The Wandering Cripple

Keri-lee Griffiths

I’m Not Lost; Just Wandering

im not lost just wandering

“All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost.” -J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of The Ring

I’m not lost! I’m standing right here, in the middle of a forest, looking up at the treetops and thinking silly thoughts. Thoughts like: What do you think the trees have seen in the many decades they’ve rooted to this spot? Who was the first human being they saw? Were they just a sapling when the first foot fell right next to their roots? Maybe they were a little older? I’m sure they’ve seen bears, squirrels, or something more Jurassic. But a person? I wonder who they were? What was their name? Why were they here? What was their story?

I love a good story.

Oh, here’s a silly thought! Wouldn’t it be cool, when they’re all alone, if the trees talked and moved? The sun goes down, the air turns cold, and silence falls. There’s a sigh, a groan, and they stretch. Finally, the tiny bipedal creatures are gone! We can move again. Their trunks crack as they shake off the stiffness and, yeah, it feels so good. Silly humans startle so easily. Gotta be still while they’re around so we don’t scare them but once they’re gone? The rain forest dances!

So many silly thought running through my mind as I stand here, in the middle of the forest, looking up at the treetops. Light shines through the very tippy tops and the needles glisten. They’re still damp from last nights rain and now they look like diamonds dancing high above my head. Sparkling, shimmering, dancing. You can keep the gems found deep underground. I prefer the diamonds in the sky.

What’s that? No! I told you, I’m not lost. I’m right here! Do I know where here is? Uh, well, kinda. My car is parked somewhere over there. The trail led here and it goes that way. How lost can I get following a trail through the woods? Oo, a squirrel! I wonder where it’s going?

Following would be a bad idea! Right? To be honest with you, I’m not an outdoor adventurer with years of survival training. I’ve never rubbed two sticks together and built a fire. I’ve never hunted for food with a bow and arrow or something more gruesome. I have picked berries! At a farm. I was eight. I’m guessing that doesn’t count as foraging for a sustainable food source. Yeah, I’m not a survivalist, but I like to play pretend for an hour or two. As long as the trails are clearly marked.

The last time I saw a bear, out in the wild, I thought it was a burnt stump until it wiggled. The stump wiggled. WTF? It turned, looked at me, and yawned. I froze, slowly backtracked, and started yelling, “The stump wiggled! The stump wiggled! Unlock the damn car!”

So smooth. So calm. Did not panic as much as I’d have thought. Mm-hm, nerves of steel.

You’re right! I shouldn’t follow that squirrel into uncharted territory but it’s so tempting.

A year ago, if asked, I would’ve confidently told you that I was one hundred percent a city mouse. Outdoorsy? Me? No! Trees. Fresh air. Muddy trails. Uh, no thank-you! Give me skyscrapers, diesel fumes, and sidewalks covered in apple juice. (That liquid is yellow. It must be apple juice. No other explanation can be found. Yes, I’m deliberately deluding myself.)

I liked the idea of nature and hiking looked cool for other people but me? I’m a gimp. My legs don’t always work. My hip likes to vacate its socket with reckless abandon. I limp. I hurt. Go out into nature? Uh, that’s for people whose bodies do what they’re supposed to do. It’s not for someone like me. My body is broken. I’m disabled. I do not belong out there with the able-bodied people.

I couldn’t possibly do it! No way. No how. I physically can’t walk out there and back.

But what if I gave it a try? Just once! Go out on an easy trail that’s not too long. There are a few places close to home and if I can’t do it then I turn back. No shame in turning back right? But what will people think? I should tell you that I don’t care but that would be a lie. Maybe, if I go early, no one will be there so I won’t get in the way and no one will see me hobbling along. Go early enough and no one will see someone who clearly doesn’t belong out there in the wild woods.

As soon as the sun came up, I walked out of my front door with my camera, walking stick, and dog. I drove down to the Fraser River and picked a trail that was a fairly straight shot to a lookout point. It was a three kilometer hike in. Easy. I could do it. Damn it, what was I getting myself into?

There were a few cars in the parking lot, but the forest was thick and it swallowed all who ventured into its domain. I followed the trail and it was quiet, peaceful. The trees seemed to rise endlessly up into the sky. Moss hung from the branches and the rising sun cast eery shadows. I half expected to see fairies bounce from limb to limb and werewolves on the prowl. As I stared into the trees, I pictured the first people who called this place home and I wondered how much it had changed since their day. This was their home and now it was a park. What would they think if they came back today?

I limped along, lost in my imagination, and before I knew it I stepped out of the trees and on to a beach. Clouds hugged the mountains on my right. To my left, a group of people paddled their canoes down the river. There was a bear print in the sand and I sighed. So we meet again, old friend. This time I won’t startle so easily. 

I stared out at the river and for the first time in almost an hour, I felt the ache in my broken body. Somewhere in the trees, I’d forgotten about the pain. The pain had been there, it’s always there, but I’d wander out of my comfort zone and I’d forgotten about it. In that space, in that moment, the pain wasn’t a powerful as the trees, the moss, the bear print in the sand. More importantly, I was more powerful than the pain because I’d made it this far. I stepped onto the trail, put one foot in front of the other, and I’d done something I didn’t think I could do. I was slow and awkward but I did it!

It’s been a year since I first stepped out of my body and on to a trail. If you’re looking for me on a Saturday morning, weather permitting, you’ll find me following a random trail through woods or wetlands. I’ll have my camera, walking stick, and dog. I’ll look rather lost, and my limp will seem out of place but I slowly push forward. One foot in front of the other. Slow and awkward but there will be a smile on my face.

Not all who wander are lost but sometimes getting lost is exactly what I’m looking for. Picking a trail and following it until I forget the pain. Staring up at the trees until I forget that my body isn’t whole. Walking until I find this golden moment of absolute peace and stillness. It’s a moment where, no matter how many bears are near, I feel safe and strong. I feel like, maybe, I can do more than I think I can do. 

Maybe. Just…Maybe.

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One thought on “ i’m not lost; just wandering ”.

You clearly do belong on the forest paths, like anyone else who seeks peace & adventure. I’ve always found wandering in the woods to be therapeutic – perhaps it’s the fresh supply of oxygen. Thanks for your beautiful descriptions of places I love & take for granted and had no idea others felt they didn’t belong in.

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I'm not lost, just wandering, life is more about the journey than the destination..

I'm Not Lost, Just Wandering

"Not all those who wander are lost" -J.R.R. Tolkien

I have this little sticker on my laptop that's in the shape of a compass. It often reminds me of how much I desire to travel the world and see/experience all that God has created.

But also, at this stage in life, I am sort of wandering and wondering throughout life. Being in college there are a lot of questions about who I am and what my purpose is. Where do I belong? When will I find my place? Will I be happy or content? How often will I see my family and friends? Will I create new relationships?

Sometimes adults, usually in the secular world, but even in church circles, ask these specific questions. As if I have all the answers yet. This sometimes makes me feel like my life doesn't truly have a direction.

But if God is my Lord and King and He guides my every step, am I truly lost?

Definitely not.

In fact, I am assured of my destination: heaven. I'm not aimlessly searching for the things of this world to satisfy these questions. But rather, I am wandering purposefully, as an ambassador of my home country, to represent my Jesus to the best of my ability.

This morning I got to watch Dr. David Jeremiah preach on "What is up with Heaven?" And it reminded me of the hope I have in heaven. But it also reminded me of the urgency of my journey here on earth.

I'm not here to necessarily build the best life for myself. I'm here to wander on a time-limited visa, speaking the truth and living as a light for Jesus Christ. I may not know what that looks like specifically or how I'll always feel about it. But I do know how it will all turn out and where I will eventually set up shop, for eternity.

So, where do I belong? It isn't so much of a where, though Heaven is certainly a real place. But I belong to God, He is my Father. When will I find my place? Who knows? But isn't not knowing part of the fun? If we know exactly when it all ends or when each important thing in our life will happen, doesn't that take away from the now? Will I be happy or content? That is my choice at that moment to make. I will probably not always be happy but I can choose to be content in the life God has given me because I have the assurance of my future eternity. How often will I see my family and friends? Again, who knows? But I will continue to love them and if they too are believers, I will see them in Heaven for the rest of eternity. Will I create new relationships? Darn, right I will. Becuase how else will I be able to minister to people and tell them about the love of Christ?

I am not lost. I am wandering with purpose, the purpose my God has given me.

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A long over due thank you note to my greatest passion..

Dearest Yoga,

You deserve a great thank you.

Never would I have thought a few years ago that I would be such a huge yoga fanatic, that I would be hitting the gym almost every day to get to class, and that I would be forming all these amazing relationships with so many incredible people who also share a love for you. You've enhanced my way of life in numerous ways that I need to thank you for.

Thank you for showing me my true strength. Not only physical strength, but more importantly mental strength. You've shown me that I am more than what others may think of me, and that I can rise above any obstacle that comes through my path.

Thank you for helping me to walk through life with grace and passion. To love what I do and love the life that I share with those around me. Before experiencing yoga, I never truly understood what it was like to be passionate about something. Now that I have, not only do I know what it's like to be passionate, but also have a willing to be passionate.

Thank you for teaching me what it is like to appreciate the small things in life. Which has only helped me more to appreciate the big things. You've shown me to not only appreciate the life around me, but also to give myself the appreciation that I deserve. And more importantly, give others the appreciation that they deserve.

Thank you for allowing me to let go. Whenever I feel as if I need a break from the world, the yoga studio is the first place I think of. As soon as I enter the studio, the outside world leaves my mind. You've allowed me an escape that I will be forever thankful for.

Thank you for turning me into a mindful person. Having mindfulness is harder than it seems, especially here in today's society. Over the past couple years, I have become more mindful to the world around me, I have been able to truly be myself and let everyone else be themselves -- all thanks to yoga.

And lastly, thank you for allowing me to breathe. As simple as it sounds, breathing is the one thing that I carry around most with me off the mat. Deep breaths are what get me through the day. Throughout tough situations, emotional battles, and stressful times, I always know to come back to my yoga, to come back to my breath.

I only hope that those around me feel the same way as I do about you, yoga. You have truly transformed my life in the best way imaginable. It is a gift and a great privilege to be able to experience the practice. Thanks to you, I have grown as a person, proved to myself the true strength I have, become more aware and have ultimately started living a better life.

You're the best,

Your Yoga-Obsessed Friend

Epic Creation Myths: Norse Origins Unveiled

What happened in the beginning, and how the heavens were set in motion..

Now, I have the everlasting joy of explaining the Norse creation myth. To be honest, it can be a bit kooky, so talking about it is always fun. The entire cosmos is included in this creation myth, not just the earth but the sun and the moon as well. This will be a short retelling, a summary of the creation myth, somewhat like I did with Hermod's ride to Hel.

The Norse cosmos began with two worlds, Niflheim and Muspellheim. These two worlds, the worlds of primordial cold and fire , were separated by a great fissure called Ginnungagap. The waters from the well Hvergelmir, at the center of Niflheim, by many rivers flowed into Ginnungagap and "when those rivers, which are called Elivagar, came so far from their source, the poisonous flow hardened like a slag of cinders running from a furnace, and became ice. ...Then layer by layer, the ice grew within Ginnungagap" (Byock 13). The northernmost regions of the gap filled with hoar frost and rime, but the southernmost were "the regions bordering on Muspell [and] were warm and bright" (Byock 13). Where the cold of Niflheim's ice and the warmth of Muspellheim's fire met in Ginnungagap the ice thawed, and "there was a quickening in these flowing drops and life sprang up" (Byock 14). From the ice came Ymir, known as Aurgelmir by the giants, the origin of all frost giants. As the wise giant Vafthruthnir says, "'down from Elivagar did venom drop, / And waxed till a giant it was; / And thence arose our giants' race, / And thus so fierce are we found'" (Bellows 76-77).

25 Throwback Songs You Forgot About

But you know you still know every word..

We all scroll through the radio stations in the car every once in a while, whether its because we lost signal to our favorite one or we are just bored with the same ol' songs every day. You know when you're going through and you hear a song where you're just like "I forgot this existed!" and before you know it, you're singing every word? Yeah, me too. Like, 95% of the time. If you're like me and LOVE some good throwback music, here's a list of songs from every genre that have gotten lost in time, but never truly forgotten.

1. "Big Pimpin'" - Jay-Z ft. UGK

Jay-Z gives us a ballad about, you guessed it, pimpin' big in NYC. Jay-Z's rhymes paired with that catchy beat is just bound to get stuck in your head for the rest of the night.

2. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers

If you say that you don't know any of the words to this song, you're the worst kind of person... a liar. This classic has left stamps of its lyrics on 99% of the population, and has a forever spot in my soul.

3. "Lose Yourself" - Eminem

This song always leaves me feeling like I could sign a record deal and launch my career as a rap/hip-hop legend... and craving spaghetti.

4. "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) - Toby Keith

A ballad for the ages that brings the overly patriotic American badass out of all of us.

5. "Drop It Like It's Hot" - Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell Williams


6. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day

This song makes me want to walk down a lonely road, preferably a dark one, and reflect on all of my life choices. Nevertheless, it's still a fantastic song.

7. "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" - Panic! At The Disco

If your friends don't "chime in" by screaming the chorus at the top of their lungs in the car with you, it's time to leave them there and find new friends. Also, did anyone ever tell the groom what his bride has been up to?

8. "Semi-Charmed Life" - Third Eye Blind

A life anthem for all of us. Third Eye Blind has recently released another album. My inner child is tingling.

9. "Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix A Lot

Nicki Minaj sampled this in her song "Anaconda" in 2014. Take a minute to realize that some people have heard that, but not the REAL jam that the sample came from. Now, cry.

10. "Get Low" - Lil Jon ft. Ying Yang Twinz

The real question is which version is better: Lil Jon's or Sandra Bullock's?

11. "Check Yes Or No" - George Strait

You don't have to be a country lover to know this song. My hardcore rocker/screamo friend even knows the chorus. Don't try and tell me you don't. I don't like liars.

12. "Ride Wit Me" - Nelly

"Ayyyyye, must be the monaaayyy!" - frequently screamed lyric

13. "Pony" - Ginuwine

Even though I can't hear this song without seeing Channing Tatum's half naked body in my mind, it's still one of my favorite songs to hear. Instant day brightener when I hear that funky beat at the beginning.

14. "Cleanin' Out My Closet" - Eminem

As sad as these lyrics are, Eminem really hit this one out of the park.

15. "Gangstas Paradise" - Coolio

10/10 would recommend listening to Weird Al's parody of this song.

16. "It Was A Good Day" - Ice Cube

The first time I heard this may have been on Grand Theft Auto, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a great song.

17. "What's Your Fantasy" - Ludacris

Another song that I knew most of the lyrics to that I probably shouldn't have at a young age.

18. "Everybody (Backstreets Back)" - Backstreet Boys

They really were back, and we all wish they had stayed.

19. "Misery Business" - Paramore

I can't tell if I want to be Hayley Williams or be ON Hayley Williams. I'd be okay with either. #girlcrush

20. "Steal My Sunshine" - Len

This feel good song makes me want to rip open a popsicle and ride my bicycle around town.

21. "Fly" - Sugar Ray

As repetitive as this is, this song will never get old.

22. "Song 2" - Blur

23. "buddy holly" - weezer.

Weezer may have hated this song, but we are glad they recorded it.

24. "No Rain" - Blind Melon

Maybe it's just me who is obsessed with this song, but if you haven't heard it, I highly recommend.

25. "99 Problems" - Jay-Z

I have 99 problems, and this playlist solves all of them.

27 Hidden Joys

Appreciation for some of life's most discredited pleasures..

Life is full of many wonderful pleasures that many of us, like myself, often forget about. And it's important to recognize that even on bad days, good things still happen. Focusing on these positive aspects of our day-to-day lives can really change a person's perspective. So in thinking about the little things that make so many of us happy , I've here's a list of some of the best things that often go unrecognized and deserve more appreciation:

1. Sun showers

3. tight hugs, 4. discovering new foods you like., 5. laying in bed after a long day., 6. and being completely relaxed, 7. "this reminded me of you", 8. breakfast foods, 9. over-sized clothes, 10. contagious laughs, 11. car rides with that one person, 12. random (i miss you/ i love you) texts, 13. the city at night, 14. surprises, 15. blanket cocoons, 16. good hair days, 17. really good coffee, 18. days where you're in a good mood naturally and for no particular reason, 19. conquering a fear, 20. when they give you a lot of guac at chipotle, 21. being so comfortable with someone that you can literally talk about anything, 22. home-cooked meals, 23. tattoo stories, 24. leaves changing color in fall, 25. butterflies in your stomach, 26. peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, 27. when you can't stop laughing, cool off with these 8 beers.

Summer is hot and humid, and it's almost like summer was made specifically to drink the refreshing, cold, crisp wonderful, delicious, nutritious nectar of the gods. Which is none other than beer; wonderful cold beer. With summer playing peek-a-boo around the corner while we finish up this semester, it's time to discuss the only important part of summer. And if you haven't already guessed, it's beer. There are few things I take more seriously than my beer, in order are: sports ... and beer. Here are my favorite summer brews:

Coors Light Summer Brew:

This summer shandy begins this list, it's a mix of lemon, lime and orange. While this is by no means a craft beer, it still has it place as a refreshing summer brew to enjoy.

Leinenkugel Summer Shandy

Solid choice for any summer get together, great taste with a hint of citrus.

Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat

Distinctly reminds me of Fruity Pebbles, but nonetheless is a wonderful summer beer.

Want to know more about beer?

Summertime is the perfect time for beer, and that's why International Beer Day is on August 2nd. Our community has you covered with more stories about beer, including:

  • The Benefits of Drinking Beer : Let us count the ways. There are more than you might think.
  • Delicious Beer Substitutes : Is beer not typically your thing? Try one of these instead.
  • Unique Beer Flavors to Try : Whether it's hard apple cider or the tase of wild blueberries, these are great options.
  • If College Majors Were Beers : Business, sports medicine, design – there's a beer for every major.

Sam Adams Summer Ale

Sam Adams is known for their traditional Boston Lager, but their Summer Ale is damn good.

Hell or High Watermelon

Made with real watermelon, not much is more summer-esque than juicy watermelon in July.

Blue Moon Summer Honey

I love me some Blue Moon, so the summer brew is a no-brainer on this list.

LandShark Lager

Fun fact: LandShark is owned by Anheuser-Busch, and is more commonly know as the signature drink of Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville.

Obviously Corona had to take the number one spot. To me, there's nothing more refreshing than a cold Corona with lime on a hot summer day.

So whether you're on a sandy beach, a fishing boat, or at a pool, just remember what our dear friend Jack Nicholson said, "Beer, it's the best damn drink in the world."

Drink responsibly and never drink and drive.

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I'm not lost, just wandering.: The Wanderer's Guide to Yasuo

League of Legends Build Guide Author Doublestrife

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Recommended Items

Ability order, way of the wanderer (passive).

Yasuo Passive Ability

Steel Tempest (Q)

Wind wall (w), sweeping blade (e), last breath (r), threats & synergies.

This has to be your easiest lane ever. They'd usually underestimate you. But you can easily kill her. (NOT A THREAT)

The threat is... Meh. Because you can usually use your Q even in her shadow. So she gets damage pretty heavily. Plus, after her W is gone, you can just E + Q even R to make a killing blow. (3 / 10)

Pretty simple matchup. He'd usually use he's Q to either cs, or harass. Take the opportunity to get to the creep he is trying to hit with his Q, and wind wall, this won't be a waste, because his Q has a pretty standard cd, enough time for you to fight back and kill him. (3 / 10)

Sure, you might be at Elo Hell, or at Elo Diamond or something.. But this champion will bug you. Block off the Q, and the her SS won't do much, because, as burst champions, you need to just 1 hit kill you. Katarina is no exception. Just shove the lane pre-6 then gank other lanes, after that, when your at post-6 call for your junglers help. (10 / 10)

This might be the best mid lane champion there is, but Yasuo solely counters skillshot champions like her. The downside, she has 3x Dashes, compared to your 1 sided lump, windwall, PROCEED WITH CAUTION, farm, gank, call for jungle. Once you get statikk, its pretty easy dueling her. (2 - 5/ 10)

This, is the bane of all Mid Laners. Fizz is hell-strong! But, that won't stop you. Try fighting in an area that has a bunch of cs compiled up. Engage on him, and use your E Skills/Mechanics to dodge his skillshots. Pretty even matchup, also good part is that you can block his Chums. So that's neat! (5 - ? / 10)

This is a cute girl, in the Field of Justice. Do not underestimate her when she has the stun. Make yourself ready, fight when you Flow is full, and Attack when either ss, stun, or flash is down. This is a great fight for you! (3 - 5 / 10)

Please, do not play with this on your lane. If he's jungle, then that's pretty safe for you, but PLEASE DONT PICK YASUO IF YOUR AGAINST HIM. This will sincerely, and happily destroy you. You don't have any hope. Jk, you do. In fact, you can outdamage him when your post-6, just keep a heads up, farm with your Q, then engage. Pretty standard ( ? - 10 )

Twisted Fate

Windwall, nuff said. No seriously, windwall. That's practically it. ( Wut / Wut?)

People have asked, Zed or Yasuo. Well i answer today. It's the player, if the Zed knows well, he'd jump on you with his ulti post-6, he wont destroy you when your full health, you can outplay him too, using your E to cs, he'd likely throw out that shadow and Q you, so you can use your E to dodge. ( Skills / You )

Well this is tough. Ummm, GG? Surrender @ 20? No, nonsense, you have to have EXTREME REFLEXES to fight her, If you block her Q with your Windwall, she'd do a load of less damage onto you, once she jumps, pop your Q, then, she's done.

Just, no. This guy, can kill you 1 shot with 1 stun. Becareful, call for jungler, or even the support, because he can kill you, and get away with it. ( 10 / 10 )

Yasuo counters well

Yasuo gets countered


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Im not lost just wandering

Song of the week.

Hi guys sorry for the haitus, but I am back and here is another song. Enjoy!

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the world of aretha franklin

im not lost just wandering

I’m Wandering – Lyrics

Title  I’m Wandering Composer  Berry Gordy Jr., Tyran Carlo Composition’s Year  1958 First Recording Artist  Jackie Wilson Aretha’s First Recording Year  1962

Lyrics I’m wandering, been moving to and from Just wandering, with no place to go Since I lost you, lost you, all I ever do Is be wandering, till I wander back to you

Oh, I’m wishing, been yearning for your kiss Oh, I’ve been missing the warmth of your caress Since I lost you, I lost you, all I ever do Is be wandering, wandering, wandering, wandering I’ll be wandering, till I wander back to you

I look on every corner, down every dismal street Are you there? Are you there? Oh darling, I repeat I visit all familiar places, there’s no one there but me Where can you be? Where can you be? Oh darling, where can you be?

Oh, I’m praying, your touch for me has grown And I’m saying, for before it’s not been known I love you, I love you, and all I ever do Is be wandering, crying, wandering, wandering I’ll be wandering, till I wander, till I wander back to you, yeah, oh yeah I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be wandering till I wander back to you, yeah, yeah Wandering back to you

Català – Estic Vagant Estic vagant, movent-me d’un lloc a l’altre Només vagant, sense cap lloc on anar Des que et vaig perdre, perdre, tot el que faig Es estar vagant, fins que vagui de retorn a tu

Oh, estic desitjant, anhelant el teu bes Oh, he trobat a faltar la calor de les teves carícies Des que et vaig perdre, et vaig perdre, tot el que faig És estar vagant, vagant, vagant, vagant Estaré vagant, fins que vagui de retorn a tu

Miro a cada cantonada, a cada trist carrer Estàs aquí? Estàs aquí? Oh estimat, repeteixo Visito tots els llocs coneguts, no hi ha ningú a part de mi On deus estar? On deus estar? Oh estimat, on deus estar?

Oh, estic pregant, el teu toc per a mi ha crescut I dic, perquè abans no era sabut T’estimo, t’estimo, i tot el que faig És estar vagant, plorant, vagant, vagant Estaré vagant, fins que vagui, fins que vagui de retorn a tu, sí, oh sí Estaré, estaré vagant fins que vagui de retorn a tu, sí, sí Vagant de retorn a tu

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A Wandering Mind Isn't Just A Distraction. It May Be Your Brain's Default State.

Senior Writer, The Huffington Post

Mind-wandering bears similarities with the thinking processes underlying ADHD, anxiety and creativity.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a daydreamer, you probably spend a lot of time in a state of mental wandering ― it’s natural for your mind to drift away from the present moment when you’re in the shower, walking to work or doing the dishes.

In recent years, scientists have been paying a lot more attention to mind-wandering, an activity that takes up as much as 50 percent of our waking hours . Psychologists previously tended to view mind-wandering as largely useless, but an emerging body of research suggests that it is a natural and healthy part of our mental lives.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia and the University of California, Berkeley conducted a review of over 200 studies to highlight the relationship between mind-wandering ― often defined in psychological literature as “task-unrelated thought,” or TUT ― and the thinking processes involved in creativity and some mental illnesses, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and depression.

“Sometimes the mind moves freely from one idea to another, but at other times it keeps coming back to the same idea, drawn by some worry or emotion,” Dr. Kalina Christoff, lead study author and principal investigator of the Cognitive Neuroscience of Thought Laboratory at UBC, said in a statement.

“Understanding what makes thought free and what makes it constrained is crucial because it can help us understand how thoughts move in the minds of those diagnosed with mental illness,” she said.

The Role Of A Wandering Mind

Traditionally, mind-wandering has been defined as thinking that arises spontaneously, without relating to any sort of task or external input. But this definition is only a starting point: Without external focus, the researchers explain, the mind moves from one thought to another ― jumping between memories, imaginings, plans and goals.

This default “spontaneous mode” can be hemmed in in two ways: A person can deliberately turn their attention to a task, or, in the case of someone with a mental health issue, focus can happen because thoughts have gotten stuck on a persistent worry or pulled away by an environmental distraction.

On a neurological level, the brain’s default mode network ― a broad network that engages many different cognitive processes and regions on the internal surface of the brain ― activates when our minds wander. In contrast, when we focus our attention on a goal, plan or environmental stimulus, the part of the brain devoted to external attention is more active.

Specifically, the researchers pinpointed the memory and imaginative centers within the default mode network as being largely responsible for the variety of our spontaneous thoughts.

“You’re jumping around from one thing to another,” Zachary Irving, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley and study co-author who has ADHD, told The Huffington Post. “We think that’s the default state of these memory and imaginative structures.”

A Creative Mind Is A Wandering Mind

Creative thinking can be an extension of ordinary mind-wandering, the researchers explained, and a growing body of research has linked daydreaming with creativity . In highly creative people, psychologists have observed a tendency toward a variation on mind-wandering known as “ positive-constructive daydreaming ,” in which has also been associated with self-awareness, goal-oriented thinking and increased compassion.

The free play of thoughts that occurs in mind-wandering may enable us to think more flexibly and draw more liberally upon our vast internal reservoir of memories, feelings and images in order to create new and unusual connections.

“Mind-wandering in the sense of the mind moving freely from one idea to another has huge benefits in terms of arriving at new ideas,” Christoff said. “It’s by virtue of free movement that we generate new ideas, and that’s where creativity lies.”

This chart presents a visualization of different types of thinking, including variations of spontaneous thought.

What Mind-Wandering Can Tell Us About Mental Illness

This type of mental activity can provide an important window into the thinking patterns that underly psychological disorders involving alterations in spontaneous thought.

The mind of someone with ADHD, for example, wanders more widely and frequently than that of an average individual. In someone with anxiety and depression, the mind has an unusually strong tendency to get stuck on a particular worry or negative thought.

“Disorders like ADHD and anxiety and depression aren’t totally disconnected from what normally goes on in the mind,” Irving said. “There’s this ordinary ebb and flow of thoughts, where you’re moving from mind-wandering to sticky thoughts to goal-directed thoughts. ... We think of these disorders as exaggerated versions of those sorts of ordinary thoughts.”

So despite what your elementary school teachers may have told you, it’s perfectly fine to let your thoughts wander every once in a while. But if you find your mind wandering too much or getting stuck on negative thoughts, it may be time to seek help.

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This Quote Means: Tolkien’s ‘not all those who wander are lost’

In what context did jrr tolkien write this line, which appeared in the 2023 upsc cse essay paper, and what exactly does it mean why is it important for upsc aspirants we explain..

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From an early age, many of us are taught to follow a set path in life to attain success and stability — study hard, choose ‘safe’ streams like engineering, get a job, buy a house, and build a family. Those who choose to deviate from this road are often looked at askance, and considered irresponsible.

And yet, if no one ever took the road less travelled, there would be little innovation, few discoveries, and simply a lot less wonder and magic in life. A saying that beautifully encapsulates this is ‘not all those who wander are lost’, which also featured in the essay question section in the UPSC CSE mains exam this year.

im not lost just wandering

In what context was this line written, and what exactly does it mean? Why is it important for UPSC aspirants? We explain.

Where is the quote from?

This quote is from JRR Tolkien’s massively popular epic fantasy series The Lord of the Rings. One of the hallmarks of great writing is that some sentences take a life of their own, and not many who use it know exactly where they come from. ‘Not all those who wander are lost’ is one such, featuring on T-shirts, Instagram travel posts, and even UPSC question papers.

The quote is part of a letter that the wizard Gandalf writes to the hobbit Frodo, about a character then known as the ranger Strider, but who is actually the heir to the kingdom of Gondor and can help Frodo in his quest. The relevant passage in the letter goes: “All that is gold does not glitter/ Not all those who wander are lost/ The old that is strong does not wither/Deep roots are not reached by the frost.”

What does the quote mean?

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Tolkien uses symmetry of structure and the use of contrasting characteristics to write sentences that are instantly impactful. He inverts some popular notions to give entirely new messages.

By the time Tolkien was writing, “All that glitters is not gold” was already a popular saying, derived from William Shakespeare’s words in The Merchant of Venice . The values of stability were also much preached, with another popular saying being “a rolling stone gathers no moss”, which means that if one keeps drifting from place to place, one will not be able to accumulate status or wealth, just like moss grows only on a stone that stays still.

What Tolkien is urging is to change one’s point of view, so one can see that even low-profile, plain-looking people can be as solid and valuable as “gold”, and just because one is moving about, it doesn’t mean one is aimless and directionless.

But why wander if you are not lost?

Wandering can teach people important lessons and help them grow not just as individuals, but as more productive members of society. One can “wander” out of curiosity, and see and learn new things about the world and its many different types of people. Observing people different from one can teach one empathy, a very important trait in an increasingly divided world.

Wandering essentially involves stepping out of one’s comfort zone and dealing with uncertainty, and these can give one valuable tools to go through life.

Encountering challenges and finding ways to deal with them on the spot can teach one self-reliance, problem-solving, and resilience, which sticking to a safe path cannot.

Another poem that passionately expresses this is Ulysses , by Lord Alfred Tennyson, in which the Greek mythology hero is wistfully recalling his days of adventure. “I cannot rest from travel: I will drink/ Life to the lees/All times I have enjoy’d Greatly, have suffer’d greatly… I am become a name; For always roaming with a hungry heart/ Much have I seen and known… I am a part of all that I have met…”

Here, Ulysses, now a king, is still restless and wants to drain the whole cup of life, experience great enjoyment and suffering, so he can feel fully alive. He also says he is a part of all he has met, which means our experiences broaden our horizons and make our life richer.

In Europe, a ‘Grand Tour’, or a trip through the continent, was considered an important part of a young gentleman’s education from the 17th to the early 19th century.

In Indian culture too, leaving one’s home to wander in search of ‘gyan’ and enlightenment is an old tradition, with the most famous example being that of Gautam Buddha.

Why ‘not all those’? So some who wander are lost?

Contrary to how the sentence is often used these days on social media, Tolkein was not glorifying wandering for the sake of it. Which is why he clarifies the sentence as not all those who wander are lost. Wandering is productive only if one uses it to learn some lessons, or if it is in the quest of a definite goal.

For example, a UPSC aspirant can often feel adrift, but their days in coaching institutes and hostels are being spent towards the goal of clearing the exam. If one wanders around aimlessly, with no plan, directions, or timeline in mind, it is possible one is simply frittering away one’s time.

Tolkien, too, in his books, highlights the dangers of wandering for no reason and with no guide.

Also, a contrast is made between Gandalf, arguably a super successful wanderer, with Tom Bombadil, who has stayed in one place all his life. Later in the story, Gandalf tells Frodo that he would go talk to Bombadil.

“He is a moss-gatherer, and I have been a stone doomed to rolling. But my rolling days are ending, and now we shall have much to say to one another,” Gandalf says. A possible explanation of this can be that the highly respected and feared wizard too may want to settle down, and have some “moss” — stability, rest, opportunity to collect one’s thoughts and learnings — grow about him, once the purposes for which he had been wandering have been achieved.


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    Oh I'm praying Your touch for me has grown Oh and I'm saying For before it's not been known I love you, I love you And all I ever do Is be wandering, crying Wandering, wandering I'll be wandering 'Til I wander, 'til I wander back to you Yeah, oh yeah I'm gonna be wandering 'Till I wander back to you Yeah, yeah Oh wandering back to you

  19. A Wandering Mind Isn't Just A Distraction. It May Be Your Brain's

    In recent years, scientists have been paying a lot more attention to mind-wandering, an activity that takes up as much as 50 percent of our waking hours. Psychologists previously tended to view mind-wandering as largely useless, but an emerging body of research suggests that it is a natural and healthy part of our mental lives.

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  23. This Quote Means: Tolkien's 'not all those who wander are lost'

    Contrary to how the sentence is often used these days on social media, Tolkein was not glorifying wandering for the sake of it. Which is why he clarifies the sentence as not all those who wander are lost. Wandering is productive only if one uses it to learn some lessons, or if it is in the quest of a definite goal.