Scott's Treks

13 Things to Do in Old Town Bern (Switzerland)

by Scott | Last updated Feb 8, 2020 | 2 comments

The 13 Best Things to Do in Old Town Bern Switzerland

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Today we’re going to dive into the best things to do in Old Town Bern.

You will spend most of your time in Old Town when you visit Bern, Switzerland.

In this post you will learn the best buildings to see, museums to visit, parks to visit and the ideal places to view the city.

You are going to love visiting these locations when you visit Bern.

Let’s get right into the best things to do in Old Town Bern!

The best Things to Do in Old Town Bern Switzerland - what to do in Bern Switzerland - What to see in Bern Switzerland

Parking Near Old Town Bern

13. take a bern city tour, where is old town bern.

The Old Town Bern area, known as Alstadt, became a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site in 1983.

Alstadt is a really rad area to explore. You can really feel the history and heritage as you walk down the streets.

The Old City of Bern is surrounded by the Aare River on 3 sides, which protected it from invasion during the Middle Ages.

The entire city of Bern has some of the best public transportation in the world. You can easily take a tram or bus to anywhere in the city.

You don’t really need to drive or take public transportation in Old Town Bern because it is very easy to walk and navigate.

The train station is near the heart of the Old City of Bern. Once you walk out of the train station in Bern, you are right in the middle of the Old Town area.

You can look at the map below to see exactly where Old Town Bern is.

The Old City of Bern is a car-free area (except for deliveries).

I believe the 2 best places to park in the Old City of Bern are at the Metro Parking lot and at the City Hall (Rauthaus) parking structure.

I have included map locations of both parking areas below.

Old Town Bern is a very walkable area, however, there are a lot of public transportation options available .

It is so easy to navigate the streets by walking, or by taking one of the several trams and buses in the Old Town area.

The Best Things to Do in the Old City of Bern (Altstadt)

1.  see the zytglogge (clock tower in bern).

The Zytglogge Clock Tower in Bern Switzerland

The  Zytglogge is probably the most recognizable and famous site to see in Old Town Bern .

It was built in the early 1200s and has been used as a clock tower (duh), guard tower and prison.

The Zytglogge has 2 clock faces, one on the east and the other on the west. The eastern clock face has the time shown with Roman numerals with an astronomical clock below it.

The astronomical clock has intricate figurines and a painted frieze depicting the deities above the day of the week they represent.

There are 2 bells on the clock tour; one bell for the full hour and the other bell is for the quarter hour. There is a figure of Chronos, the Greek personification of time, which strikes the bell at the full hour.

The clock tower is really cool, with the east façade being the main draw. This is a must-see for anyone visiting Bern.

2.  Go to Bundeshaus and Bundesplatz

Bundeshaus in Bern Switzerland. Federal Palace and Parliament Building in Bern.

Bundeshaus is the Federal Palace (Parliament Building) of Switzerland that houses the Swiss Federal Assembly and the Federal Council in the Bundesplatz.

Bundesplatz is the giant open square situated in front of the Bundeshaus.

There are 26 water fountains that shoot water up from the ground in Bundesplatz. They are really nice during the summer for kids to run through and cool down.

Each fountain represents one of the cantons (regional municipalities) of Switzerland.

The Parliament Building consists 2 wings and a central assembly building. Both wings connect to the central building by elevated walkways.

 There are paths beneath those elevated walkways that lead behind the Bundeshaus to a large viewing platform.

I highly recommend visiting the viewing platform. You get great views of the Aare River, Naturhistorisches Museum and Gurten.

Rendez-vous Bundesplatz

Redez-vous Show on Bundeshaus in Bern Switzerland

From the middle of October to the end of November there is a light and sound show at Bundesplatz called  Rendez-vous Bundesplatz .

Rendez-vous Bundesplatz is awesome and is one of my favorite things to do in Bern.

It’s a 3-D video show at Bundesplatz projected onto the Bundeshaus with a soundtrack played with it. These shows happen 2 times every night during the run.

Viewers sit down in front with food and drinks and watch the show, which can be brought from home or purchased from vendors.

The best thing to purchase from the vendors is the traditional German mulled wine known as Glühwein. Glühwein is like an adult hot chocolate and is perfect on cold days.

Bundesplatz also holds a farmers market twice a week and is perfect for picking up fresh fruit and vegetables.

3.  See the Bern Minster Cathedral (Berner Münster)

Last Judgement Gothic Sculptures at Bern Minster Cathedral - Berner Münster

Berner Münster is the tallest cathedral in Switzerland at just over 100 meters.

It’s a Gothic-style cathedral that took over 400 years to build. While most of the construction was completed in about 100 years, the bell tower, with the largest bell in Switzerland, wasn’t completed until 1893.

Definitely make sure you check out the Last Judgement Gothic sculptures above the entrance at the Bern Minster. The attention to detail on the sculptures is incredible and is definitely one of the best things to see at the Münster.

Inside the cathedral you can see the carved wooden choir stalls, amazing stained glass windows and climb to the top of the 100-meter spire for incredible views of Bern.

4.  Visit the Museums

Entrance to Einsteinhaus Museum - Einstein House in Bern Switzerland

There are a few museums in the Old City of Bern worth visiting.

I would recommend checking out the following museums: Einsteinhaus, Galerie SOON, Klingende Sammlung and the Kunstmuseum (Museum of Fine Arts).

I wrote a detailed post about the best museums in Bern, which I recommend reading.

5.  See the Fountain Statues and Drink from the City Fountains

Bern Water Fountain Monument - Pfeiferbrunnen

One of my favorite things to do in Old Town Bern is to check out all the historic water fountains.

Bern has over 100 public fountains throughout the city. The 11 fountains in Old Town have beautiful 16 th century statues resting atop them.

The Old Town fountains with the beautiful statues are really cool to check out.

Each fountain has a different statue design depicting a historical or cultural reference.

Not only are the designs of the fountains totally awesome and entertaining, but the water coming out of every public fountain is crisp, cold and delicious.

There is absolutely no need to purchase water ever.

Just bring your refillable water bottle (I recommend  this water bottle from Avex ) and fill it up at the several fountains all throughout the city.

6.  Walk Under the World Famous Arcades

The Arcades in Old City Bern Switzerland. The famous Old Town Bern arcades are a great thing to do in Bern.

Above the walkways on each street are beautiful arcades.

Each little section of town has a different arcade design. You can see where development occurred after they were originally built in some locations.

Under these arcades you can also find the many boutique shops, restaurants and bars.

Additionally, there are also street vendors selling food and handmade items underneath the arcades.

7.  See the Amazing Views by the Bellevue Palace and Casino Bern

View of the Aare River and Gurten from Old Town Bern Platform

The viewing platform by the Bellevue Palace and Casino Bern is another great spot to see awesome views of Bern and the Gurten.

This is another place to get beautiful pictures of the city and landscape in the Old Town area.

READ MORE: Your Guide to The Best Things to Do in Bern!

8.  See the Prison Tower (Käfigturm)

Käfigturm Prison Tower in Old Town Bern Switzerland

The Käfigturm was the second tower built in the city. The Prison Tower originally served as the second city gate.

After the great city fire of 1405, the Käfigturm was converted into a prison.

In 1641 the old Prison Tower was torn down and the building that stands today was built and replaced it in 1644.

Starting in 1897 the building was repurposed into a government facility after a new prison was built.

Bern still uses the Käfigturm for government purposes such as hosting exhibitions and political forums.

9.  Visit the Town Hall (Rathaus)

The  Town Hall was originally finished in 1416 and is where the local government meets.

The Rathaus is where the Cantonal Government meets to discuss and decide on policy for the canton and city of Bern.

At the top of the building are the different coat of arms for the original districts of Bern.

The staircases leading up have unique Gothic-style sculptures leading up to the top. Each side has a different set of sculptures that show the different sins of man.

The best Things to Do in Bern Switzerland - what to do in Bern Switzerland - What to see in Bern Switzerland

10. St. Peter and Paul Church (Kirche St. Peter und Paul)

Kirche St. Peter and Paul is a neo-Gothic church built in 1864 right next to the Rathaus.

The small church was the first Catholic church built in Bern after the reformation.

11. Nydegg Church (Nydeggkirche)

View of Old Town Bern and Nydegg Church - Nydeggkirche

Nydeggkirche was completed in 1346 and is one of the oldest churches in Bern.

The church was built where part of Castle Nydegg once stood. Nydeggkirche still has one of the original city wells in front of it, too.

Nydeggkirche is an iconic landmark of Old Town Bern and is right next to the Nydeggbrüske (Nydegg Bridge) that takes visitors over to BärenPark (Bear Park).

12. Walk the Kornhaus Bridge (Kornhausbrücke)

View of Old Town Bern from Kornhausbrücke - Kornhaus Bridge Bern Switzerland

The Kornhausbrücke is a large metal bridge constructed in the late 1800s. It crosses the Aare and connects Old Town with some of the newer settlements.

Crossing this bridge will take you to a few of the museums, such as the Bernisches Historisches Museum and Museum für Kommunikation.

The best part about the Kornhaus Bridge are the amazing panoramic views you get of Bern and the Alps.

This is a fantastic spot to get Instagram-worthy pictures of Old Town and the surrounding landscape.

iPod AudioGuide Tour of Old Town Bern

Me in Old Town Bern Taking iPod Walking Tour - Bern Switzerland

There are several tours to pick from when you visit Bern.

My favorite was the  iPod AudioGuide Tour of Old Town Bern .

The tour consists of 2 parts, each with 18 stops and lasts about 4 hours total.

You can pick up an iPod AudioGuide at Tourist Information Center at either the main train station or by BärenPark.

It is a self-guided walking tour that you can take at your own pace.

You can rent the iPods for either 6 hours or 24 hours.

I did this tour and we finished in about 4.5 hours, with a stop for lunch included.

The tour takes you all through Old Town and provides you with tons of great historical information about the city.

You can either  reserve online here or just walk into one of the Tourist Information Centers.

If it’s a busy time of the year, you are going to want to make your reservation online.

I went in late-spring and it was not busy and just walked into the office to rent my iPod AudioGuide.

I highly recommend taking the iPod AudioGuide Tour if you want to learn about the history of Bern.

The tour is available in English, French, German, and Italian.

A 6-hour rental costs CHF 18 ($18.12) and the 24-hour rental is CHF 25 ($25.16).

Bern City Tour

There are also awesome guided tours available in Bern if you prefer having someone walk you through the city.

This 1-hour private walking tour hits all of the important historical sites in addition to captivating narration on the history and culture of Bern.

Plus you get insider tips on the best places for eating and going out from a local tour guide, all for under $30/person.

Final Thoughts

Old Town Bern is a beautiful area that transports you back into the Middle Ages.

Visitors to this UNESCO World Heritage Site will really enjoy the Gothic architecture of the old churches and marvel at the views of the Alps.

The charm and history of Old Town Bern really make this area special.

Now I’d Like to Hear from You

I hope you enjoyed my post on the best things to do in Old Town Bern.

Now I would like to hear from you.

What were your thoughts on Old Town Bern?

What did you think of my list of the top things to do in Old Town Bern?

Is there anything you think I left out?

Let me know by leaving a quick comment below!

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The best Things to Do in Bern Switzerland - what to do in Bern Switzerland - What to see in Bern Switzerland

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Laurie Morrison

I like that you included tips specific to the time of year you visit such as the fall Light show at Rendezvous Bundesplatz and the recommendation to make reservations for the audio guide during the busy time of the year.

I also like the final thoughts section that gives a clear idea of what you will find in Bern.

Bern sounds like a wonderful place to visit!


Thanks, I’m glad you liked the post! Bern is such an amazing city that everyone should visit. The Rendez-vous show at Bundesplatz is awesome and I highly recommend anyone in Bern during late fall to check it out.

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Luxury Travel Switzerland

Bern’s Old Town – UNESCO World Heritage Site

Highlights Bernese-Midlands

In 1983, Bern’s Old Town rightfully earned its place on the esteemed UNESCO World Heritage List. This recognition serves as a testament to the immeasurable value and unparalleled significance that this historical gem holds for humanity as a whole.

Bern old town

Bern old town with cathedral

Bern’s old town is a real gem that enchants visitors from all over the world with its rich history, architectural splendor and cultural heritage.

Old Town of Bern Zytglogge

Old Town of Bern Zytglogge

A stroll through the winding alleyways and past the picturesque squares of this UNESCO World Heritage Site is like a journey back in time.

Bern’s old town a world heritage site since 1983

In accordance with an international convention from 1972, UNESCO maintains a list of cultural and natural sites that are of outstanding importance at a global level. Following an application from Switzerland, the old town of Bern was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983.

Bern Minster

Bern Minster

Bern’s Old Town has been recognized for its exceptional features and cultural value. It is considered to be an outstanding example of a progressive and clear urban layout in which the basic structures have been respected and preserved over the centuries.

Bern’s old town shows remarkable architectural and urban continuity, reflecting the city’s historical heritage. It is a living testimony to the development and history of the city and conveys a rich cultural heritage that must be protected and preserved.

There are many important and historic buildings in the old town of Bern. Here are some of the most important:

  • The Federal Palace: the seat of the Swiss government and parliament. It is a symbol of Swiss democracy
  • Bern Minster: The imposing Gothic cathedral dominates the skyline of Bern. With its high tower, it offers an impressive view over the city
  • The Zytglogge: The clock tower is a medieval clock tower with an astronomical clock and a carillon. It is a landmark of Bern and attracts many visitors
  • The Käfigturm: another historic tower in the Old Town that once served as a prison. Today it houses a museum showing the history of Bern
  • The town hall: A magnificent building in late Gothic style that serves as the seat of the city government. It is known for its richly decorated facades and the town hall tower
  • The Nydeggkirche: a charming church on the banks of the River Aare, known for its Romanesque architecture and idyllic location
  • The Zähringer Bridge: A historic bridge over the River Aare, which is one of the oldest bridges in Switzerland and offers a picturesque view of the Old Town

Bern old town

Bern old town

Like every modern city, Bern has continuously developed over the centuries and adapted to the changing needs of its population. The requirements of the economy and living comfort in particular pose key challenges today, especially when it comes to adapting the building fabric and urban structure in line with heritage requirements.

To enjoy the best view of the old town, which is surrounded by the Aare, we recommend the elevated rose garden above the BärenPark or the platform of the imposing 101-metre-high cathedral tower. The former redoubts and bastions slope steeply down to the river, giving the town a special topography.

The old town is home to charming boutiques, bars and cabarets, some of which are located in the vaulted cellars, as well as cozy street cafés that attract both locals and tourists.

Although Bern has a well-developed public transport system, the city center is best explored on foot to fully appreciate all its beauty and charm.

Video Old Town Bern, Switzerland

Altstadt (Old City) is the medieval centre of Bern, the capital of Switzerland. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bern has impressive sandstone buildings, clock towers, churches, shopping arcades, and a large collection of Renaissance fountains.

Altstadt Bern, Switzerland

Video World Heritage Sites in Switzerland: The Old Town of Bern

Welterbestätten in der Schweiz: Die Altstadt von Bern

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10 Things to Do in Bern Old Town (Altstadt) Bern Switzerland

  •  Bear Park
  •  Bern Art Museum
  •  Bern Botanical Garden
  •  Bern Cathedral
  •  Bern Historical Museum
  •  Bern Minster
  •  Bern Natural History Museum
  •  Bern Old Town
  •  Bern Zoological Garden
  •  Bundeshaus
  •  Bundeshaus East Wing
  •  Bundeshaus West Wing
  •  Bundesplatz
  •  Clock Tower
  •  Einstein House
  •  Gurten Funicular
  •  Gurten Park
  •  Nydeggbrücke
  •  Paul Klee Museum
  •  Rose Garden

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She Wanders Abroad

  • The Ultimate One Day in Bern Itinerary

Panoramic view of Bern, Switzerland

Despite being the capital city of Switzerland, Bern is actually pretty small. Therefore, spending one day in Bern is the perfect amount of time to explore the main sights and get a sense of the city.

Bern is a tranquil, riverside city with a historic Old Town and an array of cultural attractions. Although sometimes overlooked in favor of Zurich and Geneva , the Swiss capital has more than enough to see and do to quench your wanderlust and it deserves a spot on any Switzerland itinerary.

Designed with first-time visitors in mind, this Bern travel guide will help you figure out what to do in Bern in one day based on the types of activities you enjoy the most when traveling.

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The Ultimate One Day in Bern Itinerary

Table of Contents

Useful Info for Visiting Bern

How to get to bern.

Bern is tiny but it is still a capital city and therefore it does have its own international airport, situated 12 km (7.5 miles) southeast of central Bern. However, flights to Bern Airport (BRN) from other European destinations are very limited so you might find it easier to fly to a larger Swiss city and connect via rail or road.

Bern Train Station is situated centrally, just west of Bern Altstadt. This connects to other Swiss and European cities and you can check schedules, journey time, and reserve train tickets online at Omio.

Its central location and the fact that you can explore the best of Bern in a day means that this city is an excellent stop as part of a Switzerland road trip . It takes around 2 hours to drive there from either Geneva or Zurich but you can always extend the journey and discover some of the pristine Swiss countryside along the way.

Best time to visit Bern

Similar to Geneva and Zurich, you can absolutely visit Bern at any time during the year. It really depends on the type of experience you are seeking from visiting Bern in a day.

Winter temperatures do drop as low as -3°C (27°F) while the hottest summer months of July and August will see them soar to 25°C (77°F). The shoulder seasons of mid-spring, early summer, and autumn are the most pleasant overall with temperatures pushing 20°C (68°F).

Winter brings festive cheer in the form of Christmas markets and, if you’re lucky, a light coat of snow on the city streets. Meanwhile, summer sees an influx in visitor numbers so you’ll have to contend with more crowds, however, it’s a really nice time for swimming in the river. 

Bern Altstadt

How to get around Bern

You can get around this compact city on foot for the most part. If your accommodation is further out of the historic heart then you can hop on board a bus or tram to connect to the city and then start your exploration. 

This one day Bern itinerary mainly relies on walking to get around but it does include a couple of bus rides. If you book at least one night of accommodation in town, your hotel will give you a Bern Ticket that permits free travel during your visit, across buses, trams, and the Gurten funicular. 

Bern Altstadt

Where to stay in Bern

To save you some time, below you can find my personal recommendations for where to stay in Bern for one day.

Hotel Bellevue Palace Bern

LUXURY – Hotel Bellevue Palace Bern

This opulent 5-star hotel occupies an elegant Art Nouveau building that overlooks the Bernese Alps and lively river area. Besides the lavish rooms and suites, the property contains two bars, two restaurants, a sauna, and a gym. As with the other hotels listed, parking is available with a surcharge. 

Boutique Hotel Belle Epoque

MID-RANGE – Boutique Hotel Belle Epoque

This elegant hotel is situated in the heart of Old Town and opens onto a pretty boulevard terrace where you can enjoy a meal or drink. Chic rooms and suites come with the option for a shower or bathtub and tasteful decor. Nearby parking is available for an additional fee. 

Hotel Marthahaus

BUDGET – Hotel Marthahaus

This budget-friendly hotel is centrally located down a residential street. You can save money by reserving a room that has a shared bathroom and look forward to a complimentary breakfast. Parking is available at an additional cost.

Overview of Your One Day in Bern Itinerary 

Breakdown of your one day in bern.

Morning: Bern Altstadt, Bear Park, Rosengarten 

Afternoon: Option A: visit an art gallery or museum, Option B: swim in the River Aare

Evening: Gurten, Dinner

Map of the best places to visit in Bern in a day

Below you can find a customized map that includes all the locations you’re going to visit on this Bern itinerary. I marked the different times of the day with different colors – I used blue for the morning, red for the afternoon, and green for the evening, so you can easily see which places you’re going to visit during your one day in Bern.

If you open up this post on your phone and you click on the bracket in the upper right corner of the map, it will automatically save this map to your Google Maps app so you can always have it with you. Super convenient, right?

Morning of Your One Day in Bern

Bern altstadt .

Bern Altstadt, the Old Town, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This gives you a hint that it’s going to be historic, ornate, and beautiful so make sure you have your camera at the ready!

In terms of what to do in Bern in one day, you could easily spend it roaming this neighborhood and ticking off as many of the 100 plus fountains that dot the city. Follow my tips below to maximize your time.

You can start your self-guided walk around Altstadt at Bundesplatz, a historic plaza that provides the setting for Bundeshaus, also known as the Parliament Building and Federal Palace. Constructed between 1894 and 1902, the building was inaugurated by the United Federal Assembly 1st April 1902.

In front of the palace, you will see a fountain of 26 jets. Each one represents one of Switzerland’s Cantons. The building itself is steeped in symbolism that represents Swiss history, culture, and values which is best digested on a guided tour. 

These tours are free of charge, last one hour, and must be booked online at least three days prior. Tours take place from Tuesday until Saturday with English language tours scheduled for Saturdays. During the summer months, additional English language tours are available.

Bern Bundeshaus

Moving on from Bundeshaus, you can walk five minutes to the next attraction, Zytglogge. This medieval clock tower was constructed in 1405 and has served as a watchtower and prison in the past. Nowadays, it marks the core of Altstadt and it’s a marvel to see the astronomical clock face close up. Schedule your 24 hours in Bern so that you arrive at the hour if you want to watch the show.

Bern Altstadt


Walk two minutes down Kramgasse from the Zytglogge and you will reach Eistenhaus, a residence where Albert Einstein lived in the early 1900s. The museum is open for visitors between 1 February and 20 December. Hours are Monday to Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm. The admission fee is 5 CHF (€5.10). 

Altstadt is the setting for a scattering of churches, which represent different branches of Christianity.

Visit the 15th-century Cathedral of Bern where you can tackle the spiral staircase to reach the summit of the Gothic building and take in birds-eye views of the city. The church hall and steeple are open daily, 10 am – 5 pm.

The main church is free to visit but if you want to climb up the tower then there is a fee of 5 CHF (€5.10). 

You may also want to stop at Nydeggkirche, a Protestant church situated next to Nydeggbrücke. It features a beautiful blue spire and attractive bronze carvings. Make this your last stop in Altstadt then you can cross over Nydeggbrücke and walk to the Rosengarten.

Cathedral of Bern, Switzerland

While wandering around Bern in one day, you might have noticed lots of bear symbols all across the city. This is not a coincidence, as the bear is not only the symbol of the city of Bern but the whole canton as well.

After knowing all this, it won’t come as a surprise that Bern has its own Bear Park as well! Situated along the banks of the River Aare, the bears have a huge, 6000-square-meter park where they can roam free. You can also find a small bear pit near the park where you can observe the bears from a closer perspective.

Bear Park in Bern, Switzerland


For the remainder of your morning, you can stretch your legs and capture wonderful views of Bern Altstadt from this elevated rose garden. This is a lovely place to take a breather during your one day in Bern and you could always bring a picnic up here to enjoy for lunch.

Rosengarten is a 10-minute walk from Nydeggbrücke and it is free to enter.

Afternoon of Your One Day in Bern

There are so many types of things to do in Bern in a day so for the afternoon, you can decide between a couple of options based on your personal preferences or what the weather is doing.

Option A: Visit an art gallery or museum

Option A is to visit one of Bern’s many museums or galleries. Here are four suggestions for your one day in Bern! The first museum is located a bit out of the city but the rest are all located in Bern’s Museum District, Kirchenfeld.

To access any of these museums in Kirchenfeld, you can board bus numbers 10 or 12, alight at Zytglogge, and then cross over Kirchenfeldbrücke on foot. 

Kirchenfeld Bridge in Bern, Switzerland

Zentrum Paul Klee

First of all, Zentrum Paul Klee showcases the avant-garde pieces produced by the Swiss-born German artist, Paul Klee. The work on display includes Klee’s childhood sketches and journeys through his entire artistic career.

Even the exterior of the gallery is impressive in itself. Zentrum Paul Klee is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm (closed on Mondays) and admission is 20 CHF (€20.50). 

Zentrum Paul Klee is situated a 20-minute walk from Rosengarten or you can save a bit of time by hopping on bus number 40 from outside the park. 

Alpine Museum of Switzerland

The Alpine Museum of Switzerland is all about mountains and it’s perfect for aspiring (or accomplished) mountaineers or anyone with a love of nature. The exhibitions cover Swiss ranges as well as international peaks and dive into alpine culture and traditions.

The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm. Admission is 18 CHF (€18.40) if you want to see all the exhibits. 

Museum of Communication

Situated within a former post office, Museum Für Kommunikation (Museum of Communication) is an interesting journey through the postal service, telecommunications, and contemporary media. You can even have a go at learning Morse code while you’re here!

The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm, and the entrance fee is 15 CHF (€15.35).

Bernisches Historisches Museum

Bernisches Historisches Museum is dedicated to Swiss history and hosts artifacts that date back as far as the Stone Age. Temporary exhibitions showcase topics ranging from royalty and court art to political movements. Within the same complex, you can also visit the Einstein Museum.

The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm. Admission to the permanent exhibitions is 16 CHF (€16.40) and 18 CHF (€18.45) for the Einstein Museum.

Bern Historical Museum

Option B: River Aare swimming

If the weather is hot and you fancy cooling off then you can go for a session of wild swimming in the River Aare. This is one of the best things to do in Bern in a day during summer.

The section of the river just south of Dalmazibrücke is the most suitable place to do this. At Freibad Marzili you can nab a spot on the grassy lawn and hop in the river for a swim. Please note that swimming in the river itself is only possible for strong, experienced swimmers. Make sure you get a sense of the current before entering the Aare as some days it is stronger than others!

If you are more comfortable then there are also some swimming pools at Freibad Marzili where you can take a dip safely. The pools are open daily in summer during sunlight hours. During the winter months, they are open daily, 8.30 am – 6 pm.

There is no admission charge to swim in either the river or the pools at Freibad Marzili. From Rosengarten, you can ride bus numbers 10 and 12 and alight at Bundesplatz. 

If you don’t fancy a museum or a river swim, then you can extend the evening activity of your one day in Bern itinerary and spend longer at Gurten.

Panoramic view of Bern, Switzerland

Evening of Your One Day in Bern

Gurten is a mountain situated in the south of Bern and it is accessible from the city via the Gurten Funicular (Warbern Gurtenbahn). The view from the summit at 858 meters (2,815 feet) looks out over the Bernese Oberland region, the city, and the winding River Aare.

There are a variety of hiking trails that typically take 1–2 hours to complete and there is also a toboggan run. During the warmer months, you might stumble upon a festival while winter sees the peak transform into a mini ski resort.

From either Freibad Marzili or Kirchenfeld you can ride bus number 28 (board at Monbijoubrücke) to Bern Weissenbühl Bahnhof and then ride the commuter train to Wabern bei Bern where the funicular station is located. Your ride is free with your Bern Ticket!

Gurten, Bern


Toast the end of your one day in Bern with a tasty meal at one of the best restaurants in town. Zimmermania is a highly instagrammable place to go for authentic French dishes.

Le Mazot in Bern, Switzerland

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  • Hotel Review: Boutique Hotel Glacier, Switzerland
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Walking Tours in Bern

Walking Tour: Bern's Altstadt

Start: Bahnhofplatz

Finish: Swiss Parliament

Time: 2 hours

Best Times: Anny sunny day

Worst Times: Rush hours, Monday through Friday from 8 to 9am and 5 to 6pm

Start at the city's commercial core, the

1. Bahnhofplatz

In 2007 and 2008, this square, or plaza, in front of the city's main railway station, witnessed a more thorough urban renewal (new underground parking, new pedestrian zones, new landscaping) than any other location within Bern. It's now one of the showcases of urban Switzerland.

Opening onto Bahnhofplatz is the:

2. Church of the Holy Ghost

Also called the Heiliggeistkirche, this church dates from 1729 and seems out of place in such a traffic-congested area.

From the church, head east up Spittalgasse, coming first to:

3. Bagpiper Fountain

The Pfeiferbrunnen, which depicts a bagpiper atop a column and capital, was erected around 1545, presumably by Hans Gieng. In 2007, the widely publicized cost of removing (temporarily) this statue from its pedestal, and its subsequent restoration, was 500,000F.

Directly east of the fountain, at Bärenplatz, is the:

4. Prison Gate

Called the Käfigturm, this gate dates from the 1200s. It now shelters a tiny museum devoted to the cultural and business life of the city.

Continue east along:

5. Marktgasse

This is the main street of Old Town, filled with fashionable shops and florists. Many of its buildings date from the 17th century.

The street leads into one of the principal squares of Altstadt:

6. Kornhausplatz

This square is the site of the Ogre Fountain, which is a representation of a carnival figure, with a pillar and capital erected about 1544. The Kornhaus, an old granary from the 1700s, also stands on the square; today it's a restaurant and wine cellar.

7. Café des Pyrénées 

The "nerve center" of Bern, Café des Pyrénées, Kornhausplatz (tel. 031/311-30-63 ), is frequented by international journalists and visitors drawn to its sidewalk terrace. This bistro cafe also attracts many expatriates. Stop in for a drink -- half a dozen types of Spanish brandy, for example -- or any of the sandwiches and pasta dishes. It's open Monday to Friday 9am to 12:30am and Saturday 8am to 5pm.

Also opening onto this square is the celebrated:

8. Clock Tower

Also called the Zytgloggeturm, the Clock Tower was the town's west gate from 1191 to 1250. Its chimes start pealing at 4 minutes before every hour. A picture postcard of this scene is the most popular souvenir of Bern.

Leaving Kornhausplatz, continue east along:

9. Kramgasse

A continuation of Marktgasse, this street contains many old houses with corner turrets and oriel windows.

Another major fountain standing on this street is the:

10. Zähringer Fountain

This fountain was a monument to the city founder, Berchtold von Zähringen. Here you can see the Bern bear, mascot of the city, along with the Zähringer coat of arms. The pillar, capital, and figure were erected in 1535 by Hans Hiltprand.

Continuing, at Kramgasse 49 you come to:

11. Albert Einstein's Home

In 1905 the famous physicist wrote his "theory of relativity" here.

The next fountain encountered on this same street is the:

12. Samson Fountain

This notable fountain is an allegory of strength, with a pillar and capital from 1527 and the figure from 1544.

Continue east along the street, which now changes its name to Gerechtigkeitsgasse. In the center of the street stands yet another famous fountain, the:

13. Justice Fountain

This fountain is an allegory of Justice, with worshiping subjects, including the pope, at her feet. The statue was erected in 1543.

Walk to the end of the street and continue across the river, crossing the Nydeggbrücke, until you reach Bern's most visited sight:

14. The Bear Pits

The Bärengraben is immediately on your right. The city of Bern is named after the bear (now its official mascot), and bears have resided in these pits since 1480.

Cross back over the bridge, and this time take the street to the left, heading west along Junkerngasse until you reach the:

15. Cathedral of St. Vincent

In Münsterplatz, the cathedral's first stone was laid in 1421, but building went on until 1573. From the tower, you'll get a panoramic view of Bern.

After leaving the cathedral, continue west along Münstergasse until you reach Theaterplatz, one of Altstadt's major squares. Continue west, following the same street, which has now changed its name to Amthausgasse. You'll then approach Bundesplatz, site of the:

16. Federal Palace

Also called the Bundeshaus (Swiss Parliament) and capped with a massive dome, it was inspired by the Italian Renaissance Cathedral in Florence. This is the seat of Swiss democracy and one of the nation's treasured symbols.

Note : This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

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15 Best Things to Do in Bern (Switzerland)

Looking out to the Alps, Switzerland’s fifth largest city has been the “Bundesstadt” and de facto capital for almost 170 years. Bern has a lovable UNESCO listed old town tucked into a long meander of the River Aare. A lot of the old core is from the 15th century and is laced with several kilometres of arcades covering stylish shops and eateries.

Bern was also Albert Einstein’s home town for the first decade of the 20th century. The Historical Museum has a riveting exhibition about his time at the patent office in the city, and you can visit the apartment he shared with his wife and son. Another Bern native was the modern artist Paul Klee, a luminary of Expressionism and Surrealism. He is represented by a museum designed by Renzo Piano and holding almost half of the work he ever produced.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Bern :

1. Old Town

Old Town

One of the many things to love about Bern’s UNESCO-listed medieval centre is its uniformity: Most of the city was claimed by a fire in 1405, and tall sandstone buildings took over from the old wooden houses.

Many are woven with arcades on their ground floor, and these are a defining characteristic of the city.

There are six kilometres of arcades in all, hiding shops, bars, cafes, and restaurants.

One idea for a walking tour is try to find all 11 Renaissance fountains in the centre.

Each of these dates from the 16th century and has a polychrome statue of a real personality from the city’s past, or an allegorical figure like Lady Justice.

Suggested tour : Bern: 90-Minute Stroll Through the Old Town

2. Zentrum Paul Klee

Zentrum Paul Klee

In Bern’s eastern outskirts is a phenomenal modern museum for one of the most influential artists of the early 20th century.

Klee was born just outside Bern and went to Gymnasium in the city.

In 1997 his daughter donated all of her inheritance to the city, and Renzo Piano was hired to design a museum for these works.

Looking like an oscillating wave, the museum opened in 2005 and after later donations now has around 40% of Klee’s entire oeuvre, beginning with childhood sketches and continuing through his Expressionist, Cubist and Surrealist periods.

Klee’s paintings are presented in ever-changing temporary shows on set themes, so no two visits to the centre will be the same.

3. Zytglogge


Erected at the end of the 12th century as Bern’s western city gate, this tower in the Old Town has become an icon for an extraordinary clock that was installed in 1530. One of the oldest in Switzerland, this measured standard time in the Canton of Bern, and has an astounding astronomical clock below.

Get to Marktgasse on the stroke of the hour for a little show when some of the earliest examples of automata come alive beside the astrolabe.

These mechanical figures, the astronomical clock and the clock itself are all controlled by the same mechanism.

You can see it in action behind the scenes on a daily tour of the tower that starts at 14:30. Book in advance because numbers are limited.

Recommended tour : Zytglogge – Tour through the Clock Tower

4. Bern Cathedral

Bern Cathedral

Switzerland’s tallest cathedral went up gradually during the 15th and 16th centuries.

The single spire soars to more than 100 metres and unless you’re a bit squeamish about heights you should have no hesitation conquering the 400-odd steps to view the distant, snow-capped Alps.

But before you do that, the Last Judgement will greet you as you enter.

Not literally the end of the world: This is the astonishing set-piece on the main portal, held as one of Europe’s greatest groups of Late Gothic sculpture.

In the tympanum you’ll see how the wicked are separated from the virtuous by the Archangel Michael, while Jesus, Mary and the Apostles look down from the archivolts.

Inside you can admire the 16th-century carved choir stalls and the “Dance of Death” stained glass window from around the same time.


If you’re in Bern for more than a day you have to plan a few hours on the slopes of Bern’s own hill, Gurten.

There’s a funicular that you catch from by the Aare in Waben.

This has been serving the 858-metre hill since 1899 and gets to the top in just five minutes.

Summer means hiking, a ride on the miniature railway for little ones, barbecues and other good times outdoors, while a toboggan run is available if there’s sufficient snow in winter.

Mid-July is time for the Gurtenfestival, which continues to grow and in the last few editions has booked artists like Muse, Patti Smith and Massive Attack.

6. Bern Historical Museum

Bern Historical Museum

Switzerland’s second largest institution in this field, the Bern Historical Museum handles historical and ethnographical collections going back to the Stone Age.

These are housed in a Neo-Renaissance edifice, which has a modern extension for temporary exhibitions.

Among the highlights of the vast and varied permanent displays are spoils of war: There’s set of tapestries taken from Burgundy in the 1400s and 1500s, and the bewitching Königsfelden Diptych, composed in Venice for the King of Hungary at the end of the 13th century.

The integrated Einstein Museum is a must-see, containing lots of footage, photography and objects illustrating his time in Bern when he devised his Theory of Relativity.

7. Bundeshaus


In Switzerland’s capital you have to make time for the Swiss Federal Assembly.

After all, we’re talking one of the world’s oldest democracies.

The Bundeshaus was completed in stages throughout the second half of the 19th century.

If you want to see inside you’ll need to book in advance as the tours fill up quickly.

Your knowledgeable guide will bombard you with interesting facts about the Swiss federal government, its founding myths and Bern’s 150 years as capital.

The interior is even more impressive than the dominant Neo-Renaissance facade, and bursts sculpture, stained glass and carved wood.

In front, on the Bundesplatz is a popular fountain with 26 jets, each one symbolising one of Switzerland’s Cantons.

8. BärenPark


Cross the Aare from the Old Town and you’ll find yourself in the company of three brown bears.

Bern has long had an affection for bears, and the animal was adopted as an emblem as long ago as the 12th century.

Bern has kept its own bears since at least the 16th century, and they were moved to this park on the opposite bank of the Aare in 1857. The habitat was modernised in 2009, when a new space was opened next to the original pit.

The two enclosures are linked by a tunnel, and even allow the bears to take dips in the river.

If you’re hesitant about animals in captivity you’ll be cheered by the all the room the three inhabitants have and how healthy they look.

9. Rosengarten


The city’s rose garden is on high ground, close to the BärenPark and with a very satisfying vista of Bern’s Old Town from the right bank of the Aare.

Families, friends and couples come to meet up and take picnics with Bern at their feet.

This piece of open land was a cemetery up to 1913, and the first of its roses were planted in 1917. Spring and early summer are the most beautiful times, when ithe223 rose and 200 iris species are in flower.

The rose garden also has 23 rhododendron species that flower in May, as well as a graceful pond with lilies that bloom in July.

10. Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Of Fine Arts

The oldest art museum in the country opened its doors in 1879 in a purpose-built Eclecticist hall.

The earliest pieces are from the middle ages and the museum grazes over host of movements up to the present day.

In the collection there are 3,000 paintings and sculptures as well as almost 50,000 photographs, prints, sketches and pieces of video art.

There’s a batch of works by the Symbolist Ferdinand Hodler, and Expressionism is well-represented by Paul Klee, Franz Marc, Kandinsky, August Macke and Alexej von Jawlensky.

The museum made the news recently when it was unexpectedly bequeathed a cache of 1,400 works by the German collector Cornelius Gurlitt.

The only drawback is that a great deal are likely to have been stolen by the Nazis in the 30s and 40s.

11. Tierpark Dählhölzli

Tierpark Dählhölzli

Swearing by the credo, “More Space for Fewer Animals”, Bern’s zoo is ten minutes from the Hauptbahnhof.

This wooded park is divided between a free and paid sections: In the free enclosures beside the Aare you’ll pass wild boar, chamois and ibex, as well as a small farm with domestic animals like horses and goats.

The paying section has more exotic animals, but there’s still an emphasis on European species.

In the tropical house are reptiles, birds and monkeys and there’s an aquarium here with a coral reef ecosystem.

And outside, leopards, wolves and harbour seals are all granted spacious enclosures.

12. Museum für Kommunikation

Museum Für Kommunikation

Just off Helvetiaplatz is the only museum in Switzerland on the subject of communication.

Its origins lie in a post museum founded in 1907, and there’s still an exhibition on this topic, explaining the postal network and showing historic coaches and postage stamps.

There’s also some archive correspondence, like authentic letters sent by Paul von Hindenburg.

Another exhibition deals with “media” , and teems with interactive audiovisual displays.

And there’s an extensive area for telecommunications, complete with early telephones, telegraphs where you can decipher Morse code and vacuum tubes for sending messages.

13. Einsteinhaus


A nice complement to the Historical Museum, this minor attraction holds the second floor flat where Einstein lived from 1903 to 1905. He shared this modest abode with his wife Mileva Marić and son Hans Albert while he was employed at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.

While living here Einstein wrote his Annus Mirabilis papers, which changed the way we understand the universe.

On the second floor the flat has been recreated with contemporary architecture, while there’s more of a scientific theme on the floor above.

This exhibition looks into the theories he developed in Bern, and has a timeline of his life.

14. SC Bern

SC Bern

Attending a sports event may not be the first thing on your mind in a city flush with art and sights.

But SC Bern are not your average ice hockey team.

Playing at the PostFinance Arena, they’re the best supported ice hockey team in the world outside the NHL. Their home stadium has a capacity for 17,000 and regularly sells out during the season from September to March.

The standard is also as high as you’ll find outside North America, and in 2017 SC Bern won their second NL Championship in a row their third in five seasons.

Their talisman is right-wing Mark Arcobello, an import from the NHL who contributed 55 points (25 goals and 30 assists) in the 2016-17 campaign.

15. Swimming in the Aare


In spring and summer the Aare can seem a bit treacherous, particularly when you cross the Nydeggbrücke on the way to the BärenPark.

But south of the Altstadt it’s perfectly safe to bathe in the river.

And the ultimate way to do this is to enter the water at the recreation area at Eichholz and just let yourself drift downstream to the Freiban Marzili.

This bathing area also has outdoor pools for set aside for kids and women, and a lush grassy space where you can dry off in the sun.

From here you can catch one of the shortest funicular railways in the world, trundling up the hill for just over 100 metres to the Bundeshaus.

15 Best Things to Do in Bern (Switzerland):

  • Zentrum Paul Klee
  • Bern Cathedral
  • Bern Historical Museum
  • Rosengarten
  • Museum of Fine Arts
  • Tierpark Dählhölzli
  • Museum für Kommunikation
  • Einsteinhaus
  • Swimming in the Aare

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Altstadt von Bern

UNESCO World Heritage in Switzerland Telefon  +41 (0)31 544 31 15

Dank des weitgehend unverändert erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Stadtbildes wurde Bern 1983 in das Verzeichnis der UNESCO-Weltkulturgüter aufgenommen.

Das UNESCO-Welterbe Altstadt von Bern wird von der Aarenschlaufe umgeben und geniesst den Ausblick auf das überwältigende Alpenpanorama. Die romantische Hauptstadt verdankt ihren Reiz der Geschlossenheit des Stadtbildes. 6 km Laubengänge, Figurenbrunnen aus der Renaissance, das Münster , weitgehend erhaltene Sandsteinfassaden sowie eine einzigartige Dächerlandschaft prägen das Bild der 1191 gegründeten Stadt Bern , die eine der grossartigsten Zeugnisse mittelalterlichen Städtebaus in Europa ist. Sie ist ein positives Beispiel dafür, wie eine mittelalterliche Stadtstruktur beibehalten und dennoch angepasst werden kann, um auch gegenwärtige Funktionen zu erfüllen.

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Bern Welcome Bahnhofplatz 10a Postfach 3001  Bern Schweiz

Telefon  +41 (0)31 328 12 12 [email protected]

UNESCO World Heritage in Switzerland Telefon  +41 (0)31 544 31 15 Route anzeigen

Bern Welcome Bahnhofplatz 10a Postfach 3001 Bern Telefon  +41 (0)31 328 12 12

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Hotel Bären am Bundesplatz, Bern Grand Tour of Switzerland - Hotelangebot - Bern

Preis pro Doppelzimmer gültig: 14.06.2024 - 31.10.2024

Sorell Hotel Ador, Bern Bern Region entdecken

Preis pro Doppelzimmer gültig: 01.07.2024 - 31.10.2024

Kursaal Bern AG, Bern Sommerfest im Kursaal Bern

Ohne Übernachtung gültig: 11.06.2024 - 30.09.2024

Hotel Grauholz, Ittigen Ganztages Pauschale

Ohne Übernachtung gültig: 11.06.2024 - 12.02.2025

Hotel Grauholz, Ittigen Halbtages Pauschale

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bern altstadt tour

Berner Altstadt

Die Berner Altstadt ist eine der schönsten und am besten erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Städte Europas. Die Altstadt ist von einer gut erhaltenen Stadtmauer umgeben und ist seit 1983 Teil des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes. Sie erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa einem Quadratkilometer und bietet Besuchern eine Fülle von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten und kulturellen Schätzen. Eines der bekanntesten Wahrzeichen der Altstadt ist das Zytglogge, ein astronomischer Turm, der im 13. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde und seitdem zu einem der meistbesuchten Orte in der Stadt geworden ist. Der Turm ist berühmt für seine astronomische Uhr und seine Glockenspiele, die zu bestimmten Zeiten am Tag erklingen. Die Altstadt ist auch die Heimat des Bärenparks, einer der wichtigsten touristischen Attraktionen der Stadt. Der Park beherbergt mehrere Braunbären, die das Wahrzeichen von Bern sind. Der Park bietet Besuchern die Möglichkeit, die Bären in einer natürlichen Umgebung zu beobachten und mehr über ihre Lebensweise zu erfahren. Eine weitere Sehenswürdigkeit in der Altstadt ist das Münster, eine imposante Kathedrale, die im 15. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde. Das Münster ist berühmt für seine gotischen Fenster und seine beeindruckende Aussichtsplattform, von der aus Besucher einen Panoramablick auf die Stadt genießen können. Die Altstadt von Bern bietet auch eine Fülle von Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und Restaurants. Die Hauptstraße der Altstadt, die Marktgasse, ist ein belebter Ort mit zahlreichen Geschäften, Cafés und Restaurants. Die Altstadt ist auch berühmt für ihre Schokoladenläden und bietet eine Fülle von Möglichkeiten, um lokale Köstlichkeiten zu probieren. Die Altstadt ist ein perfekter Ort, um sich zu verlieren und die Atmosphäre der Stadt zu genießen. Die engen Gassen und malerischen Plätze sind ein Spiegelbild der reichen Geschichte und Kultur der Stadt Bern. Es gibt zahlreiche Führungen und Spaziergänge, die Besucher durch die Altstadt führen und Einblicke in die Geschichte und Kultur der Stadt geben.

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Faszinierte Zuschauer erleben im Scheinwerferlicht das historische Uhrwerk des Zytgloggeturms; eine lebendige Führung verbindet Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.

Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm)

Die charakteristischen Berner Strassen, Gässchen und Bauten erzählen spannende Geschichten und mitten drin, in der Unteren Altstadt, erhebt sich eines der bekanntesten Wahrzeichen der Stadt: der Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm). Einst Stadttor, zieht der Uhrenturm Schaulustige aus aller Welt an.

  • Bim Zytglogge 3, 3011 Bern


  • Wahrzeichen (Münster, Bundeshaus)

Auf dem Foto sieht man eine Straße in Bern, die zum Zytglogge, dem berühmten Uhrturm, führt. Die Straße ist gesäumt von traditionellen Gebäuden mit Balkonen und Fahnen, darunter die Schweizer Flagge.

Zur vollen Stunde versammeln sich jeweils zahlreiche Menschen vor dem Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm) und verfolgen das einzigartige Schauspiel, das sich in der Berner Altstadt zu diesem Zeitpunkt ereignet. Das Figurenspiel mit dem Bärenzug, dem Narren, dem goldenen Hahn und Chronos – dem Gott der Zeit – begeistert Gross und Klein von nah und fern.

Im Inneren des Turmes scheint die Zeit hingegen völlig still zu stehen: Mittelalterliche Mechanik, dicke Steinmauern und massives Holzgebälk nehmen Besucherinnen und Besucher mit auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit.

Wer die rund 130 Stufen im Inneren des Gebäudes erklimmt, wird mit einem atemberaubenden Ausblick über das UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe, dessen Dächer, Terrassen und Gässchen belohnt. Bei guter Sicht reicht das Panorama bis zu den Gipfeln des Berner Oberlands.

Touristen betrachten aufmerksam die historische Zytglogge-Uhr in Bern, ein Wahrzeichen voller Geschichte und Handwerkskunst, das Staunen und Bewunderung weckt. Die Atmosphäre ist von kulturellem Interesse und Entdeckungslust geprägt.

Von Gefängnissen, Stadtbränden und astronomischen Kalenderuhren

Das Bild zeigt die SIcht auf die astronomische Uhr der Zytglogge die Besucher erhalten, wenn sie durch eines der Fenster im Turm schauen. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Nahaufnahme.

Vom Wehrturm zum Gefängnis über Hoch- und Feuerwacht und schliesslich zum Uhrenturm: Das Wahrzeichen hat im Laufe der Zeit verschiedene Aufgaben für die Stadt Bern erfüllt und dabei stets eine wichtige Funktion übernommen.

Da Bern stetig wuchs und sich so die Stadtgrenzen ausdehnten, rückte der damalige Wehrturm automatisch immer mehr ins Zentrum der Stadt. Nach einem verheerenden Brand im Jahre 1405 erhielt das Gebäude nach dem Wiederaufbau eine neue Aufgabe: Als Uhrenturm sollte der Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm) ab sofort den Berner und Bernerinnen die Zeit verkünden. Als Hauptuhr hätte ihr Standort nicht zentraler sein können und von nun an richteten sich die Einheimischen nach ihrem Stundenschlag.

Auch in anderen Belangen war der Turm das massgebende Gebäude der Bundesstadt: So wurden beispielsweise vom Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm) aus die Wegstunden gemessen, welche auf den Stundensteinen der Kantonsstrassen vermerkt sind. Auch die Längenmasse Elle und Klafter – diese sind übrigens noch heute im Tordurchgang als Meter und Doppelmeter angebracht – dienten als Richtwert und zur öffentlichen Kontrolle.

Das einzigartige Uhrwerk der Zytglogge

Eine besondere Bekanntheit geniesst der Turm durch das Astrolabium – eine astronomische Kalenderuhr – und dem Spielwerk aus dem Jahr 1530.

Kurz vor dem Stundenwechsel kündigt nämlich der krähende Hahn ein wunderbares Figurenspiel an: Bären tanzen ihre stündlichen Runden, ein Narr läutet entsprechend seinem Wesenszug absichtlich die Stunde zu früh ein, die Viertelstundenschläge ertönen vom Turm herab und Chronos, der Gott der Zeit, dreht seine Sanduhr um. Die goldene Figur von Hans von Thann schlägt schliesslich die Stundenglocke, dies natürlich im Takt mit Chronos’ schwingendem Zepter.

Etwas langsamer aber genauso präzise ziehen die Zeiger des Astrolabiums ihre Runden: Kunstvoll ragen die Scheiben der astronomischen Kalenderuhr über dem Tordurchgang des Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturmes). Die teils fixen und teils drehenden Sphären sind ein exaktes Abbild der Gestirne mit der Erde in ihrem Zentrum. Sonne, Mond und Sterne umkreisen unseren Planeten in den Bahnen, wie wir sie von der Erde aus wahrnehmen.

Die komplexe Darstellung der nördlichen Hemisphäre zeigt stets das aktuelle Tierkreiszeichen, die Mondphase, Zeitpunkt des Sonnenauf- und -untergang sowie das Datum. Oberhalb des Astrolabiums zieren Fresken der fünf Planetengötter aus der römischen Mythologie den Turm.

Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm) Bim Zytglogge 3 3011 Bern

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BremenGo - Augmented Reality App

Im Vordergrund sind die Bremer Stadtmusikanten in 3D durch ein Smartphone zu sehen. Im Hintergrund ist die Statue der Stadtmusikanten zu sehen.

© WFB / Radiusmedia KG / Jonas Ginter

Die App BremenGo ermöglicht euch einen einzigartigen Blick auf die Bremer Sehenswürdigkeiten. Die Stadtmusikanten erwachen als animierte 3D-Figuren zum Leben und begleiten euch auf einer Tour durch die historische Altstadt - los geht's bei der Stadtmusikanten Statue vor Ort in Bremen. Neugierig? Schaut euch die erste Szene schon vorher an oder ladet euch die App direkt herunter. Viel Spaß!

Eine Frau hält ein Smartphone in der Hand. Darauf sieht sie ein Bild vom Inneren des Bremer Rathauses.

Probiert die erste AR-Szene mit den Stadtmusikanten direkt hier aus!

Die Szene startet direkt in eurem Browser. (nur mobil nutzbar)

© WFB / Melanka Helms-Jacobs / Radiusmedia KG

Englische Flagge.

Click here for the english version

© Adobe Stock / sirius_star

Logo zum Apple AppStore

Ladet euch hier BremenGo für IOS runter.


PlayStore Logo

Ladet euch hier BremenGo für Android runter.


Infos zur App

Die Augmented Reality Tour startet bei der Statue der Stadtmusikanten direkt beim Rathaus. Die Tourguides - Esel, Hund, Katze und Hahn - führen euch im Anschluss durch die Altstadt und ermöglichen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der beliebten Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um den Marktplatz . Bei der Altstadt Tour warten insgesamt fünf Stationen mit AR Elementen, 360-Grad-Einblicken, spannenden Infos, Audio-Stories und interaktiven Erlebnissen auf euch. So könnt ihr an der Stadtmusikanten-Statue die 3D-Räuberhütte betreten, am Roland euer Wissen unter Beweis stellen oder einen Blick hinter die Fassade des prunkvollen Rathauses werfen. Zahlreiche weitere Erlebnisse warten auf euch. Immer dabei: Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten als 3D-Tourguides. Übrigens: Ihr könnt im Anschluss direkt eine passende Führung über die App buchen. Probiert es selbst vor Ort aus! Aber auch von Zuhause bietet euch BremenGo schon eine Menge Inspiration und nützliche Infos, damit ihr euch auf euren Besuch in der Hansestadt vorbereiten und eure Reise planen und buchen könnt.

Und so startet ihr euer interaktives Erlebnis:

  • Ladet euch die BremenGo-App für iOS oder Android kostenlos runter
  • Begebt euch zur Statue der Bremer Stadtmusikanten
  • Öffnet die App und startet eure Tour

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© WFB/Jonas Ginter

Roland auf dem Bremer Marktplatz

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© Francesco Carovillano / DZT Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V.

Audioguide-Tour durch Bremen


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© WFB/Maike Bialek

Kugelpanorama vom Marktplatz mit dem Roland im Mittelpunkt

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Entdeckt Bremen aus einer besonderen Perspektive.



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  2. Guided tour of Bern’s Clock Tower (Zytglogge)

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  3. Bern Altstadt

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  5. The Best Things to See in Bern, the Capital of Switzerland

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  1. Old City of Bern

    Bern Welcome. Bahnhofplatz 10a. Postfach. 3001 Bern. Switzerland. Phone +41 (0)31 328 12 12. [email protected]. Thanks to its well-preserved medieval townscape, the Old Town of Bern was entered onto UNESCO's listing of World Heritage Sites in 1983.

  2. Walking Tour Bern, Switzerland

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  3. 13 Things to Do in Old Town Bern (Switzerland)

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  4. BERN

    This video was recorded in Bern, Switzerland 🇨🇭 where we will embark on a delightful walking tour through its historic Old Town. Explore the charming cobbl...


    Hey guys! In this video we're checking out the capital of Switzerland - Bern. We'll check out the old town, see the clock tower, and Swiss parliament buildin...

  6. Bern Old City Walking Tour

    Experience. Learn the story of the capital of Switzerland and its most famous monuments on a 2-hour walking tour of the historic city center. See the large Heiliggeistkirche (Church of the Holy Ghost) in the Old City (Altstadt), where the layout has remained unchanged for centuries. Walk along the Spitalgasse to arrive at the Baerenplatz, built ...

  7. The Old City of Bern, an Unesco World Heritage site

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  8. Bern's Old Town

    Altstadt (Old City) is the medieval centre of Bern, the capital of Switzerland. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bern has impressive sandstone buildings, clock towers, churches, shopping arcades, and a large collection of Renaissance fountains. Altstadt Bern, Switzerland. The video is embedded by YouTube and only loads when you click on the play ...

  9. The Old Town in Bern

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    1 - UNESCO OLD TOWN (ALTSTADT) The Old Town of Bern is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Europe. The compact design has remained unchanged since its construction between the 12th and 15th centuries. Encased by a curve of the Aare River, the old town is a pocket of sandstone architecture with colorful tiled roofs.

  12. 10 Things to Do in Bern Old Town (Altstadt) Bern Switzerland

    Bern Old Town (Altstadt) is one of the most beautiful and historically significant places in Switzerland. Located in the heart of the Swiss capital, Bern is filled with cobbled streets, stunning architecture, and a wealth of cultural attractions. ... Take a Tour of the Houses of Parliament - The Houses of Parliament are located in the old ...

  13. The Ultimate One Day in Bern Itinerary

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  14. Walking Tours in Bern

    Walking Tour: Bern's Altstadt. Start: Bahnhofplatz Finish: Swiss Parliament Time: 2 hours Best Times: Anny sunny day Worst Times: Rush hours, Monday through Friday from 8 to 9am and 5 to 6pm Start at the city's commercial core, the. 1. Bahnhofplatz. In 2007 and 2008, this square, or plaza, in front of the city's main railway station, witnessed a more thorough urban renewal (new underground ...

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  17. Altstadt von Bern

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  18. 4k| Walking Tour

    4k|walking Tour| Altstadt Bern #switzerland The Old City (German: Altstadt) is the medieval city center of Bern, Switzerland. Built on a narrow hill bordered...

  19. Old City (Bern)

    3D model of the Old City. The Old City (German: Altstadt) is the medieval city center of Bern, Switzerland.Built on a narrow hill bordered on three sides by the river Aare, its compact layout has remained essentially unchanged since its construction during the twelfth to the fifteenth century.Despite a major fire in 1405, after which much of the city was rebuilt in sandstone, and substantial ...

  20. Berner Altstadt

    Berner Altstadt. Die Berner Altstadt ist eine der schönsten und am besten erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Städte Europas. Die Altstadt ist von einer gut erhaltenen Stadtmauer umgeben und ist seit 1983 Teil des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes. Sie erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa einem Quadratkilometer und bietet Besuchern eine Fülle von ...

  21. Bern: 90-Minuten-Bummel durch die Altstadt

    Erkunden Sie die Altstadt von Bern, eine UNESCO-Welterbestätte. Auf einem geführten Rundgang können Sie die Springbrunnen, Türme, malerischen Straßen und Arkaden bewundern. Erfahren Sie von einem örtlichen Guide mehr über die 800-jährige Stadtgeschichte.

  22. Die beliebtesten Berner Stadtführungen

    Historische Gebäude, geheimnisvolle Gässchen und beeindruckende Sehenswürdigkeiten prägen die UNESCO-gekürte Berner Altstadt. So vielfältig wie die Geschichten der Bundesstadt sind auch unsere Berner Stadtführungen. Stadt Bern. Stadtführung Berner Biertour die Fübi Ausgabe City Tours.

  23. Die schönsten Stadtrundgänge im Kanton Bern

    Eine Auswahl der schönsten Stadtrundgänge im Kanton Bern › Stadtrundgänge planen, tracken und speichern Entdecke Kanton Bern! Zum Inhalt springen. ... Top empfohlene Tour Schwierigkeit leicht. 5,2 km 1:30 h ... Die Altstadt von Bern ist UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. In die Bundesstadt locken mittelalterliche Baukunst und Museen.

  24. Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm)

    Zytglogge (Zeitglockenturm), Bim Zytglogge, 3, 3011, Bern. Erkunden Sie die Zytglogge, ein historisches Wahrzeichen in Berns Altstadt. Bewundern Sie die beeindruckende mittelalterliche Uhr und erleben Sie die faszinierende Geschichte dieses einzigartigen Turms.

  25. BremenGo

    Die Augmented Reality Tour startet bei der Statue der Stadtmusikanten direkt beim Rathaus. Die Tourguides - Esel, Hund, Katze und Hahn - führen euch im Anschluss durch die Altstadt und ermöglichen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der beliebten Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um den Marktplatz. Bei der Altstadt Tour warten insgesamt fünf Stationen mit AR Elementen, 360-Grad-Einblicken, spannenden ...