java province and one of the country’s largest cities. The city has a rich history and cultural heritage, with influences from Dutch, Chinese, and Javanese cultures. Visitors to Semarang can explore its many historical landmarks, such as the iconic Sam Poo Kong temple, which dates back to the 15th century, and the Old Town area with its colonial architecture and narrow streets.

Lawang Sewu Semarang Indonesia 3

The city is also home to several museums, including the Lawang Sewu building, which was once a railway company headquarters and now houses a museum dedicated to Semarang’s history. For those looking for outdoor activities, the city has several parks, such as the Taman Budaya Raden Saleh and the Mangkang Zoo. Semarang is also a great place to sample local cuisine, with its famous dishes including lumpia (spring rolls), nasi ayam (chicken rice), and soto (soup). Overall, Semarang is a vibrant and diverse city that offers a blend of history, culture, and modernity that is not to be missed by any traveler visiting Java.

2. West Java: Exploring Bandung, Bogor, and the Natural Wonders

West Java is a province in Indonesia known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and diverse culture. If you’re exploring West Java, Indonesia, make sure to visit the top best must visit places in Java in this region, including Bandung, Bogor, and the natural wonders such as the majestic Mount Tangkuban Perahu and the stunning Kawah Putih volcanic crater lake. Here are some of the best West Java attractions you should consider visiting:

Bandung known for its cool climate, stunning scenery, and rich cultural heritage. Here are some of the top things to do in Bandung:

  • Explore the cultural heritage: Bandung is home to many museums and art galleries, including the Museum of the Asian-African Conference, the Geology Museum, and the Bandung Geological Museum.
  • Visit the tea plantations: Bandung is surrounded by picturesque tea plantations, such as the Rancabali Tea Plantation and the Purbasari Tea Plantation. You can take a guided tour of the plantations, taste the tea, and enjoy the stunning views.
  • Go shopping: Bandung is a popular shopping destination, known for its factory outlets, boutique shops, and traditional markets. Some of the most popular shopping areas include the Dago Street, Jalan Riau, and Cihampelas Walk.
  • Enjoy the natural beauty: Bandung is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, including the Tangkuban Perahu volcano, the Kawah Putih crater lake, and the Cikole Pine Forest.
  • Taste the local cuisine: Bandung is known for its delicious culinary offerings, including traditional dishes like Sate Maranggi, Nasi Timbel, and Soto Bandung.
  • Visit the art and cultural centers: Bandung is home to many art and cultural centers, such as the Saung Angklung Udjo, the Sanggar Sunda Bagoes, and the Bandung Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • Experience the nightlife: Bandung has a vibrant nightlife scene, with many clubs, bars, and music venues to choose from.
  • Learn about history and architecture: Bandung is home to many historical and architectural landmarks, such as the Gedung Sate government building, the Villa Isola, and the Masjid Agung Bandung mosque.

Bandung is a vibrant city located in West Java, Indonesia, known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural scenery, and bustling urban atmosphere.

You may also try to go from Bali to Bandung with bus and train. It will take around 15 hours.

Montage of Bandung

Shopping districts, delicious street food, and unique architecture

and Bandung is also renowned for its fantastic shopping districts, delicious street food, and unique architecture, blending traditional Indonesian designs with modern influences. Additionally, the city is a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists, thanks to its comfortable climate and various attractions, such as the Tangkuban Perahu volcano and the Saung Angklung Udjo cultural center.

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Angklung Udjo is a cultural center located in Bandung, West Java, and is dedicated to preserving traditional Sundanese culture. Visitors can enjoy performances of traditional music and dance and learn about Sundanese culture. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Bandung, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Bandung.

Saung Angklung Udjo - theatre with traditional music and dances from different parts of Indonesia (Java, Bandung)

Center for education

Furthermore, Bandung is an important center for education, with several prominent universities and research institutions located in the city. It is also a hub for creative industries, including fashion, music, and film, and hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Bandung International Film Festival and the Java Jazz Festival. With its dynamic blend of culture, nature, and innovation, Bandung is a truly fascinating place to visit and explore.

Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is a vibrant and bustling metropolis that offers visitors a unique blend of culture, history, and modernity. With a plethora of stunning landmarks, impressive museums, and mouth-watering street food, Jakarta is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a one-of-a-kind experience. Whether you’re interested in exploring the city’s rich cultural heritage or experiencing the modern lifestyle of the locals, Jakarta has something to offer for everyone.

So, if you’re looking for a travel destination that is sure to leave you amazed, make sure to add Jakarta to your bucket list and prepare to be blown away by the endless possibilities that this dynamic city has to offer.

Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider visiting Jakarta:

From Bali to Jakarta, Complete Guide to Visit The Capital of Indonesia

Rich Cultural Heritage

Jakarta is a city steeped in history and culture, with influences from various ethnic groups that have inhabited the region over the centuries. Visitors can explore the city’s cultural heritage by visiting historical sites such as the Jakarta History Museum, the National Museum, and the Monas National Monument.

Vibrant Street Markets

One of the highlights of visiting Jakarta is experiencing the vibrant street markets that are scattered throughout the city. These markets offer a colorful and bustling atmosphere where visitors can shop for everything from traditional crafts and textiles to delicious street food.

Mouth-watering Street Food

Indonesia is known for its delicious cuisine, and Jakarta is no exception. From the famous Nasi Goreng (fried rice) to the mouth-watering Satay (grilled skewered meat), visitors can experience a wide range of delicious Indonesian dishes in Jakarta’s street food stalls and restaurants.

Stunning Landmarks

Jakarta is home to many impressive landmarks that are worth visiting, such as the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, and the Jakarta Cathedral, a stunning neo-gothic cathedral that dates back to the colonial era.

Modern Lifestyle

Jakarta is a modern city with a vibrant lifestyle that is unique to the region. Visitors can experience the modern lifestyle of the locals by exploring trendy neighborhoods such as Kemang or Senayan, where they can find chic cafes, fashionable boutiques, and vibrant nightlife.

In conclusion, Jakarta is a city that offers visitors a wide range of cultural, historical, and modern experiences that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Whether you’re interested in exploring the city’s rich cultural heritage, sampling its delicious street food, or experiencing its vibrant lifestyle, Jakarta is a destination that is sure to captivate you. So, if you’re looking for a unique and exciting travel experience, make sure to add Jakarta to your list of must-visit destinations.

Tangkuban Perahu (volcanic crater)

Tangkuban Perahu is a volcanic crater located in Bandung, West Java, and is one of the top tourist destinations in the region. It is a popular tourist attraction and a well-known landmark of the area, known for its unique shape resembling an overturned boat.

Visitors can take a hike around the crater, explore the hot springs, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Vulkaan Tangkuban Perahu

Additionally, there are several hot springs nearby, like Ciater; where visitors can relax and enjoy the therapeutic properties of the natural mineral waters. Despite its occasional eruptions, Tangkuban Perahu remains a favorite destination for nature lovers and adventurers alike.

To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Bandung. r you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Bandung.

Kawah Putih (volcanic crater)

Kawah Putih is another volcanic crater located in Bandung, West Java, and is known for its turquoise-colored lake and beautiful surrounding cliffs and forests. Visitors can take a hike around the crater and enjoy the stunning views.

Kawah putih 2

Aside from the natural beauty, Kawah Putih also has a fascinating geological history. The crater was formed by a volcanic eruption thousands of years ago, and the acidic lake is the result of the interaction between the volcanic gases and the local groundwater.

To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Bandung, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Bandung.

Krakatoa Volcano

Krakatoa, also known as Krakatau, is an active volcano located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. It is perhaps one of the most famous volcanoes in history, due to the catastrophic eruption it experienced in 1883.

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history. It is estimated that the eruption released the energy equivalent of 200 megatons of TNT, or 13,000 times the power of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. The eruption created a series of tsunamis that devastated nearby coastal areas, killing an estimated 36,000 people.

Today, Krakatoa remains an active volcano and continues to draw visitors from around the world who are interested in witnessing the power and beauty of nature. Visitors can take a boat tour from the nearby town of Anyer to the island of Anak Krakatau, which is the remnant of the original volcano that was destroyed in the 1883 eruption. The island is still active and visitors can witness small eruptions and volcanic activity.

Uprising-mt anak krakatau

Climb to the top of Anak Krakatau (child of Krakatau)

The climb to the top of Anak Krakatau offers spectacular views of the surrounding landscape and the Sunda Strait. Visitors can also explore the nearby coastal areas, which are known for their pristine beaches and excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities.

Krakatoa is a symbol of the power and unpredictability of nature, and a visit to this active volcano is sure to be an unforgettable experience. However, it is important to exercise caution and follow the guidance of local authorities and tour operators, as volcanic activity can be unpredictable and dangerous.

Gunung Anak Krakatau 081384368727 WCAI

Here are some points on how to get there and what to expect when climbing to the top:

  • Getting there: The closest airport to Anak Krakatau is the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta. From there, visitors can take a four-hour drive to the town of Carita, where boat tours to Anak Krakatau depart.
  • Tour operators: Visitors should book their boat tour to Anak Krakatau with a reputable tour operator who is knowledgeable about the area and can provide necessary safety equipment.
  • Climbing experience: Climbing to the top of Anak Krakatau is a challenging experience that requires a reasonable level of fitness and stamina. Visitors should be prepared for a steep and rocky climb that can take up to three hours to complete.
  • Safety guidelines: It is important to follow safety guidelines and respect the natural environment when climbing Anak Krakatau. Visitors should wear sturdy footwear and bring plenty of water and sunscreen. It is also recommended to bring a hat and sunglasses to protect against the strong tropical sun.
  • Flora and fauna: Along the way, visitors will have the opportunity to witness the unique flora and fauna of the island, including a variety of bird species and the occasional glimpse of a monitor lizard.
  • Summit views: Once at the summit, visitors can take in the breathtaking views and witness the volcanic activity of Anak Krakatau up close. The volcano is still active and visitors may witness small eruptions and volcanic activity during their climb.

Climbing to the top of Anak Krakatau is a unique and thrilling experience that offers a chance to witness the power and beauty of nature. Visitors should be sure to follow safety guidelines and respect the natural environment to ensure a safe and enjoyable climb.

3. East Java: Witnessing the Beauty of Mount Bromo, Malang, and Surabaya

East Java is a beautiful region of Indonesia, home to many unique and breathtaking attractions. The East Java is home to some of the top best must-visit places in Java, including the breathtaking Mount Bromo , the charming city of Malang, and the bustling metropolis of Surabaya, offering a mix of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture that will leave you in awe.

Here are some of the best East Java attractions you should consider visiting:

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in East Java and is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can hike up to the volcano’s crater and witness the incredible natural beauty of the area, including the sunrise over the surrounding.

It stands at an elevation of 2 329 meters (7 641 ft) and is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, which is home to several other volcanoes.

Visitors to Mount Bromo can witness stunning views of the sunrise over the volcano, as well as the surrounding sea of sand and the lush green valleys beyond. Many visitors opt to hike to the volcano’s crater rim, which offers a closer look at the steaming vents and bubbling mud pools.

Gunung Bromo 1

Aside from hiking and sightseeing, visitors can also enjoy various activities such as horseback riding, jeep tours, and camping. The area is also known for its unique culture, with the Tenggerese people living in the surrounding villages and practicing a traditional way of life that includes offerings and ceremonies to the gods of the volcano.

The best time to visit Mount Bromo is during the dry season, from May to September, when the weather is clear and the views are spectacular. However, visitors should be aware that the volcano is still active and that safety precautions should be taken, such as wearing protective masks to prevent inhalation of volcanic ash.

Ijen Crater and Mount Ijen

Ijen Crater is another volcanic destination located in East Java and is known for its stunning blue fire and sulfur mines. Visitors can take a hike up to the crater and witness the incredible natural phenomena and learn about the area’s sulfur mining industry. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Surabaya or Banyuwangi, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Ijen Crater.

What makes Ijen Crater unique?

What makes Ijen Crater unique is the presence of the world’s largest acidic crater lake, with a pH of less than 0.5. The lake’s blue-green color is due to the high concentration of sulfuric acid and dissolved minerals, making it a spectacular sight to behold.

One of the most popular activities for visitors to Ijen Crater is hiking to the crater rim and witnessing the otherworldly blue flames that emerge from the vent at night. These flames are actually caused by the combustion of sulfuric gas, and can only be seen in a few places around the world, making Ijen Crater a truly unique destination.

Ijen View

Aside from the blue flames, visitors can also enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, including the rolling hills and dense forests that surround the crater. The area is also home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including a variety of bird species and several endemic plant species.

Blue fire of Ijen, Kawah Ijen, Java, Indonesia, 20220821 0432 9581

Visitors to Ijen Crater should be aware that the hike to the crater rim is quite challenging, with steep inclines and rugged terrain. However, the stunning views and unique natural wonders make it a worthwhile destination for those who are up for the challenge.

Baluran National Park

Baluran National Park is a stunning natural reserve located in East Java and is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including the endangered Javanese wild ox. Visitors can explore the park’s savannas, forests, and beaches and witness the incredible natural beauty of the area. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Surabaya or Banyuwangi, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Baluran National Park. Covering an area of over 25,000 hectares, it is known for its diverse ecosystem, which includes grasslands, savannas, mangrove forests, and coastal areas.

The park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including several endangered species such as the Javan leopard, Javanese bull, and banteng. Visitors to the park can also spot numerous bird species, including the rare green peafowl, as well as reptiles such as the reticulated python and saltwater crocodile.

One of the most popular activities for visitors to Baluran National Park is wildlife watching, either on foot or by jeep safari. The park also offers several hiking trails, including one that leads to the top of the park’s highest peak, Mount Baluran, which offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

The park’s coastal areas are also a popular destination for swimming, snorkeling, and diving, with crystal clear waters and abundant marine life. Visitors can explore the park’s coral reefs and underwater caves, and see a variety of colorful fish, sea turtles, and other marine creatures.

Baluran National Park is also known for its unique landscape, with savannas that resemble those of Africa’s Serengeti and grasslands that stretch to the horizon. The park is especially stunning during the dry season, when the grasslands turn golden and the wildlife congregates around the few remaining water sources.

Mount Baluran

Landscape Gunung Baluran Taman Nasional Baluran

Madakaripura Waterfall

This beautiful waterfall is located near the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, and is known for its breathtaking views and lush jungle surroundings.

It is known for its impressive height, which reaches up to 200 meters, and its beautiful surroundings, including lush jungle and stunning rock formations.

The waterfall is believed to be the final resting place of the legendary Indonesian warrior, Gajah Mada, and is considered a sacred site by many locals. Visitors can take a short hike through the park’s beautiful trails to reach the waterfall, and can also hire a guide to help them navigate the area.

Madakaripura Waterfall - Indonesia

One of the most unique features of Madakaripura Waterfall is the fact that visitors can actually walk behind the waterfall itself. Getting an up-close view of its powerful flow and feeling the cool mist on their skin. This experience is truly unforgettable, and many visitors describe it as feeling like being in another world.

In addition to its stunning natural beauty, Madakaripura Waterfall is also known for its spiritual significance. It’s often visited by those seeking blessings and good fortune. Visitors can offer prayers and offerings at the nearby temples, and can also learn about the waterfall’s rich cultural history and significance.

How to get there

Madakaripura Waterfall is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, which is around 35 kilometers from the town of Probolinggo. Here are some ways to get there:

  • By car or motorcycle: The most common way to get to Madakaripura Waterfall is by car or motorcycle. From Probolinggo, visitors can take the main road towards Pasuruan, and then follow the signs to the waterfall. There is a parking lot at the entrance to the waterfall, and visitors can then walk to the waterfall itself.
  • By public transportation: Visitors can also take public transportation from Probolinggo to the waterfall. There are several buses and minivans that run between the two locations, and visitors can ask their hotel or a local tour operator for more information.
  • By tour: Many tour operators in Probolinggo offer guided tours to Madakaripura Waterfall, which can be a convenient and hassle-free way to visit the waterfall. These tours typically include transportation, a guide, and entrance fees.

It is important to note that the hike to the waterfall can be challenging, with steep stairs and rocky terrain, so visitors should wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for a bit of physical activity. Visitors should also bring a rain jacket or poncho, as the waterfall can create a lot of mist and spray.

This charming city is known for its cool climate, beautiful colonial architecture, and delicious local cuisine. Visitors can explore the city’s many art galleries, museums, and cafes, or take a stroll through its picturesque streets.

Rainbow village in Malang 01

Here are some of the top things to do and see in Malang:

  • Explore the city’s colonial architecture: Malang is known for its beautiful colonial architecture, including the historic Balai Kota (City Hall), the Ijen Boulevard, and the Tugu Monument. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the city’s streets to admire the unique blend of Dutch and Indonesian styles.
  • Visit the Jatim Park: Jatim Park is a popular family attraction that features several amusement park rides, a zoo, and a science museum. Visitors of all ages can enjoy the park’s many attractions, including the roller coasters, aquariums, and interactive exhibits.
  • Trek to Mount Bromo: Mount Bromo is an active volcano located around 70 kilometers from Malang. Visitors can take a sunrise trek to the top of the volcano to witness the stunning views of the surrounding landscape, including the famous “sea of sand”.
  • Explore the beaches of South Malang: South Malang is home to several beautiful beaches, including Balekambang Beach, Ngliyep Beach, and Sendang Biru Beach. Visitors can swim, surf, and sunbathe on the pristine shores, or take a boat ride to nearby islands.
  • Visit the Taman Rekreasi Kota (City Recreation Park): The Taman Rekreasi Kota is a large park located in the heart of Malang. It features several gardens, a lake, and a jogging track, and is a popular spot for picnics, outdoor activities, and relaxation.

Malang is a charming city located in East Java, Indonesia. It is known for its cool climate, beautiful colonial architecture, and delicious local cuisine. Here’s how to get there:

  • By plane: The closest airport to Malang is the Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport, which is located around 17 kilometers from the city center. There are several domestic airlines that operate flights to and from the airport, including Garuda Indonesia, Citilink, and Lion Air.
  • By train: Malang has a train station that is well-connected to other cities in Java, including Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta. There are several classes of train service available, from economy to executive, and the journey can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the starting point.
  • By bus: Malang is also well-connected to other cities in East Java by bus. There are several bus terminals in the city, including the Arjosari Terminal and the Landungsari Terminal, which offer both economy and executive class buses.
  • By car or motorcycle: Visitors can also drive or rent a car or motorcycle to reach Malang. The city is well-connected to other cities in East Java via the Surabaya-Malang Toll Road, and the journey can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the starting point.

Once in Malang, visitors can explore the city on foot, by bicycle, or by using public transportation, including becaks (pedicabs) and angkot (minibuses). The city is known for its beautiful colonial architecture, including the historic Balai Kota (City Hall) and Tugu Monument, and is also a great base for exploring other nearby attractions, including Mount Bromo and the beaches of South Malang.

Java Island is a destination that offers an unforgettable experience for all types of travelers. With its natural beauty, rich culture, and historical landmarks, there is always something new to discover.

We hope that our comprehensive guide Top best must visit places in Java has inspired you to plan a trip to Java Island and explore its many treasures.Don’t forget to take advantage of the convenient transportation options available and make the most of your visit to this amazing destination.

Read also: How to Plan Your Itinerary for Traveling in Indonesia: Create the Perfect Itinerary for Your Trip (from 1 week to 2 months)

Photo credit: Mikkinis via Pixabay  ( Pixabay License )

Main photo description: Borobudur temple in Central Java, Indonesia.

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  • Posted by : Villa Carissa
  • Apr 21, 2023

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15 Recommended Tourist Attraction in West Java

The West Java Province is indeed famous for its natural beauty which is rarely owned by other regions in Indonesia. Many tourist attractions in West Java become a target by tourists because of their exotic scenery. West Java also has cool air because it’s surrounded by mountains, making the area more beautiful and charming. West Java famous not only because of its natural attractions but also for the cultural, culinary, beach and entertainment venues and dining places with unique concepts.

But the number of tourist spots in West Java actually makes tourists confused in determining the priority of which tourist attractions to visit. Well, in the article below we have made a list of 15 recommended tourist attractions in West Java.

1. Kawah Putih, Bandung


Kawah Putih or White Crater is very famous tourist attraction in Bandung. It is located in Ciwidey in West Java . The crater is on the top of Patuha Mountain, Ciwidey around 2 hours from Bandung, so it offers cool air with temperatures of 8-22 degrees.

Along the way to White Crater tourists will also be presented with views of trees that add to the coolness of this place. Be prepared to be fascinated by the beauty of this nature, thick fog and water color of the crater that looks bluish white.

The water in this lake can change color depending on the temperature, weather and the sulfur gas around the crater. There are many dead plants that leave only trees and branches sorrounding the lake. But this that make the crater secenery looks more artistic.

2. Green Canyon, Pangandaran

Green Canyon Pangandaran

Green Canyon which is located in Kertayasa Village, Pangandaran, is a very beautiful tourist attractions. It is presenting a charming towering high rocks. Visitors can enjoy the high cliffs with the Cijulang River flowing underneath.

The tourists can also go arround the Green Canyon using a small boat available there. Another activities tourits can do here is Body Rafting along the river below the cliffs through green trees around 3 kilometers in distance.

3. Stone Garden, Padalarang

Stone Garden Padalarang

Stone Garden is located on Mount Masigit, Cipatat. It is very exotic, popular and suitable as a place to take pre-wedding photos. Before, not many people knew the beauty hidden from the top of the Stone Garden hill. This field studded rocks is so amazing especially in the morning or at dusk when the sun sets.

After exploring the natural rocks scattered around the ancient lake, tourists can enjoy a phenomenal view from the top of the hill. From the top a wide expanse of scenery beautifully presented. A stone garden on a plateau on this hill will make you feel like you are traveling abroad.

You can see the rocks erect with an artistic formation from the top of the meadow on the hill you climbed. Many visitors capture this moment with a background of loose sky scenery and green farmland as well as the towering hills.

4. Curug Cikaso, Sukabumi

Curug Cikaso Sukabumi

Cikaso Waterfall, (Sundanese: Curug Cikaso) is a waterfall attraction located in the south of Sukabumi Regency. It is also known as Curug Luhur but the name Curug Cikaso is better known to the people because the flow of water comes from the Cikaso tributary, the Cicurug River.

Cikaso consists of three adjoining waterfalls and a pond below which has exotic turquoise water colors. The height of the waterfall which reaches 80 meters and the width of the cliffs of 100 meters presents a beautiful and charming view of abundance of water surrounded by green trees. The gushing water then creates refreshing exotic and cool water mist.

Tourists can feel the freshness of Curug Cikaso Waterfall and see the thin dew produced from the pouring of the waterfall.

5. Biawak Island

Biawak Island

Biawak Island or Rakit Island is an island located in the Java Sea in Indramayu Regency, West Java. It is about 40 kilometers from the northern coast of Indramayu. Biawak is a 120-hectare island full with thick mangrove converged with other kinds of plantation.

Biawak means “lizard” and there are hundreds of them hang around across the island. Every sun set, hundreds of lizards up to 1.5 meters long swim to the shore to hunt for foods.

Visitors can also find a towering lighthouse. Built in 1872, the 65 meters lighthouse consists of 16 floors. To reach the top of the lighthouse, visitors must pass around 300 rotated steps. The beuty of its underwater is also amazing and tourists can do snorkeling here. Hundreds of ornamental fish with beautiful reefs will welcome those who do diving in Biawak Island .

6. Ujung Genteng Beach, Sukabumi

Ujung Genteng Beach Sukabumi

West Java is not only famous for its natural attractions, it has also some of beautiful white sand beaches similar to those in Bali. One of the most beautiful beach spot in West Java is the Ujung Genteng Beach, Sukabumi. Ujung Genteng is also popular because one of the largest reserves for green sea turtles in South East Asia.

Ujung Genteng Beach is a coastal tourist area located in the southwest of Java Island Peninsula, directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean. The characteristic of the southern coast of Java Island is the clear water.

Ujung Genteng beach tourist area has six beautiful and nice beaches which are; Minajaya Beach, Pangumbahan Beach, Amanda Ratu Beach, Cipanarikan Beach or Pasir Putih Beach, Ombak Tujuh Beach and Cibuaya Beach.

7. Telaga Bodas Crater, Garut

Telaga Bodas Crater Garut

Talaga Bodas is one of the mountain attractions in Garut Regency. It is a small lake or “telaga” formed in the former crater of Mount Talaga Bodas. The crater itself still has volcanic activity, but it is not dangerous and safe to visit. This place presents beautiful, cool scenery and green hills.

As the name implies “Bodas” which means White, this lake has white water. In this place, tourists can enjoy the white craters, hot springs, hiking and even camping. Telaga Bodas is surrounded by mountains that are still lush and green and are directly bounded by wilderness.

8. Gunung Padang, Cianjur

padang mountain Cianjur

Gunung Padang is one of the oldest and largest megalithic sites in Southeast Asia. This site is located in Karyamukti Village , Campaka District, Cianjur Regency. The Gunung Padang site itself has several levels with different views. Large stones scattered are the sights that dominate this place.

Some archeologist even believe that it could be a pyramid which lies on this hill, buried under the soil and dates back to 9,000 – 20,000 years ago. The site complex is elongated covering the surface of a hill which is bordered by a row of large and square andesite stones. The site is surrounded by very deep valleys .

9. Curug Batu Templek, Bandung

Curug Batu Templek waterfall Bandung

Curug Batu Templek is a natural waterfall attraction in Bandung. When compared to natural waterfalls around Bandung, Curug Batu Templek is very unique because it has a natural landscape filled with rocky cliffs.

The reason why this waterfall is named Batu Templek Waterfall is because the place has rock mining and the stones that are mined are mostly flat rectangular or “templek”. And there is also a rock cliff that has a flow of waterfalls come from the river above it.

Curug Batu Templek is indeed not as beautiful as the other waterfalls in Bandung. But this waterfall has a unique charm and very different from other waterfalls because it is on a rocky cliff.

10. Mount Papandayan, Garut

Mount Papandayan Garut

Garut Regency, West Java, has several nature tourism parks and one of them is Papandayan Mountain Nature Park. Papandayan Mountain has attracted domestic and foreign tourists because of its beauty. Papandayan Mountain has a crater that still continues to emit sulfur gas. In this place, tourists can enjoy a vast crater area (approximately 10 ha) with its very beautiful view. The white and arid crater area framed by a beautiful green forest as well as the fresh air.

There are also other unique places such as the former eruption pool which is right on the edge of the crater, a dead forest area which is a forest area that died due to the previous eruption and also the campground. In this region there are also various activities that can be carried out by tourists from the panoramic view, sunrise, trekking , camping, mountain bike downhill, trail bike, to soaking in hot water.

11. Mount Lembu, Purwakarta

Mount Lembu Purwakarta

Mount Lembu is located in Sukatani District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java. It is a giant chunk of rock that when viewed from the east the shape of the rock resembles an ox that is sitting. That is why it’s called Mount Lembu. Once, Lembu was a volcano that erupted and under the mountain there was a lava plug that stuck down, which was originally a frozen magma in the volcanic pipe.

Mount Lembu has an altitude of around 792 meters above sea level. Although it actually doesn’t deserve to be called a mountain but the Lembu Hill is familiarly referred to as a mountain by the people of Purwakarta and among climbers.

When reaching the top, tourists can see the beauty of the Jatiluhur Reservoir from a height enhanced with clouds when the weather is clear. Not only that, tourists can also enjoy the enchanting landscape of Purwakarta City, coupled with Mount Parang which stands proudly behind it. Perfect natural scenery!

12. Kampung Karuhun, Sumedang

Kampung Karuhun Sumedang

Karuhun Village is one of the natural attractions which is located at in Citengah Village, Sumedang Regency. It is an integrated tourist area with natural nuances that are still beautiful. This place is located between hilly terrain (1200 meters above sea level) and tropical forest environment so that the atmosphere feels so cool and far from the crowds.

In this beautiful and cool protected forest area there are still various types of protected endangered species such as Hawk, Lutung, Surili, Apes, various types of birds, Porcupines and others.

Because this recreation place offers integrated tourism with eco green park concept, visitors will be presented with a very thick natural nuance and also provided various kinds of tree seeds such as durian montong seeds, guava, oranges and soursop which can be planted in conservation areas or can be taken home for self-planted.

13. Buniayu Caves, Sukabumi

Buniayu Caves Sukabumi

Buniayu Cave is one of the most interesting natural attractions in Sukabumi City, West Java. This cave presents the beauty of nature in the bowels of the earth with ornaments that have been formed for tens or even millions of years ago.

Buniayu has an area of about 10 hectares. It was first traced in 1982 by Indonesia cave expert accompanied by researcher from the French Speology Federation, George Robert and friends.

Of the many caves that were successfully laid out by cave experts only Goa Buniayu that attract more tourists because of the beauty of natural ornaments, including stalactites, stalagmites, flow stone and other ornaments. When going to this cave, visitors will be spoiled with green scenery and shady trees.

14. Puncak Guha Beach, Garut

Puncak Guha Beach Garut

Puncak Guha Beach is a small peninsula with cliffs located in Garut Regency, West Java. The beach is called Guha because underneath there is a bat cave which is still inhabited by bats facing the Indian Ocean.

Puncak Guha is different from general beaches because this beach has towering high cliff that directly adjacent to the open sea. That is the uniqueness of this beach. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of views of the open sea accompanied by the roar of the waves that alternately hit the cliffs.

Visitors are advised to visit this beach during the morning or late afternoon, this is because the sun will provide a beautiful view around that time. The expanse of green grass arround the beach makes this place very Instagramable and perfect for relaxing time.

15. Situ Gunung, Sukabumi

Situ Gunung Sukabumi

Sukabumi is one of the cities in West Java that has very beautiful and diverse tourist attractions. One of them is Situ Gunung Sukabumi. Located in the area of Gede Pangrango National Park, Situ Gunung has an altitude of approximately 850 mdpl. This mountain presents fresh air and beautiful natural scenery. Here, visitors can relax or even picnic on the edge of the lake located in Situ Gunung area.

One thing that attracts visitors to come to this place is to see the suspension bridge. The bridge which is built above the trees has a length of 240 meters and a width of 2 meters. And the height from the highest ground reaches 161 meters. The bridge that was built in mid-June 2018 also become access to the other tourist attraction, Curug Sawer Waterfall.

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Three West Java Airports Under Construction Opening Access to Fantastic Attractions

In direct response to priority plans of the Ministry of Transportation, the Province of West Java – directly adjacent to Jakarta - supports the development of three airports to facilitate tourists to travel to its numerous fascinating destinations across this vast province. Two new airports currently already under construction are the West Java International Ariport at Kertajati in the Majalengka Regency near Bandung and the Citarete Airport in Sukabumi , while expansion and improvements are being made to the Nusawiru Airport in Pangandaran Regency .

Three West Java Airports Under Construction Opening Access to Fantastic Attractions

“Tourism has the brightest prospects for the future, and this is the reason why this priority must be supported. To increase air connectivity, West Java has, therefore, prepared the Citarete Airport, the Nusawiru Airport, and the Kertajati Airport,” said the Vice Governor of West Java, Deddy Mizwar.

The Vice Governor further explained that Nusawiru Airport is currently in the process of runway expansion to reach 2,200 meters. Upon completion, the airport will be able to be landed by Airbus planes. From the airport, it is only about 6 Km to reach the beguiling natural beauty of the Green Canyon . It is 12Km from the surfing paradise at Batu Karas Beach , and 30Km from Pangandaran’s beautiful Pananjung Beach . Therefore, the operation of the Nusawiru Airport will definitely open up the captivating beauty of Pangandaran to the world.

Three West Java Airports Under Construction Opening Access to Fantastic Attractions

Another Air access will also be opened to connect to the Ciletuh Geopark with the Citarete Airport in the Sukabumi Regency. “The construction of Citarete Airport will also support our efforts in registering the Ciletuh Geopark to be included in the world’s Geoparks Network , known as the UNESCO Global Geopark’s (UGG)” added Deddy Mizwar. Currently Ciletuh National Geopark is the only one representing Indonesia in the running for inclusion in UGG. “The opening of the Citarete Airport will become the main gateway to the Ciletuh Geopark,” added the Vice Governor.

Whereas, currently still under construction, the West Java International Airport is projected to cover the largest area in Indonesia and becomethe second biggest airport in the country after the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport of Jakarta, located in Tangerang , Banten Province.

Three West Java Airports Under Construction Opening Access to Fantastic Attractions

Developed to replace the already overcrowded Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung , which has surpassed its capacity, the airport encompasses an area of 1,800 hectares plus 3,200 hectares to be developed as an aero city. The terminal area covers 92,000 square meters and can accommodate 5-6 million passengers. Upon completion by the end of 2017 or early 2018, the airport will have a longer runway than the Soekarno-Hata Airport measuring 3,660 meters.

Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya expressed his appreciation for the support of the West Java Province. The Minister is convinced that air connectivity will increase air capacity to bring in more tourists to the destinations. “Vice Governor Deddy Mizwar truly understands tourism and what is needed to develop tourist destinations. Along with additional amenities, Air Connectivity is among vital factors in tourism development,” said Minister Arief Yahya.

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