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Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It

Plus, why you shouldn't do this

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If you use a Mac or an iPhone, it’s hard to pick a different browser over Safari. It’s incredibly fast, uses minimal resources, and respects user privacy. But if you also use a PC, you won’t have the luxury of installing Apple’s flagship browser on Windows since the Cupertino-based tech giant does not develop Safari for the Windows PC. That’s a major issue when your gear consists of cross-platform products.

What you can do is install an older version of Safari on Windows 10 or 11, although we highly advise against that due to compatibility and security-related issues. The best and safest option is to sync your browsing data from Safari to Chrome or Edge on your PC via iCloud for Windows. Setting up macOS on your PC and using Safari that way is another feasible option.

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Download and Install Safari on Your Windows PC

Apple halted the development of Safari for Windows in 2012. However, the final version of the browser (Safari v.5.1.7) is freely available on the internet, so you can quickly download and install it on your Windows 10 or 11 PC. The problem? It’s terribly slow and dated, lacks compatibility with most web apps, and poses security risks. You also can’t sync your browsing data, so it’s not a solution if you want to access bookmarks and passwords.

Regardless, the steps below will walk you through downloading and installing Safari on your Windows 10/11 PC. But unless you just want to have a feel of how Safari looked almost a decade earlier, we recommend you stay away from it.

1. Download the Safari installer from a software download portal such as Uptodown , Filehippo , or TechSpot . It weighs in at 36.7MB. Unfortunately, Apple no longer supports Safari for Windows, so you can’t get it from an official source.

2. Double-click the downloaded SafariSetup executable file.

3. Select Next on the Safari Setup’s Welcome screen.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 2

4. Accept the license agreement and select Next .

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5. Specify if you want to add Safari as a desktop shortcut or not. Also, decide if you prefer it as the default browser on your computer (we recommend you don’t select this option). Select Next to continue.

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6. Pick an install directory (or leave the default folder path) and select Install .

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7. Wait for the Safari installer to finish installing Safari on your computer. Then, select Finish .

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After installing Safari, you can choose to open it by double-clicking the Safari icon on the desktop. Or, you can open it by selecting Safari on the Start menu’s programs list.

Despite being almost ten years old, Safari for Windows doesn’t look too out of place. To the top, you have the familiar URL bar (you can’t use it to perform searches, however), a Bookmarks strip underneath, and a dedicated Search bar on the left corner. By default, new tabs display frequently visiting sites in thumbnail format—you can use the Top Sites and History tabs to switch them and your browsing history.

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Selecting the cog-shaped icon at the right corner of the screen reveals the Safari menu, where you can choose to customize the toolbar, access your browsing history, launch a private browsing window, and so on.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 8

Selecting Preferences opens the Preferences pane, which provides options to modify the homepage, pick a default search engine, adjust privacy settings, manage extensions (although extensions support is non-existent), etc.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 9

What the browser does not allow is to sign in with an Apple ID. That makes it impossible to sync your browsing data from an iPhone or Mac. Even if the functionality were present previously, Apple probably would’ve stopped you from signing in to it by now.

During our Safari tests on Windows, the browser started showing its age. Most websites took a long time to load, while web apps (such as YouTube and Google Maps) simply failed or prompted us to switch to a compatible browser. Other than for basic web browsing, it was practically useless.

Safari for Windows also hasn’t received security updates in almost a decade, so we recommend that you don’t attempt to use it for any sensitive activities such as banking or shopping.

Sync Safari Browsing Data via iCloud for Windows

If your gear consists of a PC and iPhone or Mac, you can sync your passwords and bookmarks from Safari with Google Chrome and vice-versa by installing iCloud for Windows. That’s the most convenient method for accessing your browsing data on each platform.

iCloud for Windows also offers password syncing for Microsoft Edge and bookmarks syncing for Mozilla Firefox. However, only Chrome receives support for both.

If you don’t have iCloud for Windows on your PC, you can get it via the Microsoft Store or the Apple website . If you already have it, make sure to upgrade it to at least version 12.5 or later (you can do that via the Microsoft Store’s Downloads and updates screen or by running the Apple Software Update applet).

With iCloud for Windows up and running, open the iCloud app and check the boxes next to Passwords and Bookmarks . You can also activate additional iCloud services such as Photos and Drive if you want.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 10

Follow that by installing the iCloud Passwords on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. The former lets you insert and save passwords to the iCloud Keychain. You can also use the iCloud Passwords app (which installs automatically alongside iCloud for Windows) to manage your passwords in Windows. On the other hand, the iCloud Bookmarks extension syncs passwords between Chrome/Firefox and Safari.

Download: iCloud Passwords (Chrome)

Download: iCloud Bookmarks (Chrome)

Download: iCloud Passwords (Edge)

Download: iCloud Bookmarks (Firefox)

Run Safari via a macOS Virtual Machine

If you want to use the most recent version of Safari on your PC (perhaps to test a feature or extension), the only way you can do that is by running macOS via virtualization software. However, the procedure is not convenient. For starters, Mac’s operating system is not natively supported by most VM software, so installation generally relies on workarounds relying on additional software. Also, it requires lots of free disk space and uses up system resources, not to mention that virtual machine guests generally run sluggishly compared to the host operating system.

If you still want to go ahead and install macOS, the easiest way to do that is by following the instructions within this macOS Virtualbox project on GitHub. It lets you install macOS Catalina as a virtual machine via a Bash script. We’ve condensed it into the following steps:

1. Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox on your PC (it’s free).

2. Download and install Cygwin with the following dependencies (you can select them during installation).

3. Download the bash script from GitHub.

4. Open the Cygwin Terminal. Then, drag and drop the bash script and press Enter .

5. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up macOS as a virtual machine on your PC.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 11

After the setup procedure, you can open and use Safari by selecting the Safari icon on the Mac’s Dock. Before you do that, however, it’s a good idea to update macOS and Safari. To do that, open the Apple menu and select System Preferences > Software Update > Update Now .

iCloud for Windows Is the Most Convenient

Although it’s possible to download and install Safari on your Windows 10/11 computer, we recommend you stray away from it. The security risks alone make it impractical, and it’s not like you can use it for any serious web browsing anyway due to compatibility issues.

Since the most likely reason you would want to install Safari involves syncing your passwords and bookmarks, using iCloud for Windows is the only viable alternative. But if you do have the time and just want to try out the latest version of Safari, your best option is to set up macOS as a virtual machine on your PC.

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Dilum Senevirathne is a freelance tech writer and blogger with three years of experience writing for online technology publications. He specializes in topics related to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Google web apps. When he isn't hammering away at his Magic Keyboard, you can catch him binge-watching productivity hacks on YouTube. Read Dilum's Full Bio

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  • Télécharger
  • Navigateurs


Présentation de Safari par

Safari est un navigateur web. Conçue par Apple, la première version du logiciel a été dévoilée en 2003, celui-ci se présente désormais comme le deuxième navigateur le plus utilisé dans le monde après Google Chrome et devant Microsoft Edge. À ce sujet, il a d'ailleurs dépassé le milliard d'utilisateurs au cours de l'été 2022.

Fonctionnement de Safari

En termes de parts de marché, Safari rafle plus de 15 % des parts en 2022, ce qui le positionne au rang de numéro 2 dans le monde. En comparaison, Google Chrome est premier avec 66 % face à Microsoft Edge et ses 5,3 % puis Mozilla Firefox avec 3,1 % cette année.

Télécharger Safari est simple, il en va de même pour son utilisation. En effet, on retrouve la fluidité des services et des produits d'Apple dans ce navigateur web, car la marque à la pomme accorde toujours une importance primordiale à l'expérience utilisateur et l'esthétique. Ainsi, on retrouve beaucoup d'outils de personnalisation pour accompagner la barre d'outils et les fonctionnalités classiques comme les favoris et autres. Vous pouvez aussi ajouter des options comme les Onglets iCloud, la Liste de lecture ou encore les Suggestions de Siri en plus des extensions compatibles avec cet outil.

Pour fonctionner, Safari est doté d'un moteur JavaScript qui lui permet d'être rapide, ce qui veut dire que le temps de latence pour le chargement des pages est largement réduit. Selon Apple et ses tests, il se présente comme le navigateur web le plus rapide au monde devant Chrome. Plusieurs tests ont démontré que les deux outils étaient assez équivalents quand il s'agissait d'être rapide.

Grâce à sa vitesse, Safari a un impact négligeable sur la batterie et les performances de vos appareils, que ceux-ci viennent d'Apple ou une autre marque. Néanmoins, cela ne l'empêche pas de prendre en compte la diffusion en 4K HDR dans le navigateur pour les plateformes de streaming comme YouTube, Netflix ou encore Apple TV+.

Avec Safari, Apple met aussi en avant la protection de la vie privée, il s'agit d'un cheval de bataille que la marque à la pomme promeut avec chacun de ses produits et de ses services. Pour ce faire, elle propose plusieurs fonctionnalités sur le navigateur, à l'exemple de la fonctionnalité Prévention intelligente du suivi qui se charge d'identifier les traqueurs pour les empêcher d’établir votre profil publicitaire ou de vous pister quand vous naviguez sur le web. De la même façon, une récente mise à jour permet de vous connecter à différents services directement via votre compte Apple sans que vous ayez à communiquer votre véritable adresse email.

De la même façon, Safari met un rapport de confidentialité à la disposition des utilisateurs, il est possible de le trouver directement depuis le bouton Rapport de confidentialité dans la barre d’outils. Avec celui-ci, vous pouvez voir tous les traqueurs bloqués par le navigateur web.

L'autre point fort de Safari, c'est l'intégration du service Apple Pay. Depuis le navigateur web, vous pouvez faire vos achats en toute simplicité puis utiliser le service de paiement mobile lors du règlement. Pour ce faire, il suffit de s'identifier avec Face ID ou Touch ID sur votre iPhone, votre iPad ou votre Mac. Encore une fois, cette solution s'avère sécurisée, car elle demande toujours une authentification pour que la transaction puisse se faire. De la même façon, vos données bancaires ne sont jamais transmises aux commerçants en ligne ou à Apple.


Il est possible de télécharger Safari sur macOS bien évidemment, comme il s'agit d'un navigateur web conçu par Apple. D'ailleurs, il est pré-installé sur tous les appareils de la marque à la pomme depuis plusieurs années. En parallèle, on le retrouve aussi sur Windows, vous pouvez l'installer et l'utiliser facilement.

Sinon, Safari se dote aussi d'une application mobile qu'il est possible de retrouver sur iOS et Android afin que vous puissiez l'utiliser pour naviguer sur le web depuis un smartphone ou une tablette.

Vous pouvez télécharger Safari gratuitement et l'utiliser sans limite, il n'y a pas besoin d'un abonnement pour profiter de ce navigateur web depuis l'appareil de votre choix.

Alternatives à Safari

Vous l'avez compris, Safari est le deuxième navigateur web le plus populaire au monde derrière Google Chrome. Cela signifie donc qu'il y a d'autres alternatives à l'outil d'Apple sur le marché. La première est justement Google Chrome , ce dernier a été fondé par l'entreprise du même nom en 2008. Il est disponible gratuitement et accessible depuis l'appareil de votre choix, soit Windows, macOS, Android ou encore iOS.

Google Chrome est connu pour être un navigateur web très rapide, c'est pour cela qu'il est prisé par les personnes ne souhaitant pas télécharger Safari. En prenant cette option, vous faites le choix d'un outil efficace et sécurisé, mais aussi facile à utiliser. Comme son homologue, il se dote d'une interface intuitive et personnalisable. Depuis la barre de recherche, vous êtes directement renvoyé vers les résultats du moteur de recherche Google, mais vous pouvez aussi retrouver les pages que vous avez visités dans le passé ou que vous avez ajoutées en favoris. Il est également possible d'activer la synchronisation entre vos appareils pour retrouver vos historiques et vos favoris.

Si vous souhaitez faire le choix d'un navigateur orienté vers la vie privée, vous pouvez opter pour Mozilla Firefox plutôt que Safari ou Google Chrome. Également gratuit, ce logiciel open source a été fondé par la fondation Mozilla il y a plusieurs années, celui-ci est disponible sur Windows, macOS, Android et iOS. Il est tourné vers la protection des données personnelles à plusieurs niveaux. Pour ce faire, il met en place plusieurs options, à l'exemple d'une extension (gratuite) qui évite le suivi de votre navigation par Facebook quand vous n'êtes plus sur le réseau social.

Face à Safari, Mozilla Firefox se dote aussi d'autres outils, à l'exemple d'un outil de remplissage automatique des formulaires, d'alertes en cas de fuite de données sur certains sites, des mises à jour automatiques qui permettent à votre appareil de rester sain et de disposer des dernières versions. On retrouve aussi un gestionnaire de mots de passe qui s'utilise facilement.


Télécharger safari.

Toutes les plateformes compatibles :

Captures d'écran

Safari - Safari

Le navigateur 100% gratuit, rapide, avec VPN intégré

Votre téléchargement est prêt !

Si le téléchargement ne démarre pas automatiquement, cliquez ici

Messageries intégrées

Messenger et Whatsapp accessibles en barre latérale

Respect de la vie privée

VPN gratuit et Adblocker pour une sécurité renforcée

Partage de fichiers

Partager facilement des fichiers entre vos appareils.

Ouvrez le fichier téléchargé

Lancez l'installation et suivez les instructions

Profitez d'Opera

Les alternatives à Safari

Adobe Flash Player

Un plugin qui était indispensable pour consulter les sites en Flash

Opera One

Télécharger Opera One, le navigateur web boosté à l'IA

Brave Browser

Un navigateur open-source qui respecte vos données privées en ligne.

Arc Browser

Arc Browser

Venez tester Arc Browser le tout nouveau navigateur Web

Les autres logiciels de Apple

iTunes 12

Gérez vos sauvegardes et vos contenus vidéo depuis l'interface iTunes.


Indispensable pour profiter pleinement du dernier standard H.264

macOS High Sierra

La version 10.13 de macOS, le système d'exploitation des Mac, par Apple

macOS Catalina

macOS Catalina ou macOS 10.15 est une ancienne version du système d'exploitation…

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installer safari sur windows 10


  • Télécharger
  • Internet & communication
  • Navigateurs web


Mise à jour : 04/10/2019

Le navigateur Web d'Apple pour Windows en version 5.1.7 !

avec Safari 5, Apple prouve sa ténacité avec un navigateur qui entend bien se faire sa place parmi les ténors du marché que sont , Firefox et Opera.

  • Dossier Clubic : Dix extensions Safari à découvrir !


Safari : également disponible sur....

Safari pour macOS

Les rubriques liées à Safari

Procédures techniques, conseils et astuces

Comment télécharger et installer safari sur windows 10.

30 octobre 2019 Matt Mills Comment , Logiciels 0

Sûrement, nous avons tous notre navigateur préféré (Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera ...), sur le réseau, nous pouvons trouver beaucoup d'alternatives différentes. Bien que beaucoup d'entre eux soient de simples copies des précédents avec quelques changements, les plus importants sont ceux développés et maintenus par de grandes entreprises. Et l'un des navigateurs les moins connus, en particulier pour les utilisateurs de Windows, est  Safari,  Navigateur d'Apple.


Normalement, les applications Apple ne quittent généralement pas l'écosystème, étant «exclusives» à ses utilisateurs. Cependant, avec ce navigateur, la chose est différente. Apple autorise les utilisateurs de Windows à utiliser leur navigateur, bien qu'il ne soit pas tout à fait conseillé de le faire.

Comment installer Safari sur Windows 10

L'installation de Safari sur Windows 10 (ou sur Windows 7 ou 8.1) n'a aucun mystère. Bien qu'Apple ait caché le  download  de son navigateur (pour des raisons que nous verrons plus loin), il est toujours possible de télécharger la dernière version du navigateur publiée pour Windows depuis le  lien suivant .

Une fois le programme d'installation suivant téléchargé, nous l'exécutons sur notre ordinateur, comme tout autre programme, et suivons les instructions qui s'affichent dans l'assistant.

Lorsque l'installation de Safari est terminée, nous pouvons commencer à utiliser ce navigateur sur notre ordinateur. Cependant, puisque nous l'avons exécuté pour la première fois, nous commencerons à réaliser les problèmes.

Les problèmes d'utilisation du navigateur Apple dans Windows 10

Il est vrai que Safari n'a rien à voir avec la part de marché de Google Chrome. Même sur les systèmes d'exploitation de l'entreprise, les utilisateurs installent Chrome et Firefox pour naviguer avec eux. Pour le confort ou sur mesure, principalement.

Cependant, Safari était une bonne alternative pour ceux qui voulaient un navigateur innovant, léger et rapide. Malheureusement,  Apple a abandonné le développement  de la version Windows de ce navigateur et, depuis de nombreuses années (depuis 2012), ce navigateur n’a pas été mis à jour.

Le Safari  interface  pour Windows laisse beaucoup à désirer. Il s'agit d'une interface similaire à celle des anciennes versions d'Internet Explorer. De plus, parce que son moteur n'a pas été mis à jour depuis des années,  beaucoup de sites Web fonctionnent mal ou tout simplement ne fonctionne pas.

En outre, nous devons garder à l'esprit qu'un navigateur non endommagé est en proie à  vulnérabilités.  Nous devons faire preuve d’une extrême prudence lors de l’utilisation de ce navigateur pour Windows, car ces dernières années, Apple a corrigé plusieurs problèmes graves rencontrés dans Safari pour MacOS et iOS, qui sont toujours présents dans la version Windows.

Puis-je installer la dernière version de Safari?

Sauf si vous avez macOS, iOS ou iPadOS, il n'est pas possible d'installer et d'utiliser la dernière version de Safari dans le navigateur.  Apple a abandonné son développement il y a longtemps  et, bien qu'il soit encore possible de télécharger les programmes d'installation, cette version est complètement obsolète.

Pour pouvoir tester la dernière version, Safari sous Windows 10, la seule possibilité est d’installer Mac OS sur une machine virtuelle, ou d’opter pour une  Hackintosh  configuration qui nous permet de faire tourner le système d'exploitation Apple de manière native sur un PC conventionnel.

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installer safari sur windows 10

Vitesse remarquable. Discrétion maximale.

installer safari sur windows 10

Safari est le meilleur moyen de surfer sur Internet depuis tous vos appareils Apple. Avec de nombreuses options de personnalisations, de puissantes technologies de protection de la vie privée et une impressionnante optimisation de la batterie, il vous permet de naviguer comme bon vous semble, quand bon vous semble. Et question vitesse, c’est simple : c’est le navigateur le plus rapide au monde 1 .


Préserve la batterie. et votre patience..

Doté d’un moteur JavaScript à la vitesse fulgurante, Safari est le navigateur le plus rapide au monde 1 . Conçu spécialement pour être utilisé sur les appareils Apple, il optimise la consom­­mation d’énergie et vous offre une autonomie longue durée.

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Performances accrues

Le navigateur le plus rapide de la planète s’améliore sans cesse pour battre de nouveaux records de vitesse.

installer safari sur windows 10

Efficacité énergétique améliorée

Safari vous permet d’aller plus loin sur une même charge.

installer safari sur windows 10

Jusqu’à 4 heures de streaming vidéo de plus qu’avec Chrome 3

installer safari sur windows 10

Jusqu’à 17 heures de streaming vidéo 3

Navigation de pointe

Safari surpasse tous les navigateurs Mac et PC, test après test sur un même Mac 4 .

  • JetStream /
  • MotionMark /
  • Speedometer /

Performances JavaScript sur des applications web avancées 4 .

Safari par rapport aux autres navigateurs Mac

Safari sur macOS

Chrome sur macOS

Edge sur macOS

Firefox sur macOS

Safari par rapport aux navigateurs Windows 11

Chrome sur Windows 11

Edge sur Windows 11

Firefox sur Windows 11

Performances de rendu des contenus animés 4 .

Réactivité des applications web 4 .

Streaming vidéo 4K

Découvrez vos séries et films préférés sous leur meilleur jour. Safari prend en charge la lecture de vidéos 4K HDR dans le navigateur pour YouTube, Netflix et Apple TV+ 5 . Et grâce à sa gestion efficace de l’énergie, vous en profitez encore plus longtemps.

installer safari sur windows 10


Le respect de votre vie privée n’est pas en option..

La protection de la vie privée en ligne n’est pas un luxe. Et elle ne souffre aucun compromis. C’est pourquoi Safari intègre les dernières technologies de protection de la vie privée, comme la Prévention intelligente du suivi, qui identifie les traqueurs et les empêche d’établir votre profil ou de vous pister sur le Web. Et la mise à niveau vers iCloud+ renforce encore votre sécurité en vous permettant de vous connecter à des sites web et à des services sans avoir à communiquer votre adresse e‑mail personnelle.

installer safari sur windows 10

Prévention intelligente du suivi

installer safari sur windows 10

Avec Safari, le suivi reste sans suite.

Ce que vous regardez sur Internet ne regarde que vous. Safari intègre des fonction­nalités qui contribuent à empêcher les sites web et les entreprises recueillant des données de vous observer et d’établir votre profil en fonction de votre activité sur le Web. La Prévention intelligente du suivi exploite l’intel­ligence embarquée pour éviter que votre activité ne soit tracée d’un site à l’autre et empêche les traqueurs connus d’utiliser votre adresse IP. Ainsi, il devient extrêmement difficile de déterminer votre identité et vos centres d’intérêt.

Rapport de confidentialité

Avec Safari, vous pouvez facilement vérifier comment votre vie privée est protégée sur les sites web que vous consultez. Cliquez sur le bouton Rapport de confiden­tialité dans le menu Safari pour avoir un aperçu des traqueurs intersites n’ayant pas pu établir votre profil sur la page web en cours de consultation. Ou référez-vous au Rapport de confidentialité hebdomadaire pour savoir comment Safari vous protège au fil de votre navigation.

installer safari sur windows 10


Prenez les commandes de la navigation..

Safari est plus personnalisable que jamais. Classez vos onglets en les regroupant afin d’évoluer facilement entre vos différents centres d’intérêt. Définissez une image d’arrière‑plan. Optimisez la fenêtre de votre navigateur en y intégrant vos fonctionnalités préférées, comme Liste de lecture, Favoris, Onglets iCloud ou encore Suggestions de Siri. Enfin, profitez d’extensions tierces pour iPhone, iPad et Mac afin d’élargir les possibilités que vous offre Safari. Quel que soit l’appareil utilisé, c’est vous qui êtes à la barre.

installer safari sur windows 10

Les profils Safari vous permettent de séparer votre historique, vos extensions, groupes d’onglets, favoris, cookies, etc. Passez rapide­ment d’un profil à l’autre en créant des thèmes, comme Personnel et Travail.

installer safari sur windows 10

Les apps web vous permettent de sauvegarder vos sites web préférés dans le Dock sur Mac ou sur l’écran d’accueil de votre iPhone ou iPad. Une barre d’outils simplifiée et des réglages séparés vous offrent la même expérience que dans les apps.

installer safari sur windows 10

Les extensions Safari démultiplient les capacités de votre navigateur pour vous permettre d’explorer le Web à votre guise. Trouvez et ajoutez vos extensions favorites grâce à la catégorie Safari dédiée de l’App Store.

installer safari sur windows 10

Groupes d’onglets

Enregistrez et classez vos onglets comme bon vous semble. Nommez vos groupes d’onglets, modifiez-les et passez de l’un à l’autre sur vos appareils. Vous pouvez aussi partager des groupes d’onglets pour collaborer et planifier facilement vos prochaines vacances en famille ou autres projets à plusieurs.

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Outils intelligents

Faits pour en faire plus..

Les outils intégrés créent une expérience de navigation sur le Web bien plus immersive, intuitive et immédiate. Obtenez d’un simple clic des informations détaillées sur un sujet figurant dans une photo, sélectionnez du texte au sein de n’importe quelle image, faites-vous traduire toute une page web en un clin d’œil et prenez rapidement des notes où que vous soyez sur un site – sans avoir à changer d’app.

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Note rapide

Notes est l’app incontournable pour consigner vos idées à mesure qu’elles vous viennent. Et avec la fonctionnalité Note rapide, vous pouvez le faire instantanément tout en parcourant des sites web, sans avoir à quitter Safari.

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D’un simple clic, faites‑vous traduire toute une page web. Vous pouvez aussi obtenir des traductions de texte dans les images et les vidéos en pause, sans quitter Safari.

Texte en direct

Interagissez avec du texte contenu dans n’importe quelle image ou vidéo en pause grâce à des fonctions comme copier-coller, traduire et rechercher 6 .

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Recherche visuelle

Obtenez des informations sur un monument, une œuvre d’art ou encore une race de chiens à partir d’une simple photo ou d’une image trouvée en ligne. Faites ressortir le sujet d’une image de Safari, supprimez-en l’arrière-plan et collez-le dans Messages, Notes ou d’autres apps.

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Surfez en toute sécurité.

Les puissantes fonctionnalités de sécurité de Safari se chargent de votre protection. Les clés d’identification constituent une façon plus sécurisée de se connecter. Le Trousseau iCloud garde vos mots de passe et clés d’identification en sécurité et les saisit automatique­ment sur tous vos appareils. Safari vous prévient également lorsqu’il rencontre des sites suspects et bloque leur chargement. Comme il charge chaque page web dans un processus distinct, le code malveillant d’une page est confiné à un seul onglet, ce qui l’empêche de bloquer toute l’application ou d’accéder à vos données. Et, dès que c’est possible, Safari fait passer automatiquement les sites de HTTP au protocole HTTPS plus sécurisé.

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Clés d’identification

installer safari sur windows 10

Un moyen plus sûr et plus simple de vous connecter. Sans mots de passe.

Chiffrées de bout en bout et protégées du phishing et des fuites de données, les clés d’identification sont plus sûres que toutes les méthodes habituelles d’authenti­fication à deux facteurs. Grâce au Trousseau iCloud, elles fonctionnent sur tous vos appareils Apple, mais aussi sur les appareils autres qu’Apple.

En savoir plus sur les clés d’identification

installer safari sur windows 10

Avec Cartes et Apple Pay, payez en ligne sans lever le petit doigt.

Apple Pay, c’est le moyen le plus facile et le plus sécurisé de faire des achats sur Safari. Effectuez vos transactions avec Face ID ou Touch ID sur votre iPhone ou iPad, avec Touch ID sur votre MacBook Pro ou MacBook Air, ou en appuyant deux fois sur le bouton latéral de votre Apple Watch.

En savoir plus sur Apple Pay

Avec le Remplissage automatique, les informations de votre carte bancaire enregistrées auparavant dans l’app Cartes s’affichent pour que vous puissiez facilement régler vos achats. Vos informations de carte bancaire ne sont jamais partagées, et vos transactions sont protégées par des technologies de pointe en matière de sécurité.

Un navigateur qui voyage sur tous vos appareils.

Safari fonctionne en toute fluidité sur vos Mac, iPad, iPhone et Apple Watch, et synchronise vos mots de passe, signets, historique, onglets et autres sur l’ensemble de vos appareils. Lorsque votre Mac et votre appareil iOS ou iPadOS se trouvent à proximité l’un de l’autre, ils peuvent se passer automatiquement le relais grâce à la fonctionnalité Handoff. Vous pouvez même copier des images, des vidéos ou du texte à partir de Safari sur votre iPhone ou iPad, puis les coller dans une autre app sur votre Mac à proximité. Ou inversement.

installer safari sur windows 10

Lorsque vous utilisez Safari sur plusieurs appareils, vos onglets s’actualisent partout. Vous pouvez donc faire des recherches, effectuer des achats, travailler ou naviguer sur votre iPhone, puis basculer sur votre iPad ou Mac et reprendre exactement là où vous en étiez.

Ajoutez à votre Liste de lecture les pages web que vous voulez lire ultérieurement. Puis consultez-les sur n’importe lequel de vos appareils connectés à iCloud, même sans connexion à Internet.

Le Trousseau iCloud stocke de façon sécurisée vos identifiants, clés d’identification, mots de passe et numéros de carte bancaire, et les met à jour sur tous vos appareils approuvés. Vous pouvez donc vous connecter le plus simplement du monde à vos sites favoris ainsi qu’aux apps sous iOS et iPadOS, et faire vos achats en ligne en un clin d’œil.

installer safari sur windows 10

Pensé pour le développement.

Grâce à l’intégration en profondeur de WebKit au matériel Mac et à macOS, Safari assure des performances plus rapides et une autonomie plus longue que tout autre navigateur sur cette plateforme. Il prend aussi en charge les normes web les plus récentes, pour une meilleure expérience de navigation. Dans macOS Sonoma, WebKit inclut des optimisations qui enrichissent encore l’expérience et permettent aux équipes de développement d’avoir un meilleur contrôle sur la mise en forme et la présentation, afin de mieux mettre en valeur les contenus.

En savoir plus

Définir Safari comme votre navigateur par défaut

Personnaliser votre page d’accueil, voir votre rapport de confidentialité de navigation, gérer vos mots de passe enregistrés, utiliser apple pay dans safari, afficher vos onglets sur tous vos appareils, lire le guide d’utilisation de safari, consulter la page d’assistance safari.

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Here is how you can install Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11 (if you really want to)

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Safari is a web browser developed by Apple that is known for its fast performance, elegant design, and privacy features. Safari is the default browser on all Apple devices, such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads. But what if you want to use Safari on a Windows PC?

In this article, we will explore the history of Safari for Windows, the reasons why Apple discontinued it, and the possible ways to install and run it on Windows 10 or Windows 11. We will also discuss the pros and cons of using Safari for Windows, and some alternatives that you may want to consider.

Table of Contents

The history of Safari on Windows

Safari was first introduced in 2003 as part of Mac OS X Panther, and it was based on the open-source WebKit engine. Safari quickly became one of the most popular browsers on the Mac, and it was also ported to iOS devices when the iPhone was launched in 2007.

In the same year, Apple announced Safari for Windows, a version of the browser that was compatible with Windows XP and Vista. Steve Jobs, the then-CEO of Apple, claimed that Safari for Windows was faster and more secure than other browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Firefox. Safari for Windows was also intended to attract more developers to create web applications for the iPhone, which did not support Adobe Flash at the time.

Apple continued to update Safari for Windows along with the Mac version, adding features such as a reader mode, extensions, and developer tools. However, Safari for Windows never gained much traction among Windows users, who preferred other browsers that had more market share and compatibility. According to StatCounter, Safari for Windows had less than 1% of the global browser market share in 2012.

The last version of Safari for Windows was 5.1.7, released in May 2012. Apple did not release Safari 6 for Windows, which was launched for Mac OS X Mountain Lion in July 2012. Apple also quietly removed the download links for Safari for Windows from its website, effectively ending the support and development of the browser for the Windows platform.

The reasons why Apple discontinued Safari for Windows

Apple never officially explained why it stopped making Safari for Windows, but there are several possible reasons. One reason is that Safari for Windows was not very profitable for Apple, as it did not generate any revenue from advertising or services, unlike Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Apple also did not have a strong incentive to promote its browser on Windows, as it did not have any other products or services that could benefit from it, unlike Google or Microsoft.

Another reason is that Safari for Windows was not very popular among Windows users, as it faced stiff competition from other browsers that had more features, extensions, and compatibility. Safari for Windows also had some technical issues, such as security vulnerabilities, performance problems, and a user interface that did not match the Windows design. Safari for Windows also did not support some web standards and technologies that were widely used by other browsers, such as HTML5 video, WebGL, and WebRTC.

A third reason is that Safari for Windows was not very important for Apple’s strategy, as it focused more on its own platforms and devices, such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads. Apple also invested more in developing its own web technologies and innovations, such as Intelligent Tracking Prevention, Safari App Extensions, and Web Inspector. Apple also wanted to differentiate its browser from other browsers that were based on the Chromium engine, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera.

The possible ways to install and run Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11

If you still want to use Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11, there are some possible ways to do so, but they are not recommended or supported by Apple. Here are some of them:

Download and install Safari 5.1.7 for Windows from a third-party website

Safari for Windows (Installer)

This is the easiest and most straightforward way to get Safari for Windows, but it is also the most risky and unreliable. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows is an outdated and unsupported browser that may have security flaws, compatibility issues, and performance problems. It may also not work properly on Windows 10 or Windows 11, as it was designed for Windows XP and Vista. You may also encounter some malware or viruses when downloading the installer from an untrusted source. Therefore, we do not recommend this method, and if you decide to try it, do so at your own risk and discretion.

Safari running on Windows 11

Install and run Safari for Windows using a virtual machine software

This is a more complex and resource-intensive way to get Safari for Windows, but it may offer a better and safer experience. A virtual machine software, such as VirtualBox or VMware , allows you to create and run a virtual computer within your Windows PC, where you can install and run another operating system, such as macOS or Windows XP.

You can then download and install Safari for Windows on the virtual computer, and use it as if you were using a real Mac or Windows XP PC. However, this method requires a lot of disk space, memory, and CPU power, and it may affect the performance and battery life of your Windows PC. You also need to have a valid license and installation media for the operating system that you want to run on the virtual machine. Moreover, you still need to deal with the limitations and drawbacks of Safari for Windows, such as the lack of updates and features.

Install and run the latest version of Safari using a virtual machine software

This is the most advanced and expensive way to get Safari for Windows, but it may offer the best and most up-to-date experience. This method involves installing and running the latest version of macOS on a virtual machine on your Windows PC, and then using the latest version of Safari that is available for macOS. iboysoft has a great guide that will provide you step by step instructions.

This way, you can enjoy all the features and benefits of Safari, such as the fast performance, elegant design, and privacy protections.

Depending on if you are willing or not willing to sail to the seven seas, You also need to have a compatible Mac computer that can run the latest version of macOS, and a valid Apple ID that can access the Mac App Store.

You need to note that Apple does not allow installing macOS on non-Apple hardware, and it may violate the terms and conditions of the software license agreement, so keep thatn in mind before you go hunting for an ISO.

Why you may want to install Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC?

I will say this again: installing Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11 is not a good idea (will be discussing why not in just a minute) but there are some legit reasons you may want to run Safari on your Windows PC:

  • You can test and debug your web applications and websites on Safari, which may be useful for web developers and designers who want to ensure cross-browser compatibility and functionality.
  • You can sync your bookmarks, history, passwords, and tabs with your other Apple devices, such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads, if you use iCloud and sign in with your Apple ID.
  • You can experience the look and feel of Safari, which may be appealing to some users who like the minimalist and elegant design of the browser.
  • You can use some of the features and innovations that are unique to Safari, such as the reader mode, the Safari App Extensions, and the Web Inspector.

And before you go ahead and install a virtual machine in your PC or install an unsupported version on your computer, please understand that:

  • You may expose yourself to security risks and threats, as Safari for Windows is an outdated and unsupported browser that may have unpatched vulnerabilities and bugs.
  • You may encounter compatibility issues and errors, as Safari for Windows may not support some web standards and technologies that are widely used by other browsers and websites.
  • You may experience performance problems and crashes, as Safari for Windows may not run smoothly or efficiently on Windows 10 or Windows 11, especially on newer hardware and software configurations.
  • You may miss out on many features and improvements that are available on the latest version of Safari, such as the Intelligent Tracking Prevention, the customisable start page, and the tab groups.

The alternatives to Safari for Windows

If you are looking for a web browser that can offer a similar or better experience than Safari for Windows, you may want to consider some of the alternatives that are available for Windows 10 or Windows 11. Here are some of them:

  • Microsoft Edge: This is the default and recommended browser for Windows 10 and Windows 11, and it is based on the Chromium engine, which powers Google Chrome and other browsers. Edge offers a fast and secure browsing experience, with features such as Collections, Vertical Tabs, Immersive Reader, and Password Monitor. Edge also supports extensions from the Microsoft Store and the Chrome Web Store, and it can sync your data with your Microsoft account and other devices. Edge also has a built-in tracking prevention feature, which can block trackers and ads from websites, and a Kids Mode, which can provide a safe and fun browsing environment for children.
  • Google Chrome: This is the most popular and widely used browser in the world, and it is also based on the Chromium engine. Chrome offers a reliable and versatile browsing experience, with features such as Google Translate, Chrome Remote Desktop, and Chrome OS. Chrome also supports thousands of extensions from the Chrome Web Store, and it can sync your data with your Google account and other devices. Chrome also has a built-in malware and phishing protection feature, which can warn you of dangerous websites and downloads, and a Incognito Mode, which can prevent your browsing history and cookies from being saved.
  • Mozilla Firefox: This is one of the oldest and most respected browsers in the world, and it is based on the Gecko engine, which is developed by Mozilla. Firefox offers a fast and private browsing experience, with features such as Firefox Monitor, Firefox Send, and Firefox Lockwise. Firefox also supports extensions from the Firefox Add-ons Store, and it can sync your data with your Firefox account and other devices. Firefox also has a built-in Enhanced Tracking Protection feature, which can block trackers, ads, and fingerprinters from websites, and a Private Browsing Mode, which can erase your browsing history and cookies after you close the window.
  • Opera : This is a browser that is known for its innovative and unique features, and it is also based on the Chromium engine. Opera offers a smooth and convenient browsing experience, with features such as Opera Turbo, Opera Flow, and Opera GX. Opera also supports extensions from the Opera Add-ons Store and the Chrome Web Store, and it can sync your data with your Opera account and other devices. Opera also has a built-in ad blocker and VPN feature, which can block ads and trackers from websites, and hide your IP address and location from prying eyes, and a Snapshot Mode, which can capture and edit screenshots of web pages.

The conclusion

Safari for Windows was a web browser that was developed by Apple and released in 2007, but it was discontinued in 2012. Safari for Windows was not very successful or popular among Windows users, as it faced many challenges and limitations, such as security risks, compatibility issues, and performance problems. Safari for Windows was also not very relevant or important for Apple’s strategy, as it focused more on its own platforms and devices, and its own web technologies and innovations.

If you want to use Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11, there are some possible ways to do so, but they are not recommended or supported by Apple.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to install Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11, and what are the pros and cons of using it. Thank you for reading, and happy browsing! 

Tags: apple mac safari windows

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Saurabh Tripathi

Saurabh is Founder of Getting Geek and is an all around computer nerd. Currently Saurabh is at his home messing up with some ugly looking code. Send him your Questions, Suggestions and Pizzas at [email protected]

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How To Get Safari On Windows

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Safari, Apple's sleek and innovative web browser, has long been synonymous with the seamless browsing experience on Mac and iOS devices. However, for Windows users, the prospect of accessing Safari has been a topic of curiosity and interest. While Apple discontinued the development of Safari for Windows several years ago, there are still ways to obtain and utilize this renowned browser on a Windows operating system.

In this article, we will delve into the process of acquiring Safari for Windows, exploring the steps to download, install, and utilize the browser effectively. Whether you are an avid Safari enthusiast or simply curious about its features and performance, this guide will provide you with the necessary insights to experience Safari on your Windows device.

Let's embark on this journey to bring the elegance and efficiency of Safari to your Windows environment. Whether it's for testing website compatibility, exploring Safari's unique features, or simply satisfying your curiosity, the steps outlined in this article will enable you to seamlessly integrate Safari into your Windows browsing experience.

Downloading Safari for Windows

When it comes to downloading Safari for Windows, the process may seem unconventional due to Apple's decision to discontinue the development of Safari for the Windows platform. However, with the right approach, Windows users can still obtain Safari and experience its unique browsing capabilities.

One of the primary methods to download Safari for Windows involves leveraging reliable software repositories or archives that host the last available version of Safari for the Windows operating system. These repositories often store legacy software, including discontinued applications like Safari for Windows. By accessing these repositories, users can secure a copy of Safari for installation on their Windows devices.

Another avenue for obtaining Safari for Windows is through reputable third-party websites that specialize in archiving and distributing legacy software. These platforms serve as valuable resources for users seeking to acquire older versions of software that are no longer officially supported. By navigating these websites and locating the desired version of Safari for Windows, users can initiate the download process and prepare for the subsequent installation.

It's important to exercise caution and discernment when downloading software from third-party sources. Verifying the authenticity and integrity of the downloaded files is crucial to mitigate the risk of encountering compromised or malicious software. Prioritizing reputable and well-established sources for downloading Safari for Windows is essential to safeguard the security and stability of the Windows environment.

In addition to third-party websites, users can explore alternative channels such as technology forums and communities where discussions about legacy software and downloads are prevalent. Engaging with these communities can yield valuable insights and recommendations regarding the most reliable sources for acquiring Safari for Windows.

By leveraging these approaches and resources, Windows users can navigate the process of downloading Safari for Windows, enabling them to access and explore the distinctive features and functionalities of this renowned browser within their Windows environment. With the download phase accomplished, the next step involves installing Safari on the Windows operating system, which will be elucidated in the subsequent section.

Installing Safari on Windows

Once the download of Safari for Windows is complete, the subsequent step involves installing the browser on the Windows operating system. The installation process is pivotal in integrating Safari seamlessly into the Windows environment, enabling users to harness its features and capabilities effectively.

To initiate the installation of Safari on Windows, locate the downloaded installation file, typically in the form of an executable setup or installer package. Upon identifying the downloaded file, double-click to commence the installation process. This action triggers the execution of the installation wizard, guiding users through the necessary steps to install Safari on their Windows device.

The installation wizard presents users with a series of prompts and options, including the destination directory for installing Safari, shortcut creation preferences, and additional settings related to the browser's integration with the Windows environment. Users are encouraged to review and customize these options based on their preferences and requirements, ensuring that the installation aligns with their specific needs.

As the installation progresses, the wizard orchestrates the deployment of Safari's files and components onto the Windows system, culminating in the successful integration of the browser. Upon completion of the installation, users are typically presented with a confirmation message or prompt, indicating that Safari has been successfully installed on their Windows device.

Following the installation, it is advisable to perform a brief test launch of Safari to verify its functionality and ascertain that the installation process has been executed without any issues. By initiating the browser and navigating through its interface, users can confirm that Safari is operational and ready for utilization within the Windows environment.

It's important to note that while Safari for Windows may not receive ongoing updates or support from Apple, the installed version can still serve as a valuable tool for specific use cases, such as website testing, cross-browser compatibility assessments, and exploration of Safari's unique browsing features.

With Safari successfully installed on the Windows operating system, users can seamlessly transition into leveraging the browser to experience its interface, performance, and functionality within the Windows environment. The installation process sets the stage for users to harness the distinctive attributes of Safari while navigating the digital landscape on their Windows device.

In the subsequent section, we will delve into the practical aspects of using Safari on Windows, encompassing tips and insights to optimize the browsing experience and leverage Safari's capabilities effectively within the Windows ecosystem.

Using Safari on Windows

Utilizing Safari on a Windows operating system presents an intriguing juxtaposition of Apple's renowned browser within the Windows environment. Despite the discontinuation of official support for Safari on Windows, users can still leverage the installed version to explore its features and capabilities, catering to specific browsing needs and preferences.

Upon launching Safari on Windows, users are greeted by its familiar interface, characterized by a clean layout and intuitive navigation elements. Navigating through the browser's menus and settings unveils a range of functionalities, including tab management, bookmark organization, and integrated search capabilities. Users can seamlessly engage with Safari's interface, leveraging its features to streamline their browsing activities within the Windows ecosystem.

One notable aspect of using Safari on Windows pertains to website compatibility testing. Given Safari's distinct rendering engine and behavior, Windows users can employ the browser to assess the performance and appearance of websites, ensuring optimal functionality across different platforms and browsers. This capability is particularly valuable for web developers and designers seeking to validate the cross-browser compatibility of their creations.

Furthermore, Safari on Windows facilitates the exploration of Apple's ecosystem-specific features, such as iCloud integration and synchronization with Apple devices. Windows users who possess Apple devices can leverage Safari to access iCloud services, synchronize bookmarks and browsing history, and experience a degree of continuity between their Windows system and Apple ecosystem.

The browsing experience with Safari on Windows encompasses the seamless integration of Apple's ecosystem-specific features, providing users with a glimpse into the cohesive functionality that transcends device boundaries. This integration fosters a sense of continuity and convenience for individuals who navigate between Windows and Apple environments, bridging the gap between disparate platforms.

In addition to website testing and ecosystem integration, Safari on Windows offers a platform for users to explore its unique browsing features, such as Reader Mode, which enhances the readability of articles, and Intelligent Tracking Prevention, designed to bolster privacy and security during online activities. These features contribute to a distinctive browsing experience, enriching the utilization of Safari within the Windows environment.

As users navigate the digital landscape with Safari on Windows, they can leverage the browser's capabilities to tailor their browsing experience, harnessing its features to align with their preferences and requirements. Whether it's for professional website assessments, seamless ecosystem integration, or the exploration of Safari's distinctive functionalities, the utilization of Safari on Windows opens avenues for users to engage with Apple's browser within the Windows ecosystem.

By embracing the unique attributes of Safari and integrating them into the Windows environment, users can derive value from the browser's features while navigating the digital realm on their Windows device. The utilization of Safari on Windows underscores the adaptability and versatility of the browser, transcending its native ecosystem to cater to the diverse needs of Windows users.

Troubleshooting Safari on Windows

Troubleshooting Safari on Windows encompasses the identification and resolution of potential issues that may arise during the utilization of the browser within the Windows environment. While Safari for Windows may not receive active support or updates from Apple, users can employ certain strategies to address common challenges and ensure a smoother browsing experience.

One prevalent issue that users may encounter pertains to compatibility and performance discrepancies when accessing certain websites or web-based applications. Given the unique rendering engine and behavior of Safari, some websites may exhibit variations in appearance or functionality compared to other browsers. In such instances, users can consider employing compatibility modes or extensions designed to enhance website compatibility within Safari on Windows. Additionally, exploring alternative browsers for specific website interactions can provide a viable workaround for addressing compatibility challenges.

Another aspect of troubleshooting Safari on Windows involves addressing potential stability and performance issues that may manifest during prolonged usage. Users experiencing frequent crashes or sluggish performance with Safari can undertake measures such as clearing browser cache and temporary files, updating the browser to the latest available version, and disabling unnecessary extensions or plugins. These actions can contribute to optimizing Safari's performance and mitigating stability concerns within the Windows environment.

Furthermore, users encountering synchronization or connectivity issues related to iCloud integration with Safari on Windows can explore troubleshooting steps to rectify these discrepancies. Verifying iCloud account settings, ensuring network connectivity, and reviewing synchronization preferences within Safari can aid in resolving synchronization-related challenges, fostering a seamless experience for users navigating between their Windows system and Apple ecosystem.

Addressing privacy and security concerns within Safari on Windows is also paramount, particularly in light of evolving online threats and privacy considerations. Users can explore Safari's privacy settings to customize tracking prevention features, manage website permissions, and enhance security protocols within the browser. Additionally, staying informed about security updates and best practices for safe browsing can contribute to fortifying the browsing experience with Safari on Windows.

By proactively addressing these troubleshooting considerations, users can optimize their experience with Safari on Windows, mitigating potential challenges and maximizing the browser's capabilities within the Windows environment. Embracing a proactive approach to troubleshooting empowers users to navigate the digital landscape with confidence, leveraging Safari's features while effectively addressing and resolving any impediments that may arise during its utilization on Windows.

Incorporating these troubleshooting strategies into the utilization of Safari on Windows underscores the adaptability and resilience of the browser, enabling users to harness its functionalities while navigating the diverse terrain of the Windows operating system.

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Home » Windows » Safari Browser for Windows 10/11 — How to Download and Install

Safari Browser for Windows 10/11 — How to Download and Install

Safari for Windows 10

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Designed for Windows 10 and 11.

Take advantage of our special offer to enhance your PC performance. For more details, please read About Outbyte , and Uninstall Instructions . Also, please review our End User License Agreement (EULA) and Privacy Policy .

Safari, the default web browser on all Apple devices, retains popularity among iOS and macOS users. Despite this, the option to use Safari on Windows platforms is limited due to Apple’s discontinuation of Windows-specific development. The last available version for Windows is Safari 5.1.7 , which was released on May 9, 2012. The utility of this old version of Safari on Windows is limited and usually relevant for advanced users like developers, designers, and compatibility testers. It can be used for cross-browser compatibility testing or to support specific client requirements. However, due to its outdated status and security concerns, it’s not recommended for general browsing or handling sensitive information.

Moreover, you may find the need to open files with the .webarchive extension, which are saved web pages from Safari. If you’re facing such a scenario on a Windows PC, this old version of Safari could be a useful solution.

Security Considerations

Although it’s possible to install this outdated version of Safari on Windows 10 or 11, we advise against it due to the lack of security features present in more recent browser versions. For the most secure browsing experience, we recommend using the latest versions of Chrome , Edge , or Firefox .

If you still wish to use Safari on Windows, follow the steps below.

Expert Tip: For smoother PC performance, consider using a PC optimization tool . It handles junk files, incorrect settings, and harmful apps. Make sure it's right for your system, and always check the EULA and Privacy Policy.

Special offer. About Outbyte , uninstall instructions , EULA , Privacy Policy .

Installing Safari on Windows

In the absence of an official download link, users need to find a trustworthy source to download Safari 5.1.7. The installation process includes accepting the license agreement, choosing installation options, selecting the installation folder, and initiating the install. The browser can be set to open immediately after installation.

  • Download the Safari 5.1.7 setup file. The setup supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 11/10/8/7 systems.
  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

Limitations of Safari on Windows

The outdated Safari version available for Windows is slow, incompatible with many web apps, and lacks data syncing, making it ineffective for managing bookmarks and passwords.

Accessing Latest Safari Version on Windows

However, if you wish to use the latest version of Safari, you’d need to install the newest version of macOS on Windows 10/11 using virtual machine software like VirtualBox . Remember, we do not recommend installing or running outdated software due to potential security risks. Consider using alternatives like Chrome and Edge for a safer browsing experience.

Safer Alternatives: iCloud for Windows

The safer alternative to using Safari on a Windows PC is to sync your Safari browsing data to Chrome or Edge via iCloud for Windows. iCloud for Windows can be obtained from the Microsoft Store or the Apple website, and it supports password syncing for Microsoft Edge and bookmarks syncing for Mozilla Firefox. iCloud also enables you to manage your passwords in Windows and syncs passwords between Chrome/Firefox and Safari.

In conclusion, while there may be niche cases where Safari for Windows is necessary, in most instances, current Windows users are better served by using a modern and supported web browser. While some users and companies may still find a use for Safari on Windows, it is generally advised to use more updated and secure web browsers such as Edge, Chrome, or Firefox. These are continuously maintained, unlike the Safari for Windows version, which ensures a safer and more feature-rich browsing experience.

How To Install Safari Browser On Windows 10

Download and installation of Safari Browser for Windows have been a topic of interest among users seeking Apple’s renowned browser on their Windows systems. Safari’s charm lies in its reputation for performance and user-friendly interface, making it a desirable option despite its discontinued support for Windows. Here, we’ll delve into the steps to procure Safari Browser for Windows, exploring its compatibility and the installation process.

Table of Contents

Understanding Safari’s Compatibility and Features

Safari, developed by Apple Inc., remains the default browser for macOS users, known for its sleek design and advanced functionalities. However, its availability for Windows users ceased after version 5.1.7, posing limitations due to lack of updates and potential security concerns. While it was once an option for Windows 10, continuing to use an outdated version might jeopardize online security.

Is there a Safari for Windows 10

Safari was available for Windows users, and the last supported version for Windows was Safari 5.1.7. However, after this version, Apple discontinued further development and support for Safari on Windows systems. As a result, while Safari 5.1.7 was the latest version for Windows, it’s important to note that using an outdated browser version may pose security risks due to the lack of updates and official support from Apple. Therefore, while Safari existed for Windows, the discontinued support means there isn’t a modern or actively maintained Safari version available for Windows 10.

Where can I download Safari for Windows 10?

Downloading Safari for Windows 10 involves seeking the last supported version, 5.1.7, from sources other than Apple’s official website. Regardless of whether you need the 32-bit or 64-bit version, the installer functions seamlessly. Follow these steps:

1. Visit the Safari download webpage and select your desired download location on your hard drive. 2. Save the file and then click the executable to initiate the installation process. 3. Open the downloaded installation file and click “Run” to begin the setup. 4. Proceed by clicking “Next” on the Safari installer and, if prompted by the User Access Control window, click “Yes.” 5. Accept the software agreement, select required options, and click “Next.” 6. Finally, click “Install” and wait for the installation process to conclude. Once installed, Safari for Windows 10 is ready for use, offering its features on your system without extra steps.

While Safari is free for Windows and the 5.1.7 version remains the last supported release, it’s important to note that Apple has ceased providing updates or support. Consequently, using this outdated version may compromise your online security, as Apple no longer maintains the installer package or offers any updates for it.

Is Safari Free for Windows

Yes, Safari was free for Windows users during its active support period. However, it’s important to note that the last supported version for Windows was Safari 5.1.7. While it was available for free, Apple has discontinued updates and support for Safari on Windows systems.

Consequently, using this outdated version may pose security risks, as it lacks the latest security patches and updates to protect against potential vulnerabilities. Therefore, while it was free, it’s no longer recommended to use Safari on Windows due to these security concerns.

Why was Safari for Windows discontinued?

The discontinuation of Safari for Windows could be attributed to market factors, as supporting the Windows version might not have aligned with the costs and benefits for Apple. This move is similar to Microsoft releasing its Edge Chromium browser exclusively for the Windows platform.

As a result, Apple no longer provides Safari updates for Windows. Hence, the Safari 5.1.7 installer isn’t available on the official Apple website. While it’s possible to download this version from other sources, its lack of updates and official support raises security concerns.

Safari Browser for Windows 10 (Features)

Safari Browser  is the only browser that has an inbuilt DuckDuckGo support. This browser also has a no tracking feature which prevents websites from tracking you. It doesn’t let you browse insecure websites. 

Gives a warning when a user goes through insecure websites. Safari responds to user feedback even more than Chrome. The loading time of the website for both browsers is not very different.

In contrast to their predecessors, it requires a comparatively limited portion of the primary narrative. The inclusion of graphics allows Safari with fewer machine resources than other browsers to give a smoother scrolling experience and better feedback.

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  • Lightweight Browser for Windows
  • Best Browsers For Android TV
  • What Is Wave Browser
  • Best Ad Blockers For Safari Browser

installer safari sur windows 10

Angello Mathews

Angello Mathews is a technical content writer with expert in the field of science & technology. She has a very good academic and professional profile . When she is not writing, she will be seen travelling around the world

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Comment installer Safari sur Windows et résoudre les problèmes courants

  • Visitez ce lien et télécharger Safari (Le téléchargement démarre automatiquement).
  • Exécutez le fichier exécutable.
  • Accepter l’EUA et choisissez si vous voulez définissez-le comme navigateur par défaut.
  • Cliquez sur Installer.
  • le le navigateur sera installé.

Safari est un navigateur web populaire développé par Apple Inc. Il est principalement utilisé sur les appareils Apple, mais il peut également être installé sur un ordinateur Windows. Dans cet article, nous allons expliquer comment installer Safari sur Windows et résoudre les problèmes courants.

Pour installer Safari sur Windows, vous devez d’abord télécharger le programme d’installation à partir du site officiel d’Apple. Vous pouvez trouver le lien de téléchargement sur la page de téléchargement de Safari. Une fois que vous avez téléchargé le programme d’installation, double-cliquez dessus pour lancer l’installation.

Pourquoi Safari ne peut pas ouvrir la page ?

Si Safari ne peut pas ouvrir une page web, cela peut être dû à plusieurs raisons. La première chose à faire est de vérifier votre connexion internet. Assurez-vous que vous êtes connecté à un réseau Wi-Fi ou que votre connexion Ethernet fonctionne correctement.

Si votre connexion internet fonctionne correctement, le problème peut être lié aux paramètres de Safari. Vous pouvez essayer de vider le cache et les cookies de Safari pour résoudre le problème. Pour ce faire, allez dans les paramètres de Safari, puis dans l’onglet « Confidentialité ». Cliquez sur « Gérer les données du site web » et supprimez tous les cookies et données de site web.

Si Safari ne s’ouvre pas automatiquement sur votre ordinateur Windows, vous pouvez l’activer en suivant ces étapes :

1. Cliquez sur le bouton Démarrer de Windows.

2. Recherchez « Safari » dans la barre de recherche.

3. Cliquez sur l’icône de Safari pour l’ouvrir.

Si vous ne trouvez pas Safari dans la barre de recherche, vous pouvez le trouver dans le dossier des programmes. Ouvrez le dossier des programmes et cherchez le dossier Safari. Cliquez sur l’icône de Safari pour l’ouvrir.

Si vous avez désinstallé Safari de votre ordinateur Windows et que vous souhaitez le réinstaller, vous pouvez le télécharger à nouveau depuis le site officiel d’Apple. Allez sur la page de téléchargement de Safari et cliquez sur le bouton « Télécharger maintenant ». Suivez les instructions pour télécharger et installer Safari sur votre ordinateur Windows.

Pour télécharger la dernière version de Safari, vous devez aller sur le site officiel d’Apple et cliquer sur le lien de téléchargement de Safari. Assurez-vous que vous téléchargez la dernière version disponible pour Windows. Vous pouvez également vérifier les mises à jour de Safari en cliquant sur le menu “Safari” et en sélectionnant “A propos de Safari”. Cela vous donnera la version actuelle de Safari et vous permettra de télécharger les mises à jour disponibles.

Non, Safari n’est pas Google. Safari est un navigateur web développé par Apple Inc. tandis que Google Chrome est un navigateur web développé par Google Inc. Les deux navigateurs ont des fonctionnalités similaires, mais ils ont été développés par des entreprises différentes.

Non, Safari n’est pas Google. Safari est un navigateur web développé par Apple et Google est une entreprise qui propose un moteur de recherche et un navigateur web appelé Google Chrome.

Pour débloquer une page sur Safari, vous pouvez essayer les étapes suivantes :

1. Cliquez sur le menu « Safari » dans la barre de menus.

2. Sélectionnez « Préférences » et cliquez sur l’onglet « Sécurité ».

3. Décochez la case « Bloquer les fenêtres surgissantes ».

4. Rechargez la page pour voir si elle est débloquée.

Si cela ne fonctionne pas, vous pouvez essayer de vider le cache de Safari en cliquant sur « Safari » dans la barre de menus, puis sur « Effacer l’historique ». Sélectionnez la plage de temps pour effacer l’historique et cliquez sur « Effacer l’historique » pour vider le cache.

Safari est le navigateur web par défaut sur les appareils iOS, y compris l’iPhone. Pour trouver Safari sur votre iPhone, il suffit d’aller sur l’écran d’accueil et de chercher l’icône qui représente une boussole entourée d’un cercle bleu. C’est l’icône de Safari.

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Apple has stopped supporting Safari for Windows for quite some time, and there are no updates, bug fixes, or patches available. Besides that, using older versions of Safari on PC might invite malware from certain websites. Given the risk, it is not really advisable to download and use Safari on Windows for regular users.

Just in case if you are a developer, designer, or a UI tester, you will need to check browser compatibility for your project. This is where downloading and using Safari on Windows becomes inevitable. There are two ways to use Safari on Windows PC:

  • Using an older version of Safari by downloading the executable file
  • Using online service to use Safari with Mac OS X environment

We will discuss both of them in details, keep reading.

How to Install and Use Safari Browser on Windows PC

Step #1. On your Windows PC, download Safari by clicking here .

Step #2. Depending on the browser you are using; you might be prompted to Save the file, or it will automatically start downloading the file without prompting.

Save Safari Setup on Windows PC

Step #3. After the download is completed, double click it and go through the installation process.

Install Safari on Windows

Step #4. Once the installation is completed, you can launch it and start browsing as usual.

Use Safari on Windows PC

That’s it! You are now ready to experience the Apple touch on your Windows PC. Reiterating the risk, make sure you do not do any important things on the Safari-like accessing your bank accounts, making payments, buying things from Amazon or other websites that need your personal information.

This version of Safari is quite old and is prone to many web vulnerabilities that have already been fixed in modern browsers. Unless and until it is critically inevitable, we strongly discourage users to use Safari on Windows PC.

Besides security concerns, there are not many plugins available for the older version of Safari, which is easily available on Firefox and Google Chrome.

How to Use Safari on Windows PC using Online Service

Step #1. Open on any of the browser in your Windows PC.

Step #2. Create a free account with the site and log in.

Click on Start A Free Trail to Create Account in Crossbrowsertesting Web

Step #3. From the left menu, hover your mouse pointer on “Live Testing” option and then click on “Start a Live Test.”

Click on Start a Live Test in Crossbrowsertesting Web

Step #4. On the right, under the “Desktop” tab, click on the drop-down menu and then click on the Mac OSX version.

Click on the drop-down menu next to Mac OSX in Crossbrowsertesting Web

Once you select the Mac OSX version, you’ll notice that the menu beside it will automatically select Safari 11.

Step #5. All you need to do now is to enter the website in the text field. Click “Run Test” button to load up the website.

Enter the Website and click on Run Test to Use Online Safari Web Browser

You can change scaling, resolution , take the screenshot, record video, and many other things from the top menu bar.

Use Safari for Windows PC

This is certainly not very smooth for day-to-day use for normal users. This again comes in handy for developers and testers. It is much more secure compared to downloading an older version of the Safari.

Personally, I was not much impressed with the browsing experience as there were a lot of lags while scrolling. But as a tester, I wouldn’t mind using it, as getting different devices physically is a tedious and expensive task.

The service offers 100 minutes of free browsing, and then you can go with different paid plans if you are happy with it.

Signing off…

It would have been great if Apple continued Safari support for Windows PC as it would have made life a lot easier for a lot of people. Especially for developers and designers, who need to check their work on different browsers.

Related articles:

  • 4 Reasons Why Safari is Better Than Any Other Browser
  • How to Autofill Passwords, Credit Card Info in Safari with Face IDMax, and XR

Do you use Safari on Windows? If yes, how has been your experience? Share it with fellow users by commenting below.


Jignesh Padhiyar is the co-founder of, who has a keen eye for news, rumors, and all the unusual stuff around Apple products. During his tight schedule, Jignesh finds some moments of respite to share side-splitting content on social media.

🗣️ Our site is supported by our readers like you. When you purchase through our links, we earn a small commission. Read Disclaimer .

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Update to the latest version of Safari

If a Safari update is available for your device, you can get it by updating or upgrading macOS, iOS, iPadOS, or visionOS.

Get Safari updates for Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple Vision Pro

The most up-to-date version of Safari is included with the latest version of the operating system for your Apple device.

To update Safari on Mac, update macOS .

To update Safari on iPhone or iPad, update iOS or iPadOS .

To update Safari on Apple Vision Pro, update visionOS .

Get Safari updates for Windows

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows or other PC operating systems. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows, released in 2010 and now outdated, was the last version made for Windows.

If a website says your browser is out of date

If a website says that Safari is out of date even though you're already using the latest version of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, or visionOS, there could be an issue with the website. If you’re sure that you want to use the website, contact the website owner or developer for guidance about how to best use their website.

installer safari sur windows 10

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installer safari sur windows 10

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How to Download & Install Safari on Windows 10 PC

How to Download & Install Safari on Windows 10 PC in 2021 (Easy Steps)

As you all know that Safari is the default web browser for iOS and macOS devices. Some Windows PC users may want to download and install the Apple Safari web browser on a Windows 10 PC. Apple has stopped supporting Safari for Windows since 2012. However, you can download and use the version Safari web browser on your Windows PC. Here, you are going to learn how to download and install Safari on Windows 10 PC .

However, the Safari web browser is the default browser for all Apple devices like macOS , iPad , and iPhone with iOS . Just as Microsoft has Microsoft Edge, Google has Chrome, and Mozilla has Firefox, Apple is responsible for developing and maintaining its Safari browser.

Safari is a Web browser with high performance. It is developed by Apple Inc. It is the default browser for macOS, iPad and iPhone with iOS and its older versions are also available for Windows users. It was first released in 2003 for the Macintosh computers. A Windows edition was available from 2007 until 2012; the software has since been discontinued by Apple. As of now, Windows 10 users can download and install Safari version 5.1.7 for Windows computers.

Features or Safari Browser

Safari is unquestionably a brilliant browser. It’s fast speed and ease of use make it a great app. Together with these simple qualities, Safari has more highly innovative features that most don’t know about.

  • Privacy and Security
  • Protection from Unsafe Sites
  • Intelligent Tracking Prevention

Why Do You Need to Install Safari on Windows 10?

The browser outperforms other browsers such as Chrome and Firefox in terms of speed and efficiency according to Apple’s sources. Here are the reasons why you can make better use of Safari than any browser.

  • Improved Battery Life
  • AutoFill Passwords

How to Download & Install Safari on Windows 10

Yeah, the Safari browser can also be downloaded and installed on Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7. The catch, however, is that Apple no longer develops Windows operating system Safari. This means Safari’s new update is not available for the Windows operating system.

Meanwhile, Safari version 5.1.7 released a few years ago must be downloaded and installed. That said, the Safari version 5.1.7 is officially available for download from Apple and is completely compatible with both the latest 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10 systems. Safari’s latest version for Windows was released on 9 May 2012.

Step 1. Download Safari from trusted sites. Here is the link to download Safari and then follow the on-screen instructions.

installer safari sur windows 10

Step 2 . When the file is download, double-click on it to start the installation process.

Step 3 . Click Next .

installer safari sur windows 10

Step 4 . Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next .

installer safari sur windows 10

Step 5 . Here, you can deselect or uncheck some options like Install Bonjour for Windows or Make Safari the default browser for all users and click Next .

How to Download & Install Safari on Windows 10 PC in 2021 (Easy Steps)

Step 6 . Finally, click Install, and If you’re promoted click Yes . Wait until the installation wizard is completed and click Finish .

How to Download & Install Safari on Windows 10 PC in 2021 (Easy Steps)

Step 7. Safari browser is now installed on your Windows 10 PC and it’s ready to use.

How to Download & Install Safari on Windows 10 PC in 2021 (Easy Steps)

Final Words

This is how you can download & Install the Safari browser on your Windows PC and laptop. When it comes to speed and security then you can’t find any better web browser like Safari. If you’re a Windows user and want to experiment with the Safari browser then you may opt to install it on your Windows computers.

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How to Download and Install Safari for Windows 10?

Do you want to download and install Safari for Windows? How to download Safari 5.1.7 for Windows? If you are bothered by these issues, you come to the right place. In this post, MiniTool Software will show you how to download and install Safari 5.1.7 for Windows on your Windows computer.

Can You Download Safari on Windows?

For special needs, you may need to use the Safari browser on your Windows computer. Is there Safari for Windows 10? Let’s take a look at the official statement:

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows was the last version made for Windows, and it is now outdated.

Safari for Windows

You can see that the latest version of Safari for Windows 10 is Safari 5.1.7 for Windows. It is based on WebKit version 534.57.2 and it was released in May 2012. Apple has stopped the update for many years.

In a situation like this, you will ask: is it still possible to find this Safari version for Windows? Honestly speaking, there is no official Safari download for Windows 10. But you can still find some other reliable download sources of Safari download for Windows 10.

How to Reinstall Chrome on All Devices? [Solved!]

If your Chrome encounters an issue, you can reinstall it to have a try. In this post, we will show you how to reinstall Chrome in Windows/Mac/Android/Mac.

Now we will show you how to download and install Safari on Windows.

How to download and install Safari 5.1.7 for Windows?

  • Search Safari 5.1.7 for Windows on the internet.
  • Download Safari 5.1.7 for Windows.
  • Install Safari 5.1.7 for Windows on your computer.

Step 1: Search Safari 5.1.7 for Windows

Before downloading the Safari browser, you need to search for a reliable download source because there is no official download link now.

The following are the search results of Safari 5.1.7 for Windows in Google (the search results keep changing all the time). The first one has a higher rating, the 6 th and the 8 th have good website ranks. All of them are secure for Safari download for Windows 10. You can just select one of them.

Here, we select the download source from CNET (the 8 th one).

search results of Safari 5.1.7 for Windows

Step 2: Download Safari 5.1.7 for Windows

1. Click the download source from CNET.

2. Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button to continue.


3. The download process will start. If not, you can click the restart the download link to manually start Safari download for Windows 10. You can see the downloading process on the left-bottom corner of the browser.

start downloading

4. When the download process ends, you can click the arrow next to the Safari installation file (still at the left-bottom corner of the browser) and then select Show in folder to directly access the downloads folder. You can also click the downloaded .exe file (from the left-bottom corner) to start the installation.

select show in folder

Step 3: Install Safari 5.1.7 for Windows on Your Computer

1. Click the exe file to continue.

2. When you see the Safari installer interface, you need to click Next to continue.

click Next

3. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement .

4. Click Next .

select I accept the terms in the license agreement

5. Select the installation options you want to use.

6. Click Next .

select the installation options you want to use

7. There will be a default installation folder and it is usually the C drive. If you want to use your specified folder, you need to click the Change button to make a change.

click Change

8. Click the arrow in the Look in box and select your desired one.

9. Click the create a new folder icon to create a new folder that is named Safari by default.

select a folder the save the installation files

10. Click the Install button to start installing Safari for Windows.

click Install

11. When you see the User Account Control interface, click the Yes button to continue.

click Yes on User Account Control

12. If you want to directly open Safari after the installation, you need to make sure Open Safari after the installer exits is selected.

close the installer

13. Click Finish to close the installer and open Safari.

open Safari

These are the full steps to find, download, and install Safari for Windows. You can feel free to use these steps to get Safari.

How to Fix Safari Keeps Crashing on Mac, iPhone, and iPad?

In this post, we will show you the main reasons for Safari keeps crashing on Mac/iPhone/iPad and how to get rid of this issue using different methods.

If you are bothered by some other related problems and don’t know how to solve them, you can let us know in the comments.

About The Author


Position: Columnist


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    Safari 5.1.7 for Windows, released in 2010 and now outdated, was the last version made for Windows. If a website says your browser is out of date. If a website says that Safari is out of date even though you're already using the latest version of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, or visionOS, there could be an issue with the website. If you're sure that ...

  17. Comment télécharger et installer le navigateur Safari pour Windows 10

    Donc, si vous souhaitez utiliser leNavigateur Safarilorsque vous exécutez Windows 10, voici une bonne nouvelle. Dans cet article, nous expliquerons comment télécharger le navigateur Web Safari sur Windows 10. Mais avant cela, si vous êtes un utilisateur Windows et que vous souhaitez essayer Safari, voici ce que vous devez savoir à ce sujet.

  18. How to Download & Install Safari on Windows 10 PC

    Here is the link to download Safari and then follow the on-screen instructions. Download. Step 2. When the file is download, double-click on it to start the installation process. Step 3. Click Next. Next. Step 4. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.

  19. (Guide) Télécharger et utiliser Safari sur Windows 11

    Ouvrez la page de téléchargement de Safari. Cliquez sur le bouton Télécharger pour télécharger Safari pour Windows 11. Si votre navigateur n'est pas configuré pour télécharger automatiquement dans le dossier Téléchargements de votre PC, vous devrez sélectionner un répertoire dans lequel enregistrer le fichier.

  20. How to Download and Install Safari for Windows 10?

    Step 2: Download Safari 5.1.7 for Windows. 1. Click the download source from CNET. 2. Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button to continue. 3. The download process will start. If not, you can click the restart the download link to manually start Safari download for Windows 10.

  21. Téléchargez et installez le navigateur Safari sur Windows 10

    Tout d'abord télécharger le navigateur Safari version 5.1.7 à partir du lien donné. Une fois téléchargé, allez dans le dossier Téléchargements et double-cliquez sur le fichier à installer. Cliquez ensuite sur le bouton Exécuter et lancez l'installation. Sur le programme d'installation de Safari, sélectionnez le bouton Suivant.

  22. Télécharger Safari gratuit pour PC

    Safari gratuit pour PC. Télécharger pour Windows. (38,5 Mo) Votre évaluation. 302 votes 3,9 / 5. Éditeur Apple Inc. Version 5.1.7. Licence Freeware. Langue fr.

  23. [TUTO] Comment Installer Safari Sous Windows !

    Comment Installer Safari Sous Windows ! Lien: Abonne toi à ma chaine https://www.youtub...

  24. Comment gérer le Contrôle Parental dans les logiciels AdGuard

    Sous Android 8 ou supérieur : appuyez sur le fichier APK d'AdGuard téléchargé, puis sur Installer. Si les installations depuis un navigateur ne sont pas autorisées, vous recevrez une notification. Dans cette notification, appuyez sur Paramètres → Autoriser depuis cette source → Retour → Installer**.