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Dean's Conference Fund

Dean's Conference Fund (formerly known as the Dean's Travel Grant) will be allowing conference funding for international & domestic travel fees. 

The Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) provides funds to graduate students in the humanities, social sciences and sciences for professional meetings and conferences to present invited papers or posters. The Dean's Conference Fund provides a total of 225 awards each year, up to $500 each, to help students defray the cost of presenting their scholarly work. The grant may be used for conferences and related expenses.

The application procedures and selection process have changed from prior years. Please read the information on this page carefully. In particular, note the following changes:

  • Applications are submitted online, using the form below.
  • Department approval for the application is required from a few departments. The GSAS Office of Academic and Student Affairs coordinates the department review process for the applicant.
  • Effective with fall 2011, Period I, the maximum number of awards that Ph.D. students may receive is two (2).  Master's students may receive only one (1) grant during their career in GSAS.
  • Confirmation of acceptance to the conference is required before an award will be disbursed. If confirmation is not received within a specified time period, then the award offer is cancelled.
  • Students who apply and are accepted to a conference after an application period has closed may apply in the next application period for retroactive funding.


  • Applicants must be matriculated students in good academic standing in a GSAS graduate program. Doctoral students must be within seven years of their first term of enrollment in their graduate program (eligibility may be extended beyond the seventh year if a student was off campus for approved fieldwork, or if there are extenuating academic circumstances). Master’s students must be within two years of their first term of enrollment in their graduate program. Advanced Certificate and non-degree students are not eligible.
  • Applicants must be presenting a paper/poster at a scholarly or professional conference. Attendance only cannot be funded; presentations at graduate student conferences or invitational seminars at other institutions also cannot be funded.
  • Applicants may apply while awaiting confirmation of acceptance from conference organizers; however, no conference grant checks will be issued without the submission of documentation showing acceptance. If documentation is not received within a specified time period, the award offer is cancelled.
  • Ph.D. students may receive no more than one grant per conference grant year and no more than two during their academic career at GSAS. Master’s students may receive no more than one grant during their time at GSAS pursuing that degree; should they continue in a GSAS Ph.D. program, the earlier grant will count as one of the awards allotted for their career.  Effective with fall 2011, Period I, the maximum number of awards that Ph.D. students may receive is two.

Application and Selection Process

  • Conference grants are awarded three times per year for student travel during periods running from August to November, December to March, and April to July. A total of 225 grants are awarded, 75 in each conference period.
  • All awards are made by a two-tiered lottery: Ph.D. applicants who have never received a GSAS Dean's Conference Fund grant will be entered in the first round; if awards are still available, a second round for master’s applicants and previous Ph.D. grant recipients will be conducted. The GSAS Office of Academic and Student Affairs supervises both lotteries.
  • At the end of the grant year, if any awards remain unused, the GSAS Office of Academic and Student Affairs will hold a special lottery for students who have never received a conference grant and who were not selected during the year.
  • Early applications, incomplete applications and late applications will not be accepted.
  • Students may apply for a grant for only one conference per period.

Conference Periods

  • All applications must be received by 5:00 pm on the final day of the application period. This is a “received by” deadline. Late applications, regardless of the date sent or reason for lateness, will not be accepted. It is the applicant’s sole responsibility to submit the application by the deadline.
  • GSAS will send notification of the award to the email address from which you submitted the application.
  • If you are not already signed up for direct deposit of stipends, then your check will be sent to a designated location on campus. If you have elected direct deposit, then the payment will automatically go to the account number you designated. If you are already receiving a fellowship stipend, the conference grant will be combined with your regularly-scheduled payment.
  • Upon receiving notification of the award, students must submit confirmation of acceptance to the conference to the GSAS Office of Academic and Student Affairs. This may be done by sending a scanned copy of the acceptance letter or email notice to  [email protected] . Be sure that the confirmation includes your name and UID number. If confirmation is not received by the Confirmation Deadline shown above, the award offer will be cancelled.

Other Information

All grants are up to $500. International students whose countries do not have a tax treaty with the U.S. will be taxed at 8% or 14% of the grant, depending on their visa type.

Application Procedure

  • Students applying for a grant must complete this application form .  (There is no form unless the application period is open.)
  • The following departments require departmental review and support of the grant request before it can be entered into the lottery: Biology, Hebrew and Judaic Studies, and Physics. The GSAS Office of Academic and Student Affairs will forward the application to them for consideration.
  • The GSAS Office of Academic and Student Affairs confirms receipt of the application by return e-mail to the applicant.

If you have any questions, please email  [email protected] .

Contact Info

Emily hollenbach.


gsas travel grant

Conference Travel Grants

Facilitating presentation of original work by ucr graduate and professional students.

gsas travel grant

Regional Caps

gsas travel grant

Instructions & Applying

gsas travel grant


gsas travel grant

Types of conference travel awards

 1:  GSA-Chancellor’s Conference Travel Award:  this award is supported through the GSA referendum and matching funds from the Chancellor.

2: GSA-Grad Division Conference Travel Fellowship:  this fellowship is administered through the GSA and funded through Grad Division.

GSA provides conference travel grants to fee paying graduate students in good standing, currently attending the University of California, Riverside.

CTG does not cover expenses: Debates, Retreats, Workshops, Summer schools, Any tuition-based event, Conferences occurring at UCR.

Regional Caps Per Conference

Regional Reimbursement Caps as of July 1, 2024 Effective for Conference Travel Beginning on July 1, 2024, the following regional reimbursement caps are applied to the Conference Travel Grant.

The Annual GSA travel grant cap per person for 2024-2025 is $1,600.00. These caps are re-evaluated monthly based on available funding for the rest of the year.

gsas travel grant

Effective January 1, 2024, the UC approved mileage reimbursement rate for personal vehicle travel is $0.67 cents/mile, only if it’s less expensive than flying. If traveling by plane is cheaper, GSA will reimburse mileage up to the cost of the airfare comparison.

Applications are due before the first day of the  previous month in which your conference ends by 5:00 pm . Deadlines are subject to change to the following business day if the deadline falls on a  UCR legal holiday .

Late applications will not be accepted and are not eligible for an appeal. 

*You can apply to the CTG up to six months before your conference date, even if you do not know if you have been accepted yet.

gsas travel grant

How to apply

Step one (before conference).

W e only accept electronic submissions through our online system. Just click here and follow the instructions!   (We do not work with Concur system)

  • Applications are due before the first day of the  previous   month in which your conference  ends by 5:00 pm . Late applications are not accepted, without exception.
  • Complete the checklist here to ensure you have completed all parts of the application process correctly.
  • We do not accept physical applications.
  • Prior to leaving for the conference, submit the completed recommendation form from your adviser. The deadline for sending the Letter of Recommendation is one day before the start of the conference.

Step two (post conference)

The reimbursement guide may assist you in this process. Post conference materials (expense form, receipts, etc.) must be emailed to [email protected] by the 7th business day from the last day of your conference. 

  • Post-conference materials must be submitted in full PDF format, no screenshots allowed.
  • If additional time is needed to submit them, please email [email protected] and request an extension before you leave for your conference. Late materials are not accepted.
  • Once your application is processed, the receipts will be made available to your home department.

Forms and Appeals

Click on any of the items listed below to access the current GSA form. 

CTG Reimbursement Guide

Conference Travel Grant Checklist

CTG Expense Form PDF

CTG Expense Form Example

Why Travel Packages Will NOT Be Reimbursed

Application Example

Applicants who are denied funding will receive a letter indicating the reason they were denied. You may appeal an award amount or appeal the decision to decline by writing a letter to the committee explaining why you feel you deserve to have your application re-evaluated. This letter must be received by the committee within 30 days of receiving your reimbursement or letter of decline. The committee meets once a month. The conference travel grant committee will re-evaluate your application at the next meeting and issue a new decision. You will be notified of this decision by letter or email. If you are still unhappy, you may appeal a second time. Once again, this appeal must be submitted in writing within 30 days of notification of the committee decision concerning the first appeal. You are limited to two appeals.

Submit all appeals in person to the GSA Office or to  [email protected] .

Conference Travel Grant Coordinator: Antonio Rivera-Montoya Email:  [email protected] Tel: (951) 827-3141

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The purpose of the conference travel grant is to promote the presentation at conferences of original graduate student research done at UCR.

Conference travel grants are small grants available to UCR graduate students who are attending professional conferences. Please read the conference travel grant FAQ for more information about this program.

If you are a registered graduate student in good standing at UC Riverside who is planning on presenting at or attending an event, you may be eligible for an award. Students on filing fee status are eligible. Students on leave of absence or in absentia registration are not eligible for conference travel grants. New graduate students that are presenting research prior to their work at UC Riverside are not eligible for conference travel grants. Conference travel grants are not intended to fund, among others: workshops, research, instruction, training, classes, job interviews, or events in which participants are solely from UCR. If your application is denied because it was determined to be a workshop, you are welcome to appeal this decision. Please refer to the appeals section on the “How to Apply” page of this website.

You must be the primary presenter of graduate student work that was completed at UCR. The Conference Travel Grant program will only fund one graduate student per presentation. If you are not the first author, you must submit a letter from the conference organizer or the session chair indicating that you were the primary presenter.

Fill out the application  here  and submit it by the first of the month preceding the last day of the conference.

Conference travel grants are funded by Graduate Students’ fees and a matching grant from the Office of the Chancellor. For more information, please see the conference travel grant history page.

The yearly GSA travel grant cap per person is $1,600.00 per academic year until further notice.

Conference travel grants are not intended to fund, among others: research, instruction, training, classes, job interviews, or events in which participants are solely from UCR.  Workshops are not eligible. If presenting as part of a panel, applicant must show proof of individual presentation.

Among other ineligible expenses, conference travel grants will not cover meals, memberships in professional associations, tuition, phone calls, presentation materials, or other incidental expenses.

Outside funding is taken into account to ensure that nobody receives more from all sources than they actually spent.

Fixed amount  means that your department, advisor, or some other award pays a set amount regardless of the amount of your GSA conference travel grant award.

Matching grant  means that your department or advisor will provide an amount of funding equal to that of your GSA conference travel grant award.

Balance of expenses  means that your department of advisor will pay the remaining balance of your expenses after receipt of your GSA conference travel grant award.

Conference travel grants do not fund professors or departments. Only expenses incurred by a student are eligible for reimbursement. This includes the sharing of accommodations or travel. You must document on every application what amount was paid by each student. Conference travel grants cannot reimburse students for amounts that they did not pay.

The amount of grant funding you will receive depends on your level of attendance. There are two levels of attendance, as Presenters or Attendees. In the case of participating in a  round table you must lead this group as a moderator. Participation as a panelist is qualified as an attendee. Following these categories, please send us the following proof of your participation in the event.

Proof of attendance (for attendees and presenters), such as conference badge, the original pamphlet/brochure, or request a letter to that effect when checking in at your conference.

Proof of Presentation (for presenters), for example, the program of the conference in case the applicant is going to present a poster or talk at the conference, otherwise the applicant will be considered as an attendee and the travel expenses will be covered up to $300.

Proof of Acceptance (for presenters), for example, the acceptance email for your paper / abstract or other documentation issued by the organization that certifies your acceptance to the conference.

Each quarter the conference travel grant committee decides on a maximum award per student per conference. The amounts vary by the location of the conference with local conferences receiving less that international conferences. These caps determine the maximum amount that can be reimbursed, and expenses lower than the cap are reimbursed in full. The cap may be lowered for any particular month depending on the number of applicants.

Conference travel grants are not intended to be your primary funding source. Always check first with your thesis advisor and department to see if there are funds available to offset your travel costs. Departments often match the amount we award you or will give you a set dollar amount. Remember you are required to report outside funding on your mini-grant application and to follow your department’s policies regarding travel reimbursement. Reimbursements cannot be over 100%.

Each application is individual per conference. If you have 2 conferences on close dates you must apply separately for each of them.

Applicants who are denied funding will receive a letter indicating the reason they were denied. You may appeal an award amount or appeal the decision to decline by writing a letter to the committee explaining why you feel you deserve to have your application re-evaluated. This letter must be received by the committee within 30 days of receiving your check or letter of decline. The conference travel grant committee will re-evaluate your application at the next meeting and issue a new decision. You will be notified of this decision by letter or email. If you are still unhappy, you may appeal a second time. Once again, this appeal must be submitted in writing within 30 days of notification of the committee decision concerning the first appeal. You are limited to two appeals. Submit all appeals in person to the GSA Office or to  [email protected] .

In the case of graduate students who collaborate on research eligible for the CTG award, only one student from UC Riverside may apply as a presenter. Other collaborators from UC Riverside may apply as attendees only. Collaborators from institutions other than UCR are not eligible for the CTG award. Multiple presenters for the same work are not funded. If that is the case, please contact the coordinator in advance.

Several locations have reported an increase in the use by travelers of Internet sites to purchase vacation packages for University-related business trips. This creates issues with providing appropriate documentation because charges are not itemized. These packages will not be reimbursed in the absence of receipts that itemize each expense.

If you need further assistance or would like to know more about the conference travel grant committee, please contact us at (951) 827-3141 or send us an email at  gsagrant@ucr .

gsas travel grant

Before 1999, the Office of the Chancellor gave GSA $12,000 annually to help graduate students with expenses associated with travel to conferences. The grants were truly mini back then, students could apply once a year, and there was a different fixed amount allocated for local, national and international applications. In 1998-1999, while negotiating an increase in the allocation, then Chancellor Ray Orbach bluffed that, if the graduate students agreed to tax themselves for this purpose, he would match the fee increase. On the 1999 GSA elections ballot, a referendum was included proposing a raise in GSA fees from $10 to $20 per student per quarter. The $10 increase would be phased in $2 each year, the additional fees were earmarked for the conference travel grant program, and the Office of the Chancellor would match the increase. The referendum passed, and as a result the GSA rolled in $132,000 for the conference travel grant program in 2003-2004 (the year when the fees finally capped at $20 per student per quarter).

In April 2006, the mini-grant committee changed the program’s name to the conference travel grant program. The mini-grant committee adopted this new name to avoid confusion between the mini-grant and mini-GSA programs and to clarify the types of events that the grants fund. The program has also adopted a mission statement, which is now available on the main conference travel grant page. GSA thanks the Chancellor for continuing Ray Orbach’s commitment to fund the conference travel grant program.

gsas travel grant

Thank you to Lego Grad Student for permission to use their work throughout the website.  Follow @legogradstudent for more.

Contact Info UCRiverside HUB 203 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (951) 827-3141

Student Travel Resources

The Graduate School encourages student travel for research and professional development. In some disciplines, research travel is essential to complete the requirements of the degree and you may need to undertake a period of full-time study, research, or fieldwork outside of the New Haven area. Beyond that, travel for conference participation, shorter research trips, and study elsewhere can be invaluable to your professional development, regardless of discipline.

Students have access to an array of resources to support travel for research, study, and professional development. See below for a detailed overview of funding sources, health coverage information, and resources for domestic and international travel.

Registration during academic travel

If you will be based at another location in the US or abroad for your research for a semester or full academic year, you should register in absentia at Yale.

Financial support for degree-related travel

Featured Resource

Exchange Programs

The Graduate School offers domestic and international exchange opportunities for PhD students. On an exchange, you can master course content in another language, learn new methodologies to inform your dissertation, visit library archives and collections to expand your research, and develop your professional network with fellow scholars in the US and abroad.

PhD Student Summer Funding Resources

The Graduate School offers a number of summer funding awards to support academic activities related to PhD degree requirements. These include competitive research travel fellowships and tuition grants for enrollment in GSAS-sponsored language courses offered in Yale Summer Session.

MacMillan Center Fellowships for Research and Study Abroad


The MacMillan Center administers a variety of fellowships that support research, language study, conference travel, and other academic activities related to international and area studies.

MacMillan Center International Conference Travel Grants


PhD students may apply for up to $800 to support conference travel to recognized professional domestic or international conferences and academic meetings as a presenter (session chair or discussant). To qualify, your presentation must be on an international topic. The grant will supplement any funds that you may receive from your home department or from the conference, if it provides travel subsidies. The grant is available to PhD students in programs in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, and to select PhD programs in the professional schools that have a humanities or a social sciences dimension.

Conference Travel Fellowship (CTF)


By partnering with the MacMillan Center and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, graduate students with representatives in the Graduate Student Assembly are eligible for annual conference travel funding of up to $800.

Yale Student Grants Database


The Student Grants Database allows you to search for any Yale funding and external fellowships that have a campus application process.

Health Coverage

Options for insurance coverage during a period of research travel depend on whether you will be in the US or abroad. Your Yale student health coverage will remain on your term bill unless these fees are waived by the appropriate deadline. Waiver forms and student rates for Yale students can be found on the Yale Health website . 

If you are going to be based elsewhere in the US for purposes related to your degree requirements during the academic year, you have the option of enrolling in the Approved Academic Travel Rider program through Yale Health. 

The Yale Health pages on this option contain detailed information about deadlines for applying for the rider, coverage considerations, eligibility, and costs. Please review this information carefully well in advance of your planned travel and make sure that you are aware costs, coverage, and the relevant application deadline, which is firm. 

You must first register in absentia (see above) to be eligible to apply. Only students registered in absentia in the US (excluding Alaska and Hawaii, and outside of the Yale Health coverage area in Connecticut) are eligible to enroll.  

If you are going abroad for an extended period to pursue research and/or coursework for your degree, you will want to review carefully Yale’s information on health coverage for university affiliates while abroad . 

In addition, if you are a PhD student traveling for dissertation research, the Graduate School provides a Travel Health Fellowship to cover the cost of required immunizations and prescription drugs at Yale Health. Costs from outside medical services will not be considered for reimbursement. See the Travel Health Fellowship page for more information. 

Resources for Yale students traveling internationally

International toolkit.


The university's toolkit for international travel offers detailed guidance for Yale travelers, including a checklist of essential actions to take before and during your trip.

International SOS Global Travel Assistance


ISOS provides international and domestic emergency medical, security, and travel assistance services anywhere in the world.

CIBT Visa Assistance


CIBT Visa Assistance is an optional resource for Yale affiliates who need support applying for international visas.

Student Travel Health Services (Yale Health)


Yale Health offers additional services to students traveling abroad, including travel health consultations and vaccinations. Note that this is not a covered benefit.

PhD Student Travel Health Fellowship

If you are a PhD student traveling for dissertation research, the Graduate School provides a Travel Health Fellowship to cover the cost of required immunizations and prescription drugs at Yale Health.

Travel Grants

Section grants.

Financial assistance is offered to undergraduate and graduate students who are members of GSA for travel to both the GSA Geographic Section  meetings and the national  GSA Annual Meeting . Follow the links below for instructions on how to apply.




Rocky Mountain



International Geological Congress Travel Grants

IGC logo

The Geological Society of America, the Geological Society of America Foundation, and the U.S. National Committee for Geological Sciences are now accepting applications for travel grants to the 36th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Delhi, India. Graduate students and Early Career Scientists (those within 7 years of receiving their Ph.D.) must be a resident or citizen of the United States and be enrolled in, or employed at, a U.S. institution. Each award is anticipated to be a maximum of $3,500. Additional support is provided by the Society of Economic Geologists, theSociety for Sedimentary Geology, and the Paleontological Society.

Get more info

GSA Foundation Logo

GSA Student Travel Fund

GSA's meeting attendees can contribute to this fund via their Annual Meeting registration form. The number and amount of awards are be based solely on contributions received.

100% of the contributions received will go to help fund student travel to the GSA Annual Meeting . If there is an excess of funds left over, the remaining money will go back into the Student Travel Fund for next year's annual meeting.

On To the Future (OTF) Travel Awards

GSA offers partial travel awards to students from underrepresented groups to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting. Check the On To the Future web page for guidelines and application deadlines.

Division Travel Grants

Check the "Students & ECPs" page on your Section's meeting website to see if a Division grant is being offered for the upcoming meeting.

Northeastern Urban Award for Non-Traditional Students

Northeastern Section Meeting

Students who work full-time, care for dependents, or are otherwise considered non-traditional may apply for this award to assist with expenses including dependent care, meeting registration, abstract fees, GSA membership for two years, and lost wages to attend the Section meeting.

Get more information

International Travel Grants to GSA Meetings

Please visit the GSA International Web page for more information on travel grants to the GSA Annual Meeting.

The Society does not have programs that provide financial assistance for travel to the USA for education.

Conference Travel Grant

The GSA Conference Travel Grant is intended to help offset the costs of travel or registration fees at professional conferences at which a graduate student is presenting original research. Eligible students will receive up to $500 in reimbursement for registration or travel costs related to conference travel during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Please note that you do not receive the grant beforehand , it is only processed after you attend your conference and submit proof of attendance. Examples of proof of attendance are a picture of your conference badge, of you presenting that clearly shows your name, or a letter or email from the conference organizers confirming your attendance. This proof of attendance can be emailed (as JPEG or PNG file type ONLY) during or after you attend the conference to [email protected]

You can find additional funding through  the Academic Senate .


This grant is open to graduate students at all levels. Advancement to candidacy is not a requirement. Students serving as a commentator/discussant are not eligible for the travel grant. Students on any kind of leave from UCSB and not enrolled in courses are not eligible for the travel grant. For summer conferences, you must be enrolled in the subsequent Fall quarter in order to receive the grant . This is a Graduate Division requirement.

An applicant must be accepted to present original research data and have expenses not covered by other funding sources. Applicants who plan to attend a conference but are not presenting at that conference or who have complete funding for the conference through other sources (department, academic travel grant, etc.) are ineligible. 

Students may only receive one grant per academic year. The  academic year  includes the summer after the spring quarter. For example, if you get a travel grant during the 2023-2024 academic year, you will not be eligible for funding during the summer of 2024.

Lottery Process

2023-2024 rules: During the academic year, forty-five travel grants are allocated each quarter. Eligible applications will be chosen randomly using a lottery system after the application process has closed (see deadlines section below). Late applications are not accepted. Disbursement of grant money may take up to 4 weeks due to the Graduate Division financial approval process.


Applications are accepted for review at the beginning of the quarter in which the student will attend the conference. Please refer to the application window dates below to confirm when you need to submit your travel grant.

Fall quarter (September 17-December 31) submit application by 10/20/23 at 9PM. Winter quarter (January 2- March 31) submit application by 1/26/24 at 9PM. Spring quarter (April 1-June 14) submit application by 4/19/24 at 9PM. Summer sessions (June 15-September 14) submit application by 7/15/24 at 9PM.


Fall Quarter 2023: Submit application between 09/25/2023 and 10/20/2023.  Grant recipients will be notified by 10/31/2023.

Winter Quarter 2024: Submit application between 01/02/2024 and 01/26/2024.  Grant recipients will be notified by 02/07/2024.

Spring Quarter 2024: Submit application between 03/25/2024 and 04/19/2024.  Grant recipients will be notified by 04/30/2024.

Summer 2024: Submit application between 06/15/2024 and 07/15/24.  Grant recipients will be notified by August 15th, 2024 and grant disbursment will commence in September 2024.


Grant Application Materials

To apply, please complete the GSA Travel Grant Application and email it to the VP of Financial Affairs ([email protected]). You must also upload the following documents to the travel grant application.

  • Confirmation of your acceptance to present
  • An abstract of the paper/project to be presented
  • A receipt of conference registration fees (if available)
  • Hotel: if the receipt shows the room is booked for 2 people, only half the cost may be reimbursed
  • Gas reimbursements are based on mileage at $0.655 per mile (must send screenshot of Google maps with starting and end point showing number of miles driven)
  • no reimbursement for food
  • if your receipts are in a currency other than USD, you MUST provide conversion information in the form of a screenshot OR a bank/card statement reflecting this transaction in USD (as PDF)

Due Date for Final Documentation 

The GSA must receive all final documentation (receipts, proof of attendance, etc.) by the last day of the quarter for which the grant was requested. Any grants that do not receive all documentation by the end of the quarter will be revoked, and the corresponding funds will be rolled into the next quarter.

The GSA will reimburse you after you return from your conference with proof of your travel. Usually, GSA has allotted 45 grants per quarter.

Reimbursements will be processed using GradPoint via your BARC account. Funds should direct deposit to your bank account. Please make sure that your BARC account is set up for direct deposit!

/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="gsas travel grant"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

Travel funding opportunities.

Intergroup Dialogue Project 2017 Conference

The Graduate School is pleased to provide research degree students (M.A./M.S., Ph.D., J.S.D., D.M.A., M.F.A.) the opportunity to travel the world to enhance their scholarship. Eligible students are encouraged to apply for grant funding related to professional conferences, research travel, or summer language education.

  • Conference Grant
  • Research Travel Grant
  • Summer Foreign Language Grant

Conference Grant – Application Form (Online)

The Graduate School offers Conference Grant awards of up to $700 to research degree students to attend a professional conference at which they are presenting. Online conference presentations are eligible for a grant of up to $200. Grant amounts are detailed in the  Locations and Awards PDF . See the application form for more information about eligibility requirements and instructions. Conference grants are reviewed by the 9th of the month preceding the month in which the conference occurs, and grants are awarded to eligible students by the 15th of the preceding month. Applications are accepted up to 30 days following the end of the conference date.  

Students are eligible for one conference grant awarded per year from July 1 to June 30 and must be registered at the time of the award and be within time to degree limits. Masters students are eligible for conference travel grants starting in their first semester until the end of the eighth semester of enrollment.  Ph.D. students are eligible for conference travel grants starting in their first semester until the end of the fourteenth semester of enrollment.

Research Travel Grant – Application Form (Online)

Please note: A link to the online Research Travel Grant application will be made available six weeks prior to each of the three funding round deadlines of October 1, February 1, and April 1.

The Graduate School awards grants of up to $2,500 for Ph.D. degree students and $1,000 for master’s degree students for travel that is directly related to dissertation and thesis research, not conference travel. Recipients must be enrolled (full-time or in absentia) in a graduate research degree program (M.A./M.S., M.F.A., D.M.A., J.S.D., or Ph.D.) through the Graduate School and be registered at the time of the award. Master’s degree students up to their eighth semester of study and Ph.D. students up to their 14th semester of study are eligible to apply. (Note that the post-A exam requirement has been waived beginning with Spring 2022 submissions.)

In a typical year, the Graduate School awards 50-65 grants. Applications are due annually on October 1, February 1, and April 1 with a call for applications circulated a month prior to the deadline. Decisions will be announced by the first of the month following the application deadline. For example, decisions will be announced by November 1 for the October 1 deadline. See the application form for more information about eligibility requirements and instructions.

For students managing mental health while away from campus, please visit the Mental Health While Away from Campus page.

Learn more about graduate students who have received travel grants:

  • MacKenzie Pierce, Musicology
  • Jiai Zhang, Food Science and Technology
  • Mariano Sanchez Talanquer, Government
  • Kalia Bistolas, Microbiology

Summer Foreign Language Grant – Application Form (Online)

Please note: A link to the online Summer Foreign Language Grant will be made available prior to the mid-April deadline.

Grants of up to $1,000 are offered to research degree students for summer travel to foreign countries for intensive (non-English) language instruction. See the application form for more information about eligibility requirements and instructions. Applications are due by April 15 with a call for applications occurring a month prior to the deadline.

Important Notification:  To ensure the safety of all Cornell students traveling on university-related activities, students traveling internationally must enter their travel itinerary and contact information into Cornell’s International Travel Registry . In addition, those traveling to high-risk countries must get approval for such travel from the International Travel Advisory and Response team (ITART).

Graduate Student Assembly

Conference travel fellowship, gsa conference travel fellowship.

PhD students may apply for up to $800 to support travel to recognized professional conferences and academic meetings as a program participant presenting on a non-international topic. The grant supplements funds that the student can receive from their home department or from the conference if it provides travel subsidies.

Note: Application opens on September 1


This grant is available to PhD students in programs in the Humanities, Sciences, and the Social Sciences. PhD students in years 3–5 of their program have priority for funding; students in years 1–2 and 6 are eligible to apply for funds subject to availability (see below for further information on eligibility). Students presenting on an international topic are not eligible for this award and instead should submit an application for the MacMillan Center International Conference Travel Grant.

Graduate Student Assembly Conference Travel Fellowships will be awarded on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.

Full Details:

PhD students may apply to support travel to recognized professional domestic or international conferences as a presenter (session chair or discussant; presentation of a paper or poster). The student’s presentation must be on a non-international topic. Students presenting on international topics should instead apply to the MacMillan Center International Conference Travel Grant. 

Each PhD student can apply for one GSA Conference Travel Fellowship per cycle from September 1–June 15. Students who receive a GSA CTF award may apply again in future years but will only receive funding provided all first-time applicants can be accommodated.

The application closes each fiscal year on June 15 and cannot open again until fresh applications have been generated (typically on September 1). Students planning to present at a conference in the summer months should apply on or before June 15. If they are unable to do so, they should e-mail ctf@yale.edu prior to the June 15 deadline for guidance.

Funds will be processed and disbursed as a reimbursement after the necessary receipts and a copy of the student’s official award letter have been forwarded to their departmental operations manager. Receipts must be submitted within 45 days of completing travel.  

Special Eligibility Note:

The GSA CTF is open to PhD students enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Due to high demand and to ensure equitable access to CTF funding:

  • PhD students in years 3–5 of their programs have priority for funding.
  • Students in years 1–2 and 6 are then eligible for funding if funds are available.
  • Students who receive a GSA CTF award may apply again in future years but will only receive funding after all first-time applicants are accommodated.
  • Students beyond year 6 are not eligible for GSA CTF funding.
  • Graduating students are not eligible for a GSA CTF award if their proposed conference dates occur after their degree conferral.

Restrictions to Use of Award:

GSA CTF funds can cover the conference registration fee, transportation, and lodging costs only.

For virtual conferences, only the registration fee will be reimbursed.

This grant cannot be used to pay for language or other courses, trainings, job interviews, or workshops.

Additional Resources on Campus:

1. Department of Political Science Conference Travel Award 2. Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration (RITM) Conference Travel Award 3. South Asian Studies Council Conference Grant for Graduate Students 4. MacMillan Center International Conference Travel Grants 5. Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies - Fall Semester, Winter and Spring Break Travel/Conference Award 6. European Studies Council - Fall Semester, Winter and Spring Break Travel/Conference Award  

  • English Language Programs
  • Postdoctoral Affairs
  • Training Grant Support
  • Request Information


  • Fellowships and Grants
  • Internal Fellowships and Grants

Conference Travel Grant

The Conference Travel Grant (CTG) provides funds to assist PhD and MFA students attending virtual (remote) academic/professional conferences or traveling to/attending in-person academic/professional conferences on behalf of Northwestern University.

Applications are accepted on a quarterly basis. The application form for a particular quarter will remain open until the funding cap has been reached and the maximum number of CTGs has been awarded for that period. The application portal will open approximately five weeks prior to the first day of the travel period

  • Fall travel period: First day of conference travel is between August 17 and November 30
  • Winter travel period:  First day of conference travel is between December 1 and February 28 (application portal will open on October 25)
  • Spring travel period:  First day of conference travel is between March 1 and May 31 (application portal will open on January 24)
  • Summer travel period: First day of conference travel is between June 1 and August 19 (application portal will open on April 25)

Applications must be submitted at least one week prior to the conference start date, but students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as funds are limited and there is no guarantee that funding will be available for the entire quarter. Under no circumstances will approval be given retroactively if an application is submitted after the conference has begun.


  • Students must be active (not discontinued, graduated, or on leave) in PhD or MFA programs administered by The Graduate School (TGS) and within their degree time limitation at the time of the conference travel . Should students graduate or otherwise depart the University prior to travel and/or expenditure of funds, funds will not be available.
  • CTG awards may only be used for voluntary attendance at academic/professional conferences in furtherance of a student’s own academic/career interests. CTG awards may not be requested or used to attend conferences that are required as part of a graduate student’s employment, or to attend courses, trainings, or extended programs.
  • Students are eligible for a maximum of two grants , each up to $600/$800 (depending on discipline—see Award information below), over the entire course of their graduate career in The Graduate School and subject to availability of funds.
  • A student is eligible to receive only one travel grant award during a fiscal year and cannot have already received a CTG in the current fiscal year.
  • Students traveling outside of the United States must adhere to all graduate student travel policies .  Failure to do so could result in revocation of the Conference Travel Grant.
  • International Students: F-1 or J-1 students must obtain work authorization before accepting any payment, honorarium, or compensation (such as travel or lodging reimbursements) from external sources outside of Northwestern for conference attendance. Compensation from Northwestern does not require work authorization and is considered on-campus employment. Contact the Office of International Student and Scholar Services with questions at [email protected] .
  • all PhD programs in the McCormick School of Engineering and Feinberg School of Medicine
  • the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences PhD programs of Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Physics, and Plant Biology and Conservation
  • the IBiS, Applied Physics, and NUIN interdisciplinary PhD programs
  • all PhD programs in the Bienen School of Music, Kellogg School of Management, and School of Education and Social Policy
  • all PhD and MFA programs in the School of Communication
  • all Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences PhD and MFA programs not listed above
  • the Computer Science & Learning Science and Technology & Social Behavior interdisciplinary PhD programs

Expense reports must be submitted within 60 days of the last date of travel or by August 15, whichever comes first, and must include prepaid expenses such as Egencia.  Failure to submit expenses within 60 days of the end of travel (or by August 15, whichever comes first) will result in cancellation of the award, barring exceptional circumstances. 

  • Conference registration fees
  • Airfare/airline fees at the most reasonable and economical rate. Travel for Northwestern purposes should be booked through a preferred provider.
  • Ground transportation: Taxi fares or ride shares (e.g. Uber, Lyft), including tips, are reimbursable where public transportation is not practical. Rail transportation is reimbursed if it does not exceed the cost of the least expensive airfare. Private automobile transportation is reimbursed per mile at a rate set by the University for trips up to 300 miles.
  • Meals: Travelers should use reasonably priced restaurants and dining options. Alcohol is never an allowable expense. A p er diem may be used for meals instead of  tracking itemized receipts.
  • Commercial rental vehicles: Commercial rental vehicles (economy, compact or subcompact) should be used only when it is impossible to use other forms of ground transportation, and when car rental does not exceed the cost of the least expensive airfare.
  • Lodging: Travelers must book standard accommodations in reasonably priced, commercial class hotels, motels, and Airbnbs. Conference site hotels will be reimbursed at the actual cost. To verify the conference site hotel rate, attach the conference literature to the expense report when requesting reimbursement.
  • Tolls and parking fees: Tolls and reasonable parking charges will be reimbursed.
  • First class, business class, or economy plus airfare
  • Airline, hotel room, or car upgrades
  • In-flight Wi-Fi
  • Books, magazines, newspapers
  • Childcare, babysitting, house sitting, pet-sitting (see the  Dependent Care Professional Development Grant  for information on funds for dependent care during conference travel)
  • Clothing, gifts, luggage, haircuts, laundry, dry cleaning
  • Passports, vaccinations, visas
  • Personal entertainment (in-flight movies, headsets, social activities)
  • Meals and hotel stay during local (Chicagoland) conferences within a 25 mile radius of Evanston
  • Non-refundable fees that result from trip cancellation
  • Fees/costs related to attending or traveling to courses, extended programs, trainings , or other meetings/ events that do not fall into the category of professional or academic conference s .
  • Other expenses not directly related to traveling to/from and participating in the specific conference for which the CTG was approved

Application instructions

Students must submit a Conference Travel Grant application as outlined in the Deadline information above.

Review process

The Graduate School will review Conference Travel Grant applications within 5 to 10 business days.  Students will receive a notice via email once a decision is reached.  If a Conference Travel Grant is awarded, the student's program will be copied on the email notification.

For more information, please email:   [email protected] .

Graduate Student Conference Reimbursement Fund

The AS&E Graduate Student Conference Reimbursement Fund supports students who wish to attend or present at a conference or professional meeting. 

Each year, graduate students travel to professional conferences, both within the United States and abroad, to further their research and engage with colleagues in their respective fields. The Graduate Student Conference Reimbursement Fund is a highly competitive, merit-based award that provides funds (up to $300 or $600) to defray the costs associated with presenting research or to attend conferences and meetings where new research in their field is presented.

Funding is limited, and applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. Each graduate student is eligible for reimbursement of the following for one conference per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30): 

  • up to $600 if presenting their work at a conference or professional meeting; or
  • up to $300 to attend a conference or professional meeting without presenting.

Applications must be received by June 1st and receipts by June 15th, at the latest, for any given fiscal year, and can be used for past conferences within the same fiscal year. Students may receive additional funding from their department or other sources. These funds are separate from the reimbursement provided by the Dean’s Office and/or Graduate Student Council and may require separate authorization.

To read the guidelines for eligibility and to apply for funding, please go to Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Student Conference Reimbursement Application  or the School of Engineering Graduate Student Reimbursement Application .

The Graduate Student Conference Reimbursement Fund is sponsored by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering, and the Graduate Student Council.

gsas travel grant

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GSA Logo

  • Explore sell to government
  • Ways you can sell to government
  • How to access contract opportunities
  • Conduct market research
  • Register your business
  • Certify as a small business
  • Become a schedule holder
  • Market your business
  • Research active solicitations
  • Respond to a solicitation
  • What to expect during the award process
  • Comply with contractual requirements
  • Handle contract modifications
  • Monitor past performance evaluations
  • Explore real estate
  • 3D-4D building information modeling
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  • Computer-aided design standards
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  • Heritage tourism
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  • Videos, pictures, posters and more
  • NEPA implementation
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  • Regional buildings
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  • Visiting public buildings
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  • Reimbursable services (RWA)
  • Rental policy and procedures
  • Site selection and relocation
  • For businesses seeking opportunities
  • For federal customers
  • For workers in federal buildings
  • Explore policy and regulations
  • Acquisition management policy
  • Aviation management policy
  • Information technology policy
  • Real property management policy
  • Relocation management policy
  • Travel management policy
  • Vehicle management policy
  • Federal acquisition regulations
  • Federal management regulations
  • Federal travel regulations
  • GSA acquisition manual
  • Managing the federal rulemaking process
  • Explore small business
  • Explore business models
  • Research the federal market
  • Forecast of contracting opportunities
  • Events and contacts
  • Explore travel
  • Per diem rates
  • Transportation (airfare rates, POV rates, etc.)
  • State tax exemption
  • Travel charge card
  • Conferences and meetings
  • E-gov travel service (ETS)
  • Travel category schedule
  • Federal travel regulation
  • Travel policy
  • Explore technology
  • Cloud computing services
  • Cybersecurity products and services
  • Data center services
  • Hardware products and services
  • Professional IT services
  • Software products and services
  • Telecommunications and network services
  • Work with small businesses
  • Governmentwide acquisition contracts
  • MAS information technology
  • Software purchase agreements
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital strategy
  • Emerging citizen technology
  • Federal identity, credentials, and access management
  • Mobile government
  • Technology modernization fund
  • Explore about us
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  • Region 1 | New England
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  • Region 7 | Greater Southwest
  • Region 8 | Rocky Mountain
  • Region 9 | Pacific Rim
  • Region 10 | Northwest/Arctic
  • Region 11 | National Capital Region
  • Per Diem Lookup

FY 2024 Per Diem Rates for Texas

Daily lodging rates (excluding taxes) | october 2023 - september 2024.

Cities not appearing below may be located within a county for which rates are listed. To determine the county a destination is located in, visit the Census Geocoder .

Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates and breakdown

The M&IE total is the full daily amount for a single calendar day when that day is neither the first nor last day of travel. The amount received on the first and last day of travel equals 75% of the M&IE total. See M&IE breakdowns for information related to the individual meal amounts.

  • I'm interested in:

Primary Destination

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government-related facility (whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and/or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.

Meals & Incidentals

The separate amounts for breakfast, lunch and dinner listed in the chart are provided should you need to deduct any of those meals from your trip voucher. For example, if your trip includes meals that are already paid for by the government (such as through a registration fee for a conference), you will need to deduct those meals from your voucher. Refer to Section 301-11.18 of the Federal Travel Regulation for specific guidance on deducting these amounts from your per diem reimbursement claims for meals furnished to you by the government. Other organizations may have different rules that apply for their employees; please check with your organization for more assistance.

First & Last Day of Travel

This column lists the amount federal employees receive for the first and last calendar day of travel. The first and last calendar day of travel is calculated at 75 percent.

Additional per diem topics

  • Meals & Incidental Expenses breakdown (M&IE)
  • State tax exemption forms
  • Factors influencing lodging rates
  • Per diem highlights
  • Fire safe hotels
  • Have a per diem question?
  • Downloadable per diem files

Need more information?

  • Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories and possessions (set by DoD)
  • Rates in foreign countries (set by State Dept.)

Related topics

  • Travel resources
  • E-Gov Travel
  • POV mileage reimbursement rates


1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2022 and 09/30/2025.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.

GSA Online Store

Travel Grants

Section grants.

Financial assistance is offered to undergraduate and graduate students who are members of GSA for travel to both the GSA Geographic Section  meetings and the national  GSA Annual Meeting . Follow the links below for instructions on how to apply.




Rocky Mountain



International Geological Congress Travel Grants

IGC logo

The Geological Society of America, the Geological Society of America Foundation, and the U.S. National Committee for Geological Sciences are now accepting applications for travel grants to the 36th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Delhi, India. Graduate students and Early Career Scientists (those within 7 years of receiving their Ph.D.) must be a resident or citizen of the United States and be enrolled in, or employed at, a U.S. institution. Each award is anticipated to be a maximum of $3,500. Additional support is provided by the Society of Economic Geologists, theSociety for Sedimentary Geology, and the Paleontological Society.

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GSA Foundation Logo

GSA Student Travel Fund

GSA's meeting attendees can contribute to this fund via their Annual Meeting registration form. The number and amount of awards are be based solely on contributions received.

100% of the contributions received will go to help fund student travel to the GSA Annual Meeting . If there is an excess of funds left over, the remaining money will go back into the Student Travel Fund for next year's annual meeting.

On To the Future (OTF) Travel Awards

GSA offers partial travel awards to students from underrepresented groups to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting. Check the On To the Future web page for guidelines and application deadlines.

Division Travel Grants

Check the "Students & ECPs" page on your Section's meeting website to see if a Division grant is being offered for the upcoming meeting.

Northeastern Urban Award for Non-Traditional Students

Northeastern Section Meeting

Students who work full-time, care for dependents, or are otherwise considered non-traditional may apply for this award to assist with expenses including dependent care, meeting registration, abstract fees, GSA membership for two years, and lost wages to attend the Section meeting.

Get more information

International Travel Grants to GSA Meetings

Please visit the GSA International Web page for more information on travel grants to the GSA Annual Meeting.

The Society does not have programs that provide financial assistance for travel to the USA for education.


Crash of an Antonov AN-24B in Kursk

gsas travel grant

  Kursk, Russia Postal Code Lookup

gsas travel grant

About Kursk, Russia Postal Code Lookup

  • Stavropol'skiy Kray
  • Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya
  • Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Murmansk Oblast
  • Moskva fylke
  • Sankt-Peterburg
  • Krasnodarskiy Kray
  • Karachayevo-Cherkesiya
  • Kaliningrad
  • Kabardino-Balkariya
  • Ingushetiya
  • Nizjnij Novgorod
  • Bashkortostan
  • Arkhangelsk
  • Yamalo-Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Taymyrskiy (Dolgano-Nenetskiy) Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Novosibirsk
  • Krasnoyarskiy Kray
  • Khanty-Mansiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Evenkiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Tsjeljabinsk
  • Altayskiy Kray
  • Ust'-Ordynskiy Buryatskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Primorskiy Kray
  • Khabarovsk Krai
  • Jewish Autonomous Oblast
  • Aginskiy Buryatskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Koryakskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • Permskiy Kray


  1. Student Travel Grant

    Student Travel Grant. Intended to support GSAS graduate students who are presenting in remote or in-person conferences. Students may only receive the grant once. This award does not support conference attendance only. The maximum amount of grant per applicant is $500. Incurred travel expenses have to follow University Travel Expense Policy.

  2. Dean's Conference Fund

    Dean's Conference Fund (formerly known as the Dean's Travel Grant) will be allowing conference funding for international & domestic travel fees. The Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) provides funds to graduate students in the humanities, social sciences and sciences for professional meetings and conferences to present ...

  3. Funding Opportunities

    REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURE. Funding is on a reimbursement basis, i.e., you must submit receipts for expenses up to the amount awarded by ASGC. This must be done by preparing a reimbursement packet of the following: The ASGC Travel Grant award letter (email). A completed Non-Profiled Payee Travel and Business Expense Worksheet (opens in a new tab):

  4. Travel Grant

    The Annual GSA travel grant cap per person for 2024-2025 is $1,600.00. These caps are re-evaluated monthly based on available funding for the rest of the year. Effective January 1, 2024, the UC approved mileage reimbursement rate for personal vehicle travel is $0.67 cents/mile, only if it's less expensive than flying. ...

  5. Travel Grant Application Form

    Full Name of Reference (who supports your application for the ASGC travel grant and who can certify that the work is a significant contribution to the field and is related to your research objectives). E-mail Address of Reference. By signing my full name below, I affirm that all the information herein is true and correct.

  6. Student Travel Resources

    The Graduate School encourages student travel for research and professional development. In some disciplines, research travel is essential to complete the requirements of the degree and you may need to undertake a period of full-time study, research, or fieldwork outside of the New Haven area. Beyond that, travel for conference participation, shorter research trips, and study elsewhere can be ...

  7. Travel Grants

    GSA Student Travel Fund. GSA's meeting attendees can contribute to this fund via their Annual Meeting registration form. The number and amount of awards are be based solely on contributions received. 100% of the contributions received will go to help fund student travel to the GSA Annual Meeting. If there is an excess of funds left over, the ...

  8. GSAS Conference Matching Travel Fund

    In order for a student to receive an award from the Conference Matching Travel Fund, the department or program must first approve a student's application and provide funds to defray expenses. GSAS will then match the funds provided by the department, up to a maximum of $400. There is a limit of one travel award per academic year, and a maximum ...

  9. Graduate Student Travel Award

    Application for a GSAS travel grant and matching funds from the research advisor, equal to the Department award, are required. The maximum amount of each Departmental Travel Award is $400 or the matching amount from the advisor, whichever is smaller. For example, a student can receive the maximum of $500 from the GSAS grant and the maximum $400 ...

  10. GSAS International Travel Awards

    Students may apply for a one-semester or an academic year award. Awards may not be deferred and must be used within the 2024-25 academic year. GSAS International Travel Awards are internal fellowships and cannot be banked for a future semester or academic year. The terms of the GSAS Travel Fellowship prohibit grantees from holding teaching ...

  11. GSA Academic Travel Grants

    The GSA Academic Travel Grant (GSA ATG) is funded by the Graduate Student Support Fund, a GSA-negotiated benefit to all GSA members. P.POL.1.1.b. The GSA ATG is intended to help offset the cost of participation in academic activities such as conferences and research trips that are directly related to an applicant's current academic program ...

  12. Conference Travel Grant

    The GSA Conference Travel Grant is intended to help offset the costs of travel or registration fees at professional conferences at which a graduate student is presenting original research. Eligible students will receive up to $500 in reimbursement for registration or travel costs related to conference travel during the 2023-2024 academic year.

  13. Travel Funding Opportunities : Graduate School

    Research Travel Grant - Application Form (Online) Please note: A link to the online Research Travel Grant application will be made available six weeks prior to each of the three funding round deadlines of October 1, February 1, and April 1. The Graduate School awards grants of up to $2,500 for Ph.D. degree students and $1,000 for master's degree students for travel that is directly related ...

  14. Summer Funding Opportunities

    The Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) Field Research Travel Grant awards up to $2,000 to Columbia University graduate students who will undertake independent and/or pre-dissertation research during the summer. Research periods typically range from six to twelve weeks. GSAS International Travel Fellowships. Deadline: February

  15. Conference Travel Fellowship

    GSA Conference Travel Fellowship. PhD students may apply for up to $800 to support travel to recognized professional conferences and academic meetings as a program participant presenting on a non-international topic. The grant supplements funds that the student can receive from their home department or from the conference if it provides travel ...

  16. Conference Travel Grant: The Graduate School

    The Graduate School will review Conference Travel Grant applications within 5 to 10 business days. Students will receive a notice via email once a decision is reached. If a Conference Travel Grant is awarded, the student's program will be copied on the email notification. Contact. For more information, please email: [email protected].

  17. Travel Support for Graduate Students

    The GSAS travel grant program provides up to $500. Detailed information about the Dean's grant program and the application be found by visiting the Dean's Student Travel Grant Program page. The GSAS travel grant is independent of the Department award. The graduate student is responsible for applying for the GSAS grant according to the GSAS ...

  18. Graduate Student Conference Reimbursement Fund

    The Graduate Student Conference Reimbursement Fund is a highly competitive, merit-based award that provides funds (up to $300 or $600) to defray the costs associated with presenting research or to attend conferences and meetings where new research in their field is presented. Funding is limited, and applications are reviewed on a first-come ...

  19. Geology student, Joy Youngblood, to present groundbreaking lithium

    Youngblood recently secured a highly competitive travel grant from the Mineralogy-Geochemistry-Petrology-Volcanology (MGPV) Division of the GSA. This grant, awarded to only 20% of the 46 applicants nationwide, will sponsor her participation in the conference, where she will present her findings.

  20. FY 2024 Per Diem Rates for Texas

    Schedules and GSA Advantage Governmentwide contracts for products and services at volume discount pricing. ... Per diem rates look-up Allowances for lodging, meal and incidental costs while on official government travel. Mileage reimbursement rates Reimbursement rates for the use of your own vehicle while on official government travel. Technology

  21. Travel Grants

    GSA Student Travel Fund. GSA's meeting attendees can contribute to this fund via their Annual Meeting registration form. The number and amount of awards are be based solely on contributions received. 100% of the contributions received will go to help fund student travel to the GSA Annual Meeting. If there is an excess of funds left over, the ...

  22. Zion National Park shuttles are now electric

    These battery powered buses, which Zion acquired through GSA's Fleet program, and demonstrate the National Park Service's continued leadership in environmental sustainability and advances the Biden-Harris administration's goal to transition the Federal vehicle fleet to electric vehicles as part of its strategy to address the climate crisis.

  23. Kursk, Kurskaya oblast', RU

    Want to know what the weather is now? Check out our current live radar and weather forecasts for Kursk, Kurskaya oblast', RU to help plan your day

  24. Crash of an Antonov AN-24B in Kursk

    The crew was performing a positioning flight from Kuybyshev to Moscow with an intermediate stop in Kursk. He started the approach by night and snow falls.

  25. Kursk Oblast Weather. 14-day forecast

    Kursk Oblast Weather. Updated Kursk Oblast weather maps. Weather forecasts for all towns and cities in Kursk Oblast

  26. Kursk, Russia Postal Code Lookup

    This is an online tool (Mashup) to search postal code of a place, address or city in Kursk, Russia. Select the name of the Place/Address/City (in Kursk, Russia) from the suggested list. This will display the postal code of the selected location from Kursk, Russia on Google map. Note that the postal code may be searched with nearby approximation.