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James Bond of the Wild West

159-“odds for big red”.

Season 5, Episode 4 – Original Airdate: (October 7, 1961)

<= 158 – “ The Revenger == A Proof of Love ” – 160 =>

Directed by Richard Donner, Written by: Betty Andrews.

HOPE HOLIDAY as Big Red RICHARD NEY as Guy Fremont ROBERT KARNES as Vern Potter ( The Siege , 1961) as Ezekial Tyler ( Shadow of a Man , 1961) as Farley Dyson ( The Taffeta Mayor , 1959) as Clay Morrow ( The Lady , 1958) as Rancher ( Winchester Quarantine , 1957) as Joe Peavey KUNG FU (The Well, 1973) as Parkes VIRGINIA CAPERS as Ada PERRY COOK as Ernie ( Be Not Forgetful of Strangers , 1962) as Barfly ( Alice , 1962) as Mr. Briggs ( The Road , 1961) as Sibley ( Out at the Old Ball Park , 1960) as Sheriff Fix ( The Search , 1960) as Fred Mosely ( The Posse , 1959) as Dobie O’Brien ( Incident at Borrasca Bend , 1959) as Sugie ( The Solid Gold Patrol , 1958) as Pvt. Krosowski OLLIE O’TOOLE as Corey ( Hobson’s Choice , 1962) as Drunk ( The Kid , 1961) as Barber ( Bearbait , 1961) as Telegraph Operator ( The Day of the Bad Man , 1960) as Cedar Wells Hotel Desk Clerk

All right, gambler, I’m gonna make you a bet. I’m betting Red’s gonna live because you’re gonna save her. That’s the gamble. Her life or yours.

HEY BOY Mr. Paladin. Oh na ma.


HEY BOY “Fred Yost, killer of four including innocent bystander during a daylight hold up of banks in Twin City in Eureka continues to elude capture. Yost is famed for his callous shooting. Throwing shots at bystander and women, as well as pursuer and anyone in the way. No one has been able to pick up his trail.” You’re going to go after him, Mr. Paladin?

PALADIN Hey Boy, don’t you think it’s about time somebody did?


GUY FREMONT How about it, Junior?

JUNIOR Give me a hit. All right, that’s enough.

PALADIN I want Fred Yost, nobody else. Yost! Don’t try it.

SALOON GIRL Any shooting is done outside.

PALADIN I hope so.

BLACK SALOON GIRL Like Big Red said, mister, outside.

MAN (O.S.) Red!

PALADIN Now, lady, don’t ever do that again.

MAN Red’s been hit! Yost’s bullet.

BLACK SALOON GIRL Red? Honey, get up. Stop play acting, you ain’t dead.

BIG RED Quiet, I’m not dead yet. Hush up, I can’t stand a passel of bawling women. Never did like women very much anyway. Every time I was in trouble, it seems I was always partial to a man.

PALADIN Will I do? Come on. Looks like you’ve done enough already.

PALADIN That wasn’t my bullet that hit you. All I know is before you came in here, she was on her feet.

GAMBLER You know, it must be convenient to be able to bury your mistakes.

PALADIN Mister, will you get a doctor?

BIG RED Doc’s not in town. Nell Meeker’s having her baby tonight.

PALADIN All right, mister, will you get me some water, some clean cloths, a lamp, a pillow, and some liquor? I’ll take her. No, you won’t.

BIG RED It’s all right, Ada. You do take over, don’t you? I like the feel of a man’s arms. Oh, have you heard of Captain Smith in regimental quarters Who caused a girl to hang herself one morning in her garters? You know, my father was a soldier. He used to call me Pinky. Pinky.

PALADIN How far is that doctor?

BIG RED I don’t want to die.

PALADIN How far is the doctor?

BIG RED It’s too far out. The Meeker place is 10 miles away. I don’t even have any gray hair. You got to have gray hair before you’re ready to die. Oh, Miss Bailey Unfortunate Miss Bailey

GAMBLER Two to one she won’t last till sun-up.

BARTENDER I’m not sure about that. Red’s pretty tough. She’s may be hard to kill.

PALADIN Clean out that backroom. Clear that table off.

SLIM Wait a minute, not there. Not there, not there. Put the hot water down there.

PALADIN I’m gonna try and lift you. You go real easy now and I’ll try not to hurt you.

SLIM That’s right, put the sheets down here. Come along.

BIG RED You always think you have time, plenty of time. I’ve never been married. I was going to do that. I’ve never had a baby, either. Nell Meeker’s having her baby tonight. How come does she have time for that and not me? I’ll go make a bet.

PALADIN I’m gonna need some more water. Hot. Is she going to die?


BIG RED Guy, honey.


BIG RED I thought we broke up. Excuse me. Well, boys, what are the odds, huh? Horyce is giving two to one Red doesn’t last till sun-up.

SLIM Well, let’s raise the limit, huh? Let’s make it five to one?

96 00:10:30,109 –> 00:10:31,337 Which way?

97 00:10:33,579 –> 00:10:35,513 You’re betting against her?

98 00:10:35,648 –> 00:10:37,878 I never let sentiment interfere with business.

99 00:10:38,017 –> 00:10:39,177 All right, who’s taking?

100 00:10:39,319 –> 00:10:41,810 – Don’t seem right, somehow. – Well, Guy ought to know.

101 00:10:41,955 –> 00:10:45,186 – Well, if you ought to know. – All right, I’ll throw in with you.

102 00:10:45,325 –> 00:10:47,850 – How long till sun-up. – Red, down.

103 00:10:47,994 –> 00:10:52,055 Let’s see. About two hours.

104 00:10:52,198 –> 00:10:53,256 Red’s pretty tough.

105 00:10:53,399 –> 00:10:55,026 Here’s a 100.

106 00:10:55,168 –> 00:10:57,500 Are you sure about this, Guy?

107 00:10:57,637 –> 00:10:59,662 It’s my considered opinion.

108 00:10:59,806 –> 00:11:02,434 All right, we’ll give him five to one Red doesn’t last till sun-up.

109 00:11:02,508 –> 00:11:03,440 Who wants the action?

BIG RED I’d like some of that money.

111 00:11:06,245 –> 00:11:08,907 Always was a sucker for a long shot.

112 00:11:09,048 –> 00:11:10,037 Me, too.

113 00:11:10,183 –> 00:11:12,344 Five to one Red doesn’t last till sun-up.

114 00:11:12,485 –> 00:11:17,752 Guess I have too much at stake to think straight.

PALADIN I’ll bet on you, Red.

BIG RED Is Guy betting against me? Better save your money.

118 00:11:42,382 –> 00:11:43,849 All right, we’re giving five to one,

119 00:11:43,983 –> 00:11:46,315 Red doesn’t last till sun-up. Who wants the odds?

120 00:11:46,452 –> 00:11:48,886 Aah.

GUY FREMONT The knight of the sorrowful countenance, huh?

PALADIN You’re laying five to one that Red won’t live?

GUY FREMONT That’s right.

PALADIN I’ve got a $1,000 that says your wrong.

GUY FREMONT That’s $5,000. That’s a $1,000, mister. Want part of it?

128 00:13:12,872 –> 00:13:13,930 I’ll take half of it. Come on, let’s have a poker game while we’re waiting.

130 00:13:16,275 –> 00:13:18,243 Head over here.

PALADIN Now, are you a doctor?


PALADIN Have you ever been a doctor?

PALADIN Well, did you ever study to be a doctor?


PALADIN And you’d use your talent and your skill merely to decide whether or not that girl is gonna die?

GUY FREMONT Now, look, Red’s gonna to die because of a bullet, not because of anything I do or do not do. Because of a bullet lodged close to the left ventricle of the heart, I’d say. Now, she’s going to die because of something that I didn’t have anything to do with, which is more than you can say.

PALADIN The difference is that you are a doctor.

GUY FREMONT I’m a gambler.

PALADIN All right, gambler, I’m going to make a bet. I’ll bet you that Big Red lives because you’re going to save her.

GUY FREMONT What if I can’t save her?

PALADIN That’s the gamble. Her life or yours.

M Hey, Guy, we’ve got some time till sun-up. You want us deal you in?

GUY FREMONT Go ahead without me. But, I’ll have to get my bag.

PALADIN Ada will get your bag.

GUY FREMONT I haven’t practiced in ten years. And I never really was a doctor. Of course, my father was a doctor. But…Oh, I couldn’t stand the suffering. The pain. My hand could slip. They’re not going to be exactly over-joyed if they lose their money.

PALADIN As I said, it’s a gamble.

166 00:15:52,565 –> 00:15:54,692 Why is everything so quiet back there? She’s dying back there. Like that feller said, a woman should be able to die in peace.

VERN She’s sure taking her time about it. Go outside and check the light again.

171 00:16:04,744 –> 00:16:07,474 Oh, Vern, I was just outside. It ain’t even starting to streak yet.

VERN Go check again. I’ve got everything I own on this bet.


174 00:16:21,427 –> 00:16:23,327 Pour some whiskey in a basin.

175 00:16:28,534 –> 00:16:31,731 – Deal the cards. – You got to wait for Vern.

GUY FREMONT Can’t you keep them quiet?

PALADIN No, they wouldn’t go with the others, and they won’t keep quiet.

BIG RED O, Miss Bailey Unfortunate Miss Bailey Guy, honey. What are you doing here?

PALADIN He’s going to take the bullet out of you, Red.

BIG RED With money against me? Oh, no he doesn’t. You don’t know him. He’d do anything for a bet.

PALADIN That’s what I’m counting on.

GUY FREMONT If Red doesn’t want me to operate…

PALADIN Oh, no. No, you don’t get out of it that way. “To save a man against his will is just as bad as killing him.” That’s Horace.

PALADIN I never cared for Horace, and I’m beginning understand why.

BIG RED Guy? Mister? Guy? I can stand being dead, but I can’t stand dying. Do something.

PALADIN You agree to let him operate on you, Red?

BIG RED Told you I was a sucker for a long shot.

201 00:18:19,278 –> 00:18:21,746 Well, it won’t be long now It’s starting to…

202 00:18:21,881 –> 00:18:24,042 Oh, Pete. It’s starting to grey.

203 00:18:24,183 –> 00:18:26,481 I’ve got men posted along the street to tell us when it breaks.

204 00:18:26,619 –> 00:18:27,916 Oh, drink your drink. You’re sober as a judge, and I don’t like judges.

M Here, Flora, bet that at 23, will you? What you going to do with all that money, Vern, if you win it?

VERN I’ll win it, all right. I’ll go to San Francisco and get drunk.

M You’re drunk now.

VERN I don’t like anybody calling me drunk.

M We were just funning you, Vern. You know that.

VERN Well, it ain’t funny. Deal the cards.

M How’s she doing It’s almost sun-up.

PALADIN Here you go. Easy. Little more.

BIG RED Enough. I’ll get drunk. The house shouldn’t get drunk. It’s bad for the game.

PALADIN Now Red… Red, listen to me. It’s important that you don’t move. I gonna hold your shoulders like this. And it’s important that you don’t move, do you understand?

BIG RED Not very well.

GUY FREMONT I can’t do it. It’s been too long, ten years. I won’t be any good. Besides what difference does it makes to me? If she dies, you’ll kill me. If she lives, they probably kill me.

PALADIN The difference, Doctor, is “probably”. You can be absolutely certain of me.

BIG RED Try, honey. It never used to be hard for you to cause me pain.

VERN Hey, Arnie, go back there and see what’s going on.

M Aw, Vern, let her die in peace. The sun ain’t up yet.

VERN You heard what I said. Go see what Guy’s doing. He’s supposed to be playing a hand with us.


GUY FREMONT I feel it. Steady, can’t you keep her steady?

PALADIN Get out of here.

MEN Go on! Hey, they’re taking the bullet out of Big Red. Guy’s taking out the bullet. What? Why that dirty… We bet because of him. Hey, what do you think you’re doing!

PALADIN Get rid of him. Like you say, it’s a gamble.

GUY FREMONT Red. I don’t want you to die, Red.

PALADIN Red’s gonna be all right. She’s gonna live. That’s right, Guy did it. He’ll pay off. We got a girl in there that needs some peace and quiet!

GUY FREMONT So how am I going to pay off?

RED Guess you’ll have to go to work, Guy. You’re a rotten gambler, taking those odds and betting against yourself. Guess all you’re fit for is doctoring.

PALADIN Well, doctor?

GUY FREMONT In spite of myself.

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Have Gun - Will Travel/Odds for Big Red

Odds for Big Red is the fourth episode of the fifth season of Have Gun - Will Travel , and the one hundred fifty-ninth episode overall.

Starring : Richard Boone ( Paladin )

Hope Holiday (Big Red), Richard Ney (Guy Fremont)

Cast : Robert Karnes (Vern Potter), Virginia Capers (Ada), Perry Cook (Ernie), Ollie O'Toole (Corey), Kam Tong ( Hey Boy )

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Odds for Big Red

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When a saloon owner is shot while Paladin takes down a wanted killer, the only person who can save her is her ex-boyfriend... who is betting against her living until sunup.

have gun will travel odds for big red

By Gadfly on Mar 5, 2017

At the Carlton, Paladin is reading about the failed search for an outlaw killer, Frank Yost, who guns down anyone in his way. He calls Hey Boy and tells him to send his card. Hey Boy reads the article and asks if Paladin is going to go after him, and Paladin figures that it's time that someone does. Soon, Paladin rides into town on Frank's trail. He goes into the saloon, Red's, and everyone falls silent as he comes in. He tells them that he just wants Frank, and everyone gets out of the way.…

Hey Boy

Robert Karnes


Virginia Capers

Ollie O'Toole

Ollie O'Toole

Big Red

Hope Holiday

Guy Fremont

Richard Ney

Murray Pollack

Murray Pollack

John George

John George

Cast appearances.


Richard Boone

Episode discussion.

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have gun will travel odds for big red

  • Have Gun, Will Travel

Odds for Big Red

Have gun, will travel  - s5  - e4.

Odds for Big Red

Paladin trails a killer and bank robber to a saloon but while trying to capture him, the saloon's owner, Big Red, is shot.

Have Gun, Will Travel: Season 5 - 38 Episode s

The Vigil

5x1 - The Vigil

September 16, 1961

Paladin agrees to accompany a nurse to the gold fields; she aspires to replace its deceased physician. Along the way, they encounter two men who have just buried their companion.

The Education of Sarah Jane

5x2 - The Education of Sarah Jane

September 23, 1961

The Darrow and Tyler families have been feuding so long they don't remember who started it. It's up to Paladin to help them decide if the feud should continue.

The Revenger

5x3 - The Revenger

September 30, 1961

Paladin takes a stagecoach ride with an embezzler, a convicted cutthroat, and a murderer to collect the other half of that bill.

5x4 - Odds for Big Red

October 7, 1961

A Proof of Love

5x5 - A Proof of Love

October 14, 1961

Paladin urges a momma's boy farmer to win back his wayward mail-order bride, by besting party-animal neighbor Rud Saxon in a dance contest.

The Gospel Singer

5x6 - The Gospel Singer

October 21, 1961

Bugbear wants to change its image. When Paladin is hired, his idea of disarmament is working fine. Until a missionary rides to town with her own methods for doing the same thing.

The Race

5x7 - The Race

October 28, 1961

Paladin is offered to win a horse race called a mule kalanta. When he arrives he finds out what the bet is, and he decides to make a change.

The Hanging of Aaron Gibbs

5x8 - The Hanging of Aaron Gibbs

November 4, 1961

Singer Odetta plays Sarah Gibbs, who is barred by a marshal from visiting her condemned husband.

The Piano

5x9 - The Piano

November 11, 1961

European pianist Franz Lister comes to the United States to give a concert for Mona Lansing, a former saloon hostess. When Lister's piano is stolen, Mona hires Paladin to get it back.

Ben Jalisco

5x10 - Ben Jalisco

November 18, 1961

Escaped killer, Ben Jalisco, is a ruthless hunter who has murdered more than 30 men. Now he is after his wife, Lucy, who informed on him and Paladin, who brought him in.

The Brothers

5x11 - The Brothers

November 25, 1961

Will prospector Possum Corbin rescue Paladin from dying in a desert, if Paladin reads the encyclopedia to him?

A Drop of Blood

5x12 - A Drop of Blood

December 2, 1961

Paladin is invited to best man at Rivka Shotness' wedding. When he arrives he finds that Billy Buckstone, the man the bride's family helped to convict, has been freed from prison and is on his way back.

A Knight to Remember

5x13 - A Knight to Remember

December 9, 1961

Paladin is hired to find Don Esteban, who has disappeared. When he finds him he is dressed as a knight in armor and thinks he is Don Quixote.

Blind Circle

5x14 - Blind Circle

December 16, 1961

Two years ago, the Cattleman's Association put a bounty of on a rustler who was never caught. Now they don't want him pursued but a bounty hunter doesn't know or maybe he doesn't care.

The Kid

5x15 - The Kid

December 23, 1961

Paladin is sent a bill and told there are 9 more like it if he travels to a town called Last Gasp.

Squatter's Rights

5x16 - Squatter's Rights

December 30, 1961

Costigan is a land owner and cattleman. He was shot by Clemenceau, a squatter on his land. Paladin has offered to help him get rid of the squatter but doesn't approve of his methods.


5x17 - Lazarus

January 6, 1962

After local boozing champ Big Fontana cheats Paladin in a drink-off, sickly Boise Peabody convinced he'll die by morning, challenges the sneaky fast draw to a shootout.

Justice in Hell

5x18 - Justice in Hell

January 13, 1962

Paladin goes after a wagon-master who led the massacre of his own wagon train. Rusty Doggett hides out in a town entirely populated by wanted outlaws.

Mark of Cain

5x19 - Mark of Cain

January 20, 1962

Dr. Avatar hires Paladin to guide him to Jack Trueblood, a notorious western badman who has killed many men. Avatar wants to measure Trueblood's head to confirm his research on cranial measurements.

The Exiles

5x20 - The Exiles

January 27, 1962

General Ortega hires Paladin to recover million in French bonds. Where they are and who has them is already known.

The Hunt

5x21 - The Hunt

February 3, 1962

Paladin is lured to Oregon under the pretense of a widow in distress. The real reason is to engage him in a deadly hunt with a bored prince.

Dream Girl

5x22 - Dream Girl

February 10, 1962

Paladin rides upon Buddy Webster's mining camp, who needs a big favor. He has been prospecting for gold dust the last five years.

One, Two, Three

5x23 - One, Two, Three

February 17, 1962

Samuel Keel hires Paladin to find Seth Carter. Keel gives him the names of three people who can help him find Seth. As Paladin finds them, each is murdered. Paladin is determined to find out why.

The Waiting Room

5x24 - The Waiting Room

February 24, 1962

After a 4 state murder spree, the Wilder Brothers head back to Texas for trial, under Paladin's gun.

The Trap

5x25 - The Trap

March 3, 1962

A lawman for 23 years, Jim Buell has always done what he believed was right. Taking in Davy Walsh for shooting at his jail while drunk seemed just that.

Don't Shoot the Piano Player

5x26 - Don't Shoot the Piano Player

March 10, 1962

With no help from local law enforcement, a writer hires Paladin to find her fiancé; in the roughest gutter on the Barbary coast.


5x27 - Alice

March 17, 1962

A daughter hires Paladin to help her look for an old friend of his - her mother.

The Man Who Struck Moonshine

5x28 - The Man Who Struck Moonshine

March 24, 1962

Moses Kadish is an alcoholic. He moves to middle of nowhere to try to stop drinking and drills a well. The well produces whiskey instead of water.

Silent Death, Secret Death

5x29 - Silent Death, Secret Death

March 31, 1962

Paladin is asked to look for a missing brother, no matter the cost. When he finds out he's been missing for seven years, he accepts this task.

Hobson's Choice

5x30 - Hobson's Choice

April 7, 1962

Alfred Nobel, staying at the Carlton, enlists the aid of resident Paladin to recover a mixed up shipment of mineral oil with his more potent nitroglycerin.

The Coming of the Tiger

5x31 - The Coming of the Tiger

April 14, 1962

An elder from the Japanese community informs Paladin that a Nationalistic Japanese Priest, accompanied by a Samurai Warrior, is attempting to enter the country illegally.

Darwin's Man

5x32 - Darwin's Man

April 21, 1962

A rancher (Kent Smith) pits his sons (Richard Rust, Buzz Martin) against one another in a fight to determine which of them will be his heir.


5x33 - Invasion

April 28, 1962

The State Department hires Paladin to stop an Irishman (Robert Gist) from invading Canada.

Cream of the Jest

5x34 - Cream of the Jest

May 5, 1962

Paladin tries to stay one step ahead of a prankster who may be on the point of playing one prank too many.


5x35 - Bandit

May 12, 1962

A girl bandit robs and kills a stagecoach driver for ,000. When Paladin catches up to her he finds out she is no lady but with his help is willing to learn.

Pandora's Box

5x36 - Pandora's Box

May 19, 1962

Protecting the current administration from low gossip and sensationalism, Paladin is asked to discreetly bring the Secretary's son to justice for murder.


5x37 - Jonah

May 26, 1962

,000 in gold bullion is stolen and dropped into a lake. Paladin decides to try to retrieve it but Jonah, a fisherman, has the spot staked out. He's after a huge trout and doesn't want anyone getting in his way. There's also the three thieves watching and waiting to ambush Paladin once he gets the gold.

The Knight

5x38 - The Knight

June 2, 1962

Paladin is hired to find a killer. His usual fee is paid for instead with a ring. A ring that may tie his employer to his quarry with him in the middle.

Have Gun, Will Travel: All seasons

Season 1

S1: Season 1

39 Episode s

Season 2

S2: Season 2

Season 3

S3: Season 3

Season 4

S4: Season 4

38 Episode s

Season 5

S5: Season 5

Season 6

S6: Season 6

32 Episode s

Have Gun -- Will Travel

Odds for Big Red

Cast & crew.

Hope Holiday

Richard Ney

Virginia Capers

Ollie O'Toole


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Have Gun, Will Travel Season 5 Episodes

  • Drama, Action & Adventure
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One of TV's most successful Westerns told of the hired gun Paladin, who plied his trade in 19th-century San Francisco with a calling card ('Have Gun, Will Travel...') that belied the compelling loner's cultured manner. When he wasn't eating fine food, engaged in polite conversation and dressed impeccably, he was an intimidating gunman dressed in black, striking out for the frontier and ready to kill if necessary. He was, as the theme song put it, 'a knight without armor in a savage land.'

Season 5 Episode Guide

38 Episodes 1961 - 1962

Sat, Sep 16, 1961 30 mins

A nurse heads for a frontier town---aware that its citizens would prefer a doctor. Richard Boone, George Kennedy.

The Education of Sarah Jane

Sat, Sep 23, 1961 30 mins

A vengeful girl draws Paladin into a family feud. Sarah: Jena Engstrom. Carter: Duane Eddy. Paladin: Richard Boone.

Have Gun, Will Travel, Season 5 Episode 2 image

The Revenger

Sat, Sep 30, 1961 30 mins

Half of a $500 bill and a stage ticket to Yuma lead Paladin to a bandit named Soloman (Anthony Caruso). Wilson: Rayford Barnes. Turner: Russell Arms. Sheriff Conlon: Harry Carey Jr.

Odds for Big Red

Sat, Oct 7, 1961 30 mins

Big Red, a woman saloonkeeper, is shot . . . and gamblers are betting she won't live till dawn. Paladin: Richard Boone. Fremont: Richard Ney. Ada: Virginia Capers. Potter: Robert Karnes.

A Proof of Love

Sat, Oct 14, 1961 30 mins

Charles Bronson and George Kennedy appear in the story of the fight for a mail-order bride. Callie: Chana Eden. Mrs. Grey: Shirley O'Hara. Musician: Jack Marshall. Dancer: Bob Cole.

The Gospel Singer

Sat, Oct 21, 1961 30 mins

Paladin and a missionary try to end gunplay in a lawless town. Melissa: Suzi Carnell. Harper: John McLiam. Paladin: Richard Boone. Sims: Ed Peck. Barber: Roy Engel. Durbin: Brad Weston.

Sat, Oct 28, 1961 30 mins

Sam Crabbe, who has bet his ranch against an entire Indian reservation in a horse race, wants Paladin to ride for him. Paladin: Richard Boone. Tamasun: Michael Pate. Checker: Stu East.

The Hanging of Aaron Gibbs

Sat, Nov 4, 1961 30 mins

Singer Odetta plays Sarah Gibbs, who is barred by a marshal from visiting her condemned husband. Paladin: Richard Boone. Harden: Ed Faulkner. Marshal: Roy Barcroft. Mullaney: Stu East.

Sat, Nov 11, 1961 30 mins

Paladin's mission: retrieve Franz Lister's valuable piano in time for a concert. Paladin: Richard Boone. Lister: Keith Andes. Sybil: Antoinette Bower. Mona: Gertrude Flynn. Freddie: Arny Freeman.

Ben Jalisco

Sat, Nov 18, 1961 30 mins

Charles Bronson stars as an escaped murderer hunting for his wife, who betrayed him and Paladin, who jailed him. Lucy: Coleen Gray. Sheriff: John Litel. Paladin: Richard Boone. John: Lane Chandler.

The Brothers

Sat, Nov 25, 1961 30 mins

Paladin's trouble is only beginning when he nabs a murderer. Holden: Buddy Ebsen. Corbin: Paul Hartman. Paladin: Richard Boone. Mrs. Raleigh: Peggy Stewart. Bodyguards: Ed Faulkner, Hal Needham.

Drop of Blood

Sat, Dec 2, 1961 30 mins

A killer disrupts a wedding. Rivka: Roxane Berard. Melamed: Mike Kellin. Shotness: Martin Gabel. Buckstone: Noah Keen. Viola: Regina Gleason. Paladin: Richard Boone. Frank: Red Morgan. Rabbi: Milton Selzer.

A Knight to Remember

Sat, Dec 9, 1961 30 mins

Hans Conried plays a feeble-minded man who charges about the country dressed as Don Quixote. Paladin: Richard Boone. Dirty Dog: Robert Carricart. Allesandro: Wright King. Dulcinea: Dolores Donlon.

Blind Circle

Sat, Dec 16, 1961 30 mins

Paladin tries to stop a bounty hunter from killing his man, who's no longer wanted. Larker: Hank Patterson. Highes: Gerald Gordon. McCormack: Dick Rich. Paladin: Richard Boone. Mrs. Madison: Ellen Atterbury.

Sat, Dec 23, 1961 30 mins

Paladin wins the right to work a silver strike for a month---or so he thinks. Paladin: Richard Boone. Strike: Flip Mark. Moriarity: Jacques Aubuchon. Hey Boy: Kam Tong. Bartender: Roy Engel. Barber: Ollie O'Toole.

Squatter's Rights

Sat, Dec 30, 1961 30 mins

Paladin is uneasy about his employer's vicious methods of removing squatters from his ranch. Costigan: Warren Stevens. Clemenceau: Robert S. Stevenson. Mrs. Clemenceau: Natalie Norwick.

Sat, Jan 6, 1962 30 mins

Paladin comes to the aid of Boise Peabody, a sheepish man being harassed by miners. Paladin: Richard Boone. Doc Halop: Dabbs Greer. Big Fontana: Chris Alcaide. Hey Boy: Kam Tong.

Justice in Hell

Sat, Jan 13, 1962 30 mins

Paladin's clue in an Indian raid: a child says the leader was a white man. Burchfield: William Schallert. Paladin: Richard Boone. Anne Marie: Betsy Hale. Wagner: Don Beddoe. Teague: Alan Carney.

Mark of Cain

Sat, Jan 20, 1962 30 mins

Dr. Avatar thinks criminal tendencies can be determined by skull size---and hires Paladin to find a specimen. Paladin: Richard Boone. Trueblood: Roy Barcroft. Pina: Iphigenie Castiglioni. Old Woman: Olive Carey. Harrison: Rick Silver. Tanaka: Dale Ishimoto. Hey Boy: Kam Tong.

Sat, Jan 27, 1962 30 mins

A Mexican general hires Paladin to track exiles who made off with a fortune in bonds. Ortega: Gerald Prince. Casares: Jay Novello. Countess: Vivi Janiss. Paladin: Richard Boone. Lupo: Richard Bermudez. Crocker: Bob Hopkins.

Sat, Feb 3, 1962 30 mins

Russian prince Radachev offers Paladin a large sum of money to play a very dangerous game. Paladin: Richard Boone. Vanessa Stuart: Joan Elan. Lt. Brager: Edward Faulkner.

Sat, Feb 10, 1962 30 mins

With gold in his pockets, a prospector sets out in pursuit of the girl of his dreams. Ginger: Peggy Ann Garner. Buddy: Hal Needham. Paladin: Richard Boone. Jeweler: Joseph Dimmitt.

One, Two, Three

Sat, Feb 17, 1962 30 mins

A lottery, astrology and four deaths figure in Paladin's search for a man. Paladin: Richard Boone. Keel: Robert F. Simon. Shoffner: Jack Elam. Carl: Lloyd Corrigan. Katherine: Eve McVeagh. Della: Barbara Pepper. Barker: William Woodson. Millie: Dorothy Dells.

The Waiting Room

Sat, Feb 24, 1962 30 mins

Paladin agrees to escort the Wilder brothers to the gallows---but it could be a mistake. Dave: James Griffith. Sim: Dean Stanton. Paladin: Richard Boone. Marshal: George Cisar. Undertaker: Byron Foulger.

Sat, Mar 3, 1962 30 mins

Paladin defends a prisoner's rights against a vindictive marshal. Paladin: Richard Boone. Marshal Buell: Crahan Denton. Jeri Marcus: Jeanette Nolan.

Don't Shoot the Piano Player

Sat, Mar 10, 1962 30 mins

Paladin joins Emily Eubanks' Barbary Coast search for her fiancé. Albert: James Callahan. Big Jim: George Kennedy. Paladin: Richard Boone. Nellie: Virginia Gregg.

Sat, Mar 17, 1962 30 mins

Paladin hunts for an Eastern schoolgirl's missing mother. Alice: Jeanette Nolan. Morgan: Richard Shannon. Maya: Jena Engstrom. Briggs: Perry Cook. Mrs. Briggs: Mary Gregory. Bigley: William Stevens.

The Man Who Struck Moonshine

Sat, Mar 24, 1962 30 mins

Paladin probes the mystery of a well that produces whiskey instead of water. Paladin: Richard Boone. Moses Kadish: William Conrad. Sylvia: Phyllis Avery.

Silent Death, Secret Death

Sat, Mar 31, 1962 30 mins

Paladin gets his man but he may not live to prove it: typhoid has broken out and Indians are closing in. Paladin: Richard Boone. Hodges: Robert Emhardt. Burgess: John Holland. Beatrice: Regina Gleason. Holmes: Russ Bender. Hey Boy: Kam Tong.

Hobson's Choice

Sat, Apr 7, 1962 30 mins

A hotel manager has his worries: inventor Alfred Nobel just checked in---with samples of nitroglycerin. Paladin: Richard Boone. Nobel: Milton Selzer. Cartwright: Olan Soule. Thurber: Parley Baer. Drunk: Ollie O'Toole. Helper: Titus Moede.

The Coming of the Tiger

Sat, Apr 14, 1962 30 mins

Paladin tries to prevent an invasion of the U.S. by Japanese militarists. Minoro: Marc Marno. Takura: Teru Shimada. Paladin: Richard Boone. Priest: James Hong. Samuri: Fuji. Osata: Bob Okazaki.

Darwin's Man

Sat, Apr 21, 1962 30 mins

A rancher hits upon a crude method to determine which son will be his heir: pit them against each other in a gun duel. Jayce: Richard Rust. Paladin: Richard Boone. Hostler: Bud Osborne.

The Invasion

Sat, Apr 28, 1962 30 mins

State Department orders: prevent an Irishman from invading Canada. Paladin: Richard Boone. O'Shea: Robert Gist.

Cream of the Jest

Sat, May 5, 1962 30 mins

The joke's on Paladin as he struggles to keep one step ahead of a prankster. Musgrove: Stanley Adams. Blessington: Jeff Davis. Paladin: Richard Boone. Nora: Catherine McLeod.

Sat, May 12, 1962 30 mins

Paladin's quarry: a murderous bandit. Sandy: Natalie Norwick. Sheriff: Robert Adler. Paladin: Richard Boone. Earl: Charles Couch. Floyd: Bob Woodward. Deputies: Jerry Gatlin, Hal Needham.

Pandora's Box

Sat, May 19, 1962 30 mins

A Cabinet official hires Paladin to find his son, wanted for murder. Paladin: Richard Boone. Billy Joe: Martin West. Hannah: Lorna Thayer. Laski: Ken Curtis.

Jonah and the Trout

Sat, May 26, 1962 30 mins

There's a fortune at the bottom of Crystal Lake---but no one can get to it. Quincy: Harry Carey Jr. Paladin: Richard Boone. Barton: Hank Patterson. Hey Boy: Kam Tong. Orrie: Jerry Summers.

Sat, Jun 2, 1962 30 mins

A disabled man asks Paladin to find his son, who's wanted for murder. Paladin: Richard Boone. Frome: Will Corry. Waco: Charles Kuenstle.

Have Gun, Will Travel Season 5 Episode 4

Ep 4. Odds for Big Red

  • October 7, 1961
  • 7.8   (84)

Paladin is back again, riding his faithful horse along a dusty trail. In this episode of Have Gun, Will Travel season 5 entitled "Odds for Big Red," Paladin finds himself challenged to a high-stakes poker game against a wealthy rancher named Big Red.

The game is being held at a saloon in the town of Sonora, where Paladin is currently living. Paladin's friend, "Sidekick" Johnny, reasons with him that he will be able to earn enough money to buy himself a new living space in the city if he wins. But Paladin is hesitant at first, knowing full well that Big Red has a reputation for being a cunning and ruthless gambler. However, his pride gets the best of him and he accepts the offer.

Before the game begins, Big Red and Paladin engage in a heated conversation about what it takes to be a good gambler. Big Red boasts that he has never lost a game of poker in his life, while Paladin argues that skill and strategy are what make a great gambler, not just luck. It's clear from the start that this game will be more than just a simple game of cards.

The saloon is full of onlookers eager to see the two men battle it out. Despite being in a potentially life-changing situation, Paladin maintains his cool and shows no signs of nerves. The hands are dealt, and the game is underway.

Throughout the game, various characters enter and exit the saloon, adding to the tension and excitement around the poker game. Some characters are cheering on Big Red, while others side with Paladin. The stakes continue to rise with each hand that is played, and the tension between the two men grows thicker with each passing moment.

As the night wears on, Paladin senses that something is amiss. Big Red begins playing recklessly, disregarding strategy and commonly accepted rules of the game. Paladin quickly understands that Big Red has enlisted the help of a group of con artists, who are signaling him with their movements and gestures.

Paladin confronts Big Red, and they engage in a passionate yet civil exchange of words. Big Red eventually admits to cheating, but argues that it's all part of successful gambling. Paladin, who believes in upholding fair play at all costs, is dissatisfied with this response.

In a carefully thought-out plan, Paladin sets up a trap for Big Red, revealing his cheating tactics to everyone in the saloon. Big Red is forced to concede defeat, having lost both the game and his credibility as a gambler.

The episode ends with Paladin walking away from the saloon, having proven to both himself and Big Red that true gambling requires integrity and strategy. As always, he rides off into the sunset, ready for his next adventure.

Overall, "Odds for Big Red" is an engaging and entertaining episode that captures the essence of Have Gun, Will Travel's unique mix of action, drama, and suspense. With masterful performances from Richard Boone as Paladin and a dynamic cast of supporting characters, this episode is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

have gun will travel odds for big red

  • Genres Drama Action & Adventure
  • Cast Richard Boone Hope Holiday Richard Ney Hope Holiday Richard Ney
  • Channel CBS
  • First Aired October 7, 1961
  • Language English
  • IMDB Rating 7.8   (84)


Classic TV Database

Have Gun - Will Travel Episode Guide

Have Gun - Will Travel Episode Guide

Season 1, Episode 1 – Aired: 9/14/1957 Three Bells to Perdido New Mexico rancher Jesse Reade hires Paladin for $1,000 to bring back outlaw Dave Enderby, who has run off to Perdido, Mexico with Reade's daughter Nancy. Season 1, Episode 2 – Aired: 9/21/1957 The Outlaw Manfred Holt breaks out of jail, killing two deputies. Is he on his way to kill the banker who testified against him, or to see his family for the last time? The banker hires Paladin. Season 1, Episode 3 – Aired: 9/28/1957 The Great Mojave Chase A sportsman sponsors a contest, betting that no one can elude his posse in the Mojave Desert. When Paladin shows up riding a camel, the man decides that the only way he can still win is to get rid of Paladin. Season 1, Episode 4 – Aired: 10/5/1957 Winchester Quarantine At a stagecoach stop, Paladin sees a peaceful Cherokee rancher being beaten by white men who think his cattle are spreading a sickness. Paladin offers his help. Season 1, Episode 5 – Aired: 10/12/1957 A Matter of Ethics An accused murderer who fears that he will be lynched before he can be returned to Bender, Wyoming, for trial, hires Paladin to make sure he gets there alive. Season 1, Episode 6 – Aired: 10/19/1957 The Bride When a pen-pal bride from Philadelphia gets off the stagecoach in the middle of nowhere, Paladin decides to stay with her to make sure that she is safe. Season 1, Episode 7 – Aired: 10/26/1957 Strange Vendetta Paladin's new friend, stabbed by an assassin, makes a dying request to have his body taken back home to his hacienda in Mexico. Season 1, Episode 8 – Aired: 11/2/1957 High Wire A hobo who was once a circus performer bets a gambler that he can walk across the saloon on a tightrope. When Paladin sees that the gambler intends to cheat, he decides to help even the odds. Season 1, Episode 9 – Aired: 11/9/1957 Show of Force After winning a batch of old rifles in a poker game, Paladin finds himself involved in a range war. Season 1, Episode 10 – Aired: 11/16/1957 The Long Night A wealthy cattleman holds Paladin and two other men hostage. They will all die at dawn unless one of them admits to the murder of the rancher's wife. Season 1, Episode 11 – Aired: 11/23/1957 The Colonel and the Lady A retired colonel sends Paladin to a Nevada mining town to find out what happened to a former saloon girl. Season 1, Episode 12 – Aired: 11/30/1957 No Visitors When Paladin finds a woman and her apparently typhoid-afflicted child abandoned by a wagonmaster, he enlists the aid of a female doctor from a nearby town, but a religious fanatic then tries to bar them from entry. Season 1, Episode 13 – Aired: 12/7/1957 The Englishman Paladin escorts an Englishman to his female cousin's ranch they have inherited in Montana, but finds that an embittered trader is plotting against them. Season 1, Episode 14 – Aired: 12/14/1957 The Yuma Treasure Accompanying a cavalry major on a mission to prevent a war by negotiating a treaty with an elusive Apache chief, Paladin must deal with soldiers who have caught gold fever. Season 1, Episode 15 – Aired: 12/21/1957 The Hanging Cross On Christmas eve, an embittered rancher wants revenge on Pawnee Indians who he thinks kidnapped his son several years before. Season 1, Episode 16 – Aired: 12/28/1957 Helen of Abajinian An Armenian winemaker hires Paladin to find his runaway daughter and make certain that she marries the young cowhand he believes has seduced her. Season 1, Episode 17 – Aired: 1/4/1958 Ella West The promoter of a wild west show asks Paladin for help taming down a very wild and famous female sharpshooter and show her how to act like a lady. Season 1, Episode 18 – Aired: 1/11/1958 The Reasonable Man A rancher having a dispute with his foster son hires Paladin to keep one of them from killing the other in a duel. Season 1, Episode 19 – Aired: 1/18/1958 The High-Graders When his tailor is killed in an accident at a supposedly worthless gold mine, Paladin discovers that the man was murdered and his heirs are being swindled. Season 1, Episode 20 – Aired: 1/25/1958 The Last Laugh A rancher blames Paladin when a practical joke goes awry and his wife is crippled in a riding accident. Season 1, Episode 21 – Aired: 2/2/1958 The Bostonian Paladin protects a new landowner from Boston, who is having an escalating feud with an established cattle rancher. Season 1, Episode 22 – Aired: 2/8/1958 The Singer A cowboy seeks help for his former girlfriend, a dancehall singer, who he says was forced into marriage and is now being held prisoner. Season 1, Episode 23 – Aired: 2/15/1958 Bitter Wine Paladin is hired to stop a vineyard from being ruined by seepage from an adjacent oil well. Season 1, Episode 24 – Aired: 2/22/1958 Girl from Piccadilly Learning of his son's death, a rich man hires Paladin to locate the daughter-in-law he's never met, but Paladin finds two women both claiming to be her. Season 1, Episode 25 – Aired: 3/1/1958 The O'Hare Story Hired to prevent the construction of a dam that would imperil a town's water supply, Paladin finds that he sympathizes more with the Irish engineer who's trying to build it. Season 1, Episode 26 – Aired: 3/8/1958 Birds of a Feather Paladin must contend with other gunfighters as he tries to settle a right-of-way dispute between two railroads in a Colorado town that will die if they go elsewhere. Season 1, Episode 27 – Aired: 3/15/1958 The Teacher Paladin defends a schoolmistress who's being theatened for teaching about war crimes that took place during the Civil War. Season 1, Episode 28 – Aired: 3/22/1958 Killer's Widow After having killed a bank robber, Paladin is accused of having taken the stolen money. He visits the dead man's widow and tries to make amends. Season 1, Episode 29 – Aired: 3/29/1958 Gun Shy Trying to locate the thieves who stole a jade chess set, Paladin ends up in a small Montana town where he becomes involved in a romance with a landlady's daughter. Season 1, Episode 30 – Aired: 4/5/1958 The Prizefight Story When Paladin goes to a mining town to promote a prizefight, his boxer is arrested and he ends up having to take the man's place in the ring -- against the Welsh champion. Season 1, Episode 31 – Aired: 4/12/1958 Hey Boy's Revenge When Hey Boy's brother is killed for protesting the working conditions on a Chinese railroad gang in Utah, Paladin must get the boy out of jail and bring the killer to justice. Season 1, Episode 32 – Aired: 4/26/1958 The Five Books of Owen Deaver Paladin comes to the aid of a young sheriff from Philadelphia whose attempts to keep law and order in are particularly unsuitable for a cowboy town in Wyoming. Season 1, Episode 33 – Aired: 5/3/1958 The Silver Queen Lonely Leadhead Kane dies and leaves his half of a mine to an actress. Kane's partner wants to challenge the will. Someone wants to make sure Paladin never gets the woman to the courtroom. Season 1, Episode 34 – Aired: 5/10/1958 Three Sons Newlyweds with no place to stay end up in Paladin's suite. He learns that the groom's half-brothers are threatening to kill their father. Paladin goes to warn the father. Season 1, Episode 35 – Aired: 5/17/1958 The Return of Dr. Thackeray Dr. Phyllis Thackeray diagnoses the cook at the Barton Ranch with smallpox. All the cowhands may be infected and need to be vaccinated. Dr. Thackeray sends for the one man she thinks can help. Season 1, Episode 36 – Aired: 5/24/1958 24 Hours at North Fork When a blight kills all the crops except for one farmer's, Paladin must protect him from a greedy storekeeper who wants his farm and his hired gun who has a personal grudge against Paladin. Season 1, Episode 37 – Aired: 5/31/1958 Silver Convoy Paladin is hired to find James Becker. He trails him to Monterey and discovers he has been arrested and is sentenced to work in a silver mine. Paladin finds that Becker has died in a cave-in or so he is told. The owner of the mine hires Paladin to guard a silver convoy, but first Paladin wants to find out a little more about the mine. Season 1, Episode 38 – Aired: 6/7/1958 Deliver the Body Paladin is hired to bring in the killer of the sheriff in a Nevada town. He brings him in but has some doubts about his guilt and decides to hang around for the trial. Season 1, Episode 39 – Aired: 6/14/1958 The Statue of San Sebastian Paladin agrees to capture an outlaw in return for a statue belonging to the local mission. Season 2, Episode 1 – Aired: 9/13/1958 The Manhunter Paladin is forced to kill Jimmy Dawes, wanted for murder. When he takes him back to his home town, the townspeople, the sheriff and the boy's brothers give him a hostile welcome. Season 2, Episode 2 – Aired: 9/20/1958 In an Evil Time Pappy French and his gang have robbed the bank in Mercede of $50,000. Pappy ran off with the cash and left his gang to shoot it out with the law. Paladin is hired to bring Pappy and the money back. Season 2, Episode 3 – Aired: 9/27/1958 The Man Who Wouldn't Talk Chris Sorenson is shy around women and he asks Paladin to help him with his new neighbor, Senorita Maria de Castro, a lady rancher. Complicating the matter is cattle missing from the de Castro ranch. Season 2, Episode 4 – Aired: 10/4/1958 The Hanging of Roy Carter Roy Carter is scheduled to be hanged. Another man confesses to the murder just before the execution is to take place. Paladin is hired to try to convince the warden to delay the hanging until the Governor can be reached. Season 2, Episode 5 – Aired: 10/11/1958 Duel at Florence Paladin receives a letter with a bank draft for $82.17 from Ernie Teller asking for help with a matrimonial problem. Season 2, Episode 6 – Aired: 10/18/1958 The Protege Paladin answers an ad in the paper by Kurt Sprague: "Teach me to quick draw and shoot. Instruction desperately needed. Will pay one thousand dollars. Only experts need apply." Kurt needs to learn in order to go back home. Paladin does a very good job. Only one problem: Kurt enjoys showing off his new found skill a little too much. Season 2, Episode 7 – Aired: 10/25/1958 The Road to Wickenburg Paladin wakes up after being drugged, beaten and robbed in the town of Blue Bell by five men, one of whom is the town's sheriff. They took his money, gun, bullets, horse and saddle. All he has left is his two-shot derringer. Season 2, Episode 8 – Aired: 11/1/1958 A Sense of Justice The sheriff of a small town needs help to prevent the lynching of simple-minded Andy Dawes. The townspeople are sure he is a murderer. Paladin offers to help Season 2, Episode 9 – Aired: 11/8/1958 Young Gun An ex-gunfighter, Roy Calvert, blames the people of Benedict for his wife's death. The town is in the middle of a bad drought and Calvert and his son are blocking the only access to water in the area. Calvert has trained his son to be a gunfighter and Paladin has to face them both. Season 2, Episode 10 – Aired: 11/15/1958 The Lady A British woman, Diana Coulter, hires Paladin to guide her to her brother's ranch in Shiprock, Arizona, where the Comanches are on the warpath. Season 2, Episode 11 – Aired: 11/22/1958 A Snare for Murder Two ornery old gold miners, who hate each other, have struck it rich. Problem is they talk too much, and now it appears someone is trying to kill them. Season 2, Episode 12 – Aired: 12/6/1958 The Ballad of Oscar Wilde Paladin is hired to protect Oscar Wilde. Another 3 men apply for the job, but after Paladin upstages them they kidnap Wilde for ransom. Paladin takes care of them, his way. Season 2, Episode 13 – Aired: 12/13/1958 The Solid Gold Patrol Paladin goes to inform a calvary corporal that he has won $600,000 in a lottery. But they may not live to cash in the ticket, they Season 2, Episode 14 – Aired: 12/20/1958 Something to Live For On his way to help a man and his daughter over a land dispute, Paladin encounters a wealthy, drunk and helpless man whose guide left him behind to die. Season 2, Episode 15 – Aired: 12/27/1958 The Moor's Revenge Shakespearean actors are going to perform in San Diego during their roundup. They are in for a rough reception. A lovesick gunfighter is among the audience. The show's promoter hires Paladin to keep the peace. Season 2, Episode 16 – Aired: 1/3/1959 The Wager Sid Morgan hires Paladin to protect him from someone who is trying to kill him. After killing the gunfighter who was following them, Paladin finds out the real reason Morgan hired him. He then hands out his own brand of justice. Season 2, Episode 17 – Aired: 1/10/1959 The Taffeta Mayor John Kellaway, who is running for mayor of Colton, Wyoming, hires Paladin to protect him from his opposition. When he is killed before Paladin can get there, Paladin persuades John's widow to run for mayor. Season 2, Episode 18 – Aired: 1/17/1959 Lady on the Stagecoach Paladin is traveling on a stagecoach with four others, one of whom is Della White Cloud, the educated daughter of an Apache chief. The stage is also carrying a strongbox full of gold, which Ed Rance wants. Season 2, Episode 19 – Aired: 1/24/1959 Treasure Trail Paladin wins part of a treasure map in a poker game and goes in search of the treasure with three other men. Season 2, Episode 20 – Aired: 1/31/1959 Juliet Juliet Harper is being hunted by the grandsons of Colonel Jeremiah Pike. Paladin meets her on the stage and now the Colonel is after both of them, and Paladin is without a gun. Season 2, Episode 21 – Aired: 2/7/1959 Hunt the Man Down Tony and Walt DeVries are old friends of Paladin. Tony is putting up barbed wire to keep Walt's cattle from trampling his crops. Walt has threatened to kill anyone who puts up barbed wire. Paladin owes Tony his life and offers to help. Season 2, Episode 22 – Aired: 2/14/1959 The Scorched Feather Robert Ceilbleu hires Paladin to protect his father from a Comanche war chief who has sworn to kill him. After arriving at the remote cabin of William Ceilbleu, he learns the reason for the Indian's hatred. Season 2, Episode 23 – Aired: 2/21/1959 The Return of the Lady Diana Coulter (The Lady, Episode 49) wires Paladin and asks him to come to her wedding to "give the bride away". Season 2, Episode 24 – Aired: 2/28/1959 The Monster of Moon Ridge The townspeople of Moon Ridge, Colorado believe there are monsters in the mountains. Dan Bella's daughter is taken by something and he finds strange footprints outside his daughter's window. Paladin is hired to find out what is up on the ridge. Season 2, Episode 25 – Aired: 3/7/1959 The Long Hunt Thomas Orday, half Comanche, has killed two men and wounded Dundee, a former Indian fighter. He is now hiding in the mountains of New Mexico. Paladin is hired to help track him down. Season 2, Episode 26 – Aired: 3/14/1959 Death of a Gunfighter Juan Carlos Morrita is a ruthless gunfighter who has killed 9 men and is wanted by the townspeople of Santos, New Mexico. Paladin is hired to bring him in. The gunfighter's brother has been hanged and left out in the street to trap the gunfighter. On seeing this, Paladin quits the job. The gunfighter shows up and kills all the townspeople who were gunning for him. Then he and Paladin come to an agreement that if he hangs up his guns he can go back to his hometown to marry his sweetheart. But it turns out that she has fallen in love with someone else, and more trouble ensues. Season 2, Episode 27 – Aired: 3/21/1959 Incident at Borrasca Bend Arriving in a weird tent town to return money to a prospector, Paladin finds himself charged with the man's murder and tried by a kangaroo court. Season 2, Episode 28 – Aired: 4/4/1959 Maggie O'Bannion After being bushwhacked and having 'everything' taken, Paladin walks to the nearest ranch and manages to get hired on as a handyman. Season 2, Episode 29 – Aired: 4/11/1959 The Chase Paul Martin is a bank clerk accused of robbing the bank and killing a deputy. His wife hires Paladin to find her husband before the posse does. Season 2, Episode 30 – Aired: 4/18/1959 Alaska Paladin plays chess by mail with Boris, who is living in Alaska. Paladin receives what he assumes is Boris' next move but instead is a request for help. Boris is being forced out of territory he has hunted and trapped on for years. Paladin heads for Alaska to help. Season 2, Episode 31 – Aired: 4/25/1959 The Man Who Lost Paladin goes after Benjamin Coey, who brutally murdered James Bryson and attacked Mrs. Bryson. Coey has already killed two members of the posse which is after him. Mrs. Bryson's two brothers, Joseph and William Gage, are also after him and don't intend to allow him to live long enough to stand trial. Season 2, Episode 32 – Aired: 5/2/1959 The Return of Roy Carter Roy Carter (The Hangin of Roy Carter, Episode 43) sends for Paladin to help search for Chaplain Robert April, who saved Roys' life. Chaplain April was up in the mountains searching for an escaped prisoner when a blizzard hit. Season 2, Episode 33 – Aired: 5/9/1959 The Sons of Aaron Murdock Aaron Murdock hires Paladin to find his son, Lew, who has escaped from prison and prevent his younger son, Jamie, from riding out with Lew. Season 2, Episode 34 – Aired: 5/16/1959 Commanche Corporal Henry Carver deserted from the Cavalry. Carver's mother hires Paladin to find him and get him to either return voluntarily or bring him back by force. Season 2, Episode 35 – Aired: 5/23/1959 Homecoming Wrongly convicted Ed Stacy, whom Paladin helped to put in prison, is being released after being pardoned. Will Stanhope, who runs the local freight office, hires Paladin to protect him from Stacy. Paladin soon wonders who is really in danger. Season 2, Episode 36 – Aired: 5/30/1959 The Fifth Man Ben Talman, who has murdered 12 men, escaped from jail. He kills four men in Yucca Bend within one week. Paladin is hired to bring him in. Season 2, Episode 37 – Aired: 6/6/1959 Heritage of Anger Paladin is hired to protect the Avery family from Manuel Garcia. Garicia is a Mexican bandit who seems to have taken a special interest in their son. Season 2, Episode 38 – Aired: 6/13/1959 The Haunted Trees Ben Howard is disinherited in his father's will. When his father dies, Mrs. Sarah Howard takes over running the family's lumber company. She claims that Ben is sabotaging the work and scaring off the workers. Mrs. Howard hires Paladin to stop the problems and get rid of Ben. Season 2, Episode 39 – Aired: 6/20/1959 Gold and Brimstone Paladin finds a sick old man and his son trying to protect their mine from claim jumpers. The old man is delirious and thinks that Paladin is the devil and has only offered to help in exchange for their souls. Season 3, Episode 1 – Aired: 9/12/1959 First, Catch a Tiger Two of the three men who brought in and helped to hang an outlaw have been killed by an assassin. The third man, Paladin, is staying at a hotel where one of the guests is the killer. Season 3, Episode 2 – Aired: 9/19/1959 Episode in Laredo Kovak is reserving the entire hotel in Laredo, Texas for Sam Tuttle, a famous unbeatable gunfighter. After Paladin is forced to kill Kovak, Tuttle must challenge Paladin in order to keep his reputation intact. Season 3, Episode 3 – Aired: 9/26/1959 Les Girls Paladin is hired by J. Brodie to deliver three mail-order brides to Bend-In-The-River, Oregon. Season 3, Episode 4 – Aired: 10/3/1959 The Posse Paladin stops to ask a stranger for directions and is invited to share his campsite. Later, when a posse arrives, the man announces that Paladin is the murderer they have been looking for. Season 3, Episode 5 – Aired: 10/10/1959 Shot by Request Ainslee is a well-dressed, middle-aged gentleman and a reluctant gunfighter. He hires Paladin for a very strange task. Season 3, Episode 6 – Aired: 10/24/1959 Pancho Mexican rancher Don Luis Ortega hires Paladin to escort his daughter across the border into the United States. However a peon from her father's ranch is determined to stop them and take her for himself. Season 3, Episode 7 – Aired: 10/31/1959 Fragile Paladin is hired by the owner of "The Frenchman's" restaurant to take a plate glass window to the town of Panamint, a wild gold-mining town. Season 3, Episode 8 – Aired: 11/7/1959 The Unforgiven Retired and wealthy General Crommer is dying. He asks Padadin, who holds an old grudge against him, to do him a favor. He asks him to take a message of forgiveness to another man who hates Crommer. A favor which might get Paladin killed. Season 3, Episode 9 – Aired: 11/14/1959 The Black Hankerchief Paladin is hired by the Deverall family to clear their son, Pierre. He has been sentenced to hang for robbery and murder. But Pierre doesn't think they will really hang a "Deverall". Season 3, Episode 10 – Aired: 11/21/1959 The Golden Toad Paladin gets involved in a dispute between the patriarch of a farming family and a matriarch saloon owner and her family who believe land they claim rights to holds an Aztec treasure. Season 3, Episode 11 – Aired: 11/28/1959 Tiger Ellsworth believes he has had an old tiger curse put on him and that a tiger is coming to kill him. He hires Paladin to protect him from the tiger. Season 3, Episode 12 – Aired: 12/5/1959 Champaigne Safari Gravely, an old friend of Paladin, asks Paladin to help when a member of his hunting party is killed in an Indian attack. Gravely arranged a phony attack to provide excitement for his clients and doesn't believe the killing was an accident. Season 3, Episode 13 – Aired: 12/12/1959 Charley Red Dog Santa Maria, New Mexico is looking for a town marshal. The only man willing is Charley Red Dog, holder of a correspondence school diploma. Paladin allows Charley to take his gun and tries to help. Season 3, Episode 14 – Aired: 12/19/1959 The Naked Gun Riding through Oregon on his way to help a friend, Paladin makes an unwanted and unwashed friend, Monk. He helps Monk escape from a group of trail herders and Rook, a tough, trick drawing trail boss who would hang anyone that gets in his way. Season 3, Episode 15 – Aired: 12/26/1959 One Came Back After serving 5 years in prison for crimes committed during the Civil War, Ben Harvey wants to go home to his brothers in Gila. He hires Paladin to protect him and his wagon of goods during the trip. They arrive in Gila to find that his brothers are wanted for murder and there's a posse out looking them. Season 3, Episode 16 – Aired: 1/2/1960 The Prophet The Army asks Paladin to find an Army colonel who disappeared with his Apache wife. There are rumors of an Army officer working with the Apaches and inciting them to war. Paladin is asked to find and stop him at all costs. Season 3, Episode 17 – Aired: 1/9/1960 Day of the Badman Cynthia Palmer hires Paladin to clean up the town of Cedar Wells and get a gang out. She also wants him to send her schoolteacher nephew named Laredo back east. Paladin decides he can restore Laredo's self-respect and get rid of the gang at the same time. Season 3, Episode 18 – Aired: 1/16/1960 The Pledge Ike Brennan hires Paladin to escort him and a wagonload of food and blankets into Indian country. The Indians are holding his wife hostage and he intends to trade what's in the wagon for her release. However, on the way there, Paladin discovers what he is really taking to the Indians. Season 3, Episode 19 – Aired: 1/23/1960 Jenny Jenny Lake asks Paladin for his assistance in discouraging Wilson, an unwanted suitor. Paladin attemps to prevent Wilson from boarding the same stagecoach as her but is knocked unconscious by an unknown accomplice of Wilson. He tracks down the stagecoach and removes Wilson and takes his place. However, Jenny later disappears and Paladin follows her trail to a group of counterfeiters. Season 3, Episode 20 – Aired: 1/30/1960 Return to Fort Benjamin Paladin is hired by an Indian chief to help his son, Yellow Star. Not to save his life but to assure he receives a proper Indian burial after his execution. Paladin soon begins to wonder if Yellow Star is guilty. Season 3, Episode 21 – Aired: 2/6/1960 Night the Town Died Aaron Bell's brother was lynched during the Civil War. Eight years later, Aaron is released from prison and returns home to kill those responsible for his brother's death. Warren hires Paladin to protect the townspeople from Aaron and protect Aaron from them. Season 3, Episode 22 – Aired: 2/13/1960 The Ledge Paladin is on the road with 4 others when a man in the distance yells to them and then falls off a ledge in an 'impossible to get to space.' John Hoyt plays a doctor who begins to assume the man is dead, but really, everyone is unsure, and worried. Richard Rust plays a young man named Corey who is deathly afraid of heights but who tries to get down to the man to make certain. Season 3, Episode 23 – Aired: 2/20/1960 The Lady on the Wall Paladin stops in the small town of Bonanza on his was through and finds himself accused of stealing a painting of a young, beautiful woman. Season 3, Episode 24 – Aired: 2/27/1960 The Misguided Father Charlie Blackburn, an old friend of Paladin, is shot and found dead in Paladin's hotel room. Paladin takes his body back home for burial but no one wants the body. While trying to find Blackburn's killer, he comes up against Win Loring and his psychopathic son. Season 3, Episode 25 – Aired: 3/5/1960 The Hatchet Man Paladin is hired by the San Francisco Police to protect Joe Tsin, their first Chinese police detective. Tsin has been targeted by a dangerous group of Chinese criminals and Paladin must try to protect him without causing him to lose face. Season 3, Episode 26 – Aired: 3/12/1960 Fight at Adobe Wells Jonathan Guilder hires Paladin to escort him through Indian country. They end up trapped at an old adobe stage stop by Quanah Parker, a half-indian, half-white Indian warrior with a personal grudge against Guilder. Season 3, Episode 27 – Aired: 3/19/1960 The Gladiators Allison Windrom hires Paladin to stop a duel between her father and Graham Beckley. When Beckley finds out about Paladin he hires a gunfighter to take his place. Season 3, Episode 28 – Aired: 3/26/1960 Love of a Bad Woman Tamsen Sommers is advertising for a husband, which presents a problem since she already has one. The husband hires Paladin to protect him from the men competing for the right to marry her. Season 3, Episode 29 – Aired: 4/2/1960 An International Affair After a Hawaiian prince is killed in Paladin's hotel room, he must find out why three men - a German attache, a Russian prince, and a spy are all ready to kill to take possession of a signet ring which a Hawaiian princess has given to Paladin. Season 3, Episode 30 – Aired: 4/9/1960 Lady with a Gun After she attempts to shoot Rudy Rossback and fails, Eve McIntosh offers Paladin $1,000 to kill him. After Paladin turns her down she hires another gunman. Season 3, Episode 31 – Aired: 4/16/1960 Never Help the Devil Doggie Kramer wins a gunfight, as the whole town he had been bullying watches, but ends up wounded. He needs Paladin to help him get out of town before the townspeople take their revenge. Season 3, Episode 32 – Aired: 4/23/1960 Ambush Paladin is taking Blandings back to stand trial and stops at a ferry crossing. They are captured and held along with three others. Someone is coming and they are being held until he arrives. Each thinks it's their worst enemy coming to kill them and all they can do is wait. Season 3, Episode 33 – Aired: 4/30/1960 Black Sheep Ben Huttner is a fugitive wanted for manslaughter. He is also the illegitimate son of a very wealthy man and stands to inherit his five million dollar estate, but he must first come back and stand trial. Paladin is hired to find him and either bring him back to stand trial or get him to sign a paper giving up his inheritance. Season 3, Episode 34 – Aired: 5/14/1960 Full Circle A man who left Paladin to die in his place writes to Paladin and asks for his help. Season 3, Episode 35 – Aired: 5/21/1960 The Twins Adam Mirakian is wanted for a murder he claims his twin brother Sam committed. He hires Paladin to find his brother and clear his name. The only person who can tell them apart is Adam's wife, Beth. Season 3, Episode 36 – Aired: 5/28/1960 The Campaign of Billy Banjo An old friend of Paladin's, Billy Banjo, sends for him to help with an election. Season 3, Episode 37 – Aired: 6/4/1960 Ransom Paladin is hired by Carter to find Colonel Celine. He needs Celine to sign a document. Paladin is not the only one looking for him. Season 3, Episode 38 – Aired: 6/11/1960 The Trial Paladin is hired by Morgan Gibbs to bring in his son, who is wanted for murder. There is a $500 dead or alive bounty on him and Morgan offers to pay Paladin $5000 to bring him in alive. When Paladin brings him in draped over his horse, Paladin is put on trial for killing him. Season 3, Episode 39 – Aired: 6/18/1960 The Search Mrs. Kilmer is dying and asks Paladin to find her missing son, Martin Kilmer. Edwards, a detective, managed to trace Martin as far as Harper City, where Edwards was then killed. Fred Harper, a half crazy man who runs Harper City, doesn't want Paladin to succeed. Season 4, Episode 1 – Aired: 9/10/1960 The Fatalist A Russian Jewish immigrant and his daughter are coerced by a local town boss not to testify in court about a murder. The daughter comes to San Francisco to enlist Paladin's help. Season 4, Episode 2 – Aired: 9/17/1960 Love's Young Dream Monk (The Naked Gun, Episode #92) arrives in San Francisco to collect his inheritance, a half-interest in a night club. He ends up at the Carlton Hotel to ask Paladin for help. Season 4, Episode 3 – Aired: 9/24/1960 A Head of Hair Mary Grange was kidnapped in an Indian raid, and her father offered a $2000 reward for her return. Cavalry Lieutenant John Bryson reports having seen a blonde woman traveling with a band of Nez Perce. Paladin teams up with a part Sioux scout named John Anderson to try and find her. Season 4, Episode 4 – Aired: 10/1/1960 Out at the Old Ballpark Paladin reads in a newspaper article that a hotly disputed baseball game in the mining town of Whiskey Slide resulted in multiple killings. The mayor of the town is calling for an honest umpire, so that the game can be played out. It turns out that the killings were merely journalistic exaggeration, but Paladin has already offered his services: he served with Abner Doubleday during the Civil War, saw National League games in Cincinnati, and witnessed the first curve ball ever pitched in 1876. Season 4, Episode 5 – Aired: 10/8/1960 Saturday Night After being arrested along with several others for fighting in a barroom brawl, Paladin wakes up in a cell and discovers that one of the other men has been murdered. Season 4, Episode 6 – Aired: 10/15/1960 The Calf On his way home to San Francisco, Paladin becomes involved in an ugly feud arising from a land dispute, brought to a head by a calf caught in barbed wire. Season 4, Episode 7 – Aired: 10/22/1960 The Tender Gun When the town of Arroyo is taken over by a group of gunmen, the sheriff wires Paladin for assistance. Paladin arrives to find that the sheriff is a woman. Season 4, Episode 8 – Aired: 10/29/1960 The Killing of Jessie May During the war, Jessie May Turnbow, not yet ten years old, had witnessed his father being whipped and executed for an act of espionage. Now, years later, seven of the twelve men responsible have been murdered by the boy. Paladin is hired by one of the remaining five to find Jessie and bring him in for trial. Season 4, Episode 9 – Aired: 11/12/1960 The Poker Fiend Mrs. John Neal hires Paladin to retrieve her husband, who, five and a half months previously, got involved in a poker game in Cavinaw City and cannot bring himself to stop playing. The missus wants him back before he squanders their entire fortune. Season 4, Episode 10 – Aired: 11/19/1960 Crowbait A year ago, an old prospector named Crowbait saved an Indian chief's life. He was rewarded by being taken (blindfolded) to see a fabulous silver mine. Now that the chief is dead, Crowbait is determined to locate the mine for himself, despite the objections of the dead chief's son. Paladin is hired by Crowbait's daughter to find the old man before he gets himself killed. Season 4, Episode 11 – Aired: 11/26/1960 Marshal's Boy Billy Lamport, son of Federal Marshall Guy Lamport, has shot Frank Gully's son. Before fleeing, Billy claimed self defense, but Frank Gully claims otherwise. Although leading the posse tracking his son, the Marshall wants Paladin to find Billy and get him safely locked up until they can sort out the truth of the matter. Season 4, Episode 12 – Aired: 12/3/1960 Foggbound Phileas Fogg, who is attempting to travel around the world in eighty days, needs Paladin's assistance to keep him on schedule. Season 4, Episode 13 – Aired: 12/10/1960 The Legacy Paladin is hired to find killer Sam Tarnitzer. He meets up with four other men who have their own reasons for finding Sam. Paladin is forced to shoot Tarnitzer, who lives long enough to will his fortune, estimated at half a million, to Paladin--or to whomever manages to kill Paladin before he reaches San Crystal. Season 4, Episode 14 – Aired: 12/17/1960 The Prisoner Years ago, Paladin killed stage coach robber Frank Groton. Two of his brothers were then hanged for their crimes, with the youngest, thirteen-year-old Justin, put in prison, to be hanged when he reached the age of twenty-one. Justin has now escaped, and Paladin steps in to find the boy and try to prevent his execution. Season 4, Episode 15 – Aired: 12/24/1960 The Mountebank After being forced to put down his lamed horse, Paladin joins up with puppeteer Jack Burnaby, who is traveling to Fort Pawnee to put on a show. Senator George "Pawnee" Croft, who is in line for the White House, is at the fort. Paladin learns that the mysterious puppeteer has a second agenda where the Senator is concerned. Season 4, Episode 16 – Aired: 12/31/1960 The Sanctuary Seeking a night's lodging at a mission, Paladin discovers that a suspected murderer, Vernon Good, has been granted sanctuary there to escape a lynch mob. Paladin is forced to become involved in the situation. Season 4, Episode 17 – Aired: 1/7/1961 A Quiet Night in Town (1) Paladin arrives in the Texas border town of Jody with a murder suspect named Joselito Kincaid. Their appearance creates tension: this is cow country, and Kincaid is a sheepherder. (Part 1 of 2) Season 4, Episode 18 – Aired: 1/14/1961 A Quiet Night in Town (2) After four bored cowboys smash Paladin's gun hand and kill his prisoner, is Paladin looking for justice--or vengeance? Season 4, Episode 19 – Aired: 1/21/1961 The Princess and the Gunfighter When Princess Serafina of Montenegro disappears during a visit to the United States, Paladin is called in to find her. Season 4, Episode 20 – Aired: 1/28/1961 Shadow of a Man In the town of Patchwork Junction, a southern-born cotton farmer named Sutter is being harassed by Adcock, a northern cattle rancher. When Sutter's wife calls him in, Paladin discovers that there is far more to the situation than memories of the war. Season 4, Episode 21 – Aired: 2/4/1961 Long Way Home Former slave and wanted outlaw Isham Spruce has a five thousand dollar reward posted for his capture. Having done so, Paladin must cope with four bounty hunters who want that five thousand. He is then bitten by a rattlesnake. Season 4, Episode 22 – Aired: 2/11/1961 The Taxgatherer The citizens of Bad Dog, Oregon don't much like the idea of paying taxes, even if the money is for improving their town. The frustrated mayor offers a share of the tax money to anyone who is able to collect it. Paladin takes up the challenge. Season 4, Episode 23 – Aired: 2/25/1961 Fatal Flaw Paladin and a wounded Marshal McKendrick are escorting a prisoner, Curley Ashburne, when they become snowbound in a mountain cabin. A mysterious young girl and a member of Curley's gang turn up to complicate matters. Season 4, Episode 24 – Aired: 3/4/1961 Fandango Paladin assists Sheriff Ernie Backwater in capturing two young men wanted for murder. He discovers that the two had killed another young man in a "fandango"--an act meant only to frighten, not kill, their victim. Matters are complicated when the victim's brother, a noted gunfighter, comes after the killers. Season 4, Episode 25 – Aired: 3/11/1961 The Last Judgement Arriving in a small Arkansas town Paladin finds Dr. Simeon Loving chained in the street. He is charged with murder and Paladin is pressured into serving as his defense attorney. Elroy Greenleaf, a self-appointed justice of the peace, has decided that Loving will hang unless Paladin can persuade the jury to oppose Greenleaf. Season 4, Episode 26 – Aired: 3/18/1961 The Gold Bar The B.J. Throckton Bank faces a run on its assets unless Paladin can quietly find and return the gold bar stolen by a seemingly timid clerk. Season 4, Episode 27 – Aired: 3/25/1961 Everyman While entertaining a lady in his suite, Paladin humors her by allowing her to read her Tarot cards for him, only to find that death is in his near future. His only hope will be a drowned sailor. Paladin is heading for a desert town the next day, where it is unlikely that he will find sailors, drowned or otherwise. However, death is waiting, as a man of the town has vowed to kill any gunfighter who arrives there. Season 4, Episode 28 – Aired: 4/1/1961 The Siege The three Brent brothers, known as the Water Bugs, have been poisoning water sources in the dry lands of Arizona. A fund is raised to hire a man to bring the brothers to justice, and Paladin takes on the job. Season 4, Episode 29 – Aired: 4/8/1961 The Long Weekend Paladin is hired by the town of Sunshine Creek to oversee the next visit of mountain man Shep Montrose, who tends to wreak havoc every time he pops in for a weekend. Season 4, Episode 30 – Aired: 4/15/1961 El Paso Stage The town of Bracketville hired a gunman to maintain law and order, only to discover that the man is a psychopath. Paladin is called in to remove him--by any means necessary. Season 4, Episode 31 – Aired: 4/22/1961 Duke of Texas Franz, a young Austrian Duke, hires Paladin to guide him to meet with a general who has promised to help reclaim Mexico for the Austrian empire. Franz believes the people of Mexico will welcome him, but Padadin thinks that Franz's advisor has other reasons for making the trip. Season 4, Episode 32 – Aired: 4/29/1961 Broken Image The man who once single-handedly dealt with an outlaw gang is now strangely reluctant to go after a similar gang hiding outside of his town. The man's wife hires Paladin, who discovers that the "hero" is carrying a heavy burden. Season 4, Episode 33 – Aired: 5/6/1961 Brother's Keeper On his way home from a job in Santa Fe, Paladin is attacked by a mountain lion. Two men come upon him--and rob him. Although badly wounded, Paladin is determined to track down the men who left him for dead. Season 4, Episode 34 – Aired: 5/13/1961 Bearbait In the town of Deerfield, three rowdy cowhands force Paladin into a gunfight. When one of them is killed, their boss, an influential rancher, comes after Paladin. Season 4, Episode 35 – Aired: 5/20/1961 The Cure Martha Jane Conroy, "Calamity Jane", has fallen on hard times and is drinking heavily. The man who promoted her exploits in the past now proposes to put on shows using a younger woman as the "original" Calamity Jane. Paladin agrees to help her regain her position--and privately decides to help cure her drinking problem. Season 4, Episode 36 – Aired: 5/27/1961 The Road Paladin is robbed by scavengers and then forced to cross the mountain in winter without his horse, guns or coat. Season 4, Episode 37 – Aired: 6/3/1961 The Uneasy Grave Paladin comes across a young woman burying her fiance, who had been murdered by Leander Johnson and the people of Johnsonville. Paladin refuses her request to kill Johnson, but is willing to try to see justice done. Season 4, Episode 38 – Aired: 6/10/1961 Soledad Crossing Paladin goes after the McPhater brothers, only to find one of them already dead. Returning with his prisoner to Soledad, they are stopped at the river. The town is quarantined for a possible diptheria outbreak. Tensions mount as Paladin, his prisoner, and a band of travellers must wait until they get medical clearance. Season 5, Episode 1 – Aired: 9/16/1961 The Vigil There has been a major accident in a mining camp in Nevada, shortly after the area lost the only doctor within a hundred miles. Nurse Adella Forsyth persuades Paladin, just back from a rough two-month trip, to escort her to the camp. On their way, they meet up with two prospectors who have just buried their partner--supposedly shot with an Indian arrow in the back. The nurse takes their story at face value; Paladin is not so sure. Season 5, Episode 2 – Aired: 9/23/1961 The Education of Sarah Jane Paladin rides into the center of a long-standing feud, as he comes across Sara Jane Darrow and the body of her father, the latest victim of the Tylers. Sara Jane is determined to kill a Tyler, any Tyler, in revenge. Paladin is equally determined to prevent her. The fur flies when they come upon a young member of the Tyler clan. Season 5, Episode 3 – Aired: 9/30/1961 The Revenger Paladin receives half of a five-hundred-dollar bill, with instructions to take the Yuma stage to San Ysidro to receive the other half and more details. On the way, the stage is stopped by a Mexican gang. One of the men is searching for the person who killed his wife. Before he can say who it is, he is killed by the sheriff riding the stage, who is then shot by the gang leader. Paladin is asked to determine just who on the stage--including the sheriff's prisoner, an embezzler, a killer, and an adulteress--is the one they're searching for. Season 5, Episode 4 – Aired: 10/7/1961 Odds for Big Red Paladin is hired to bring in killer Fred Yost. Forced into a shootout in a saloon, Paladin is dismayed to find that one of the girls, Big Red, was hit in the crossfire. The local doctor is ten miles away, delivering a baby. The gamblers in the saloon begin to take odds on whether Big Red will live or die. Red's former boyfriend is betting against her--until Paladin discovers that he's a former doctor. Season 5, Episode 5 – Aired: 10/14/1961 A Proof of Love Paladin receives a letter from Henry Grey, asking him to come and "learn" Henry how to shoot. Apparently Henry bought a mail-order bride, who, after three days, left Henry for neighbor Rud Saxon, who "ain't no pushover". Henry wants to learn to fight so that he can either retrieve his bride, or the money that he paid for her. Season 5, Episode 6 – Aired: 10/21/1961 The Gospel Singer The town of Bugbear (now renamed Elysium), is attempting to clean up its image and become a more "moral" town. Paladin is summoned to help get rid of the undesirables. On the way, he meets up with Melissa Griffin, a missionary who also intends to clean up Bugbear, but with different methods. Season 5, Episode 7 – Aired: 10/28/1961 The Race Sam Crabbe hires Paladin to ride in an "anything goes" horse race. The stakes are Crabbe's ranch against an entire Commanche reservation. When Paladin discovers that the race has been fixed, he decides to ride for the Commanche. Season 5, Episode 8 – Aired: 11/4/1961 The Hanging of Aaron Gibbs On his way to San Francisco, Paladin encounters a black lady, Sarah Gibbs, with a dead mule. Sarah is trying to reach Dunbar, Oregon, where her husband Aaron is scheduled to be hung for his part in a mining disaster. Although no one is supposed to see the prisoner, the town's marshall agrees to let Sarah see her husband, over the town's furious objections. Season 5, Episode 9 – Aired: 11/11/1961 The Piano European pianist Franz Lister comes to the United States to give a concert for Mona Lansing, a former saloon hostess. When Lister's piano is stolen, Mona hires Paladin to get it back. Season 5, Episode 10 – Aired: 11/18/1961 Ben Jalisco Escaped killer, Ben Jalisco, is a ruthless hunter who has murdered more than 30 men. Now he is after his wife, Lucy, who informed on him and Paladin, who brought him in. Season 5, Episode 11 – Aired: 11/25/1961 The Brothers Bram Holden killed Edna Raleigh's husband, and Edna wants revenge. Armed with an grand jury indictment, an arrest warrant, an order for arraignment, and documented evidence, she asks Paladin to travel to the outlaw town of Thornburg and either kill Holden or bring him back for trial. Paladin naturally elects to bring him back, unaware that there is a deluded old man in the offing, who is convinced that Holden is his evil brother Arnie. Season 5, Episode 12 – Aired: 12/2/1961 A Drop of Blood Paladin is invited to best man at Rivka Shotness' wedding. When he arrives he finds that Billy Buckstone, the man the bride's family helped to convict, has been freed from prison and is on his way back. Season 5, Episode 13 – Aired: 12/9/1961 A Knight to Remember Paladin is hired to find Don Esteban, who has disappeared. When he finds him he is dressed as a knight in armor and thinks he is Don Quixote. Season 5, Episode 14 – Aired: 12/16/1961 Blind Circle An old bounty hunter, Jess Larker, is searching for a rustler named Cabell. Larker is known for preferring to bring back his quarry dead. Paladin is sent to team up with him and try to bring Cabell back alive. Season 5, Episode 15 – Aired: 12/23/1961 The Kid Arriving in the town of Last Gasp, Paladin learns that his would-be employer is already dead. The killer, a miner named Moriarity, claims self-defense. Paladin decides to recoup his lost wages by engaging in a poker game with Moriarity. Down to the shirt on his back, Moriarity gambles everything, including the use of his "Silver Strike" for one month. Paladin wins the pot, only to discover that "Silver Strike" is a young boy. Season 5, Episode 16 – Aired: 12/30/1961 Squatter's Rights Costigan is a land owner and cattleman. He was shot by Clemenceau, a squatter on his land. Paladin has offered to help him get rid of the squatter but doesn't approve of his methods. Season 5, Episode 17 – Aired: 1/6/1962 Lazarus When a quack doctor informs Boise Peabody that he'll be dead by morning, Boise feels that he hasn't anything to lose by dealing with the town bully, Big Fontana. After a successful shootout, Boise finds that he's going to live after all--if he can escape the wrath of Little Fontana. Paladin comes to his assistance. Season 5, Episode 18 – Aired: 1/13/1962 Justice in Hell Two years ago, Rusty Doggett led the massacre of an entire wagon train. Paladin catches up to him in the town of Juniper Springs, only to find that the townspeople are all outlaws who don't intend to surrender one of their own. Season 5, Episode 19 – Aired: 1/20/1962 Mark of Cain Dr. Avatar hires Paladin to guide him to Jake Trueblood, a notorious western badman who has killed many men. Avatar wants to measure Trueblood's head to confirm his research on cranial measurements. Season 5, Episode 20 – Aired: 1/27/1962 The Exiles Mexican general Ortega believes that a fortune in government bonds has been stolen by the Count and Countess Casares, exiles from the regime of Maximilian. He wants Paladin to help him track down the thieves and retrieve the bonds. Season 5, Episode 21 – Aired: 2/3/1962 The Hunt Prince Boris Radachev, eighth in line for the Russian monarchy, is currently in the Oregon wilderness. He sends for Paladin, who arrives to find that the Prince, a noted hunter, wants to hunt a more challenging prey--Paladin. Season 5, Episode 22 – Aired: 2/10/1962 Dream Girl Buddy Webster has spent five years away from civilization, building up a fortune in gold dust. He asks passer-by Paladin to escort him to Jackson City to cash it in. Once there, he plans to find the saloon girl he met years before. The girl in question has no recollection of Buddy, but is willing to revive her memory for the sake of Buddy's wealth. Paladin elects to stick around and help Buddy face up to reality. Season 5, Episode 23 – Aired: 2/17/1962 One, Two, Three Samuel Keel hires Paladin to find Seth Carter. Keel gives him the names of three people who can help him find Seth. As Paladin finds them, each is murdered. Paladin is determined to find out why. Season 5, Episode 24 – Aired: 2/24/1962 The Waiting Room Paladin is hired to escort the infamous Wilder brothers to Denton, Texas to be hanged. Paladin and the brothers know that other members of the gang are out there waiting to free the Wilders. A war of nerves ensues. Season 5, Episode 25 – Aired: 3/3/1962 The Trap On a stormy night, Paladin stops at an inn, where he finds a marshal holding a prisoner for murder. Paladin learns that fifteen men are in pursuit. He also learns that the situation is not as clear-cut as it seems. Season 5, Episode 26 – Aired: 3/10/1962 Don't Shoot the Piano Player Paladin answers an advertisement placed by Emily Eubanks, who wants to find her fiance who disappeared in San Francisco three months ago. Paladin locates the young man, playing piano in a Barbary Coast saloon, but it may be that the young man does not want to return. Season 5, Episode 27 – Aired: 3/17/1962 Alice The daughter of "Blue Dollar Alice" asks Paladin to help locate her mother, last known to be running a saloon in Codeyville, Arizona. The daughter believes that her mother made money in cattle and silver, but the Codeyville banker declares that Alice died penniless. A suspicious Paladin decides to investigate further. Season 5, Episode 28 – Aired: 3/24/1962 The Man Who Struck Moonshine Moses Kadish is an alcoholic. He moves to middle of nowhere to try to stop drinking and drills a well. The well produces whiskey instead of water. Season 5, Episode 29 – Aired: 3/31/1962 Silent Death, Secret Death Paladin is hired to locate Courtney Burgess, who has the reputation of being a something of a cad. The only clue is a letter sent to his sister in Sacramento seven years previously. Paladin's search leads him to a lonely fort with two survivors, the threat of typhoid, and an impending Indian attack. Season 5, Episode 30 – Aired: 4/7/1962 Hobson's Choice Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor, is staying at the Carlton Hotel, preparing for a series of demonstrations of his new nitroclycerin compound. Unfortunately, his boxes of the compound are delivered to the wrong address. Paladin is called in to prevent an explosive situation. Season 5, Episode 31 – Aired: 4/14/1962 Coming of the Tiger Paladin's friend, Takura, who is a leader of San Francisco's Japanese community, is worried about two insurgents, a priest and a Samurai, who are coming from Japan to cause unrest among the Japanese-Americans. Paladin heads for the Mexican border to capture the pair, accompanied by Takura's son. Season 5, Episode 32 – Aired: 4/21/1962 Darwin's Man The appeal to Paladin is brief and to the point: "My father and brother are trying to kill me. Can you help me?" Tully Coombs' father, Avery, a wealthy cattleman, is a firm proponent of Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. He is encouraging his sons to fight to the death over a piece of his property--a mere 160 acres of land. Season 5, Episode 33 – Aired: 4/28/1962 Invasion Paladin's employer this time is out of the ordinary: The State Department of the United States. An Irishman named Gavin O'Shea is trying to use the United States as a base of operations for starting a war with Canada. The government wants Paladin to quietly stave off an international incident. Season 5, Episode 34 – Aired: 5/5/1962 Cream of the Jest Paladin is not amused when he runs afoul of a practical joker in Santa Fe. He is sympathetic, however, when the joker's wife asks for his help. She fears that her husband's constant jokes will end up getting him killed. Season 5, Episode 35 – Aired: 5/12/1962 Bandit A daring young female outlaw has topped off her exploits by holding up the Elko stage, killing the driver, and escaping with over fifty thousand dollars. The reward for her capture has been increased to five thousand, and a number of bounty hunters are on her trail. Paladin naturally beats them all to the punch. However, he now has to contend with pursuing bounty hunters as well as the girl's growing interest in him. Season 5, Episode 36 – Aired: 5/19/1962 Pandora's Box Paladin captures the infamous Billy Joe Lamont, who makes his living by singing, stealing, and killing. Immediately afterwards, they come upon a wagonload of derelicts from Hanna's Six Shot Saloon. Some of them remember Billy fondly from the past and are determined to set him free for a night of partying. Season 5, Episode 37 – Aired: 5/26/1962 Jonah $20,000 in gold bullion is stolen and dropped into a lake. Paladin decides to try to retrieve it but Jonah, a fisherman, has the spot staked out. He's after a huge trout and doesn't want anyone getting in his way. There's also the three thieves watching and waiting to ambush Paladin once he gets the gold. Season 5, Episode 38 – Aired: 6/2/1962 The Knight Baron Otto van Albrecht has a score to settle with Carl Frome, a known killer. However, he is crippled, and therefore asks Paladin for assistance. Paladin agrees on condition that they try to capture the man alive. Season 6, Episode 1 – Aired: 9/15/1962 Genesis After an unsuccessful attempt on his life by young Roderick Jefferson, Paladin is prompted into remembering a similar incident from his past. Once, as a youth, he agreed to pay off a gambling debt by shooting it out with a professional gunfighter. Season 6, Episode 2 – Aired: 9/22/1962 Taylor's Woman Timid rancher Thad Taylor is more or less being browbeaten into marrying his housekeeper. He wants Paladin to stop the marriage. Having met the bossy woman, Paladin concedes that it's going to be more than a matter of simply telling her "no", and agrees to help. However, after learning more about the lady, Paladin decides to try and help her change her image and win her man. Season 6, Episode 3 – Aired: 9/29/1962 The Fifth Bullet Palain convinced a man called Bartlett to give himself up to the law, promising him a fair trial. Unfortunately, he did not get one. Eight years later, Bartlett is being released from prison. The same man who influenced his trial has arranged for five men to come after Bartlett and kill him. Paladin has promised Bartlett's wife to get him safely home. Season 6, Episode 4 – Aired: 10/6/1962 A Place For Abel Hix Abel Hix, an aging gunfighter, sends an urgent message to Paladin. Paladin arrives too late--Hix has been killed in a gunfight and has been prepared for burial. The town does not much care for gunfighters, and there is some question as to just how the remains will be disposed of. When Paladin learns from Hix's widow that he had been ill and had not worn his guns for two years, he decides to investigate the situation. Season 6, Episode 5 – Aired: 10/13/1962 Beau Geste After 15 years in office, Sheriff Dobbs is retiring and some old enemies are just waiting for the day he turns in his badge. Paladin received a newspaper clipping about the sheriff and $10 to save Dobbs' life. Season 6, Episode 6 – Aired: 10/20/1962 Bird of Time Searching for killer Ahab Tyson, Paladin comes across a man named Stryker hanging from a tree by his wrists. He learns the deed was done by Tyson. Stryker already has reason to hate Tyson--Tyson had previously killed Stryker's brother. Riding off, Paladin later captures Tyson, but now must contend with Stryker's craving for revenge. Season 6, Episode 7 – Aired: 10/27/1962 Memories of Monica Several months after Ben Turner went to prison, his girlfriend Monica married Sheriff Reagan. Turner is getting out of prison, and has sent the sheriff a letter telling him he's coming back to get Monica--and will kill the sheriff if he chooses to hang around. Paladin, who owes Sheriff Reagan a debt for saving his life in the past, comes to assist. Season 6, Episode 8 – Aired: 11/3/1962 The Predators After a long seach, Paladin has caught up to accused murderer John Tyree, but they are in the desert and dangerously low on water. Trying to find their way, they come upon a murdered man. Shortly afterwards they find his children, a young woman and her little brother, boarded up into a cabin and fearfully awaiting the return of the killers. Season 6, Episode 9 – Aired: 11/10/1962 Shootout at Hogtooth Having hired three gunmen to clean up their town, Hogtooth City finds the tables turned when the gunmen take over and prove worse than the original troublemakers. Paladin is called in to clean up the cleaners. Season 6, Episode 10 – Aired: 11/17/1962 Miracle for St. Francis Having come south of the border on the track of a rare vintage wine, Paladin learns the wine is not for sale, but perhaps a barter could be arranged. A special statue of St. Francis has been stolen, and Paladin agrees to try and find it. Season 6, Episode 11 – Aired: 11/24/1962 Marshal of Sweetwater Sweetwater was a wild town before Thomas Carey, a retired Army scout and old friend of Paladin, became marshal. But Carey has taken over complete control and turned into a killer. Paladin has to stop him and Carey has always seemed the faster of the two. Season 6, Episode 12 – Aired: 12/1/1962 Man in an Hourglass Dr. Aaron Moody onced loved a woman, who married a sheriff instead. She has since died, and now the sheriff has been killed. Dr. Moody asks Paladin to look after the couple's son, who is going after the man who killed his father. Season 6, Episode 13 – Aired: 12/8/1962 Penelope Boastful Colonel Lacey is on his way home to surprise his beautiful and loyal wife, whom he hasn't seen for a year. After the Colonel passes out drunk in the Carlton lobby, his elderly servant confides to Paladin that the lady may not be as faithful as her husband thinks, and a surprise visit may result in bloodshed. Paladin goes off to investigate the situation, and finds a loving wife who has been fending off advances from various men. However, the Colonel awakens and learns that Paladin is with his wife.... Season 6, Episode 14 – Aired: 12/15/1962 Trial at Tablerock Virge Beech has a habit of forcing men into gunfights with him, after which he claims self-defence. One of the men so killed was the brother of Adams, Tablerock's district prosecutor. Adams wants Paladin to kill Beech, but Paladin is not an assassin. A gunslinger who happens to be present takes on the job Paladin refused, and is killed in a fair gunfight. Adams promptly claims that he saw Beech kill in cold blood, and a trial is swiftly arranged. Paladin, out of his own sense of justice, defends the unpleasant Beech. Season 6, Episode 15 – Aired: 12/22/1962 Be Not Forgetful of Strangers Arriving in a small town on Christmas Eve, Paladin finds that there is no lodging available, and settles for sitting in the noisy saloon. A young cowboy and his pregnant wife happen by, the birth imminent. Paladin manages to get them a room in the back of the saloon, then tries to get some assistance from the roomful of drunken, uncaring revelers. Season 6, Episode 16 – Aired: 12/29/1962 The Treasure Jess Harden went to prison for robbing the War Lance bank of $80,000, although the money was never found. War Lance has since become a ghost town. With Harden about to be released, his wife plans to meet him in War Lance. She asks Paladin to provide protection, as there are bound to be a number of men looking for that $80,000. Season 6, Episode 17 – Aired: 1/5/1963 Brotherhood Paladin finds a strange advertisement in the newspaper: "The sheriff of Latigo has offered $200 reward to anybody who brings me in. I hereby offer $500 to anybody who brings me the sheriff. Abe Redrock, Latigo." Paladin investigates and discovers a feud between Indian brothers: the sheriff of Latigo, and a "savage" who feels that his sheriff brother has betrayed his heritage. Paladin attempts to reunite the two. Season 6, Episode 18 – Aired: 1/12/1963 Bob Wire A barbed-wire salesman, with the clever name of "Bob Wire", hires Paladin to safely deliver a load of his wares to the town of Anderson. Paladin soon learns that the delivery will likely cause a range war. Season 6, Episode 19 – Aired: 1/19/1963 The Debutante Mrs. Quincy, of the Nob Hill district of San Francisco, hires Paladin to go in search of her missing granddaughter. Information leads him to the mining town of Jehovah, California. He finds that the girl has a reason for wanting to stay--if Paladin can persuade her reluctant suitor to pop the question. Season 6, Episode 20 – Aired: 1/26/1963 Unforgiving Minute Paladin, sick with a fever and fleeing from a band of thieves, unwittingly gets involved in an unpleasant domestic situation. Sabina, the wife of a poor potter, dreams of the material things in life, and decides that Paladin can help her obtain them. Season 6, Episode 21 – Aired: 2/2/1963 American Primitive Paladin's friend, Sheriff Ernie Backwater (see the fourth season episode, Fandango), invites him to visit for some trout fishing and deer hunting. When Paladin arrives, he finds that Backwater really wants his assistance in tracking down a vicious killer, Will Tybee, who had killed several people and severely wounded Backwater (now recovered). Season 6, Episode 22 – Aired: 2/9/1963 The Burning Tree Mr. Fairchild is a "black widower" with seven dead wives in his background, the last being the daughter of an old friend of Paladin's. Paladin is determined to bring him in to stand trial. On his way back with his prisoner, they have to stop in a small village to honor an Indian burial taking place nearby. Paladin learns that Osage chiefs must be buried with a scalp, and the local sheriff plans to donate Fairchild's. Season 6, Episode 23 – Aired: 2/16/1963 Cage at McNaab The wife of Brian Larson begs for Paladin's assistance. He is being held for murder and is shortly to be executed, but his wife maintains that he is innocent and wants Paladin to prove it. Paladin finds himself the scapegoat in an elaborate escape plan. Season 6, Episode 24 – Aired: 2/23/1963 Caravan An Indian Rajah and most of his family have been killed in an uprising. The surviving Rani and her subjects must now travel to Makasi, a settlement in America that is located one hundred and fifty miles in the desert. Paladin is hired to escort them, and possibly protect the Rani from the same people who murdered her family. Season 6, Episode 25 – Aired: 3/2/1963 The Walking Years Drugged in a bar on the Barbary Coast, Paladin awakens to find himself manacled in an abandoned warehouse. Two other people are prisoners with him--a former wagon master and a woman alcoholic. The common thread among them is a wagon train from some years previously. Their captor proves to be a mysterious young woman from the same wagon train, who had been taken hostage and now wants revenge on those she holds responsible. Season 6, Episode 26 – Aired: 3/9/1963 Sweet Lady of the Moon Carl Soddenberg was sent to prison after killing a man, his wife, and son. Now the state supreme court has determined that Soddenberg did not know what he was doing. Soddenberg is being transferred from prison to a state asylum for a voluntary stay before getting a full release. Paladin is hired to escort him, as there are concerns that the family of Soddenberg's victims may try to get revenge. There are also concerns that Soddenberg might still be a mad killer. Season 6, Episode 27 – Aired: 3/16/1963 The Savages Three years ago, Paladin took a sculptor named Spencer out into the wilderness and left him there to "lose himself". Now an art collector named Piereaux wants Paladin to take him to the recluse, as well as his childlike adult daughter. It turns out that Piereaux has lied about just why he wants to meet the artist. Season 6, Episode 28 – Aired: 3/23/1963 The Eve of St. Elmo Paladin comes to a small town in response to a request by Colonel Draco, concerning an "insurrection" over water rights. He finds a megalomaniac, crippled eight months previously after being shot by Brock March. Draco wants the death of everyone who defies him, and plans to make Paladin his private executioner. Season 6, Episode 29 – Aired: 3/30/1963 Lady of the Fifth Moon When a Chinese man is killed in a Tong war, Paladin comes to pay his respects to the man's mother, Jin Ho. Jin Ho asks Paladin to meet a ship bound for China and see that her granddaughter Kim Sing is brought safely aboard, to return to the homeland and assume her royal duties. Season 6, Episode 30 – Aired: 4/6/1963 Two Plus One On his way to an assignation with a lovely French lady in Los Angelos, Paladin encounters a Yosemite Indian maiden being attacked by two saddle tramps. Having rescued her, Paladin is nonplussed when the girl, Taymanee, informs him that she now belongs to him. This puts a serious crimp in his plans for a romantic interlude with his French lady, especially when Taymanee's attackers return. Season 6, Episode 31 – Aired: 4/13/1963 The Black Bull A famous bullfighter, Nino Ybarra, comes out of retirement to fight one more bull. However, Paladin is his real target. Season 6, Episode 32 – Aired: 4/20/1963 Face of a Shadow Paladin is hired by Dan Tibner to deliver ten thousand dollars. Tibner ends up dead, with the money missing. There are numerous suspects, including a band of gypsies and the men who found Tibner's body.

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Paladin's holster icon.

“Odds For Big Red”

Chess knight courtesy of cochise leather company.

Season :             5 episode 4 Series Episode : 159 Air Date :          October 7, 1961

“ All right ,gambler, I’m going to make you a bet. I’m betting Red’s going live because your going to save her. That’s the gamble… her life or yours.”

Employment Solicitation

The Daily Chronicle. SEARCH FOR KILLER FAILS. Search for killer of four, including innocent bystander . During a daylight holdup in banks in Twin City and Yreka. Continues to evade capture. Yoast is blamed for his caloused shooting, throwing shots at bystander, women, as well as pursuers, at any one in the way. No one has been able to pick up his trail.


“ Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance” Guy Fremont

A reference to the character Don Quixote in The Ingenious Nobleman Mister Quixote of La Mancha by  Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

“ To save a man against his will is just as bad as killing him” Guy Fremont quoting Horace

 Cast & Crew Lists

Filming locations.

Sets Paramount Studios 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Closing Credits background Lone Pine, California, United States of America

Geographic References

San Francisco, California, United States of America Twin City, California, United States of America Yreka, California, United States of America

“ The Unfortunate Miss Bailey ” 

Have Gun – Will Travel episodes (written, spoken and credits), Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Wikipedia, individual observations, and others as indicated by the links.

Note: Give credit when credit is due. Suggestions for corrections, additions and deletions are welcome through the Dispatch Rider . Please provide information and the grounds on which the claim is based.

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Odds for Big Red

Odds for Big Red

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Sep 1957 - Apr 1963

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Best Episodes of Have Gun, Will Travel

Return to fort benjamin.

30th Jan 1960

Paladin is hired to help an Indian chief whose son is awaiting execution by the U.S. Army. The chief wants Paladin to bring his body back following the execution to ensure he has a proper burial. However, once Paladin makes contact with the chief's son, he begins to wonder if he's actually guilty.

The Five Books of Owen Deaver

26th Apr 1958

Paladin comes to the aid of a young sheriff from the East whose attempts to keep law and order are particularly unsuitable for a cowboy town in Wyoming.

A Quiet Night in Town (2)

14th Jan 1961

When a group of men kill Paladin's prisoner, Paladin must bring the group of murders to justice. (Part 2 of 2)

The Tender Gun

22nd Oct 1960

During his travels, Paladin encounters a female sheriff.

Out at the Old Ballpark

1st Oct 1960

Paladin serves as umpire for a Wild West baseball game.

18th Jun 1960

Mrs. Kilmer is dying and asks Paladin to find her missing son, Martin Kilmer. Edwards, a detective, managed to trace Martin as far as Harper City, where Edwards was then killed. Fred Harper, a half crazy man who runs Harper City, doesn't want Paladin to succeed.

4th Jun 1960

Paladin is hired to find Colonel Celine in order to get him to sign an important document.

Deliver the Body

7th Jun 1958

Paladin is hired to bring in the killer of the sheriff in a Nevada town. He brings him in but has some doubts about his guilt and decides to hang around for the trial.

Broken Image

29th Apr 1961

Paladin and a local hero go in pursuit of a gang of bank robbers but the hero may not be what he seems.

A Head of Hair

24th Sep 1960

An Apache indian has his eye on scalping Paladin.

A Matter of Ethics

12th Oct 1957

An accused murderer who fears that he will be lynched before he can be returned to Bender, Wyoming, for trial, hires Paladin to make sure he gets there alive.

Show of Force

9th Nov 1957

After winning a batch of old rifles in a poker game, Paladin finds himself involved in a range war.

The Campaign of Billy Banjo

28th May 1960

Billy Banjo, a friend of Paladin, asks Paladin to help with a fair election.

Charley Red Dog

12th Dec 1959

The town of Santa Maria, New Mexico is in need of a new town marshal, and one man, Charley Red Dog, is out to get the job. However, he may not survive unless Paladin lends a hand.

The Manhunter

13th Sep 1958

Paladin is forced to kill Jimmy Dawes, wanted for murder. When he takes him back to his home town, the townspeople, the sheriff and the boy's brothers give him a hostile welcome.

The Taffeta Mayor

10th Jan 1959

John Kellaway, who is running for mayor of Colton, Wyoming, hires Paladin to protect him from his opposition. When he is killed before Paladin can get there, Paladin persuades John's widow to run for mayor.

2nd Nov 1957

A hobo who was once a circus performer bets a gambler that he can walk across the saloon on a tightrope. When Paladin sees that the gambler intends to cheat, he decides to help even the odds.

21st May 1960

Adam Mirakian is wanted for a murder he claims his twin brother Sam committed. He hires Paladin to find his brother and clear his name. The only person who can tell them apart is Adam's wife, Beth.

Never Help the Devil

16th Apr 1960

Doggie Kramer wins a gunfight, as the whole town he had been bullying watches, but ends up wounded. He needs Paladin to help him get out of town before the townspeople take their revenge.

Lady with a Gun

9th Apr 1960

After she attempts to shoot Rudy Rossback and fails, Eve McIntosh offers Paladin $1,000 to kill him. After Paladin turns her down she hires another gunman.

The Lady on the Wall

20th Feb 1960

Paladin is accused of stealing a painting in the small town of Bonanza.

In an Evil Time

20th Sep 1958

Pappy French and his gang have robbed the bank in Mercede of $50,000. Pappy ran off with the cash and left his gang to shoot it out with the law. Paladin is hired to bring Pappy and the money back.

An International Affair

2nd Apr 1960

A Hawaiian prince is killed in Paladin's hotel room and Paladin must find out why the prince was targeted.

13th Feb 1960

Richard Boone as Paladin is on the road with 4 others when a man in the distance yells to them and then falls off a ledge in an 'impossible to get to space.' John Hoyt plays a doctor who begins to assume the man is dead, but really, everyone is unsure, and worried. The entire episode concerns the issue of mercy killing. Richard Rust plays a young man named Corey who is deathly afraid of heights but who tries to get down to the man to make certain. At one point, they even feel perhaps they should shoot the man just in case he's alive. This episode shows exactly why the show is called a psychological drama western. It is very intense and intellectual, with superb acting. The other two characters are a man who hides his fear by constantly laughing and a man who cannot stop saying he cannot take risks because he has a family.

The Hanging Cross

21st Dec 1957

On Christmas eve, an embittered rancher wants revenge on Pawnee Indians who he thinks kidnapped his son several years before.

The Revenger

30th Sep 1961

Paladin takes a $500 stagecoach ride with an embezzler, a convicted cutthroat, and a murderer to collect the other half of that bill.

19th Nov 1960

A man risks his life to be able to protect his daughter's dowry.

The Monster of Moon Ridge

28th Feb 1959

The townspeople of Moon Ridge, Colorado believe there are monsters in the mountains. Dan Bella's daughter is taken by something and he finds strange footprints outside his daughter's window. Paladin is hired to find out what is up on the ridge.

Strange Vendetta

26th Oct 1957

Paladin's new friend, stabbed by an assassin, makes a dying request to have his body taken back home to his hacienda in Mexico.

The Fifth Bullet

29th Sep 1962

After eight years, Paladin tries to repay a convict for the lie he was told when he arrested him. "I promise you a fair trial" is what he said.

Black Sheep

30th Apr 1960

Ben Huttner is a fugitive wanted for manslaughter. He is also the illegitimate son of a very wealthy man and stands to inherit his five million dollar estate, but he must first come back and stand trial. Paladin is hired to find him and either bring him back to stand trial or get him to sign a paper giving up his inheritance.

23rd Apr 1960

Paladin is taking Blandings back to stand trial and stops at a ferry crossing. They are captured and held along with three others. Someone is coming and they are being held until he arrives. Each thinks it's their worst enemy coming to kill them and all they can do is wait.

15th Oct 1960

When a calf is found dead, a rancher seeks revenge on another.

Full Circle

14th May 1960

A man who left Paladin to die in his place writes to Paladin and asks for his help.

The Man Who Lost

25th Apr 1959

Paladin goes after a man who murdered a man and attacked the man's wife. The victim's two brothers are also after him and don't intend to allow him to live long enough to stand trial.

Death of a Gunfighter

14th Mar 1959

A ruthless gunfighter who has killed 9 men is wanted by the townspeople, who hire Paladin. The gunfighter's brother has been hanged and left out in the sreet to trap the gunfighter. On seeing this, Paladin quits the job. The gunfighter shows up and kills all the townspeople who were gunning for him. Then he and Paladin come to an agreement that if he hangs up his guns he can go back to his hometown to marry his sweetheart. But it turns out that she has fallen in love with someone else, and more trouble ensues.

3rd Jan 1959

Sid Morgan hires Paladin to protect him from someone who is trying to kill him. After killing the gunfighter who was following them, Paladin finds out the real reason Morgan hired him. He then hands out his own brand of justice.

Silver Convoy

31st May 1958

Paladin is hired to find James Becker. He trails him to Monterey and discovers he has been arrested and is sentenced to work in a silver mine. Paladin finds that Becker has died in a cave-in or so he is told. The owner of the mine hires Paladin to guard a silver convoy, but first Paladin wants to find out a little more about the mine.

Love of a Bad Woman

26th Mar 1960

Tamsen Sommers is advertising for a husband, which presents a problem since she already has one. The husband hires Paladin to protect him from the men competing for the right to marry her.

31st Jan 1959

Juliet Harper is being hunted by the grandsons of Colonel Jeremiah Pike. Paladin meets her on the stage and now the Colonel is after both of them, and Paladin is without a gun.

24 Hours at North Fork

24th May 1958

When a blight kills all the crops except for one farmer's, Paladin must protect him from a greedy storekeeper who wants his farm and his hired gun who has a personal grudge against Paladin.

No Visitors

30th Nov 1957

When Paladin finds a woman and her apparently typhoid-afflicted child abandoned by a wagonmaster, he enlists the aid of a female doctor from a nearby town, but a religious fanatic then tries to bar them from entry.

8th Nov 1958

An ex-gunfighter, Roy Calvert, blames the people of Benedict for his wife's death. The town is in the middle of a bad drought and Calvert and his son are blocking the only access to water in the area. Calvert has trained his son to be a gunfighter and Paladin has to face them both.

15th Sep 1962

After an unsuccessful attempt on his life by young Roderick Jefferson, Paladin is prompted into remembering a similar incident from his past. Once, as a youth, he agreed to pay off a gambling debt by shooting it out with a professional gunfighter.

A Drop of Blood

2nd Dec 1961

Paladin is invited to best man at Rivka Shotness' wedding. When he arrives he finds that Billy Buckstone, the man the bride's family helped to convict, has been freed from prison and is on his way back.

The Statue of San Sebastian

14th Jun 1958

Paladin agrees to capture an outlaw in return for a statue belonging to the local mission.

Memories of Monica

27th Oct 1962

Repaying a debt, Paladin rides to Valley Heart. Sheriff Reagan awaits the return of a native son who has been jailed for the past six years.

Lady on the Stagecoach

17th Jan 1959

Paladin is traveling on a stagecoach with four others, one of whom is Della White Cloud, the educated daughter of an Apache chief. The stage is also carrying a strongbox full of gold, which Ed Rance wants.

19th Oct 1957

When a mail-order bride from Philadelphia gets off the stagecoach in the middle of nowhere, Paladin decides to stay with her to make sure that she is safe.

The Yuma Treasure

14th Dec 1957

Accompanying a cavalry major on a mission to prevent a war by negotiating a treaty with an elusive Apache chief, Paladin must deal with soldiers who have caught gold fever.

Maggie O'Bannion

4th Apr 1959

After being bushwhacked and having 'everything' taken, Paladin walks to the nearest ranch and manages to get hired on as a handyman.

The Naked Gun

19th Dec 1959

While in Oregon, Paladin makes a new friend, Monk, who he helps get out of a group of unruly herders.

Winchester Quarantine

5th Oct 1957

At a stagecoach stop, Paladin sees a peaceful Cherokee rancher being beaten by white men who think his cattle are spreading a sickness. Paladin offers his help.

28th Oct 1961

Paladin is offered $1000 to win a horse race called a mule kalanta. When he arrives he finds out what the bet is, and he decides to make a change.

The Education of Sarah Jane

23rd Sep 1961

The Darrow and Tyler families have been feuding so long they don't remember who started it. It's up to Paladin to help them decide if the feud should continue.

10th Dec 1960

After a man dies, the reading of his will causes three additional murders.

23rd May 1959

Wrongly convicted Ed Stacy, whom Paladin helped to put in prison, is being released after being pardoned. Will Stanhope, who runs the local freight office, hires Paladin to protect him from Stacy. Paladin soon wonders who is really in danger.

The Long Hunt

7th Mar 1959

Thomas Orday, half Comanche, has killed two men and wounded Dundee, a former Indian fighter. He is now hiding in the mountains of New Mexico. Paladin is hired to help track him down.

The Prizefight Story

5th Apr 1958

When Paladin goes to a mining town to promote a prizefight, his boxer is arrested and he ends up having to take the man's place in the ring -- against the Welsh champion.

The Haunted Trees

13th Jun 1959

Ben Howard is disinherited in his father's will. When his father dies, Mrs. Sarah Howard takes over running the family's lumber company. She claims that Ben is sabotaging the work and scaring off the workers. Mrs. Howard hires Paladin to stop the problems and get rid of Ben.

11th Apr 1959

Paul Martin is a bank clerk accused of robbing the bank and killing a deputy. His wife hires Paladin to find her husband before the posse does.

Hunt the Man Down

7th Feb 1959

Paladin finds himself reluctantly drawn into a deadly dispute between two brothers who are also old aquaintances.

Fight at Adobe Wells

12th Mar 1960

Paladin is hired to escort Jonathan Guilder through Indian country.

The Misguided Father

27th Feb 1960

An old friend of Paladin is shot and killed in Paladin's hotel room. After returning the body for burial, Paladin sets out to find the killer.

31st Oct 1959

Paladin is hired by the owner of ""The Frenchman's"" restaurant to take a plate glass window to the town of Panamint, a wild gold-mining town.

The Silver Queen

3rd May 1958

Lonely Leadhead Kane dies and leaves his half of a mine to an actress. Kane's partner wants to challenge the will. Someone wants to make sure Paladin never gets the woman to the courtroom.

Girl from Piccadilly

22nd Feb 1958

Learning of his son's death, a rich man hires Paladin to locate the daughter-in-law he's never met, but Paladin finds two women both claiming to be her.

Odds for Big Red

7th Oct 1961

Paladin trails a killer and bank robber to a saloon but while trying to capture him, the saloon's owner, Big Red, is shot.

Worst Episodes of Have Gun, Will Travel

Two plus one.

6th Apr 1963

Paladin is riding to meet a lovely French lady in Los Angelos. On the way he encounters an Indian maiden being attacked. The girl, Taymanee, after being rescued, informs Paladin that she now belongs to him. His tryst takes a bad turn when Taymanee's attackers return.

Duke of Texas

22nd Apr 1961

Franz, a young Austrian Duke, hires Paladin to guide him to meet with a general who has promised to help reclaim Mexico for the Austrian empire. Franz believes the people of Mexico will welcome him, but Padadin thinks that Franz's advisor has other reasons for making the trip.

6th Jan 1962

After local boozing champ Big Fontana cheats Paladin in a drink-off, sickly Boise Peabody convinced he'll die by morning, challenges the sneaky fast draw to a shootout.

Justice in Hell

13th Jan 1962

Paladin goes after a wagon-master who led the massacre of his own wagon train. Rusty Doggett hides out in a town entirely populated by wanted outlaws.

Mark of Cain

20th Jan 1962

Dr. Avatar hires Paladin to guide him to Jack Trueblood, a notorious western badman who has killed many men. Avatar wants to measure Trueblood's head to confirm his research on cranial measurements.

The Black Bull

13th Apr 1963

After being tortured, Paladin, becomes a surrogate bull for a famous, but now insane bullfighter, Nino Ybarra..

The Fatalist

10th Sep 1960

A Russian Jewish immigrant and his daughter are coerced by a local town boss not to testify in court about a murder. The daughter comes to San Francisco to enlist Paladin's help.

3rd Feb 1962

Paladin is lured to Oregon under the pretense of a widow in distress. The real reason is to engage him in a deadly hunt with a bored prince.

10th Feb 1962

Paladin rides upon Buddy Webster's mining camp, who needs a big favor. He has been prospecting for gold dust the last five years.

Hobson's Choice

7th Apr 1962

Alfred Nobel, staying at the Carlton, enlists the aid of resident Paladin to recover a mixed up shipment of mineral oil with his more potent nitroglycerin.

Cream of the Jest

5th May 1962

Paladin tries to stay one step ahead of a prankster who may be on the point of playing one prank too many.

12th May 1962

A girl bandit robs and kills a stagecoach driver for $50,000. When Paladin catches up to her he finds out she is no lady but with his help is willing to learn.

26th May 1962

$20,000 in gold bullion is stolen and dropped into a lake. Paladin decides to try to retrieve it but Jonah, a fisherman, has the spot staked out. He's after a huge trout and doesn't want anyone getting in his way. There's also the three thieves watching and waiting to ambush Paladin once he gets the gold.

The Last Laugh

25th Jan 1958

A rancher blames Paladin when a practical joke goes awry and his wife is crippled in a riding accident.

Duel at Florence

11th Oct 1958

Paladin receives a letter with a bank draft for $82.17 from Ernie Teller asking for help with a matrimonial problem.

Don't Shoot the Piano Player

10th Mar 1962

With no help from local law enforcement, a writer hires Paladin to find her fiancé; in the roughest gutter on the Barbary coast.

One, Two, Three

17th Feb 1962

Samuel Keel hires Paladin to find Seth Carter. Keel gives him the names of three people who can help him find Seth. As Paladin finds them, each is murdered. Paladin is determined to find out why.

3rd Mar 1962

A lawman for 23 years, Jim Buell has always done what he believed was right. Taking in Davy Walsh for shooting at his jail while drunk seemed just that.

Three Bells to Perdido

14th Sep 1957

New Mexico rancher Jesse Reade hires Paladin for $1,000 to bring back outlaw Dave Enderly, who has run off to Perdido, Mexico with Reade's daughter Nancy.

Marshal's Boy

26th Nov 1960

Paladin must track down a marshal's son accused of a shooting and persuade him to turn himself into the authorities.

The Coming of the Tiger

14th Apr 1962

An elder from the Japanese community informs Paladin that a Nationalistic Japanese Priest, accompanied by a Samurai Warrior, is attempting to enter the country illegally.

Pandora's Box

19th May 1962

Protecting the current administration from low gossip and sensationalism, Paladin is asked to discreetly bring the Secretary's son to justice for murder.

2nd Jun 1962

Paladin is hired to find a killer. His usual fee is paid for instead with a ring. A ring that may tie his employer to his quarry with him in the middle.

The Sons of Aaron Murdock

9th May 1959

Paladin becomes a bounty hunter when a rancher hires him to bring in his son, who's become a sadistic, vicious killer.

The O'Hare Story

1st Mar 1958

Hired to prevent the construction of a dam that would imperil a town's water supply, Paladin finds that he sympathizes more with the Irish engineer who's trying to build it.

The Poker Fiend

12th Nov 1960

A poker game takes a deadly turn and Paladin is caught in the middle.

The Black Handkerchief

14th Nov 1959

A young man convicted of murder is scheduled for execution, and Paladin attempts to intervene before it's too late.

The Prophet

2nd Jan 1960

The Army asks Paladin to find an Army colonel who disappeared with his Apache wife. There are rumors of an Army officer working with the Apaches and inciting them to war. Paladin is asked to find and stop him at all costs.

23rd Jan 1960

Jenny Lake goes to Paladin for help to ward off Wilson, a suitor who is pursuing her. But when Jenny disappears, Paladin must follow a trail to find her.

17th Mar 1962

A daughter hires Paladin to help her look for an old friend of his - her mother.

Lady of the Fifth Moon

30th Mar 1963

Paladin comes to pay his respects to the mother of a Chinese man who is killed. She asks Paladin to meet a ship bound for China and see that her granddaughter is brought safely aboard.

Squatter's Rights

30th Dec 1961

Costigan is a land owner and cattleman. He was shot by Clemenceau, a squatter on his land. Paladin has offered to help him get rid of the squatter but doesn't approve of his methods.

The Unforgiven

7th Nov 1959

Retired and wealthy General Crommer is dying. He asks Padadin, who holds an old grudge against him, to do him a favor. He asks him to take a message of forgiveness to another man who hates Crommer. A favor which might get Paladin killed.

The Uneasy Grave

3rd Jun 1961

After encountering a woman burying her fiancee in an unmarked grave, Paladin is persuaded to go after the deceased's killer.

27th Jan 1962

General Ortega hires Paladin to recover $16 million in French bonds. Where they are and who has them is already known.

The Waiting Room

24th Feb 1962

After a 4 state murder spree, the Wilder Brothers head back to Texas for trial, under Paladin's gun.


5th Jan 1963

Abe and Jim Redrock are both well educated. The only problem they always run into is they are also Indians. Abe stays true to his heritage, causing trouble for the elected sheriff of Latigo.

Face of a Shadow

20th Apr 1963

Paladin is hired by a man to deliver ten thousand dollars. When the man is found dead, with the money missing, Paladin has to sift through a numbr of suspects, including a band of gypsies and the men who found the body.

The Return of the Lady

21st Feb 1959

Diana Coulter (The Lady, Episode 49) wires Paladin and asks him to come to her wedding to ""give the bride away"".

The Fatal Flaw

25th Feb 1961

Stranded in a mountain cabin during a snowstorm, a sinister, Satan-worshipping outlaw bets Paladin he can do the unthinkable: corrupt the soul of an honest lawman.

American Primitive

2nd Feb 1963

Paladin is joined by his friend Ernie Backwater, an aging sheriff who is out to capture Will Tybee, a wanted fugitive who has spent his life searching for the man who murdered his son.

Cage at McNaab

16th Feb 1963

Paladin is asked by the wife of a man who is condemned to die to visit him in prison and see if new evidence can be found to clear her husband.

Sweet Lady of the Moon

9th Mar 1963

Carl Soddenberg committed a heinous, murderous act. Paladin is hired to get him to an asylum and keep the family's survivors at bay who are out for revenge.

The Eve of St. Elmo

23rd Mar 1963

Colonel Draco invites Paladin to investigate an "insurrection" over water rights. Paladin discovers that Draco was crippled eight months previously and wants revenge. Paladin has no intention of being Draco's executioner.

The Moor's Revenge

27th Dec 1958

Shakespearean actors are going to perform in San Diego during their roundup. They are in for a rough reception. A lovesick gunfighter is among the audience. The show's promoter hires Paladin to keep the peace.

13th May 1961

Paladin becomes involved when a timid sheriff refuses to do anything about three young hooligans who are terrorizing a town.

20th May 1961

Paladin helps down on her luck Calamity Jane regain her mojo.

Darwin's Man

21st Apr 1962

A rancher (Kent Smith) pits his sons (Richard Rust, Buzz Martin) against one another in a fight to determine which of them will be his heir.

28th Apr 1962

The State Department hires Paladin to stop an Irishman (Robert Gist) from invading Canada.

Something to Live For

20th Dec 1958

On his way to help a man and his daughter over a land dispute, Paladin encounters a wealthy, drunk and helpless man whose guide left him behind to die.

The Scorched Feather

14th Feb 1959

Robert Ceilbleu hires Paladin to protect his father from a Comanche war chief who has sworn to kill him. After arriving at the remote cabin of William Ceilbleu, he learns the reason for the Indian's hatred.

The Fifth Man

30th May 1959

Ben Talman, who has murdered 12 men, escaped from jail. He kills four men in Yucca Bend within one week. Paladin is hired to bring him in.

Heritage of Anger

6th Jun 1959

Paladin is hired to protect the Avery family from Manuel Garcia. Garicia is a Mexican bandit who seems to have taken a special interest in their son.

The Golden Toad

21st Nov 1959

Paladin is drawn into a dispute between a male farmer and a female cattle rancher, with a fortune in buried treasure at stake.

28th Nov 1959

Ellsworth believes he has had an old tiger curse put on him and that a tiger is coming to kill him. He hires Paladin to protect him from the tiger.

The Shooting of Jesse May

29th Oct 1960

When Jesse May is shot, Paladin begins to believe that a boy murdered him.

The Return of Roy Carter

2nd May 1959

Roy Carter returns to help Paladin search the snow-covered mountains for a missing chaplain and an escaped convict.

Be Not Forgetful of Strangers

22nd Dec 1962

Paladin rides into a Texas town at Christmas time and encounters a saloon full of merrymakers. Soon afterward a cowboy brings in a pregnant girl who may not survive the impending birth.

Episode in Laredo

19th Sep 1959

Kovak is reserving the entire hotel in Laredo, Texas for Sam Tuttle, a famous unbeatable gunfighter. After Paladin is forced to kill Kovak, Tuttle must challenge Paladin in order to keep his reputation in tact.

The Long Night

16th Nov 1957

A wealthy cattleman holds Paladin and two other men hostage. They will all die at dawn unless one of them admits to the murder of the rancher's wife.

A Sense of Justice

1st Nov 1958

The sheriff of a small town needs help to prevent the lynching of simple-minded Andy Dawes. The townspeople are sure he is a murderer. Paladin offers to help

16th May 1959

Corporal Henry Carver deserted from the Cavalry. Carver's mother hires Paladin to find him and get him to either return voluntarily or bring him back by force.

Silent Death, Secret Death

31st Mar 1962

Paladin is asked to look for a missing brother, no matter the cost. When he finds out he's been missing for seven years, he accepts this task.

The Debutante

19th Jan 1963

Mrs. Quincy longs to see her granddaughter who has been away since she was six. When her daughter and husband died in the mine fields, she was taken in.

Birds of a Feather

8th Mar 1958

Paladin must contend with other gunfighters as he tries to settle a right-of-way dispute between two railroads in a Colorado town that will die if they go elsewhere.

26th Sep 1959

Paladin is hired to deliver three mail-order brides to Bend-In-The-River.

4th Mar 1961

As a favor to an old friend, Paladin captures two teenagers sentenced to hang. Then, he finds himself face-to-face with an old gunfighter who wants the pleasure of hanging the boys who killed his brother. In the end, Paladin wonders how young is too young to be responsible for your crime.

21st Sep 1957

Manfred Holt breaks out of jail, killing two deputies. Is he on his way to kill the banker who testified against him, or to see his family for the last time? The banker hires Paladin.

Have Gun, Will Travel Episode Guide

The great mojave chase.

28th Sep 1957

A sportsman sponsors a contest, betting that no one can elude his posse in the Mojave Desert. When Paladin shows up riding a camel, the man decides that the only way he can still win is to get rid of Paladin.

The Colonel and the Lady

23rd Nov 1957

A retired colonel sends Paladin to a Nevada mining town to find out what happened to a former saloon girl.

The Englishman

7th Dec 1957

Paladin escorts an Englishman to his female cousin's ranch they have inherited in Montana, but finds that an embittered trader is plotting against them.

Helen of Abajinian

28th Dec 1957

An Armenian winemaker hires Paladin to find his runaway daughter and break up her ill-considered romance with a cowhand.

4th Jan 1958

The promoter of a wild west show asks Paladin for help taming down a very wild and famous female sharpshooter and show her how to act like a lady.

The Reasonable Man

11th Jan 1958

A rancher having a dispute with his foster son hires Paladin to keep one of them from killing the other in a duel.

The High-Graders

18th Jan 1958

When his tailor is killed in an accident at a supposedly worthless gold mine, Paladin discovers that the man was murdered and his heirs are being swindled.

The Bostonian

2nd Feb 1958

Paladin protects a new landowner from Boston, who is having an escalating feud with an established cattle rancher.

8th Feb 1958

A cowboy seeks help for his former girlfriend, a dancehall singer, who he says was forced into marriage and is now being held prisoner.

Bitter Wine

15th Feb 1958

Paladin is hired to stop a vineyard from being ruined by seepage from an adjacent oil well.

The Teacher

15th Mar 1958

Paladin defends a schoolmistress who's being theatened for teaching about war crimes that took place during the Civil War.

Killer's Widow

22nd Mar 1958

After having killed a bank robber, Paladin is accused of having taken the stolen money. He visits the dead man's widow and tries to make amends.

29th Mar 1958

Trying to locate the thieves who stole a jade chess set, Paladin ends up in a small Montana town where he becomes involved in a romance with a landlady's daughter.

Hey Boy's Revenge

12th Apr 1958

When Hey Boy's brother is killed for protesting the working conditions on a Chinese railroad gang in Utah, Paladin must get the boy out of jail and bring the killer to justice.

10th May 1958

Newlyweds with no place to stay end up in Paladin's suite. He learns that the groom's half-brothers are threatening to kill their father. Paladin goes to warn the father.

The Return of Dr. Thackeray

17th May 1958

Dr. Phyllis Thackeray diagnoses the cook at the Barton Ranch with smallpox. All the cowhands may be infected and need to be vaccinated. Dr. Thackeray sends for the one man she thinks can help.

Have Gun, Will Travel Storyline

Where to watch have gun, will travel.

  • Return to Fort Benjamin S 3 E 20 rated 8.8
  • The Five Books of Owen Deaver S 1 E 32 rated 8.5
  • A Quiet Night in Town (2) S 4 E 18 rated 8.4
  • The Tender Gun S 4 E 7 rated 8.4
  • Out at the Old Ballpark S 4 E 4 rated 8.4
  • The Search S 3 E 39 rated 8.4
  • Ransom S 3 E 37 rated 8.4
  • Deliver the Body S 1 E 38 rated 8.4
  • Broken Image S 4 E 32 rated 8.4
  • A Head of Hair S 4 E 3 rated 8.4
  • Two Plus One S 6 E 30 rated 6.8
  • Duke of Texas S 4 E 31 rated 7.1
  • Lazarus S 5 E 17 rated 7.1
  • Justice in Hell S 5 E 18 rated 7.1
  • Mark of Cain S 5 E 19 rated 7.1
  • The Black Bull S 6 E 31 rated 7.2
  • The Fatalist S 4 E 1 rated 7.2
  • The Hunt S 5 E 21 rated 7.2
  • Dream Girl S 5 E 22 rated 7.2
  • Hobson's Choice S 5 E 30 rated 7.3

The first episode of Have Gun, Will Travel aired on September 14, 1957 .

The last episode of Have Gun, Will Travel aired on April 20, 1963 .

There are 225 episodes of Have Gun, Will Travel.

There are 6 seasons of Have Gun, Will Travel.

Have Gun, Will Travel has ended.

Shows for Fans of Have Gun, Will Travel

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Photos: Odds for Big Red


  1. "Have Gun

    Odds for Big Red: Directed by Richard Donner. With Richard Boone, Hope Holiday, Richard Ney, Robert Karnes. A saloon owner is wounded when Paladin is involved in a shootout inside the establishment, but with the doctor out of town, odds are high that she will not survive the night.

  2. "Have Gun

    "Have Gun - Will Travel" Odds for Big Red (TV Episode 1961) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

  3. 159-"Odds For Big Red"

    Season 5, Episode 4 - Original Airdate: (October 7, 1961) <= 158 - "The Revenger == A Proof of Love" - 160 => Directed by Richard Donner, Written by: Betty Andrews. HOPE HOLIDAY as Big Red RICHARD NEY as Guy Fremont ROBERT KARNES as Vern Potter (The Siege, 1961) as Ezekial Tyler (Shadow of a…

  4. "Have Gun

    An interesting episode for several reasons. First, the story is interesting: Big Red the saloon owner gets shot by accident and the bar crowd quickly starts placing bets on whether or not she lives the night.

  5. Have Gun, Will Travel : Odds for Big Red (1961)

    Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for Have Gun, Will Travel : Odds for Big Red (1961) - Richard Donner on AllMovie - Paladin (Richard Boone) catches up with a wanted…

  6. Have Gun

    Please help out by editing it. Odds for Big Red is the fourth episode of the fifth season of Have Gun - Will Travel, and the one hundred fifty-ninth episode overall. Starring: Richard Boone ( Paladin ) Hope Holiday (Big Red), Richard Ney (Guy Fremont) Cast: Robert Karnes (Vern Potter), Virginia Capers (Ada), Perry Cook (Ernie), Ollie O'Toole ...

  7. Odds for Big Red

    Episode Guide for Have Gun, Will Travel 5x04: Odds for Big Red. Episode summary, trailer and screencaps; guest stars and main cast list; and more.

  8. Have Gun, Will Travel

    Have Gun, Will Travel; Season 5; Episode 4; Odds for Big Red. October 7, 1961. 0.0%. Have Gun, Will Travel -S5 -E4. Mark as watched Rate Forums . Paladin trails a killer and bank robber to a saloon but while trying to capture him, the saloon's owner, Big Red, is shot. Tweet! Telegram Facebook Pinterest .

  9. Odds for Big Red

    Odds for Big Red. Paladin trails a killer and bank robber to a saloon but while trying to capture him, the saloon's owner, Big Red, is shot. S5E4 26 min. Pluto TV. Movies and Shows in United States. Have Gun - Will Travel. Stream Have Gun - Will Travel free and on-demand with Pluto TV. Season 5, Episode 4. Stream now.

  10. Have Gun, Will Travel · Season 5 Episode 4 · Odds for Big Red

    Watch Have Gun, Will Travel · Season 5 Episode 4 · Odds for Big Red free starring Richard Ney, Robert Karnes, Virginia Capers.

  11. Odds for Big Red

    Odds for Big Red. Available on Pluto TV. S5 E4: Paladin (Richard Boone) pressures a medical student-turned-gambler to remove a bullet from a patient. With Richard Ney and Hope Holiday. Drama Oct 7, 1961 30 min. TV-PG. Starring Hope Holiday, Richard Ney, Virginia Capers.

  12. Watch Have Gun, Will Travel Online

    Find out where to watch Have Gun, Will Travel from Season 5 at TV Guide. X ... Odds for Big Red. ... 1961 30 mins. Big Red, a woman saloonkeeper, is shot . . . and gamblers are betting she won't ...

  13. Watch Have Gun, Will Travel Season 5 Episode 4

    Ep 4. Odds for Big Red. Paladin is back again, riding his faithful horse along a dusty trail. In this episode of Have Gun, Will Travel season 5 entitled "Odds for Big Red," Paladin finds himself challenged to a high-stakes poker game against a wealthy rancher named Big Red. The game is being held at a saloon in the town of Sonora, where Paladin ...

  14. Have Gun

    Complete Have Gun, Will Travel episode guide. All 6 seasons from premiere in 1957 to end in 1963 presented by The Classic TV Database. ... delivering a baby. The gamblers in the saloon begin to take odds on whether Big Red will live or die. Red's former boyfriend is betting against her--until Paladin discovers that he's a former doctor. Season ...

  15. CTVA US Western

    <Previous "Have Gun - Will Travel" Next> Starring Richard Boone as Paladin Season 5 (CBS) (1961-62) Episode Guide compiled by The Classic TV Archive ... 5.04 [159] Have Gun - Will Travel: ODDS FOR A BIG RED 7Oct61 Guest Cast: Richard Ney ..... Guy Fremont Hope Holiday ..... Big Red Virginia Capers ..... Ada Ollie O'Toole ..... Corey Robert ...

  16. Have Gun

    Have Gun - Will Travel S Odds for Big Red Saturday, 7th October 1961 9:30 pm CBS

  17. "Odds For Big Red"

    Have Gun - Will Travel, "Odds for Big Red" Season 5 Episode 4. Paladin doubles down on a bet with a doctor turned gambler to save a saloon owner's life.

  18. "Have Gun

    "Have Gun - Will Travel" Odds for Big Red (TV Episode 1961) - Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more...

  19. Best Episodes of Have Gun, Will Travel (Interactive Rating Graph)

    The ratings of every Have Gun, Will Travel episode in an interactive graph. Quickly find the best Have Gun, Will Travel episodes or see how episode ratings trend over time. ... Odds for Big Red. S5 Ep4. 8.1. 7th Oct 1961. Paladin trails a killer and bank robber to a saloon but while trying to capture him, the saloon's owner, Big Red, is shot.

  20. List of Have Gun

    Have Gun - Will Travel is an American Western television series that was produced and originally broadcast by CBS on Saturdays at 9:30-10:00 pm ... "Odds for Big Red" Richard Donner: Betty Andrews: October 7, 1961 () A multiple murderer hides behind a woman in a saloon. He is shot by Paladin.

  21. Have Gun -- Will Travel: Season 5, Episode 4

    Odds for Big Red Aired Oct 7, 1961 Drama Western Reviews Paladin (Richard Boone) pressures a medical student-turned-gambler to remove a bullet from a patient.

  22. Odds for Big Red Pictures

    Odds for Big Red pictures and photo gallery -- Check out just released Odds for Big Red pics, images, clips, trailers, production photos and more from Rotten Tomatoes' pictures archive!

  23. Archive.org

    Watch and download episodes of Have Gun - Will Travel, a classic western TV series starring Richard Boone as Paladin, a gunfighter for hire.