45+ BEST Audiobooks for Road Trips in 2024

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45+ best audiobooks for road trips in 2024.

45+ BEST Audiobooks for Road Trips in 2024

So, you’re going on a road trip! What fun — that is, until it’s hour nine and you’re bored out of your mind at the wheel, unable to keep your eyes open to the pounding beat of tedium. 

If this sounds familiar to you, we have an eleventh-hour Good Samaritan for you: the audiobook. Criminally underrated, good audiobooks will captivate you on the edge of your seat, weave whole worlds in the confines of your car, and keep you so vitally engaged that you’ll be trying to find excuses to lengthen your road trip.  

However, as you might know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and monotone narrators. So we’ve taken care to gather the absolute 45+ best audiobooks for road trips in this post to make your own road trip a little more fun. Since each audiobook adds a different flavor to your journey, we’ve organized them below by genre. Feel free to jump to the one that fuels your fancy!

Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, narrated by Nick Offerman

american road trip audiobook

One of the funniest American authors in history (Mark Twain) is narrated by one of the funniest American actors alive right now (Nick Offerman, of Parks and Recreation fame ). Need we say more to convince you that this audiobook will make your trip worthwhile? If so, we’ll let Doug, an Audible editor, have the final word:

“I am not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the best things I have ever listened to. Nor would it be dishonest to say that this recording made me fall in love with Twain's classic ode to adolescence all over again. But perhaps the strangest thing, as I keep telling all my friends, is that I completely forgot how truly laugh-out-loud funny this book is. I have the narration to thank for that. Parks and Recreation 's Nick Offerman is known for playing the quintessential gruff male, but he thoroughly astonishes here, bending his baritone effortlessly to give Twain's characters life.”

Perfect for your road trip if: you’ve always wanted Ron Swanson as a driving buddy. Time duration: 7 hours and 52 min.

Bleak House by Charles Dickens, narrated by Sean Barrett and Teresa Gallagher

Always wanted to read Dickens , but could never find the time or energy to do so? Then this audiobook may be the answer to all of your road trip prayers, for you can let Sean Barrett and Teresa Gallagher read Dickens to you. Far from distracting, their magnificent dual narration enhances the melodrama that Dickens deftly builds. It’s not easy to do justice to such a sprawling masterpiece, but this audiobook more than rises up to the task.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re ready to get fired up over the ridiculous bureaucracy of the chancery court system. Time duration: 35 hours and 14 min. 

Beloved by Toni Morrison, narrated by Toni Morrison

american road trip audiobook

If you haven’t read this remarkable 1988 Pulitzer winner, there’s no time like a road trip to dip your toe in! Admittedly, you’re more likely to be dunked headfirst into the deep end by Morrison, as this fantastically frightening tale of a slave woman haunted by her murdered daughter is going to keep you awake and alert at the wheel. 

Made all the more unforgettable by Morrison’s narration, Beloved conjures vivid images of slavery in America and compels the listener to ponder horrors both historical and imaginary. (Needless to say, if you’re going down a long, dark road at night, you might want to save this one for later.)

Perfect for your road trip if: you want to take a terrifying magical realist trip of the mind in addition to your vehicular journey. Time duration: 12 hours and 3 min. 

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, narrated by Jake Gyllenhaal

Whether you want to take a trip down memory lane or read The Great Gatsby for the first time, Jake Gyllenhaal’s (!) narration is sure to liven up your travels. From the sparkling descriptions of Gatsby’s famous parties to the incisive drama of the Tom-Daisy-Gatsby love triangle, you’ll feel the long stretches of road start to melt away in favor of a Jazz Age paradise. Just don’t pull a big yellow Rolls-Royce out there — if you know what we mean 😉

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re looking to bone up on one of the “Great American Novel” contenders. Time duration: 4 hours and 49 min. 

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, narrated by Elisabeth Moss

american road trip audiobook

For fans of the phenomenal Hulu adaptation and dystopian stories in general, we have The Handmaid’s Tale , as told by the dramatically gifted Moss (who also stars in the TV show). Though it’s not exactly light and easy fare, this mesmerizing tale of a single-minded woman trapped in a mega-patriarchy will have you thinking very differently about the world we live in. Narrative-wise, you’ll also be holding your breath right up to the final word. And if you still have reservations, know that Moss's conviction and urgency turns this already excellent tale into a vital one.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’ve had your “Songs to Smash the Patriarchy To” Spotify playlist on repeat the whole time. Time duration: 12 hours and 6 min.

On the Road by Jack Kerouac, narrated by Will Patton

A classic take on a classic tale. Jack Kerouac’s On the Road , which centers around Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty’s manic travels through the United States, may be the quintessential book of the wild Beat generation of the 1960s. Needless to say, Will Patton’s pitch-perfect interpretation gets its spirit down pat. His melodious voice is a flawless match for the free-flowing groove of Kerouac’s prose — and it will surely make a fine companion for your own road trip as you meet the same open road that beckoned Sal and Dean across the breadth of the country!

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re on the road (especially to New York or San Francisco). Time duration: 11 hours and 8 min. 

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, narrated by Thandie Newton

american road trip audiobook

You can’t miss the audiobook of this Victorian-era classic, read by Thandie Newton of Westworld fame. (Fun fact: she also played the titular character in the film version of Beloved. ) Newton’s crisp yet impassioned narration will breathe life into Jane Eyre like you’ve never known before, carrying you swiftly and enjoyably through Jane’s difficult childhood and education at Lowood, her stint as a governess at Thornfield, and her iconic love affair with Mr. Rochester. Alas, our one criticism is that Newton stays faithful to the text and doesn’t quip, “Listener, I married him” — but wouldn’t it be great if she did?

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re always happy to be lost in a romantic (and Gothic) haze. Time duration: 19 hours and 10 min.

World War Z by Max Brooks, narrated by Alan Alda, Mark Hamill, etc.

The Zombie War is finally over, but what of the people remaining in its wake? This book is their story: the narrator traveled across America to interview the survivors, recording their testimonies in a documentary-style format.

Such a setup pretty much makes this story tailor-made for an audiobook, as the interviews translate seamlessly into the aural medium. If that’s not enough, it may boast one of the best multiple-cast members ever (think Alan Alda, Mark Hamill, Martin Scorsese, Simon Pegg, Brian Tee, Nathan Fillion, Kal Penn, René Auberjonois, and more). Spectacular stuff — not to mention the five additional hours of previously unrecorded content on this particular audiobook.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re down for a serious undertaking (with zombies). Time duration: 12 hours and 9 min.  

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, narrated by Dominic Hoffman

american road trip audiobook

This is the perfect choice if you want to be transported into another country — specifically, within Africa. A gripping tale about two sisters who are born into different villages in Ghana in the 18th-century (and the wildly different trajectories that they and their descendants take over the next 300 years), Homegoing is a modern triumph. Experience it through its audiobook, which is read beautifully by Dominic Hoffman.

Perfect for your road trip if: you love getting swept up in rich historical fiction. Time duration: 13 hours and 11 min. 

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, narrated by Allan Corduner

Famously narrated by Death, The Book Thief isn’t exactly a cheery read. It’s a story about a girl in 1939 Nazi Germany who steals books and is by turn beautiful, tear-jerking, and enduring. 

Which is why this audiobook may be perfect for a lonesome trip out across the country. Not everyone can claim to give voice to Death itself, but Allan Corduner does it fabulously in this reading of The Book Thief , adding amazing dimension and poignancy to the written words. (Just a bit of friendly warning: bring tissues with you on this road trip, unless you want to be blinded by tears during the final thirty minutes of the audiobook!)

Perfect for your road trip if: you don’t mind a good cry on the highway. Time duration: 13 hours and 56 min. 

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, narrated by Jeff Woodman

american road trip audiobook

Built upon the timeless short story of the same name, Flowers for Algernon is the moving tale of a mentally slow cleaner who engages in an experiment to become a genius — with unexpected results. The entire novel is presented through a series of journal entries, or “progress reports,” that are written by Charlie. ("I reely wantd to lern I wantid it more even then pepul who are smarter even then me. All my life I wantid to be smart and not dumb.”) Heartbreakingly rendered by narrator Jeff Woodman, who switches between regular Charlie and genius Charlie with magnificent ease, this audiobook is set to become just as much of a classic as its novel. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you want to hear a relatively short but very powerful story. Time duration: 8 hours and 58 min. 

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, narrated by Kathleen Gati

Prepare to be swept off of your feet (or, off of the gas pedals) with this spectacular rendition of The Bear and the Nightingale . Katherine Arden’s lush retelling of Russian folklore was critically acclaimed when it was first published in 2017, introducing readers to a young Russian girl named Vasilisa who must step up to protect her loved ones from a threat that was supposed to have only existed in fairy tales. And Kathleen Gati’s velvety, hypnotic voice will turn your car into a cozy living room — complete with a crackling fire — as a nurse tells you stories from long ago.   

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re driving through snowy, Russia-like terrain and want to feel warm and comforted. Time duration: 11 hours and 48 min. 

The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay, narrated by Humphrey Bower

american road trip audiobook

Though it sounds like a self-motivational handbook , The Power of One is actually a profoundly moving novel about a young boy named Peekay who’s raised in pre-apartheid South Africa. Peekay is bullied by his peers and constantly strives to escape their torment — a quest helped by his relationship with a medicine man, who reshapes his entire worldview. But as Peekay grows older, greater troubles than school bullies rear their ugly heads: the outbreak of World War II, the loss of his mentors, and worse. 

Humphrey Bower miraculously brings every single character, with all their accents and mannerisms, to life in the audiobook… which serves as an important window into a time and place that’s oft forgotten.

Perfect for your road trip if: you want a spiritual philosophy to guide you on your journey. Time duration: 21 hours and 33 min. 


The dead zone by stephen king, narrated by james franco.

This famous 1979 King novel concerns a man, Johnny Smith (not to be confused with the explorer), who acquires psychic abilities after an accident in his youth creates a “dead zone” in his brain. From then on, young Johnny can tell people things that they don’t even know about themselves — or, more eerily, things that haven’t even transpired yet. Yet, despite his abilities, all Johnny wants is a normal life. But when he’s approached by a sheriff hoping to solve a series of murders, he agrees to help... with no idea what clairvoyant floodgates he’s opening. 

As with all King stories , this one depends on the gradual build of atmospheric tension, which James Franco does with great aplomb in the audiobook. Consequently, it’s another one we wouldn’t recommend for a dark, lonely drive.

Perfect for your road trip if: you wish you could know exactly how long it’ll take to get through each long stretch of traffic. Time duration: 16 hours and 12 min. 

The Sherlock Holmes collection by Arthur Conan Doyle, narrated by Stephen Fry

american road trip audiobook

It doesn’t get better than one British icon narrating another British icon’s adventures. Neither probably need an introduction, but just in case you don’t know them already: Sherlock Holmes is the world’s most famous fictional detective and Stephen Fry is an acclaimed actor, screenwriter, author, and comedian.

More than that, Fry is a profound devotee of Sherlock Holmes. He narrates with the skill of a celebrated performer and the enthusiasm of a fan, which alone makes this audiobook worth the money and time. Note that this isn’t the complete edition — it’s missing around 12 of Sherlock Holmes’ short stories. If you don’t mind that, this might just be the audiobook for you!

Perfect for your road trip if: you enjoy solving mysteries as you drive. Time duration: 62 hours and 52 min. 

Bird Box by Josh Malerman, narrated by Cassandra Campbell

Not a great pick for nervous drivers, to say the least — this post-apocalyptic thriller will have you gripping the steering wheel in anticipation of seeing “The Problem” on the side of the road. But don’t let that put you off, because Malerman’s masterful suspense-building combined with Campbell’s taut narration makes for an unforgettable audiobook experience. It’ll also inspire gratitude that your journey isn’t quite as harrowing as Mallorie’s with her two young children! 

And, of course, when you finally reach your destination, you’ll be perfectly primed to watch the Netflix film starring Sandra Bullock.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re not easily unnerved (or prone to tunnel vision). Time duration: 9 hours and 8 min. 

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty, narrated by Caroline Lee

american road trip audiobook

Another blockbusting bestseller that inspired not only an audiobook, but an HBO show, Big Little Lies is a juicy domestic thriller that follows three women and their children in suburban Sydney. Madeline is the seemingly flawless mother who’s still reeling from her divorce; Celeste is a busy caretaker to twins who conceals the marks left by her abusive husband; and Jane is a young mom to the eccentric Ziggy, hiding the darkest secret of all. All are united through their children’s kindergarten class, and a scandal that erupts when Ziggy starts bullying a fellow classmate… or does he? Big AND little lies are layered like pastry, and just as delectably exposed, in this audiobook narrated by Australian-born Caroline Lee.

Perfect for your road trip if: you like your stories as twisty as your backroad shortcuts . Time duration: 15 hours and 55 min.

Duma Key by Stephen King, narrated by John Slattery

When construction worker Edgar Freemantle relocates to Florida for some much-needed R&R, he never considers that what he finds there could be worse than the accident he’s just survived. But a combination of his brain injury, his rekindled obsession with artwork, and the strange supernatural properties of the land soon causes Freemantle to gain unimaginable powers… which he must use to stop a malevolent force arising in Duma Key. 

This recent Stephen King bestseller is narrated by John Slattery of Mad Men fame, who builds the lore of Freemantle’s psychic abilities and Duma Key’s disturbing history in an extremely tantalizing way.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re headed anywhere but Florida. Time duration: 21 hours. 

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, narrated by Davina Porter

american road trip audiobook

Let’s take a turn for the steamy. If you have a penchant for romance and you’re driving alone (or with friends around whom you feel very comfortable), this audiobook may be perfect for you. Read by Audie Award winner Davina Porter, this version of Outlander paints a particularly, shall we say, evocative picture of eighteenth-century Scotland… and the strapping young men who live there. After nurse Claire Randall is transported two centuries back in time, she finds herself falling for (and falling into bed with) one such man, Jamie Fraser. But their romance is tested by more than time, as violence befalls Jamie’s clan and threatens Claire’s survival.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re driving through the rolling hills of Scotland (or perhaps have a paramour in the passenger seat). Time duration: 32 hours and 38 min. 

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, narrated by Kate Rudd

This 2011 smash hit, penned by YA superstar John Green, is sure to bring tears to your eyes and new sense of perspective. Presented by Kate Rudd, who does a commendable job of capturing the sardonic narrator Hazel Grace Lancaster, The Fault in Our Stars follows Hazel (who has thyroid cancer) as she falls in irrevocable love with fellow teen cancer sufferer Augustus Waters (who has osteosarcoma). 

You can probably see where this one is going. Even so, don’t let the prospect of tragedy keep you from Green’s unique and honest story of first love under unusual circumstances, which Rudd renders with great sensitivity and care.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re in the mood to bawl at the unfairness of the world (and Green’s lovely prose). Time duration: 7 hours and 14 min. 

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, narrated by Lin-Manuel Miranda

american road trip audiobook

Continuing in a candid, coming-of-age vein, we have Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe , read by the inimitable Lin-Manuel Miranda. It traces the lives of two Mexican-American teenagers, Dante and Aristotle, whose easy alliance based on their names deepens into a bond that surprises both of them — transcending both geographical boundaries and society’s expectations. 

Miranda’s invested narration makes the eighties setting feel like present-day, and he switches seamlessly from infectious energy during light moments to weighty solemnity during serious ones, making the dramatic finale of Aristotle and Dante feel more than earned.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re tired of the Hamilton soundtrack, but still want to listen to Lin-Manuel Miranda weave a beautiful story for you. Time duration: 7 hours and 29 min. 

Heartburn by Nora Ephron, narrated by Meryl Streep

And if you adore the nuanced observational style of Woody Allen, but not so much the man himself, this is the audiobook for you. Largely ignored by critics when it was first released, Heartburn — an autobiographical novel about the real-life affair Ephron’s husband had during her second pregnancy — has become a sleeper hit for its sharp depiction of upper-middle class life, coupled with the raw, genuine emotion of heartbreak. Deftly narrated by Meryl Streep (who played Ephron’s character in the 1986 adaptation), this audiobook is a classic in the making, and will have you yelling righteously at Ephron’s husband for a good portion of your drive.

Perfect for your road trip if: you want to bask in misandry AND the unquestionable brilliance of Ephron and Streep. Time duration: 5 hours and 30 min. 

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, narrated by Rebecca Lowman and Maxwell Caulfield

american road trip audiobook

Another exceptional addition to the YA canon , Fangirl revolves around a Harry Potter -esque series called Simon Snow — and an obsessive devotee to the series called Cath. Our heroine has just started college and isn’t quite sure how to “adapt” from fangirl life to real life all on her own, especially in the wake of her mother’s death and the absence of her twin sister. Will she be able to escape the realm of the fictional and strike out on her own — while not forgetting who she truly is? This much-loved novel about the overpowering love of novels will resonate with fangirls and fanboys everywhere, and the sublimely balanced narration of Lowman and Maxwell elevates it to superfan-worthy status.

Perfect for your road trip if: you want a cute, fun story to carry you through to your destination. Time duration: 12 hours and 49 min.


The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by douglas adams, narrated by stephen fry.

Sure, your road trip probably isn’t going to take you outside of the galaxy (or, indeed, outside of the country), but wouldn’t it be nice to think so? Narrator extraordinaire Stephen Fry takes on Douglas Adams’ eclectic and eccentric cast of characters, from poor everyman Arthur Dent to depressed robot Marvin, with wicked glee in this adaptation. Just a quick warning: this audiobook might be too much fun for a mere road trip. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re always up for a totally unexpected futuristic adventure . Time duration: 5 hours and 51 min. 

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, narrated by Wil Wheaton

american road trip audiobook

In a select few cases, an audiobook can compete with the movie adaptation — and come out on top. This is the case with Ready Player One , which has an excellent premise (a boy named Wade Watts must venture through a virtual reality game in search for fortune in the year 2044) and brilliant execution. Wil Wheaton’s performance is also pretty extraordinary — not least because he’s a piece of eighties trivia in the novel himself. Don’t look elsewhere if you’re up for a dose of nostalgia mixed in with fun. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you already have an eighties playlist chock-full of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Madonna ready to go. Time duration: 15 hours and 40 min. 

The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson, narrated by Jennifer Wiltsie

Neal Stephenson might be more known for Snow Crash , but The Diamond Age is the one that makes this cut thanks to Jennifer Wiltsie’s brilliant narration. With stellar dramatic timing and an ear for the characters’ voices, Wiltsie does a fantastic job rendering a challenging book that would trip up a lesser narrator. In The Diamond Age , a young poor girl named Nell comes across a dangerously influential document in the future: the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer , an interactive book that can teach a girl to think of herself. And thus begins Nell’s bildungsroman journey — one that will intertwine with the creator of the Primer himself.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re a fan of steampunk or rebellious young women — we personally enjoy both. Time duration: 18 hours and 32 min. 

The Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien, narrated by Rob Inglis

american road trip audiobook

Perfect for a short jaunt to the beach. Just kidding! The total audiobook series clocks in at a whopping 117 hours and 27 minutes , which is enough to occupy you if you were driving coast-to-coast across America — twice. 

Nevertheless, Rob Inglis’ narration is more than equal to the task of keeping you awake the entire time. He does justice to the sheer epic-ness of the main trilogy and plunges into The Hobbit with warmth. (Pro-tip: just remember to turn up all of your windows when Inglis vaults into the folksy songs of Lord of the Rings with gusto, or else you might find that you’ve got some explaining to do to your neighboring car-driver.)  

Perfect for your road trip if: you’ll be in the car for days on end (and said car is full of Tolkien fans — otherwise you’ll have a mutiny on your hands). Time duration: 117 hours and 27 min.  

The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercombie, narrated by Steven Pacey

If you’re impatient waiting for the next Game of Thrones book to come out (as are we), consider giving Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy a shot. Bloody, uncompromising, and undeniably epic, this audiobook series promises you 70+ hours of relentless action. Stephen Pacey’s narration adds another dimension to the writing: his many voices and accents bring out Abercrombie’s colorful characterizations, enhancing each different culture, background, and personality. Best of all is that the trilogy is miraculously complete — so there’s no need to wait nine years for the next installment!

Perfect for your road trip if: you wish you could watch Game of Thrones while driving. Time duration: 71 hours and 58 min. 

His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, narrated by Philip Pullman

american road trip audiobook

Sometimes marketed as Harry Potter for adults , His Dark Materials can actually be read (or listened to) by people of all ages. The story centers around one orphaned girl named Lyra Belacqua, who becomes caught in the middle of a vast political conspiracy involving “dust,” disappearing children, and great armored bears. 

So rest assured that the audiobook — narrated by a full cast, including Philip Pullman himself — will tease and test the limits of your imagination! And if you find that it tickles your fancy (and if your road trip takes longer than expected), there are two more books in the series for you to devour. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you’ve got a boring drive ahead of you and want to lose yourself in a completely different world. Time duration: 10 hours and 45 min. 

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Neil Gaiman

It’s quite a unique experience listening to a creator narrating his own story, exactly how he had imagined it — and nobody does it better than the ever-visionary Neil Gaiman. The Graveyard Book features a young boy named Bod Owens whose family is killed. Naturally, he’s raised by ghosts in a graveyard: a precarious situation that will eventually make living and dead collide as Bod must fight to preserve those that he loves when he grows up. Gaiman digs into the narration with delicious fun, making the experience a delight to listen to. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re on a family jaunt, as adults and children alike will be entranced by Gaiman’s magical narration. Time duration: 8 hours and 24 min.

The Harry Potter series, narrated by Jim Dale or Stephen Fry

american road trip audiobook

No list is complete without the most universally beloved fantasy series of all time . J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter , which is about a boy wizard and his battles against evil as he grows up at an English wizarding school, has cemented itself in readers’ hearts for more than two decades now — and you can bet that it’ll be magical company for you on your road trip, whether you’re re-visiting Harry or dropping in on him for the first time.

As for the audiobook, there’s a great war brewing between which narration is the more definitive — Jim Dale’s or Stephen Fry’s. Some stake that Jim Dale perfectly compliments Rowling’s whimsy, while others declare that Stephen Fry is the Ron to Rowling’s Harry. Suffice to say that both are masterful and that we’ll let you decide for yourself which narrator you prefer.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re due for a re-read, or want an utterly fantastical story to guide you on your journey (ideally to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park). Time duration: 118 hours and 57 min. 

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, narrated by Martin Jarvis

If you’ve been wondering what’s all the fuss behind Amazon Prime television adaptation of Good Omens , but just can’t find the time to sit down and devote yourself to a good binge session, this audiobook might be the answer to your prayers. In Good Omens , a mild-mannered angel and a brassy demon must retrieve the Antichrist, who’s conveniently disappeared, before the end of the world might actually becomes reality. Martin Jarvis’ reading is inspired, giving full voice to the bewitching combination of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Trust us, Armageddon's never been this fun before. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you love Biblical fanfiction and/or hilariously odd couples. Time duration: 12 hours and 32 min. 

Becoming by Michelle Obama, narrated by Michelle Obama

american road trip audiobook

For a turn into the supremely inspirational, we have Michelle Obama’s bestselling memoir, Becoming . The book is divided into three sections: Becoming Me, Becoming Us, and Becoming More, all of which detail different periods of the author’s life. The first encompasses her Chicago upbringing, Ivy League education, and career beginnings as a lawyer; the second relays her relationship with Barack; and the third reveals all about their family’s life in the White House. Beautifully crafted and breathtakingly intimate, Becoming becomes even more wonderful with Obama’s own voice narrating the audiobook. In other words: Becoming lives up to the hype.

Perfect for your road trip if: motivational podcasts are your typical fare, and you want to up the ante even more. Time duration: 19 hours and 3 min. 

Educated by Tara Westover, narrated by Julia Whelan

The ultimate tale of overcoming adversity, Tara Westover’s memoir Educated also begins with her childhood — which was unconventional, to say the least. Westover’s father was a paranoid survivalist who wouldn’t allow his family to visit doctors, receive federal assistance, or attend school… meaning that Westover (now a world-renowned author) only had access to a handful of books growing up. But she studied independently and managed to get into BYU, then Cambridge, finally securing a fellowship at Harvard and a doctorate from Trinity College. Her odds-defying journey is charted with remarkable fluency in this audiobook, narrated by Julia Whelan — a TV star and fellow across-the-pond academic (having been a student at Oxford around the same time Westover was at Cambridge).

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re embarking on an ambitious college tour. Time duration: 12 hours and 10 min. 

Carsick by John Waters, narrated by John Waters

american road trip audiobook

So, you’re a trailblazing filmmaker who rose to prominence in the eighties with cult classics like Cry-Baby , Hairspray , and Pink Flamingos . What are you going to do next? Go hitchhiking across the United States, obviously — but before you do that, come up with the wildest possible scenarios, both extraordinarily fortuitous and treacherously bad, to include in the record of your travels. 

The result of this undertaking, John Waters’ Carsick , is a gloriously madcap collection that’s two parts fiction, one part unbelievable fact. With an audiobook narrated by the man, the myth, the legend himself, you’ll learn more about Waters and how his mind works than you will from watching any of his idiosyncratic films (and that’s saying something).

Perfect for your road trip if: you want to share the road with a famous screenwriter who understands your plight better than most. Time duration: 8 hours and 8 min.

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, narrated by David Sedaris

One of Sedaris’ funniest essay collections, Me Talk Pretty One Day covers Sedaris’ experiences from elementary school to an infamous move to France. You can read the most popular piece in the collection (“Me Talk Pretty One Day”) here , but do yourself a favor and get the audiobook, because — spoiler alert! — it’s even better. (As it turns out, David Sedaris the narrator is a fine match for David Sedaris the author.) His own narration picks up nuances in the text that you wouldn’t notice, doubling the laughter quotient and confirming once again Sedaris’ status as a master of comedy.

Perfect for your road trip if: you want to cringe-laugh all the way to your destination. Time duration: 5 hours and 51 min.  

Yes Please by Amy Poehler, narrated by Amy Poehler

american road trip audiobook

On the female comic side of things, there’s Amy Poehler’s enthusiastically titled memoir — and as one might expect from its uproarious author, the contents of her book follow suit. Yes Please recounts everything in Poehler’s life up to 2014, from her days at SNL to her experimentation with drugs to the aftermath of her divorce with Will Arnett. (Yes, please, we’re still sad about that one.) Throughout it all, Poehler retains her signature upbeat wit, never dwelling on the past or wallowing in what went wrong — but perpetually projecting gratitude, happiness, and hope for what comes next.

Perfect for your road trip if: you ever need a Leslie Knope-flavored pick-me-up. Time duration: 7 hours and 31 min. 

Bossypants by Tina Fey, narrated by Tina Fey

Bringing up the other half of our favorite modern comedy duo, meet Tina Fey’s memoir Bossypants . Her writerly prowess, honed through years as SNL’s head writer and subsequently on 30 Rock , shines through clearly here: Fey is acerbic and unflinchingly honest about the not-so-glamorous aspects of her life. Highlights of Bossypants include chapters on her early improv experiences, the impossible standards for women in show business, and how horrible it is to lose weight — but all delivered with sharp, scintillating humor.

If that weren’t enough, her comedic timing in the audiobook is (obviously) second to none, netting her an Audie Award for Best Audiobook of the Year and a legit Grammy nomination. (Want to sample the magic? Here’s a clip of Fey narrating a bit about her childhood.)

Perfect for your road trip if: you’d like hours of LOLs at the hands (and voice) of one of the best writers and entertainers of the twenty-first century. Time duration: 5 hours and 30 min.

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, narrated by Trevor Noah

american road trip audiobook

Here’s another famous comedian who wants to spend time with you in your car. Host of The Daily Show , Trevor Noah published a memoir to universal acclaim in 2016. His story is extraordinary and primarily focuses on Noah’s formative years, growing up in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa. And, lest we forget that Noah is today a world-famous comedian, this audiobook reminds us in spades! A born impersonator, Noah can mimic pretty much every single accent and voice in the world — making Born a Crime ’s reading that much more buoyant and enjoyable during a road trip. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re intrigued by Noah’s verbally chameleonic abilities and his personal history. Time duration: 8 hours and 44 min. 


A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, narrated by Richard Matthews

Written by international treasure Bill Bryson, author of A Walk in the Woods and Notes from a Small Island , A Short History of Nearly Everything is the ultimate book for history buffs. A self-professed non-expert, Bryson consults with the world’s top authorities, from archaeologists to mathematicians, to put together a definitive manual on science for us laymen.

The audiobook is similarly engrossing, as you might expect. Richard Matthews takes on the conversational, friendly tone of the book, so that the audiobook’s feel is that of a friend wittily explaining the world to you. If you’re casting around for an audiobook that will turn your journey into A Short Road Trip With Not Nearly Enough Time To Finish This Nonfiction Book, this is it. 

Perfect for your road trip if: your goal is to become an interesting dinner companion by the end of the trip. Time duration: 18 hours and 13 min. 

"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": Adventures of a Curious Character by Richard P. Feynman, narrated by Raymond Todd

american road trip audiobook

From the mind of Nobel Prize-winning physicist comes this collection of unexpectedly colorful anecdotes — not just about science, but about everything that intrigued the titular Mr. Feynman throughout his life. These topics include, but are not limited to: Feynman’s safe-cracking “hobby,” his love of samba music and Brazilian culture as a whole, and his slight case of nerves before presenting the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory in front of, you know, Albert Einstein. The audiobook, thanks to Raymond Todd’s evocative narration, paints a picture of a man who was so much more than his career — and impacted countless lives in myriad ways.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’re tickled by the idea of a physicist making you laugh. Time duration: 11 hours and 31 min.

Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari, narrated by by Aziz Ansari

Nonfiction audiobooks comprise a tricky territory, as it’s easy for them to end up being dry events: straightforward recitals of the words on the page. Luckily, that’s far from the case Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance , which is a deep dive into the state of (you guessed it) modern romance, from dating apps to emojis in Tokyo. What’s more, it contains Ansari’s reliable humor, so that you can laugh while you learn and listen. Unsurprisingly, Ansari is a gifted performer — keeping the text lively and adding just the right hint of self-awareness to his narration. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you’d like to reel off interesting facts about 21st-century romance on your next date.  Time duration: 6 hours and 14 min. 

What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe, narrated by Wil Wheaton

american road trip audiobook

Randall Munroe of xkcd fame and Wil Wheaton of, well, being-an-eighties-icon fame team up for this marvelously ponderous audiobook that answers all the questions you ever had (or never even thought of) re: science, the universe, and everything. For instance: what would happen to us in the event of a robot apocalypse? If cows could photosynthesize, how much food would they need? And the question on everyone’s mind: could you get drunk from drinking a drunk person’s blood? Equal parts silly and scientific, this audiobook is sure to be a hit with erstwhile fans of Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. 

Perfect for your road trip if: you want some random hypotheticals with which to entertain your Airbnb hosts. Time duration: 6 hours and 35 min.

Devil in the White City: a Saga of Magic and Murder at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larsson, narrated by Scott Brick

Living up to the saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction,” Devil in the White City recounts the astounding true story of an architect and a murderer in Chicago in the 1890s. Our architect, Daniel H. Burnham, is the man who needed to construct a world-famous exposition in the space of 18 months. In every other chapter, we meet the murderer, Dr. Henry H. Holmes — America’s first serial killer who built an actual torture palace just miles away.

Suffice to say that the audiobook is just as gripping, as the ever-gifted Scott Brick walks you through this creepy but undeniably fascinating part of the past. Needless to say, it’ll keep you on the edge of your driver’s seat — especially if you’re road-tripping through the Windy City.  

Perfect for your road trip if: you loved Chicago , but wanted more murder. Time duration: 14 hours and 58 min. 

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear, narrated by James Clear

american road trip audiobook

Now we’re getting into the actual motivational stuff — and what excellent stuff it is! In this book and self-narrated audiobook, James Clear draws on various fields of science and psychology to determine exactly why old habits die hard, and what practical steps we can take to rewrite them. This is no cobbled-together collection of clickbaity tips, but thoroughly researched, scientifically sound, detailed information on how to change your life for the better. And with Clear’s confident yet not overtly self-promotional voice guiding you through it, you’ll feel like you really can build some of his suggested atomic habits… as soon as you get out of the car.

Perfect for your road trip if: you’ve just hit traffic and want to take back control of your life! Time duration: 5 hours and 35 min.

The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, narrated by Mel Robbins

This fantastically inspiring audiobook from Mel Robbins (no relation to Tony) will have you itching to put her counsel to good use. Robbins will show you how, in just five seconds, you can push yourself to reach potential you never thought possible… and improve your mental health, personal relationships, professional standing, and more! Author and narrator uses her own experiences to bolster her advice, which comes in sharp snippets that are so easy to absorb, this guide really will go by in (what feels like) a mere five seconds.

Perfect for your road trip if: being able to accomplish something (like drive across multiple states) in five seconds or less sounds like a dream right about now. Time duration: 7 hours and 35 min.

Want even more audiobooks? Check out our posts on the best fantasy audiobooks and best sci-fi audiobooks . Or learn how to find free audiobooks in our guide the the 20 Best Places to Find Free Books online (check out the last three!)

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american road trip audiobook

On the Road Again: 26 of the Best Audiobooks for Road Trips

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Mikkaka Overstreet

Mikkaka Overstreet is from Louisville, Kentucky by way of Saginaw “Sagnasty”, Michigan. She has been an educator since 2006 and earned her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in 2015. By day she is a mild-mannered literacy specialist. By night she sleeps. In between, she daydreams, writes fiction, and reads books. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and cats.

View All posts by Mikkaka Overstreet

Selecting the best audiobooks for road trips can be a challenge. There are lots of factors to consider — your mood, your company, the length of the trip; all can impact your audiobook enjoyment. Luckily, I am here to help take some of the guess work out of the process for you.

I adore audiobooks. As I’ve mentioned in some of my previous posts, I am always reading four books. Typically, I have one fiction and one nonfiction traditional paper book in my bag and/or on my nightstand. Additionally, I’ll have two audiobooks going simultaneously — one that I’m listening to independently and one I’m enjoying with my partner.

Just now, for example, I finished  King and the Dragonflies   by Kacen Callender on paper ( excellent book, BTW). In the slow and steady way that I read nonfiction, I am plodding through  Troublemakers  by Carla Shalaby. As for my latest audiobook selections, you’ll have to read the rest of this post, because they definitely make my recommendation list. I know that it might sound a bit strange, but it works for me. Having choice and variety allows me to feel like I always have something to read, no matter my mood. 

Consequently, I go through a lot of audiobooks and am thus equipped to recommend you the best audiobooks for a variety of road trip situations. Every book on this list is an award winner that I’ve actually listened to, so you can trust me. Whether you’re traveling solo or with your entire crew, you’re sure to find something you’ll love on this list.

The Best Audiobooks for Road Trips By Yourself

Are you riding solo? The books below will keep you awake, but might inspire reactions that you want no one else to see. (Try not to cry too hard, though. That’s unsafe for driving.)

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audiobook cover image of Nothing To See Here By Kevin Wilson

Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson, Read by Marin Ireland

This audiobook earned the 2020 Audie Award for best female narration, and for good reason! Ireland brilliantly captures Wilson’s prose, including bringing a believable southern charm to the Tennessean characters. The story is funny, provoking, touching, and outrageous. I just finished it and I cannot stop thinking about it, so please listen to it so I can have more people to talk about it with.

cover of audiobook for Under the Whispering Door

Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune, Read by Kirt Graves

Listening to this book gave me all of the feels. It is an absolutely beautiful exploration of death and love and life, with a great message and lovable characters. Graves gives each character a unique and fitting voice. This unique and beautiful story is perfect to keep you engaged on a long drive — plus you’ll want the solo time to reflect on the questions Klune’s tale poses throughout. As a bonus, if you haven’t read Klune’s The House in the Cerulean Sea , it is also great on audio.

audiobook cover for The Midnight Library

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, Read by Carrie Mulligan

In this 2021 Audie finalist for fiction, protagonist Nora Seed takes us on a journey through her many possible lives. She is able to access these lives through books in a mysterious library that serves as the way station between life and death. I’m not sure if I’m really into books that deal with the complexity of life and death right now, but this one really stuck with me.

audiobook cover for With the Fire on High

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo, Read by the Author

Written and read by the phenomenal Elizabeth Acevedo, this book surprised me with all the feels. You can’t help but root for the protagonist Emoni, a teenaged mother fighting for her own dreams while navigating the responsibilities of parenthood. Of course, the book won a 2020 Audie Award for best narration by an author and also scored a YA nomination that same year.

audiobook cover for The Deep

The Deep by Rivers Solomon with Daveed Diggs, William Hutson, and Jonathan Snipes, Read by Daveed Diggs

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Mikkaka, we all know you would listen to Daveed Diggs read the phone book.” While you’re not wrong, you must be an old like me, because what even is a phone book? But I digress. This is an amazing and genre-bending story of the underwater descendants of enslaved Africans who were thrown overboard. It is beautiful and lyrical and moving. My future husband, Daveed Diggs, won a 2021 Audie Award in science fiction for his narration. And probably for being gorgeous and unbelievably talented also.

audiobook cover for a song below water

A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow, Read by Andrea Lang

Next, since we’re underwater, let’s talk about this gem. Black mermaids, sirens, and other magical beings live among us in this award-winning fantasy. Morrow seamlessly integrates these mythical beings into the modern world and pits them against racism and sexism in realistic ways. It’s an absolutely stunning read.

cover of audiobook for Darling

Darling by K. Ancrum, Read by Angel Pean

For some reason, this title doesn’t get as much love as Ancrum’s other books. It’s a different vibe, yes, but still an incredible story worthy of your time. When Wendy Darling moves into a new house, she’s soon visited by the mysterious and magnetic Peter. This twist on the classic tale is suspenseful and painfully, unexpectedly, real.

The Best Audiobooks for Long Road Trips

Whether you’re alone or with others, road trips over eight hours or so can be really tough. Check out these longer audiobooks that can keep you company the entire way.

cover of Gunslinger audiobook

The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger by Stephen King, Read by George Guidall

Technically, book one is only seven hours, but this series is LONG. My husband and I have been working our way through this complex narrative for a few years now. It’s weird and otherworldly, connecting to several of King’s other works. The narrator is EXCELLENT. Unfortunately, he suffered a tragic accident and was unable to finish the entire series. Still, the second narrator is pretty good as well.

audiobook cover for The Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid, Read by Alma Cuervo, Julia Whelan, and Robin Miles

Twelve hours will fly by when you’re listening to this 2018 Audie Award winner for multi-voiced performance. Classic Hollywood comes to life in all its complexity as we follow actress Evelyn Hugo through her decades of fame. Even while confronting sexism, racism, and homophobia, Evelyn is a powerhouse. She might be morally questionable at times, but you’re going to love her.

audiobook cover for Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors by Sarah Langan, Read by Nicole Lewis

I’m one of the few rare birds who didn’t enjoy Little Fires Everywhere , but this book was marketed as that story meeting Shirley Jackson’s suspenseful writing. It definitely delivered. A searing look at the nasty dark side of suburbia, this isn’t for the faint of heart. Trigger warnings for child abuse and sexual assault. (Also, I didn’t finish Little Fires Everywhere , so my opinion means nothing on that one.)

A graphic of the cover of The Color Purple by Alice Walker

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

This beloved classic is read by its legendary author. For the uninitiated, The Color Purple is the story of a poor, Black girl, surviving poverty and abuse in the Jim Crow south. Additionally, it’s been made into a movie and a musical. The musical is currently being adapted into another movie, so listen to the original story in preparation!

audiobook cover for Mexican Gothic

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Read by Frankie Corzo

The creeping dread of this mystery is perfect for a long drive alone, especially if you’re like me and think it’s fun to be a little freaked out. Glamorous protagonist Noemí is a debutante in 1950s Mexico. However, she wants more. In exchange for permission to study her interests at university, Noemí agrees to discreetly attend to a family problem. When she visits her cousin after receiving a cryptic and concerning letter, she is not prepared for the challenges that lay ahead of her in the Mexican countryside. Her cousin’s husband and his family are sinister and secretive. Something dark hides in the walls and begins to permeate Noemí’s dreams. Soon she realizes she might not be able to save her cousin — or herself.

The Best Audiobooks for Road Trips With Your Partner(s)

Perhaps you and your significant other(s) share the same taste in books, or perhaps you need titles with a more universal appeal. The books below guarantee to offer something for everyone.

cover of red white and royal blue audiobook

Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, Read by Ramón de Ocampo

I am unashamedly obsessed with the enemies-to-lovers trope, which McQuiston masterfully utilizes in this political romance. When the president’s son falls for the prince of England, things get tricky. Come for the romance and humor, stay for the surprisingly interesting political intrigue. You and your partner(s) will find something to love in this charming story.

audiobook cover of Dread Nation

Dread Nation by Justina Ireland, Read by Bahni Turpin

My husband and I are listening to this book right now, and it was perfect on a recent road trip. Sure, I’ve read it before, but it was still engaging. All you need to know about this one is that after the Civil War, the dead got back up. Our protagonists are badass Black girls who are trained to kill the undead. It’s an interesting take on historical events, but also just plain fun.

audiobook cover of The Night Circus

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Read by Jim Dale

Award-winning narrator Jim Dale shines in this imaginative journey into a magical circus. The circus appears without warning and is full of impossible acts. At the center are a pair of young magicians who are pawns in a long game concocted by their mentors. The fate of the entire circus and everyone in it hangs in the balance as these star-crossed lovers try to beat an unwinnable game.

audiobook cover for The Sound of Stars

The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow, Read by Joy Sunday

This is another title I’ve gushed about previously, but I assure you that it’s worth the hype. There’s alien invasion, music, secret libraries, and a forbidden love that can save the world. The action and twists will keep everyone in the car hanging on every word. At 12 hours long, the story will carry you all the way to your destination — and stick with you long after.

audiobook cover of The Institute

The Institute by Stephen King, Read by Santino Fontana

I know, I know. It’s probably faux pas to put a second book by Stephen King on this list, but hear me out. This is one of his best books in a long time. When a boy wakes up in a room that looks like his own but isn’t, we accompany him on a perilous mission to figure out what’s going on at this so-called Institute. He meets other children like himself — children with gifts The Institute wants to use for its own sinister purposes. Can he save himself and his new friends?

audiobook cover of The Sun is Also a Star

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon, Read by Bahni Turpin, Raymond Lee, and Dominic Hoffman

If you haven’t read the book (which has been adapted into a movie), then listen to it ASAP. The reading is absolutely beautiful, which is fitting for such a gorgeous and compelling story. Although most of the book takes place over the course of a single day, a LOT happens. Different walks of life collide as Jamaican American Natasha and Korean American Daniel meet and quickly fall in love. Unfortunately, Natasha and her family are scheduled to be deported the following day. You’ll lose yourself in this lush prose and heart-wrenching story.

The Best Audiobooks for Family Road Trips

If you’re looking in this category, let me first give you a virtual hug. While I enjoy an occasional journey with my husband, the thought of being a car with anyone else for more than an hour makes my skin crawl. Anyway, the picks below are family-friendly options that can appeal to a multigenerational minivan.

audiobook cover for Shuri

Shuri by Nic Stone, Read by Anika Noni Rose

After the global success of Marvel’s Black Panther movie, audiences were clamoring for more. Thus, acclaimed author Nic Stone gave us this fabulous middle grade romp through Wakanda. Genius scientist Princess Shuri, the Black Panther’s younger sister, is a superhero in her own right. With her martial arts skills, scientific advancements, and quick mind, she’s the only one who can save Wakanda when their vital Heart Shaped Herb stops growing.

cover of Pet audiobook

Pet by Akwaeke Emezi, Read by Christopher Myers

I love this book. It’s very different and not for everyone, but the audiobook is absolutely the way to go. (Friends of mine who tried to read the physical book had difficulties that they tell me disappeared when they listened instead.) Myers captures the different accents and speech patterns of the characters beautifully. Emezi deals with tough topics like child abuse in a very age-appropriate way. It’ll spark important conversations with any kiddos in your car.

audiobook cover of girl serpent thorn

Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust, Read by Nikki Massoud

I probably don’t have to keep telling you how much I love each book, but I loved this book! This feminist fairytale centers on the princess trapped in the tower. However, that’s where similarities to familiar fairytales end. Our princess is hidden away because she is poisonous to the touch. As her brother prepares for his marriage and the castle is busy and bustling, the princess grows tired of captivity. She faces impossible choices and learns the truth about freedom, family, and her true self.

audiobook cover of The ten Thousand Doors of January

The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow, Read by January LaVoy

Undoubtedly, this 2020 fantasy Audie Award winner is already on you TBR list. However, let me encourage you to save it for a family road trip. Full of fanciful doors to different worlds and led by a feisty and sympathetic heroine, this story has something for everyone. With a runtime of over 12 action-packed hours, this is one of the best audiobooks for road trips with your family.

cover of red at the bone

Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson, Read by Quincy Tyler Bernstine, Peter Francis James, Shayna Small, and Bahni Turpin

If you have teenage dependents, this would be a great story to listen to together. Woodson’s incomparable writing is vividly brought to life by the ensemble cast of readers. Ultimately, this coming-of-age tale is about family and community — perfect for a car trip with your relatives.

Best Audiobooks for Road Trips for Nonfiction Nerds

Okay, so this is not my wheelhouse. It’s not that I don’t like nonfiction, I just prefer to read such books on paper. This allows me to annotate and take notes to ensure my comprehension. That said, there are a few nonfiction audiobooks that I’ve enjoyed immensely. For more, check out 50 of the Best Nonfiction Audiobooks .

audiobook cover of becoming

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Alright, I know you’ve probably heard plenty about this book, but it is definitely worth a listen. The audiobook is actually narrated by Michelle Obama herself, making it all the more engaging. Unsurprisingly, it won an Audie Award in 2020 and was nominated for several others.

audiobook cover of the misadventures of awkward black girl

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl by Issa Rae

If you’re not familiar with the hilarious and multitalented Issa Rae, this autobiographical audiobook written and read by the author is a perfect introduction. With her self-deprecating humor and unique perspective, you’ll be laughing alone in your car for sure. Fellow blerds, get ready to feel seen.

cover of stamped for kids

Stamped (For Kids) by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi, Adapted by Sonja Cherry-Paul and Rachelle Baker, Read by Pe’Tehn Raighn-Kem Jackson

So, there are a lot of names associated with this book: let me explain. Kendi wrote the original Stamped from the Beginning for adults. Then the amazing Jason Reynolds remixed it for a middle grades/YA audience in Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You . This latest iteration is adapted for young children, making it a perfect for a car ride with your kiddos.

There you have it! Hopefully, you’ve discovered your next favorite read. Be sure to explore free audiobooks online . For more great audiobook recommendations, check out our audiobook archives .

american road trip audiobook

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36 Best Audiobooks For Road Trips

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Are you searching for good books to listen to while driving? Explore the best audiobooks for road trips to have an inspiring and laughter-filled time.

We don’t know about you, but while we love traveling, we don’t necessarily enjoy endless hours in the car, even if the scenery is stunning. Plus, our middle fingers get exhausted…

We’ve road-tripped all over, including other countries like Italy, Switzerland, Latvia, Ireland, Lithuania, Aruba, Estonia, Scotland, and Iceland.

How do we pass hours upon hours in the car after we’ve counted all of the sheep and sung along to the radio in multiple languages? Podcasts and audiobooks!

Along with our team’s recommendations, we asked audiobook expert, Eline from Lovely Audiobooks, what she considers to be the absolute best audiobooks for a road trip.

Below, find great books to listen to in the car in all genres, including nonfiction, memoir, fiction, romance, LGBT+, historical fiction, YA, thrillers, and more.

Most of these road trip audiobooks won’t be all about road trips themselves either – we have another reading list for that.

However, they are sure to inspire your travel around the world – and maybe your life – diversify your reading, and make you think more deeply. Let’s get started!

P.S. These audiobook selections pair well with an Audible Plus membership .

If you love hitting the road, check out these fantastic books featuring road trips .

Best Audiobooks For Road Trips featured image with pavement road with yellow lines surrounded by green trees and bushes with blue mountains and clouds in background

Table of Contents

For Fiction Lovers

Selections from Eline

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman book cover with devil with wings sitting on the ground

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

Narrated by Martin Jarvis

Good Omens has made an incredible comeback.

Whether you’ve seen the Amazon show, read the book, or have yet to experience this awesome story about friendship and the apocalypse, this is one of the best audiobooks for road trips for Gaiman lovers.

Good Omens is produced with a full cast of voice actors including Peter Serafinowicz for a BBC radio play.  Plus, it’s a great choice for a long drive.

Find even more terrific movies and series based on bestselling books .

Listen To Good Omens : Amazon | Goodreads

Evidence Of The Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid book cover with houses with pool and palm trees

Evidence Of The Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Narrated By Julia Whelan, Greg Newborn & More

One of the best audiobooks for short road trips, Evidence Of The Affair is written in epistolary form.

Carrie sends a letter to the husband of the woman who she believes is having an affair with her own husband.

Each soulful letter Carrie and David continue to write to each other explores themes of love, fear, and forgiveness.

Discover even more of Eline’s top short audiobooks perfect for day trips.

Listen to Evidence Of The Affair : Amazon | Goodreads

American Gods by Neil Gaiman book cover with red and white stripes

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Narrated by George Guidall

Neil Gaiman is everywhere these days, and American Gods is one of our favorite audiobooks for a road trip.

Shadow, this honestly good guy, finds himself utterly out of options after being released from prison.

He runs into a group of rather odd people. With them, he’s going on a road trip through America.

Find another Neil Gaiman book, Neverwhere , on our fantasy audiobook reading list .

Listen to American Gods : Amazon | Goodreads

Selections from Christine

The Celebrants by Steven Rowley book cover with illustrated group of five people on house deck overlooking water with orange sky

The Celebrants by Steven Rowley

Narrated by Steven Rowley

If you are looking for the best audiobooks for road trips featuring middle-aged characters , Rowley’s The Celebrants is an absolute must. It’s one of the best books of 2023, too!

Inspired by the equally terrific friendship movie , The Big Chill , follow along as five college friends reunite throughout their lifetime whenever one of them requires a living funeral.

They formed this pack upon the death of one of their college roommates – possibly by suicide – and call upon it when they are in desperate need of their own type of saving.

Skydive, swim with the sharks, and rescue kittens as these best friends grow and age with humility and humor.

For queer road trip audiobooks, The Celebrants is intuitive, funny, and relatable. We loved Rowley’s The Guncle just as much.

Just know that the novel comes with a few trigger warnings, including suicide, addiction, and more.

Listen to The Celebrants : Amazon | Goodreads

Crazy Rich Asians By Kevin Kwan book cover with picture of woman's head with black hair, blue earrings, and big sunglasses

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

Narrated by Lynn Chen

Crazy Rich Asians both as a book and movie did not disappoint. 

The first in the series, we enter the lives of the rich and not so famous except in their excessive wealth. 

Rachel Chu falls in love with one of the richest families’ offspring, Nick Young, causing a tizzy of gossip and instant jealousy. 

Is she good enough for this family?  In fact, who the heck is she? 

Sit back with some popcorn for family scandals, love affairs, and a story about proving love conquers all.

Crazy Rich Asians is definitely binge-worthy and one of the best books to listen to in the car on the way to see your family.

You may also enjoy Kwan’s Sex & Vanity , a story sure to transport listeners to Capri, Italy as well as NYC.

Listen to Crazy Rich Asians : Amazon | Goodreads

Big Little Lies By Liane Moriarty book cover

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Narrated by Caroline Lee

Big Little Lies  remains one of our favorite books, and we equally enjoyed the TV series.

Someone is left dead, and the suspect list is endless.

Behind closed doors, all of the players – especially the women – have deep, dark secrets. No one is as Stepford Wives as they seem.

Watch the drama unfold as friendships are built and marriages crumble.

One of the best audiobooks for road trips, Big Little Lies  promises to take your mind off of the traffic and into a gripping mystery.

Discover even more great books set in Australia .

Listen to Big Little Lies : Amazon | Goodreads

Where The Crawdads Sing By Delia Owens book cover with someone on boat in marshland with orange sky

Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Narrated by Cassandra Campbell

Where The Crawdads Sing  was one of the most popular books of 2019, an intriguing movie adaptation, and one of the best road trip audiobooks if you are headed to North Carolina .

Owens transports readers to the marshland around the Outer Banks.

Kya Clark, who has never fit in, is suspected of killing Chase Andrews.  Isolated as a youth from society because her family is poor and neglectful, Kya has always been a naive and easy target.

Learn about love, death, and coming of age in the most tragic of circumstances. Just listen with awareness as author Delia Owens faces her own personal allegations.

Discover even more of the best Southern books sure to transport you there . 

Listen to Where The Crawdads Sing : Amazon | Goodreads

Beloved by Toni Morrison book cover with black and white image of her face between her hands

Beloved by Toni Morrison

Narrated by Toni Morrison

We always love hearing Toni Morrison’s poetic and sage voice, and Beloved is truly one of the best audiobooks for a road trip that will tug at your heartstrings.

The story is heartbreaking, brutally powerful, and thought-provoking . Not to mention that it is one of the most well-known and best books from the ’80s .

Meet Sethe, a slave who escaped slavery. However, Sethe is still enslaved by her past and the haunting death of her nameless child.

One word sits on the baby’s grave, Beloved.  This is a ghost story like no other, based on a real-life person, that shows the effects of generational trauma.

Listen to Beloved : Amazon | Goodreads

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows book cover with white brunette and woman kissing

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Narrated by Paul Boehmer & More

Are you looking for good audiobooks for road trips for historical fiction lovers?  Try The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society , which also landed on the big screen.

We loved listening to this audiobook with its multitude of narrators, bringing each unique character vividly to life. 

With the end of WW2, Juliet needs inspiration for her next book. She heads to Guernsey where she learns about the secret The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. 

Completely endearing, fall in love with this gaggle of islanders and one of our favorite WWII historical fiction novels .

Listen to The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society : Amazon | Goodreads

More from Dagney

The Final Revival of Opal & Nev by Dawnie Walton book cover with silhouettes of people at a concert with orange, pink, red, purple, and turquoise coloring

The Final Revival of Opal & Nev by Dawnie Walton

Narrated by Janina Edwards, Bahni Turpin, and many more

If you’re in need of great audiobooks for road trips for music lovers who want a break from the radio, The Final Revival of Opal & Nev is the perfect option.

The book follows a famous fictional interracial rock duo from the 1970s, detailing their rise to fame, their break up, and a precarious comeback tour decades later.

Opal Jewel is a Black Afro-punk musician who believes she’s destined to be a star. Neville Charles is a White Brit who has come to NYC to try to make it as a singer.

Nev meets Opal at an amateur open mic night and though he doesn’t think she’s the most beautiful woman or the best singer, she has star quality, so he asks her to join him.

In truth, they have little in common, but they work well together as a singing duo. Soon the two have signed with Rivington Records, and their careers are on an upward trajectory.

But the more famous they become, the more attention they attract, and not all of it is good – especially with racism still alive and well in the USA.

This full-cast audiobook is done in the style of an oral history documentary, with each character telling their own version of the story.

For a fun, immersive experience, this is one of the best audiobooks for road trips for anyone who loves a good book about music .

For similar road trip audiobooks, our readers also enjoyed Daisy Jones & The Six , which is told in a fun interview style about an imaginary band in the 70s.

Listen to The Final Revival of Opal & Nev : Amazon | Goodreads

Thrillers, Suspense, & Mystery

She Started It by Sian Gilbert book cover with dark black and orange sky with palm trees

She Started It by Sian Gilbert

Narrated by Sarah Ovens, Anne-Marie Piazza, Ione Butler, Billie Fulford-Brown, Sarah Cullum, and Ella Lynch

For those who love island-set novels and explosive thrillers with satisfying endings, She Started It is one of the best audiobooks for road trips.

Annabel, Chloe, Esther, and Tanya have been best friends since they were kids. As adults, they’re not sure they even like each other, but now they’re tied together by too many secrets.

When they’re invited on the trip of a lifetime by Poppy, an old school acquaintance who is getting married, they can’t say no.

The thing is, they haven’t spoken to Poppy in years, and they weren’t exactly close in school. In fact, you could say they were a bit unkind to Poppy as kids.

But Poppy says she wants to put all of that behind them, so what’s the harm in accepting such a lavish, all-expenses-paid trip to a remote island?

She Started It is full of drama, secrets, and unlikeable characters and is the perfect popcorn revenge thriller and fictional wedding novel for the summer.

And if that sounds fun to you, then the full-cast narration definitely makes it one of the best books to listen to in the car if you’re on your way somewhere remote or beachy.

TWs: self-harm, bullying, and more

Discover more top book releases from 2023 .

Listen to She Started It : Amazon | Goodreads

I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid book cover with person with fair skin and red hair with old fashioned flowery wallpaper and chandelier

I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid

Narrated by Candace Thaxton

Looking for the best audiobooks for a road trip during the winter months? Or, perhaps just craving a book with winter vibes ? I’m Thinking of Ending Things is the audiobook for you.

Jake and his unnamed girlfriend – the book’s narrator – are on a road trip through the countryside to see Jake’s parents.

The intent is to spend Thanksgiving there, which Jake is clearly excited about. Our narrator, however, is thinking of ending things.

She can’t really say why, exactly. By all accounts, Jake is great. But something isn’t working in their relationship and she wants out.

But as the night progresses, things get weird and the weather takes a turn for the worse, trapping the couple in a snowstorm.

This is easily one of the best books to listen to while driving if you love a chilly, unsettling atmosphere and don’t mind something that makes you think a bit while you cruise.

Discover even more must-read Canadian books .

Listen to I’m Thinking of Ending Things : Amazon | Goodreads

Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden book cover with black animal with horns and red background

Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden

Narrated by Darrell Dennis

For those who believe that the best road trip audiobooks can also teach you something, Winter Counts is a great pick as it is imbued with Native American history and culture.

Everyone knows that when the police fail to do their jobs on their South Dakota reservation, you hire Virgil Wounded Horse to step in and mete out punishment.

But when Virgil finds out that the youth on the reservation are using heroin and his own nephew winds up in the hospital, he doesn’t need someone to hire him.

Now Virgil is determined to find out who is selling drugs on the rez and take them out of commission.

With the help of his ex-girlfriend, Marie, Virgil tracks down a lead that takes him from South Dakota to Denver.

If you’re someone who can appreciate a slow-burn mystery while you drive, Winter Counts is one of the best audiobooks for road trips.

Read more of the best Indigenous books .

Listen to Winter Counts : Amazon | Goodreads

Best Romance Audiobooks For A Road Trip

Lucky Suit by Lauren Blakely book cover with person's torso in a blue jacket with white buttoned down shirt

Lucky Suit by Lauren Blakely

Narrated by Zachary Webber and Andi Arndt

Lucky Suit is 2.5 hours long, which makes this one of the best audiobooks for a road trip to a nearby state. And, it’s safe to play on speakers for everyone.

Enjoy a light-hearted romantic comedy by romance queen, Lauren Blakely, which is perfectly narrated by two of romance’s most beloved narrators, Zachary Webber and Andi Arndt.

These two will draw you in and make you wonder how Kristen and Cameron actually end up together.

Are you driving across the states? Try our 50 State reading list .

Listen to Lucky Suit : Amazon | Goodreads

Ball Peen Hammer by Lauren Rowe book cover with image of person's muscle abs with no shirt on

Ball Peen Hammer by Lauren Rowe

Narrated by Lauren Rowe and John Lane

Ball Peen Hammer is absolutely not a speaker-safe audiobook to listen to while driving unless you are going on a road trip alone. 

But, this contemporary romance isn’t only incredibly sexy, it’s also absolutely hilarious and heart-warming.

Keane and Maddy find themselves on the road trip version of a blind date. They talk, get to know each other, and, of course, have to keep their hands off of one another.

But that never quite works out, does it?!  Ball Peen Hammer is one of the great audiobooks for road trips if you devour romance.

Listen to Ball Peen Hammer : Amazon | Goodreads

The Voting Booth by Brandy Colbert book cover with illustrated people with bags walking the opposite way from each other

The Voting Booth by Brandy Colbert

Narrated by Robin Eller & Cary Hite

For long stretches in the car, The Voting Booth is a happy, cute, and funny YA romance audiobook.

But, it’s also a profound critique of voter suppression, especially in urban areas and communities with people of color.

Marva is excited to finally vote in her first election. But, then she watches as Duke is turned away from their polling location, unable to vote.

These two strangers spend the day battling for democracy and their right to vote.

If you are looking for good audiobooks for road trips about politics and race – perfect for teen voters – The Voting Booth is extremely relevant, especially in the past decade.

Listen to The Voting Booth : Amazon | Goodreads

The A.I. Who Loved Me by Alyssa Cole book cover with illustrated Black person carrying laundry back and white person carrying a cat

The A.I. Who Loved Me by Alyssa Cole

Narrated by Regina Hall, Mindy Kaling & More

Part science-fiction, part love story, Alyssa Cole comments on how current events could lead to a very bleak future and what happens if you accidentally fall in love with an artificial human.

Trinity Jordan leads a pretty normal life, working from home until her neighbor’s hot nephew moves in. She soon realizes that Li Wei’s actions are strange because he’s actually A.I.

With the goal of helping Li Wei become more human, you’d never expect love to be a part of the equation.

The A.I. Who Loved Me is one of the best books to listen to in the car because of its outstanding production with a full cast as well as Regina Hall reading the main character.

Plus, who doesn’t love Mindy Kaling?

Listen to The A.I. Who Loved Me : Amazon | Goodreads

From Christine

Get A Life Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert book cover with illustrated Black woman and red-haired white man leaned into each other and he is kissing her forehead

Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

Narrated by Adjoa Andoh

One of the best audiobooks for a road trip with strong chronic illness representation, you’ll adore Get A Life, Chloe Brown .

Chloe has become a homebody battling Fibromyalgia – a debilitating and, at times, painful chronic illness. Her former friends and fiancée failed to support her, leaving her behind and scarred.

However, when faced with death, Chloe decides to reclaim her life with a fun bucket list. She enlists the help of her sexy apartment handyman, Red, and true to rom-coms, falls for him.

Red has his own baggage, though, including overcoming an abusive relationship. Can they make it work, and what will they learn along the way?

Get A Life, Chloe Brown is one of the best books to listen to while driving if you are craving a feel-good, sincere storyline with a brilliant protagonist and even more books in the series.

Listen to Get A Life, Chloe Brown : Amazon | Goodreads

Nonfiction Road Trip Audiobooks

Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered by Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark Book

Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstock

Narrated by Karen Kilgariff, Georgia Hardstock, and Paul Giamatti

Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered is the story of the two women behind one of the most successful true-crime podcasts – and one of our favorites – My Favorite Murder .

You don’t have to listen to or know the podcast first to enjoy their book, either.

Karen and Georgia talk about anything from aging parents to careers and substance abuse. Some of the topics may be triggering, including eating disorders, addiction, and sexual assault.

Yet, their stories are also funny, relevant, and relatable. And of course, they dive into their passion for true crime, creating an entire generation of Murderinos.

Peruse all of our favorite podcasts here .

Listen to Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered : Amazon | Goodreads

The Science Of Mindfulness by Ronald Siegel book cover with burnt orange background and flower

The Science Of Mindfulness by Ronald Siegel

Mindfulness is a popular term, but there’s actual science behind it, too.

The Science Of Mindfulness gives a great overview of why a mindfulness practice can improve your quality of life and even help significantly with depression and anxiety. 

If you are someone who tends to overthink things, you might find this audiobook helpful to understand how mindfulness changes the brain before actually starting to practice. 

Plus, learn how to feel more relaxed and sleep better. The Science Of Mindfulness is one of those road trip audiobooks sure to enhance your daily life.

Listen to The Science Of Mindfulness : Amazon | Goodreads

More From Christine

Quiet by Susan Cain book cover with red title on gray background

Quiet by Susan Cain

Narrated by Kathe Mazur

Many of the best books to listen to in the car are nonfiction titles, especially since they can sometimes feel like sloggers on the couch.

Susan Cain’s Quiet makes for one of the best audiobooks for road trips as it’s informative, interesting, and talks about introverts versus extroverts.

Susan Cain specifically describes the dynamic of an extroverted society and its effects on introverts. 

Cain is a champion of the quieter folk and discusses how in a world that cannot stop talking, introverts have merit too. 

Discover some secretly popular introverts and their societal contributions.  This road trip audiobook is all about introspection.

Listen to Quiet : Amazon | Goodreads

Biographies & Memoirs

Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson book cover with happy brown raccoon on yellow background

Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson

Narrated by Jenny Lawson

We follow Jenny Lawson on Facebook as The Bloggess , and oftentimes, she speaks to the rawest part of our souls.

Lawson is honest, relatable, and hilarious. For road trip audiobooks sure to spark inspiration, grab Furiously Happy .

Lawson shares her battle with mental health, as she suffers from both anxiety and depression. She advocates for loving and accepting yourself no matter what.

Listen to Furiously Happy : Amazon | Goodreads

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling book cover with Mindy Kaling, an Indian American woman on front with pink shirt

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

Narrated by Mindy Kaling, Michael Schur, and B.J. Novak

Mindy Kaling will forever crack us up while also pulling our heartstrings. 

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? is one of the best audiobooks for a road trip if you need a good laugh.  All of your passengers will laugh along too. 

Follow Mindy as she hilariously and embarrassingly discusses growing up.  She talks about weight, fame, friendship, and romance in the most honest and open way. 

Listen to Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) : Amazon | Goodreads

Becoming by Michelle Obama book cover with her portrait; she is a Black woman with shoulder length hair

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Narrated by Michelle Obama

We love Michelle Obama’s podcast , which pretty much guarantees that Becoming should also be at the top of your road trip audiobooks list.

Listen as the former First Lady shares her experiences about growing up in Chicago and attending college. 

Michelle Obama talks about dating Barack Obama, and the many challenges she faced and continues to face as a Black woman, career woman, and mother.

Always poignant and classy, she retains such humility and sincerity with stories that many will find themselves nodding their heads to.

Listen to Becoming : Amazon | Goodreads

Over The Top by Jonathan Van Ness book cover with Jonathan in a navy blue dress with one leg bent

Over The Top by Jonathan Van Ness

Narrated by Jonathan Van Ness

Named as one of NPR’s favorite books of the year, you know that Queer Eye star JVN is going to make one of the best audiobooks for road trips sure to entertain. We just love the show too!

Van Ness’s voice radiates off of the pages and into your car in this beautiful, raw, and at times, hilarious biography about overcoming addiction and childhood molestation – which may be triggering for some. 

A perfect LGBTQ+ road trip audiobook, Over The Top is for maturer audiences looking for inspiration to reaffirm their amazing self-identity.

Truly learn to live your most authentic and happy life just like the queen that you are.

Listen to Over The Top by Jonathan Van Ness : Amazon | Goodreads

You Can't Touch My Hair by Phoebe Robinson book cover with image of Black woman with emphasis on her face and hair

You Can’t Touch My Hair by Phoebe Robinson

Narrated by Phoebe Robinson & John Hodgman

For good audiobooks for road trips that you’ll hear recommended over and over again, with good reason, pick up Phoebe Robinson’s You Can’t Touch My Hair . 

With discussions about pop culture, feminism, and race, Robinson shares her experiences working and living as a Black woman where, you guessed it, people ask if they can touch her hair. 

She’s tired of being “the black friend,” as well as everyone’s go-to for all things racial – along with having people think she’s uppity just for voicing her opinions.

You know, the sexist, racist words and actions that still exist today.

Listen To You Can’t Touch My Hair : Amazon | Goodreads

Wild by Cheryl Strayed book cover with image of brown hiking shoe with red shoelaces

Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Narrated by Bernadette Dunne

If you are looking for the best books to listen to while driving – with Kleenex in the glove compartment – don’t pass up Wild by Cheryl Strayed. 

Sure, this might be a bit clichéd now – even the Gilmore Girls did their revival spoof on it – but it’s also quite raw and relatable.

For travel-related audiobooks for road trips, this one is sure to leave you shaken. You will feel every ounce of Strayed’s pain.

Overcoming the loss of her mother and failed marriage, Strayed is broken and lost.  Even though she is not a hiker, she makes an unhinged and wild decision to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. 

We follow Strayed’s journey as she learns to forgive, grow, and rebuild her life.  This is a great memoir for hikers ; just don’t throw your hiking boot over the cliff.

Find even more of the best books set in California .

Listen to Wild : Amazon | Goodreads

Born A Crime by Trevor Noah book cover with woman looking at urban art-like mural of Trevor Noah

Born A Crime By Trevor Noah

Narrated by Trevor Noah

One of our favorite nonfiction books about South Africa , Born A Crime is one of the absolute best audiobooks for road trips.

You might know Trevor Noah from his previous work as host of  The Daily Show . 

In his memoir, Noah shares his journey growing up in Apartheid South Africa with a Black mother and white father, a crime during that time period. 

A coming-of-age story, learn more about the brilliant man and comedian. His childhood antics are pretty hilarious and not always legal.

Noah is guaranteed to make you laugh while discussing more serious issues including racism and racist policies.

Listen to Born A Crime : Amazon | Goodreads

Bossypants by Tina Fey book cover with portrait of Fey who is a white woman with shoulder length reddish brown hair and she is wearing a collared shirt and tie

Bossypants by Tina Fey

Narrated by Tina Fey

You most likely know Tina Fey from SNL and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt . She’s pretty much a legend here in the United States.

If you are looking for funny audiobooks for road trips, try Fey’s Bossypants where she shares her early life and dreams before becoming the famous actress that we all know and love.

You’ll laugh, find commonalities, and feel like you are listening to your best friend chat about life.

Listen to Bossypants : Amazon | Goodreads

A Walk In The Woods By Bill Bryson book cover with green forest and brown bear's ears perking up

A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson

Narrated by Rob McQuay

We wish that Bill Bryson would narrate his books. We picture his sarcasm and wit radiating out of our stereo. 

It’s also no secret that Bryson is one of our all-time favorite travel writers , too. 

If you are road-tripping around the United States and headed to the Appalachian Trail, don’t skip reading, watching, or listening to A Walk In The Woods . 

Bryson and his boozy buddy, Katz, have no business hiking the Appalachian Trail, but they do it anyway.  You’ll love them for it. Heck, maybe they will even inspire you.

Listen to A Walk In The Woods : Amazon | Goodreads

Yes Please by Amy Poehler book cover with author, a white blonde woman, sitting on ground with arm raised

Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Narrated by Amy Poehler, Carol Burnett, Seth Meyers & More

If you love entertainers, you’ll equally love Yes Please by Amy Poehler. Think poems, stories, lists, mantras, inspiration, and advice.

This is one of the best audiobooks for a road trip for the cast alone: Seth Meyers, Carol Burnett, Patrick Steward, and even Poehler’s parents.

Expect to laugh and hear words to live by.

Listen to Yes Please : Amazon | Goodreads

Best Books To Listen To In The Car With Teens & Tweens

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys book cover with mother and child on train tracks in snow

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

Narrated by Emily Klein

One of the best road trip audiobooks for mature tweens and teens, Sepetys’s Between Shades Of Gray is a hard but essential listen.

Fifteen-year-old Lithuanian, Lina, is thrown into a crowded train headed for a Siberian work camp.

Separated from her father, Lina sends her drawings through secret channels hoping to locate her father’s prison camp to let him know that she is alive.

Will Lina and her family survive?

If you enjoy YA WW2 historical fiction about more obscured histories, Ruta Sepeys is an engaging, transportive, and unique storyteller. 

Read more books with colors – like gray – in the title .

Listen to Between Shades of Gray : Amazon | Goodreads

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green book cover with white and green clouds filled with title on blue background

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

Narrated by Katt Rudd

Imagine pulling into your destination yet instead of smiling, you are sobbing hysterically in your car. Passerbys assume you hit a squirrel. 

Nope. You are just listening to the young adult novel,  The Fault In Our Stars . 

The Fault In Our Stars  is one of the best audiobooks for road trips – or work commutes – that we have listened to addressing terminal illness in youth.

Cancer is a hard battle, and Hazel and Augustus meet at a cancer support group. 

Their story focuses on healing, living your life to the fullest, and love.  Have the tissues ready.  

Listen to The Fault in our Stars : Amazon | Goodreads

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman book cover with stone with ghost like vaper against blue and black sky

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Narrated by Neil Gaiman

Clearly, we think that Gaiman has the best audiobooks for a family road trip, and The Graveyard Book is perfect if you devour stories about haunted houses .

A middle-grade and YA novel, meet Bod. 

Bod has the only beating heart in his graveyard family, and we watch as he comes of age in the ghoulish world of magic. 

He also faces the danger of leaving the cemetery and being hunted by the man who killed his parents.

Find even more seriously spooky books for adults and teens .

Listen to The Graveyard Book : Amazon | Goodreads

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas with illustrated Black woman holding poster with book title in it

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Narrated by Bahni Turnpin

Whether you read the book, listen to the audiobook, or watch the movie, The Hate U Give is a powerful novel, especially released during the start of the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

However, it certainly makes for one of the best audiobooks for road trips for the entire family, especially today. 

Just be aware that there is violence, death, and tough discussions.

Dive deeper into racism as well as the murdering of innocent young Black men by the police as Starr Carter seeks justice for her best friend’s death.

Listen to The Hate U Give : Amazon | Goodreads

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe book cover with hair with no face and hand holding keychain like object on red cover

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe

Narrated by Tess Sharpe

If you’re looking for the best books to listen to in the car with teens, look no further.

This was meant to be a simple drop-off at the bank; instead, teen Nora O’Malley finds herself having an awkward morning with her ex-boyfriend and current girlfriend.

…And then the bank they’re at gets robbed.

But Nora isn’t like most teenagers. The daughter of a con artist, Nora knows things about the world and criminals that she shouldn’t.

And as things escalate inside the bank, she’s determined to do whatever it takes to get them all out safely.

The Girls I’ve Been is a riveting YA thriller about a bank heist, but also about complicated mother-daughter relationships, young love, and so much more.

It’s also one of the best audiobooks for a road trip with the family (though not appropriate for younger kids), or anyone who loves a good heist story!

Listen to The Girls I’ve Been : Amazon | Goodreads

What are some of your favorite audiobooks for road trips?

What road trips have you taken that you loved? What are your favorite books to listen to while driving? And, do prefer audiobooks or podcasts? Let us know in the comments.

Before you go…

If you love all things hitting the open road, be sure to watch our favorite road trip movies sure to inspire your next vacation. Whether you are traveling with friends or reconnecting with family, you will find something great on this list.

Related Travel Reading Lists:

  • Best Books Set On Trains
  • Books Set At Hotels
  • Books Set On Ships & Boats
  • Books About Maps

By day, Eline is a social worker, and by night, she is an avid reader and owner of the online audiobook blog, Lovely Audiobooks . One of her favorite places to listen to books is in the passenger seat of her RV, enjoying new places and new stories.

Christine Owner The Uncorked Librarian LLC with white brunette female in pink dress sitting in chair with glass of white wine and open book

Christine Frascarelli

Christine (she/her) is the owner, lead editor, and tipsy book sommelier of The Uncorked Librarian LLC, an online literary publication showcasing books and movies to inspire travel and home to the famed Uncorked Reading Challenge.

With a BA in English & History from Smith College, an MLIS from USF-Tampa, and a U.S. Fulbright Fellowship in Christine's back pocket, there isn't a bookstore, library, or winery that can hide from her. Christine loves brewery yoga, adopting all of the kitties, and a glass of oaked Chardonnay. Charcuterie is her favorite food group.

Writer Dagney McKinney white female with light brown hair wearing a purple shirt and smiling

Dagney McKinney

Dagney (pronouns: any) is a neurodivergent writer and book nerd who is drawn to all things weird and macabre. She also loves anything to do with fast cars, unhinged anti-heroes, and salt. When she isn’t working or reading, you’re likely to find her eating Indian food, playing board games, or hiding out somewhere dark and quiet, stuck down an internet rabbit hole. The easiest way to win her over is through cats and camels.


For families, highly recommend the Chet Gecko audiobooks narrated by Jon Cryer and the Lucy Rose series by Katy Kelly. They’re wonderful.

I loved A Walk in the Woods and When Breath Becomes Air. I’ve also enjoyed books by Dorothea Benton Frank on audio.

Thanks so much for sharing!

Truely awesome Audiobook Collection for Roadtrips. Though I don’t get much chance to travel, I do listen audiobooks during my way of office and coming back from it. Thanks for sharing this awesome list. I’m loving it and definitely bookmarking this.

Thanks so much! I appreciate it. I used to have such long commutes to work — audiobooks are perfect for traffic.

I actually really enjoy the driving part of a long road trip :’) I feel like I can switch it up with podcasts, audio dramas, and music! I’m not really an audiobook listener, but I absolutely love the idea of listening to one whilst driving. It’s so nice to see some familiar favs in this list as well!

That’s awesome. I am glad that I recently started finding (and getting into) great podcasts, too. Audiobooks are so fun, especially when there are multiple narrators.

I think “Small Great Things” is an important book that should be read by everyone. I also loved listening to “Circe”, “A Gentleman in Moscow”, and “The Good Lord Bird” (this last one, about slavery and John Brown, uses the “n-word” liberally, but it’s beautifully read by Michael Boatman).

Yes, I agree about Small Great Things . I want to read A Gentleman in Moscow . I’ve heard great things. Thank you for the recs!

I’ll definitely have to add Good Omens to my list! I’ve seen the show but have yet to read the book. And, being a major fan of audiobooks, I think that’s probably how I’ll be “reading” it 🙂 Thanks for sharing a fantastic list of goodies!

My husband is currently reading Good Omens as we speak. Gaiman is always amazing. I’m glad you enjoyed this list. Thank you!

Thank you for sharing amazing audiobooks for a road trip. I find some useful audiobooks in your books i which I prefer in my travel. Thank you so much for sharing this audiobooks for the road trip.

Thank you! I am so glad that you found a few new great audiobook titles to check out.

Definitely bookmarking some of these! We’re off on a big Scottish road trip next week and some of these will be perfect! Now I just have to persuade Dom to listen to the sexy smutty books?

I cannot wait to hear more about this road trip. As you know, I’ve never been to Scotland so I cannot wait to see castles and history. AND BOOZE!!! Have a great trip!

I think I definitely need the Science of Mindfulness audiobook! And I didn’t even know that “Big Little Lies” was in audiobook format. Love it!

Great list.

Have you seen the HBO series for Big Little Lies ? I only watched the first season, but I was SO excited when I heard the book was becoming a TV show. I thought that the producers did a great job and really stuck to the original storyline. Can’t imagine what Season 2 is like since there wasn’t a second book. Not that I am complaining. I will take it all.

Well, I’m sick and bedridden, so it seemed like a good time to FINALLY get around to reading this post and perhaps getting some inspiration for my next audiobook. There’s an excellent selection here, though sadly I’ve already heard (or read) most of the ones I’m interested in… does that mean I have a problem, or that I’m killing it?

However! Quiet has been on both our lists for ages, so might need to finally get to it. I kind of find it ironic to listen to a book about silence on audio… but sometimes weird things are brilliant! This SOUNDS (see what I did there?) like one of those times.

Love Mindy Kaling’s books! She’s hilarious. In general, I actually really enjoy listening to entertainer’s audiobooks (if read by them). They just tend to be, well… entertaining (me so good with words today). So much Neil Gaiman and no Neverwhere! By far my fave! If you haven’t read it, I thoroughly recommend!

Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered of course sounds right up my alley, but I tried listening to their podcast once and just didn’t engage with their voices, so should probably pass on their audiobook, right?

I hope that you are feeling much better today!

I think that since you have read or listened to all of these audiobooks that you are killing it. But I have to say that as well because besides some of Eline’s suggestions, you know I’ve read, listened, watched, etc all of them too.

Quiet is definitely one that I think you will enjoy. I almost want to listen (or read it this time) again to see how I can apply Cain’s theories to the world of blogging. I feel like even in writing, introverted and extroverted blogging is totally a thing. Take for example those damn Facebook groups too. Cough, Cough. You are right: I never thought about listening to an audiobook about introverts (and quiet). GAHAHAHAHA. I love listening to nonfiction. It just sinks in better. I am too crazed to focus these days.

Mindy Kaling is hilarious. I just saw somewhere that she is doing a motivational speech for bloggers. I think it’s about content creation. Wish I remembered where I saw it…might have to google it. I always love with actors and actresses read audiobooks–they are great.

I haven’t read Neverwhere by Gaiman. I’ll check it out! Thanks.

Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered is on my list and one of Eline’s choices that I am dying to listen to or read. I’ve heard so much about it. Voices is a hard one… I took this brilliant SEO course but the instructor’s voice just drove me insane. I guess that might be mean…but even her emphasis, pauses, and tone just UGHHH!! BUT HER CONTENT WAS SO GOOD. I feel you.

I had such a great time making this post with you, Christine! And I love your audiobook selection. I just bought Crazy Rich Asians. And I also really want to listen to a Neil Gaiman narrated audio. But I always end up getting the BBC plays for his books, they’re so epic.

Thanks so much for collaborating with me. I love this road trip audiobooks book list so much since it’s my first audiobook list on TUL. We might have to do one together every year. I just realized that I should link our Hoopla and Overdrive article to it, too! Maybe I will add in a sentence or two about that.

I loved Crazy Rich Asians before the series really took off or became a movie. I’m so glad it did gain interest, though, because the stories are SO well written and get even better and better as the trilogy progresses.

Gaiman and Levithan both usually narrate their work, which I LOVE.

I love this post! I recently downloaded Audible to listen to a 2nd self-help book from an author I love because the first book took me months to read and I am for sure going to be downloading the first book too to relisten.

In the past, I tried listening to fiction and I could not get on board. For me, reading is about escaping into another world and listening without any visuals was not helping me to do that. However, reading it with my eyes and not having to worry about anything else around me, I can enjoy a fiction book and escape and read the book within a few days if I love it so much. When it comes to nonfiction, it takes me longer to read and absorb if I’m reading. Recently, listening to many podcasts, I learned audiobooks may be the way to go for me and so far I’m really enjoying my first nonfiction audiobook.

While I may not download some of the fictional books on Audible, they sound great as a regular read and will add them to my kindle list. I’m a sucker for romantic comedies too. 100% will be listening to Quiet. As an introvert, it sounds like a great book for me to listen to on my long rides to and from work.

I had no idea you can search books by the length on Audible so that is a great tip.

P.S. I cried like a baby too after reading The Fault In Our Stars.

I completely agree with you on loving nonfiction audiobooks. Sometimes I can read a nonfiction title just fine. However, especially as a blogger and with my mind all over the place these days, I find it much easier to listen to than physically read nonfiction.

Same with why I like podcasts: I love inspirational and information-filled ideas that I can listen too. That’s probably all a part of how I learn and take in knowledge too. I find fiction much easier to read in a physical book and can get through fiction much faster. Of course, fiction tends to be a lot less dense too.

Susan Cain’s Quiet really blew me away. In my last job, I think people strongly thought that I was more extroverted than I was…but I was truly almost putting on a show so that I wouldn’t get eaten alive… In order to succeed there, you had to have a strong voice. As a YS librarian, they wanted you to be TV show-worthy. Basically, they wanted storytellers who would go all out and ham things up, screaming and yelling and exaggerating and UGH: not me, how I teach, or how I like to read stories to kids, at all.

I kind of hated that mentality because 1. it wasn’t who I was and 2. that loud, extroverted storytime is fun but not necessary. What about the quiet or shy kids or the kids with disabilities? Why couldn’t we have different types of storytellers? Why do we all have to be so loud and expressive?

Susan Cain really brings home the idea that introverted people make all of these amazing contributions, and how society condemns the quiet when they shouldn’t. We don’t all need to talk 24/7 or walk into a room and command its attention by being the one to talk the most.

Don’t get me wrong: I can be loud and friendly…and bubbly AF, but that’s not always in me. I was a dead silent child and all of my report cards note that I did well academically but never spoke. Cain would be like: She is fine…

You can also get free audiobooks for your road trips and crazy CA commutes from the library! Check out Hoopla and Overdrive. I actually wrote a piece for Eline @ Lovely Audiobooks about how to access them if you get stuck. LOVE THAT FREE FEATURE and it’s so easy. Plus, no late fees.

I didn’t know you could pick a book that lasts the length of your trip!! That’s such a cool feature. My go-to for long road trips is a mix of music, podcasts, audio dramas, and physically reading books. I don’t have any audiobooks myself, and I’m not sure if I’d get into them as much as other people do, but I’d like to try them out sometime.

Hey Macey! Yea, you just need to check the audiobook time listed in the description and kind of compare it to your road trip. You can find audiobooks for free from your library; if you use the free apps that pair with library audiobooks like Hoopla or Overdrive, you can actually bookmark where you left off–which is an extra nice feature. They sync across devices too.

Like you, I am definitely a music kinda girl, and the more upbeat, the better to keep me alert. Do you use Pandora or some other internet radio?

Oh, a nice mix of genres in this list. I haven’t listened to any of these, though I do have Quiet in my queue on Audible. I may not have any road trips planned, but these sound like they would be great for listening to while doing jobs around the house.

Hey Sarah! I love having guest contributors to mix up the genres. I knew Eline would have a few romance authors to sneak in there for me since I don’t read a lot of love stories (but should).

I definitely find, especially as a blogger now, that I love inspirational audiobooks and podcasts. Quiet is one of them. You are right: they are perfect to listen to while doing chores.

Have a great week, and thanks for checking out our list.

Amazing list!

This is a great list! Maybe my family and I should give some a try. We’ll be on the road together a lot in August. My brother usually plays nonstop podcasts and i don’t know, that gets a little old after awhile.

I like these book suggestions! If it were up to me I’d go for the romantic ones.? But I’ve also read Big Little Lies and Mindy’s book! Loved them both. Where the Crawdads sing is on my list. I already put that one on my kindle.

Thanks for another great post!

Thank you so much! It’s funny that you mention podcasts because I was thinking that I need to listen to more podcasts. What ones do you like and recommend? I think I need more inspirational ones, and I am eyeing Don’t Keep Your Day Job since I am reading the book.

We have 8 hours in the car with the howling cats so I am definitely hoping to get through an audiobook or two for that little road trip from heck.

Kaling cracks me up.

I’ll bet Mindy Kaling is wonderful to listen to on audio! I read her books, but I’m sure they’d be even better listening to her. I just finished Coraline by Neil Gaiman on audio so I’d love to get into his others at some point!

Mindy Kaling always cracks me up, and she has such a unique and relatable voice. I love her even more after A Wrinkle in Time . I enjoy listening to Gaiman and Levithan as audiobooks too.

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American Road Trip by Patrick Flores-Scott

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American Road Trip

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A heartwrenching YA coming of age story about three siblings on a roadtrip in search of healing. With a strong family, the best friend a guy could ask for, and a budding romance with the girl of his dreams, life shows promise for Teodoro "T" Avila. But he takes some hard hits the summer before senior year when his nearly perfect brother, Manny, returns from a tour in Iraq with a devastating case of PTSD. In a desperate effort to save Manny from himself and pull their family back together, T's fiery sister, Xochitl, hoodwinks her brothers into a cathartic road trip. Told through T's honest voice, this is a candid exploration of mental illness, socioeconomic pressures, and the many inescapable highs and lows that come with growing up?including falling in love.

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  • By: Sarah Kendzior
  • Length: 9 hrs and 45 mins

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The New York Times bestselling author of They Knew navigates a changing America as she and her family embark on a series of road trips to see the country, in a book that is part memoir, part history, and wholly unique. It’s March 2020. Sarah Kendzior, who had been covering the fall of US democracy for the better part of the decade, felt completely unprepared when apocalyptic circumstances arrived at her doorstep. As the pandemic descended across the United States, Kendzior wondered how she might teach her young children about the country they were born and raised in: she wanted them to learn tt’s history before it transformed before their very eyes. And that’s when the Kendziors hit the road. In The Last American Road Trip, Kendzior takes her husband and children to Mark Twain’s home in Missouri, down the famous Route 66, to Arizona’s Grand Canyon, and more in an attempt to prove that though the nation is rapidly changing, some of its features are timeless. As Kendzior reminisces about the many road trips she took during her college years, she realises she has slowly watched the landscape of the United States–physical, environmental, social, political–change through her car window. Part memoir, part political history, The Last American Road Trip is one mother’s promise to her children that their country will be there for them in the future–even though at times she struggles to believe it herself.

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By patrick flores-scott.

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Patrick Flores-Scott

Luis Moreno

Recorded Books, Inc.

23 April 2019

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american road trip audiobook

30 Best Audiobooks for Family Road Trips (For All Genres and Ages!)

Hit the road with the perfect entertainment! Our list of 30 Best Audiobooks for Family Road Trips offers magical, adventurous, and heartwarming stories for all ages. Keep everyone entertained!

american road trip audiobook

Nothing drains more than sitting for hours on end, doing nothing but watching passing cars and trees! Thankfully, there's the exciting option of listening to a new audiobook with your family on a road trip! If you've been missing out on this, you'll be shocked to see how much fun an audiobook brings to your next trip!

Whether family means a team of hyperactive six-year-olds, uninterested teenagers, or mature adults, there's a book for you! From science fiction or magical tales to real-life experiences, the adventure in the world of books never ends! You'll find more than enough options on this list to keep your family entertained and enthralled even for a whole day's journey.

Audiobooks are an excellent innovation, especially if you get nauseated by reading in a moving vehicle. With most having top-notch narration, they're more like a non-visual movie. Think of seeing the whole Harry Potter series in one sitting. Ecstatic, right? Check out our list for more!

1. Charlotte's Web by E.B White (Narrated by Meryl Streep)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 3 hours and 34 minutes | Price : $18.38

If you think a heart-warming story on friendship and unconditional love is what your family needs, you'd find Charlotte's web inspiring. The book, written by the same author of The Trumpet of the Swan and Stuart Little , is a kid's literature classic that cuts it for every young mind.

Charlotte's feeling for Wilbur, a little pig, is expressed in her spiderweb, which hangs up in Zuckerman's barn. The web also expresses the love of the girl, Fern, who rescued Wilbur as he was his family's runt when he was born. 

This story of love and friendship will continue to endear the minds of coming generations. It's been read in classrooms, homeschools, and independently; you'll surely enjoy it on your family's trip.

2. Peter and The Star Catchers by Dave Berry And Ridley Pearson (Narrated by Jim Dale)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 8 hours and 40 minutes | Price : $14.99

This book is the best option if you've just completed the Harry Potter series and are unsure what's best to follow. Peter and the Star Catchers is a hilarious reimagination of the Peter Pan story, magical and adventurous, and also narrated by Jim Dale, the same guy that reads Harry Potter. 

It's a five-volume series, so it can suffice for whatever distance you may be traveling. Through the book, you enter into the fast-paced world of the orphan boy Peter and his somewhat mysterious buddy, Molly. 

The pals make efforts to keep a world-changing secret and win victory over a band of thieves and pirates. The magical substance that heals wounds and makes men fly from just one sprinkle mustn't reach the grasp of treacherous bandits. 

The characters in this story will remain vivid in your mind as you listen. Much more, it transports you to their magical world even while on a long road trip with your family. 

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3. Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud (Narrated by Simon Jones)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 13 hours and 30 minutes | Price : $24.44

This story starts with eleven-year-old Nathaniel, a young apprentice to a magician still trying to learn the ropes of the ancient art of magic. Not until the day he meets Simon Lovelace, a ruthless and nonchalant magician that humiliates him publicly. 

The painful encounter sets him on the exciting track of a fast-forwarded education, learning spells far above his age and capacity, all in a bid to get his revenge. While on this, he stumbled on a powerful spell that summoned up the five-thousand-year-old djinni, Bartimaeus, to join him on his quest. 

Little did Nath know that summoning such a mighty creature of magic and controlling him was far from being the same thing. 

With settings of modern-day London, takes you through unanticipated twists and turns as the two unique characters explore together, held together by an almost unbreakable spell. The narration? Crazily good! With Amulet of Samarkand  being the first of The Bartimaeus Trilogy series, there's no dull moment on your trip with this book in place.

4. Princess Academy by Shannon Hale (Narrated by Laura Credidio)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 7 hours and 24 minutes | Price : $9.95

New York Times bestseller Shannon Hale wrote this fantastic tale. It's about a girl named Miri that once enjoyed a simple life; one passed down to her by her ancestors that once lived on the mountain where she resides.

Not until she got the news that her simple home was divined to be the future princess's. And in one year, one of the village girls will stand by the prince as his bride and princess. But who could that be? 

In preparation for this, the rulership set up an academy to train young ladies to become princesses, which every teenage girl must undergo. In no time, Miri gets entangled with opposing situations —a grim academy mistress, the conflict in her wishes, and fierce competition among the young ladies. 

Even if she won and everything she ever wanted was brought to her feet, can it make up for her leaving her family and people behind? The Princess Academy series is one your family will fall in love with!

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5. Savvy by Ingrid Law by Lily Blau

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 6 hours and 16 minutes | Price : $21.99

Savvy is one of those superpower stories that doubles as an adventure book. We are introduced to the Beaumont family where everyone gets a magical talent called a savvy as they turn thirteen. 

Mibs Beaumont has one brother with hurricane power and another who brings up electricity; it's time to get hers. However, something terrible happened before D-day; Poppa got involved in a life-threatening accident. This occurrence affects Mibs' choice of savvy; all she wants now is the power to heal her dad. 

She snuck out of home and hit the road to the hospital on a rickety bus alongside her sibling and friends. After this exciting and unusual adventure, none of the kids will remain the same. Savvy is a sweet listen for any family with kids planning to set out on a road trip.

6. A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park (Narrated by Graeme Malcolm)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 3 hours and 12 minutes | Price : $17.44

Here's an account that takes you back to twelfth-century Korea, when one celadon shard could determine people's fate. The village of Ch'ulp'o is famous for its pottery and celadon ware, and potter Min is the best potter the craft has seen. 

The master potter's work catches the eye of young Tree-ear, even if Min's short-fused nature should ideally put him off. He's blown away by the excellence of the potter's craft and had dreams of making his pot one day. 

This ambition rolls the stone of a cascade of unforeseen events, hazards, and unfathomable rewards. If you need a book about a young person's daunting journey towards fulfillment, this is it! No wonder the book won the 2002 Newbery Medal for most distinguished American children's book.

7. Dark Days: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy (Narrated by Rupert Degas)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length: 8 hours and 8 minutes | Price: £10.49

Skulduggery Pleasant is a sorcerer, fighter, and detective. But most importantly, He's dead! He's been carried into the dimension ruled by agents called the faceless ones. If you're lucky to find any remains of his bones, he probably shouldn't be in his right state of mind again from the horror of the ancient gods. 

No one has had the audacity or proven plan to save him from these depths of darkness. Except for Valkyrie, and even she doesn't have a solid plan. If she finally succeeds in bringing him back home, a gang of villains is already insistent on tearing down the sanctuary. 

Others want Valkyrie dead, and much more devastating is the sorcerer Darquesse that has plans to kill the world and everyone within it. 

The world's fate rests on Valkyrie's shoulders, and with the absence of Skulduggery, every hope lies on her. The inventiveness and fun entwined into the book's dark scenery make it a page-turner for you to laugh your face off.

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8. Matilda by Roald Dahl (Narrated by Kate Winslet)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length: 4 hours and 18 minutes | Price: £15.75

Have you ever seen a sweet, book-loving girl of remarkable character misunderstood by her parents due to their undervaluing of education? Most likely not.

Matilda is one in those shoes. Although her life takes a new shape on meeting Miss Honey at her new school, matters still got worse with her having to deal with Miss Trunchbull, her kid-hating headmistress. 

All thanks to the attack of the terrorizing woman, Matilda discovers her superhuman power to defend herself and fight back. You'd think Roald Dahl writes his books to be listened to rather than read, as the book is filled with pranks, humor, mischief, and wit that keeps children laughing from start to finish.  

More seriously, you'll also learn how valuing family, education, and strong willpower can help you win against life's challenges. 

9. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis (Narrated by Michael York)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length: 4 hours and 21 minutes | Price: $18.96

Everyone that's seen the movie adaptation of C.S Lewis's stunning story wouldn't hesitate an opportunity to listen to its audiobook on a family road trip. 

The land of Narnia lies beyond the border of a wardrobe door; a frozen country held captive under the white witch's enchantment. Lucy finds that the wardrobe in the professor's spooky apartment leads to Narnia and returns to tell her siblings, but it sounds somewhat incredulous. 

Soon enough, Susan and Peter follow suit and visit the magical country themselves. On meeting the great Lion Aslan, it dawned on them that they'd been called to join the great battle to set Narnia free from the witch's claws. 

The book is the second volume of the Chronicles of Narnia series but also does an excellent job as a standalone listen.   

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10. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K Rowling (Narrated by Jim Dale)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length: 8 hours and 18 minutes | Price: $29.99

You've probably been searching for this! Of course, this list would be far from complete without Harry Potter's magical world. The story starts with little Harry, unaware of anywhere called Hogwarts. Not until his admission letter dropped on his family house's doormat at Privet Drive. The start of a long and exciting adventure! 

Although his gruesome aunt and uncle quickly hid the letter away, it happens that he couldn't be kept away from his destiny at Hogwarts. In no time, the beetle-eyed giant, Rubeus Hagrid, burst in with reemphasizing news of his magical talents and admission to Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft.

The Harry Potter series has helped reveal many young people's hidden reading abilities. And every character of the magical story springs to life with Jim Dale's unmatched voice talent, even the unimportant ones! The audiobook is well worth the investment for any family considering spending some hours on the road.

11. The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall (Narrated by Susan Denaker)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 6 hours and 43 minutes | Price : $23.99

The Penderwicks series has sold up to a million copies out of more readers' hunger to read it should have a spot on your consideration list for an audiobook. 

Written by National Book Award winner Jeanne Birdsall, there's no dulling moment as you join the Penderwick sisters on their three-week summer adventure—a vacation in the captivating estate of Arundel.

In no time, they're exploring the magic of tame rabbits, spreading gardens, and the taste of gingerbread from the kitchen of Massachusetts's best cook! What's more? They met Jeffrey Tifton, the son of Arundel's owner; and he's just precisely who they needed to have the time of their lives in Arundel. 

On the other hand, Mrs. Tifton isn't as welcoming as her son and warns them to stay away from trouble. Will they? Or will things get out of hand? Find that out as you dive into a sweetly nostalgic and witty story during your family's road trip.

12. The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo (Narrated by Graeme Malcolm)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 3 hours and 30 minutes | Price : $18.38

The biggest and strongest doesn't always emerge as the hero. Kate DiCamillo brilliantly weaves the stories of Despereaux Tilling, a music-loving mouse, with that of Roscuro, a rat living in the dark and coveting a light-filled world. Miggery Sow, a serving girl, is another exciting protagonist. 

Three of them, alongside princess Pea, stepped into the uncertain adventure that led them through an appalling dungeon, a sparkling castle, and, more interestingly, into each other's lives. 

How does it all turn out? "Your destiny to find out," in Kate DiCamillo's voice. The Newberry Award-winning book is a sure bet to fill your journey with delightful memories. 

13. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (Narrated by Rob Inglis)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 11 hours and 5 minutes | Price : $23.95

You'll find The Hobbit a great listen, and your kids will enjoy it. It's the adventure of the easy-going Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, who prefers his home's comfort but reluctantly chooses to join a group of dwarves headed to take back plundered gold from the great dragon Smaug. 

The tale is one of daunting courage and bravery. It's also the prelude to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Initially, Professor J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the book for the reading delight of his children, so it's a more easy-going story than the Lord of the Rings.

Therefore, children and adults can enjoy the adventures, landscapes, songs, and bravery featured in the book. 

14. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (Narrated by Jesse Bernstein)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 10 hours and 2 minutes | Price : $27.94

This series compares to Harry Potter's in terms of interestingness; and although superpower is involved, it's more about Greek gods in a modern setting. Twelve-year-old Percy had problems with bullies in school, and the cycle continues as he gets kicked out of one school to another. 

One day he visited the beach with his mom; the day his life took a different shape forever. He learns of his friend's satyr identity and struggles with the Minotaur, which got Percy to the camp of demigods.

He was sent on the seemingly impossible adventure to retrieve Zeus' stolen master bolt. As you'd imagine, the encounters on his way to achieving this turned out to be more than his capacity.  Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is a book that'll get you thanking the gods for a beautiful read!

15. When Stars are Scattered by Omar Mohamed and Victoria Jamieson

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 3 hours and 42 minutes | Price : $22.05

What do you want from a story? Heart warmth, adventure? You'll get it all in this all-time remarkable, graphic novel. The book talks about how a young Somalian boy Omar Mohamed struggled to find a good life in a Kenyan refugee camp; for himself and his brother, Hassan, who has seizure problems.

Their father died in Somalia's civil war, encouraging them to flee for their lives on foot. They had to separate from their mother as these all played out. But now they've been searching tirelessly for her and hoping she's doing the same for them.

This book gives readers insider information on how to survive the trauma and other adverse effects of living as a refugee. The book's writing and color design are top-notch; that means they'll leave the reader with long and exciting memories that'll stick to them years after reading the book . It's a perfect one for any distance of a family road trip.

16. Caraval by Stephanie Garber (Narrated by Rebecca Soler)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length: 10 hours and 36 minutes | Price : $24.49

Scarlett has always dreamt of being a part of the legendary, once-a-year performance, but her dad's arranged marriage for her now seems to threaten her dream. Thankfully, she escapes with the help of Tella, her sister, and a mysterious sailor. 

Unfortunately, the team couldn't see Tella's kidnap coming. Legend, the mastermind behind the dangerous performance, kidnaps the young lady and makes her the center of this year's carnival. Whoever finds her first is crowned the winner.

In pursuit of her sister, Scarlett finds herself in a labyrinth of love, magic, and heartbreak with other Caraval participants. Will she recover her sister? Find out yourself as you enjoy this mind-boggling adventure with your family.

17. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Narrated by Tatiana Maslany)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 10 hours and 35 minutes | Price : $19.59

Emmy Award-winning actress, Maslany, takes the dystopian story to another level with her youthful and melodic narration. The race for survival keeps your mind constantly on a high as sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen combines intelligence, compassion, and grit to win the Hunger Games.

The Capitol city of Panem overrules 12 districts and keeps them in line by making them send one boy and girl between the ages of 12 and 18 to join in the life-threatening games. The kids are viewed on live TV as they fight it until death. 

Sixteen-year-old Katniss sacrifices her life by volunteering to take her sister's place in the games; as survival and proximity to death are second nature for her. With her bravery, nonetheless, she has to choose between survival and humanity, life and love. 

18. To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han (Narrated by Ali Ahn)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 8 hours and 44 minutes | Price : $21.43

Got teen girls? They'll find this audiobook an interesting listen over and over again! The book goes over the romance misadventures most teenage girls are prone to experiencing. They'll also learn to appreciate the value of the written word.

Although now a major movie on Netflix, the audiobook is still worth the listen as the experience of sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song doesn't get less interesting! You sure want to know what happens when a teenage girl's secret love letters to all five previous crushes, written for only her eyes, leaks out to all of them at once!

And Lara Jean is no shallow writer; she pours her mind and soul down, including what she wouldn't say in reality, because she never intended to show it to them. This event happens, and her once imaginary love life goes out of hand.

19. Born a Crime by Trevor Noah (Narrated by Trevor Noah)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 8 hours and 44 minutes | Price : $21.83

Ever tried nonfiction audiobooks for trips? They deserve a place on your list. This book is a memoir Trevor Noah wrote about his coming-of-age days and South Africa's struggles with injustice and apartheid. 

The story starts with how his devoted mother threw him out of a moving van to save him from gangsters, followed by the young comedian's growth through humorous and poignant episodes of self-discovery. 

In Born a Crime , the celebrity flawlessly performed the different characters from his childhood days and effortlessly used the English, Zulu, and Xhosa dialects to win the heart of every listener. Little wonder his narration earned him the Audie award for the best male narrator in 2018. 

20. One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus (Narrated by Macleod Andrews, Robbie Daymond, Kim Mai Guest, and Shannon McManus)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length: 10 hours and 43 minutes | Price : $33.69

This audiobook stands out in that each main character has a different narrator, adding an authentic flavor to the already enjoyable story. The TV series now streams on Peacock as everyone wants to know what happened when the school authority detained five students together, but only four came out alive. 

Investigation reveals that Simon's death wasn't accidental, as he'd planned to post juicy info about those other four classmates the next day, making them all suspects in the murder case. Can they be held responsible? Or are they the ideal patsies for the actual killer still roaming free? 

The twisted and addictive thriller keeps readers unraveling the mystery of "who really killed Simon" till the end.

21. Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A Milne (Narrated by Stephen Fry, Others)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 2 hours and 4 minutes | Price : £13.12

Remember the time when you were able to make your toys come to life by giving them personalities? Winnie-the-Pooh takes you back to that time. This collection of stories about "Pooh bear" has delighted millions of children for decades. And with its brilliant narration, your kids would repeatedly beg to listen to this. 

The end of the story sends a strong message to everyone about growth and the reality of saying goodbye. Summarily, Winnie-the-Pooh offers hours of enjoyment for any family trip.

22. Ms. Rapscott's Girls by Elise Primavera (Narrated by Katherine Kellgren)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 3 hours and 40 minutes | Price : $17.15

If you find boarding house stories irresistible, you'll be intrigued by this book. The book starts with a call for new intakes into the great Rapscott School. Only this unusual institution specifically admits daughters of the busiest parents in the world. 

Interestingly, these girls get shipped to the school from different locations in (of all things) postage boxes!

The coming weeks and months reveal a host of formative adventures the girls embark on. Especially as the extraordinary headmistress, Ms. Rapscott, tries to fulfill her promises to their parents by teaching everything these parents are too busy to teach.

The book teaches children to be resilient as they uncover their inner mettle. You'll surely enjoy listening to this book on a family road trip, especially as it's reminiscent of the famous Mary Poppins book.

23. The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer (Narrated by Chris Colfer)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 8 hours and 59 minutes | Price : $14.99

If you're looking for a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout your journey, the Land of Stories is for you. This Young Adult Fantasy Novel gives you the experience of meeting all your special Disney characters in one place. From Cinderella to Goldilocks and even all the villains!

The book is about twin siblings—Alex and Conner. They find themselves in an enchanted world by the powers of a mysterious book they were gifted for their birthday. At first, the experience is exciting as they interact with their favorite fairy tale characters. 

But soon, they become plagued with the problem of how to get back to reality as they encounter witches and scary creatures. How they escape is what your don't want to miss out on!

24. Cinder by Marissa Meyer (Narrated by Rebecca Soler)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 10 hours and 2 minutes | Price : $24.49

Ever imagined a cross between the famous Disney novel Cinderella and your favorite Sci-Fi book? Cinder is the genius outcome. The book has a common yet intriguing storyline guaranteed to captivate any listener with its similarities and deviations from the original story.

The protagonist, Cinder, is a second-class citizen by her profession, and living with her abusive stepmother and step sisters. Things go south when one of the stepsisters catches a deadly disease, and she is blamed for it. 

Cinder is then sent away as a case study for medical research. As secrets are unveiled, everyone soon realizes that Cinder is not as common as she seems. You should find out how the drama unfolds to the happy ending you expect

25. Far far Away by Tom McNeal (Narrated by W. Morgan Sheppard)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 10 hours and 55 minutes | Price : $29.40

In a Land called Never Better, a young boy named Jeremy Johnson hears the voice of a ghost. This ghost is no other than Jacob Grimm, one of the Grimm brothers who compiled fairy tales in the nineteenth century. Jacob's ghost is tasked with protecting Jeremy, narrating the story from Jacob's point of view. 

However, it becomes clear that Jacob can't protect Jeremy from everything. Especially the beautiful Ginger Boultinghouse, who falls in love with him after eating an allegedly enchanted piece of cake.

While playing pranks on the townspeople, the duo soon find themselves in deep trouble. One that pales in comparison to every of Jeremy's previous problems. Did Jacob succeed in protecting Jeremy? How did it end with Ginger? You'll find that out when you listen to this story!

26. Hatchet by Gary Paulsen (Narrated by Peter Coyote)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 3 hours and 42 minutes | Price : $18.61

Hatchet tells of the tenacity of a young boy stranded alone in the wilderness for 54 days after a plane crash. With tattered clothes and an injured body, he must learn to survive with just a hatchet and a strong will to survive. 

The story starts with Brains' family life. His parents were recently divorced, and he was to spend his first holiday with his dad after the divorce. On the way, he got stranded in the Canadian mountains and unconsciously recollects a family secret. 

The ensuing days reveal the tough decisions he has to make physically and mentally. Courage and, most importantly, the woes of self-pity and despair are lessons the reader discovers in this story. Hatchet is a fantastic book of adventures that you'll find a page-turner.

27. The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate (Narrated by Adam Grupper)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : hours and 46 minutes | Price : $18.96

The One and Only Ivan is a unique animal story centered around a silverback gorilla named Ivan. It is based on a true story and contains simple themes about friendships yet exposes the harsh truths about what it is like to live in captivity. 

It's also a book you would undoubtedly adore if you love animals and are interested in protecting their rights.

Having lived in a mall for over 27 years, Ivan had mostly forgotten about his life in the wild. Ivan is forced to see their profession in a new light as he seeks to get back to the wild. This emotional story portrays the transformative power of friendships, and it's heartwarming conclusion would make you shed a few tears.

28. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle (Narrated by Hope Davis)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 6 hours and 27 minutes | Price : $22.05

A wrinkle in time is a fantastic blend of science fiction and fantasy. The story is about Meg, a teenager, and her brother Charles in their quest to find their missing father. One day, a stranger appears at their doorstep and tells them the truth about their father's whereabouts. 

She further reveals the existence of a 'wrinkle in time through which they can travel to recover Mr. Murry.

With Calvin, a fellow schoolmate, the children travel through time to outwit the dark forces and rescue Mr. Murray. But this would prove to be no mean feat as soon the task would be more about returning alive themselves. How does Meg discover every human's secret weapon to defeat evil forces? You'll have to read this book to find out!

29. Family, Friends, and Furry Creature by Liz Pichon (Narrated by Russell Tovey)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 1 hour and 56 minutes | Price : $11.95

Family, friends, and furry creatures is a hilarious book to listen to and re-listen to. The story is about the adventures of Tom Gates with his friends and family. It's also the perfect audiobook for getting everyone in the mood on a vacation or camping trip, as you'll likely be in stitches most of the time.  

The Book reveals Tom's everyday life and how he goes about the school project he had to do for his family. This leads Tom to discover how his parents met with so many embarrassing and relatable scenarios to laugh over. It's a terrific read for any age; and learning about Tom is a guide to learning about yourself.

30. The Railway Children by E.Nesbit (Narrated by Virginia Leishman)

american road trip audiobook

Listening length : 6 hours and 43 minutes | Price : $17.46

The charm of this book is its simplicity and natural themes. It tells the tale of three children forced into poverty after their dad disappears suddenly. Together with their mother, they move from London to the countryside and are excited to learn that their new home is close to a train station.

The story depicts the relatable experience of being whisked into unexpected situations as a child without understanding the reasons from an adult's point of view. The children learn to make the most of their new surroundings by helping with chores.

They are also able to thrive by making friends wherever they go. One of these friends, an old gentleman, coincidentally turns out to be the one who helps them out of their predicament. Listening to this audiobook on a family trip will awaken nostalgic feelings about your childhood you'd want to remember.

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Learn essential Dutch phrases for a smooth trip to the Netherlands. Perfect for travelers looking to connect with locals and enrich their experience.

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Is Sun Country Airlines Safe? Discover How They Prioritize Your Safety

Is Sun Country Airlines Safe? Discover How They Prioritize Your Safety

When you're planning your next getaway, the safety of your chosen airline is probably at the top of your list. You've likely heard of Sun Country Airlines, a budget-friendly option that's been gaining popularity. But the big question on your mind is, "Is Sun Country Airlines safe?"

Is Delta Air Lines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Nervous Flyers

Is Delta Air Lines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Nervous Flyers

When you're planning your next trip, safety is likely at the top of your list. And if Delta Air Lines is on your radar, you're probably wondering just how safe it is to fly with them. Let's face it, in today's world, the safety of an airline can make or break your travel plans.

Is American Airlines Safe? Uncovering the Truth for Nervous Flyers

Is American Airlines Safe? Uncovering the Truth for Nervous Flyers

When you're planning your next trip, safety is probably at the top of your mind. And if you're considering flying with American Airlines, you're likely wondering just how safe it really is. It's a valid concern—after all, you're cruising at 35,000 feet!

Is Biman Bangladesh Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

Is Biman Bangladesh Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

When you're planning a trip, especially one that takes you across borders, the safety of your chosen airline is a top priority. You've probably come across Biman Bangladesh Airlines in your search for flights, and it's natural to wonder about its safety record. After all, you're entrusting them with your most precious cargo: you and your loved ones.

Is Arkia Israeli Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth That Every Traveler Must Know

Is Arkia Israeli Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth That Every Traveler Must Know

When planning a trip, you're likely to ponder over which airline to choose, especially when it comes to safety. If you've got your eyes set on Israel, Arkia Israeli Airlines might have popped up in your search. It's Israel's second-largest airline, but how does it stack up in terms of safety?

Is Air Albania Safe? Unveiling the Truth About Your Next Flight's Security

Is Air Albania Safe? Unveiling the Truth About Your Next Flight's Security

When planning your next trip, you might wonder about the safety of your chosen airline. It's a valid concern, especially if you're considering flying with a relatively new player like Air Albania. Founded in 2018, it's the flag carrier of Albania, but how does it stack up in terms of safety?

Is Jeju Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

Is Jeju Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

When planning a trip, especially by air, safety is always at the top of your mind. You've probably come across Jeju Air, a popular low-cost carrier in South Korea, and wondered, "Is Jeju Air safe?" It's a valid question, considering the budget-friendly tickets and the airline's growing network across Asia.

Is Air Tahiti Nui Safe? Unveiling What Every Traveler Needs to Know

Is Air Tahiti Nui Safe? Unveiling What Every Traveler Needs to Know

When planning a trip to the enchanting islands of Tahiti, you're likely considering Air Tahiti Nui for your journey. It's the flagship carrier that promises an exotic travel experience, whisking you away to paradise. But amidst the excitement, a crucial question pops up: Is Air Tahiti Nui safe?

Is Avelo Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

Is Avelo Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

When you're planning your next trip, safety is always at the top of your mind, right? You're probably wondering if Avelo Airlines, the new kid on the block in the aviation world, ticks all the boxes for a safe journey. It's a valid question, especially with so many options out there.

Is PenAir Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Nervous and Aspiring Travelers

Is PenAir Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Nervous and Aspiring Travelers

When you're planning your next flight, safety is probably at the top of your list. You've likely come across PenAir in your search for regional flights, but you're wondering: is PenAir safe? It's a valid question, especially when flying to some of the more remote locations PenAir serves.

Is Ravn Alaska Safe? Unveiling Truths Behind Your Flight's Reliability

Is Ravn Alaska Safe? Unveiling Truths Behind Your Flight's Reliability

When planning a trip to the Last Frontier, you might wonder about the best way to hop between its vast landscapes. Ravn Alaska pops up as a popular option, but there's a big question on your mind: Is Ravn Alaska safe? Let's dive into what makes an airline tick in terms of safety and see how Ravn stacks up.

Is Breeze Airways Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious & Aspiring Travelers

Is Breeze Airways Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious & Aspiring Travelers

When you're eyeing those tempting deals from Breeze Airways for your next trip, it's only natural to wonder about their safety record. After all, who doesn't want a smooth and secure journey to their dream destination? Breeze Airways, a newcomer in the sky, has sparked curiosity among travelers seeking both value and peace of mind.

Is Cape Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Pilot Training and Fleet Safety

Is Cape Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Pilot Training and Fleet Safety

When planning your next adventure or business trip, you're likely to ponder over the safety of your chosen airline. If Cape Air's on your radar, you're probably asking, "Is Cape Air safe?" It's a valid question that deserves a closer look, especially when your comfort and peace of mind are at stake.

Is Silver Airways Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

Is Silver Airways Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

When planning your next trip, you're likely juggling a lot of decisions. Where to stay, what to pack, and, crucially, which airline to trust with your safety in the skies. If you're considering Silver Airways for your journey, you might be wondering just how safe it is. After all, flying can be nerve-wracking enough without worrying about the reliability of your chosen airline.

Is GoJet Airlines Safe? The Truth Behind Passenger Reviews and Safety Concerns

Is GoJet Airlines Safe? The Truth Behind Passenger Reviews and Safety Concerns

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with GoJet Airlines, one question might pop into your mind: "Is GoJet Airlines safe?" It's a valid concern, especially in today's world where safety is paramount. Let's dive into what makes an airline safe and see how GoJet stacks up.

Is Endeavor Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Secure Journey

Is Endeavor Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Secure Journey

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Endeavor Air, it's natural to wonder about safety. After all, you want your journey to be as smooth and worry-free as possible. Safety is a top priority for any airline, but how does Endeavor Air stack up?

Is Trans States Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Pilot Training & Safety

Is Trans States Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Pilot Training & Safety

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Trans States Airlines, it's natural to wonder about their safety record. After all, ensuring a safe journey is at the top of everyone's list. You're not alone in your curiosity, and the good news is, we've got the scoop for you.

Is Air Wisconsin Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight's Safety

Is Air Wisconsin Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight's Safety

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Air Wisconsin, safety is likely one of your top concerns. It's a big deal choosing an airline, especially with the myriad of options and opinions floating around.

Is Envoy Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Next Flight

Is Envoy Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Next Flight

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Envoy Air, it's natural to wonder about the airline's safety record. After all, your safety is paramount, and you want to ensure you're making the best choice for your travel.

Is Mesa Airlines Safe? Discover What Passengers Aren't Telling You

Is Mesa Airlines Safe? Discover What Passengers Aren't Telling You

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Mesa Airlines, safety is likely at the top of your mind. It's a big world out there, and knowing you're in good hands while jetting off to your next adventure can make all the difference.

Is Compass Airlines Safe? Uncovering What Every Traveler Must Know

Is Compass Airlines Safe? Uncovering What Every Traveler Must Know

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Compass Airlines, it's natural to wonder about their safety record. After all, ensuring a safe journey is at the top of everyone's list. But diving into the world of airline safety can feel like navigating through a maze. Don't worry; we've got you covered.

Is Republic Airways Safe? Insights That Every Nervous Flyer Must Read

Is Republic Airways Safe? Insights That Every Nervous Flyer Must Read

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Republic Airways, it's natural to wonder about their safety record. After all, ensuring you're in good hands while thousands of feet up in the air is pretty crucial. You're not alone in your concerns; it's a question on the minds of many travelers.

Is SkyWest Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth That Every Traveler Must Know

Is SkyWest Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth That Every Traveler Must Know

When planning your next trip, you might be wondering about the best airline options out there. Safety, no doubt, tops your list of concerns. You've probably heard of SkyWest Airlines, a major player in the regional airline sector. But the burning question remains: Is SkyWest Airlines safe?

Is Icelandair Safe? Discover Why Flyers Trust Their Journey With Us

Is Icelandair Safe? Discover Why Flyers Trust Their Journey With Us

When you're planning a trip that involves flying, safety naturally tops your list of concerns. And if Iceland's stunning landscapes are calling your name, you're probably considering Icelandair for your journey. But how safe is this airline, really?

Is Luxair Safe? Unveiling What Really Matters to Nervous Flyers

Is Luxair Safe? Unveiling What Really Matters to Nervous Flyers

When planning your next trip, you're likely scrolling through countless options, wondering which airline will get you there safely and comfortably. Luxair, Luxembourg's flag carrier, often pops up as a top choice for European destinations. But in the sea of airlines, you might ask yourself, "Is Luxair safe?"

Is SpiceJet Safe? Uncovering the Truth Behind Passenger Reviews

Is SpiceJet Safe? Uncovering the Truth Behind Passenger Reviews

When you're planning your next trip, safety is always at the top of your mind. And if you're considering flying with SpiceJet, you might be wondering just how safe it is. After all, flying can be daunting, and choosing the right airline is crucial for a worry-free journey.

Is El Al Safe? Debunking Myths & Unveiling the Truth for Nervous Flyers

Is El Al Safe? Debunking Myths & Unveiling the Truth for Nervous Flyers

When you're planning a trip, especially an international one, safety is likely at the top of your list. And if your travels are taking you to or from Israel, you've probably heard of El Al. It's Israel's national airline and has a reputation that precedes it. But what's behind the buzz? Is El Al really as safe as they say?

Is China Eastern Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

Is China Eastern Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

When you're planning a trip, especially one that spans continents, safety is likely at the top of your list. You've probably come across China Eastern Airlines in your search for flights, and it's natural to wonder about their safety record. After all, you're entrusting them with your most precious cargo - yourself and your loved ones.

Is China Southern Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Concerns

Is China Southern Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Concerns

When it comes to air travel, safety is always at the forefront of everyone's mind. You might be planning your next trip and wondering, "Is China Southern safe?" It's a valid question, especially when venturing far from home.

Is Malaysia Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Travelers

Is Malaysia Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Travelers

When you're planning your next adventure or business trip, the airline you choose is a big deal. You want comfort, good service, and most importantly, safety. Malaysia Airlines often pops up as a tempting option with its attractive routes and competitive prices. But there's that nagging question in the back of your mind: Is Malaysia Airlines safe?

Is Japan Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

Is Japan Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth for Anxious Flyers

When planning your next trip, safety is likely at the top of your list, especially when it comes to choosing an airline. You might be wondering, "Is Japan Airlines safe?" Well, you're in the right place to find out. Japan Airlines, known for its impeccable service, also prides itself on its safety record.

Is ANA Safe? Discover How They Ensure Your Peace of Mind in the Skies

Is ANA Safe? Discover How They Ensure Your Peace of Mind in the Skies

When you're planning a trip, especially one that involves flying, safety is likely at the top of your mind. You might be wondering about All Nippon Airways, commonly known as ANA, and its safety record. Is it a reliable choice for your next journey?

Is Singapore Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Secrets Behind Their Flawless Safety Record

Is Singapore Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Secrets Behind Their Flawless Safety Record

When you're jetting off to exotic locales or crucial business meetings, the last thing you want to worry about is your safety in the sky. That's where Singapore Airlines comes into play. Known for its impeccable service, it's natural to wonder about its safety record too.

Is Emirates Safe? Unveiling What Happy Travelers Really Think

Is Emirates Safe? Unveiling What Happy Travelers Really Think

When you're planning your next journey, safety is likely at the top of your list. You've probably heard a lot about Emirates, known for its luxurious experience, but how does it stack up in terms of safety? Let's dive into what makes an airline safe and see where Emirates lands.

Is LOT Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight's Safety

Is LOT Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight's Safety

When you're planning a trip, the safety of the airline you choose is a top priority. You might've heard about LOT Polish Airlines and wondered, "Is LOT safe?" Well, you're not alone in asking. Safety concerns are valid, especially when it's about flying thousands of feet above the ground.

Is Aeromexico Safe? Unveiling What Every Traveler Needs to Know

Is Aeromexico Safe? Unveiling What Every Traveler Needs to Know

When you're planning your next trip and considering flying with Aeromexico, safety might be at the top of your mind. It's natural to wonder about the safety records of airlines these days, especially with the amount of travel we all do. Aeromexico, as one of the leading carriers in Latin America, often comes under scrutiny.

Is Norwegian Safe? Discover Why Travelers Trust Its Skies

Is Norwegian Safe? Discover Why Travelers Trust Its Skies

When you're planning your next adventure, safety is always at the top of your list. And if Norway's on your radar, you're probably wondering, "Is Norwegian safe?" Let's dive into what makes this Nordic country a destination worth considering from a safety perspective.

Is Allegiant Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth About Your Flight's Safety

Is Allegiant Air Safe? Unveiling the Truth About Your Flight's Safety

When you're planning a trip, the safety of the airline you choose is a top priority. You've probably heard mixed reviews about budget airlines, and Allegiant Air often comes up in those conversations. It's natural to wonder, "Is Allegiant Air safe?"

Is Hawaiian Airlines Safe? Discover Why Flyers Trust This Paradise Airline

Is Hawaiian Airlines Safe? Discover Why Flyers Trust This Paradise Airline

When you're planning a tropical getaway, the last thing you want to stress over is whether your flight will be a smooth sail or a turbulent ride. Enter Hawaiian Airlines, a name that's almost synonymous with the aloha spirit and island hopping. But beyond the lei greetings and in-flight POG juice, you're probably wondering, "Is Hawaiian Airlines safe?"

Is Frontier Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

Is Frontier Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

When you're planning your next adventure or business trip, the airline you choose can make all the difference. You've probably heard about Frontier Airlines, known for its budget-friendly fares, but you might be wondering, "Is Frontier Airlines safe?" It's a valid question that deserves a closer look, especially in today's travel climate.

Is Spirit Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

Is Spirit Airlines Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind Your Flight Fears

When you're planning a trip and looking for budget-friendly options, Spirit Airlines often pops up as a tempting choice. But amidst the excitement of snagging a great deal, you might pause and wonder, "Is Spirit Airlines safe?" It's a valid question, especially when you're about to trust them with your most precious cargo—yourself!

Is JetBlue Safe? Uncovering the Truth Behind Their Safety Measures

Is JetBlue Safe? Uncovering the Truth Behind Their Safety Measures

When you're planning your next trip, the airline you choose is as crucial as your destination. You've probably heard a lot about JetBlue, known for its comfy seats and ample legroom, but how does it stack up in terms of safety? It's a question worth asking, especially in today's travel climate.

Is Alaska Airlines Safe? Discover Why Flyers Trust Their Journey With Them

Is Alaska Airlines Safe? Discover Why Flyers Trust Their Journey With Them

When you're planning your next trip, safety is likely at the top of your list. You're not just looking for a smooth flight; you want peace of mind from takeoff to touchdown. That's where Alaska Airlines comes into play. It's a name you've probably heard tossed around when talking about reliable air travel, but how safe is it really?

Is Southwest Airlines Safe? Uncovering What Every Traveler Needs to Know

Is Southwest Airlines Safe? Uncovering What Every Traveler Needs to Know

When you're planning your next trip, safety is always at the top of your mind. And if you're considering flying with Southwest Airlines, you might be wondering just how safe your journey will be. It's a valid concern, especially in today's world where travel safety has become more important than ever.

Is United Airlines Safe? Real Passengers Share Their Experiences

Is United Airlines Safe? Real Passengers Share Their Experiences

When you're planning your next trip, safety is probably at the top of your list, especially when it comes to choosing an airline. You've likely come across United Airlines, a major player in the aviation industry, and wondered, "Is United Airlines safe?" It's a valid question that deserves a closer look.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Hawaii for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Hawaii for Every Lifestyle

Dreaming of living in paradise? Hawaii's got you covered, with its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and Aloha spirit. But with so many amazing spots, deciding where to plant your roots can be tough.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Florida for Everyone - Beaches, Festivals & More

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Florida for Everyone - Beaches, Festivals & More

Thinking about moving to Florida? You're not alone! The Sunshine State is famous for its gorgeous beaches, vibrant cities, and laid-back lifestyle. But with so many great places to choose from, deciding where to plant your roots can be tough.

Ultimate Guide: Top Family-Friendly Spots in NC - From Asheville to Outer Banks

Ultimate Guide: Top Family-Friendly Spots in NC - From Asheville to Outer Banks

Looking for the perfect spot in North Carolina to plant your family roots? You're in luck! This state's got a little something for everyone, from bustling cities to quiet, leafy suburbs.

Top Places to Thrive in Your 20s: A Guide to Affordability, Adventure, & Opportunities

Top Places to Thrive in Your 20s: A Guide to Affordability, Adventure, & Opportunities

Ah, your 20s! A time to explore, grow, and maybe even settle down in a new spot that feels just right. It's all about finding that perfect blend of fun, opportunity, and affordability.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Houston for Everyone - From Retirees to Families

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Houston for Everyone - From Retirees to Families

Houston's a big city, with even bigger opportunities for finding the perfect spot to call home. Whether you're all about the hustle and bustle of city life or looking for a quiet corner to settle down, there's something here for everyone.

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Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Missouri for Everyone - From Retirees to Young Adults

Thinking about moving to Missouri or just curious about the best spots to call home in the Show-Me State? You're in luck. Missouri's got a little something for everyone, from bustling city vibes to quiet, leafy suburbs.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Connecticut for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Connecticut for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about making a move to Connecticut? You're in for a treat! This state's got a little bit of everything – from cozy small towns to bustling cities. It's all about finding the spot that feels just right for you.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Indiana for Everyone - Schools, Costs & Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Indiana for Everyone - Schools, Costs & Lifestyle

Thinking about calling Indiana home? You're in for a treat! The Hoosier State is packed with charming towns, bustling cities, and everything in between. Whether you're after the quiet of the countryside or the buzz of city life, Indiana's got you covered.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Illinois for Everyone - Families to Retirees

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Illinois for Everyone - Families to Retirees

Thinking about making a move to Illinois? You're in for a treat! The Prairie State is not just about deep-dish pizza and the Windy City. There's a lot more to discover, from cozy small towns to bustling suburbs that offer the best of both worlds.

Ultimate Guide: Top East Coast Havens for Every Lifestyle & Age

Ultimate Guide: Top East Coast Havens for Every Lifestyle & Age

Dreaming of waking up to the sound of waves or perhaps craving the vibrant city vibes only the East Coast can offer? You're in luck because we're diving into the best spots that just might make you want to pack your bags today. From quaint towns with rich history to bustling cities with endless opportunities, the East Coast has something for everyone.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live Near Nashville for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live Near Nashville for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about moving close to the heart of country music? Nashville's got more than just tunes to offer. It's surrounded by some pretty sweet spots that give you the best of both worlds: serene living and easy access to the city vibes.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in New Mexico for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in New Mexico for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about making a move to New Mexico? You're in for a treat! With its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and sunny weather, it's no wonder you're considering it. But with so many awesome places to choose from, where should you start?

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in New Hampshire for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in New Hampshire for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about making a move to New Hampshire? You're in for a treat! From the stunning White Mountains to the serene lakes, there's a spot for everyone in this charming New England state. Whether you're after the hustle and bustle of city life or the peacefulness of the countryside, New Hampshire offers a unique blend of both.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Delaware for Everyone [2024]

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Delaware for Everyone [2024]

Thinking about making Delaware your new home? You're in luck! This little gem of a state might be small, but it's packed with some of the best places to live on the East Coast. From cozy beach towns to bustling city life, Delaware's got a spot for everyone.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Massachusetts for Everyone

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Massachusetts for Everyone

Thinking about making a move to Massachusetts? You're in for a treat. This state's got a little bit of everything, from bustling cities to quiet, quaint towns. Whether you're after top-notch schools, vibrant cultural scenes, or just some stunning nature, Massachusetts delivers.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Minnesota for All Lifestyles

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Minnesota for All Lifestyles

Thinking about making a move to Minnesota, or just curious about the best spots to call home in the Land of 10,000 Lakes? Well, you're in luck. Minnesota's not just about the cold and snow; it's packed with cities that boast great jobs, vibrant communities, and plenty of outdoor fun.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Alaska for Everyone - From Retirees to Families

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Alaska for Everyone - From Retirees to Families

Thinking about making the big move to Alaska? You're in for a treat! It's not just about snow and sled dogs; Alaska's got some of the most stunning landscapes and tight-knit communities you'll find anywhere.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in West Virginia for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in West Virginia for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about calling West Virginia home? You're in for a treat. This place isn't just about stunning mountains and rivers; it's got some hidden gems where life feels just right. Whether you're after that small-town charm, vibrant city vibes, or a quiet spot surrounded by nature, West Virginia's got a spot for you.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places in Florida for Families - Live Happily Ever After

Ultimate Guide: Best Places in Florida for Families - Live Happily Ever After

Thinking about moving your family to Florida? You're not alone! The Sunshine State is famous for its warm weather, beautiful beaches, and family-friendly communities. But with so many options, deciding where to plant your roots can be a bit overwhelming.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places in North Carolina for Retirees & More

Ultimate Guide: Top Places in North Carolina for Retirees & More

North Carolina's got a charm that's hard to beat, especially if you're looking to enjoy your retirement to the fullest. From the cozy mountains to the sunny beaches, there's a spot for every retiree to call home.

Ultimate Guide: Best Affordable NJ Spots Near NYC for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Affordable NJ Spots Near NYC for Every Lifestyle

Living close to NYC is a dream for many, but let's be real, it can get pricey. Good news, though! New Jersey offers some gems that won't break the bank and still keep you close to the Big Apple. Whether you're after the bustling streets or a quiet corner, there's a spot for you.

Ultimate Guide: Top Vermont Havens for Everyone - From Retirees to Young Families

Ultimate Guide: Top Vermont Havens for Everyone - From Retirees to Young Families

Thinking about making a move to Vermont? You're not alone. This charming state, known for its stunning landscapes and cozy small towns, is a magnet for those seeking a quieter, more scenic life. With its mix of vibrant communities and peaceful countryside, Vermont offers the best of both worlds.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Arkansas for Everyone (2024)

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Arkansas for Everyone (2024)

Thinking about making a move to the Natural State? You're in for a treat! Arkansas is known for its stunning natural beauty, friendly folks, and a cost of living that's hard to beat. Whether you're drawn to the hustle and bustle of city life or the peace and quiet of the countryside, Arkansas has got something for everyone.

Idaho's Top Living Spots: The Ultimate Guide for Everyone - From Retirees to Families

Idaho's Top Living Spots: The Ultimate Guide for Everyone - From Retirees to Families

Thinking about moving to Idaho? You're not alone. With its stunning landscapes and friendly communities, it's no wonder more and more people are calling it home. But with so many great spots, it can be tough to decide where to plant your roots.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Wyoming for Everyone

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Wyoming for Everyone

Thinking about making a move to Wyoming? You're in for a treat! This state's known for its wide-open spaces, stunning scenery, and a lifestyle that's both laid-back and adventurous. Whether you're drawn by the call of the wild or the promise of a peaceful, community-focused life, Wyoming's got a spot for you.

Ultimate Guide: Top Spots in South Carolina for Young Adults - Live, Work & Play

Ultimate Guide: Top Spots in South Carolina for Young Adults - Live, Work & Play

South Carolina's charm isn't just in its sweet tea and beaches. For young adults looking for a fresh start or a new scene, it's got some hidden gems that might just be your next home sweet home. From bustling cities to cozy coastal towns, there's a spot for every vibe and ambition.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Washington State for Everyone

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Washington State for Everyone

Thinking about making a move to the Evergreen State? You're in for a treat! Washington's got a bit of everything, from bustling city life to quiet, cozy towns. Whether you're after the techy vibes of Seattle or the serene landscapes of the Olympic Peninsula, there's a spot just for you.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Montana for Everyone – From Retirees to Families

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Montana for Everyone – From Retirees to Families

Thinking about calling Montana home? You're not alone. With its breathtaking landscapes and wide-open spaces, it's a place that calls to the heart of adventurers and peace-seekers alike. But with so many amazing spots, picking the best place to plant roots can feel overwhelming.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Virginia for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Virginia for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about making a move to Virginia? You're in for a treat! This state's got everything from bustling cities to quiet, cozy towns. Whether you're after top-notch schools, job opportunities, or just a beautiful place to call home, Virginia's got you covered.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in North Carolina for Happiness, Weather & More

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in North Carolina for Happiness, Weather & More

Thinking about making a move to North Carolina? You're in for a treat! From the bustling streets of Charlotte to the serene beaches of the Outer Banks, North Carolina's got a little something for everyone. Whether you're after the hustle and bustle of city life or the quiet charm of small-town living, you'll find your perfect spot here.

Ultimate Guide: The Best Places to Live in Georgia for Everyone—from Retirees to Families

Ultimate Guide: The Best Places to Live in Georgia for Everyone—from Retirees to Families

Thinking about making a move to Georgia? You're not alone. With its warm climate, rich culture, and booming job market, it's no wonder people are flocking to the Peach State. But with so many great places to choose from, where do you even start?

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Florida for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Florida for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about moving to Florida? You're not alone! The Sunshine State is a magnet for folks seeking sunshine, beaches, and that laid-back lifestyle. But with so many awesome spots, picking the best place to plant your roots can feel overwhelming.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Indianapolis for Everyone

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Indianapolis for Everyone

Thinking about moving to Indianapolis? Great choice! Indy's got a lot to offer, from vibrant neighborhoods to bustling city life. But with so many spots to choose from, finding the perfect place to call home can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Orlando for Families & More

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Orlando for Families & More

Orlando's not just about theme parks and tourist spots; it's a fantastic place to plant roots, especially if you've got a family in tow. With its sunny weather, great schools, and endless activities, it's no wonder families flock here. But with so many neighborhoods, choosing where to live can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places in Oregon for Young Adults - Live, Play, Thrive

Ultimate Guide: Top Places in Oregon for Young Adults - Live, Play, Thrive

Oregon's got a vibe that's hard to beat, especially if you're a young adult looking for the perfect spot to plant your roots. With its mix of bustling cities, laid-back towns, and everything in between, there's a place for every taste and lifestyle.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Columbus Ohio for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Columbus Ohio for Every Lifestyle

Looking for the perfect spot to call home in Columbus, Ohio? You're in luck! Columbus is a city brimming with charm, diverse communities, and endless opportunities. Whether you're all about the nightlife, a fan of quiet suburbs, or somewhere in between, there's a place just for you.

Ultimate Guide: Top Affordable Places in North Carolina for Everyone

Ultimate Guide: Top Affordable Places in North Carolina for Everyone

Thinking about moving to North Carolina but worried about the cost? You're in luck! North Carolina's got some hidden gems where you can enjoy the good life without breaking the bank. From cozy mountain towns to vibrant cities, there's a spot for everyone.

Ultimate Guide: Top East Coast Havens for Everyone - From Retirees to Partygoers

Ultimate Guide: Top East Coast Havens for Everyone - From Retirees to Partygoers

Thinking about making a move to the East Coast? You're in for a treat! From bustling cities to quiet seaside towns, there's a spot for everyone. Whether you're dreaming of fresh seafood by the ocean or a fast-paced city vibe, we've got you covered.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Brooklyn for Every Demographic

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Brooklyn for Every Demographic

Brooklyn's got a vibe like nowhere else. It's where the cool kids hang and the artists create. But with so many neighborhoods, picking where to call home can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in San Antonio for All Lifestyles

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in San Antonio for All Lifestyles

San Antonio's got a vibe that's hard to beat, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and killer food scene. If you're thinking about making the move or just curious, you're in the right spot. Finding the perfect neighborhood in this sprawling city can be a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack—but a whole lot more fun.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Kentucky for Everyone

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Kentucky for Everyone

Thinking about calling Kentucky home? You're onto something special. Known for its rolling hills, horse farms, and friendly communities, the Bluegrass State offers a unique blend of natural beauty and welcoming neighborhoods.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Maryland for Everyone's Wish List

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Maryland for Everyone's Wish List

Thinking about moving to Maryland? You're in for a treat! This state's got a mix of everything - from bustling city vibes in Baltimore to the laid-back, scenic beauty of its coastal towns.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Portland for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Portland for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about making Portland your new home? You're in for a treat! This city's got a vibe like no other, with its quirky culture, amazing food, and stunning nature spots. But with so many cool neighborhoods, picking the perfect spot can be a bit of a head-scratcher.

Ultimate Guide: Top Austin Neighborhoods for Every Lifestyle & Budget

Ultimate Guide: Top Austin Neighborhoods for Every Lifestyle & Budget

Thinking about making a move to Austin? You're not alone. This vibrant city has been pulling folks in with its unique charm, incredible music scene, and mouth-watering BBQ. But with so many cool neighborhoods, picking the right spot can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live on East Coast for Everyone – From Retirees to Families

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live on East Coast for Everyone – From Retirees to Families

Dreaming about moving to the East Coast? You're not alone. With its charming towns, bustling cities, and stunning beaches, the East Coast offers a little something for everyone. Whether you're after the vibrant city life or a quiet seaside retreat, you'll find your perfect spot here.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Washington DC for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in Washington DC for Every Lifestyle

So, you're thinking about moving to Washington, DC? Great choice! The city's not just about politics and monuments. It's got neighborhoods that'll make you wanna stay forever. From trendy spots buzzing with cafes and galleries to quiet, leafy streets perfect for Sunday strolls, DC's got a bit of everything.

Ultimate Guide: Best Affordable Places to Live in North Carolina for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Affordable Places to Live in North Carolina for Every Lifestyle

Looking for a spot in North Carolina that's easy on your wallet but still ticks all the boxes for a great place to live? You're in luck. North Carolina's got a bunch of hidden gems that offer a fantastic quality of life without breaking the bank.

Ultimate Guide: Top Family-Friendly California Locales for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Family-Friendly California Locales for Every Lifestyle

California's got it all for families looking for their next home sweet home. From the sunny beaches to the scenic mountains and bustling cities, there's a spot for every family's taste and budget.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in the Midwest for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live in the Midwest for Every Lifestyle

Thinking about calling the Midwest home? You're in for a treat! This heartland is chock-full of hidden gems, each offering its unique blend of charm, community, and comfort. From bustling cities with all the modern amenities to quiet towns where everyone knows your name, there's a perfect spot for everyone.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Georgia for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Georgia for Every Lifestyle

Looking for the perfect spot in Georgia to call home? You're in luck! Georgia's got a little bit of everything, from bustling city vibes in Atlanta to the laid-back coastal charm of Savannah. It's a place where you can find your niche, whether you're after top-notch schools, thriving job markets, or just a great community feel.

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live Near Orlando for Every Lifestyle

Ultimate Guide: Top Places to Live Near Orlando for Every Lifestyle

Looking to move close to Orlando but not sure where to start? You're in luck! Orlando's surrounding areas offer a mix of vibrant communities, each with its own unique charm. Whether you're after the buzz of city life or the tranquility of suburbia, there's a spot near Orlando that's perfect for you.

Ultimate Long Island Living Guide: Top Spots for Everyone's Lifestyle

Ultimate Long Island Living Guide: Top Spots for Everyone's Lifestyle

Dreaming of a spot with sandy beaches, cozy neighborhoods, and endless bagels? Long Island's got you covered. It's not just about the stunning coastline; this place is a melting pot of cultures, cuisines, and communities. Whether you're a city escapee, a nature lover, or somewhere in between, there's a perfect corner here for you.

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Arizona for Young Adults - Explore, Thrive, & Enjoy

Ultimate Guide: Best Places to Live in Arizona for Young Adults - Explore, Thrive, & Enjoy

Thinking about making a move to Arizona? You're not alone. With its stunning landscapes, booming job market, and vibrant culture, it's no wonder young adults are flocking to the Grand Canyon State. But with so many cool spots to choose from, where should you set up camp?

Ultimate Guide: Best Affordable Places in Washington State for Everyone

Ultimate Guide: Best Affordable Places in Washington State for Everyone

Looking for a spot in Washington State that won't break the bank? You're in luck! We've got the scoop on the best affordable places that still offer that amazing Pacific Northwest vibe. Whether you're dreaming of cozy mountain towns or vibrant city life, Washington's got a little something for everyone.

Ultimate Guide to Arizona: Top Spots for Young Adults – Live, Play, Thrive

Ultimate Guide to Arizona: Top Spots for Young Adults – Live, Play, Thrive

Looking for the perfect spot in Arizona to plant your roots as a young adult? You're in luck! The Grand Canyon State isn't just about breathtaking landscapes and sunsets that'll blow your mind. It's also home to some pretty awesome places that cater specifically to the younger crowd.

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TCK Publishing

21 Best Audiobooks for Road Trips: What to Listen to On Your Next Drive

by Yen Cabag

best audiobooks for road trips blog post image

Taking a road trip with friends or family is an exciting adventure. But sometimes, the long hours on the road can take their toll, especially when you drive through endless stretches and are out of song recommendations.

The good news is that you can actually mix up your playlist by including some audiobooks on your playlist! Not only will you get an enriching experience from your travel and the places you visit, but you’ll even maximize the hours you spend in the car by learning something new or enjoying a new story! 

Plus, if you have kids traveling with you, the storytelling can definitely keep them in their seats—or on the edges of their seats as they wait for the next chapter. 

Best Audiobooks for Road Trips

When you choose an audiobook for your road trip, you may want to do a mix of fiction and nonfiction books. Here are some of our recommendations: 

Modern Fiction Audiobooks

If you are a fan of modern fiction, consider this the time to stock up on more of your to-be-read (TBR) list at no added effort. Check out these choices:

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Narrator : Cassandra Campbell

Run Time : 12 hours 12 minutes

Narrator Cassandra Campbell creates a compelling listening experience with her authentic accents and distinct narrative voice, giving you the full experience of this story set in small-town North Carolina. 

Beloved by Toni Morrison

Narrator : Toni Morrison 

Run Time : 12 hours and 3 minute

What better narrator to listen to than the author herself! This 1988 Pulitzer winner will surely keep you at the edge of your seat—or at the wheel—as it follows the tale of a slave woman, whose murdered daughter haunts her. Of course, consider skipping this if you’re driving alone a dark road for hours on end. 

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Narrator : Elisabeth Moss

Run Time: 12 hours and 6 minutes 

Get lost in a dystopian society while driving cross-country with this audiobook narration by the gifted Elisabeth Moss, who also stars in the Hulu series inspired based on this book. Get yourself thinking about the world with this mesmerizing tale of exaggerated patriarchy. 

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Narrator : Allan Corduner 

Run Time : 13 hours and 56 minutes 

If you want a good historical story while you drive, this tear-jerking tale about a girl in 1939 Nazi Germany might be a great choice. Just make sure you have enough tissues to keep your eyes clear and on the road! 

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 

Narrator : Stephen Fry 

Run Time : 5 hours and 52 minutes 

This humorous science fiction tale will surely keep you entertained to the end of your road trip. Arthur Dent gets plucked from the Earth a few seconds before an intergalactic highway construction demolishes it. The masterful narration of Stephen Fry, an acclaimed British actor, makes the story come alive in the most hilarious fashion. 

Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

Run Time : 10 hours and 2 minutes 

This complex tale explores the family dynamics of an interracial family, following Lydia with her Chinese father and white mother living in Ohio in the 1970s. The soft voice of Cassandra Campbell was the perfect choice to narrate this thought-provoking piece. 

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty 

Narrator : Caroline Lee

Run Time : 15 hours and 55 minutes 

This domestic thriller, which inspired the HBO show of the same name, follows three women and their children, who are attending kindergarten together. Australian-born Caroline Lee’s narration makes this story sound exactly as it should, as it is based in suburban Sydney. 

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 

Narrator : Kate Rudd 

Run Time : 7 hours and 14 minutes 

This bestseller by John Green will surely bring you to tears as cancer patient Hazel falls in love with Augustus Waters, who also has cancer. Kate Rudd’s narration infuses great care and sensitivity into this heartbreaking story. 

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Narrator : Neil Gaiman 

Run Time : 8 hours and 24 minutes 

This audiobook, narrated by the author himself, gives readers a unique glimpse of what he envisioned when he wrote the story about young Bod Owens, who is orphaned and raised by graveyard ghosts. 

If you’re a fan of classics, these audiobooks will make the perfect addition to your road trip. But even if you’re not a fan, you can actually use audiobooks to ease into what may feel like a more difficult read by having someone else—especially a talented actor!—read it for you:

Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain 

Narrator : Nick Offerman 

Run Time : 7 hours and 52 minutes 

This classic tale by one of the funniest authors in American history, paired with one of the funniest actors as narrator, will surely make your road trip hours fly by. Follow the adventures of young Tom as he and his friend Huck witness a murder. 

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Narrator : Thandie Newton

Run Time : 19 hours and 10 minutes 

This Victorian-era story will entertain you throughout your road trip, thanks to the excellent narration skills of Thandie Newton, who also played a role in the Beloved film. You will experience Jane’s childhood, school encounters, and stint as a governess, all the way to her love affair with the enigmatic Mr. Rochester. 

The Sherlock Holmes Collection by Arthur Conan Doyle 

Run Time : 62 hours and 52 minutes 

Enjoy the world’s most famous fictional detective as narrated by actor, comedian, and screenwriter Stephen Fry. His own personal devotion to Sherlock Holmes makes for a great rendition. This collection consists of 12 short stories about Sherlock Holmes, which should give you enough material for several days’ worth of driving. 

The Lord of the Rings Series by J.R.R. Tolkien 

Narrator : Rob Inglis

Run Time : 117 hours and 27 minutes 

Although the whole duration of this audiobook series may take you more than one cross-country drive to finish, this narration is worth a shot if you want to get your toes wet with this epic trilogy. Inglis even delivers the folk songs with unequalled charm! 

Bleak House by Charles Dickens 

Narrator : Sean Barrett and Teresa Gallagher

Run Time : 35 hours and 14 minutes 

One of the benefits of listening to audiobooks is that even difficult books can be within our grasp. This dual narration makes this classic tale come alive with its melodrama. 

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Narrator : Jake Gyllenhaal 

Run Time : 4 hours and 49 minutes

Jake Gyllenhaal’s narration will surely bring this classic story to life, from the famous parties to the love triangle drama between Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby. 

Nonfiction Audiobooks

If stories are not your thing, you can also opt for nonfiction audiobooks to keep you company as you drive. These will help you expand your thinking and learn new things as well.

Educated by Tara Westover 

Narrator : Julia Whelan 

Run Time : 12 hours and 10 minutes

This memoir has landed on several best books of the year lists, and follows the author’s experiences leaving her survivalist family at the age of 17. Despite not having any formal education, she pursues one at Harvard and Cambridge University. 

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

Narrator : David Sedaris

Run Time : 5 hours and 53 minutes 

This collection of amusing nonfiction short stories narrated by David Sedaris himself will surely delight you on your long drive. 

Deep Work by Cal Newport

Narrator : Jeff Bottoms

Run Time : 7 hours and 44 minutes

Cal Newport explores the importance of focused work, which he calls “deep work,” in contrast to “shallow work,” which includes all the distractions of daily life. Return from your road trip equipped with skills to be more efficient and effective.

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Narrato r: Dave Ramsey

Run Time : 3 hours and 41 minutes

Have a fruitful road trip by learning how to give your finances an overhaul. Dave Ramsey narrates this book himself, and his track record of helping countless people get rid of debt and build wealth will give you priceless insights and practical tips.

Awakening the Entrepreneur Within by Michael Gerber

Narrator : Michael E. Gerber

Run Time : 7 hours and 33 minutes

If you’ve been longing to start your own business, check out this audiobook narrated by the author himself. With his bestselling book The E-Myth , Michael Gerber has helped many people learn the mindsets that entrepreneurs need in order to succeed.

Called to Create by Jordan Raynor

Narrator : Jim Denison

Run Time : 6 hours and 9 minutes

Jordan Raynor explores the power of creating businesses that serve others. He shares stories of some of the most influential businesses, including charity: water, TOMS Shoes, and Chick-fil-A, among others.

Listening to Audiobooks 

The great thing about audiobooks is you can easily multi-task, making them the perfect company for driving on long road trips.

For more tips to get the most from your listening experience. check out our guide on how to listen to audiobooks .

Which books would you choose to listen to on a road trip? Share your picks in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, then you might also like:

  • 20 Best Books on Audio: Listen to Your Favorite Reads
  • 10 of the Best Websites to Download Free Audiobooks
  • How to Become an Audiobook Narrator in 7 Steps
  • Audiobooks vs. Reading: Which Has More Benefits?

Yen Cabag

Yen Cabag is the Blog Writer of TCK Publishing. She is also a homeschooling mom, family coach, and speaker for the Charlotte Mason method, an educational philosophy that places great emphasis on classic literature and the masterpieces in art and music. She has also written several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.

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Audiobooks for Long-Haul Listening

Some books sprint; others take the scenic route. The heady, highly absorbing titles here earn their marathon run times.

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The illustration shows a man sitting in a chair with headphones on and a beard that stretches to his toes, listening while a fly buzzes nearby.

By Alexander Nazaryan

Alexander Nazaryan writes about politics, culture and science.

Hear me out: Summer, with its hikes and bikes trips, is the perfect season for long audiobooks. I mean, the sound of birds is nice and all. Just not for three hours.

Conventional wisdom suggests you should settle for a beach read — or beach listen, in this case. And believe me, I love a fun, sexy mystery like Emma Rosenblum’s “Bad Summer People .” But I save those for winter, when the shores of Fire Island (where Rosenblum’s novel is set) seem impossibly distant.

Use summer for more ambitious projects. I’ve found long audiobooks to be perfect companions for those 10 weeks or so when the kids go off to camp and the pace of life generally slows.

Below, a few of my favorite supersized listens.

THE DYING GRASS, by William T. Vollmann

Vollmann is not known for accessibility ( his first novel was about insects and electricity), but “The Dying Grass” is a remarkably readable account of the 1877 Nez Perce War, made even more so by Henry Strozier’s sensitive narration. As Brig. Gen. Oliver Otis Howard hounds his Native adversaries across Montana and Idaho, the story soars above the awesome landscape, then peers into the hearts of people below. Believe me, time will fly.

Also try: “The Anatomy of Melancholy,” by Robert Burton; “War and Peace,” by Leo Tolstoy

ON HIS OWN TERMS: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller, by Richard Norton Smith

Here is a storied American family in its third generation, with the Rockefeller brothers taking on newfound civic responsibilities. Nelson was the most ambitious of them and maybe the most tragic, his bid for the presidency undone by a divorce . Paul Michael (“The Da Vinci Code”) narrates with stately confidence.

“Ducks, Newburyport,” by Lucy Ellmann

A woman in Ohio thinks about life. About illness, marriage and Laura Ingalls Wilder. She frets about the pies she bakes for a living. Also, there’s a mountain lion. Written as a single sentence stretching more than 1,000 pages, this remarkable 2019 novel thrums with life, a quality highlighted by Stephanie Ellyne’s energetic narration.

Also try: “1Q84,” by Haruki Murakami; “Hitler,” by Ian Kershaw


The fourth volume of Caro’s encyclopedic biography of L.B.J. begins with the gruff Texan becoming vice president to John F. Kennedy, an odd man out in an administration of Ivy Leaguers. But then comes a shattering Dallas afternoon. Our most esteemed historian , Caro thrillingly tells the story of how Johnson prods Congress and transforms a grieving nation with his civil rights and Great Society legislation.

GRAVITY’S RAINBOW, by Thomas Pynchon

George Guidall is one of the great audiobook narrators , and his rendition of Pynchon’s masterpiece quickly makes clear why as he captures Tyrone Slothrop’s madcap journey across Europe, which involves orgies and Nazis, a Malcolm X set piece and a good deal about ballistics. I can’t imagine a harder book to narrate — or anyone who could do the job as well as Guidall.


The immensity of Wallace’s achievement can be daunting, but the “Reader” is a perfect distillation of his fiction and nonfiction alike. While most selections are performed by professionals, there are cameos from the Emmy winner Bobby Cannavale; Wallace’s mother, Sally; and Wallace himself, who died in 2008 .

Also try: “The Covenant of Water,” by Abraham Verghese; “Daniel Deronda,” by George Eliot; “And the Band Played On,” by Randy Shilts


It is only appropriate that a panoply of narrators (seven in all) take on this kaleidoscopic novel, which is nominally about the 1976 assassination attempt on Bob Marley but is in reality the story of Jamaica. “Brief History” was James’s breakout novel, winning the Man Booker Prize in 2015 . The narration matches the intensity of the prose; it’s as close as you can get to cinema without a screen.


One of the smartest mysteries in the modern American canon, set at a bucolic New Hampshire college. Tartt herself narrates; though she may be a Mississippi native, her voice is neither Deep South nor New England. Like the novel itself, it is entirely her own.

WOLF HALL, by Hilary Mantel

Yes, you may need to consult the printed novel to keep track of the characters, but the effort is well worth it as Mantel pulls you ever deeper into 16th-century England and the life of her indefatigable protagonist, Thomas Cromwell. The narrator, Simon Slater, a noted British actor and composer, only enhances that journey.

RANDOM FAMILY, by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc

LeBlanc spent more than a decade as a virtual member of a South Bronx family as it struggled with drugs and crime, early pregnancy and poverty. Though the tone of Roxana Ortega’s narration is not always entirely in sync with the text, LeBlanc’s reportage is sensitive but not preachy, an unvarnished portrait of New York’s most neglected borough.

Also try: “Watergate,” by Garrett M. Graff; “Demon Copperhead,” by Barbara Kingsolver; “Lenin’s Tomb,” by David Remnick

Explore More in Books

Want to know about the best books to read and the latest news start here..

John S. Jacobs was a fugitive, an abolitionist — and the brother of the canonical author Harriet Jacobs. Now, his own fierce autobiography has re-emerged .

Don DeLillo’s fascination with terrorism, cults and mass culture’s weirder turns has given his work a prophetic air. Here are his essential books .

Jenny Erpenbeck’s “ Kairos ,” a novel about a torrid love affair in the final years of East Germany, won the International Booker Prize , the renowned award for fiction translated into English.

Kevin Kwan, the author of “Crazy Rich Asians,” left Singapore’s opulent, status-obsessed, upper crust when he was 11. He’s still writing about it .

Each week, top authors and critics join the Book Review’s podcast to talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here .

The Last American Road Trip

  • By: Sarah Kendzior
  • Length: 9 hrs and 45 mins

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The New York Times bestselling author of They Knew navigates a changing America as she and her family embark on a series of road trips to see the country, in a book that is part memoir, part history, and wholly unique. It’s March 2020. Sarah Kendzior, who had been covering the fall of US democracy for the better part of the decade, felt completely unprepared when apocalyptic circumstances arrived at her doorstep. As the pandemic descended across the United States, Kendzior wondered how she might teach her young children about the country they were born and raised in: she wanted them to learn tt’s history before it transformed before their very eyes. And that’s when the Kendziors hit the road. In The Last American Road Trip, Kendzior takes her husband and children to Mark Twain’s home in Missouri, down the famous Route 66, to Arizona’s Grand Canyon, and more in an attempt to prove that though the nation is rapidly changing, some of its features are timeless. As Kendzior reminisces about the many road trips she took during her college years, she realises she has slowly watched the landscape of the United States–physical, environmental, social, political–change through her car window. Part memoir, part political history, The Last American Road Trip is one mother’s promise to her children that their country will be there for them in the future–even though at times she struggles to believe it herself.

  • Unabridged Audiobook
  • Categories: History

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  • Original Recording
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Riz Ahmed's Narraration Is So Moving!

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listen.. .then listen again

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The Autobiography of Malcolm X

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Experience a bold take on this classic autobiography as it’s performed by Oscar-nominated Laurence Fishburne. In this searing classic autobiography, originally published in 1965, Malcolm X, the Muslim leader, firebrand, and Black empowerment activist, tells the extraordinary story of his life and the growth of the Human Rights movement. His fascinating perspective on the lies and limitations of the American dream and the inherent racism in a society that denies its non-White citizens the opportunity to dream, gives extraordinary insight into the most urgent issues of our own time.

it's Nearly perfect

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The Ethical Slut Audiobook By Janet W. Hardy, Dossie Easton cover art

The Ethical Slut

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For anyone who has ever dreamed of love, sex, and companionship beyond the limits of traditional monogamy, this groundbreaking guide navigates the infinite possibilities that open relationships can offer. Experienced ethical sluts Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy dispel myths and cover all the skills necessary to maintain a successful and responsible polyamorous lifestyle.

The information and advice is 100% totally solid!

  • By Troy on 07-28-15

By: Janet W. Hardy , and others

Invisible Women Audiobook By Caroline Criado Perez cover art

Invisible Women

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By: Caroline Criado Perez

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Data is fundamental to the modern world. From economic development, to healthcare, to education and public policy, we rely on numbers to allocate resources and make crucial decisions. But because so much data fails to take into account gender, treating men as the default and women as atypical, bias and discrimination are baked into our systems. And women pay tremendous costs for this bias in time, money, and often with their lives. Celebrated feminist advocate Caroline Criado Perez investigates the shocking root cause of gender inequality and research in Invisible Women .

A statistical fire hose

  • By B. Andresen on 09-11-19

Caffeine Audiobook By Michael Pollan cover art

  • How Caffeine Created the Modern World

By: Michael Pollan

  • Narrated by: Michael Pollan
  • Length: 2 hrs and 2 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 42,303
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  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 36,280

Michael Pollan, known for his best-selling nonfiction audio, including The Omnivores Dilemma and How to Change Your Mind , conceived and wrote Caffeine: How Caffeine Created the Modern World as an Audible Original. In this controversial and exciting listen, Pollan explores caffeine’s power as the most-used drug in the world - and the only one we give to children (in soda pop) as a treat.

Leaves much to be desired

  • By Melody H on 02-02-20

Buddhism for Beginners Audiobook By Thubten Chodron, His Holiness the Dalai Lama - foreword cover art

Buddhism for Beginners

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This user’s guide to Buddhist basics takes the most commonly asked questions - beginning with “What is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings?” - and provides simple answers in plain English. Thubten Chodron’s responses to the questions that always seem to arise among people approaching Buddhism make this an exceptionally complete and accessible introduction - as well as a manual for living a more peaceful, mindful, and satisfying Life.

Amazing introduction to Buddhism

  • By chad d on 07-02-15

By: Thubten Chodron , and others

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Audiobook By M. Doreal cover art

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

By: M. Doreal

  • Narrated by: John Marino
  • Length: 2 hrs and 33 mins
  • Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,333
  • Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,128
  • Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,121

The history of the tablets translated in the following book is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt after the sinking of the mother country. He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops. In it he incorporated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted records and instruments of ancient Atlantis.


  • By Light Worker on 04-21-18

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What listeners say about The Last American Road Trip

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I've spent 300 hours on road trips across the US. Here are 8 things I always pack for a long-haul drive.

  • Americans are opting for road trips over air travel this summer, according to recent studies.
  • After 300 hours of US road trips, I know exactly what to pack to make your drive easier.
  • Wear your comfiest shoes, and don't forget to bring trash bags, wipes, and a camera.

Insider Today

Americans are tired of flying .

According to a recent study by Advance Auto Parts , 70% of the US population is more likely to take road trips this year than last to avoid air travel stress.

Another recent study by the Vacationer found that 196 million Americans plan to drive to their destinations this summer.

When it comes to American road trips , I'm no newbie. From the Southwest to the Northeast, I've traveled more than 20,000 miles to destinations around the US.

When it comes to packing up the car , I've certainly made some mistakes. I've forgotten important items and longed for essentials that I didn't even think of.

But 300 hours and more than a dozen trips later, I think I've mastered the art of packing for a road trip . Here are the things I'll always bring with me, no matter the destination.

I often forget to pack motion sickness medicine on road trips and stop for some on the way.

american road trip audiobook

I've always been prone to motion sickness , but even if you're not, driving through the mountains could make you feel queasy.

I hate that I need caffeine to stay alert, but that's where I'm at.

american road trip audiobook

On a road trip, I prefer Mio Energy, a flavorful boost to add to water, because it keeps me hydrated.

I download playlists and podcasts to keep myself entertained.

american road trip audiobook

When you're driving on open roads, you never know when you'll lose service.

I've always road-tripped with other people. And as someone who values alone time, packing headphones is the only way to get it in a cramped car.

american road trip audiobook

For introverts like me, using headphones allows me to take breaks from socializing. 

Especially when road-tripping with others, comfy shoes feel essential to sustaining my good mood.

american road trip audiobook

I typically wear cozy shoes that slip on and off easily. 

Another mood booster for me is a clean car.

american road trip audiobook

From empty food containers to candy wrappers, a road trip can quickly make a car messy. So don't forget to bring a small trash can or bag to keep things tidy.

Don't forget wipes — especially when eating in the car.

american road trip audiobook

When something spills or your hands are sticky, you'll be glad you packed them.

And lastly, don't forget a camera to capture those stellar American landscapes.

american road trip audiobook

Of course, there are other essentials for road trips , like emergency gear, sunglasses, and a  reusable water bottle . But the items on this list have helped me make a long, bumpy ride go smoothly.

american road trip audiobook

  • Main content

Essential Dedovsk

american road trip audiobook

  • Cafe Blanco
  • Checkpoint Coffee
  • Francis Puppet Theater
  • Transformation
  • Temple of the Martyr George the Victorious


  • Yekaterinburg
  • Novosibirsk
  • Vladivostok

american road trip audiobook

  • Tours to Russia
  • Practicalities
  • Russia in Lists
Rusmania • Deep into Russia
  • Moscow Region

Coat of arms

Istra is famous for its New Jerusalem Monastery which was established to serve as a Russian version of the Holy Land. Today the monastery has been completely restored following the damage it suffered at the hands of the Nazis and Bolsheviks, and remains the main reason for visiting Istra. The city can easily be visited as a day trip from Moscow .

Top recommendations in Istra

american road trip audiobook

New Jerusalem Monastery

Visit the New Jerusalem Monastery, its magnificent walls and the amazing Resurrection Cathedral.

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Looking for something unique? Create the trip of your dreams with the help of our experts.

american road trip audiobook

Top 13 things to do and attractions in Khimki

Navigate forward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

Navigate backward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

american road trip audiobook

1 Kinogorod Piligrim Porto

american road trip audiobook

2 Protivotankovyye Yezhi

american road trip audiobook

3 Arena Khimki

4 museum and exhibition center, 5 maria rubtsova park, 6 art gallery "the bridge", 7 st. peter and paul orthodox church, 9 sheremetyevo history museum, 10 eko-bereg, 11 a bench of reconciliation, 12 city beach club, 13 smotrovaya ploshchadka, dlya sozertsaniya, korabley i parokhodov., what's the weather like in khimki.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Khimki for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Khimki in January
  • Weather in Khimki in February
  • Weather in Khimki in March
  • Weather in Khimki in April
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Ezhi Monument

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[Anti-tank hedgehog] Moscow is 5 kilometers northwest of the city, about 23 kilometers from Red Square. A monument on the side of the road, a model of anti-tank obstacles, also known as anti-tank hedgehogs, commemorates the German attack here during World War II, which is the last line of defense in Moscow, so that the Germans did not go further.

Ezhi Monument

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State of the Yankees: Looking forward to Dodgers series and start of Gerrit Cole's return

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Across their wildly successful West Coast trip, the Yankees reinforced the idea that “this team is different,’’ to borrow Aaron Judge’s line.

Sunday’s late comeback win against the Giants wrapped up a California road swing that saw the Yanks win seven of nine games – starting with an 8-0 blowout victory at San Diego.

The last stop was San Francisco, where the Yankees turned a two-run, ninth-inning deficit against hard-throwing Giants closer Camilo Duval into a 7-5 win, completing a three-game sweep.

Yankees' ace Gerrit Cole's 2024 debut on the horizon

Along the way, the Yankees lost valuable utility infielder Jon Berti to a calf strain, possibly until sometime in July, and they lost starter Clarke Schmidt to a lat injury – probably costing him two months.

But the Yankees got DJ LeMahieu back from the IL, and Gerrit Cole officially begins his minor league rehab assignment Tuesday at Class AA Somerset.

If he only needs two rehab starts, circle June 20 – the official first day of summer – as Cole’s potential return date, against the second-place Baltimore Orioles at Yankee Stadium.

If he requires a third rehab start, then circle June 25, against the Mets for Cole’s 2024 debut, at Citi Field.

Either way, it’s a grand entrance for the Yankees’ ace, coming back from a diagnosis of elbow nerve irritation that shook up Yankees spring training camp and spurred a lot of dark scenarios about their pennant chances.

Instead, the rotation has overall been a signature strength, led by Luis Gil’s ascension from Cole’s placeholder to AL Rookie of the Year and Cy Young Award candidate.

And the Yankees’ top-of-the-lineup trio has been a minefield for opposing pitching.

Yankees' relentless trio of Anthony Volpe, Juan Soto, Aaron Judge

Across the Yanks’ nine-game Western swing, Anthony Volpe, Juan Soto and Judge combined to bat .349 (37-for-106) with 27 runs scored, four doubles, five triples, 10 home runs, 14 walks and 26 RBI.

Individually, here’s how they fared:

Volpe: .316 (12-for-38), 10 runs, a double, three triples, 2 RBI, three walks.

Soto: .382 (13-for-34), eight runs, two doubles, two triples, four homers, 12 RBI, six walks.

Judge: .353 (12-for-34), nine runs, a double, six homers, 12 RBI, five walks.

This weekend the NL West-leading Los Angeles Dodgers arrive to further electrify Yankee Stadium, featuring their vaunted top three of Mookie Betts, Shohei Ohtani and Freddie Freeman.

Before that series, the Minnesota Twins arrive for three games beginning Tuesday night, and all the Yankees did was outscore them 14-1 in a three-game sweep last month at Target Field.

So, try and prevent the masses from looking ahead to Friday, when Yoshinobu Yamamoto might finally be on the mound at Yankee Stadium, months after the Yankees tried desperately to woo him here.

As it is, these Yankees have fashioned the AL’s best record (42-19) despite whiffing on Yamamoto and not signing the likes of starter Blake Snell or closer Josh Hader.

The trades for Soto and Alex Verdugo helped transform the lineup, and the Marcus Stroman signing worked to stabilize the rotation at a fraction of Snell’s cost, let alone Yamamoto’s.

An electric atmosphere when the Dodgers arrive

Adding to the what-might-have-been scenarios was Judge’s presence at San Francisco, belting three homers in the first two games, with so many friends and family (among tons of Yankees fans) from his native Northern California in attendance.

Judge was at least close to cashing in on his 62-homer season in free agency with the Giants, and perhaps the Padres, until Hal Steinbrenner personally intervened.

Snell exited Sunday’s game against the Yanks with left groin tightness, having previously missed time this year due to an adductor strain.

Soto’s first homer Sunday came off Snell. His second, a two-run shot, gave the Yanks a ninth inning lead off Doval.

Volpe was aboard, having tripled home the Yanks’ first run in the ninth. And that was made possible by Jose Trevino’s hustle, narrowly avoiding tapping into a double play after Gleyber Torres’ opening single.

That brand of play has marked these Yankees as different from recent past teams, including the 2022 Yankees who ran out to a 61-23 record, then played sub-.500 baseball from July on, and were ultimately swept out of postseason by the Houston Astros.

Seems a little different this time, with a club that has impressed manager Aaron Boone for its “singluar focus on the team and…what can we do to win that game’’ each day.

“The purpose they’re playing the game with, and for one another, you can feel that in here every day,’’ Boone told reporters Sunday.


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