
The Best Gap Year Programs in 2024-2025

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When it comes to choosing a gap year program, the options are infinite: you can choose a pre-made gap year program, combine short-term programs, or make your own custom experience at home or abroad (or both!). But if you’re looking for the best gap year programs, what should you consider?

standing on top a mountain in Italy

Finding the best gap year is all about knowing what YOU want.

What makes the best gap year programs?

The best gap year program is the one that’s best for you. In other words, what might be the best, perfect fit for someone else might not have anything to do with your interests. Just like you shouldn’t choose a college by ranking alone, you shouldn’t choose a gap year program by prestige or reviews alone.

When it comes to choosing the best gap year program for you, you need to think about your goals. Are you looking for work experience that will set you apart in your career? Are you trying to support yourself by teaching a language or skill abroad? Would you like to get immersed in a language or launch a new educational path? Depending on where you want to end up, the top gap year programs for you will be completely different.

That said, there are some good benchmarks to follow when evaluating a gap year program. If you’re looking for top gap year programs that are sure not to disappoint, here are some factors to keep in mind whether you’re looking for the best gap year programs after high school, during college, or after your college career.

1. Reviews and alumni experience

When you’re looking for the best gap year programs, check out the reviews online, but also ask the organization for the contact info of alums that you can talk to. Hearing from people who’ve been there can help you to best evaluate the experience, hear all the good and bad parts, and understand if it’s a good fit for you.

girl lying in hammock

Past students are a GREAT resource for the inside scoop on a gap year program.

2. Clarity and availability of information

The best gap year organizations make information about their programs available clearly without having to jump through hoops. You should be able to find prices and what they include, detailed curriculum information, housing and meal information, travel logistics, and any other information you need either online or by talking to a program representative.

[ WATCH: Gap year options we can’t get enough of ]

3. organizational partnerships .

While some fantastic programs have no partner organizations or run their own facilities, most of the best gap year programs are partnered with or work with other respected organizations. Ask about university or organizational partners, and research organizations where you might intern or volunteer on the program. If you believe in the mission of those organizations, you’re more likely to find that the program is a good fit for your goals.

4. Resources for alumni 

Your gap year should be a valuable experience on its own, but it should also contribute to your future in a positive way. The best gap year programs have resources for alumni support, whether helping you place you in a teaching job, write you a recommendation letter for medical school, network you with other alumni in your field, or whatever else might help to support you on your journey. So ask!

5. Respect for local culture, environment, and individuals

The best gap year programs are always evolving, learning, and growing. Look for experiences you can be proud of that treat the country you are visiting as a respected equal instead of just a playground. Is there local ownership of service organizations? Are local staff respected and treated well? Is there are orientation to the local culture and language? If you are volunteering, are you supporting ongoing projects in an educated way that is under local guidance? Volunteering abroad has grown and improved a lot over the last decade—make sure you’re choosing an organization that’s keeping up!

interns in front of bulletin board

Do you want to get real-world work experience with an internship?

6. Level of support and assistance 

Top gap year programs support you through the whole process. Can you talk to someone who’s been there before? Can you speak with faculty? Can they help you with your questions about everything from securing a visa to how to get vegan meals during your program? Is there 24/7 support staff available during the program, and if so, how available are they: will they just answer the phone, or can they come to you and help you? You may find the best program for you is more independent, but if you’re looking for support and assistance every step of the way, the best gap year programs for you have it available in a personal, friendly, consistent way.

[ The 5 Best Gap Year Destinations RN ]

7. respect within your field.

If you are looking at gap year programs in medicine, law, veterinary medicine, business, or another profession, research how they are known within the field. Top gap year programs will be run by respected professionals in the field and will follow professional standards of practice and ethics throughout the program.

Gap years are always improving—what’s new?

As more and more students consider a gap year after high school or college (thanks, Malia Obama, for making gap years even cooler!), program offerings expand. So what’s new

  • New and niche. When it comes to finding the best gap year programs after high school and beyond, remember that oldest doesn’t necessarily mean best. Experience does add value, but there are some new additions to the gap year game that are helping to make waves and create niche programs that might be the perfect fit for you. Keep in mind that just because an organization has been around for fifty years, that doesn’t mean the staff with you have been there that long. So don’t shy away from new programs, but talk to them about the staff who’ll support you and their experience.
  • Do it yourself. As social media such as instagram becomes ingrained in our culture, more students are putting together their own gap years by following bloggers and influencers who’ve traveled before them. It’s easier than ever to get connected to others in the places you want to visit and find real-time travel information, which is great for the solo traveler who is on their own path. If you want to combine a short-term program with your own adventure or stay in-country after your program to volunteer on your own, you can talk to your program organizer about options, or get online and find out for yourself as you design your break year after high school.
  • Spend your first semester abroad. Anyone applying for college now may have noticed that many schools offer you the option to spend your first semester on the abroad branch of their campus, whether it happens to be in England, Dubai, or anywhere in between. These programs are sometimes called a “bridge year” or a “bridge semester.” But you might not know that this is a fairly new phenomenon! While a semester abroad through your school isn’t technically a gap year, it can be a great chance to explore a new culture while in a setting you find familiar, and it can also be a great gateway to a gap semester or gap year during or after college.

building volunteer in Uganda

Do you want to lend a hand with volunteer projects?

Are these gap year trends the perfect fit for you?

No matter who you are, you can benefit from the fact that it’s becoming easier than ever to communicate across cultures, more valued than ever to have intercultural experience, and more flexible than ever to pursue your education. If you’re looking for the best gap year programs after high school, your options have only increased!

All this means that you shouldn’t feel limited by what you find available at first glance. If there’s a program you’re dreaming of, whether it’s researching sharks off a boat in the Caribbean or teaching dance in an Italian village, it’s either out there for you to find, or you can create it yourself. If you feel stuck, GoAbroad’s Online advisor can help.

By the way, if you're an American citizen, National Background Check, Inc. can help with all the necessary background checks and travel paperwork you may need to safely and effectively travel abroad!

[ Use MyGoAbroad to Find & Compare the Best Gap Year Organizations for You ]

The best gap year programs of 2024-2025.

For the best gap year programs before college, you’ve got to think about your college goals and the level of support you need. There are lots of excellent programs or individual options for those taking on their gap year with a college degree, but when it comes to the best gap year programs after high school, here are a few that get top marks:

impact gap year logo

1. Impact Gap Year: South Africa, France, and Thailand Gap Year Exploration

Embark on a transformative 6-month journey with Impact Gap Year! You'll explore dream destinations like South Africa, France, and Thailand while immersing yourself in wildlife conservation amid South Africa's Big 5, experiencing French culture and language in the Loire Valley, and volunteering as an English teacher on Thailand's scenic Hua Hin island. This comprehensive adventure promises cultural insights, skill development, and lifelong memories, fostering a commitment to social and environmental causes.

  • Where? South Africa, France, and Thailand
  • Focus: Education, wildlife conservation, and community service
  • Related: Read Impact Gap Year reviews

one-on-one work with student in Myanmar

Do you want to teach as much as you want to learn?

Centro MundoLengua logo

2. Centro MundoLengua: Gap Year in Sevilla, Spain

Centro MundoLengua’s gap year program is ideal if you have just finished high school. In this immersive program, you will perfect your Spanish language skills, discover stunning monuments with outdoor history lessons, explore the vibrant Spanish culture, make an impact in local communities with volunteering opportunities, and of course, travel a lot, in Spain and beyond! The program is ideal for students who want to take their learning out of the classroom, develop leadership skills, and have a real impact on their future.

  • Where? Sevilla, Spain
  • Focus: Language immersion, cultural exploration, volunteer
  • Related: Read Centro MundoLengua reviews  

raleigh international logo

3. Raleigh International

Raleigh International believes young people can change the world...so they create youth-driven change that lasts! Through their Raleigh Expedition, you can expect to be empowered with the skills, experience, and connections needed to be a leader of change. Create lasting change in Costa Rica and Nepal through 4, 5, 7 and 10-week programs that tackle issues in poverty, education, and the environment. This is one of the first UK programs to be accredited by the Gap Year Association.

  • Where? Costa Rica & Nepal
  • Focus: Conservation, youth development, water, sanitation & hygiene, trekking
  • Related: Read Raleigh International reviews

seamester study abroad at sea logo

4. Sea|mester Study Abroad at Sea

When it comes to a gap year, you might feel like you have to choose just one destination from a plethora of options, when you just want to choose them all! 

But what if we told you didn’t have to pick just one? With Sea|mester Study Abroad at Sea's 90 Day Voyage , you can travel across the ocean visiting numerous destinations along the way for three months, while living abroad a ship with other young people.

  • Where? Worldwide
  • Focus: Study abroad ocean voyages 
  • Related: Read Sea|mester's reviews  

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5. International TEFL Academy

For students who may not have the funds for a gap year, earning a TEFL certificate and teaching English abroad can be a great option for career advancement and cultural immersion while making money instead of spending it. International TEFL Academy’s opportunities in Costa Rica, in particular, are one great option, and you can go on to use your TEFL certificate and experience to teach abroad and earn money while you travel for years to come!

  • Where? Costa Rica & Worldwide
  • Focus: TEFL certificate and teaching abroad
  • Related: Read International TEFL Academy reviews  

pacific discovery logo

6. Pacific Discovery

If you want to spend half of your gap year working and saving money, and the other half rightly blowing that money on incredible adventures (you know, like watching the sunset over the outback, skiing down the Remarkables, or actually finding nemo in the Great Barrier Reef), then we recommend you check out Pacific Discovery’s short-term semester gap programs down unda, mate!

  • Where? New Zealand, Australia
  • Focus: Adventure, travel, volunteer
  • Related: Read Pacific Discovery reviews 

the intern group logo

7. The Intern Group

The Intern Group offers gap year programs across the globe for candidates looking to test drive their future career and gain hands-on experience that will make them stand out from their peers. This gap year program offer roles across the globe in leading NGOs and SMEs, and the Intern Group promises to help every step of the way on your international journey—from pairing you with a company that matches your profile, to organizing your visa and finding your accommodation. Whether you're considering going to university or creating your own company, their all-inclusive program will help you achieve your goals.

  • Where? Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, England
  • Focus: Intern abroad, volunteer
  • Related: Read The Intern Group reviews

VACorps logo

VACorps offers one of the most valuable internship programs abroad in Cape Town, South Africa. Many students want a focus on adventure during a gap year; however, with VACorps you can enjoy adventure AND a boosted resume. And don't worry about there not being an internship placement for your particular degree or interest; VACorps offers internships in many fields, including human rights , journalism, law, marketing, and much more. You'll get the chance to live with other like-minded gap year participants, and gain a new sense of independence and capability. Get ready for the experience of a lifetime and a unique way to travel meaningfully!

  • Where? Cape Town
  • Focus: Intern abroad
  • Related: Read VACorps reviews  

Mt. Cook, New Zealand, standing in the sunlight

The best gap year programs are always adventures.

Princeton in Asia Fellowships

Princeton in Asia’s fellowships are a great example of the growing commitment of US colleges and universities to support incoming college students in having new experiences abroad. You’ll find fellowships in media, community development, teaching, business and more, all throughout Asia, from Cambodia to Mongolia!

NOLS Semester in the Rockies

NOLS is a pioneer of adventure leadership education in the US, and their Semester in the Rockies is a great opportunity for students looking to pursue adventure and build experience and leadership skills while going their gap year in the United States. From canoeing rivers and navigating canyons to learning first aid, this program will give you some truly one-of-a-kind outdoor experiences.

Loop Abroad’s Veterinary Semester 

One of the best gap year programs before college for students interested in veterinary medicine is the Veterinary Semester Abroad , where students can get college-level, hands-on experience in a variety of veterinary settings and earn college credit. From caring for elephants at sanctuaries across Thailand to SCUBA diving with sea turtles to study marine biology to externships in a veterinary clinic, this program covers a huge variety of veterinary medicine and travel experiences.

Finding top gap year programs means doing your research, so don’t just take our word for it—check out reviews, talk to people you trust, and find the right fit for you!

Remember: Best = Best for you!

This is the most important advice out there: the best gap year program is the one that’s best for you. If you’ve only looked at one or two programs, you haven’t looked enough! Don’t stop after doing a quick Google search or talking to your study abroad office. This is your gap year, so take advantage of the opportunity and make it work for you! You can start your search and begin looking for the program that makes you go, “Oh my gosh, that looks perfect for me!” It’s just a plane ticket away.

Explore ALL Gap Year Programs on GoAbroad.com

Person exploring suitcase

Explore Gap Year Programs on GoAbroad.com

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Best Gap Year programs 2024 & 2025 with International Volunteer HQ

Best Gap Year Programs 2024 & 2025

Affordable & flexible gap year programs trusted by 136,000+ volunteers.

International Volunteer HQ and Intern Abroad HQ offer the world’s most trusted and affordable gap year programs in more than 40 countries across Europe , the USA , Africa , Asia , South America , Central America , the Caribbean , the Pacific and the Middle East .

Volunteering or interning abroad is a popular way to spend your gap year (or part of it!) because it provides the opportunity to explore the world in an ethical way, gain international experience and give back to communities in need. Our affordable gap year programs abroad start at just $20 per day with everything organized for you, including accommodation, meals, airport pickup and more.

While gap years are typically taken after high school, after college or after graduating, many people are also choosing to take gap years later in life as a career break or during retirement. Our internships and volunteer programs are available year-round and range from medical and teaching English to wildlife conservation and NGO support .

Whether you want to volunteer abroad , intern abroad or intern remotely , we have a diverse range of gap year opportunities that can be mixed and matched to create the ultimate gap year experience.

Explore gap year programs

What are the best gap year organizations, best gap year programs after high school & college, best europe gap year programs, best africa gap year programs, best pacific & asia gap year programs, best latin america gap year programs.

  • Gap year alternatives to going abroad

Does taking a gap year make you more employable?

How to prepare for your gap year, webinar: making the most of your gap year with ivhq & intern abroad hq.

IVHQ and Intern Abroad HQ offer the best gap year opportunities by providing the most affordable and regenerative way to immerse yourself in new cultures and give back through gap year travel:

  • The most affordable gap year programs, starting at $20 per day
  • Trusted by more than 136,000 program participants since 2007
  • More programs open than any other provider: 40+ countries, 150+ career-focused internships and 300+ volunteer projects to choose from
  • Flexible booking policy makes changing plans easy
  • Mix and match volunteering , interning and remote internships
  • Opportunity to gain academic credit and an international reference to boost your resume
  • Expert guidance, ongoing support and guaranteed placement in your chosen field
  • Transparent, responsible and held to the highest ethical standards as a certified B Corporation
  • Discounted online TEFL and virtual volunteering course to help you prepare
  • Get personalized gap year recommendations from our Gap Year Planners

Looking for a gap year plan to suit your schedule and budget? Get in touch with our team of highly experienced Gap Year Planners, so that we can provide you with personalized program recommendations based on your travel goals, life ambitions and the causes you care about.

Read Lara and Lisa’s story

For me, a gap year was the best option to give me a break from studying, let me explore and give me a bit more time to think about exactly what it was that I wanted to study. There is no doubt it’s a big decision to make, but it just could be the best decision you ever make.

Read Lara and Lisa’s story

If you’re taking a gap year after high school or college, you’ll want to explore vibrant new cultures, make an impact in local communities, discover stunning landscapes and gain worthwhile career experience to add to your resume. Gap semester programs are the perfect way to achieve this.

Gap year students who want to give back and make a difference on an overseas adventure often choose to volunteer abroad , while those looking to gain international work experience and explore their career path in preparation for college or the workforce opt to intern abroad or remotely . Gap year seekers wanting to achieve all of the above often do a combination of all three!

For those interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, we have a wide range of medical gap year volunteer programs and medical internships available. We also offer gap year volunteer programs and internships for teens, high school students and under 18s .

Browse by project type or your area of study below and get inspired!

Explore volunteer project highlights

Title goes here

Discover internship program highlights

Animal Science Internships with Intern abroad HQ

Taking a gap year in Europe is a meaningful way to explore some of the greatest art, culture and cuisines of the world, while living like a local and making a genuine impact. Gap year programs in Europe range from volunteering with refugees and the homeless to internships in sustainable tourism, cultural arts and more.

Gap year volunteering in Europe

Volunteer in Croatia

Gap year internships in Europe

Internships in the Czech Republic with Intern Abroad HQ

Taking a gap year in Africa is guaranteed to change your worldview, push you out of your comfort zone and give you a life changing experience. Gap year programs in Africa range from building schools and conserving native wildlife to women’s education and medical internships.

Gap year volunteering in Africa

Volunteer in Ghana

Gap year internships in Africa

Internship in South Africa

Taking a gap year to travel and volunteer can create a better, well-rounded you, who will only be more ready to take on a career. This trip reassured me that I am doing the right thing in my life right now and that I can better myself from an experience where I immerse myself in a new and interesting way of life.

Read Kelly’s gap year story

Taking a gap year in Australia , New Zealand , Fiji and Asia is an excellent way to immerse yourself in diverse new cultures, learn invaluable life skills and discover the charming locals and delicious cuisines these regions have to offer. Gap year programs in Asia-Pacific range from teaching English and turtle conservation to marketing and fashion internships.

Gap year volunteering in Asia-Pacific

Volunteer in Australia

Gap year internships in Asia-Pacific

Internships in Bali

Taking a gap year in South America , Central America and the Caribbean is a unique opportunity to explore stunning landscapes and travel in a regenerative and meaningful way, while giving back to local communities. Gap year programs in Latin America range from community development and volunteering with animals to youth development and psychology internships.

Gap year volunteering in Latin America

Volunteer in Argentina

Gap year internships in Latin America

Internships in Costa Rica

Gap year alternative to going abroad

Not looking to go abroad? We offer plenty of gap year opportunities that don’t require travel by getting stuck into a remote internship from your laptop! Through interning remotely with an organization abroad, you’ll quickly discover that you can still be immersed in new cultures without going overseas.

Remote gap year internships

Remote gap year internships

Launch your global career from your laptop - wherever you are in the world! Intern Abroad HQ’s remote internships enable you to gain international experience from home or while traveling. Choose your own hours, start when you want and make an impact on real world projects within startups, NGOs and other innovative organizations around the globe.

Research shows that students who take a gap year get better grades with the positive effects lasting over the entire four years of college! And it's not just academic performance that improves: 98% of students said their gap year helped them develop as a person and 96% agreed their self-confidence increased.

Employers favor applicants who have spent some time living or working with people from other countries. Completing an overseas internship, volunteer experience or remote internship is an exciting way to do this as it demonstrates leadership, teamwork and the ability to work well in a cross-cultural setting. These transferable skills are seen as highly valuable. You can even gain college credit when you volunteer or intern abroad on one of our programs - make it a super afforable option for building credit.

With the support of our experienced Gap Year Program Managers and specialized preparation tools, we ensure you are well equipped to get the most out of your gap year experience. We also offer exclusive discounts on online courses which are popular with gap year program participants looking to upskill before traveling abroad. These discounted online courses can also be taken independently - you don’t need to be traveling abroad to get the certifications!

Online TEFL course

Online TEFL course

Taking an online TEFL course enables you to build confidence as a teacher, learn new skills, enhance your employability, prep for future adventures or even start a side hustle from home! IVHQ offers instant access to a specialized online TEFL course at a discounted rate.

Virtual volunteering course

Virtual volunteering course

The Certificate in International Volunteering is a three hour virtual volunteering course from the Global Travel Academy. Join travel gurus as they journey through twelve counties to learn about volunteering best practice and how to handle real-life challenges on the road.

Watch IVHQ and Intern Abroad HQ Gap Year Webinar

Need some help planning your gap year adventure? Watch this webinar replay where we give you tips and tricks to make the most of your year of self-discovery through a volunteer abroad program or an internship experience.

A gap year program is a structured break taken after high school or before college/university, offering opportunities for experiential learning, personal growth, and exploration. Gap year participants engage in a diverse range of activities such as travel, volunteering and internships to gain valuable life experiences, develop skills, and broaden their perspective before pursuing further education or work.

A gap year provides beneficial opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, global perspective, cultural understanding, experiential learning, service to others, career exploration, improved well-being, academic readiness, resume building, increased self-confidence, and international networking.

Types of gap year programs include volunteer programs , internships/work experiences , language immersion, adventure/outdoor programs, academic/study abroad, and other experiential learning opportunities.

Gap year programs involve selecting a program, completing an application process, and preparing for the experience. The gap year program can vary in duration and structure, offering activities like volunteering, internships, language study, or cultural immersion. Participants receive support and guidance throughout the program and may engage in reflection and evaluation. Upon completion, they return home or continue their journey.

International Volunteer HQ and Intern Abroad HQ provide participants with dedicated pre-departure support, as well as 24/7 in-country support through a team of local coordinators.

Gap year programs typically have a duration ranging from a few months to a full academic year. In terms of start dates, gap year programs usually align with the academic calendar. Many programs begin in the late summer or early fall, around August or September, following high school graduation. This allows participants to take a gap year before starting college or other educational pursuits.

International Volunteer HQ and Intern Abroad HQ offer gap year programs with year-round start dates and flexible durations to accommodate participants’ preferences and schedules. Both organizations also offer a flexible booking policy which makes it easy to make free changes to your program if your plans change.

Gap year programs can offer a wide range of destinations and locations. The availability of specific destinations and locations will vary depending on the program provider. For example, International Volunteer HQ offers gap year programs in 42 countries and Intern Abroad HQ offers programs in 22 countries. Some popular destinations for gap year programs include:

  • Southeast Asia : Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia
  • Central America and South America : Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru, and Brazil
  • Africa : South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, and Morocco
  • Europe : UK, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Greece
  • Oceania : Australia and New Zealand
  • North America : United States and Mexico

The costs associated with gap year programs can vary depending on factors such as program duration, destination, inclusions, and level of support. Typical cost considerations include program fees, travel expenses, visa costs (if relevant), personal expenses, insurance, and optional activities.

International Volunteer HQ and Intern Abroad HQ strive to offer the best value gap year programs with low fees and everything organized for you. You can review the affordable volunteer program fees and internship program fees to see the costs and what’s included.

Scholarships and financial aid options are available for gap year participants. Program-specific scholarships, external scholarships, and financial aid from colleges/universities can help cover expenses. Crowdfunding, personal fundraising, and saving money are additional options. Research and plan ahead, considering eligibility requirements and application deadlines for scholarships or financial aid. Seek guidance from a high school or college advisor for assistance.

You can review this list of intern abroad scholarships to see some of the opportunities available for gap year students.

To choose the right gap year program:

  • Reflect on your interests and goals
  • Research programs that align with your interests
  • Consider program structure, duration, safety, and review from previous participants
  • Evaluate the cost and explore financial aid options
  • Assess the level of support and mentorship provided
  • Communicate with program representatives and attend online information sessions
  • Seek advice from mentors or advisors
  • Make an informed decision based on your evaluations and preferences

Eligibility requirements for gap year programs can vary. In general, participants should meet age requirements, typically 18 or older. However, International Volunteer HQ offers some volunteer programs for 16-year-olds. Educational background may be considered for gap year programs like internships, but formal education beyond high school is not always required. Review program details for specific eligibility criteria and contact program providers for clarification.

Both International Volunteer HQ and Intern Abroad HQ prioritizes safety of participants by offering pre-departure support, in-country assistance, safety guidance, accommodation/project assessments, 24/7 emergency support, and risk management procedures. They provide comprehensive training and orientations and have local teams to address participants’ needs and ensure their well-being during a gap year.

The option to receive academic credit through a gap year program is available through some gap year organizations like International Volunteer HQ and Intern Abroad HQ. Participants can complete a service learning course through an IVHQ or Intern Abroad HQ program, earn up to 16 credits, and obtain a transcript through IVHQ’s School of Record partnerships. This makes volunteering or interning abroad for your gap year an affordable way to earn course credit while exploring the world. All participants will also receive a certificate of program completion and can request an international reference to accompany a job application.

You can typically apply for a Gap Year program through the website of your chosen gap year organization. To apply for a gap year program, follow these steps:

  • Choose your gap year program
  • Review program details, requirements, and fees
  • Complete the application form
  • Await confirmation of your acceptance
  • Confirm your placement by paying a registration fee or deposit
  • Follow pre-departure instructions
  • Prepare for your gap year experience

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Gapforce Gap Year Programs

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Transformative experiences which blends cultural immersion, meaningful service projects, and thrilling expeditions for those seeking more from their journey

Gapforce Gap Year Programs

Beyond the Ordinary

Thoughtfully designed journeys to inspire personal growth, cultural understanding, and a deep connection to the global community

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Australia Adventure

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Marine Scientist Training - Costa Rica

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Southeast Asia Explorer

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Thailand Marine Conservation

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gap year travel programs 2022

Gap Year Travel: Closer to Normal

In February 2022, Gap Year Solutions surveyed ten international Gap Year Programs. Our objective was to understand the current state of spring 2022 travel and to look ahead to the fall. We were happy to see that as expected, Omicron’s impact was declining rapidly. Most countries are open to Gap Year travel. This post covers the current situation, and a quick view into fall 2022.

Spring 2022 Status

Regardless of what individual countries require, most Gap Year programs require ALL students to be vaccinated. Masking up is still common this spring, especially when the students are in public places and outside their program HQ or shared housing. Many countries require a negative COVID test for entry which adds to the logistical challenges for students and programs. Fortunately everyone has become pretty familiar with navigating testing at this point. Some programs self-enforce quarantine when students arrive.

Some comments from programs:

“We are only running programs where there isn’t an extended quarantine, Covid levels are under control, communities are excited to host us, and the medical system isn’t tapped. We’ve found that we can run programs that are close to normal times now.”
“We brought 22 students to France on Jan 24th. The hardest part was definitely getting them all to make their flights because many of them had Covid and were recovering and couldn’t secure a negative test to fly. Once they got here we felt very confident because we can be a bubble here in France but we are still being very diligent and testing anyone who comes in from outside.”
“Travel has been limited to date, but we have had a small number of students on the ground over the past 6 months. Each country is different with regards to rules, but overall we are requiring all participants be vaccinated (no exceptions) ensuring masks are being used in public spaces and sanitation protocols are in place.”
“Things are mostly back to normal and we had 5 completely full programs that went out. The biggest change is masking and lots of testing.”
“Our programs haven’t been affected so far as there hasn’t been any rule or regulation changes in our destinations and students have all tested negative to arrival.”
“Many countries have lower Covid rates than the USA at this time, and since Omicron, the number of hospitalizations has dropped to the point where there are no issues with healthcare provisions in country. Restrictions are being reduced a little every week now, and those in place don’t affect us too much – wearing mask, reduced capacities in bars and restaurants, etc.”

Country Status

Even during the earlier stages of the COVID pandemic, many programs were running. While some programs created U.S.-based itineraries when more borders were simply closed, others chose to accommodate the tighter restrictions and still give students an international experience. According to one program, “It can be hard to envision traveling right now, but we have been able to do it safely, responsibly and meaningfully over the last 2 years. Last year running programs was 10x the amount of work, but students had amazing experiences.”

The following are countries grouped into status based on level of restrictions from feedback provided by the programs we surveyed. This is a representative list, and not intended to be exhaustive. Check local restrictions, since the situation may have changed by the time you read this. (US State Department: COVID-19 country specific information )

Countries Operating Close to “Normal”

Negative PCR test to enter country, vaccination requirements, no extended quarantine, mask wearing at indoor public places (not student housing or program buildings).

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, Panama, Jamaica, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Ireland, Germany, Kenya, Senegal, Morocco, Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania

Stricter Restrictions But Still Open

May include additional restrictions such as quarantines upon entry, need for triple vaccination, health pass for attractions and N95 mask requirement (these vary by country).

Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Israel, Italy, France, Greece, Austria. Most places in Asia still require mandatory quarantine. Double vax + booster required for all travel within EU.

Most Restrictions

Closed borders, extended quarantine, higher levels of COVID-19 and/or more difficult requirements making student travel problematic.

Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, China, Indonesia, Bhutan

COVID’s Mental Health Impact

As with other parts of student and college life, Gap Year programs are also seeing the mental health effects of COVID. One program told us that:

“We also are seeing students cite COVID as a source of increased anxiety and depression. Before and on course, we are offering counseling services from a provider not on our program staff to students that would like that extra layer of support throughout the program. As many students have gotten used to an isolated lifestyle, we also are incorporating more reflection, break, or solo time. We have seen this addition as beneficial to a smooth transition to a group style program.”

Looking Ahead to Fall 2022

Programs are universally optimistic about fall itineraries, based on the continuing decline of COVID-19 levels and hospitalizations, and fewer border and in-country restrictions. Australia and New Zealand are improving, and Australia is opening now. New Zealand has announced that it will be opening later this year.

Given what they just went through, programs know that things can change at any moment. One program told us that for the fall, “No decisions have been made yet. It is too early and one thing we as a staff have learnt is that anything can change or happen so we need to be ready and plan for multiple scenarios but not too far in advance.”

If you are interested in learning about specific country opportunities and individual programs, contact Gap Year Solutions for more information.

  • Gap Year Solutions
  • March 8, 2022
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  • Covid-19 , Gap Year , gap year travel

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Gap year programs abroad

A gap year abroad is one of the most effective ways to become a global citizen, study abroad and travel the world. Build an impressive set of skills to present to college and university admissions officers or future employers that document your global achievements: language fluency, volunteer service and work internship. Take a look at our gap year programs.

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Why take a gap year abroad?

Why take a gap year abroad? Easy, so you can explore multiple fascinating countries, engage in meaningful cultural exchanges, and forge lasting friendships. Regardless of whether you choose a gap year or semester abroad, you will learn more about yourself and the world, and become a better independent thinker, problem-solver, and cross-cultural communicator.

Gap year programs for everyone

A gap year offers a unique opportunity for a much-needed break abroad, which many take after graduating from either high school, college or university. But what can you do in between these stages of life?

Whether you will decide on learning a new language, discovering new cultures, gaining work experience, or volunteering, with EF's help, you can combine these opportunities with a gap year abroad. Here's an overview of our gap year programs:

  • Language gap year travel : Opt for this option and travel to a new country to learn the language while participating in a variety of leisure activities to fully immerse yourself in the local culture of your host country.
  • Internship abroad : Add value to your CV by choosing to work while you are on a gap year abroad. An internship will give you the ideal opportunity to explore different professions while earning some money at the same time.
  • Volunteering : If you want to use your gap year to support social projects (such as charities, children's homes, or animal welfare), volunteering abroad is the ideal option for you.
  • Sabbatical year : If you have already started your career and you would like to take a break from work, then a sabbatical (which you can use to travel, volunteer or broaden your academic knowledge and skill sets) will meet your needs.
  • Study abroad : If you would like to use the time abroad in order to further your education, then studying abroad for a gap year is particularly suitable. Where you would like to immerse yourself in a new culture or prepare for an academic future, EF offers numerous study abroad options for a gap year.
  • Travel the world : Many people opt to take a year off and decide to travel the world as part of a gap year. This is often combined with the option of work and travel, whereby you will participate in numerous smaller jobs which will help you improve your travel budget and in return finance a longer stay abroad.

Frequently asked questions

What is a gap year.

A gap year is a period of time usually taken after graduating from high school or before starting college to go abroad to travel the world, participate in volunteer work and gain work experience. There are various different opportunities for designing a gap year, as well as its duration. Depending on your personal preferences, you can take an entire year off or opt for a semester or even just a few months abroad.

Can you study abroad during a gap year?

During a gap year or semester abroad you'll have not only have the opportunity to travel to a new country and make lasting memories, but also have the chance to improve your language skills or even learn a new language. With EF, you can choose between different course intensities and terms. Our effective learning methods and modern schools will ensure that you reach a new language level every 6 weeks during your language gap year abroad.

Thanks to our wide variety of leisure activities and industry-specific electives, you will not only progress rapidly but also use your newly acquired language skills in everyday situations. This will grow your self-confidence and make learning a new language even more fun. Whether you opt for a mini gap year or a longer year abroad, we offer a variety of gap year ideas that will not only help you to improve your language skills but also immerse you in other cultures.

Is it possible to take a gap year abroad during semester break?

We offer semester abroad of intensive language study at fully accredited schools located in dozens of exciting cities. Study one of the world’s most widely spoken languages, learn from highly skilled teachers and meet students from different countries and cultures. A gap semester abroad program enables you to start in either September or January. By the time you finish your semester abroad, you will feel at home in almost any global setting.

How does a gap year abroad affect my future career?

Taking a gap year abroad will not only give you personal advantages, but it will also boost your CV. Stand out from the crowd and show your future employer that you are willing to take risks and interested in foreign cultures by taking a gap year. During your time abroad, you will not only get the opportunity to discover a new country and culture, but you will also get more confidence, gain valuable intercultural competencies and social skills.

Use your gap year to gain some international work experience, which will give you the chance to enter the international workplace. Further, by speaking two or more languages fluently you will gain a competitive advantage and possibly benefit from better salaries and more promotions during your professional career.

Where can I take a gap year abroad?

If you decide to take a year off and do a gap year, the next big decision is where to go. At EF, we offer a wide option of different gap year packages that allow you to not only visit one but multiple countries during your time off.

Not sure where to go? These are the most popular places to go on a gap year: Spain , France , Germany , Italy , Korea , Japan and Costa Rica .

How do I prepare for a gap year abroad?

Spending a semester or year abroad is not an easy endeavor. Hence, the right preparation is the key to making your year abroad a success. EF is the right partner to help you organize your trip abroad. From choosing the right course option for your gap year to finding the perfect destination and booking the flight.

We will help you get the visa you need for your gap year exchange program and will continue to stay in touch with your during your entire stay.

How much does a gap year abroad cost?

Deciding to take a year after school or going on a gap year to travel not only requires the right preparation, but also the necessary finances. At EF, we will help you with the planning and will find a gap year trip that will suit every travel budget, depending on what you want to do, where you want to do it, and how long you want to go for.

Be mindful that the duration and location are a key when it comes to prices. Certain destinations within Europe might be pricier than Asia or South America. One option to help you budget the costs for a gap year abroad is by planning to work while you are away. Another great option is to apply for a gap year scholarship. If you are unsure how much a gap year will cost, contact one of our experienced EF employees or download our free brochure for more information.

How do I spend a gap year abroad?

The easiest way to take a gap year abroad is to use an gap year provider such as EF Education First. We can advise you on picking a destination, duration and program type. We also provide information on how to finance your year abroad.

Some people organize their own gap year too. That’s perfectly possible, especially if you’ve been traveling before and have contacts abroad. To do a DIY gap year, you’ll need to find a host family, apartment or hostel and coordinate your gap year program by yourself.

Key considerations for your gap year program:

Where to go – Destination impacts language and price, but it determines so much more as well. Pick a destination that’s suitable for your age and the types of activities you want to do.

How long to stay – The most challenging part of an gap year is the beginning. It’s hard to settle in, even more so if it’s your first time traveling abroad.

What to do – When you’re a long way from friends and family, the days can drag by. Choose an gap year program with built-in structure (language lessons, sport activities, work or internship, etc.).

Why is EF the best choice to take a gap year abroad?

With over 50 years of experience in planning and executing trips abroad, we at EF can provide you with the right support to help you achieve your personal dreams and goals. Our tailor-made offers include 11 languages in 19 countries and a total of 52 amazing destinations.

So far we have helped over 16 million people achieve their dream of traveling abroad to learn a new language or receive an academic degree. Our innovative learning techniques will help you get ready to study abroad during your gap year or prepare you for an international career.

All of our accredited EF institutions are located in beautiful locations in the most exciting cities and countries worldwide. We offer a varied program of courses, which are taught in an open and dynamic learning environment and paired with extracurricular activities to help you not only learn a new language but to also live it.

We have over 50 years of experience
and our reputation is world renowned.

Study with students from over
100 countries.

Explore the world through our programs in over 50 global destinations.

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with the EF Method.

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Our teaching expertise and approach to learning is recognised globally.

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Gap Semester Programs

Travel your way: choose the expertly crafted program that best matches your unique personal goals, travel style, and wildest destination dreams.

Gap semester students smile

The Pathfinder


Inspire what’s next: explore Europe, ignite your passions, and get a hands-on introduction to majors and career options that will help you forge your own path forward.

Next Departure: Fall 2024

Gap Year ideas for Japan

The Voyager

Learn about yourself, the world, and yourself in the world: embrace your adventurous side as you explore the natural wonders of Australia, then journey through Thailand and Japan.

Gap semester program in Latin America

The Changemaker

Hike, snorkel, and surf your way through the diverse ecosystems of Latin America while working with local communities to learn about sustainability in action.

EF Study Abroad in Costa Rica

Colorado State University Global Challenge Semester


Empower yourself to author the story you want told and enact the change you want made during an intercontinental journey through Colorado, Costa Rica, Panama, and Mexico.

Next departure: Fall 2024

EF Gap Year study abroad programs in Spain

Mosaic of Spain: Language, Culture & Politics

Immerse yourself in Spanish culture with a curated curriculum taught at both EF’s International Language Campus in Malaga and the University of Granada Center for Modern Languages. Next Departure: Spring 2025

gap year travel programs 2022

After completing this short form, one of our EF Gap Year Consultants will reach out to schedule a time to talk in more detail about which of our programs is right for you. For U.S. students ages 18–22.

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gap year travel programs 2022

Some millennial and Gen X parents are leaving it all behind to spend 6 figures on a family gap year. Here's how they budget and 'worldschool' their kids.

  • Some white-collar parents are leaving their jobs to take family gap years.
  • They say it's a reprieve from American life and a way to spend time with their children.
  • Immersive travel is key as parents prioritize local experiences to teach their kids other ways to live.

Insider Today

Claire Williams and her husband Matt had what you might call a Cadillac problem .

They were trying to figure out how to best use some money they'd saved. They thought about buying another home or adding an extension to their current one, but while spending time with their kids in quarantine, they realized what they needed more than anything was time.

"We thought, how do you buy time?" Claire, 40, told Business Insider. "The answer we came up with was stepping off the hamster wheel out of the daily grind."

So, Matt left his job of 11 years at an architecture and engineering firm and they set off in June 2022 to travel the world for a year with their then 13-,10-, and 7-year-olds to bond, broaden their worldview, and show the kids "that there are many different ways to live, work, and be happy," said Claire, a stay-at-home mom.

From surfing in Sri Lanka to riding camels in the Sahara, they traveled to six continents and 26 countries. They rented out their Bay Area house, cooked a lot while on the road, and meticulously budgeted for each country, estimating that they spent just shy of $100,000 living abroad for a year, excluding flights, insurance, and back-at-home costs like a storage unit.

Family gap years like this are a chance for 30- and 40-something white-collar parents who have enough cash to leave their jobs behind to show their kids a different way of life. It's a sabbatical with a twist — the kids are in tow and they're leaving their schools behind, too. Parents said they typically mix homeschooling on the road with worldschooling , which prioritizes immersive travel as education.

For a certain set, making a non-traditional move like leaving it all behind to take your kids around the world became even more appealing when the pandemic forced us to rethink life's possibilities.

It's sticking around as the world somewhat normalizes; Reddit is littered with threads looking for family gap year advice , which posters can easily find in various blogs . Travel with immediate family is the top travel trend for 2024, per travel network Virtuoso's Luxe Report . Parents said that while traveling for a year makes finding alone time hard and planning on the go is tiring, the family time is priceless and it can be an escape from the stresses of the modern American economy.

'We wanted to enjoy our kids while we were still their favorite people'

The 2020s economic landscape sent some families packing their bags. More than 50 million Americans quit their jobs in 2022 as burnout and work stress soared. Inflation hit a 40-year high , leading to the Federal Reserve trying to fight back by raising interest rates.

At the same time, those who owned real estate and stocks saw a major spike in wealth, and those who worked from home found increased flexibility, both sparking new possibilities in lifestyle.

Jennifer Spatz, founder of Global Family Travels , said she started receiving requests two-and-a-half-years ago in a newly vaccinated world from families looking to travel and educate their children for a year. She now offers a family gap year and extended travel planning service for $80 to $100 an hour. Once itineraries are approved, she works with travel partners to collect commissions on hotels and experiences.

"It could expand into a big business," she said, adding that her family gap year clients typically have disposable income and kids around 8 to 11 years old. Parents agreed that pre-high school years are the prime time, while kids are young enough to still value family time and old enough to absorb new experiences.

"We wanted to enjoy our kids while we were still their favorite people," said Amy Chang, 44. "If we took time off when they get to high school or college, that doesn't do us any good in building relationships with them because they're going to have their own lives by then."

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Chang and her husband Allen were among the 63% of physicians burned out after working through COVID-19. She said their jobs put them in a privileged position to save money, as did having few student loans, living in a house they could afford on one salary, and driving the same car for 12 years. With a solid financial cushion to cover a year's mortgage and traveling, they left central Massachusetts with their then 9- and 7-year-olds in August 2022 for a road trip around the US to visit national parks before heading off to Asia and Europe.

They rented an RV from a local family, cooked on the go, and stayed in Airbnbs. They stayed under budget, which included their savings plus room for an emergency fund after returning home.

"Even though it was a huge expense, it was worth it…even if it means working a little longer on the tail end of our careers," she said.

World lessons, no classroom required

No family gap year is complete without immersive travel. Parents said they've read "The Iliad" while in Greece, attended worship services from different religions, and taught their kids how to navigate a foreign city — all parts of their desire to provide their kids with real-world schooling.

They typically value regenerative tourism, which involves giving back and positively impacting places as you travel. They want a local's experience rather than a cruise or all-inclusive resort, Spatz said. She often plans trips that involve work and education aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals , like gender equality or access to clean water. For example, one of her families will be wrapping up their gap year in July in a remote Nepal village, working with a woman who started a school.

"It's learning about the different cultures and history, but taking the kids out of that traditional classroom," she said.

Claire wanted to "get beyond the surface" by participating in Workaway , in which they stayed with local families in exchange for helping them around the home. In Sydney, Australia, they helped a family clean chicken coops on a 300-acre cattle farm. In Santiago, Chile, they helped care for baby quails on a poultry farm. It allowed them to save money and live with locals side-by-side, she said.

Marisa Vitale, 47, has been experiencing different ways people live around the world, often choosing non-touristy areas to understand how the neighborhood works. She and her family lived in a Spanish-intensive homestay in Guatemala, with an indigenous Hmong family in Vietnam, and in an Argentine estancia to learn how the gauchos work the land.

For her 11-year-old-twins, she said has been "a masterclass in history and anthropology," adding that her kids write reports and create art projects for each country they visit.

"Right when they're on the cusp of becoming young adults, what better way to understand who they are and how they feel in their skin than to take them through a wide variety of ways to live," she wrote over email from "deep in the desert" of Jordan, where they were staying in a Bedouin cave. "Empathy, kindness, and patience are the main things I take away from traveling. We wanted our kids to see those in so many different faces and places across the globe."

Her family plans to return to their Los Angeles home, which they rented out, this July. She halted her work as a self-employed photographer and her husband is on a yearlong sabbatical from his 15-year government job. While their monthly budget changes depending on where they're traveling, she estimates that they spend about $10,000 a month between lodging and general expenses, with a small amount of leeway for splurging on an experience.

A year later

A gap year also proves educational for parents. It helped Chang and her husband recalibrate their work lives. She's now doing shift work as an OB-GYN hospitalist — a better work-life balance than her previous work in private practice — and her husband is doing a fellowship to figure out how physicians can use AI.

"He wouldn't have been able to research or think about that at all if he hadn't had the time off," she said.

Re-entry was a little harder for Claire, despite Matt returning to his previous job. She said traveling cost them an average of $261 per day, less per day than their daily life in California. That included food and beverage, lodging, entertainment and experiences, ground transportation and fuel, and miscellaneous living expenses like medicine or SIM cards.

"When you remove your mortgage, gas, insurance — there are so many little things that are gone when you're on the road," she said.

Right now, they're living in Salt Lake City for two years as they contemplate what's next and prepare to launch a podcast about their travels. She hopes to keep the adventure going.

"Our time abroad felt not overwhelmed by consumerism," she said. "In the U.S., everything from highways to shopping to grocery stores is just really big and loud. So much of our gap year was really quiet and authentic and simple."

Watch: Marriott International's Tina Edmundson tells Insider that the travel mindset has changed since the pandemic

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PEKIN, Elektrostal - Lenina Ave. 40/8 - Restaurant Reviews, Photos & Phone Number - Tripadvisor

Expedia Rewards is now One Key™

Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall

Jewish Calendar 2022 Elektrostal’, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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    8. VACorps. VACorps offers one of the most valuable internship programs abroad in Cape Town, South Africa. Many students want a focus on adventure during a gap year; however, with VACorps you can enjoy adventure AND a boosted resume.

  2. Best Gap Year Programs to Travel Abroad

    Gapforce has carefully selected gap year programs around the world since 1989, providing a variety of gap years abroad and gap year volunteer programs for experiences in wildlife conservation, ... An action-packed 6 week tour combining travel & adventure with volunteering on Australia's famed East Coast.

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    📍 Locations: South Africa 🗺️ Great for travelers interested in: adventure travel, community service, sustainability, personal development 💰 Cost: starting at $6,200 📝 What's included: accommodation, meals, activities, local transportation, and equipment 💫 Age eligibility: 18-23. This year-long program through Warriors Academy is broken up into four action-packed adventures ...

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    Gap Year Travel: Closer to Normal. In February 2022, Gap Year Solutions surveyed ten international Gap Year Programs. Our objective was to understand the current state of spring 2022 travel and to look ahead to the fall. We were happy to see that as expected, Omicron's impact was declining rapidly. Most countries are open to Gap Year travel.

  13. 12 of the Best Gap Year Programs After High School

    Irish Gap Year. As an alternative to going straight from the halls of high school to the academia of college, many young adults take a gap year as a chance to explore new skills, travel, or ...

  14. Gap year programs

    Gap year programs abroad. 4.9. ( 1,690 ratings) A gap year abroad is one of the most effective ways to become a global citizen, study abroad and travel the world. Build an impressive set of skills to present to college and university admissions officers or future employers that document your global achievements: language fluency, volunteer ...

  15. EF Gap Semester Programs for Every Student

    Colorado State University Global Challenge Semester. FIRST-YEAR PROGRAM | 12 CREDITS. Empower yourself to author the story you want told and enact the change you want made during an intercontinental journey through Colorado, Costa Rica, Panama, and Mexico. Next departure: Fall 2024. Explore now.

  16. Family Gap Year: Parents Explain Budget and 'Worldschooling'

    So, Matt left his job of 11 years at an architecture and engineering firm and they set off in June 2022 to travel the world for a year with their then 13-,10-, and 7-year-olds to bond, broaden ...

  17. Fall Gap Year Programs for 2023

    Gap year programs are also tremendously useful for connecting you with internship or volunteering opportunities. ... do a month of travel, and continue with another program or job. This type of schedule allows for planning but also leaves room for flexibility! ... In 2020-2022 I spent two years abroad in the United States as an Au Pair with Au ...

  18. PEKIN, Elektrostal

    Pekin. Review. Save. Share. 17 reviews #12 of 28 Restaurants in Elektrostal $$ - $$$ Asian. Lenina Ave., 40/8, Elektrostal 144005 Russia +7 495 120-35-45 Website + Add hours Improve this listing. See all (5) Enhance this page - Upload photos! Add a photo.

  19. Jewish Calendar 2022 Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Jewish Calendar 2022 Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia. Month List Download. Print. Toggle Dropdown. Monthly calendar; Candle-lighting times only; Email. ... Show Hebrew date every day of the year. Daily Learning. Daf Yomi . Mishna Yomi . Nach Yomi . Tanakh Yomi . Daily Rambam . Yerushalmi Yomi . Sefer Chofetz Chaim . Shemirat HaLashon ...

  20. The 10 Best Gap Year Destinations for 2024

    Best for domestic gappers (US citizens) Average cost of living: $987.95 without rent. Average cost of rent: $1,670.15 for a 1 bedroom in the city center. Length of B-1/B-2 Visa: 6-months up to 1-year. The United States of America offers a huge range of opportunities for gappers, both domestic and international.

  21. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Apr 20 - Apr 21. Tonight. Apr 20 - Apr 21. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Apr 21 - Apr 22. Tomorrow night.

  22. Jewish Calendar 2022 Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

    This subscription is a 4-year perpetual calendar feed with events for the current year (2023) plus 3 future years. Step-by-step: iPhone / iPad or macOS. Download 2022 only. Use this download alternative if you prefer to manually import the calendar events and merge with your own calendar. Outlook Windows PC Desktop