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Which Branch of the Military Travels the Most?

Written by Everett Bledsoe / Fact checked by Brain Bartell

Which Branch of the Military Travels the Most

The United States Navy is the most mobile branch of the military. Traveling is an integral part of the Navy’s primary duty to protect and project American interests abroad via aircraft carriers, submarines, and surface warships.

The Navy maintains a constant presence through forward-deployed troops, rotational deployments, and joint exercises with friendly nations.

Today, we’ll be giving a rundown of the Navy’s global operations and covering other military jobs that also provide many travel opportunities, providing an insight into their fascinating lives as world travelers and servicemen.


Table of Contents

1. Military Pilot (Air Force/Navy)

2. special forces operator (army/navy/air force/marine corps), 3. foreign area officer (army/navy/air force), 4. intelligence specialist (all branches), 5. cryptologic, 3. air force, 4. marine corps.


The Navy is the best option for those who love to see the world. This military branch travels the most, and provides unrivaled experiences because of the variety of maritime missions available.

There are certain Navy ranks that may spend less time at sea than others. However, the vast majority of service members can count on long deployments.

A sailor in the Navy usually spends a significant portion of each year at sea. This makes the Navy the service with the highest travel opportunities among the military branches.

Many of those in the Navy are deployed at sea at any given time. They serve on ships or submarines, thus highlighting the Navy’s dedication to sea operations and global presence.

The Navy is committed to its traditions and practices. However, its members enjoy more freedom of action than their counterparts in the Marines and the Army.

This military branch is home to elite special operations troops like the Navy SEALs, Navy EOD, SWCC, and SAR Swimmers. These elite groups represent the Navy’s pursuit of excellence and adaptability at the forefront of combat operations.

Travel is a way of life when you’re in the Navy. Joining the Navy will provide you the chance to explore the world, immerse yourself in new cultures, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Plus, being in the Navy means proudly serving the country while expanding your horizons and gaining essential experiences.

Specific Military Jobs That Offer the Opportunity to Travel

There are a wide range of military occupations that offer the exciting prospect of traveling as an integral part of their responsibilities. The following is a list of specific military jobs that travel the most:


Pilots in the Air Force and Navy get to see the world as they take their planes on a wide variety of missions and deployments. Pilots gain invaluable experience by flying both domestic and foreign operations.


Special Forces operators, such as the legendary Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets, Air Force Special Tactics Officers, and Marine Corps Special Operations personnel, embark on exciting journeys to various destinations.

They travel for rigorous training exercises, high-stakes combat deployments, and collaborative missions with our international allies.


Foreign Area Officers serve in the military in a variety of roles and are experts in a given region.

These officers are given linguistic and cultural instruction to interact with the armed forces, governments, and inhabitants of other countries. Foreign travel and extended stays in foreign places are common requirements of their jobs.


When it comes to the collection, examination, and interpretation of material for use in military operations, intelligence specialists play a pivotal role.

These individuals travel to a variety of locations or are assigned to intelligence units located all over the world to support both tactical and strategic operations.


Linguists (All Branches): Cryptologic linguists use their language skills to intercept, analyze, and exploit foreign communications. They typically operate inside intelligence and cybersecurity groups.

These professionals are transferred to a variety of places to provide crucial linguistic support for military operations.

Keep in mind that the prospects for travel can differ greatly depending on specific assignments, the requirements of individual branches, and the constantly shifting operating landscape.

Travel Frequency in Other Military Branches


Each branch of the United States military has its own set of operational requirements and assignments, so it’s important to take that into account when thinking about how often people in different parts of the military have to travel.


As the largest service, the Army employs people with a wide range of skills and expertise. Depending on their specific tasks, combat and support units in the Army may be called upon to deploy frequently, especially during times of conflict.

Keep in mind that not all Army troops are required to travel as often as others; some jobs may require more of a domestic or fixed focus.


The Navy’s marine orientation makes it the best military branch for travel. Navy personnel spend a great deal of time at sea performing their tasks on ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers.

The Navy’s dedication to worldwide operations and constant presence on the world’s waterways has earned it the title of “most traveled military branch.”


Since the Air Force is in charge of aerial combat and other air-based operations, service members also spend a lot of time traveling, though for different reasons.

Position, operational requirements, and ongoing wars or peacekeeping missions abroad all play a factor in determining the length and location of a given deployment.

The Marine Corps is distinguished by its fast deployment to any location in the world and its reputation for expeditionary nature and amphibious operations.

Marines typically go on more frequent, shorter deployments that place a premium on their ability to respond swiftly to crises and bolster international security operations.

Note that several circumstances, such as geopolitical conditions, operational needs, and specific assignments, might affect how often someone must travel.

Learning more about the Navy is recommended for those who want to know which branch of the military travels the most. This service branch is easily the best option for those who want to see the world while serving in the armed forces.

While opportunities to travel are available in other branches as well, the Navy is a particularly good fit for those who want to see the world and experience other cultures. If you want to serve the country and see the world at the same time, the Navy is the place for you.


I am Everett Bledsoe, taking on the responsibility of content producer for The Soldiers Project. My purpose in this project is to give honest reviews on the gear utilized and tested over time. Of course, you cannot go wrong when checking out our package of information and guide, too, as they come from reliable sources and years of experience.

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Travel the world with the U.S. Navy

does the navy travel the world

Hi Fidel, what first made you fall in love with travel?

I fell in love with travel the instant I fell in love with movies. Films like ‘Casablanca,’ ‘Roman Holiday,’ ‘Doctor Zhivago,’ showed me a world where people met, fell in love and traveled vast distances to find one another again.

What has been the most memorable moment on your journeys so far?

Seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time. It’s one of those landmarks that you grow up seeing in books, magazines and movies. You feel like you’ve arrived in the world when you can say that you’ve been to Paris. Thus, seeing the Eiffel Tower, I felt like I finally arrived.

What’s it like to travel the world aboard a US Navy ship?

does the navy travel the world

You only have a few days in port. How do you make the most of your time on land?

I’m a part of my ship’s morale, welfare and recreation (MWR) team. We work with tour guide operators in many of the foreign ports we visit. I take part in a lot of the tours. They include doing things like scuba diving and snorkeling, riding elephants, shopping trips, seeing shrines and temples, etc. If we are in a port for four days, most Sailors will have three days of free time (called ‘liberty’) to enjoy the ports. During the day, it’s good to take tours with MWR, sight see, spend time at the beach. At night, just enjoy the nightlife. We get to travel to many exotic places for free, so I try and take advantage of the opportunites.

Where are you now? What’s it like there?

does the navy travel the world

It took me a year to get use to living in Japan, adjusting to the customs and courtesies here and getting to know the people and their culture. I love it here.

What location in the world that you have been to would you recommend to everyone?

Florence, Italy. It combines many of the reasons people travel: Great food, friendly people, history, culture, excellent souvenir shopping, easy to travel, and many photographic opportunities.

How has your time traveling the world with the US Navy changed your view of countries?

does the navy travel the world

And lastly, can you describe how traveling makes you feel personally?

I feel connected to the world and proud that I have a gift I can give to people. My family and friends say they live through my travels and that makes me feel good and it helps me understand what my purpose in life is.

Check out Fidel’s website at

and follow Fidel on twitter @FidelHartTravel

Are you travelling the world now (or soon)? We’d love to interview you.

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Exploring the US Navy's Global Role and the Challenge to Remain Supreme

Four US Navy ships sailing in open water

Do Chicagoans truly understand the role the Navy plays around the world and the increasing challenges it faces?


Located in Lake County, Illinois just 40 miles from the heart of Chicago is Naval Station Great Lakes, home to the United States Navy’s only boot camp. But despite seeing the young recruits coming in and out of the airport or the occasional Sailor in the city, do Chicagoans truly understand the important role the US Navy plays around the world and the increasing challenges to its previously unimpeded supremacy of the seas?

For decades maritime power has been an essential tool for America’s national defense, international influence, and the security of global trade. Yet, against the backdrop of today’s great-power competition, the rise of sophisticated new military technologies, and an ever-challenged budgetary environment, the Navy is at a crossroads.

What is the Navy’s value to the nation?

Since the ocean covers about 70% of the earth, America’s Navy is the critical means whereby power is projected far from the homeland. The United States is one of only a few countries in the world that have what is known as a blue-water navy. Essentially, our maritime force can move its warships anywhere in the world within days in order to respond to changing international situations or to respond to crises. In contrast, countries without a blue-water fleet – whether due to a lack of resources or capabilities, or geographical constraints – can only operate in their coastal areas, estuaries, or rivers. 

Moreover, the Navy is key to ensuring freedom of navigation in order to provide for the conduct of global trade and ensure the Navy’s ability to provide logistics support for land-based operations, whether combat or humanitarian assistance or anything in between.

Where is the U.S. Navy currently operating and why?

The US Navy is deployed in the Middle East, off the coast of Africa, in the Black Sea, around South America, and throughout the Indo-Pacific. Its  official mission  is "to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas." To accomplish this mission, the Navy conducts various operations to include strategic presence, deterrence, sea control, Ballistic Missile Defense, maritime security, counterterrorism, counter-narcotics, and counter-piracy. At the same time, the maritime forces conduct various bilateral and multilateral exercises with allies and partners to strengthen relationships and build operational capacity. 

The Navy must always be well-positioned to react to crises abroad so that conflict does not come home to American shores. And when it comes to the great-power competitors, namely China and Russia, the goal of our nation’s maritime force is to protect America’s interests and a rules-based order, support the nation’s global influence, and deter any actions that might upset the geopolitical world balance.

How does maritime power influence foreign policy? 

During peacetime the US Navy can be used for diplomatic purposes to reassure and support allies and partners or to deter and influence the behaviors of competitors and adversaries. This is sometimes referred to by the historical term, "gunboat diplomacy." Naval actions in this regard include training and exercises with other countries, port calls, freedom of navigation operations, and strait transits. Even increasing or decreasing the amount of ships positioned forward in certain regions, like former president Obama’s strategy to "shift to the Pacific," can have major diplomatic effects.

A powerful example of using the US Navy to influence diplomatic situations is when the US conducted  tri-carrier operations  along with several South Korean warships near the Korean Peninsula in 2017 to show North Korea that the United States and allies are not deterred by its aggressive pursuit of various offensive-weapons capabilities. More routine examples include the  transit of a US warship  through the Taiwan Strait a week after the January 2020 Taiwan presidential elections and various freedom of navigation operations in the disputed areas of the South China Sea.

What are the US Navy’s challenges?

With the rise of great-power competitors’ military capabilities, the Navy must ensure it maintains the fleet necessary to keep critical international seas and sea lanes open around the world. Although the US Navy’s 11 aircraft carriers far outnumber those of the closest competitors— China has two and Russia only one— the pace at which these countries are closing the gap is rapid. China already has a larger fleet in mere numbers of combat ships and is on schedule to have at least four aircraft carriers by 2025.

Additionally, the great-power competitors have developed advanced long-range missile systems. China has built an extremely advanced anti-access area denial system complete with artificial islands in the South China Sea and advanced ballistic and hypersonic missiles. These weapons can travel five times the speed of sound, challenging US firepower and missile defenses. China uses its fleet, islands, and missiles to threaten many coastal states and assert excessive maritime claims over critical trade routes and resource-rich waters. And this is only one theater where naval operations are critical. The global impact if Iran were to shut down the Strait of Hormuz would be equally grave. These reasons (and others) illustrate why Congress signed into law a schedule for the US Navy to grow to 355-ships as soon as feasible.

Furthermore, due to the new era of advanced warfare, the Navy is quickly developing new unmanned platforms (and warfighting tactics to match) that will provide for the distribution of more vessels over a larger area, making targeting solutions more difficult for a high-end adversary.

The essential problem implicated in all these issues is the inadequacy of the Navy’s top-line budget to pay for the maintenance and operations of its current fleet along with the necessary research, development, and construction of the future fleet. And with the just-released proposed Fiscal Year 2021 budget that starts the Navy down the path of this force restructuring, there likely will be much debate among Congressional lawmakers. Hard choices lie ahead.  

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Join the navy: see the world.

Photo by the author

PEOPLE OPPOSE THE IDEA for many different reasons. However, if you believe that the humanitarian and international aid efforts are genuine – then you may want to consider it as an alternative to the cubicle life of most people you know.

The U.S. Navy hires people for a wide range of positions. Photographers, mechanics, dentists, barbers, electricians, and many other jobs exist in the Navy. Unless you pick your job with the goal of getting into the middle of the fight ( Navy SEALS ), then you probably won’t be anywhere near it.

The information below comes from my seven years in the United States Navy, but the lifestyle will apply to other navies around the world.

Where Can I Go?

In the Navy you can request to serve in a variety of locations. I know many sailors that lived in Italy, Britain, Hawaii, Spain, or Japan. While I didn’t live overseas, I moved up and down the east and west coasts of the United States – experiencing a variety of cities and getting paid for moving expenses each time.


A naval ship will take you to many parts of the world. Deployment doesn’t mean that you are necessarily going to war. The United States sends ships all over the globe. It doesn’t concentrate them all in the hot spots. My first deployment was a slow trip around the Pacific Ocean, stopping at major port cities along the way.

On deployment, I regularly visited Japan, Guam, Australia, Dubai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Other common port visits include Bahrain, Mumbai, Hawaii, Thailand, Alaska, South Korea and many more.

Other Benefits

Sailors earn 30 days of vacation each year. This is much more than the average U.S. citizen. Of course, working for the government means there are extra rules you must follow. When requesting your vacation, you must tell your superiors where you are going.

If you want to go to a country that the United States isn’t friendly with, then you will have to answer extra questions and fill out more paperwork. This will, of course, decrease your odds of going.

Another perk is the availability of military flights. If you don’t need to keep a strict schedule, this can be a great way to fly free. After signing up, you will be placed on a standby space-available list. More information about this can be found at MilitaryHops .

What Is The Downside?

Don’t ignore the physical danger you are in by being a member of the armed forces. Events like the USS Cole bombing do happen. However, most sailors never experience anything like that. Being on a ship a hundred miles off the coast of an enemy country is very different than slinging a rifle on the front line.

When you are on a naval ship, you won’t be the one picking the next port . You just try to enjoy wherever you end up. The only way to affect this is to choose your assignments wisely. When I joined I had already traveled much of Europe, but little of Asia. So, I requested to be assigned to a ship on the west coast. This made it more likely that my ship would visit Hong Kong, Thailand, and Singapore.

Travel Restrictions

Navy travel can feel constrained. Your ship will make rules about where you can go, often limiting you to the closest big city. I have visited Japan more times than I can remember, but I have only been to one city. The karaoke bars in Sasebo get old real fast.

The U.S. Navy has a buddy system. So, find a buddy that has a compatible travel attitude. Otherwise, if everyone else plans to get wasted at the nearest bar, then that is where you are going. Being caught out on your own can get you in trouble with your superiors. Of course, being used to solo travel before I joined, I usually just risked it. On my way back to the ship, I would join up with the drunks and help them get across the quarterdeck and to their racks.

The Navy Isn’t For Everyone.

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Trying to Head Off War, U.S. Moves Naval Forces Closer to Israel

American officials are sending a signal to Iran and its allies, in the form of two aircraft carrier groups and a guided-missile submarine.

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A view from above of an aircraft carrier with a plane taking off.

By Eric Schmitt

Reporting from Washington

  • Aug. 25, 2024

With fears rising that a wider war could break out in the Middle East, the United States has steadily been moving Navy forces closer to the area, including two aircraft carrier groups and a guided-missile submarine. And it has not been shy about announcing the details, in a clear effort to deter Iran and its allies from more intense attacks on Israel.

Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III ordered additional combat aircraft and missile-shooting warships to the region.

Two aircraft carriers — the Theodore Roosevelt and the Abraham Lincoln — and their accompanying warships and attack planes are now in or near the Gulf of Oman. Mr. Austin also made public his order to send the guided-missile submarine Georgia to the region, an unusual move as the Pentagon seldom talks about the movements of its submarine fleet. The Georgia can fire cruise missiles and carry teams of Navy SEAL commandos.

The orders came in response to threats from Iran and its proxies in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen to attack Israel to avenge the assassination of a top Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran on July 31.

While the United States has said these moves are to help defend Israel and avert a wider regional war, a senior U.S. official said on Saturday night that the American military was better positioned to address a threat from Iran, and that the Israeli Defense Forces would shoulder the bulk of any defense from attacks carried out by Hezbollah across the border in Lebanon.

Eric Schmitt is a national security correspondent for The Times, focusing on U.S. military affairs and counterterrorism issues overseas, topics he has reported on for more than three decades. More about Eric Schmitt

Our Coverage of the Middle East Crisis

U.S. Efforts to Contain a Disaster :   Since Israel’s assassination of the Hamas leader, U.S. officials have worked almost nonstop to contain escalations in the region . They are desperate to avert a regional war that they fear could pull the United States into the fighting.

The War That Won’t End:  It’s been nearly a year since the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attacks in Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza. “The Daily” explains why the conflict is still going , and what it would take to end it.

A Spotlight on Israel’s Bedouins:   Farhan al-Qadi , the hostage rescued by the Israeli military from Gaza, is a member of the Bedouin, an Arab community marginalized by Israel  that suffered painful losses on Oct. 7.

U.S.-Iran Nuclear Talks:  Iran’s supreme leader suggested that his country would pursue nuclear negotiations  with the United States, but it was unclear if his comments signaled a shift in relations between the two countries.

Gaza’s Orphans:  The war in Gaza is making so many orphans   that no agency or aid group can count them. Extended families, hospital staff and volunteers are stepping in to care for the children.

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How Carrier Battle Groups Work

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A fleet of battleships on the ocean.

If you've read the HowStuffWorks article How Aircraft Carriers Work , then you know about many of the amazing features of aircraft carriers:

  • They are 20 stories high and over 1,000 feet (305 m) long.
  • They are powered by nuclear reactors rather than diesel engines or turbines .
  • They house 6,000 crew members and 70 to 80 aircraft.
  • They are constructed of about 1 billion individual pieces.

What this means is that an aircraft carrier is worth between $4 billion and $5 billion -- it is a substantial investment by itself. Plus, it is carrying a small town's worth of people as well as a billion dollars in aircraft.

does the navy travel the world

In other words, an aircraft carrier is extremely valuable. And without protection, an aircraft carrier is extremely vulnerable. That's why aircraft carriers never leave home alone. They are always escorted by an extensive flotilla of other ships. The aircraft carrier plus the flotilla is known as the carrier battle group . A modern carrier battle group is nearly invincible.

In this article, you will learn about these powerful collections of military force and see why they have become so important to U.S. naval operations.

The Carrier

The carrier battle group, the carrier battle group in action.

An aircraft carrier allows the U.S. navy to move an entire airport, along with 70 to 80 figh

does the navy travel the world

Because aircraft carriers are so valuable, because they are so powerful and because they are so few in number (the U.S. has only 12 of them, with two under construction [ ref ]), they are very obvious targets for enemy forces. Aircraft carriers are also huge and impossible to hide. They are vulnerable from several different angles:

  • The enemy can attack from the sea with boats equipped with long-range cannons and cruise missiles.
  • The enemy can attack from underwater with submarines , mines and torpedoes.
  • The enemy can attack from the air with airplanes, bombs and missiles.

The carrier battle group is responsible, therefore, for protecting the aircraft carrier at the center of the group.

The U.S. Navy forms carrier battle groups on an as-needed basis and assigns ships to the group based on the mission. Therefore, no two carrier battle groups are the same. However, a typical carrier battle group consists of the following ships:

The aircraft carrier itself

does the navy travel the world

Two guided-missile cruisers

These are offensive ships loaded with cruise missiles to strike land targets

does the navy travel the world

Two destroyers

Destroyers traditionally are defensive ships. They can defend against attacks by submarines and aircraft ( Nav Facts: Destroyers provides a very nice description of the evolution of destroyers). Destroyers now also come equipped with the ability to launch cruise missiles.

does the navy travel the world

One frigate

The frigate is used for anti-submarine defense.

does the navy travel the world

Two submarines

The submarines are defensive ships that can attack enemy ships and submarines.

does the navy travel the world

A supply ship

The supply ship carries fuel, food and ammunition for the group.

There may be other ships that travel with the group. For example, there may be troop ships, amphibious ships for the marines, cargo ships carrying tanks and other equipment, mine sweepers, etc. It all depends on the mission.

does the navy travel the world

When a carrier battle group arrives at its destination, the 10 or so ships deploy and begin operations. There are approximately 80 aircraft available, and perhaps 8,000 men and women at work. There are two goals:

  • Accomplish the assigned mission
  • Defend the battle group against any type of enemy attack

The defensive role is an around-the-clock operation. Carrier battle groups must be constantly vigilant against attack from the air, from the sea and from underwater.

To accomplish its mission, a carrier air wing typically consists of nine squadrons, with 70 to 80 total aircraft. The more notable aircraft include:

The F/A-18 Hornet - A single-seat strike fighter jet designed to take out enemy aircraft as well as ground targets

does the navy travel the world

The F-14 Tomcat - A two-seat fighter jet optimized for air superiority (A carrier's F-14 squadron is a crucial weapon in protecting the carrier battle group.)

does the navy travel the world

The E-2C Hawkeye - A tactical warning and control system aircraft (The aircraft's advanced radar system lets the air wing keep the fighter jets updated on enemy activity.)

does the navy travel the world

The S-3B Viking - A subsonic jet aircraft primarily used to take out enemy submarines

does the navy travel the world

The EA-6B Prowler - An electronic warfare aircraft (The Prowler's mission is to jam enemy radar and intercept enemy communications.)

does the navy travel the world

The SH-60 Seahawk - A twin-engine helicopter primarily used to attack enemy submarines and in search-and-rescue operations

does the navy travel the world

To provide a defensive view of the area, the destroyers have powerful radar systems that look upward to search for incoming aircraft. The E-2C Hawkeye aircraft launched from the carrier fly overhead and use their radar to look downward, letting them see low-flying aircraft and ships that may be approaching from over the horizon. The destroyers and frigate use sonar and magnetic sensors to look for submarines approaching from underwater. The goal is to create a sealed bubble around the carrier, with nothing able to enter the bubble without approval.

Lots More Information

Related HowStuffWorks Articles

  • How Aircraft Carriers Work
  • How Cruise Missiles Work
  • How F-15s Work
  • How Submarines Work
  • How Radar Works

More Great Links

  • Vulture's Row: Carrier Battle Group Composition
  • MilitarySurfWax: News & Articles on Carrier Battle Group
  • Carrier group departs for Arabian Sea - November 12, 2001

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Troubled waters: The Navy is struggling to build warships

Reports indicate that China's shipbuilding capacity is over 200 times that of the US

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Photo collage of a group of construction workers standing on top of a huge ship blueprint

While the United States Navy is still considered the most powerful on Earth, there is concern among military officials that the Navy's longstanding prowess in building warships is sinking. Some experts now believe that the Navy's shipbuilding is in its worst state in 25 years, allowing the Chinese Navy to leapfrog some of the naval fleet capabilities of the U.S.

Leaked intelligence seen by Business Insider reportedly shows that China's shipbuilding capacity is 232 times greater than the United States, a far cry from America's oceanic dominance of years past. And some are concerned that the Navy's shipbuilding problems could be here for the long run.

Why is the US Navy having trouble building ships?

One of the biggest hindrances is an ongoing "struggle to hire and retain laborers for the challenging work of building new ships as graying veterans retire," said The Associated Press . This labor shortage is "one of myriad challenges that have led to backlogs in ship production and maintenance," in addition to " shifting defense priorities , last-minute design changes and cost overruns" that have caused Navy shipbuilding to lag.

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Part of the problem lies with the Navy itself, which "frequently changes requirements, requests upgrades and tweaks designs after shipbuilders have begun construction," said the AP. This has notably occurred with the Navy's new Ford-class aircraft carriers. The third ship in that line, the USS Enterprise, was expected to be completed "in the spring of 2028, but supply chain issues and shortages in necessary materials have caused an 18-month delay, pushing the delivery date to September 2029," according to The National Interest . The line's namesake, the USS Gerald R. Ford, also saw several delays before it was completed in 2017.

This causes funding issues that have "disrupted the cadence of ship construction and stymied long-term investments and planning," Matthew Paxton of the trade group Shipbuilders Council of America said to the AP. The council has been "dealing with inconsistent shipbuilding plans for years," and "when we finally start ramping up, the Navy is shocked that we lost members of our workforce ."

What does this mean for the world's military order?

For now, the United States Navy is "still widely considered to be the world's most powerful," said Business Insider, and "then-U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said in 2020 that even if the U.S. were to stop building ships, it would take years for China to match the U.S. Navy's power." But the delays in shipbuilding have led to China starting to catch up. The country has the world's largest navy with 355 warships in 2021, according to the U.S. Naval Institute , while the Center for Strategic and International Studies has reported that the U.S. Navy only had 296 ships that year. And China's fleet is estimated to grow to 400 ships by 2025, per the Pentagon's estimates.

All of this means that the "U.S. Navy is sailing straight into a storm it can't avoid," said Foreign Policy . The "decades of deindustrialization and policymakers' failure to prioritize among services and threats have left the Navy ill-equipped to endure a sustained high-intensity conflict in the Pacific." As a result of naval downgrading — and in particular shrinking fleets — the "full scope of what military analysts have long warned would be the 'Terrible '20s' is now evident: The expensive upgrading of the U.S. nuclear triad, simultaneous modernization efforts across the services and the constraint of rising government debt are compelling the Pentagon to make tough choices about what it can and cannot pay for." The Navy needs more ships, but "finding enough qualified workers for the yards remains the biggest barrier to expanding production" as an exodus from shipbuilding continues.

The Navy maintains that it is continuing to work on these problems. The "Navy's role in defending our nation and promoting peace has never been more expansive or mattered more," Lt. Kyle Hanton, a spokesperson for the secretary of the Navy, said to the AP. The Navy will "continue to work with our industry partners to identify creative solutions to solving our common challenges."

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 Justin Klawans has worked as a staff writer at The Week since 2022. He began his career covering local news before joining Newsweek as a breaking news reporter, where he wrote about politics, national and global affairs, business, crime, sports, film, television and other Hollywood news. Justin has also freelanced for outlets including Collider and United Press International.  

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The US Navy has no aircraft carriers deployed in Pacific as Middle East conflicts pull the Pentagon's focus from China

  • The US Navy has no aircraft carriers in the Pacific as focus remains on the Middle East.
  • The absence raises some concerns amid tensions in the region and continued Chinese aggression.
  • The Pentagon has assured that it can respond to conflicts in both the Pacific and Middle East at the same time.

Insider Today

The US Navy currently has no aircraft carriers deployed in the Pacific as ongoing conflicts in the Middle East demand the military's attention.

The carrier gap in US naval power in what the Pentagon has said is a priority region raises some potential concerns about whether the force posture matches stated priorities, especially as China throws its weight around, alarming US allies and partners.

The Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group arrived in the Middle East last week, joining the Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group, which has been in the area since the beginning of the month.

Both of the carrier strike groups came from the Pacific, and the Pentagon has said that both will remain in Middle East for an undisclosed amount of time . Their deployments follow two others by East Coast-based carriers to the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean in response to the ongoing crises .

The latest deployment marks the first time two US carrier strike groups have operated together in the Middle East since 2020. It is also a strong signal of US support for Israel and is intended as a deterrence against Iran and its proxies. And it came at a perilous time as the region braces for further violence and unrest.

But the move has left the Pacific without a deployed aircraft carrier, a powerful combat platform and a visible symbol of American naval power that reflects US interests and security commitments in priority regions.

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US aircraft carriers and the other warships in their strike groups bring a tremendous amount of firepower to any situation, making them formidable power projection assets that represent the military's reach and readiness.

All of the US West Coast-based carriers are in port or currently unavailable. The USS Ronald Reagan, which was home-ported in Japan for nine years as the Navy's only forward-deployed carrier, was recently redeployed back to the States. And the replacement, the USS George Washington, remains in San Diego for the time being.

Asked about how long the US military expects not to have an aircraft carrier in the region and whether the absence of carriers is concerning, Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said that the Indo-Pacific was still the US' primary focus, a statement consistent with Pentagon rhetoric consistently identifying China as a "pacing challenge" for the military.

"You know, as we look at global force management and as we look at requirements around the world in support of our national security interests, we're always taking great care to make sure that we can cover those commitments to include, in our priority theater, which is the Indo-Pacific region," Ryder told reporters on Tuesday.

"So we have a significant amount of capability there to include a large naval presence," he added.

Earlier this month, Ryder took a similar question about whether the Pentagon could posture forces in both the Pacific and Middle East at the same time.

He said that "the thing about the US military, as you're seeing this week, is that we have the ability to surge forces and capabilities to where we need them, when we need them."

"The Indo-Pacific Command continues to be our priority theater, and that is indicative of the number of forces that we have that are located within the region," Ryder said.

Bryan Clark, a former naval officer and current defense expert at the Hudson Institute, told Business Insider "the inability of the US to maintain more than one carrier in the Pacific, short of a wartime surge, will require the Navy to rely more on amphibious ready groups and submarines to deter aggression from China or North Korea."

The US Navy presently has the Boxer and America amphibious readiness groups in the Pacific, according to the USNI News fleet and maritime tracker. Submarine activities are not broadcast as clearly as those of other ships.

A US Pacific Fleet spokesperson told BI that the US has "several ships operating across the Pacific to promote adherence to a rules-based international order, as well as maintain the presence and flexibility to rapidly respond to persistent and emergent missions."

The recent changes in the force posture of US naval power come amid rising tensions in the Pacific, particularly as China continues its aggressive behavior.

On Monday, a Chinese military spy plane violated Japanese airspace for the first time , and China also continues to confront Philippine vessels and aircraft in the South China Sea . It has also been upping its pressure on Taiwan, continuing to trigger concerns about a quarantine , potential blockade, or invasion .

The US military serves as a security guarantor for Taiwan and American allies in the Indo-Pacific region. As tensions rise, so do the risks , highlighting the value of being able to maintain deterrence in this region the way it is in the Middle East. That doesn't all hinge on a carrier, but the gap is notable nonetheless.

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These are the 5 best Navy bases in the world

By Jessica Evans

Updated on Jun 24, 2022 7:12 PM PDT

5 minute read

You don’t get a say in where you’re stationed, but that doesn’t mean a sailor can’t dream, right? This list includes the top 5 Navy installations in the world, taking into account things like weather, food, nearby activities and what it’s like to live there.

1. Naval Air Station Sigonella

What’s not to love about Italy? Naval Air Station Sigonella is located in Sicily, Italy, a popular travel destination in its own right. Aside from being right on the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, you probably know about this region because of its rich history. Not to mention its Baroque architecture and world-class food. If you get stationed here, prepare for lots of 4-day travel, plenty of enriching experiences and amazing meals. There’s so much to see and do here that your CONUS buddies might be a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. Find out more about this installation here .

2. Naval Base Guam

Well, it’s not Italy, but Guam has plenty to offer! This remote island in the Philippine Sea is widely known as a tropical paradise. Palm trees, white-sand beaches, and a turquoise sea make it an absolutely stunning location. Plus, there’s plenty of Micronesian culture, history and food. The scuba diving is some of the best in the world and travel opportunities abound. When else can you fly to Australia for a long weekend? Not to mention easy access to Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bali, Palau, Japan, Hong Kong… the list goes on. When you’re stationed at Guam , you’ll be living in paradise!

3. Naval Base Pearl Harbor

Of course, we all know the historical significance of Pearl Harbor. But even for non-history buffs, Naval Base Pearl Harbor, near Honolulu, Hawaii, is a dream location for lovers of the sunny tropics. It’s still part of the U.S., but it counts as an OCONUS assignment. If the gorgeous beaches, world-class surfing, delicious cuisine, and rich history aren’t enough, there’s also the fact that Honolulu is a vibrant city that’s sure to keep you busy. These days, Pearl Harbor is a joint base , meaning you’ll have access to plenty of Air Force amenities and everything you know and love about your Naval installations.

4. Naval Base Coronado

Hello, California weather! Coronado is part of the largest aerospace industrial complex in the Navy so there’s no shortage of assignments here. Not to mention the weather in the area is considered some of the best in the world. Outdoor enthusiasts will love the climate and the great options for sand and surf activities. Plus, San Diego means access to world-class shopping, dining, and adventures for everyone! Whether you’re flying solo or PCSing with your family, this is a wonderful duty station. Find out more about this installation here .

5. Naval Air Station Pensacola

Florida might not be on your Top 10 list of places to visit but NAS Pensacola has a lot to offer! It’s home to the Navy’s Blue Angel flight demonstration team and fondly considered the “Cradle of Naval Aviation!” NAS Pensacola was even the first site to be designated as an air station way back in 1911. That’s where all Navy and Marine Corps aviators started their training to get their Wings of Gold. If that’s not exciting enough, NAS Pensacola’s gorgeous seaside location with beaches along the Gulf Coast means sand and surf are in your future! Between the schoolhouses and the units embedded at Pensacola, nearly 2000 service members call NAS Pensacola home.

The military serves in plenty of remote and exciting locations all around the world. Who knows, maybe one of these top five installations will be in your future!

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Navy Base Guide List

United states.

  • China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station
  • Naval Air Station Lemoore
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  • Naval Amphibious Base Coronado
  • Naval Base Coronado
  • Naval Base Point Loma
  • Naval Base San Diego
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  • San Diego Military Bases


  • Naval Submarine Base New London

District of Columbia

  • Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling
  • Naval District Washington
  • Naval Air Station Jacksonville
  • Naval Air Station Key West
  • Naval Air Station Pensacola
  • Naval Air Station Whiting Field
  • Naval Station Mayport
  • Naval Support Activity Panama City
  • Pensacola Florida Military Bases
  • United States Southern Command
  • Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay
  • Joint Base Pearl Harbor - Hickam
  • Naval Station Pearl Harbor
  • Oahu Hawaii Military Bases
  • Naval Station Great Lakes
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans
  • Joint Base Andrews
  • NSA Bethesda Walter Reed Medical Center
  • National Naval Medical Center
  • Naval Air Station Patuxent River
  • Navy Fort Meade
  • US Naval Academy


  • Naval Air Station Meridian
  • Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport
  • Naval Air Station Fallon
  • Naval Support Activity Saratoga Springs

Rhode Island

  • Naval Station Newport

South Carolina

  • Beaufort South Carolina Military Bases
  • Joint Base Charleston
  • Naval Hospital Beaufort
  • Naval Weapons Station Charleston
  • Naval Support Activity Mid-South
  • Naval Air Station Corpus Christi
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth
  • Hampton Roads Military Bases
  • Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story
  • Naval Air Station Oceana
  • Naval Air Station Oceana Dam Neck Annex
  • Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek
  • Naval Station Norfolk
  • Naval Air Station Whidbey Island
  • Naval Base Kitsap
  • Naval Base Kitsap - Bangor
  • Naval Base Kitsap - Bremerton
  • Naval Hospital Bremerton
  • Naval Station Everett
  • Naval Support Activity Bahrain
  • Naval Station Guantanamo Bay
  • US Naval Support Activity Souda Bay
  • Naval Air Station Sigonella
  • Naval Support Activity Naples
  • Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo
  • Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka
  • Naval Air Facility Atsugi
  • Commander Fleet Activities Chinhae
  • Navy Region Singapore
  • Naval Station Rota

United Kingdom

  • Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia
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57+ absolute best Labor Day weekend sales to shop right now

Retailers like Amazon, REI, Target and Home Depot are offering Labor Day sales online and in stores through the holiday weekend.

Labor Day is on Monday, Sept. 2 this year, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait until then to shop the deals. Retailers like Amazon , REI , Walmart and Target are already hosting Labor Day sales, allowing you to take advantage of discounts before the three-day holiday weekend starts.

I frequently cover sales like Black Friday , Cyber Monday and Prime Day for NBC Select, so I know how to identify Labor Day deals that are actually worth buying . Below, I rounded up the best Labor Day sales to shop now. I’ll frequently update this list in the coming days to keep you updated.

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Selected. Our top picks

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select Amazon’s second Prime Day sale is happening this October — here’s everything we know

Best labor day deals, amazon smart plug.

Amazon Smart Plug

4.7-star average rating from 563,820 reviews on Amazon

Once you plug devices like lamps, fans and coffee machines into this smart plug , you can control them from your phone via a companion app. It’s also compatible with Amazon Alexa voice commands. The smart plug is compact so it keeps your second outlet free.

Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Gen.)

Apple Airpods Pro (2nd Gen, USB-C)

Apple Airpods Pro (2nd Gen, USB-C)

4.7-star average rating from 5,191 reviews on Amazon

Apple’s AirPods Pro are some of our favorite noise-canceling wireless earbuds . They come with a charging case and four pairs of silicone ear tips, allowing you to customize their size. You can tap the earbuds’ stem to control the volume, pause and play music or end calls. And don’t worry about working out or getting caught in the rain while wearing them — the AirPods are dust-, sweat- and water-resistant.  In addition to these AirPods, Apple’s AirPods (2nd. Gen.) and AiPods Max are currently on sale.

Grace & Stella Under Eye Mask

Grace & Stella Gold Under Eye Mask

Grace & Stella Gold Under Eye Mask

4.3-star average rating from 24,080 reviews on Amazon

I always keep a box of these under-eye masks in my bathroom and wear them once a day to reduce puffiness. They’re soaked in a serum made with hydrating hyaluronic acid and glycerin , as well as sea moss, which helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and amino acids, which can boost the skin’s moisture levels, according to the brand. The eye masks come in a box with 24 pairs, each of which are individually wrapped.

Casper Sleep Original Pillow

Casper Sleep Original Pillow

4.4-star average rating from 11,324 reviews on Amazon

Casper’s Original Pillow is an NBC Select Bed & Bath Award winner. It has a soft feel, comes with a machine-washable cotton cover and is stuffed with a polyester microfiber fill. You can purchase the pillow in standard and king sizes.

Shark NV360 Navigator Lift-Away Deluxe Upright Vacuum

Shark NV360 Navigator Upright Vacuum

Shark NV360 Navigator Upright Vacuum

4.4-star average rating from 104,945 reviews on Amazon

This vacuum is one of our all-time favorite options, but it’s especially great for homes with pets . It has attachments that tackle pet hair, like upholstery and crevice tools. The vacuum has a HEPA filter that traps dirt and allergens and a detachable pod, making it easy to clean stairs, under furniture and in high spaces. The automatic brushroll also helps you switch between vacuuming carpets and bare floors.

Sony XB100 Portable Speaker

Sony XB100 Portable Speaker

4.4-star average rating from 12,434 reviews on Amazon

Sony makes some of our favorite Bluetooth speakers , and if you’re looking for a mini one to take on the go, the brand’s XB100 model is a great option. It’s smaller than a soda can and has a built-in strap you can connect to bags, bicycles and even beach umbrellas. The rechargeable speaker offers 16 hours of battery life and is dust- and water-resistant.

Owala SmoothSip Coffee Tumbler

Owala SmoothSip Coffee Tumbler

4.6-star average rating from 802 reviews on Amazon

Owala’s insulated, stainless steel travel mug keeps your beverage hot for up to six hours or cold for up to 24 hours, according to the brand. Its sippy spout is comfortable to drink from, as well as splash-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about spilling. The tumbler is dishwasher-safe, but you’ll need to hand-wash the lid. It’s available in 10-ounce and 20-ounce sizes.

Best Labor Day mattress and bedding deals

Kitsch satin pillowcase.

Kitsch Satin Pillowcase

4.7-star average rating 23,278 reviews on Amazon

Sleeping on a satin pillowcase like this one can help reduce breakouts, tame frizzy hair, prevent sleep lines and keep you cool overnight, according to the brand.  I own at least six of Kitsch’s machine-washable satin pillowcases, which feel soft and smooth against my skin. They also stay on my pillows no matter how much I toss and turn thanks to the zipper closure. The pillowcase fits standard pillows and is available in over a dozen colors.

Brooklinen Classic Percale Core Sheet Set

Brooklinen Classic Cotton Percale Core Sheet Set

Brooklinen Classic Cotton Percale Core Sheet Set

4.4-star average rating from 18,058 reviews on Amazon

Brooklinen makes some of our favorite sheets , including this set made from 100% long-staple cotton. They have a crisp, cool feel with a matte finish, and get softer over time as you wash them, in my experience. The set, which won an NBC Select Bed & Bath Award, comes with a top sheet, fitted sheet and two pillowcases. You can purchase it in 11 colors like white, cream and Storm (blue), plus five seasonal styles.

Best Labor Day home deals

Levoit core 200s smart air purifier.

Levoit Core 200S Air Purifier

Levoit Core 200S Air Purifier

4.7-star average rating from 27,146 reviews on Amazon

Levoit’s air purifier helps reduce the presence of allergens like dust, pollen and pet dander in your home, as well as neutralizes odors. It’s designed with a three-filter system, including a HEPA filter, and doesn’t make much noise while using it. You can control the air purifier from your phone via a companion app. It’s also compatible with Amazon Alexa voice commands.

Dewalt 20V Max Cordless Drill/Driver Kit

Dewalt 20V Max Cordless Drill and Impact Driver Kit

Dewalt 20V Max Cordless Drill and Impact Driver Kit

4.8-star average rating from 44,331 reviews on Amazon

Having an electric drill at home can make doing DIY projects much easier. Dewalt’s is a lightweight, compact model that fits into small spaces, and it comes with two rechargeable batteries, a charger and a storage bag. The drill has a ½-inch ratcheting chuck.

Best Labor Day kitchen deals

Keurig k-mini single-serve coffee maker.

The Keurig K-Mini

The Keurig K-Mini

4.5-star average rating from 100,067 reviews on Amazon

If you have a small kitchen, this single-serve coffee maker is one of the best options. It’s less than five inches wide and can fit on your countertop without taking up too much space. The appliance has a small reservoir, so you have to refill it every time you brew a six to 12-ounce cup of coffee. The machine fits standard and travel mugs underneath its spout since it has a removable drip tray. 

Cosori 5-Quart Air Fryer

Cosori 5-Quart Air Fryer

4.7-star average rating from 27,401 reviews on Amazon

While you can manually control the cooking time and temperature settings on Cosori’s air fryer , the appliance has nine preset programs, including frozen, veggies, chicken and fries. It also has keep warm, preheat and shake reminder programs. The air fryer’s five-quart capacity typically allows you to make enough food for two or three people, according to the brand.

Best Labor Day beauty and wellness deals

Tushy fresh bidet.

Tushy Fresh Bidet

4.5-star average rating from 360 reviews on Amazon

You can attach this bidet to most toilets in less than 10 minutes, according to the brand. It has an automatic, self-cleaning nozzle and a water pressure control knob. The bidet does not require electricity to work.

Solawave 4-in-1 Skincare Wand

Solawave 4-in-1 Skincare Wand

4.5-star average rating from 428 reviews at Solawave

Solawave’s 4-in-1 Skincare Wand is a handheld red light therapy device that can help reduce wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, blemishes and dark spots, according to the brand. After you apply a serum, you glide the wand’s warm head over your skin, giving your face a gentle massage. Solawave recommends using the wand for three minutes per area you’re targeting.

Best Labor Day tech deals

Amazon echo dot.

Amazon Echo Dot

4.6-star average rating from 122,006 reviews on Amazon

The Echo Dot is a mini speaker that functions as an Alexa-enabled smart home hub. You can use it to stream music, audiobooks and podcasts, plus ask Alexa for updates about the weather, and traffic and to set alarms. The Echo Dot also connects to compatible devices like smart lights, thermostats and plugs, allowing you to control them via voice commands.

Ring Video Doorbell

Ring Video Doorbell

4.6-star average rating from 205,939 reviews on Amazon

See, hear and speak to visitors with Ring’s Video Doorbell, which livestreams footage to your phone via a companion app. The app also sends you notifications when the doorbell detects motion, and you can pair the device with any Alexa-enabled smart home products. You can power the Ring Video Doorbell using the built-in rechargeable battery or connect it to your home’s existing doorbell wires.

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select 50+ student discounts to help you save on tech, streaming services and more

Best labor day sales to shop.

Here are the best Labor Day sales to know about. Keep in mind, not every item from a brand is discounted as described below.

Best retailer sales

  • Amazon : Up to 40% off select products sitewide, plus daily Lightning Deals
  • Target : Up to 50% off select products sitewide through Sept. 2
  • Walmart : Up to 65% off select products sitewide
  • REI : Up to 40% off sitewide
  • Best Buy : Up to 50% off sitewide through Sept. 11
  • Home Depot : Up to 50% off sitewide
  • Lowe’s : Up to 40% off sitewide
  • Macy’s : Get up to an extra 20% off select products sitewide through Sept. 2
  • Nordstrom : Up to 60% off sitewide
  • Wayfair : Up to 70% off sitewide
  • Bed Bath & Beyond : Up to 70% off sitewide

Best furniture and home sales

  • Artifact Uprising : 20% off sitewide with code LABORDAY through Sept. 2
  • The Shade Store : 15% off sitewide through Sept. 18
  • Lulu and Georgia : 20% off sitewide through Sept. 3
  • Sixpenny : 20% off orders $1,000 or more through Sept. 5 with code SANDCASTLE
  • Dorai Home : Up to 25% off sitewide through Sept. 3

Best mattress and bedding sales

  • Casper : Up to 35% off mattresses, pillows and bedding
  • Brooklinen : 25% off sitewide and in-store
  • Marlow : Up to 50% off pillows
  • Parachute : Up to 55% off bedding and mattresses
  • Buffy : Up to 20% off sitewide through Sept. 8
  • Crane & Canopy : Up to 70% off sitewide through Sept. 3

Best kitchen and appliance sales

  • Made In : Up to 25% off cookware, bakeware, tableware and knives through Sept. 3
  • Great Jones : 25% off select products with code POPCORN
  • Sur La Table : Up to 50% off select cookware, kitchen tools and more
  • Hedley & Bennett : 20% off sitewide with code LABORDAY20

Best beauty and wellness sales

  • Selfmade : 40% off sitewide and an extra 20% off already discounted bundles
  • Act+Acre : 30% off sitewide
  • Solawave : 35% off select products with code LABORDAY35
  • Supergoop : 20% off sitewide, 25% off orders $100 or more through Sept. 3

Best clothing and shoe sales 

  • Old Navy : 60% off clothing, shoes and accessories
  • Everlane : 25% off sitewide
  • Crocs : Up to 60% off select styles through Sept. 3
  • Hill House Home : 25% off select styles
  • Ring Concierge : 20% off sitewide through Sept. 2
  • Comrad Socks : 30% off sitewide with code LDW30

Best tech sales

  • Sonos : Up to 20% off select products
  • Bose : Save 25% or more on select tech, plus students get an additional discount with ID verification
  • Ring : Up to 35% off select devices
  • HP : Up to 75% off select computers, printers, monitors and more

How I found the best Labor Day sales

All of my recommendations above are based on NBC Select’s previous coverage and reporting. I also included products the NBC Select staff tested, including Wellness Award , Travel Award , Pet Award and Bed & Bath Award winners.  All the products I recommend are at least 20% off, as well as highly rated items with at least a 4.0-star average rating from hundreds of reviews.

Why trust NBC Select?

I’m an associate updates editor for NBC Select , and I have covered deals and sales since 2020. To round up the best Labor Day sales, I found highly rated products that are at least 20% off and align with NBC Select’s previous coverage.

Catch up on NBC Select’s in-depth coverage of personal finance , tech and tools , wellness and more, and follow us on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and TikTok to stay up to date.

does the navy travel the world

Zoe Malin is an associate updates editor for Select on NBC News.


  1. Navy World Map

    does the navy travel the world

  2. Us Navy Bases World Map

    does the navy travel the world

  3. Us Navy 7th Fleet Map

    does the navy travel the world

  4. Join The Navy, Travel The World

    does the navy travel the world

  5. Us Navy 7th Fleet Map

    does the navy travel the world

  6. What Does A Navy Do?

    does the navy travel the world


  1. This Is How Much Navy Ammunition Costs #military #navy

  2. Does Navy Federal accept loose change?

  3. Unseen side of Navy Yeoman Rate #short #deckplatetone

  4. Does Navy Federal have a check deposit limit?

  5. Does navy go with brown?

  6. Which Country Has WORLD'S FASTEST NAVY SHIP?


  1. Travel the World With the Military

    Travel the World With the Military. While it may not be the primary reason for joining the service, the ability to travel the world is one of the great benefits of being in the U.S. Military. There are U.S. military institutions on most of the continents of the Earth, and missions around the world.

  2. Which Branch of the Military Travels the Most?

    Navy personnel spend a great deal of time at sea performing their tasks on ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers. The Navy's dedication to worldwide operations and constant presence on the world's waterways has earned it the title of "most traveled military branch.". 3. Air Force.

  3. Travel the world with the US Navy. What's it like?

    An interview with Fidel Che Hart on his travel experiences around the world with the U.S. Navy and how that changed his travel perspective.

  4. 6 Reasons to Finish Your Military Career with Travel

    5. For Travel Within the United States, National Parks Are Free for Active-Duty Military. Disabled veterans can obtain lifetime free national parks access with the America the Beautiful Pass ...

  5. Sea Power: The U.S. Navy and Foreign Policy

    The U.S. Navy's dominance of the world's oceans has made it an indispensable foreign policy tool and a guarantor of global trade, but a mix of challenges is raising difficult questions about ...

  6. Does the Navy let you travel?

    Sail the World: Navy Travel Opportunities • Navy Travel Adventures • Join the Navy and explore the world! Sailors can travel to different countries, experien...

  7. How the U.S. Navy Works

    The United States Navy is the branch of the U.S. military that is equipped to fight wars on the oceans, seas, and even lakes and rivers of the world. It is by far the largest Navy in the world - in fact, if you combined every other navy in the world into one giant navy, it would only be about 5 percent bigger than the U.S. Navy [source: The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments ...

  8. 9 Top Navy Jobs That Travel

    What are Navy jobs that travel? Navy jobs that travel are roles in the military that require you to perform your work in different parts of the world. There are a few factors that can determine where you travel and how often you travel, including factors like where your station is, what your specific military occupational specialty is and what type of work assignments you receive from your ...

  9. Exploring the US Navy's Global Role and the Challenge to Remain Supreme

    What are the US Navy's challenges? With the rise of great-power competitors' military capabilities, the Navy must ensure it maintains the fleet necessary to keep critical international seas and sea lanes open around the world.

  10. Join the Navy: See the World

    The Navy Isn't For Everyone. For many reasons, military service has been growing less popular in recent years. However, if you are looking for an escape from the cubicle, then you might want to consider the Navy. It can be a great way to collect a steady paycheck while traveling the world.

  11. U.S. Moves Naval Forces Closer to Israel

    Trying to Head Off War, U.S. Moves Naval Forces Closer to Israel. American officials are sending a signal to Iran and its allies, in the form of two aircraft carrier groups and a guided-missile ...

  12. Royal Navy

    Do things you never dreamed of, in places you never thought you'd visit. Get paid to travel the world, gaining new skills and making friends for life. You'll be able to explore and see the sights during your free time You have the chance to try new sports and challenges during our adventurous ...

  13. Where We Are

    The Department of Navy is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other non-merit factor. The Department of the Navy provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities. Applicant who believe ...

  14. How likely are you to "see the world" in the navy?

    I know some rates are going to travel more than others and that where you get sent in the militarily is really a matter of luck; but in general how likely is it that I would get to "see the world" in the navy.

  15. How Carrier Battle Groups Work

    How does one of the most valuable pieces of military equipment travel around the world? When they move, an entire fleet of protective air and water craft moves with them. Learn all about carrier battle groups.

  16. The US Navy is struggling to build warships

    The country has the world's largest navy with 355 warships in 2021, according to the U.S. Naval Institute, while the Center for Strategic and International Studies has reported that the U.S. Navy ...

  17. The world's most powerful navies in 2023, ranked

    The World Directory of Modern Military Warships ranked navies on their size, modernization efforts, and attack and defense capabilities.

  18. The Best Way to Travel the World is the US...

    The Best Way to Travel the World is the US Navy. Lots of people dream of traveling the world. There?s so much to see out there, and so much to learn. Unfortunately, it?s also expensive to travel. The dollar?s low, so prices in many countries overseas are now twice what are normally. Add in airfare, hotels, and the missing money from the ...

  19. China Has World's Largest Navy With 355 Ships and Counting, Says

    China has the biggest maritime force on the globe with an inventory of about 355 vessels, according to a Defense Department report released Wednesday. With 355 ships in its fleet, the People's ...

  20. Seven killed in 'most massive' Russian air attack, Ukraine says

    People sheltered in a metro station in Kyiv during the barrage Russia has launched one of its biggest air attacks on Ukraine of the war so far, the head of the Ukrainian air force has said. At ...

  21. How much of the world do you really see in the navy? : r/navy

    How much of the world do you really see in the navy? I'm a 25 yo female going for a medic position in the Australian navy, just wondering, how much do you really see when you travel? Is it just limited to navy specified areas on shore (excuse my ignorance) or do you get to explore a bit? Archived post.

  22. US Navy Has No Aircraft Carriers in Pacific, Focus on Middle East

    The US Navy has no aircraft carriers in the Pacific as focus remains on the Middle East. The absence raises some concerns amid tensions in the region and continued Chinese aggression. The Pentagon ...

  23. Yes, China Has the World's Largest Navy. That Matters Less Than You

    China's fleet relies disproportionately on smaller classes of ships - and U.S. capabilities are bolstered by its allies' navies.

  24. These are the 5 best Navy bases in the world

    These are the 5 best Navy bases in the world. 030325-N-9693M-001.Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily (March 25, 2003) -- Sicily's volcano, Mt. Etna, is the backdrop for a U.S. Air Force C-5 "Galaxy" and the air terminal of Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella. NAS Sigonella provides logistical support for Sixth Fleet and NATO forces in the ...

  25. US Navy Base Guide List

    Looking for a specific Navy base? Use Base Guides to find United States Navy military bases. Select military bases by name or location.

  26. 'The World' is a luxury ship that travels the world full time

    A resident explains the pros and cons of living on "The World" — a luxury ship with privately owned apartments.

  27. Japan issues emergency warning as powerful Typhoon Shanshan nears

    Airlines and rail operators cancelled some services for the coming days as the typhoon, categorised as "very strong", barrelled towards the main southwestern island of Kyushu with gusts of up to ...

  28. Where have you travelled during your time in the Navy?

    I am aware that you don't join the Navy to travel the world, however I know for a fact there will be more travel than my current job where I work from home sending emails all day.

  29. Labor Day 2024: 57+ best sales to shop this weekend

    The machine fits standard and travel mugs underneath its spout since it has a removable drip tray. ... Old Navy: 60% off clothing, shoes and accessories; Everlane: 25% off sitewide;

  30. How much do you actually get to travel in the Navy?

    You might do a world tour and pull into 9 different countries, you might just float out in the gulf for 4 months without pulling in anywhere. Those examples are my second and first cruises on the Stennis, respectively.